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Alon Bakersfield Refinery Crude Flex Project by Paramount Petroleum by WSesly Mikes PDF

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Preview Alon Bakersfield Refinery Crude Flex Project by Paramount Petroleum by WSesly Mikes

KERN COUNTY PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Doard of Supervisors STAFF REPORT Date: September 9, 2014 ILE: Pp Plan #62, Map #! 025 'PD Plans, Map 102-28 ‘SD. 3 Maagerd ‘TITLE: (2) Moditcation of Provise Developnigr Man No. 62, Map No. 102; (bj Mediicaliun of Prviso| ‘Development Plat No.1, Map No 10223 PROPOSAL: — Modifica of Precise Development Plans <Retchnion 2008-531; opproved Gatsher 21, 2098) to ullow greater lesblly oe the exiseng refine to wire w varery 0° exude oily that can be processed un se via (1) sapazsion ef til, tnsfer, and storage ficillies iraluding an additim af up to Gee boilers, (2) iocers unit xpgrades andior rouifiealions, roponpasing of existing tankage; uct (4) retocilion aed modernization of existing Lignotied Propane Gas (1.9) truck mck and upgrade to es cech (Seoons 19,36,920. T3813; 19.40,000.k ard F) ip M-I PD (Light indestal - Preise Deselopmtent Combining), M-2 PD ‘Meaiyin Industrial - Precise Levelepiment Cemnbiningh aud Me3 PD {llcavy Lacseal- Trocies ‘Boolapment Gamisining) Dietrick, APPLICANT: Alon Bakorficld Refinery Crude Plexbily Project by Paramount Patten ‘Corporation by Wesley Mikes (PPT3268) PROJECT SIZE: 448 wees, wilh 26.88 acses within the City of Bakersfild (541 nares trey LOCATION: 6451 Roses Migs, Bahovsliel GENURAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Tt (Usuvy Industriel and $1 Servies Indra SCRROENDING LAND USE/ZONING: Nuh - Oilfleds, ccmmevial services, and rail husinessoeA-1 (Limiled Apyicullue, C-2 PD {General Comercial ~ Prosise Development Combining), M-1 (Light Tous), MeL ED Light ladustdal - Peosise Developnene Goebining), M2 (Meviom Industria, M-2 PD (Mein lncustial ~ Precise Development Combinngsicity of BukerticlWA Cigsiculiweh, M2 (Geasral Manvfastoring); Har ~ Manuficnrod, commercial besineses. indus tervices, and vavaut landiMS PD (Heavy Industrial = Provise. Develapment Combining) Cis of Dukes M2 wd M3 Heavy Industil); South - Westside Prrksvuy, Kem River. Truxtun Lakes, Cross Valley Catal, vaca land, aud open spaoaiCity of Hekerselbi-2, M3. and 8P-S «Tloed Plain - Sevwalay: West = CComurcial busiassses, clessd power pling, tong fills, gas station, ard vacant lualCiy of Bakersteld’Mez apd ©-2 P.C.D, (Reglinal Commercial Planned Comaercial Developreent) PROJECT ANALYSIS: The projet hefire your Hoerd is o request fo expueud exiting enue reverie and processing options Via eqnatrcti of nos ralrous fetes und related iabusteucture tthe texting Alou Petrloum Refinery The existing Alon refinery is lovoted al 6451 Rosedale Tigkway ia Meuarulisa Bakessteld and je comatised 0° ra non-conlipacos sections of land, lalug appaonimstely S41 astes, shih ate referred eo iuevnally x Kefirery Aveus 1. 2. 3, 4d Ue sales teri, Atcas 1, 2,4, and the sles formal are adjoined wide Area 3 bei'y Totaled 1.5 miles t0 Die nowheast. “The two omploxes are eonnecled by sipeliaes wd liber uplis cables, The majority of the faciey Is leat within the uriacogporated area of Kom County; however, 26,89 acres are located within the Cay of Bakersfied. “The proposed modifistins bolore vour Bast for consideraion today ely apotis to the ful located within Areas 1,2, 4 and the sale Cormina. This arcu of the relinely is compres of 22 privately anmed parcels touling approsioneely 4198 ares, sith 26 of Bose eres falling within the! City of Bakorefild, all wiltin tbe jurissiesonal bourdhvies uf the of the Metropolitan Bakersfield Genial Pla, This pestou of the rfinery is within Seetion 77 and 28 of Ioomnship 29 Soalhy Retge 27 Kart, inthe Mount Disblo Bavo ard Meridiun (MDB&M), and Ts gancraly ioundal by Mohawk Steet 1 the easl, Rosodale Highwoy tu the aor, Cotlee Road arprosunately 1e4 mil tothe set, and the Weslske Pa-koray’ and Keen River lo te south te prsjet site consists of indusial uses wilh the nap vvde designations $1 (Servise Iudusti§) and HU {Heavy Tilasia) ky the Mearpaltan Bakersfield Geweal Man. Ihe entice ste ix zoned IN-T PD (aight Tixlsicial~ Precise evelopment Combining) M-2 (Mesum indusivia). M2 PD (Giodiem Industral Precise Doveloprient Combining) and Ml PD (Honwy Industrial Previse Development Combisigs) by the Kem County Zoning OnSinanees anc. M2 (General ‘Mattutroturing), M3 TTewyy ladscia}, and FPS (Tlood Plaine Sosendaty) by the City of ‘Bakerstild, Soalhern purtious oll Acsa 2 of the project sie are misppod as Kr MA-dosignud Flood Zone "43." wiih fs referel to as he 00-year flaoplain nd fas a oue pervent change af Aoudiag ‘The feuiivod of Area 2 is vated wilt @ 02 percent annual ckauce Moedplain (is, the $0. yearfleceplan, The laa uss inthe surrounding area are and Live historically heen indus.e with dhe essing refinery. the former Sunland Resnery, snid the elesed Pacific Car and Bleue (PG&E) gas powered electrical plaur and nlc support Facies, Backes “The exating eins’ has boon sod acu peuuleurn livery siuce 1992, Current relinecy process ‘mits inolure crude distiton, delayed coking. hydrocracking, and catalytic reforming. Curteet recoets mld was oll, gasoline, ese! fuel. und petleurn coke, The refinery slso auc humiscr ef ancillary aud supper facilites including steaun boilers, provers becters, cooling fowsrs, senage tank and jtereonnesting pipelines: aud a Letiaal 9 track and msi Joading fatlivics, The refinery has current cuvironmaental permis, including permis t pete from hs San Joaquin VaLey Air Pollution Control Disriel (SIVAPCD). “The existing refinery Is a wuuxionum rated crude provossing cupaviy of 70,600 baols pr day TDPD). Vowever, duo to a 2008 bankimtey”of the prioe omer, crwde oil sefining as lecaporadlyenspended. In 201", the Alon Bokerstield Refinery resumed reCiiay dy awinerens prowess unis to convert gas ofl produced by its alloted retnery in Parsnount California nto Finished liek. The project propiment intends to eesmme opciaien of several being proves unite ander existing permuire ining a return te eeu ol seni. Propow ‘Ite ubjestves ofthe projeot ae ler provide eevee lesley for dhe exiting ceiver to wire a vatiely Of crude oils that om he premsed ix cider to Rewer manage operuligna Gvsts and m9 inereage efliseney of on-site prvuetion. Troe: accomplish te projet eject ves, fasilitos rust be enhanced an instead tn enable erode delivery vik unit it and traser of ened int the revery [or peocessing and into the exiiag pipeline network far ranster to vbr refine ‘Sx pal of ie pect. minor wil eMicleey upenadss ad modification ure planucd o> enkance ‘peratng heniNlty require to process crude ols with diferonc physical prope PDoPhon #2, hap #102 PD Mav al Map tinz3 waged Hrd rays? “The project proposes Uke modifieaion of Precive Developarent Plan 62, Mop 102 and Precise Development Plan I. Mu 103-23 en incheae the exing rfinery"s chil Jur ecesiag and processing a variety of ciudewils. Mot af ce proposed process amit shanecs nee sain i s2ope hid are intended lu incoass the efficiency of the opecstion. In adition to these eaizor unit hanges, the projet uy uxludes the constuction of w dauble rail loop internal to the pyjere teamndaric. “To tactnte his taunt the pect prepares tho following 1. apauded Rit Factiio: Eapaasion of exiting and conseution of new rl ans uo storage fio, © include vonsUuctian of a double rail Loop {om @ nes anit spur Connection off of the exiting Burkagion NowhcenSanta Fe (DNSP) Railway, ard che futon ofp tee baie, nasructon of peosess wit opgraes un sux io Koperporng oC lstgtaksge: a, Reloaton und modern of ting Uqueied propane gas (PG) truck sack. an ‘panto ales 05 The refinery’s existing lit of 70,000 barrels per day (BED) nvsienum crude processing capacity “would not be inerawted aru sult hose prpesed project se uuprovements. Project Churnetertsticx Prope OnSite Ros} Inprcvenent Ihe project world coumuet a mew doubla sil tain loop to uddreas crude Guat is already being transported to ihe exiting etfnery via unit Ualus, A new sour would eaumect © the casting BASE Reilssuy fil ling that rams cas-veest, bigerting the refinery. This spur would ever the refinery atthe worlbast caver of Aren 4. und te inte tbe new rl eons in Area 2 and Acca find tte 27 900 Bue Leto el ek, “The lnop tracks would utilize existing rail spurs 103 and 104, a8 well as the existing east switch bel 10 the BIS! misilines, One af the ail ope sould be equipped wilh sewn slations to sllow heaeyerude to be oflloaded Stoam ter healing the sel eae. as well asthe tankage, sul be povided 3) three package oilers enpipped wth lowuliegen oxi¢e CSOs) burma, ‘As pact ofan independent rapeenization and onnsnfidaton projac, tue prajoet proponent il Lo eens several ofthe buildiags orrenly Inca wn the proposed sl: loop. “Te exiting 1.9 truce racks wil be teloeated ara the [PG rail rack would be dis amlled due ws the new ees unloading algae Tn adliion, a goae separation eiluer an everpast ar mndevpars) vonuecting Retery Rod and the Areu 2 processing nits would be constncted, The grade separation sould cuss th dere I unipeded aeeess the Area 2 provessig Wis for emergency responders New nou treilties would be provided 10 allow attlonding of crude of fom ral ears. The ‘perating pun is 10 receive and unload tou vat din within & 2¢-hour period under the nownal Shevational evened on 8 animual avirage basi, The uni train would be configured with Tubtiple dstibuted power ais (2PUs) unl vp to. Nd tank cars. Basel on ruaxiunra ext ‘apacity, the devine fnetty would be uble bv ofload an average nf 159,000 BPD into cankage ‘ss futher descibed in the Ciank Faun seston lone, nosy eustudy-teansfer tanks ssnuld be inetlled fo alow accurate nsevig of ere cil catering ee Fully. The projet penpnent does PD Pant. ip fin ADSL pas hot expest w construct more thay tw otsfory tanafer Gus an estimates ther sire lo be between 10.000 and 25.000 barels, One of tie custody transfer tanks would be squipped with sea coils to permit the metering of Leavy sride cil. After mpetering the enide would. be pruiped tothe flogting roof rade las fr either crude mit change or storage Lor shipping of up to 180,000 ED via thite-party pipeline. Tn audition to dhe enstady trmsfer tks, the projet proponent tends to insted vp te 9 250,000 bare crude oil sorage tatks. Both of these he Tanks woule be equipped with steam coils parait Dn storage of heasy cra ol ack Loaetng Rack Modifeattons The esining three lau LPG truck loading would be relocated east of the cunent lovato aad & ne Tame sould be added. The eximing (PC railcar lowing ae would be dined and ure L045 ral loafing aed be conduoted che Hnlerprive LPG oad tacily(Vinkerrie) located orth afthe rea 3. An existing pipeline connection belweon te gefinery and Vvterprise woul be sed th anspor LPG. The felosation ofthe LPC ruck sak and distnantling of the LPG rail ‘ask is nonsitatodby Ure expand sal Heise vanseuction o enews grate separtion ‘sles terminal Inading cack anodifcstions won'd include vonvension el sorte of the existing sasuline loading arms (the mid-yride easoliue lading wr) to jetliesel service, Existing dices! Sims would be dal poset peril te nding of both ot ard diesel. Diesel adj is! have Similar properties ad Therefore there Is a inceaase ip erssiens or sik by duel purposing the Toading ants In a@icion, nes jelievel loading as would he construc in Late 5 and 6 of the sul nick em Ungredescns] Meafoions ‘All vpatades ard molfcaious would bs accnmplished within the discarbed ayes nfthe vefisry. ‘The refiners overall crude oll refining capicity wurld aot be increased above jis current ‘akin rtoe crude processiag capacity, the yrociee development plat limit of 7,010 HYD of Sel, ealenlated os am gual avectge. ‘Taere may be zupecity increases in Individual process Uke to provide Hlsibility o manage aditioal light hydrceasbons that mnay be presen in versa ede ai Most ofthe proposed proves uit charges are rain in ralure 2. ew pans. ceplacument if fold. compressors wilh sate of te a eqpipment, addional contol values and new heal fxebangers, Ihese winur clazges acer inerete Ex fuiliy'suerational au energy effieieney {a permit he processing ot a urge variety of ere cis Othe, tore complex upgrades include he folowing L. Hydroerucher (HCL Unit 21) & Cb Hydra (ale 27}: Noss ot axatng rears, Meters, vehasls and asaetated equipment would be instilled or upgca ed Specially, a news cexesr with asceinted eyipateat ia he Hysvacracker Lit TCU) Unit 2) would be tasted, Th adtom, new bUnogel secysle comprassors) and w hydroven ruke-up woupressor(s} somld fo anlalle. Au existing hester wonld bo modified. and profiled with low NOx Gurnee. Lal, ay a sealer conservation measure, ew piping ad ‘nstrumenution cold ba installed to allow seeycling of wash water fv the HE Additionally, CD Hysie (Unit 27) nil aodificstions wowld also be made we eases proper processing of additional Fight iydroeazboas ia varius erude oils. Mudilfeations incl the Eilon of a parallel reactors), vestels, dew pumps and excaumgen, tie upgiading of besling panope and oxchamgers, ud tue woéicaion and savafiiag of ab existing penn tod heater with Tow NOx burners PD Ph 4, Hip 23 ‘reaping B95 Addidon of a mew “Mah” wer 40 Unit 10: order inca . roves Wider range of erudes, additional heat removal exchanger(s) wld be added tos Dechead syssem and! punips sud bo upgraded. To clesse “ight enda (propane od ntane} From the idoonsing crude oil prive 10 i ofterne the atmospheric stilton ower a "eh" tower wll be added, thereby improving the severe lower “peosnet cuts.” 3. Crude aad Vacunm Unit (Cail 10/10), In order tn provess a wider range of cnudes, the ‘rule Unie Attosphorie Crude Tower (19-1) would be upgraded. ‘This may include the dailin of 2 oride “fish” Lower ann associated nelly epinent to impras Ube uti’s Suis. Olhee changes inlule nie pumps, nozzles, w jet drew, aud. ne and rewervieed ‘exchungers. To lnprove temperature veo] oa the une henee's existing se.ctive cult, fedhetion (SCR) ubit 40: aitmgen oxide (SOx) control ané improve exe eficioney of Ineo? $O-HT, a new heat eeoowery en would be stalled athe inlet of he SCR, In addition, fee jer teers be locared in ther de Crude Gait or tanh Farm, 4. MAS Hytrocracking Tait (Cult 14), New picts suuld be added and existing pumps and Sealer tobing would Se ungiaded, ln adliton, w new ssl duis ard water couleser sou. be added (o the keronane product stream to imorove the yuaiy of the jet fuel product, Tv aising feastionatar overheul compressors (14-C3A8) would be rep aced sth slate ofthe Se compressors aid assneiaed equipmen:, ‘This would seduce fugitive hydrecarbon ‘miavions by pgesding dhe compress seal, To improve the etficieney nnd reliably of the amine system, an existing recycle gas erabicr would 2e apgraded and new eeplaccinent) amine Teed pumps would be ised The upgrades would prove amine iulation ats thereby reduel ag amin loacing, improve celia, and tse eedice ote or vosrasion, [Naphtha Hydrotrester and #8 (Uoit 8 and Val 2672). Pumps. Leal escangors and fia Eaae would bs upended in both Hydrlreters, Uy adsion, fo increase Lait 8's one ellcioney, tav exioing charge heater (BITT) convection sectinu woul be seplaced. fn Unie 26 an eating pemitfed hoster would be miffed and retmafiue ids Yow NOx borers and upgraded heater tubes. 6 Seur Water (Units 15 and 23), In ordor ta conserve water and rednoe the Zac's was vate cischarges, anew siega eeboier for 15-VT2 (anur Water suipper) sald be installed “The proises world al re-pipe the feeds sid predhcls or 23-V4 and 29-85 te bypass tho existing phosam squipracal (aaionia (NH) reeovery section) Which in longer neces, ‘This codification eliminates poudictoh and srage uC wnkydrous ammonia 3. ‘the Wash Water Recycle, Projo! 2s designed wy deurease the aatouat of sour water unt the Aydrovcacher, In the wash wulersecyrle project. the umount of sowp water expt is redhead feort approximately 45 glloas par minnte (GP) to 16 gpm; or rhou «savings ef 10 llion zalloas of vats a your. 1 uel Gas LPG Reeovery Unit, In older to reduce Fe cuncentston of LPG in Lie refiuery fuel ges, w nev LPG rounvery ui allt bo constr wid sted an the uel yas ste Tne unil ved consint of soverul fuel gas corapresey, tock vot dU an a.en-uncoaia refrigeration uly The Teeovertd LPG world be sent the existing oss pleut ad the Mul yas ‘pnuld be bute ithe retinery precess beaters ant bres. 9. Tank Farm Updgeades, New cusosdy tansferLanks would be instilled. Aloo estimates tile sizes to bo belnvean 1,00 and 25,000 bres. A moss jl beater woul he nested in cher Une tak farm a eno erude uit, fn ation to the custody tans ck, Alon intends (install to fo 250,000 rude of stsnige fas. ‘Theso-now ake ae hatin to DP ay 1 Pla fae a0 eens th ont Pages rn new orale il stomge tanks the cureal precise development plan permits Atos 16 ‘Additional interac piping and primps would be added * faciiane movement ofthe erude from til cars into the custocy ‘rinser rks sd stgrage tanks. “The custod-crnster tanks ‘sunk be eqipped sith vapor coucols, either floating eels oc vapor reenvery. ‘The wes ‘tude store ge banks would have axternl Peaking mols ‘rmk farm and process anit itercormeting ppg would be reconfigure to allow the crude foks additgnal Heibilty fer ether crude pult charge, slorage fu: skipping ita thin-panty pipeline systems, ur eeveiving ermfe fron local crude sanices, To fellate daterpliat Inevement, new act modifies piping, pucups and equipment would he eeanligued or ads: Lastly, some of the ening tankage wuld be repurposed by changing the current prod siorage. Some of le oxibting take worvive chsages ill result in emission decreases. Yor ‘peal, die cumroilipas ff (Durikee "C") nk number 70-TBOOOS say be changed to I Biot asphak service; the cuter fae cil un mumsber TO-TLOMS may be cunged 10 sphaly,bmker, ur cuter ol service, some uf dhe pasaliue storage tanks may be used sore fet fuel: uad tone 71-T 9SM01 muy be equipped with seam coils lu parm che storage of hheary crude, Sines the refinery wishes v9 resin the “lexi of cetming the lnks Wo thei crignal service, no emission retistions sill be eulculated fiom those anciared serviee changes. Several an service shenges wre slanned a fll 4+ Tout penmind but out of service tanks ¢onke 70-T11003. 26-T10007, 70-11100, amd SULIT DGD) waald be put back in service ns diesel, asahalt aout cower bolo, ut sp ior ei tds The convene gas ol tak 70-T5006 would ho converted to diesel service: +The eument sour ware tanks 71-TD4MO2 aud 71-124 Mll4 wuld be conveted tn diesel The surren diesel rk 71-T96M03 would be converted mn ere service: wl 4+ The enrentanhydeous omenona Gk 8S-TTICUL woul be covert n propane erie Lo, Fire Protection and Safety Spetesn Upgrades. A new fire protection and safe system will be installed forthe milousing cues. Tie tee ewetion and satety systom sil include Ine detection cquipment, Fie zeantors. softy Showers, epewwenh stations hydraats, contol an piping. The mnostuss at the unloading rack will bo eapuble of feaching afl of the eam bein ofloadod avd will have fount ener 4 Esch oF the monitors will have clcducating aoceles wit individual foam totes. The rmoniors sll be scouited at pad a mninuna of 50 Pet asay from anlanding ears, “the stem will ule dhe reGines"s existing tre water supply systea, The system hus a ‘Sovage caputity of 3,000,000 gallons and capable uf deiveting wp t0 3,500 yy e wate. Te system includes fru fire wile: pups WiC pumping espucies between L500 gpm ‘und 3500 gp ep ein 6, Son Operation As peoviounly speifie. the vetnery’s 70,000 BPD maximum exude processing sapueity ssauld nol be incieasee, Most oF che prope roves uni changgs are minar i scape anlar intended To i1otease tha effcioney of the opecsiion, The modificanons that wre proposed inthe prnecss nis include ew equipatent, equipment upgrade and piping aocifiatons ‘The reinery il] cant me fo wie refinery Evel 343 In eed! heaters and bodies, cs wall a8 natal as supplied by the Kem Mojave Pipe Syst. Potable water is supplied by the Califia nue Servive Curapany (CWSC),a private ily ‘The proposed “il spur nd whsadiog “lly Will havo tho capacity lo approximately eveive 0 Unie tsine pr pouk Jay with approeimatshy 11H twnk ars euch, Each DOT-111 tik ear has tepacity af 34,500 gallons (821 havrels). Tho faiiy vould handle wp 19 740 unit tains per year The Jeilty Would be able t offload un avenge of 150.000 APD iat tankage will a aa crude oiFprodt throughput of 54.750.000 bartels Cvuce cil in exeoss of The cefinery arial capacigy nf 25,560,000 ouzrels par year would 2e export Ly other ceineres via pipeline at arate cof up us 150.900 BPD, “Teaing earying etude oil har approash de ntiney from the nx-suue eos (powered hy Fo dicscl-cleciie locomotives) would entar the refinery [rom the vst, and cirtlate within the Feliaety on the proposed double cal loop. ‘Tetirs tat appeoact the refinery (eon te east-west ‘outs {powered by six dieseleleue focometived) would enter the cefiry trom the east, asd sinalafe within the eelivery on the proped double ra 1007 fxs conld exit the weiner in bither direction, One line loemmative per rain would be wsed t0 repasiti the tik ears daring vuflluading, Aer the cede oll is proses a he refinery he zascine ad ese penducts will be Duuspevted Livan th rfnery by hou truck ad ipaline Bave on iulbiataticn Fem Alon USA, the sory expec co shig arta of 19,00 SPD ol ssa tia gasoline product to From by pipeline, compare ta bascling shipments oC 8,736 RPT of disse fad gasoline shipped Ey pipeline 1 Fresno, As arsul of this iuzeased product avlailityn Tosal market, spprontnately LAOH fener BPD (3,750,000 Fever banels per year) of diese: and spvliue plodust will neod 4 Fe impene! into ie Fresne market fom San Frunsiseu Bay area Tefinsries, Accounting foe only The peclion of Ray’ arca refinery preducts hipped ty truck m Frown, is equates 1 7,400 anal Sesepesnfine ranspen truck Lis rom dhe Pay creadaplaed as resl oF Alon intense pipeline shipments 4o Fees, Ewa 6 cntal Impact Report ‘Av Brivivominental impact Ropar. (GIR) vas propared for cis project in accowdanece with the Calfemia Ensiroumenal Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. As required by CKOA, the ETR Slee sppeopviate review, enalysis, and eiligation measures forthe envicoteutal impacts of tte proposed prijee... This Fins! EIR could be utilized by otler penning agencies in tiie fopucity a Respoasible and Trustee agencies uulee CEQA, 3 reculred by Depurtmen:al procedires for prneessing af ax CIR, at indcausfistion agreeent fas been easeoted by the Applicat “To hiline the HIR process, » Notice of epartiowtnitial Study (Sie Cleasaghense Ne.2113001063) ene cieoulted for a. Seay public review period heginning on Septeber 19,2013, ane sndod na Oxtaber [8 20.3. A seoping mecting sas nclce and bold October 4, 2013, at the Kem County Public Services Balding, 2700 "A" Sica in Bakers PoPanet, ay ht2es sae nesta ag? California. No couunens regarding the proposed puojeer wore receive at the stoping meting Nine comment leurs regaediag the proposed projecl overs eeoeived crng the Notive of Proparadon‘itat Study. SfaAay public review: period. These somments sere used ia the preparation ofthe [aft FIR and ane alsa ila in Appendix A wf he EIR, Based on the analysis coataned inthe Fitol Study and comments roceived im espouse o tbe Notice of Preparation, « Oraf HIR wa» prepiced ad circulated fora 45-day public review peviod begitniug on May 22, 2014, and endiag on JUIY 7, 2014. In total, uver 134 wopies ofthe Draft EIR were divuibuted, in wddition 10 138 Notices of Avoiebilly, The Taft EIR wus alas availa om the Keon County Plguping and Community Development Department's svebpae as ‘well as the Kem Conny Heale Memorial Library, Twenty-five writes vouneats from 445 segmrane authors or agenciesoeganizatons were raveived on tae Dist ELR ding this abl teview period, As recured by Sesion 15088 c€ the Stale CEQA Goidelines, espns to thse Commonls were pieparad end provided to Ue azeacis and ietersted putes tha sbinited ret ixldresees, The Respone to Comaeats was cioulsted 12 days before this heating, In scemdance with Slate CEQA Cnidslnes, a Fil GIR bas boon complewed ouaprised of three decarents + Voluite 1 Chaptors 1 thraugh 11 of Draft FIR (May 2113) + Volume2- Appendices AI of Draf BIR (Muy 2012) sbapter 7, Reqponve to Conuncats (Angst 2014) + Volucued = ‘These dnciments have been provided your Baurd for your seview ad consideration “The Poul EIR cow‘aine 26 mitiguion ensues 19 rence significant ingucts fom the projet sata 4 Maigntion Measure Moaitering Program (sehibil Cj hos Deen included tor your teview, fd is attached lo ths stl report. cts Found to Have No Impact Ravel on the findings of the Toit SwiyNoiee of Prepartior and the wsvkes of scoping provess, the propoted majeet was detente to have we upset eh regard co the follow fnpsct Besholds. aud the cmegories were Uerefore not analyaed ia dhe FIR. prepaved fo the project: + Seatitios © Agriguln! Resouves ‘+ Population ana Housing. Recreation Less than Sigeificant Impacts (Including Significant Impacts That Cun Be Mitigated, Avuided, ot Substantially Lenseaed he EIR prepared aderesses sll plenty sigalivoat sovironmentaliespucls Dat Ker Coun ideatiiod doning the Notice of Preparation and somping proves Aft father stody und fvironmental review ia a FIR, ie war determined that ceria impact .breshelds woud be Feclced ¢0.J6ss than signin level wi the incorpoeston af milion ebeasuss + Colusa! Reseurees + Geology aud Soils rl 2. ta HD PDE Man 10 Transl. Hoon veges Grosahouse Gas Finissions isaac ond Llaradous Maser Land H3e and Planning Minecal Resourses Noise Public Services vanportation and Teifis Ullies and Service Systems ignificant ond Unuvoidable pacts si {Geant and Unavoidable Projet Inypaets Section 15126.2(0) of the Stato CEA Guidelines coquives thar an HIK deserite any signitsant Jmpacts, iulwding those chul cun ke eaitignve fur nat reduced to lest than signitiet. Mer Suny aud shviromnental reviews in he IR, it was deteraiued that cersia impxctthresolls ‘would have significuct aud unweoidable poets aller the project complics with all regulatory ‘unuery, and Feasible aud resscmable widaulion messutes. ‘Those spectie impacts Uhl would hve sgaificant and savohdable impacts attr eitgation are dealitied below + Mie Quality # Bioloyical Resources # Tydrology and Water Quulty Sigaificant and Unavoidable Con ative impucls According 19 Section of the Shite CHA Guidelines. Ue term cumulative jeans orefeea fo two or t40re individanl effets which, wen considered tegsther, we cousi¢erable ar which compound cr inereare ther eavigoumerta “rnpacts” —‘Tndiidal effets that may ‘cutrioote a cumulative pet nes he from a single prujeot or 8 umber of sopatat pees Individually, the Sexpasis of @ projoce may be rslativelyeainor, however, when vonsidered along valh impacts of other eloscly reluled ur ead projects, including newly proposed projects, the fitocts comtt he eemmulaively significa, list of projects use in dhe sonlative analysis is inlaced in Chapter 3. Project Paserip'am, and fall diseusion of all crmufaive facts fea tach impact is cotaied in Chapter 4. The EIR deteprtined thet the allowing impacts om the prejcts weve determined to have a sgalicaat and paavoidable eumulutive pace that earner he fvoited afterall regalalery, stouors, att ferible and rensonable witigation measures: # Ale Quaigy 4 Biofogioul Resouces + Usérology and Water Quality Ph plan #5, Map 1 PD Flan #1 bie 29 WARS: S5NS ge able 2S mary of Significant und Uanvoldable Kmpaets ofthe Proposed Project Besourse Proje Tmpact Ai Oui Biolog Resour Tptology ara Watt elie Cobden ipa asoeated wl the Propoved project result in 10.8 18 of oh, emission. wick wxcwed Ue 10 130 por sear sgitivanse lresha @ oped by fhe Hoard al!" Supersiso's and die SIVAPCD. Beard, Ar sich, ploiex onstaction stile would teak i 3 temporary sipndiwnt wud ovavoidable inpace to the waleety orem of lal cong the BNSF Rasy role cakes, here thay be no 3 spl eaves ar cleanup auipment sree alas, an 3 Ina tke sone lie for emermes sponge tums Io nobilis adequate sp sponse eyulpnent,Dapending upon The Ipoatiog of the spill this oexdd lowe enough tine, Tow the spit Lapa enatve bila) ane plant ea atl fgets. Iberefte, ofl 39s along the BNSP ioesy “oii eka oot be ‘gnifciot wid Oiavoidable, cepen’ing pm le lesan of fee Keplenening, MVE Ate paul rode spilled inpoats on sie. Lower, tegecling on do locaton of the pl (i Sailer the sik ais xo cops su Uouie Teuvete fae ad whether the Irak it above geod below gi iol she ring and adequney of te sh Sesponse, tors ray by sulle Ine or Krtace spills te nfiare casi sails and Finder ingore underage wounds aati. Thatekre, depeniieg oa Bese arabic, ser aly pate ould be Seniffegat and wauvoita ble Inthe unlikely evra of yn sp along {hs BNSE Ridley nadine asks. here nay Beno el pl wortsinmest or cleanse ouraent drmediately avalale. and tnay fake some time for emergency fespuce fens 9 moan edequnle spl fespuree eqprent. Depending uzon the Teulu of whe spi ths could low og Cie for te pil to impact eat eeotoet.Thortee, oi plese he NSE Kleay mining tks oould be signifiant and unasoibe, Gezuing Sn hs Fata tpl ‘Cumuinive Impacts (Gemultive criteria poland enieons wi Foapost te approved ald opocod pests ‘tir oe se Tes oF eho eupase Fejet arr guesented in Seren 4. Givew the augaitde uf pottialerter palin fenisons sual id) apposed feoposel pete mit in ane anda ules oF fie proped roject, te Kem. County Ploatiog od “community Derek Depurinzal copedas the pret’ Soovinitioa cacbsioas and” come Sirera poliin. onions pests co be Piptticun al vagal CGullive extol rail waxuporaten tesutlatel wil he proposed project DNS alway a0 ior Paste alow (LIKI) ‘asi rade ol anspor ests in at devs rie of an oi spl spots a Itnpars 6 bitogia, eon at ould Considered age fieaet a wraveidsDe “The region of alcuce fox water gal inact eoole eludes > <omalse fects Hitod io Sesion 39, Cormulatoe Dresses, a ll of the projec eve che same per and lower wife he rs the refiner. Pete gs from cider of th tice ney elizer esp wel 25 FD diy of tbe adit Tactics Usted Jo Semon 29 eal eurishate te seg hie Soncemaliga of ploleum ayarocebors 0 fe upper le? and potentially ssl Severs gets dining wae split tne loves scl. Fooautoue of ater levee Boe oll thin he Kara Coun Showin, incallsg st dient de indlente that ater waves mot enly willis igi, a el api de Ue Ue ee ppomserble.sedrvaneysugyetiag Ll the oper agate sutd util bea eed hy soil, Tnpact ate considered. spnMeane hd ‘anavaldable. even wilh eomporaion SP SWWCPa, BMPs, ud SPL a eo2b et ose tates, LA akon, ouroltive {fade a nil Epes meet ih the Alas Refigery nud BSP Ralbway rninke ene viliansporon suid Udovied rae of al ob spill and. poe impos ta wor quali thut woul be ‘egsaret sigan and wna 0 Pla B62 ap HOT 1 cla, ng #1022 eeveraanty ergo 10

Industrial - Precise Development Combining)/City of Bakersfield/M-2 and M-3 (Heavy This portion of the refinery is within Section 27 and 28 of Township San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD). The project proposes the modification of Precise Development Plan 62, Map 102
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