ALLIES: Our experience with collaboration, change and the Common Core An Improving Teacher Quality Professional Development Program The Partners Louann Baker, CCWP Director, UCSC Julie Minnis, CCWP, PVUSD Liaison Susan Pérez, Director, Educational & EL Services; Francine Holland, K-12 Coordinator ELA & ELD; Marvilyn Quiroz, Watsonville High School teacher; Theresa Rainey, Lakeview Middle School teacher; Ann Rath, Aptos High School teacher; Jim Lucas, Pajaro High School teacher Judith A. Scott & Lucinda Pease-Alvarez, Education Department, UCSC Sarah-Hope Parmeter, Writing Program, UCSC Diane Elia, Senior Director of C & I The Alliance for Language and Literacy Instruction Effecting Standards (ALLIES) was funded by CPEC and CDE to help secondary English teachers in a Pajaro Valley Unified School District learn about the CCSS for English language arts and to engage in instructional practices aligned with these standards. PVUSD, Free and Reduced Lunch (n=19,923) Qualifies (73%) Doesn't Qualify (27%) PVUSD Demographics, Grades 6-12 (n=9,854) Latino (78%) White (19%) Other (3%) We work with 50 teachers in 3 High Schools: Five Middle Schools: & One Alternative High School Students Impacted 2011-12 (n=2,760) Latino (74%) White (23%) Other (3%) The Structure: Planning & Events Events: • Weekend Institutes with everyone together • Monthly site-based after-school workshops with two professional development leaders at each site Planning is a collaborative effort • The ProD Planning Team: Professional development leaders, researchers, district administrators, two teachers • The Leadership Team: The ProD Planning team plus representatives from the school sites A Cycle of Planning & Workshops