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Preview ALM Model: The contribution of Fuzzy Logic to behaviour modelling

N°37 March 2016 ALM Model: The contribution of Fuzzy Logic to behaviour modelling Abstract The reforms ushered in by Solvency 2 introduce a new method for the valuation of in- By Sylvain Detroulleau surance company balance sheets. The principle of “fair value” is now used to measure and Sandrine Mouret assets and liabilities: asset values are calculated at market value, while for liabilities [email protected] [email protected] the Best Estimate method is used. In life insurance and, more specifically, in the life insurance savings segment, it is necessary to model all possible interactions between Winner of the French Actuarial the asset portfolio and the portfolio of liabilities. ALM (Asset Liability Management) Prize, 2014 models seek to forecast all of these interactions by integrating – over and above the usual financial and technical assumptions – assumptions pertaining to the behaviour of both policyholders and management. These behavioural laws, such as the laws governing policy surrender, for policyholders, and the policy governing credited inte- rest rates, for management, can lead to problems in terms of their calibration, their modelling and, more broadly, their justification. Given the decisive impact of behavioural laws when it comes to establishing Best Es- timate values for liabilities, the objective of our study is to propose an alternative to the modelling of behavioural laws that is traditionally implemented within ALM models. The focus of our interest is a theory founded on human logic that has been widely tried and tested in other sectors of activity, such as manufacturing and heavy industry: fuzzy logic. In the course of our study, we use fuzzy logic to model the behaviour of policyholders when it comes to economic lapses and that of insurers when it comes to the target rate credited to policyholders. The model we have built allows us to end up with a quantified decision while also simulating a human thinking process where the criteria Texts appearing in SCOR Papers are the are expressed in linguistic ways. Our results are encouraging. We demonstrate that responsibility of their authors alone. In pu- blishing such articles, SCOR takes no po- the fuzzy approach allows us both to justify and generalize the ACPR’s economic sition on the opinions expressed by the surrenders function and that a fuzzy modelling of the policy governing credited interest authors in their texts and disclaims all res- ponsibility for any opinions, incorrect in- rates allies optimization and an accurate representation of management’s policy. formation or legal errors found therein. 1The expected or mean value (probability weighted average) of the present value of future cash flows to settle contract obligations, projected over the contract’s runoff period, taking into account the time value of money, and using a term structure of interest rates (i.e., a yield curve). 2Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution. The ACPR is responsible for supervising the banking and insurance sectors in France. 1.1 BTarcadkigtiornoaulnbedhavioural modelling methods in an ALM model Fair Valuation of risks For Solvency II, the Solvency Capital Requirement Inordertocarryoutthisstudy,wehadtoimplementanALMmodelthatwasabletodeterminethe Under Solvency II, the Market Value Margin (MVM) (SCR) is meant to cover one year of deterioration, Best Estimate values for a fictitious life insurance company and, more specifically, for a simple life is meant to bring technical provisions to a fair value, meaning that only “shocks” applied to the following insurancesavingsvehicle. and is to be computed using the Cost of Capital ap- year are considered. The graph depicts, on the lia- proach. In the background lies the Market Consis- bility side of the economic balance sheet, how the tent economic balance sheet which reflects what capital funded at time t=0 is adequate to restore the Solvency II seeks to achieve: a fair valuation of risks. balance sheet to a fair value of liabilities at the end 1.1 Asset-liability interactions of a distressed first year, where both the Best Esti- mate of Liabilities (BEL) and the MVM are subject to a distressed scenario. Within the context of our life insurance company, the asset-liability interactions arise from the op- tionsandguaranteesthataccompanythesavingsvehicleandthataredirectlylinkedtotheinsurer’s Cost of Capital approach assetsandthewaytheinsurermanagesthem. The CoC approach takes the pers- pective that sufficient capital is nee- For example, the profit participation clause is a guarantee that givdeesd tthoe bep oalbicley htoo lrduenr-oaffc tchees bsutsoinaess. Here, the risk margin is estimated by minimum percentage of the interest earned by the insurer on its invested assets. The amount that the present value of the expected will be made available to policyholders under this clause will thus depend on the structure of the cost of current and future SCRs for insurer’s assets (composition, maturity, risks, etc.) and its evolution over time. The valuation of the non-hedgeable risks to support the insurer’s obligation to its policyholders cannot be dissociated fromcomthpeleitnes ruurne-ro’sff fouft aulrle liadbeilcitiiseiso.ns concerningthemanagementofitsassets. Schematically, the MVM calculation can be carried out in 4 steps: A Best Estimate valuation of liabilities must necessarily include the fair value values of the options andguaranteesinplay.Tothisend,itispreferabletouse-sFiimrsut,l aptrioojnectet cthhen ieqxupeesctveiad aSnCRA LuMntiml aoldl leial.bili- Limiting ourselves to the reserve risk only – as will be ties run-off. This puts into the equations the fact that done in the rest of this note – the following graph an undertaking taking over the portfolio has to put shows that the Capital should be sufficient to restore Belowisasimplifiedexampleofthevaluationofthemuipn imfuutumreg ureagrualnatteoeryd rcaatepit(aMl GSRC)Rd(1e)r,i vSeCdRu(s2i)n, g… , the balance sheet to a fair value of liabilities after a adeterministicorstochasticapproach: SCR(n‐1)until the portfolio has run-off completely at 1 in 200 event: time t=n; -Second, multiply all current and future SCR by the Cost of Capital rate (c or CoC). This captures the fact that the insurer selling the portfolio has to com- pensate the insurer taking over the portfolio for im- mobilizing future capital requirements; -Third, discount everything to time 0; -The sum then gives the CoC risk margin. FIGURE 1–Deterministicapproach SCORPaperno37-ALMModel:ContributionofFuzzyLogic 2 SCOR Paper n°18 - Calculations under the SII CoC approach 2 1. Background Fair Valuation of risks For Solvency II, the Solvency Capital Requirement Under Solvency II, the Market Value Margin (MVM) (SCR) is meant to cover one year of deterioration, is meant to bring technical provisions to a fair value, meaning that only “shocks” applied to the following and is to be computed using the Cost of Capital ap- year are considered. The graph depicts, on the lia- proach. In the background lies the Market Consis- bility side of the economic balance sheet, how the tent economic balance sheet which reflects what capital funded at time t=0 is adequate to restore the Solvency II seeks to achieve: a fair valuation of risks. balance sheet to a fair value of liabilities at the end of a distressed first year, where both the Best Esti- mate of Liabilities (BEL) and the MVM are subject to a distressed scenario. Cost of Capital approach FIGURE 2–Stochasticapproach The CoC approach takes the pers- pective that sufficient capital is nee- ded to be able to run-off the business. Here, the risk margin is estimated by the present value of the expected cost of current and future SCRs for non-hedgeable risks to support the Based on an average situation, a deterministic scenario does noctomcoprlreetcet lryuna-sosffe osfs atlhl eliacboilistiteosf. an MGR guarantee, since in this unique scenario the insurer is able to honour its obligation via the returnonitsassets.Conversely,usingastochasticapproach1,weareabletomeasurethecostof Schematically, the MVM calculation theguaranteeatitsfairvalue2. can be carried out in 4 steps: -First, project the expected SCR until all liabili- Limiting ourselves to the reserve risk only – as will be ties run-off. This puts into the equations the fact that done in the rest of this note – the following graph an undertaking taking over the portfolio has to put shows that the Capital should be sufficient to restore up future regulatory capital SCR(1), SCR(2), … , the balance sheet to a fair value of liabilities after a SCR(n‐1)until the portfolio has run-off completely at 1 in 200 event: time t=n; -Second, multiply all current and future SCR by 1.2 ALM model the Cost of Capital rate (c or CoC). This captures the fact that the insurer selling the portfolio has to com- pensate the insurer taking over the portfolio for im- mobilizing future capital requirements; TheuseofanAsset-Liability-typeforecastingmodelise-sTsheinrdti,a dlfisocrocuanptt uervienrgytahlilnogf ttoh etimases 0e;t -liability interactions. The simulation technique used in the ALM-Tthoeo lsupmro dthuecne dgivinest htheec CouoCrs erisokf mouarrgsintu. dy is the Monte-Carlo method, which is based on the Law of Large Numbers. As a reminder, this method involves running a large number of scenarios, generated independently, in order to obtain anapproximationthatisclosetothetrueBestEstimatevalue. 1. Allscenarios,determinedatrandom,aroundanaverage. 2. Forasufficientnumberofscenarios 3 SCORPaperno37-ALMModel:ContributionofFuzzyLogic SCOR Paper n°18 - Calculations under the SII CoC approach 2 1. Background Fair Valuation of risks For Solvency II, the Solvency Capital Requirement Under Solvency II, the Market Value Margin (MVM) (SCR) is meant to cover one year of deterioration, is meant to bring technical provisions to a fair value, meaning that only “shocks” applied to the following and is to be computed using the Cost of Capital ap- year are considered. The graph depicts, on the lia- proach. In the background lies the Market Consis- bility side of the economic balance sheet, how the tent economic balance sheet which reflects what capital funded at time t=0 is adequate to restore the Solvency II seeks to achieve: a fair valuation of risks. balance sheet to a fair value of liabilities at the end of a distressed first year, where both the Best Esti- mate of Liabilities (BEL) and the MVM are subject to a distressed scenario. Cost of Capital approach The CoC approach takes the pers- pective that sufficient capital is nee- ded to be able to run-off the business. Here, the risk margin is estimated by the present value of the expected FIGURE 3–ALMModel cost of current and future SCRs for non-hedgeable risks to support the complete run-off of all liabilities. TheALMtoolworksinthefollowingmanner.Tostart,theriskneutraleconomicscenariogenerator generates 1000 economic scenarios that it transmits to the heart of the ALM tool, whose role is Schematically, the MVM calculation to project, for each scenario, the company’s activitycaonv ebret hcaerrfioerde coaust tiinn g4 shtoerpizso:n3. To do so, the modelneedsdatapertainingbothtothecompany’sasse-tsFi(rssttr,u pcrtoujreec,t athlloe ceaxtpioenc,teedtc S.)CaRn dunitstil liaallb liilai-bili- Limiting ourselves to the reserve risk only – as will be ties.Thepolicyholdersaregroupedintohomogenoustiecsa rtueng-oorfife. sT,huiss upautllsy incatoll ethde tehqeumatoiodnesl tphoei nfat.cItn that done in the rest of this note – the following graph an undertaking taking over the portfolio has to put shaodwdsi ttihoant, tthhee Cmapoidtaell srheoquulidre bse asucfefirctiaeinnt tnou rmesbteorreof assumptions, some of which pertain to the beha- up future regulatory capital SCR(1), SCR(2), … , thev iboaulraonfcep oslhiceyeht otold ea rfsai(rl avwalsueo fosf ulirarbeinlitdieesr, amfteorr taality, etc.) and others related to the decision-making SCR(n‐1)until the portfolio has run-off completely at 1 ionn 2t0h0e epvaerntto: ftheinsurancecompany’smanagementtim(aes st=ent;a llocation,creditedinterestratepolicy, etc.). After making business projections, the model produces the insurance company’s cash flows, -Second, multiply all current and future SCR by which, after they have been discounted at the risk-tfhree eCorastte o4f ,Cgaipvietalu rsatteh (ec Bore CstoCE)s. tTimhiast ecafpotrurtehse the scenariothathasbeengenerated.Usingthelawoflafarcgte thnautm thbee rinss,uthreer csoemllinpga nthye’s pBoertsftoElios thimasa ttoe cisom- theaverageofthescenariosgenerated. pensate the insurer taking over the portfolio for im- mobilizing future capital requirements; -Third, discount everything to time 0; Bestestimate=EQ⊗P((cid:88)30 δ ×C )≈-Th1e su1(cid:88)m00 0th(cid:88)3e0n δgiiv×esC thie CoC risk margin. n n n n 1000 n=1 i=1n=1 Behavioural modelling occupies a central place in ALM models. However, despite having a non- negligibleimpactonBestEstimatevaluation,choosingthebehaviouralmodelsandjustifyingthese choices poses a number of problems. This is the case in particular for the two behavioural laws introducedinthefollowingtwosubsections. 3. 30yearsperassumption. 4. Asareminder,theBestEstimatevalueisdeterminedinariskneutraluniverse. SCORPaperno37-ALMModel:ContributionofFuzzyLogic 4 SCOR Paper n°18 - Calculations under the SII CoC approach 2 1. 1B.3acEkcgonroomunicdlapses 1.3.1 Lapses’option Fair Valuation of risks For Solvency II, the Solvency Capital Requirement UndLearp Ssoelvisenacny oIIp, ttihoen Memarbkeetd Vdaelduein Mthaergpino l(iMcyVtMh)at allo(wSsCRth)e isp omliecaynhto tlod ecrotvoerre ocnoev eyre,awr hoef ndehteeroiorrsahtieon, is meant to bring technical provisions to a fair value, meaning that only “shocks” applied to the following wishes,alloraportionofhisorhersavings.Therearetwokindsofsurrenders: and is to be computed using the Cost of Capital ap- year are considered. The graph depicts, on the lia- proach.• InS tthreu cbtaucrkaglrloaupnsde lsies the Market Consis- bility side of the economic balance sheet, how the tent economic balance sheet which reflects what capital funded at time t=0 is adequate to restore the Structural surrenders are surrenders that are explained by the structure of the insurer’s liabilities Solvency II seeks to achieve: a fair valuation of risks. balance sheet to a fair value of liabilities at the end (policyclauses,ageofpolicyholders,policyterms). of a distressed first year, where both the Best Esti- • Economiclapses mate of Liabilities (BEL) and the MVM are subject to a distressed scenario. Economic or cyclical lapses are surrenders that are linked to the economic situation, and more specificallytohowtheinsurancecompanyisdoinginthissituation. Cost of Capital approach The CoC approach takes the pers- 1.3.2 ThechallengeandimportanceofestimatingsurrendersunderSolvency2 pective that sufficient capital is nee- ded to be able to run-off the business. In savings, the insurer’s margin over the term of the policy is related to its ability to hold onto the Here, the risk margin is estimated by policyholder’s invested savings over the long term. In fact, the larger this amount the bigger the the present value of the expected baseofinvestmentincometobesharedbetweentheinsurerandctohset poof lcicuyrhreonldt earn.d future SCRs for non-hedgeable risks to support the complete run-off of all liabilities. Schematically, the MVM calculation can be carried out in 4 steps: -First, project the expected SCR until all liabili- Limiting ourselves to the reserve risk only – as will be ties run-off. This puts into the equations the fact that done in the rest of this note – the following graph an undertaking taking over the portfolio has to put shows that the Capital should be sufficient to restore up future regulatory capital SCR(1), SCR(2), … , the balance sheet to a fair value of liabilities after a SCR(n‐1)until the portfolio has run-off completely at 1 in 200 event: time t=n; -Second, multiply all current and future SCR by When the invested assets decrease substantially othvee Cr othset otfe Crmapoitaflt rhaetep (ocl iocry C, fooCr)e. Txahmis pclaeptvuiaresa nthe fact that the insurer selling the portfolio has to com- increaseinthepaceofsurrenders,theinsurer’sinvestmentmarginnaturallydecreasesaswelland, pensate the insurer taking over the portfolio for im- asaresult,itsNetAssetValuediminisheswhiletheBestEstimatevalueofitsliabilitiesincreases. mobilizing future capital requirements; -Third, discount everything to time 0; -The sum then gives the CoC risk margin. 5 SCORPaperno37-ALMModel:ContributionofFuzzyLogic SCOR Paper n°18 - Calculations under the SII CoC approach 2 1.T hBeadisctrkibgutiroonuofnthde initial wealth between the insurer (Net Asset Value) and the policyholder (BestEstimate)dependsontheinsurer’sabilitytogenerateinvestmentincomefromthepremiums Fapira iVdailnuabtyioitns opfo rliicsykhso lders.Consequently,thesurrenFdoerr Srioslkveisncayn IIim, tphoe rStaonlvteonncey foCratphiteall ifReeiqnusiureremrent Unbdeecra Suosleveancdyir eIIc, tthinec Mreaarkseet iVnaoluuetfl Mowarsgitnh r(oMuVgMh)surre(nSdCeRrs) wisi lml heaavnet tao sciogvneifirc oannet iymepara cotf odneteitsrioNraettion, is Amsesaentt Vtoa lburein.g technical provisions to a fair value, meaning that only “shocks” applied to the following and is to be computed using the Cost of Capital ap- year are considered. The graph depicts, on the lia- proach. In the background lies the Market Consis- bility side of the economic balance sheet, how the Indeed, the surrender risk is highlighted in the Solvency 2 regulatory framework for the calculation tent economic balance sheet which reflects what capital funded at time t=0 is adequate to restore the Soolvfeenccoyn IoI mseieckcsa tpo iataclh.iTevhee: ma faasirs vivaelusautiorrne nodf reisrk5ss. hockbpaelannacleiz eshseients utor ear sfasire vvaelrueely obf yliarbeidlituiecsin agt tthheei rend invested assets at the start of the forecast and, by tohfe as daimsteretsoskeedn f,irhsat vyienagr, awchoenres ibdoetrha bthlee iBmepsat cEtsti- mate of Liabilities (BEL) and the MVM onitsfuturemargins. are subject to a distressed scenario. Cost of Capital approach The CoC approach takes the pers- pective that sufficient capital is nee- ded to be able to run-off the business. Here, the risk margin is estimated by the present value of the expected cost of current and future SCRs for non-hedgeable risks to support the complete run-off of all liabilities. Schematically, the MVM calculation can be carried out in 4 steps: -First, project the expected SCR until all liabili- Limiting ourselves to the reserve risk only – as will be ties run-off. This puts into the equations the fact that done in the rest of this note – the following graph an undertaking taking over the portfolio has to put shTohwes trhisakt tohfem Caaspsitiavle sshuorurledn bdee srsufifsicitehnuts too rneestoofrethe mouspt fiumtuproer tarengtuthlaattorliyfe cianpsuitarel rsSCfaRc(e1,),e SsCpeRc(2ia),ll y… , the balance sheet to a fair value of liabilities after a in terms of the regulatory capital to immobilize. It SisCiRm(np‐o1r)taunnttilf othrei npsourtrfeorliso thoasr eruanlly-ofuf ncdoemrpstleatnedly at 1 in 200 event: surrenderbehaviourpatternsandmodelthemcorrectitmly.e t=n; -Second, multiply all current and future SCR by the Cost of Capital rate (c or CoC). This captures the 1.3.3 Modellingeconomiclapses fact that the insurer selling the portfolio has to com- When modelling structural lapses, insurance comppaenniessatcea tnheg iennseurraelrl ytackoinugn otvoenr thhaev pinogrtfeonlioo ufogrh im- mobilizing future capital requirements; data about the past to define a surrender law. Conversely, estimating economic surrenders is a far -Third, discount everything to time 0; morecomplextask. -The sum then gives the CoC risk margin. Economic surrenders are related to market conditions. Modelling these surrenders means taking into account policyholders who, in reaction to the economic situation, will cash out their policy if theythinktheycangetabetterreturnbyinvestinginacompetingproduct.Modellingtheseecono- mic surrenders poses a problem for insurance companies because insurers do not have historical data6 orconcreteelementsthatwouldallowthemtoidentifyalaw. 5. Masssurrenderof40%ofthepolicies. 6. Foralongtime,insurancecompaniesgenerallyfollowedthemarketintermsofinterestcreditedtopolicyholders, SCORPaperno37-ALMModel:ContributionofFuzzyLogic 6 SCOR Paper n°18 - Calculations under the SII CoC approach 2 1. InB2a01c0k,thgerAoCuPRnpdublishedadditionalnationalguidelinesforQIS5,alawofeconomicsurrenders basedonthegapbetweenthecreditedinterestrateofferedbytheinsurancecompanyandtherate Fairo fVfearluedatbioynt hoef rciosmksp etition. For Solvency II, the Solvency Capital Requirement Under Solvency II, the Market Value Margin (MVM) (SCR) is meant to cover one year of deterioration, is meant to bring technical provisions to a fair value, meaning that only “shocks” applied to the following and is to be computed using the Cost of Capital ap- year are considered. The graph depicts, on the lia- proach. In the background lies the Market Consis- bility side of the economic balance sheet, how the tent economic balance sheet which reflects what capital funded at time t=0 is adequate to restore the Solvency II seeks to achieve: a fair valuation of risks. balance sheet to a fair value of liabilities at the end of a distressed first year, where both the Best Esti- mate of Liabilities (BEL) and the MVM are subject to a distressed scenario. Cost of Capital approach The CoC approach takes the pers- pective that sufficient capital is nee- ded to be able to run-off the business. FIGURE 4–EconomicsurrenderslaHwesre, the risk margin is estimated by the present value of the expected   RCmax si TS−TcoAst< oαf current and future SCRs for   RC ×TS−TA−β si α≤TS−noTnA-h<edβgeable risks to support the  max α−β  complete run-off of all liabilities. RC= 0 si β≤TS−TA<γ  RCmin×TS−δ−TγA−γ si γ≤TS−ScThAem<aδtically, the MVM calculation  RCmin casni be cTarSrie−dT oAut ≥inδ 4 steps: -First, project the expected SCR until all liabili- LimOitinngt hoeurbsealsviesso tfo 6thpea rreasmerevtee rrsis,kt hoenlyA –C aPsR wpilrl obpeosestwoeconomicsurrenderlaws,oneofthemcor- ties run-off. This puts into the equations the fact that donree sinp othned inregstt ooaf tmhiisn inmoutem –fl othoer afonlldowthinego tghrearphtoamaximumfloorforsurrenders.Itisrecommended an undertaking taking over the portfolio has to put shows that the Capital should be sufficient to restore thatinsurerscalibratetheirlawintheintervalbetweuepn ftuhtiusrme inreimguulmatoarnyd cmapaixtaiml uSmCRt(h1r)e, sShCoRld(.2), … , the balance sheet to a fair value of liabilities after a SCR(n‐1)until the portfolio has run-off completely at 1 in 200 event: The surrender law that the ACPR proposes repretsimeen tts=na; first approach to modelling economic surrenders,butithasthefollowinglimitations: -Second, multiply all current and future SCR by the Cost of Capital rate (c or CoC). This captures the • A lack of elements that could be used to calibrate the surrender function and, more broadly, fact that the insurer selling the portfolio has to com- its justification. Insurers don’t know how andpoennswahtea tthtoe cinasliubrreart etatkhinisg AoCvePrR thfeu npcotriotfnol.ioT hfoerr eim- arenoconcreteelementsordatathatwouldamlloowbiltihzienmg ftuotujures tcifaypoitnael rceaqliubirreamtioenntosv; eranother. • Asinglecriterionthattriggerssurrenders:thegap-Tinhirradt,e dsisocforuentut renv.eTryhtehiencgo tnoo tmimiec s0u; rrender functionproposedbytheACPRthusassumesth-aTthpeo lsicuymh othldeenr sgiavrees rtahteio CnoaCl. risk margin. • A single surrender law for everyone : all policyholders, regardless of their age, the value of their investment, etc., react in a similar way to this gap in credited interest and adopt the same surrender behaviour. But even though this gap is indeed the main driver of economic surrenders,itisnotabsurdtothinkthatotherfactorsmaymotivatepolicyholderstocashout theirpolicyornot. not factoring in economic surrenders at all. While today some insurers do take economic surrenders into account, they remain difficult to capture, in particular when it comes to measuring the impact of adverse deviations of these surrendersunderextremecasescenarios. 7 SCORPaperno37-ALMModel:ContributionofFuzzyLogic SCOR Paper n°18 - Calculations under the SII CoC approach 2 1.W Be haavcekidgenrtoifieudnotdher factors that help to explain the economic surrender dynamic. More speci- fically, these factors are viewed as elements that can influence the sensitivity of a policyholder to Fatihre Voablusaetrivoend ogf arpiskins creditedinterestratesbetweenFhiosr oSrohlveernincys uIIr,e trhaen Sdotlhveenccoym Cpaeptiittiaol nR.equirement Under Solvency II, the Market Value Margin (MVM) (SCR) is meant to cover one year of deterioration, is meant to bring technical provisions to a fair value, meaning that only “shocks” applied to the following andF isa ctoto bres computed using the Cost oImf Cpaapcittaol anps-ensityievaitry atroe scponresaidderiendi.n Ttehere gsrtarpaht edsepicts, on the lia- proaAcghe. Ionf tthhee bpaockligcryohuonldd eliers the MaGrkeent eCraolnlys,isy-oungbpioliltiyc yshidoeld oefr sthhea evecoanolomwiec rbaamlaonucnet sinhveeest,t ehdo,wd othe tent economic balance sheet which reflects what capital funded at time t=0 is adequate to restore the notrespondtomarketfluctuations,andaremoreinterestedinthe Solvency II seeks to achieve: a fair valuation of risks. balance sheet to a fair value of liabilities at the end long-term return oonf ath deisitnrveesssetmd efinrst.t Cyeoanrs, ewqhueernet lbyo,tthh ethyep Bayeslte sEssti- attentionto the amountin savinmgsataen odf Lairaebilleitsiess s(BenEsLi)t iavendt othgea MpVsM ininterestrates. are subject to a distressed scenario. Seniorityofcontract If seniority of the contract is small, policyholders are less incli- ned to surrender than policyhoCldoesrts owf hCoaphiatavle ahpeplrdoathcehir policy for a long time, as the latter arTeheel iCgiobCle afoprprthoeactha xtaakdevsa tnhtea gpeesrs- pective that sufficient capital is nee- associatedwithlifeinsurance. ded to be able to run-off the business. Policyholderinertia Policyholders will not necessarily surrender their policy if their Here, the risk margin is estimated by insurer has one bad year but mtahye dporessoeniftt hvealrueet uornf sthoeff eerxepdebcyted the latter are consistently lowercothsat noft hceurcreonmt paentditi ofuntuorvee Sr CmRasn yfor years. non-hedgeable risks to support the complete run-off of all liabilities. Acquisition fees Or Surren- Some policies contain clauses that call for penalties for surren- derpenalty der; in some cases the acquisition fees on premium payments Schematically, the MVM calculation can make it unprofitable to cash out a savings policy in order to can be carried out in 4 steps: signupwiththecompetition. -First, project the expected SCR until all liabili- Limiting ourselves to the reserve risk only – as will be ties run-off. This puts into the equations the fact that done in the rest of this note – the following graph In the course of our study, we used the following asafanc tuonrdsetrhtaaktitnrgig gtaekrinegc oonvoemr tihces uprorretfnodlieor sha:sg taop put shows that the Capital should be sufficient to restore up future regulatory capital SCR(1), SCR(2), … , thein bcarleadnictee dshineteetr etos tar afateirs v,atlhuee aogf eliaobfiltihtieesp aofltiecry haolder, and the number of years the policy has been SCR(n‐1)until the portfolio has run-off completely at 1 iinn 2fo0r0c ee.vent: time t=n; -Second, multiply all current and future SCR by 1.4 The credited interest rate policy the Cost of Capital rate (c or CoC). This captures the fact that the insurer selling the portfolio has to com- 1.4.1 Whycreditinteresttopolicyholders? pensate the insurer taking over the portfolio for im- mobilizing future capital requirements; It is in a life insurance company’s interest to offer an in-tTehrierdst, draistceouthnat tesvaetriystfiheinsg ptoo ltiicmyeh o0l;d ers in ordertoavoidhavingtofaceeconomicsurrenders.Thepolicyoncreditinginteresttopolicyholders, -The sum then gives the CoC risk margin. which is decided on by company management, must be re-transcribed into the ALM model in the same way other relevant company policies are - asset allocation, for example, and the policy on harvesting unrealized capital gains. This is what is generally referred to as the modelling of the insurer’sbehaviourorthemodellingofmanagementactions. 1.4.2 Modellingmanagementactions Generally speaking, in ALM models these actions are represented in the form of either a static functionoranoptimizationproblemunderrestrictedcircumstances. SCORPaperno37-ALMModel:ContributionofFuzzyLogic 8 SCOR Paper n°18 - Calculations under the SII CoC approach 2 1. Background Forexample,standard,static-formatmodellingofthecreditedinterestratetargetmaybeexpressed Fairin Vtahleuafotilolonw oinf grimskasn ner: For Solvency II, the Solvency Capital Requirement Under Solvency II, the Market ValuTea MuaxrSgeirnv i(tM=VM10)0%×(STCaRu)x iCso mnceuarnret ntott cover one year of deterioration, is meant to bring technical provisions to a fair value, meaning that only “shocks” applied to the following andT ihs utos ,bfeo rcothmepputeerdio udswinhge three tChoesitn osfu Crearpidtaelc aidpe-s to ayedajur satrteh ecovnasliudeeroedf.t hTehes agvrainpghs doefpiitcstsp, oolnic ythheo ll-ia- proadcehrs. I7n, tthhee tboaoclkwgirllosuenedk liteosa tdhjeu sMtaatrkaemt Cinoimnsuism- theibnitleitrye ssitdrea toef othrere etucronnoomffeicre bdablayntchee schoemept, ehtiotiwo nt.he tentW eecosnhoomulidc sbiaglnaanlc,eh oswheeevte rw,hthicaht wrehfleetchtesr wthhiastobjecctaivpeitaisl faunchdeiedv aabt tleimwe i ltl=d0e ipse anddeqaubaotvee toa rllesotnorteh ethe Solvency II seeks to achieve: a fair valuation of risks. balance sheet to a fair value of liabilities at the end company’sfinancialresources(investmentgains,etc.)andtheinsurersobligationstothepolicyhol- of a distressed first year, where both the Best Esti- der(minimumguaranteedrate,etc.). mate of Liabilities (BEL) and the MVM are subject to a distressed scenario. Like the modelling of economic surrenders, though, the traditional modelling of management ac- tionsoftenshowslimitations. Cost of Capital approach The CoC approach takes the pers- Itisoftenobservedthatthemanagementofaninsurancecompanpyecistivneo tthinavt oslvueffdiciienntth cisampitoadl eisll innege- process and that the task is most often left to actuaries and devedelodp teor sb.eB aebleth taot rausn-iotffm thaey, bmusainneas-s. Here, the risk margin is estimated by gement remains responsible for its expression inside the company, whether that takes the form of the present value of the expected writtenpoliciesoraforecastingmodel. cost of current and future SCRs for non-hedgeable risks to support the The more heavy and complex the modelling, the more removedcmomanpalegteem ruenn-tofwf iollf baell .liIanbialidtiedsit.ion, this modelling responds to optimality criteria that are not necessarily verified in reality, particularly inastresseduniverse.WeneedtorememberthatadecisionmadSecbhyemaahtuicmaallyn, btheein MgVisMn octaalclwualaytsion themostoptimalandhasasubjectivecomponent.can be carried out in 4 steps: -First, project the expected SCR until all liabili- Limiting ourselves to the reserve risk only – as will be ties run-off. This puts into the equations the fact that donMe oinre tohvee rr,esift aof stihmisp lnifioeted ,–s tthaeti cfoallpopwrionagc ghraisphadopted, the modelling strays considerably far from an undertaking taking over the portfolio has to put shorwesa ltihtyata thned Ccaapnitaabl sohvoeualdll blee asdufftiocieinncto ton sreisstteonrecies in the models that will impact the Best Estimate up future regulatory capital SCR(1), SCR(2), … , the vbaalluaantcioen s.heet to a fair value of liabilities after a SCR(n‐1)until the portfolio has run-off completely at 1 in 200 event: time t=n; This first section has demonstrated the limits and prob-leSmecsotnhda, tmaurlitsipelyin alcl ocnurnreecntti oanndw fuithturteh eSCmRo -by delling of behavioural laws in an ALM model. Our stthued Cyocsotn osfi sCtaspoitfapl rraotpeo (sci nogr CaonCa)l.t Terhnisa ctiaveptutoretsh ethe fact that the insurer selling the portfolio has to com- standard modelling of behavioural laws presented above, based on fuzzy logic. More specifically, pensate the insurer taking over the portfolio for im- weapplythetheoryoffuzzylogictothemodellingofpolicyholderbehaviour(thelawsofeconomic mobilizing future capital requirements; surrender)andamanagementaction(thecreditedinterestratepolicy). -Third, discount everything to time 0; -The sum then gives the CoC risk margin. 2 Fuzzy logic, alternative modelling of the behaviour of human beings The human being is confronted with complex problems that he or she must resolve with the help of approximate data. The theory of fuzzy sets allows us to define a robust conceptual framework for these methods of reasoning. Rather than modelling the behaviour of the human being using precise, numerical values, fuzzy logic allows us to describe approximate variables in a qualitative way. The aim of our study is to roll out a new way of modelling human behaviours like surrenders, 7. Generallyattheendoftheyearortheendofthequarter. 9 SCORPaperno37-ALMModel:ContributionofFuzzyLogic SCOR Paper n°18 - Calculations under the SII CoC approach 2 1.b uBtaalsocmkagnragoeumnendtdecision-making,viafuzzylogic.TheALMmodelthatwepreviouslybuiltcan beusedtotestandcomparethetheorywithtraditionalmethods. Fair Valuation of risks For Solvency II, the Solvency Capital Requirement Under Solvency II, the Market Value Margin (MVM) (SCR) is meant to cover one year of deterioration, 2.1 Why fuzzy logic? is meant to bring technical provisions to a fair value, meaning that only “shocks” applied to the following and is to be computed using the Cost of Capital ap- year are considered. The graph depicts, on the lia- Mostoftheproblemswithwhichhumanbeingsareconfrontedcanbemodelledmathematically,but proach. In the background lies the Market Consis- bility side of the economic balance sheet, how the tenist tehcisontroumlyica braelaalniscteic swhaeyett owrheipchre sreefnletcrtesa wlithya?tRealcwapoirtaldl fpurnodbeledm ats tismoem et=ti0m ise sadreeqquuairtee itmo prerestcoisree the Soalvnedncuyn cIIe sretaeikns itnof oarcmhiaetvieo:n a. fFaoirr veaxluaamtiponle o,fl erits’skst.a ke thbealabnechea vsihoeuert atod oap ftaeidr vbayluaen oifn ldiaivbiidlituieasl aast tshhee end of a distressed first year, where both the Best Esti- approachesathree-colouredtrafficlight.Thehumanbeingwillnotsaytoherself,“ifthelightisred, mate of Liabilities (BEL) and the MVM if I am less than 50 meters from the light, and if my speed is 46.52km/h, then I will hit the brakes.” are subject to a distressed scenario. Rather,shesays,“ifthelightisred,ifIamclosetothelight,andifmyspeedisaverage,thenIwill slowlyapplymybrakes.”Thefactofassessingthedatainawaythatisapproximateandimprecise Cost of Capital approach and not in a way that is strictly quantitative is fuzzy reasoning. Thus, the human brain works on The CoC approach takes the pers- fuzzylogic. pective that sufficient capital is nee- ded to be able to run-off the business. This fuzzy approach was first developed in 1965 by Lotfi A. ZadehH, aerpe,r othfees rsisokr amtatrhgeinU isn ievsetrismitayteodf by California, Berkeley, from his theory of fuzzy sets generalizing thetmhea tphreemseantitc avlatlhueeo royf othfec oenxvpeenc-ted cost of current and future SCRs for tional sets. Lotfi A. Zadeh factored in the imprecisions and uncertainties of human reasoning by non-hedgeable risks to support the allowing an element to belong to a set not with absolute certainty but rather with a certain degree complete run-off of all liabilities. ofmembership. Schematically, the MVM calculation Numerous applications of fuzzy logic were developceadn bine ccaornrsieudm oeurt ianp 4p lsiatenpcse:s and electronics, where imprecision in the data renders automation using the conventional methods impossible. It -First, project the expected SCR until all liabili- Limiting ourselves to the reserve risk only – as will be was in Japan that fuzzy logic really took off in a bigtwieasy r.uSnt-aorftfi.n Tghiisn p1u9t8s 0in,two athseh ienqguamtiaocnhsi nthees fwacitth that done in the rest of this note – the following graph no dials and cameras with auto-focus using the fuzazyn aupndperortaackhinbge tgaakinngto oaveprp ethaer .pHoartvfoinligo pharosv teon put shows that the Capital should be sufficient to restore up future regulatory capital SCR(1), SCR(2), … , theit sbawloanrtchei nshoetehte troa are faasir, vsauluche aofs lifianbailnitciees aanftderm aedicaldiagnosis,fuzzylogicisnowarealitythatwe SCR(n‐1)until the portfolio has run-off completely at 1 ihna 2v0e0d eevceidnte: d to apply to human behaviour in insurance, with a view to building the best possible time t=n; modelsforsuchbehaviourinlightoftheuncertaintiestheyrepresent. -Second, multiply all current and future SCR by the Cost of Capital rate (c or CoC). This captures the fact that the insurer selling the portfolio has to com- 2.2 Elements of the theory of fuzzy logic pensate the insurer taking over the portfolio for im- mobilizing future capital requirements; As with any mathematical concept, it is important to understand the theory and the principal ideas -Third, discount everything to time 0; behindfuzzylogicinordertograsphowitworks. -The sum then gives the CoC risk margin. Beforeprovidingatheoreticaldefinitionoffuzzysets,itmaybeusefultoconsideranexample.Let’s take the size of an individual. When can we begin to say that an individual is tall? The answer to this question is difficult because defining a minimum height requirement for membership in this categoryisasubjectivedecision.Indeed,theminimumheightmightbe1m71,1m75oreven1m80. Sothesetoftallindividualsisfuzzy. Fuzzylogicrestsonthetheoryoffuzzysets,whichisageneralizationofthetheoryofconventional sets(Booleantheory).Afuzzysetisasettowhichathingcanbelongtoacertaindegree. SCORPaperno37-ALMModel:ContributionofFuzzyLogic 10 SCOR Paper n°18 - Calculations under the SII CoC approach 2

are expressed in linguistic ways. Our results are SCOR Paper no37 - ALM Model: Contribution of Fuzzy Logic. 2 .. California, Berkeley, from his theory of fuzzy sets generalizing the mathematical theory of conven- tional sets.
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