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A L P H A B E T I C A L I N D E X EXPLANATORY NOTE (See also the GENERAL INTRODUCTION) The Alphabetical Index consists of two types of main headings arranged in one alphabetical listing: (1) names of countries, intergovernmental organizations, specialized agencies, national institutions or other parties to instruments and (2) subject-headings of the instruments. Under the main country heading (or organization) the instruments are listed alphabetically by country or organization and then by full title. Instruments with more than two parties are listed alphabetically by full title under re heading “Multilateral”. Treaty actions and subsequent agreements are no longer included in the Alphabetical index. They can be found in the Chronological Index. When using the alphabetical part of the Index it should also be noted that related subject-headings are linked together by See also cross-references intended to link similar subject-headings available in the present Index. In addition, it should also be kept in mind that certain multilateral agreements of a universal character, such as international conventions signed and registered under the auspices of the United Nations specialised agencies and large regional organizations, appear under the subject-headings for those agencies and organizations. Alphabetical Index Administration ADMINISTRATION Joint Convention on the safety of spent fuel management and on the safety of radioactive waste management. Vienna, 5 ARGENTINA Sep 1997. (I-37605) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Loan Agreement (Institutional Strengthening of the National NETHERLANDS Social Security Administration Project) between the Chile: Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Argentine Republic and the International Bank for the Republic of Chile on mutual administrative assistance for Reconstruction and Development. Washington, 14 Jul 2006 the proper application of customs law and for the prevention, and Buenos Aires, 14 Jul 2006. (I-43412) investigation and combating of customs offences. The Panama: Agreement between the Argentine Republic and the Hague, 15 Jun 2005. (I-43423) Republic of Panama on the free exercise of remunerated Peru: Exchange of notes constituting an Agreement between activities for dependents of diplomatic, consular, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of the administrative and technical personnel of diplomatic and Republic of Peru concerning paid employment for dependent consular missions. Panama City, 10 Feb 2003. (I-44033) family members of the diplomatic, consular, administrative, Uruguay: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement technical and support personnel of the diplomatic and between the Argentine Republic and the Eastern Republic of consular missions. Lima, 25 Oct 2005. (I-43849) Uruguay concerning the number of delegates per country in PANAMA the Joint Technical Commission of Salto Grande. Argentina: Agreement between the Argentine Republic and the Montevideo, 1 Jun 2005 and Buenos Aires, 22 Jun 2005. (I- Republic of Panama on the free exercise of remunerated 43911) activities for dependents of diplomatic, consular, BANGLADESH administrative and technical personnel of diplomatic and International Development Association: Financing consular missions. Panama City, 10 Feb 2003. (I-44033) Agreement (Local Governance Support Project) between the PERU People's Republic of Bangladesh and the International Netherlands: Exchange of notes constituting an Agreement Development Association. Dhaka, 28 Jun 2006. (I-43494) between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the BELGIUM Government of the Republic of Peru concerning paid Uzbekistan: Agreement between the Government of the employment for dependent family members of the diplomatic, Kingdom of Belgium and the Government of the Republic of consular, administrative, technical and support personnel of Uzbekistan on the provision of mutual administrative the diplomatic and consular missions. Lima, 25 Oct 2005. (I- assistance in customs matters. Tashkent, 1 Nov 2002. (I- 43849) 43841) SIERRA LEONE CHILE International Development Association: Financing Netherlands: Agreement between the Kingdom of the Agreement (First Governance Reform and Growth Grant) Netherlands and the Republic of Chile on mutual between the Republic of Sierra Leone and the International administrative assistance for the proper application of Development Association. Washington, 18 Dec 2006. (I- customs law and for the prevention, investigation and 43495) combating of customs offences. The Hague, 15 Jun 2005. (I- TURKEY 43423) Germany: Arrangement between the Government of the GERMANY Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Turkey: Arrangement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Turkey concerning technical cooperation in the Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of project "Supporting the State Planning Organization in Turkey concerning technical cooperation in the project Human Resources Development Issues". Ankara, 13 Jun "Supporting the State Planning Organization in Human 2000 and 28 Sep 2000. (I-43959) Resources Development Issues". Ankara, 13 Jun 2000 and URUGUAY 28 Sep 2000. (I-43959) Argentina: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT between the Argentine Republic and the Eastern Republic of Argentina: Loan Agreement (Institutional Strengthening of the Uruguay concerning the number of delegates per country in National Social Security Administration Project) between the the Joint Technical Commission of Salto Grande. Argentine Republic and the International Bank for Montevideo, 1 Jun 2005 and Buenos Aires, 22 Jun 2005. (I- Reconstruction and Development. Washington, 14 Jul 2006 43911) and Buenos Aires, 14 Jul 2006. (I-43412) UZBEKISTAN INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Belgium: Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom Bangladesh: Financing Agreement (Local Governance Support of Belgium and the Government of the Republic of Project) between the People's Republic of Bangladesh and Uzbekistan on the provision of mutual administrative the International Development Association. Dhaka, 28 Jun assistance in customs matters. Tashkent, 1 Nov 2002. (I- 2006. (I-43494) 43841) Sierra Leone: Financing Agreement (First Governance Reform ADOPTION and Growth Grant) between the Republic of Sierra Leone and the International Development Association. Washington, MULTILATERAL 18 Dec 2006. (I-43495) Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in MULTILATERAL respect of Intercountry Adoption. The Hague, 29 May 1993. Convention (No. 150) concerning labour administration: role, (I-31922) functions and organisation. Geneva, 26 Jun 1978. (I-19183) AFGHANISTAN Convention on mutual administrative assistance in tax matters. Strasbourg, 25 Jan 1988. (I-33610) United Nations (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees): Agreement between the Office of the United 18 1 Treaty Series - Cumulative Index No. 45 Africa Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Kabul, United Nations: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement 20 Feb 2007. (I-43711) between the United Nations and the Government of Sao Tome and Principe regarding the hosting of the Twenty-Fifth AFRICA Ministerial Meeting of the United Nations Standing Advisory BURKINA FASO Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa, to be held in Sao Tome, from 14 to 18 May 2007. New York, 7 Mar International Development Association 2007 and 12 Apr 2007. (I-43740) Financing Agreement (West and Central Africa Air Transport Safety and Security Project) between Burkina Faso and the UGANDA International Development Association. Ouagadougou, 16 International Development Association: Development Credit May 2006. (I-43356) Agreement (East Africa Trade and Transport Facilitation Project) between the Republic of Uganda and the CAMEROON International Development Association. Kampala, 7 Apr International Development Association 2006. (I-43790) Financing Agreement (West and Central Africa Air Transport Safety and Security Project) between the Republic of UNITED NATIONS Cameroon and the International Development Association. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Agreement between the Yaoundé, 2 Jun 2006. (I-43551) United Nations and the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo regarding the arrangements for the DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO International Conference on Disarmament, Demobilization United Nations: Agreement between the United Nations and and Reintegration (DDR) and Stability in Africa, Kinshasa, the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo DRC, 12-14 June 2007. New York, 11 May 2007. (I-43981) regarding the arrangements for the International Conference Sao Tome and Principe: Exchange of letters constituting an on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) agreement between the United Nations and the Government and Stability in Africa, Kinshasa, DRC, 12-14 June 2007. of Sao Tome and Principe regarding the hosting of the New York, 11 May 2007. (I-43981) Twenty-Fifth Ministerial Meeting of the United Nations INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Burkina Faso: Financing Agreement (West and Central Africa Central Africa, to be held in Sao Tome, from 14 to 18 May Air Transport Safety and Security Project) between Burkina 2007. New York, 7 Mar 2007 and 12 Apr 2007. (I-43740) Faso and the International Development Association. Ouagadougou, 16 May 2006. (I-43356) AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES Cameroon: Financing Agreement (West and Central Africa Air SEE ALSO AGRICULTURE; TRADE Transport Safety and Security Project) between the Republic of Cameroon and the International Development Association. INDONESIA Yaoundé, 2 Jun 2006. (I-43551) International Fund for Agricultural Development: Loan Mali: Financing Agreement (West and Central Africa Air Agreement (Sulawesi Paddy Land Development Project) between the Republic of Indonesia and the International Transport Safety and Security Project) between the Republic Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 2 Jul 1982. (I- of Mali and the International Development Association. 22594) Bamako, 25 May 2006. (I-43349) Uganda: Development Credit Agreement (East Africa Trade INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT and Transport Facilitation Project) between the Republic of Indonesia: Loan Agreement (Sulawesi Paddy Land Uganda and the International Development Association. Development Project) between the Republic of Indonesia Kampala, 7 Apr 2006. (I-43790) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. MALI Rome, 2 Jul 1982. (I-22594) International Development Association: Financing Liberia: Loan Agreement (Smallholder Rice Seed Project) Agreement (West and Central Africa Air Transport Safety between the Republic of Liberia and the International Fund and Security Project) between the Republic of Mali and the for Agricultural Development. Rome, 3 Jun 1981. (I-22567) International Development Association. Bamako, 25 May LIBERIA 2006. (I-43349) International Fund for Agricultural Development: Loan MULTILATERAL Agreement (Smallholder Rice Seed Project) between the African Regional Cooperative Agreement for research, Republic of Liberia and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 3 Jun 1981. (I-22567) development and training related to nuclear science and technology. 21 Feb 1990. (I-27310) MULTILATERAL Agreement for the establishment of a Commission for International Sugar Agreement, 1992. Geneva, 20 Mar 1992. controlling the desert locust in North-West Africa. Rome, 1 (I-29467) Dec 1970. (I-11354) Agreement for the establishment of the Intergovernmental AGRICULTURE Organization for Marketing Information and Co-operation SEE ALSO AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES; CREDITS; FOOD AND Services for Fishery Products in Africa (INFOPÊCHE). AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS (FAO); Abidjan, 13 Dec 1991. (I-31029) LABOUR; LOANS Agreement on the conservation of African-Eurasian migratory waterbirds. The Hague, 15 Aug 1996. (I-42632) ARGENTINA United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in those Ecuador: Agreement on cooperation and coordination in the Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or field of agricultural and livestock farming health between the Desertification, Particularly in Africa. Paris, 14 Oct 1994. (I- Argentine Republic and the Republic of Ecuador. Buenos 33480) Aires, 28 Sep 2006. (I-44030) 18 2 Alphabetical Index Agriculture AZERBAIJAN DOMINICA International Development Association: Financing International Fund for Agricultural Development Agreement (Second Agricultural Development and Credit Financing Agreement (Agricultural Credit for Food Production Project) between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the and Related Services Project) between the Commonwealth International Development Association. Baku, 5 Oct 2006. (I- of Dominica and the International Fund for Agricultural 43493) Development. Rome, 19 Sep 1980. (I-22545) BANGLADESH ECUADOR International Fund for Agricultural Development Argentina: Agreement on cooperation and coordination in the Loan Agreement (Fertilizer Sector Program) between the field of agricultural and livestock farming health between the People's Republic of Bangladesh and the International Argentine Republic and the Republic of Ecuador. Buenos Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 16 Jan 1980. (I- Aires, 28 Sep 2006. (I-44030) 22535) EGYPT Loan Agreement (Pabna Irrigation and Rural Development International Fund for Agricultural Development Project) between the People's Republic of Bangladesh and Loan Agreement (Newlands Agricultural Services Project) the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Dacca, between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the International 3 Mar 1979. (I-18319) Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 11 Dec 1992. (I- Loan Agreement (Small Farmer Agricultural Credit Project) 40890) between the People's Republic of Bangladesh and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 24 ETHIOPIA Sep 1980. (I-22536) International Fund for Agricultural Development Loan Agreement (Second Agricultural Minimum Package BHUTAN Project) between Ethiopia and the International Fund for International Fund for Agricultural Development Agricultural Development. Rome, 7 Jan 1981. (I-22562) Financing Agreement (Small-Farm Development and Irrigation Rehabilitation Project) between the Kingdom of Bhutan and FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, Syrian Arab Republic: Arrangement between the Government 10 Dec 1980. (I-22552) of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic concerning technical cooperation in BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA the project "Raqqa Agricultural Technical Training Centre International Development Association (ATTC)". Damascus, 7 Jun 1989. (I-44048) Financing Agreement (Land Registration Project) between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the International Development GAMBIA Association. Sarajevo, 21 Aug 2006. (I-43972) International Fund for Agricultural Development: Financing Agreement (Jahaly and Pacharr Smallholder Project) BURKINA FASO between the Republic of the Gambia and the International International Development Association Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 22 Jun 1982. (I- Financing Agreement (Agricultural Diversification and Market 22588) Development Project) between Burkina Faso and the International Development Association. Ouagadougou, 22 GERMANY Jun 2006. (I-43416) Syrian Arab Republic: Arrangement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of CAPE VERDE the Syrian Arab Republic concerning technical cooperation in International Fund for Agricultural Development the project "further joint promotion of the Raqqa Agricultural Loan Agreement (Integrated Agricultural Development Project Technical Training Centre (ATTC)". Damascus, 23 Sep 1993. of Assomada) between the Republic of Cape Verde and the (I-44049) International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 15 GHANA Dec 1978. (I-19264) International Fund for Agricultural Development CHINA Loan Agreement (Volta Region Agricultural Development International Fund for Agricultural Development Project) between the Republic of Ghana and the Loan Agreement (Northern Pasture and Livestock International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 3 Development Project) between the People's Republic of Jun 1980. (I-22543) China and the International Fund for Agricultural INDONESIA Development. Rome, 12 Jun 1981. (I-22569) International Fund for Agricultural Development CROATIA Loan Agreement (Seventeenth Irrigation East Java Province International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Project) between the Republic of Indonesia and the Loan Agreement (Agricultural Acquis Cohesion Project) International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 6 between the Republic of Croatia and the Bank for Aug 1982. (I-22595) Reconstruction and Development. Zagreb, 8 May 2006. (I- Loan Agreement (Smallholder Cattle Development Project) 43420) between the Republic of Indonesia and the International DEMOCRATIC YEMEN Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 6 Jun 1980. (I- International Fund for Agricultural Development 19279) Loan Agreement (Agricultural Support Services Project) INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT between the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen and Croatia: Loan Agreement (Agricultural Acquis Cohesion the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, Project) between the Republic of Croatia and the Bank for 11 Dec 1980. (I-22553) Reconstruction and Development. Zagreb, 8 May 2006. (I- Loan Agreement (Wadi Beihan Agricultural Development 43420) Project) between the Democratic Yemen and the INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 24 Azerbaijan: Financing Agreement (Second Agricultural Sep 1981. (I-22554) Development and Credit Project) between the Republic of 18 3 Treaty Series - Cumulative Index No. 45 Agriculture Azerbaijan and the International Development Association. International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 11 Baku, 5 Oct 2006. (I-43493) Dec 1992. (I-40890) Bosnia and Herzegovina: Financing Agreement (Land Ethiopia: Loan Agreement (Second Agricultural Minimum Registration Project) between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Package Project) between Ethiopia and the International the International Development Association. Sarajevo, 21 Aug Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 7 Jan 1981. (I- 2006. (I-43972) 22562) Burkina Faso: Financing Agreement (Agricultural Gambia: Financing Agreement (Jahaly and Pacharr Diversification and Market Development Project) between Smallholder Project) between the Republic of the Gambia Burkina Faso and the International Development Association. and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Ouagadougou, 22 Jun 2006. (I-43416) Rome, 22 Jun 1982. (I-22588) Senegal Ghana: Loan Agreement (Volta Region Agricultural Development Credit Agreement (Agricultural Services and Development Project) between the Republic of Ghana and Producers' Organizations Project) between the Republic of the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 3 Senegal and the International Development Association. Jun 1980. (I-22543) Washington, 14 Oct 1999. (I-43861) Indonesia Financing Agreement (Agricultural Services and Producer Loan Agreement (Seventeenth Irrigation East Java Province Organizations Project 2) between the Republic of Senegal Project) between the Republic of Indonesia and the and the International Development Association. Dakar, 26 International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 6 Jul 2006. (I-43860) Aug 1982. (I-22595) Financing Agreement (Agriculture Markets and Agribusiness Loan Agreement (Smallholder Cattle Development Project) Development Project) between the Republic of Senegal and between the Republic of Indonesia and the International the International Development Association. Dakar, 26 Jul Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 6 Jun 1980. (I- 2006. (I-43995) 19279) Zambia: Financing Agreement (Agricultural Development Jordan: Loan Agreement (Co-operative Development of Support Project) between the Republic of Zambia and the Rainfed Agriculture) between the Hashemite Kingdom of International Development Association. Lusaka, 13 Jun Jordan and the International Fund for Agricultural 2006. (I-43481) Development. Rome, 17 Sep 1981. (I-22577) INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT Kenya: Loan Agreement (Second Integrated Agricultural Development Project) between the Republic of Kenya and Bangladesh the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, Loan Agreement (Fertilizer Sector Program) between the 21 Dec 1979. (I-19275) People's Republic of Bangladesh and the International Lesotho: Financing Agreement (Agricultural Marketing and Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 16 Jan 1980. (I- Credit Project) between the Kingdom of Lesotho and the 22535) International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 11 Loan Agreement (Pabna Irrigation and Rural Development Dec 1980. (I-22556) Project) between the People's Republic of Bangladesh and Liberia: Loan Agreement (Smallholder Rice Seed Project) the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Dacca, between the Republic of Liberia and the International Fund 3 Mar 1979. (I-18319) for Agricultural Development. Rome, 3 Jun 1981. (I-22567) Loan Agreement (Small Farmer Agricultural Credit Project) Madagascar: Loan Agreement (Mangoky Agricultural between the People's Republic of Bangladesh and the Development Project) between the Democratic Republic of International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 24 Madagascar and the International Fund for Agricultural Sep 1980. (I-22536) Development. Rome, 17 May 1979. (I-19266) Bhutan: Financing Agreement (Small-Farm Development and Mauritania: Loan Agreement (Gorgol Irrigation Project) Irrigation Rehabilitation Project) between the Kingdom of between the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and the Bhutan and the International Fund for Agricultural International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 24 Development. Rome, 10 Dec 1980. (I-22552) Oct 1980. (I-22547) Cape Verde: Loan Agreement (Integrated Agricultural Pakistan Development Project of Assomada) between the Republic of Loan Agreement (On-Farm Water Management Project) Cape Verde and the International Fund for Agricultural between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Development. Rome, 15 Dec 1978. (I-19264) International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 18 China: Loan Agreement (Northern Pasture and Livestock Jun 1982. (I-22542) Development Project) between the People's Republic of Loan Agreement (South Rohri Fresh Groundwater Irrigation China and the International Fund for Agricultural Project) between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Development. Rome, 12 Jun 1981. (I-22569) International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 25 Democratic Yemen Jan 1980. (I-22540) Loan Agreement (Agricultural Support Services Project) Panama: Loan Agreement (Agricultural Credit Project) between between the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen and the Republic of Panama and the International Fund for the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, Agricultural Development. Rome, 1 Jul 1982. (I-22592) 11 Dec 1980. (I-22553) Philippines: Loan Agreement (Smallholder Livestock Loan Agreement (Wadi Beihan Agricultural Development Development Project) between the Republic of the Project) between the Democratic Yemen and the Philippines and the International Fund for Agricultural International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 24 Development. Rome, 22 Jun 1982. (I-22586) Sep 1981. (I-22554) Samoa: Loan Agreement (Livestock Development Project) Dominica: Financing Agreement (Agricultural Credit for Food between the Independent State of Samoa and the Production and Related Services Project) between the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 6 Commonwealth of Dominica and the International Fund for Nov 1981. (I-22584) Agricultural Development. Rome, 19 Sep 1980. (I-22545) Sierra Leone: Loan Agreement (Integrated Agricultural Egypt: Loan Agreement (Newlands Agricultural Services Development Project II) between the Republic of Sierra Project) between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the 18 4 Alphabetical Index Agriculture Leone and the International Fund for Agricultural MULTILATERAL Development. Rome, 10 Jun 1981. (I-22568) Agreement for the establishment of a Commission for Sri Lanka: Loan Agreement (Anuradhapura Dry Zone controlling the desert locust in North-West Africa. Rome, 1 Agriculture Project) between the Democratic Socialist Dec 1970. (I-11354) Republic of Sri Lanka and the International Fund for Agreement for the establishment of a Regional Centre on Agricultural Development. Rome, 3 Feb 1981. (I-22564) agrarian reform and rural development for the Near East. Sudan: Loan Agreement (New Halfa Irrigation Rehabilitation Rome, 28 Sep 1983. (I-25643) Project) between the Democratic Republic of Sudan and the Agreement for the establishment of the Global Crop Diversity International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 4 Trust. Rome, 4 Oct 2003. (I-42651) Jun 1980. (I-25383) International Sugar Agreement, 1992. Geneva, 20 Mar 1992. Thailand: Loan Agreement (Second Northeast Thailand (I-29467) Irrigation Project) between the Kingdom of Thailand and the International Treaty on plant genetic resources for food and International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 4 agriculture. Rome, 3 Nov 2001. (I-43345) Dec 1978. (I-18316) Tunisia: Loan Agreement (Development Project for Small- and PAKISTAN International Fund for Agricultural Development Medium-Size Farms in Kef and Siliana) between the Republic of Tunisia and the International Fund for Loan Agreement (On-Farm Water Management Project) Agricultural Development. Rome, 9 Dec 1980. (I-22551) between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 18 Uganda: Financing Agreement (Agriculture Reconstruction Jun 1982. (I-22542) Program) between the Republic of Uganda and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 26 Loan Agreement (South Rohri Fresh Groundwater Irrigation Mar 1982. (I-22585) Project) between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 25 Zambia: Loan Agreement (Eastern Province Agricultural Jan 1980. (I-22540) Development Project) between the Republic of Zambia and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, PANAMA 12 Jun 1981. (I-22571) International Fund for Agricultural Development ISRAEL Loan Agreement (Agricultural Credit Project) between the Peru: Agreement on cooperation in agriculture and livestock Republic of Panama and the International Fund for between the Government of the State of Israel and the Agricultural Development. Rome, 1 Jul 1982. (I-22592) Government of the Republic of Peru. Jerusalem, 29 May PERU 2005. (I-43881) Israel: Agreement on cooperation in agriculture and livestock JORDAN between the Government of the State of Israel and the International Fund for Agricultural Development Government of the Republic of Peru. Jerusalem, 29 May 2005. (I-43881) Loan Agreement (Co-operative Development of Rainfed Agriculture) between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and PHILIPPINES the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, International Fund for Agricultural Development 17 Sep 1981. (I-22577) Loan Agreement (Smallholder Livestock Development Project) KENYA between the Republic of the Philippines and the International Fund for Agricultural Development International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 22 Jun 1982. (I-22586) Loan Agreement (Second Integrated Agricultural Development Project) between the Republic of Kenya and the SAMOA International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 21 International Fund for Agricultural Development Dec 1979. (I-19275) Loan Agreement (Livestock Development Project) between LESOTHO the Independent State of Samoa and the International Fund International Fund for Agricultural Development for Agricultural Development. Rome, 6 Nov 1981. (I-22584) Financing Agreement (Agricultural Marketing and Credit SENEGAL Project) between the Kingdom of Lesotho and the International Development Association International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 11 Development Credit Agreement (Agricultural Services and Dec 1980. (I-22556) Producers' Organizations Project) between the Republic of LIBERIA Senegal and the International Development Association. International Fund for Agricultural Development Washington, 14 Oct 1999. (I-43861) Loan Agreement (Smallholder Rice Seed Project) between the Financing Agreement (Agricultural Services and Producer Republic of Liberia and the International Fund for Organizations Project 2) between the Republic of Senegal Agricultural Development. Rome, 3 Jun 1981. (I-22567) and the International Development Association. Dakar, 26 Jul 2006. (I-43860) MADAGASCAR Financing Agreement (Agriculture Markets and Agribusiness International Fund for Agricultural Development Development Project) between the Republic of Senegal and Loan Agreement (Mangoky Agricultural Development Project) the International Development Association. Dakar, 26 Jul between the Democratic Republic of Madagascar and the 2006. (I-43995) International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 17 May 1979. (I-19266) SIERRA LEONE International Fund for Agricultural Development MAURITANIA Loan Agreement (Integrated Agricultural Development Project International Fund for Agricultural Development II) between the Republic of Sierra Leone and the Loan Agreement (Gorgol Irrigation Project) between the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 10 Islamic Republic of Mauritania and the International Fund Jun 1981. (I-22568) for Agricultural Development. Rome, 24 Oct 1980. (I-22547) 18 5 Treaty Series - Cumulative Index No. 45 Albania SRI LANKA Albania concerning financial cooperation in 2004 (Energy International Fund for Agricultural Development Programme). Tirana, 1 Jun 2006. (I-43685) Loan Agreement (Anuradhapura Dry Zone Agriculture Project) Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic between the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and of Germany and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, Albania regarding financial cooperation in 1992. Tirana, 1 3 Feb 1981. (I-22564) Jun 2006. (I-43624) Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic SUDAN of Germany and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of International Fund for Agricultural Development Albania regarding financial cooperation in 1997 Loan Agreement (New Halfa Irrigation Rehabilitation Project) (Environment Protection Programme Lake Ohrid - Potable between the Democratic Republic of Sudan and the Water Supply Component). Tirana, 14 Nov 2005. (I-43589) International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 4 Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic Jun 1980. (I-25383) of Germany and the Government of the Republic of Albania SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC on the readmission of persons (Agreement on Federal Republic of Germany: Arrangement between the Readmission). Berlin, 18 Nov 2002. (I-43875) Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Government of the Syrian Arab Republic concerning Loan Agreement (Business Environment Reform and technical cooperation in the project "Raqqa Agricultural Institutional Strengthening Project) between Albania and the Technical Training Centre (ATTC)". Damascus, 7 Jun 1989. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. (I-44048) Tirana, 27 Nov 2006. (I-43725) Germany: Arrangement between the Government of the International Development Association: Financing Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Agreement (Business Environment Reform and Institutional Syrian Arab Republic concerning technical cooperation in the Strengthening Project) between Albania and the International project "further joint promotion of the Raqqa Agricultural Development Association. Tirana, 27 Nov 2006. (I-43707) Technical Training Centre (ATTC)". Damascus, 23 Sep 1993. (I-44049) ALGERIA THAILAND Austria: Agreement between the Republic of Austria and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria with respect to International Fund for Agricultural Development taxes on income and on capital. Vienna, 17 Jun 2003. (I- Loan Agreement (Second Northeast Thailand Irrigation 43370) Project) between the Kingdom of Thailand and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 4 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom Dec 1978. (I-18316) of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of TUNISIA the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria concerning the International Fund for Agricultural Development prepayment of certain debts of the Government of the Loan Agreement (Development Project for Small- and People's Democratic Republic of Algeria ("Algeria") to the Medium-Size Farms in Kef and Siliana) between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Republic of Tunisia and the International Fund for Northern Ireland acting by the Exports Credit Guarantee Agricultural Development. Rome, 9 Dec 1980. (I-22551) Department ("ECGD"). Algiers, 28 Jun 2006. (I-44043) UGANDA AMAZON International Fund for Agricultural Development Financing Agreement (Agriculture Reconstruction Program) COLOMBIA between the Republic of Uganda and the International Fund Guyana: Agreement on Amazonian cooperation between the for Agricultural Development. Rome, 26 Mar 1982. (I- Republic of Colombia and the Cooperative Republic of 22585) Guyana. Bogotá, 3 May 1982. (I-43732) ZAMBIA GUYANA International Development Association: Financing Colombia: Agreement on Amazonian cooperation between the Agreement (Agricultural Development Support Project) Republic of Colombia and the Cooperative Republic of between the Republic of Zambia and the International Guyana. Bogotá, 3 May 1982. (I-43732) Development Association. Lusaka, 13 Jun 2006. (I-43481) ANGOLA International Fund for Agricultural Development: Loan Agreement (Eastern Province Agricultural Development Germany: Treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany Project) between the Republic of Zambia and the and the Republic of Angola concerning the encouragement International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 12 and reciprocal protection of investments. Luanda, 30 Oct Jun 1981. (I-22571) 2003. (I-43751) ALBANIA ANIMALS Germany ARGENTINA Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic Chile: Memorandum of Understanding between the Argentine of Germany and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Republic and the Republic of Chile on the conservation of the Albania concerning financial cooperation in 2004. Tirana, Ruddy-headed Goose. Buenos Aires, 21 Nov 2006. (I-44008) 12 Sep 2006. (I-43833) CHILE Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic Argentina: Memorandum of Understanding between the of Germany and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Argentine Republic and the Republic of Chile on the Albania concerning financial cooperation in 2004. Tirana, conservation of the Ruddy-headed Goose. Buenos Aires, 21 14 Nov 2005. (I-43621) Nov 2006. (I-44008) Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of 18 6

Panama: Agreement between the Argentine Republic and the. Republic of Panama .. ALGERIA. Austria: Agreement between the Republic of Austria and the.
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