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ThIem aogfte h Kea •aba Minia.tfurrBoeim b liontahteiqoPunaear lMieSs, ,s uppUpmeesrna Itn.'J 8.fJ, HENRY CORBIN ALONE WITH THE ALONE CreatIimvaeg inaitnti hoen Sufisomf I bnr Arabi Witah nperwifb ayc eH arold Bloom + ROLLINGEN SERIES XCI PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS W J II'U N C F T 0 N ,E RN SE E Y Copyr©i g1h9t 6b9yP rinceUtnoinv ersPirteysu sn,d etrh tei tle CreatiIvem gianationi nth eS ufisomf I bn'Arab i Newp reftaoct eh Mey theodsi t©i o1n99b7yH aroBlldo om PublisbhyPe rdi nceUtnoinv ersPirteys4 s1W, i lliSatmr eet, PrinceNteowJn e,rs e0y8 540 Int hUen itKeidn gdoPmr:i nceUtnoinv ersPirteys s, ChicheWsetseStru ,s sex PublisihnFe rde nacshL 'lmaxincaretaitoriudc aen lse S oulisme d'llm� r.tbi hyF lamma riionn1 95P8a;rOts n ea ndT wow ere origipnuabllliys ihnFe rder Kh (ais nl igdhitffleyr feonrtmi )n Er.tnosjahrhXXiiIcVh e(1r 95a5n)dXX V (1 95b6y) Rhein-VeZrulraigc,h Thiisst hnei netyi-nfia rs setr ioefws o rkssp onsobrye d BollinFgoeunn dation AllR ighRtess erved ISBN0 -691-058.'34-2 PrinceUtnoinv ersPirteybs oso kasr per intoenad c id-pfarpeere andm eetth guei delifnoeprse rmaneanncdde u rability oft hCeo mmiuoeneP roductGiuoind eloifnt ehsCe o uncil onL ibraryR esources FirPsrti nceton/Boplalpienrgbpearnci kn t1i9ng8s,1i ;xp tahp erback printainndfig r,s Mty thoesd itpiroinn twiintgah,n ewp refbayc e HaroBlldoo ma nde ntitAlloende withth eA lon1e9, 98 hup://pup.princeton.edu Printientd h Uen itSetda toefAs m erica .'3 5 71 0 98 6 2 4 CONTENTS LisotfP lates vii PrefabcyHe a,r oBlldo om ix INTRODUCTION BetwAenedna launsIdiar anA : B riSepfi ritual 1. Topography 8 2.T heC uravneSd ym boolfIsn b' AraLbiif'es 88 AtA verrFouense'r al 88 TheP ilgtroti hmOe r ient 46 TheD iscoifKp hlie c;l.r 58 HiMsa turiatnytd h Ceo mpleotfHi iWoson r k 68 TheS ituaotfEi soeonrt ism 77 s. PARTO NE SYMAPTHYA NDT HEOPATHY ChI.D. i viPnaes sainoCdno mpassion 105 1.T heP rayoeftr hH ee liotrope 105 2.T he" PatheGtoidc" 121 OfU niMoys ctaia sU niSoym patkceat i 120 8. ChI..I S ophioalnDodeg vyo Stymipaot kceat i 186 1.T heS ophiPaoneiomcfa F edeldea' m roe 156 2.T heD ialeocfLt oivce 146 TheC reaFteimvien ine 157 s. PARTT WO CHEATIIVMEA GINATION ANDC REAITEV PRAYRE 179 Prologue Ch.I ll.T heC reataisTo hne ophany 184 1.T he CreatIivmea ginaasTt hieoonp hoartn hye, "Gofdr oWmh omA lBle iInsCg r eated" 184 Ill.T heO odM anifesbtyte hdTe h eophIamnaigci na- tion 190 v CONTENTS 8.T he" GoCdr eaitnte hdFe a iths" 159 4.T heR ecurorfeCn recaet ion 200 5.T heT wooflDdi menosfBi eionng s 207 ChI.V T.h eophIamnaigtcii naoannCd re atyio vfi t thHeea rt 261 TheFe ilodft hIem gaination 261 1. 2.T heH eaarsatS ubet iOlrgan 221 TheSc ience Hoefa rtth e 287 8. 246 ChV.. M an'Psr ayaenGrdo dP'rsa yer 246 TheM ehtoodfT heophParnaiyce r 1. 2.H omolgoations 257 The Soefct hrDeeiv ti nRee sponse2s6 2 8. ChV.I T.h e" ForomfG o"d 272 1.T hlfea dlotfth h e Vision 272 2.A routnhdMe y stKiac• aba 277 282 Epilogue 285 NotaensAd p pendices LiosWfto rkCsi ted 891 Idnex S99 Vl LISOTF PLATES FRoNTISPITEChEeI magoeft hKeaa ,bMa.in iaet ur formB ilbihoetqnuaetn ialoPeas,rM, iS s upplement perIs5 a8n9f lo,1. 9 s,it xeecnettnhuy rP.:C ourtesy facing otfh Bei blqiuoneta htneiaol(eeS.pe .91 a nnd8. 4 ). page Eljhiaa nKdh ia<;lttr h Feo utnaoifLn i ef. sPiearn,5 6 1 SchoooflH er�t,fi tfleaectneetn ryht .Pu :C otuerys oft hSem ithsIosnntiiatnuF trieGoeanrl, yl oefr ArtW,a sihnogntD,. C .( eSppe .5 5 f.ifor.t hree - latipob nesthwieena nKEdhlz!f i]r)a. h 2 jopshea ndH isB ortheirnEs gy p.t Persia2n3 2 mniiaetf orumrF ardiudnd' iAn�Mra,n fiq Taaly-r. SttasabiblMiarobtuhrMegSko ,,r o.c. 2t 68fo,l . 141,fit feecnettnhuy r.C outerosfty h Set abaitbs- P: liotMharebku,(r egSpe.p . 2 8f.9) � The PehnioylfA o brxhaamD.e itflaor ma m oasic, 13 6 CathderoaflS t M.ar ,kV enitchteie,re cnettnhu ry. Alin(aeSreip.. anCdh. I ,n n7.4a n7d5. ) P: 180 4 ThreAen geOlffesr iTnhgr eCeu ptso t he 240 ProtpB.hbie liqoutneha etlieoPn,aia rsM,Ss upple- menttuc r1 09,fl o5.4 v esro.C ouryto efts he P: Bbiloitqhueen atio(neSapel.£e 4..£ ) vii PREFACE byH arold Bloom As Men'Ps rayearrse a Diseaosfet heW ills,o a ret heir Creedas D iseaosfet heI ntellect. -RalphW aldoE merson 1. Emersotne lulssn eithetrop ranyo rt ob elieivfwe e, w oulfdr ee thes elOfn.e p arotf t hea uthensteilwcfa ndelrisg yheta rosu ti n thei nterstseplalcaeirsne , x iflreo mu sT.h eo thepra ritsb uried, sod eepw ithiuns t hatto r esurrietwc otu lbde a nothreert urn froemx ilWee. fi ndt heG odw ithouta clceesssst ihbalthnee God withibnu,tt haitsi llusDievsec.e ndtionth ge deepessetli fss o difficultI h tahvaaetr rivtehde rtew oo rt hree timienst woon­ly thirodfsa c ent.uI rnyt haFtu llnewses kn,o wa nda rekn own,i n solituad pee,o plseodl ituSdokne o.w inga,n db einkngo wn,o ur diseaosfet sh ew ilaln do ft hei ntelcleeacstteo t roubulse:W hy pratyo t heS tranGgoedr? H ei ss oa lienaftreomdo urc osmologi­ caelm ptintehsasht e c oulnde vehre aurs W.e mighwta ntto p ray fohri mb,u tt ow hom?A sf orb elievtihnahgte e xiswtse:h avneo termf orh iwsa nderoinnt gh eo utesrp acessoe, x istednoceens o t applWyh.a tm attemross ti sn ecessaeriitlhtyeo rof aoru tsiudse ort oof awri thuisnt ob ea vailaebvleienf,o urr eadinweesrsae ll. Whati st heu seo fg nosiisfi, ti ss of orbiddeilnigtliys t? Since thea lternaatriedv iesse aosfet sh ew ilaln do ft hei ntellwehcyt , invotkheec riteroifuo sne fulnPersasy?ea rrsea m orei nteresting litt·froarrymt hanc reedbsu,t e venth e mosti mpressoifv e praylw·ilrlsn otc hanguse, leatl onceh angGeo d.A ndn earallyl pr.lyalr·tdr•is r ecatneydw atyot hea rchotnhsea, n gewlhso m ade and m.trn·tdh iwso rlda,n dw homw e worshiWpil,l iaBml ake \\',IoIlJ"SIc I·Cas'nuddJ, sl ·hDoivv.tinNhea,m esm isappltiooe udr IX Preface prisowna rderTsh.eA ccusewrliso a ret heg odso ft hiwso rld havew ona lolf t hev ictorainedst h,e y wgiool nlt riumphing overu s.H istoirsya lwayosn t heisri def,o rt heayr eh ist.o ry Everyownheo w oulrde tuursnt oh istoarlyw apyesr forthmes worko ft heA ccuseMross.ts cholwaorrss hhiips t,ot rhyeC om­ posiGtoed w hor ewartdhse liarb obrysg ranttihnegmt heiilrl u­ sioonf v aluEem.e rsorne marktehda thte rew asn oh ist,oo rnyly biogprhayw,h icihsa nothGenro stic recognition. Do notp rayd;on otb elieovnel;kny o w andb ek nownM.a ny amongu sk noww ithoknuotw intgh awte know;B entlLeayy ton catchtehsiw sh enh es uggestthsa atn osshiosu bldet ranslaast ed "acquaintraantchteeh"ra ans " know.i"nAg cquaintwaintcyheo ur own deepessetlw fi lnlo tc omeo fteonre asibluyti, t i su nmis­ takabwlhee n( anidf) i tc omesN.e ithtehrew ilnlo rt hei ntellect spurssu cha cquaintbauntcb eo,t hc omei ntpol aoyn cei ti s achieveTdo .b ea cquainwtietwdhh aits b esatn do ldeisnty our­ selifs,t ok nowy oursaesly fo uw ereb,e forteh ew orlwda s madeb,e foyroeu e mergeidn ttiom e. Ats ixty-sIel voeonbk,a cka,n df ora whilIes een othibnugt timeY.e tIc anr ecatlhlr etei melmeosmse ntthse,fi rswth enIw as elevoernt welvaen,dh ado nljyu srte reaaldol f B lakaen dH art CraneT.h es treoeftt sh eE asBtr onfxe lalw a,ya ndI w asi nth e imagiwnoarll tdh aHte nrCyo rbidne scriibnhe ises l oquecnotm ­ mentaruipeosnt heS ufim asteorfsS hi'Iirtaeon f c enturaigeos. That wobrylr de,a diCnogr biInh ,a vlee arnteocd a lHlu rqalbyuat, itt akes vnaarmieoiusns o thetrr aditainodns so,m etinmoen sa me except piotesterilynmf a,n yv isionpaoreytB sy." visionIda or y" mean" gnos"ti inac p recisseen sIed ;o n otm eano vertly orthodox Christpioaent( sH opkiEnlsi,o Atu,d eanm ongt hemw)h of ound themseluvpeosnt hec anoniNceawl T estameanntd t heC hurch FatheCrosr.b inw'osr kasr ea mongt heb esgtu idteosv isionary traditCioornb.i wna st hep ee,r inh isg eneratoifoG ne,r shom Scholaenmd o fH anJso nabsu,th ed iffefrrso tm heoivre rstt ance ofh istoraincdpa hli losopshcihcoalla risnrh eigpa trodg nosainsd gnosticSicshmo.l elmi,kM eo shIed ealf thiemr, w asb otkha bbalist X

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