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ALLIED'S NATIONWIDE SERVICE ASSURES YOU PROMPT SHIPMENT OF ALL YOUR ELECTRO,NIC NEEDS BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS ELGIN, ILLINOIS (CHICAGO AREA) r -~) COAST-TO-COAST FACILITIES READY TO SERVE YOU All Allied Electronics Facilities Have Phone and Will-Call Departments Open Monday thru Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Saturday Hours are 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. No Saturday Hours During July and August. * * * GARDEN GROVE, CALIFORNIA ELGIN, ILLINOIS III BOSTON, MASS. FORT WORTH, TEXAS 12311 Industry Street (Chicago Area) One Century Circle 401 E. 8th Street Garden Grove, California 92641 1355 Sleepy Hollow Road Campanelli Industrial Park Fort Worth, Texas 76102 (714) 894-7581 Elgin, Illinois 60120 Braintree, Mass. 02184 (817) 336-5401 Tie-Line: (213) 598-8671 (312) 697-8200 (617) 848-4150 Metro: 265-9341 TELEX: 68-5534 TELEX: 72-2466 TELEX: 94-0650 TELEX: 75-8314 ASSOCIATE DISTRIBUTORS • POCATELLO, IDAHO • BOISE, IDAHO • DAVENPORT, IOWA • SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Kimball Electronics Kimball Electronics Warren Radio Co. Kimball Electronics 504 East Center 418 N. Orchard Ave. 1205 East River Drive 350 Pierpont Avenue Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Boise, Idaho 83704 P.O. Box 3129 Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 (208) 232-2201 (208) 342-3559 Davenport, Iowa 52808 (801) 328-2075 (319) 322-5301 * • ASSOCIATE DISTRIBUTORS MAJOR STOCKING AREAS • SALES BRANCH WITH INVENTORY ALLIED ELECTRONICS Alec Electron M A DIVISION OF TANDY CORPORATION ALLlED·3 DISCRETE DISCRETE DEVICES DIRECTORY SEE PAGE 6 FOR DEVICES INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TRANSISTORS, DIODES, RECTIFI.ERS AND ASSOCIATED DEVICES Dissipation is listed at 25·C ambient; on high power devices designated by "C" the rating is listed for the HFE rnA column. No listing under collector current is limited by disSipation of the device. No IJ ccaosluem tenm. Tpehera tfuirrset ogfiv 2e5s· Cth. eT e%m poef rvaotultraeg-ec ocmhpaenngsea ftoerd ezaecnhe r·sC l iosft ttwemo pseetrsa toufr feig cuhreasn gine ;t hteh eto sleercaonncde, olisf timnga tuenridael r( fST =uSsuiliaclolyn fT; bGe=loGwe 5rm0 aKnHizu.m In; mSaLt=eSriaell eanndiu fmu)n;c tsieocno cnodl ulmelnle, trh ien dfiircsat tleestt epro inladriictya,t eisf taynpye. zener voltage tolerance. In the transistor section under HFE t indicates an Alpha value. Under the IT (N=NPN, P=PNP); succeeding lellers indicate function (see table). column, the matching tolerance forthe differential amplifier pair is given at % t at the current under FUNCTION ABBREVIATIONS AA Amplifier Audio FE Field Effeel Reel Rectifier AD Ampliller Differential FRR Fast Recoyery Reellfler SCR SlIfcon Controlled AH Amplifier High FS Fast Switcl1 Reellfler SUBSTITUTIONS. Allied Electronics reserves the right AP AFrmeqpuliefinecry P ower GHPC D HGiegnhe rSapl ePeudr pCoosme puter SSGH SSwenitcshiti vHei gGha Step eed to substitute, if necessary, an Identical device of AR Ampliller Radio Low Diode SM Switch Medium Speed another manufacturer for the brand requested. Frequency IF Insulaled Gate FET SP Switch Power AU Amplifier UHF LN Low Noise Amplifier SS . Smalf Signal AV Amplifier VHF PT Power Transistor TRIAC BI·Dlreelional Thyristor ERRORS. The Information presented here has been CD Computer Diode Rec-B Reelifler Bridge UJ Unljuncllon thoroughly checked for lis accuracy. However, Allied DDCA DDuaarlli nCghtoonp pAemr plifier RReecc--DF RFaesct tiRfieerc oDvoeuryb lRere elifier ZZTeCn ZZeenneerr Temperature Electronics will not be liable for any Inaccuracies, DT Dual Transistor Rec-T Reelifler Tripier Compensated should they occur• . Max. Forward ' Rec. EACH Zener Zener Zener UCH Stock Typo Case Material Olssl· Peak Reverse Currenl Time Stock Typ. Case Material Dlssl· von· Test Test 701. Number Function pwaatinon, RVOevII. CuAur@reVnt @VrnFA" IV NSaenco. - 214· I 2959· 11U0p0 • Number Function pWatalonn, V,gOIeI, CurnrrAe nl ImOhpmeds. % 214- 2959- 1U0p0 · 557787··00003640 llNN3640A 0000--77 GG5555 .018300 7405 23000-·1100 55 ..4400 1I ...3322 I ..2200 557788-·22997740 llNN22997704BB 0000--44 SS ZZEENN 1100 86.28 337005 11.52 55 44..4466 33..1155 22..6655 1-99 100-999J 10oo ·Up 557788--22997769 lINN22997769B8 0000--44 SS ZZEENN 1100 1125 211700 33 55 44..4466 33..1155 22..6655 555522-·00445576 llNN445567AA 0000--77 5SGGPP ..22 3700 002255--2650 110000 ..6699 .550066 ..334455 557788--22998846 lINN22998846BB 0000-·143 SS ZZEENN 110 62.0R 13275 34.5 55 44..4466 33..1155 22..6655 552-0458 lN458A 00-7 SGP 2 125 025-125 100 .375 .28 .195 578-3006 lN3006B 00-4 S ZEN 10 105 25 45 5 4.46 3.15 2.65 552·0459 lN459A 00-7 5GP .2 175 .025·175 200 .69 .506 .345 578-3016 lN3016B 00-13 S ZEN 1 6.8 37 3.5 5 3.47 2.88 2.26 1·24 25-99 l00-Up 578-3020 lN3020B 00-13 S zen 1 10.0 25 7.0 5 3.47 2.88 2.28 555777777--·000555344870 lllNNN555344807 000000---111 SS5 RRReeecccttt 624000000 333050000---246000000 722555000mmmAAA 111000 1...479038 I 1...075005 1 ...346876 555577778888-···3333000022222674 llllNNNN3333000022226247BRBB 00000000---·11113333 SSS5 ZZZZEEEENNNN 1111 18112288.0 3211.1440 29220.0000 5555 3333....44447777 2222....68888888 2222....22228886 1-99 I10 0·999 I10 00-Up 578·3029 lN3029B 00-13 S ZEN 1 24 10.5 25 5 3.47 2.88 2.28 555511--00666519 llNN666519 0000--77 SSCCOO 26000 110--120000 4060 3060 ..9606 ..4687 2 ..43638 557788-·33005313 llNN33003531BB 0000-·1133 S5 ZZEENN 11 23060 71..02 15500 0 55 33..4477 22..6688 22..2266 551-3064 lN3064 00·7 SCO 75 100-50 10 4 .&6 .66 .48 577-3209 lN3209 SP-41 S Reet 100 PRV· 15 Amp 10 2.26 1.42 1.05 NSulmocbke r Typ. Case FMuantcetrioianl 0D,;l:s,s1l·: Z,vJeo'.nn\e.-,r CZTurenrenrAseet n r l IOZmTehpenmesald ,r . T%ol . 919· El9DA9OC9H- 10U0p8 - 557787··33822182 llNN33822162A SSPP-·3143 SS RZEeNel 1.0 5.14 00 PWo 11 AmI 10 5 144·9..17950 10032-..9819839 l00210..·29U15p 555555577777778888888-·-····0000000777777700000002457896 lllllllNNNNNNN777777700000002467895AAAAAAA 00000000000000-----··7777777 SS5SSS5 ZZZZZZZEEEEEEENNNNNNN ....22222225555555 2485564....1286086 225555555 3453421..5550016 5555555 .......88888880000000 .......66666660000000 .......4444444W000000 66666664444444Oo0o00oRRRRRRR44444440000o000000o001243567 ' lllllllNNNNNNN4444444000000000000001245376 SSSSSS5PPPPPPP------'44444443333333 SSSSSSS RRRRRRReeeeeeeeeccceelttttlt 18624150000000000000 PPPPPPRRRRRRRVVVVVVV ---·-- -111IIIA1 ' AAAAI AmA mmmmmmppppppp l o11111100000 0 .......33344442355585 .......22222221277907 .......11111111663672 578-0714 lN714A . 00-7 5 lEN .25 10 12 8 5 .80 .60 .40 Max. Rec • EACH 665447008---000777441766 lllNNN777414766AAA 00D00O-·-77I S55 Z'l'EE'NNN ...2445 a31.s23 212020 221480 555 .•.888 000 ...666000 ...444000 NSuimocbke r Type Case FMuanlcetrioianl ;O!liss:l:- RPVeeO.vII.~ R~e~v~e~l1Ie @FCo¥ur,rrwrie;,1nnVtI NTSalemncoo. · 919· 190909· 10U0• 0 · 666666644444440000000A-A--A-0000000777777744555558904132 lllllIlNNNNNNN777777744555558904132AAAAAAA 00000000000000------·7777777 SS5SSSS ZZZZZZZEEEEEEENNNNNNN ' ......4444444 3644565.....1937826 22222220000000 221115732197 5555555 .......88888880000000 .......66666660000000 .......44444440000000 555555555514111R----44444111114455489248 lllllNNNNN44444111114545482948J AN 0000000000-----3333355555 SSSSS HHHHHCCCCCOOOOO PPPPIIIVIVVV 7773P5550IVVVVV --2--5IIFIVIFFF 11-1\000ImmmF~ AAA Vt·-- P111 V'V-~I iIlVvR;BPPRPV ~/ l,I2 RRRR RRNRR 2S444 e NNcNN. 5S S Seeeecccc. . . 1-.....5322227376458 35 25.....·4212193490891 327 100.....11113-U3642016 7 p 640·0755 lN755A 00·7 S ZEN .4 7.5 20 6 5 .80 .60 .40 817·4370 IN'370 00-7 S ZEN .4 2.4 _I. 20 .1 30 10 1.88 1.25 .88 640-0756 lN756A 00-7 S ZEN .4 8.2 20 8 5 .80 .60 .40 976R0200 lN4436 10 Amp Bridge Reet 5.88 4.70 3.05 640·0757 lN757A 00-7 S ZEN .4 9.1 20 10 5 .80 .60 .40 976R021o lN4436/F/S 10 Amp Bridge Reet 6.50 5.20 3.36 640·0758 lN758A 00-7 S ZEN .4 10 20 17 5 .80 .60 .40 976R022o IN4436/F/T 10 Amp Bridge Reet 8.25 5.00 3.25 640-0759 lN759A 00-7 S ZEN 4 12 20 30 5 .80 .60 .40 976-0230 lN4437 10 Amp Bridge Reet 7.75 6.20 4.011 1-24 25-99 10o·Up 976A0240 lN4437/F/S 10 Amp Bridge Reet 8.38 8.70 4.30 557788-·00882235 llNN882235AA 0000··77 SS ZZllCC ..44 66..22 77.55 1155 ''..000025·'11 35..4476 34..8230 24..7008 999777666--·000222578000 lIlNNN444444333B781//FFF///TTS 111000 AAAmmmppe BBBrrriiidddgg_ee, RRReeeceettl 11811...102305 869...580000 554...762055 1·99 lDO·999 lDOO-U. Max. Forward Rec. EACH 551-4448 lN4448 00·35 S HCO 75 PIV -IF 100mA -VF 1 -IRR 4 NS .27 .201 .14 Siock Type Case Material Dissl· Peak Reverse Current Time 551-4454 lN4454 00-35 5 HCO 75 PIV· IF 10mA· VF 1 • IRR 2 NS .255 .187 .127 Number Function pWataiollns Rve.vn. ~I~~ @YrnFA"I. V NSaenco. · 9:19m· n~9 p~,:mo- 664400·-44772289 llNN44172289AA 0000--4411 S5 ZZEENN 11 33..36 7669 1100 55 ..9900 ..7755 ..6600 555513AA00991144 llNN991144B 0D0O--3I 5 S5CCOO 110000 2255-·2200 110000 44 I :l:~ I 664400--44773310 llNN44773301AA 0000-·4411 SS ZZEENN 11 .34..39 5648 99 55 ..9900 ..7755 ..6600 640·4732 IN4732A 00·41 S ZEN 1 4.7 53 8 5 .90 .75 .60 640R4733 lN4733A 00-41 S ZEN 1 5.1 49 7 5 .90 .75 .60 Zener Zener Zener EACH 648-4734 lN4734A 00-41 S ZEN 1 5.6 45 5 5 .90 .75 .60 Slock Typ. Case Material Dlssi· VOII- Test Test Tol. 640·4735 lN4735A 00·41 S ZEN 1 6.2 41 2 5 .90 .75 .60 Number Function ,=uo. age Currenl Impod. % 1· 25- 100- 640-4736 lN4736A 00-41 S ZEN 1 6.8 37 3.5 5 .90 .75 .60 ails Volis rnA Ohms 24 99 U 640·4737 lN4737A 00·41 S ZEN 1 7.5 34 4 5 .90 .75 .&0 555777887-··000999333685 lIlNNN999333568BB0 000000---777 SS5 ZZZlllCCC ..555 999.000 777...555 222000 ·''.. O001O0-5H1-05O 1-3729...520975 5 100152·.9..60090489 1001418...-786U850p 668664444400000··--·44444777774343418092 lllllNNNNN44444777773434481902AAAAA 0000000000-·--·4444411111 SSSSS ZZZZZEEEEENNNNN 11111 89111.12021 3222215318 48957.5 55555 .....9999900000 .....7777755555 .....6868600000 640·0957 lN957B 00-7 S ZEN .4 6.8 lB.5 4.5 5 .80 .60 .40 640·4743 lN4143A 00·41 S ZEN 1 13 19 10 5 .90 .75 .80 640·0958 lN958B 00-7 5 ZEN .4 7.5 16.5 55 5 .80 .60 .40 640R4744 lN4744A 00-41 S ZEN 1 15 17 14 5 .90 .75 .80 640-0959 lN959B 00-7 S ZEN .4 8.2 15 65 5 .80 .60 .40 640-4745 lN4745A 00·41 S ZEN 1 16 15.5 16 5 .90 .75 .60 640-0960 lN950B 00-7 S ZEN 4 9.1 14 7.5 5 .80 .60 .40 640·4746 lN4746A 00·41 5 ZEN 1 18 14 20 5 .90 .75 .80 640·0961 lN961B 00-7 S ZEN 4 10 12.5 8.5 5 .80 .60 .40 640-4747 lN4747A 00-41 S ZEN I 20 12.5 22 5 .90 .75 .60 848-0962 lN962B 00-7 S ZEN .4 11 11.5 9.5 5 .80 .60 .40 640-4748 lN4748A 00·41 S ZEN 1 22 11.5 23 5 .90 .75 .60 640·0963 lN963B 00-7 5 ZEN .4 12 10.5 11.5 5 .80 .60 .40 840-4749 IN4749A 00-41 S ZEN 1 24 10.5 25 5 .90 .76 .80 640-0964 lN964B 00-7 S ZEN 4 13 95 13 5 .80 .60 .40 640-4760 lN4750A 00·41 5 ZEN 1 27 9.5 35 5 .90 .75 .60 640-0965 lN965B 00-7 S ZEN 4 13 9.5 16 5 .80 .60 .40 640·4751 lN4151A 00-41 S ZEN I 30 8.5 40 5 .90 .75 .80 640-0966 lN966B 00·7 S ZEN .4 16 7.8 17 5 .80 .60 .40 640·4752 lN4752A 00·41 5 ZEN 1 33 7.5 45 5 .90 .75 .60 640-0967 lN967B 00-7 S ZEN .4 18 7.0 21 5 .80 .60 .40 678-4753 lN4753A 00-41 S ZEN I 36 7.0 50 5 .90 .75 .60 640·0968 lN968B 00-7 S ZEN .4 20 62 25 5 .80 .60 .40 578·4754 lN4754A 00-41 5 ZEN 1 39 6.5 60 5 .90 .75 .60 640·0969 lN969B 00-7 S ZEN .4 22 5.6 29 5 .80 .60 .40 578-4755 lN4755A 00-41 S ZEN 1 43 6.0 70 5 .90 .76 .80 640-0970 lN970B 00-7 S ZEN 4 24 5.2 33 5 .80 .60 .40 578-4756 lN4756A 00·41 S ZEN 1 47 5.5 80 5 .90 .75 .60 848-0971 lN971B 00-7 5 ZEN .4 27 4.6 41 5 .80 .60 .40 578·4757 lN4757A 00·41 S ZEN 1 51 5.0 95 5 .90 .75 .80 640·0972 lN972B 00-7 S ZEN 4 30 4.2 49 5 .80 .60 .40 578-4758 lN4758A 00-41 S ZEN 1 56 4.5 110 5 .80 .75 .60 640·0973 IN973S 00-7 S ZEN 4 33 38 58 5 .80 .60 .40 578·4759 lN4759A 00·41 S ZEN 1 62 4.0 125 5 .90 .75 .60 576-4760 lN4760A 00·41 S ZEN 1 68 3.7 150 5 .90 .75 .60 578-4761 lN4761A 00-41 S ZEN 1 75 3.3 175 5 .90 .75 .60 Mal. EACH 576-4762 lN4762A 00-41 5 ZEN 1 82 3.0 200 5 .90 .75 .60 Stock Typo Case Malerlal Peak Reverse Operating 576-4763 lN4763A 00-41 S ZEN 1 91 2.8 250 5 .90 .75 .80 Number Function RVeovlle •r•s•e CurnrrAe nl I~ur:~! 214· 2959· 1U00' · 577·4764 lN4764A 00-41 S ZEN 1 100 2.5 350 5 1.-9204 5.7-959 lDO.6-0U . 557777··11018843 llNNll018843B S00P--5l SS RReecetl 45000 220.50 410 31..0452 2..7095 1..6464 557777··44881168 llNN44881186 CC--1111 SS RReeccIt 25000 VVOoIlIlss VVRRMM 11.5.5 AAmmppss 1100~ 1 ..6570 ..4450 ..3223 577-1184 lNI184 00-5 S Roct 100 25 35 3.73 2.52 1.76 817·4820 lN4820 C-11 S Reet 400 Volts VRM 1.SAmps 10 .88 .58 .41 677·1186 INl186 00-5 S Reel 200 2.5 35 5.25 3.57 2.48 577-4822 lN4822 C·11 S Rect 600 Volls VRM 1.5 AmDs 10 1.20 .80 .57 555557777788887--·-·112111201180699&1900 llllINNNNN21Ill110129860906910AAAA C00000000-l----14555 SSSSS RRRRReeeeeeeeceltltl 286210000500000 22115.05885 .71344525000 1l25U3....768785880 1379.....8184147458 2416.....3793522730 NSuimocbke r Type Case MFuantcetrioianl 0Oi.s:;s:l;: IZ,~eJI'nI.e''~r CZTurenranrAseet n r t IZmOTehpenmesetds r . T%ol . 919· E19A09C09H· 1~~0. 557788··22007710 llNN22007701AA CC-·ll11 SS RReecetl ~~~ ;~ ;~ ,:~~ :~~ ::~ 664400-·55222212 llNN55222212B8 0000--77 SS ZZEENN .55 22..45 2200 3300 55 ..8800 ..6800 ..4400 4. ALLIED Prices Are Subject to Change-We Always Ship at the Lowest Price in Effect Discrete Devices Directory DISCRETE DEVICES EACH EACH N5u1m001b<e r Type Case FMuantcatriloanl Spacilitallons 214· 2959- lOUpll · NSuimocbke r Type Case FMuanlcetrioianl SpeclflcaUons 214· 2959· 1U00. · 888111777···999777999245 IIIRRRTTTRRR999254 MP ARFF OAmutp AUu~t 'ljo~re ~A~8u~to~, .Ree~cF eAivmerps 372...134385 215...779600 114...921039 999777&66-··222000452200 VVVEEE442788 SSSPPP-··111222111 SSS RRReeeecc---RS8 244000000 PPPRRRVVV ··- lllAAA RRRMMMSSS 111000 112...650023 111...532182 111...310200 1-9 10·24 25·Ua 976·2074 VE67 SP-121 S Rec-B 600 PRV -lA RMS 10 2.35 1.93 1.60 II 888888881111111177777777---·····88888888999999991122232218956078 JJJJJJJJ2121125191913981BB665B868BB8885l1 50l 4 SSSSSSSPPPPPpp--·---·333333344444441GMKNEe SLSSSSSSS-LLLLRLLL-----·E·RRRRRRRCEEEEEEE-CCCCCCFe W 1133371446662444 4 VVVV VVAAAAAAACCCeeCC IIIIIIInnnnnnnpppppppuuuuuullltlu t .t--•- -· 8441801 .88544 45 AAAAA AAmmmmmmmppppppp DDDDDDDCCCCCCC 11111110000000 212241158910-01712........117258274276780 09 24111132540748634-........914643912943824002 lo133111o99470532-........U0269117711282342D 999999999977777777776666666666RRRR-·····2233322222873770888852102955556000504032 VVVVVVVVVVGFHHHHEHHH261142410258044444441 888778841 0T T SSSSSSSPPPPPPP-······111111122222222133333A BrSSSSSS5i5d Rg RRRRRARReeeeeeeeee eeccccelcR.c------ -BSBSStS8e cl: 10.0446221145000000000000000000 PPPPPPPPPPRARRRRRRRRYlVVVVVVlVV --•·•·---- S6S666662lAAAAAAAAA5 m RRRRRRRRRAMMMMMMMMM SSRSSSSSSS M111111111000000S000 10 13322224410..........15991438860883830388 . 1221117222..........84467920415938509433 2221111116..........03014567314383885405 817·8947 KSA5DAF 7.09 4.72 3.33 976R2858 VH647 SP·123 S Rec-B 600 PRV -6A RMS 10 5.18 3.29 2.70 817·8948 KSA60BF SP-98 SL-TPN lS6V RMS Max Oper -for Reel 60A Rated 7.71 5.13 3.62 976·2860 VH648 SP-123 S Ree-8 600 PRV • 6A RMS 10 4.45 2.B8 2.35 817·89SO KSA80BF 10.25 6.83 4.88 976·2905 VJ448 Bndge Rect 400 PRV • IDA RMS 10 3.83 2.74 2.23 817-8952 KSA1008F 11.83 7.88 5.53 976·0550 VK048 Bndge Reet SO PRV • 30A RMS 10 3.92 3.27 2.62 817·8953 KSAllD8F 12.65 . . 8.43 5.95 976·0555 VK148 Bridge Reet 100 PRV • 30A RMS 10 4.02 3.35 2.68 817·8954 KSA120BF SP-98 SL-TPN 316V RMS Max. Oper. -for Reet GOA Rated 13.43 8.95 6.24 978·0560 VK248 Bndge Reet 200 PRV -30A RMS 10 4.14 3.45 2.76 817·0110 KY20PF 2.07 1.09 .96 976·0565 VK448 Bridge Reet 400 PRV -30A RMS 10 4.31 3.59 . 2.88 817-0120 KY50PF 2.57 1.40 1.20 976·0570 VK648 Bndge Reet 600 PRV • 30A RMS 10 4.60 3.83 3.05 817·0130 KY60PF 2.70 1.52 1.30 976·0575 VK848 Bridge Reet 800 PRV -30A RMS 10 5.27 4.39 3.41 817·0140 KY100PF 3.42 1.94 1.63 976·05110 VK1048 Bridge Reet 1000 PRV • 30A RMS 10 5.37 4.64 3.68 817·8964 KZ10PF SP·99 SL·TPN 26V RMA Max. Oper. -for Reet t6A Rated 2.08 1.38 .98 976-0450· VM08 Mini DIp Bridge Reet 50 PRV· lA RMS 10 .88 .73 .48 817·8967 KZ40PF 2.96 2.37 1.39 976·0455 VM18 Mini Oi Bridge Reet 100 PRV -lA RMS 10 .92 .77 .52 817·8966 KZ50PF 3.29 2.18 1.55 976·0460 VM28 Mint Dip Bridge Reet 200 PRV • lA RMS 10 1.00 .83 .55 817·8969 KZ60PF SP·99 SL-TPN 156V AMS Max. Oper. -for Reet t6A Rated 3.61 2.40 1.69 976·0465 VM48 Mini DIp Bndge Rect 400 PRV -lA RMS 10 1.07 .89 .511 817·8972 KZ90PF SP-99 SL·TPN 234V RMS Max. Oper. -for Aeet 16A Rated 4.52 3.02 2.15 976·0470 VM68 MIni Dip Bridge Reet 600 PRV -lA RMS 10 1.16 .97 .64 817·8973 KZ100PF SP·99 SL·TPN 260V RMS Max Oper -tor Reet t6A Rated 4.81 3.20 2.29 976·0475 VM88 MinI DIp Bndge Reet 800 PRV • lA RMS 10 1.55 1.29 .85 779·2003 L200E3 TO-92 logiC Triac 200V· .8A 1.35 1.20 .81 97&·04Bo VM108 Mini DIp Bndge Reet 1000 PRV· lA RMS 10 1.68 1.40 .95 779·2005 L200E5 TO·92 logiC Triac 200V· .8A 1.13 1.00 .67 976·3835 VS048 Bndge Reet 50 PRV· 2A RMS 10 1.68 1.09 .89 779·4003 L400E3 TO-92 Logic Tnac 200V· .SA 1.50 1.33 .89 976·0310 VS148 Bridge Rect 100 PRV -2A RMS 10 1.75 1.16 ·.94 779-4005 L400E5 TO·92 logic Triac 200V· .8A 1.25 1.10 .74 976·3114 VS148X SP·123 S Rec·B 100 PRV -2A RMS 10 2.80 1:81 1.50 779-0213 L2001L3 logic Triac 200V -lA, Thermotab 3mA Gate 1.88 1.65 1.11 97&R313o VS247 SP·123 S Ree-B 200 PRV • 2A RMS 10 2.35 1.52 1.27 779·0215 L2001L5 Logic Triac 20DV -tA, Thermotab SmA Gate 1.65 1.45 .97 976R3131 VS248 SP-123 S Rec·B 200 PRV -2A RMS 10 1.8B 1.27 1.05 779·0219 L2D01L9 LogiC Tnac 200V -lA, Thermotab 25mA Gate 1.18 1.05 .71 976R3140 VS447 SP-123 S Rec-B 400 PRV • 2A RMS 10 2.70 1.65 1.39 777799··65031005 LL22000011MM35 TTOO··55 lO~;laT:iac 210200VV -RlMAS. TLhineer m1o5t aWb -53mmAA GLgalt e 1I..B685 11..4655 1..1917 997766R·33114481 VVSS464487 SSPP··112233 SS RReecc·-B8 460000 PPRRVV •- 22AA RRMMSS 1100 32..2100 12..3093 11..1753 779·5309 L2oo1M9 TO·5 Triac 240V RMS Line 300 W·3mA Lgl. 1.18 1.05 .71 976·3152 VS648 Sp·l23 S Rec-B 600 PRV • 2A RMS 10 2.511 1.73 1.47 777799··00441135 LL44000011LL53 llooggiicc TTrriiaacc 440000VV --11..66AA TThheerrmmoottaabb 3SmmAA GGaattee 2I..B053 11..6833 11..2039 1·99 100·999 1000·ifo 779·0419 L4001L9 logiC Triac 400V -1.6A Thermotab 25mA Gate 1.38 1.23 .82 976·0400 VSK120 Schottky Reet 20 PRV -lA RMS 10 2.60 1.80 1.38 779-4013 L4001M3 TO·5 logiC Triac 400V ·1.6A 3mA Gale 2.05 1.83 1.23 976·0405 VSK130 Schottky Reel. 30 PRV -1A RMS 10 3.52 2.35 1.87 779·4015 L4001M5 TO-5 logiC Triac 400V· 1.6A 5mA Gale 1.83 1.63 1.09 976·0410 VSK320 Schottky Reel. 20 PRV -3A RMS 10 4.20 2.80 2.28 779·4019 L4001M9 TO·5 lOQic Triac 400V • 1.6A 25mA Gare 1.38 1.23 .82 976·0415 VSK330 Schottky Reel. 30 PRV • 3A RMS 10 5.13 3.41 2.77 Maximum Ratings Beta HFE@lc 997766··00442205 VVSSKK552300 SScchhoottttkkyy RReeeelt ·3200 PPRRVV -· S5AA RRMMSS 1100 54..5379 32..7953 22..3956 SIocJc Type Casll Mat. OIssl· Col'l', Col'I'r Mini mA EACH 976·0430 VSK1520 Schottky Reel 20 PRV· 15A RMS 10 5.34 3.56 2.85 Number Funel. w".nasa VBa1a0slt es CmUAn . 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SW 6.35 5.08 3.57 1·9 10·U. 817-9730 TR30 PNP Small Signal Low Noise Amp 2.38 1.90 1.32 817·9105 300U30A Stud Mount Reet 300 PRV • 300A 25.18 17.64 EACH 817·9110 300UR30A Stud Mount Reet 300 PRV • 300A Reverse 25.18 17.64 NSulmaobke r Type ca •• FMuanlcetrioianl Spllciflcations 919· 190909· l~oo. 881177-·99111250 330000UU6R06A0A SSttuudd MMoouunntt RReeeett 600 6P0T0V P•R 3V0 0•A 3 0R0eAv erse 3388..9955 2277..5586 978·0500 V350 Reel 50 PRV· 3A RMS 10 .48 .35 .29 Integrated Circuit Directory 978·0505 V351 Reel. 100 PAV • 3A RMS 10 .49 .3& .30 976·0510 V352 Reel. 200 PRV • 3A RMS 10 .51 .37 .31 176-0515 V354 Reel. 400 PRV • 3A RMS 10 .53 .38 .32 978·0520 V356 Reel. 600 PRV • 3A RMS 10 .57 .40 .34 EACH 997768··00552350 VV335581 0 RReeeCli. 1800000 PPRRVV •• 33AA RRMMSS 1100 ..8613 ..4568 ..3499 SNI.ao.k Type fuCnircctuiolin 214· 2959· IDUO. - 1·24 25-99 l00·Ua 589·2900 CA3018 linear Transistor Array 2.0B 1.21 1.05 976·1412 VB50 SP·119 S Reel. 5K PAV·50A RMS 10 3.90 2.40 1.82 569·2916 CA3046 linear 3-TranSlstor Array & Dlff Pr 1.95 1.21 1.05 978·1640 VC60 SP·120 S Reel. 6K PRV • 1.5A RMS 10 8.75 6.50 5.00 569-1321 LM301AO linear General Purpose Op Amp 1.88 1.30 1.10 978·1560 VC80 SP·120 S Reel. 8K PRV • lA RMS 10 9.83 7.15 5.SO 5&9·1322 LM301AH Linear General Purpose ap Amp 1.13 .78 .65 978R3201 VE081Wl11 5 Aec-B 50 PRV· lA RMS 10 1.35 1.04 .85 569·1323 LM301AN lmear General Purpose Op Amp 1.01 .72 .80 978R2010 VE18 SP·121 S Ree·8 100 PRV -lA RMS 10 1.43 1.10 .90 569-1328 LM307H lmear Comp Op Amp 1.13 .78 .85 976·2019. VE27 SP-121 5 Rec-B 200 PRV • lA RMS 10 1.75 1.46 1.21 569·1329 LM307N lmear General Purpose Op Amp 1.01 .72 .60 6 -ALLIED See Page 4 for Explanation of Abbreviations and Symbols Integrated Circuit Directory INTEGRATED CIRCUITS EACH EACH NSuimocbke r Typ. FCuinrdculolin 214- 2959- 18~- NSutmocbke r Typ. FCunlrcctuioiln 214- 2959- 1U0o0 - 5&9-1330 lM308H Linear Super Beta Op Amp 3.00 2.20 1.85 551-9124 9301DC TTliMSI 1 of 10 Decoder 3.38 2.85 2.4& 569-1278 lM309K Unear 5V Regulator 5.63 4.00 3.35 551-9126 9307DC TTUMSI BCD To 7 Seg Decoder 5.75 4.10 3.55 556591--17393136 lMMC311415H8C PI lliinneeaarr DVoualtal gHeI -PCeormf pOapr aAtomr p 32..0308 21..5350 12..0000 555110--97041061 99331007DPCC TTTTll//MMSSII ~g8-~~~d~e~O~~~~~er 34..0405 32..7903 32..3280 555522--11220002 lIl1CCO05lDfCC EECCll m~~ ~~~~~e~~~~I~~4 ~9P4ut OrlNor 1887..9300 1154..4305 6102..5000 555521--19100240 99331176DBPCC TTTTll//MMSSII U7 pS eBgmmaeryn t CDoeucnotedre r/DrIVer 34..4050 32..9130 23..3280 552-1204 I1C06DC ECl UHF Prescaler 21.97 18.51 15.00 570-7417 9317CPC TTl/MSI 7 Segment Decoder/Dnver 3.45 2.93 2.38 552-1206 I1C24DC ECl Dual TTL VCM 3.75 2.40 2.20 551-9032 9322DC TTl/MSI Quad 2-lnput Mpxr 2.23 1.56 1.23 552-1208 I1C44DC ECl Phase Frequency Detector 3.75 2.40 2.20 551-9158 9324DC TTl/MSI 5-BII Comparator 6.50 5.70 4.95 552-1210 I1C58DC ECl VCM 5.45 3.84 3.10 551-9050 9334DC TTl/MSI 8-Blt Addressable latch 8.63 5.60 4.85 552-1608 93l415PC TTL RAM low Pwr 1024 Soplanar RAM 33.00 27.50 22.00 551-9054 9357APC TTl/MSI BCD-To-7 Segment Decoder 3.00 2.40 1.86 569R1580 709DC Unear General Purpose Dp Amp 1.38 1.05 .90 551-9056 9357BPC TTl/MSI BCD-To-7 Segment Decoder 2.60 2.24 1.68 569-1540 709HC linear Geo Purpose Op Amp 1.38 1.05 .90 570R7322 936BDC TTl/MSI FND-70 Driver/Latch 3.50 2.65 2.30 569-1660 710DC Lmear HI Speed Comparator 1.50 1.05 .90 552-1102 9370PC TTUMSI 7 Segment Decoder/Driver Latch 3.32 2.82 2.29 569-1665 710PC Lmear HI Speed Comparator .98 .72 .55 552-1100 9374PC TTl/MSI LED Digit Dnver 3.13 2.10 1.78 569-1710 711 DC linear Dual Comparator 1.50 1.05 .90 551-9176 960IDC TTl/INT Retriggerable 1 Shot 4.40 4.05 3.50 556699R-11773500 772203DDCC LLiinneeaarr VAMolt aRgaed iOR eSgyuslatetomr s 32..1433 12..6343 11..3955 555511--99116820 99660021DPCC TTTTll//IINNTT 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Linear Freq Camp Op Amp 4.22 2.95 2.25 552-1016 10105PC ECl/SSI Triple 2·3-2 Or/Nor Gate 1.25 .18 .65 569-2100 741HC linear Freq Camp Op Amp 1.30 .83 .72 552-1016 tOt06PC ECl/SSI Triple 4-3-3 Or/Nor Gate 1.25 .78 .65 552-1400 741PC Linear Freq Camp Op Amp 1.00 .60 .50 552-1020 10107PC ECl/SSI Triple ExclUSive Or/Nor 1.90 1.14 .95 569-2160 141TC Linear Freq Comp Op Amp 1.05 .70 .61 551-7906 10109DC ECl/SSI Dual 4-5 OrlNor Gate 1.63 .96 .86 569-2164 742DC linear Zero Crossing AC Tng 4.43 3.54 2.95 552-1024 tOtl0PC ECLiSSI Dual 3 1n/3 Out Or Gate 1.90 1.14 .95 569-2240 747DC Linear Dual Freq Camp Op Amp 8.50 5.40 4.50 552-1026 10ttiPC ECLiSSI Dual 3 In/3 Out Nor Gale 1.90 1.14 .95 552-1406 747EHC Linear Dual Freq Camp Op Amp 11.25 7.75 5.95 552-1028 10lt4DC ECl/SSI Tnple Line Receiver 1.62 .96 .86 569-2270 748DC Linear HI Pert Op Amp 2.00 1.20 1.10 551-1912 10115DC ECl/SSI Quad Lme Receiver 1.63 .96 .86 589-2310 749DDC Lmear Dual AudiO Preamplifier 4.63 2.75 2.30 552-1030 10t16PC ECl/SSI Triple Dlff Lme Receiver 1.50 .90 .75 569-2443 760DC Linear High Speed Comparator 6.28 3.17 3.28 552-1032 10t17DC ECl/SSI Dual2WAOI 1.62 .96 .86 569R2700 796HC Linear Double Bal MCD/Demod 1.98 1.22 1.06 552-1034 10118DC ECl/SSI Dual2W AD 1.62· .96 .86 551-9376 914HC RTl Gate Dual2·rnput 4.15 2.60 1.95 552-1036 10119PC ECl/SSI 4 Wide Or/And 1.60 _96 .80 551-9422 930DC DTl Dual 4 Gate/Exp .93 .74 .62 552-1038 10121DC ECl/SSI 4 WIde AOI 1.62 .96 .86 551-9426 932DC DTl Dual 4 Buffer 1.04 .84 .70 552-1040 10124DC ECl/SSI Quad TTL to ECl Translator 4.17 2.92 2.64 551-9428 933DC DTl Dual 4 Extender .93 .74 .62 552-1042 10t25DC ECl/SSI Quad ECL to TIL Translalor 4.17 2_92 2_64 551-9432 936DC DTl Hex Inverter 1.09 .88 .73 552-1044 10130PC ECl/SSI Dual 0 Latch 3.80 2.26 1.90 551-9440 945DC DTl AS Clocked FF 1.26 1.01 .84 552-1046 10t31PC ECl/MSI Dual 0 Flip/Flop 5.00 3.00 2.50 551-9442 946DC DTl Quad 2 Gate 1.03 .82 .69 552-1046 t0132DC ECl/MSI Dual Mux Latch 7.57 4.12 4.00 551-9446 949DC DTl Quad 2 Gate 1.03 .82 .69 552-1050 10133DC ECLiMSI Quad latch 7.00 4.10 3.65 551-9394 960DC CUl Buffer Decoder 15.70 12.55 10.50 552-1052 t0134PC ECLiMSI Dual Mux-Latch 6.00 3.50 3.00 551-9397 962DC DTl Triple 3 Gate 1.03 .82 .69 552-1054 10135DC ECl/MSI Dual J/K Master Slave F/F 6.35 3.72 3.18 552-1500 1103DC MOS/ISO 1024 Bit DynamiC AAM 300Ns 10.12 6.70 5.58 552-1056 10141DC ECl/MSI 4 Bit Umversal Shin Register 12.67 11.23 10.06 552-1502 11031DC MOS/ISO 1024 Bit DynamiC RAM 180Ns 12.10 10.25 7.04 552-1058 10145ADC ECl/MSI 16x4 Register File 15.66 12.95 11.00 552-1520 2533PC MOS/ISO 1024 BII SlatlC SIR t 5 MHz 12.37 8.10 7.25 552-1060 10153PC ECl/MSI Quad D-lalch 6.00 3.60 3.00 556699--33110010 33110001DDll MMGGTT g~:[ J~ntFut Gate 1132..5000 107..0500 86..0000 555522--11006624 1100116601DPCC EECCll//MMSSII l~B BDte~au'!7Decode (Ll 59..0900 62..3900 52..7500 569-3200 3257ADC SGT 5x7x64 ASCII Char Gen 21.00 14.00 10.00 552-1066 10162PC ECl/MSI 1-B DemuxtDecode (H) 5.00 2.90 2.50 569-3204 3258DDC SGT 5 x 7 x 64 Character Gen 1000NS 21.00 14.00 10.00 552-1068 10164DC ECl/MSI 8·1 Multiplexer 8.27 4.82 4.35 552-1532 3260CDC SGT 7 x 9 x 64 Char Gen 1000NS 27.30 18.20 13.00 552-1010 t016BDC ECL/MSI Quad D-Latch 7.00 4.10 3.65 552-1534 3262ADC ISO TV Sync Gen Color/BW 24.40 19.50 16.25 552-1072 10170DC ECl/MSI 9 + 2 Bit Panty 9.90 6.30 5.70 552-1536 3262BDC ISO TV Sync Gen-Gen Lock 33.30 26.66 22.22 552-1014 I 0171 DC ECl/MSI Dual 1-4 DemuXlDecode ~L) 6.25 3.69 3.21 569-3304 3325HC SGT 4 x 64 2 Phase DynamiC SR 10.25 5.50 4.60 552-1076 tOI72PC ECl/MSI Dual 1-4 DemuxlDecode H) 5.00 2.90 2.50 569-3305 3326HC MGT 3 x 66 2 Phase Dyn ShIft Reg 10.00 5.40 4.40 552-1078 10173PC ECl/MSI Quad MuXllatch 7.00 4_35 3.75 556699--33330067 33332296HHCl MSGGTT ;f26~il !~~~~~~~nS~~t Reg 1121..3080 56..6805 54..5900 555522--11008802 1100117745DPCC EECCll//MMSSII DQuUainl t 4O-1- LMatucxh 69..2670 84..8125 44..3950 569-3308 3330HC SGT 480 Bit 2 Phase Dyn SR 11.00 5.65 4.90 552-1084 10179DC ECl/MSI Look Ahead Garry 9.90 6.02 5.24 569-3309 333tHC SGT 500 BII 2 Phase Dyn SR 11.00 5.85 4.90 552-1066 t0180PC ECl/MSI Dual Adder/Subtractor IUD 12.60 10.95 552-1504 3341APC SGT 4 x 64 FIFO Memory IMHz 10.25 6.55 5.50 552-1086 10405DC ECl/MEM 128 Bit Isoplanar RAM 21.25 16.50 15.00 552-1506 3341PC SGT 4 x 64 FIFO Memory 700KHz 10.25 6.55 5.50 552-1090 10410DC ECl/MEM 256 BII Isoplanar RAM 44.62 25.20 21.00 552-1512 3342PC SGT Quad 64 Bit Stallc SA 8.50 5.10 4.25 552-1092 10415DC ECl/MEM 1024 Bit Isoplanar RAM 52.50 42.00 35.00 552-1514 3347PC SGT Quad 80 Bil Static SR 7.31 5.10 4.25 552-1094 10415ADC ECl/MEM 1024 Bit ECl RAM 78.75 13.00 52.50 552-1516 334BDC SGT Hex 32 Bit Stat Shift Reg 11.37 6.30 5.65 552-1508 33511 PC MOS/ISO 40 x 9 fifO Mem 2 MHz 19.60 15.10 13.28 552-1518 3349PC SGT Hex 32 Bit Stat Shift Reg 7.37 5.10 4.25 552-1510 33512PC MOS/ISO 40 x 9 fifO Mem 1 MHz 13.D0 10.50 8.85 552-1522 3355PC SGT 1024 BII Sial SR 4MHz 13.60 10.90 9.05 552-1524 33561 PC MOs/ISO Quad 256 Static SR 4 MHz 11.90 10.20 8.90 569-3319 3383HC SGT 256 Bit 2 Phase Dyn SR 10.38 5.50 4.60 552-1526 33562PC MOs/ISO Quad 256 StallC SR 1.5 MHz 11.00 9.30 7.95 569-3722 3750DC SGT 10 Bit D/A Converter 16.50 14.50 12.50 552-1528 33571PC MOS/ISO Quad 80 Bit Static SR 4 MHz 8.75 6.10 5.10 569-3723 3750Dl SGT 10 Bit D/A Converter 25.85 18.75 17.50 552-1530 33572PC MOSIISO Quad 60 Bit Sialic SR 1.5 MHz 8.12 5.60 4.68 569-3124 375IDC SGT 12 Bit AID Converter 19.50 15.00 13.75 569-3401 34001PC CMOS Quad 2 Input Nor Gate .55 .39 .32 569-3725 3751Dl SGT 12 BII NO Converter 27.50 21.50 19.40 569-3402 34002PC CMOS Dual 4 Input Nor Gate .55 .39 .32 569-3800 3BOODC SGT 8 Bit Parallel Vacuum 21.66 17.50 15.30 569-3411 34011PC CMOS Quad 2 Inpul NAND Gate .55 .39 .32 569-3801 3800Dl SGT 8 Bit Parallel Vacuum 29.58 24.50 20.90 569-3412 34012PC CMOS Dual 4 Inpul NAND Gate .55 .39 .32 569-3814 3B14DC MOS/SGT. 4Y2 Digit Volt Meter 16.50 13.20 11.00 569-3413 34013PC CMOS Dual Type 0 Aip·Flop 1.45 1.00 .82 555629--13583186 33BB1156DDCC MMDOSS//SSGGTT DPerocgardaem Cmoaubnlete rD ivider 1160..5606 163..3290 115..3020 556699--33441145 3344001145PPCC CCMMOOSS gusa~~es~ah~~ ~~I~S~~gister 22..2277 11..6600 11..2299 551R9500 7400DC TTl/SSI Quad 2 Gate .75 .60 .50 569-3416 34016PC CMOS Quad Bilateral Switch 1.62 1.14 .92 551R9501 7400PC TTl/SSI Quad 2 Gate .55 .44 .35 569-3417 34017PC CMOS Decade Sequencer 2.27 1.60 1.29 555511--99550023 7744001IDPCC TTTTll//SSSSII QQuuaadd 22 GGaatleeJ/OOppeenn CCaallll ..7555 ..6404 ..5305 556699--33441290 3344001290PPCC CCMMOOSS ~xa3t~!nfi~e~ultIPlexer 41..1750 12..1909 2..3961 551-9504 7402DC TTl/SSI Quad 2 Nor Gate .75 .60 .50 569-3421 34021PC CMOS B Stage Shift Register 2.27 ,1.60 1.29 557501R-97510467 77440032PPCC TTTTllI/SSSSII QQuuaadd 22 GNaotre /GOaptee n Collector ..5555 ..4444 ..3355 556699--33442234 3344002234PPCC CCMMOOSS ~r£~g~ ~1~~~N ~~~ter 2..5505 1_.3796 1..4322 551R9501 7404DC TTl/SSI Hex Inverter .93 .14 .62 569-3425 34025PC CMOS Tnple 3 Input Nor Gate .55 .39 .32 551R9508 7404PC TTl/SSI Hex Inverter .70 .56 .43 669-3427 34027PC CMOS Dual JK Flip-Flop 1.85 1.14 .92 551-9509 7405DC TTl/SSI Hex Inverter/Open Collector .93 .14 .62 569-3428 3402BPC CMOS BCD/Decimal Decoder 2.50 1.76 1.42 551-9510 7405PC TTl/SSI Hex Inverter/Open Collector .70 .56 .43 569-3429 34029PC CMOS 4 Bit Up/Down Counter 3.15 2.57 2.07 551-9512 7406PC TTUSSI 30V Hex Inverter/Driver 1.50 1.20 .96 569-3430 34030PC CMOS Quad ExclUSive Or Gate 1_50 1.08 .65 551-9514 7407PC TTl/SSI 30V Hex Buffer/Onver 1.50 1.20 .96 569-3435 34035PC CMOS 4 Bit Parallel I/O Shift Register 3.50 2.46 1.99 555511R-99551156 774400B8PDCC .TTTTll//SSSSII QQuuaadd 22 AAnndd GGaattee ..6906 ..4788 ..3675 556699--33444402 3344004420PPCC CCMMOOSS ~~a~ta8~J;~er 24..2175 12..6920 12..2319 551-9519 7410DC TTl/SSI Triple 3 Gate .75 .60 .50 .569-3449 34049PC CMOS Hex Inverter Buffer 1.50 1.06 .85 555511R-99552220 77441110PPCC TTTTll//SSSSII TTrriippllee 33 GAnadte Gate ..5650 ..4448 ..3375 556699--33445510 3344005510 PPCC CCMMOOSS ~.~~:~~~1:tna~~~I~xer 21..1520 12..0056 1..6865 570-7154 7413DC TTl/SSI Dual 4 Schmitt Trigger 2.50 2.00 1.65 569-3452 34052PC CMOS Dtfferential 4 Pnput Analog Multiplexer 2.92 2.05 1.81 555511--99552235 77441136PPCC TTTTll//SSSSII 1D5uVal H4e xS cInhvmeirttt eTrr/Dign~veerr 22..0700 12..6150 11..3850 556699--33446696 3344006669PPCC CCMMOOSS HQeuxa dI nBvielanteerra l Switch 1..8672 1._1642 ._S9O2 551-9528 7420DC TTl/SSI Dual 4 Gate .75 .60 .50 569-3470 34070PC CMOS Quad ExclUSive Or 1.55 1.06 .85 551-9529 7420PC TTl/SSI Dual 4 Gate .55 .44 .35 569-3471 34071 PC CMOS Quad 2 Input Or Gate .55 .39 .32 551-9532 7430DC TTl/SSI Single 6 Gate .75 .60 .50 569-3477 34017PC CMOS Quad ExclUSive Nor 1.50 1.06 .65 551-9533 7430PC TTl/SSI Single 6 Gate .55 .44 .35 569-3481 340B1PC CMOS Quad 2 Input And Gate .55 .39 .32 570-7194 7432PC TTl/SSI Quad 2 Input NOR Gate .60 .64 .49 569-3485 34085PC CMOS Quad 2 WIde 2 Inpul AOI 1.70 1.19 _97 551-9535 7437PC TTl/SSI Quad 2 Buffer 1.15 .90 .70 569-3486 340B6PC CMOS Exp 4 Wide 2 Inpul AOI ·1.70 1.19 .97 551-9538 7440DC TTl/SSI Dual 4 Buffer .75 .60 .50 569-3499 34099PC CMOS 8 Bit Addressable Latch 5.17 3.64 2.94 551-9540 7440PC TTl/SSI Dual 4 Buffer .55 .4,\ .35 569-4000 34512PC CMOS 8 Input Multiplexer 2.37 1.67 1.35 510-7196 7441DC TTl/MSI BCD-DEC Decoder/Dnver 2.87 2.43 1.98 569-4005 34702PC CMOS Bit Rate Generator 17.35 14.20 12_00 57D-7197 744tPC TTl/MSI BCD-DEC Decoder/Driver 2.21 1.87 1.52 569-4010 34720PC CMOS 256 BII RAM 14.37 10.12 8.17 57D-7I96 7442DC TTl/MSI 1 of 10 Decoder 2.60 2.18 1.18 569-4015 34oo97PC CMOS Hex 3 State Non I Buffer 1_77 1.25 1.00 57D-7199 7442PC TTl/MSI 1 of 10 Decoder 1.90 1.52 1.19 569-4020 34009BPC CMOS Hex 3 State Inverter Buffer 1_77 1.25 1.00 570-7209 7447PC TTl/MSI BCD-7 Seg Decoder 2.80 2.24 1.68 569-4025 340160PC CMOS 4 Bit Decade Counter 3.21 2.30 . 1_88 551-9564 7470PC TTl/SSI J-K flip-flop 1.00 .80 .67 569-4030 340161PC CMOS 4 Bit Bmary Counter 3.27 2.30 1.16 551-9566 7472PC TTl/SSI J-K M-S ff (and inpuls) .93 .74 .62 569-4035 340162PC CMOS 4 Bit Decade Counter 3.21 2.30 1.88 561-9570 7473DC TTl/SSI Dual J-K M-S ff 1.95 1.55 1.30 569-4040 340163PC CMOS 4 Bit Binary Counter 3.27 2.30 1.86 551R9571 7473PC TTl/SSI Dual J-K M-S ff .8B .70 .54 569-4045 340174PC CMOS Hex D-fllp/flop 2.75 1.94 1.56 551-9574 7474DC TTl/SSI Dual D-Type ff 1.65 1.30 1.10 569-4050 340175PC CM05 Quad flip/flop 3.00 2.11 1.70 555775DD1R--779225117236 777444777545DPPCCC TTTTTTlll/i/MMSSSSIII Qg~u:a~d ~L-aJt~c~he FF 11...646008 11...131250 1...185704 555666999---444000566505 333444000111999234PPPCCC CCCMMMOOOSSS 4~ B~li~t U~rp~/D~toIw~n~ S~yhn~ :DWe:c~aSd~e ~Cuonutnetre r 332...552007 221...446660 221...002009 551-9518 7476DC TTl/SSI Dual J-K M·S/P & C 2.05 1.62 1.35 569-4070 340195PC CMOS 4 Bit Shin Register 2.27 1.60 1.29 551-9560 7476PC TTl/SSI Dual J-K M-S/P & C 1.05 .84 .64 570-7152 74121DC TTl/INT One·Shot Multlvl-Rator 1.73 1.46 1.19 551-9584 7486PC TTl/SSI Quad ExclUSIve Or .90 .72 .56 570R1153 74121PC TTl/INT One·Shot Muitivi-Rator 1.13 .90 .70 570-7220 7490DC TTl/MSI Decade Counter 1.81 1.53 1.24 570-7184 74192PC TTUMSI Up/Down Decade Counter 3.75 3.00 2.40 557700R-77222241 77449920DPCC TTTTll//MMSSII DDIeVciaddee b yC o1u2n tCertr 11..6709 11..5221 1..2933 555720--17610806 9734411903APCPC TTTTl/lM/MESMI ~E~D3ir~~~~:Zrc~x~ter 137..7855 143..4050 122..4400 57D-7225 7492PC TTl/MSI DiVide by 12 Ctr 1.60 1.27 .94 552-1498 93410PC ITl/MEM . 256 Bit Isoplanar RAM 11.80 13.60 11.20 5576D9--27729297 77B49035KPCC TTTTll//MMSSII 45V B Tit 0 B-3in aVroyl taCgoeu nRteegr 41..2650 12..B275 2..9540 555522--11660026 9933441151APCPC TTTTll//MRAEMM ~~~:~~s~g1~nt~0~~~ar RAM 1574..8005 1443..4250 1362_.4000 569R2800 7B05UC TTl/MSI 5V To-220 Regulator 3.63 2.00 1.75 552-1604 93415PC TTl/MEM 1024 Isoplanar RAM 33.00 21.50 22.00 569-2810 7B06UC TTliMSI 6V To-220 Regulator 3.63 2.00 1.75 552-1616 93416DC TTl/MEM 256 x 4 Programmable ROM 27.75 22.20 18.50 556699--22882209 778801B2KUCC LLmineeaarr B1V2V T Too·2·32 0V Volotaltgaeg eR Rege gulator 53..0602 32..0000 12..7505 555522--11661104 993344225tAPCPC TTTTll//MMEEMM ~~g4B~i~~(a~fMRAM 5147..0805 4134..2400 3182..0400 569R2830 7812UC Unear 12V To·220 Regulator 3.63 2.00 1.75 552-1612 93425PC TTl/MEM 1024 BII TTL RAM 33.00 27.50 22.00 5~6~9~R~82~8.4~0 m78~15gUgC iLrm~~ea~r, ~1~5~Vt TT8o;-2~:2~0~ oR'eggulualaltoorr 3g..6:3! I 2~..0~0 m1.75 5~5~2-t16m1~8 9~3~42m6gD~C T~T~l/~M~EM~ m256 x~ 14 P~ ~r~o!g~r:a:m::m::a~b~ile~ R~OgM~ 2~71.·7=5 2~2H.2:0 1~8:..5:0 Prices Subject to Change - We Always Ship at Lowest Price in Effect ALLlED·7 Integrated Circuits INTEGRATED CIRCUITS F10K ECl FEATURES SEVEN SEGMENT LED DRIVERS The Fl0K ECl family provides higher speeds than Schottky TTL. High speed is achieved Common Anode LED by using small, low capacitance' device geometries and operating the transistors as current mode switches, typically 2 ns per gate-250 MHz flip-flop toggle rate. This helps Stock Mfr's For avoid saturation. low power insensitive to No. Type LED Type Size Color Remarks power supply variations and transients, Fairchild permits low power supply cost. Internal 552-1100 9374PC FND 507. 508 .5" Red 15 m/a constant current sink outputs. Neads no 50 K (nominal) Input pull down resistors, H.P. 5082 Series resistors. Has a latch on data inputs. Low power unused inputs may be left open. Open 7730 .3" Red inputs ... compatible wilh TTL and most CMOS . emitter-follower outputs drive terminated 7750 .43" Red and MOS circuits. Inlernal power consumption lines. Single VEE power supply -4.7 to 7650 .43" Red 175 mW Iypical. -6.2 V and separate Vee pins eliminate 7660 .43" Vel. noise coupling. Wired-OR capability. Si 7670 .43" Grn. multaneous outputs, included. Litronix 552-1102 9370PC DL 707 .3" Red 25 ma sink outguts. Needs .7 current limiting re- DL 727 .5" Red sislors. Has i~h speed input latch. Hexa- Comparison of ECL and Schottky TTL DL 747 .6" Red decimal decode ormat, i.e .. codes above BCD 9 show AbCdEf. Internal power consumption 350 10K SERIES ECl SCHOTTKY TTL mW typical. ' Advantages Disadvantsges Monsanto 552-1104 9317BPC MAN 1. lOA .27" Red Display decoded output shows 1 on lefl side and Short delays allow propagation through Component delays are about twice as long 570-7417 9317CPC MAN 51. 52 .3" Grn. a 6 with no top flag for high reliability militarJ more logic . levels :in a clock cycle. Com- as with ECl and will not be improved in MAN 3610. 362 .3" Org. applications. Has lamp test feature. Needs patibility with even faster families cur- the foreseeable future. MAN 71. 72 .3" Red current limiting resistors. 9317 B sinks 40 mao rently in development makes future sys- MAN 81. 82 .3" Yel. 9317 C sinks 20 ma. Internal power consumption tem upgrading easy. MAN 4510 .4" Grn. 220 mW . low output impedance easily drives all Outputs are not capable of driving termi- . 4610 .4" Org. types of inter-connections including ter- nated transmission lines without severe 551-9054 9357APC 4710 .4" Red 'Needs 7 current lim iling resislors. No top flag minated transmission lines. fan-?ut compromises. 551-9058 9357BPC 4810 .4" Yel. ;o n displayed 6. Has lamp lest feature. Internal High output drive capability and comple- power consumption 320 mW. mentary outputs accommodate differen- .. tial transmission over tested pairs. COMMON CATHODE LED Slow edge rate minimizes reflection prob- Has the fastesl output transitions of any Stock Mfr's For Caledomdms .pd leesmigenn taflreyx iobuiltiptyu.t s on many elements lleeovngeginct h wsfa,i tmha inlyrde, lacctaaivuuessliiynn ggs hcroerorftls esicnttatieolkrnc oppnrronobeblceletmimosns. 570-N7o3.2 2 36T8yDpCe FLEaDir cFThNyiDplde 7 0 .S2i5z"e CRoeldo r Sources 19 mA al 1.R7Ve.m Inatrekrsn al resistive current Wired-OR capability simplifies logic de- FND 357 .375" Red limiling. Contains high speed latch on dala sign. FND 500 .5" Red inputs. Hexadecimal decode formal i.e .. codes Compensated circuits simplify power sup- Generates fast power supply load Litronix above BCD 9 show AbCdEf. Two units can be ply and temperature regulation. changes, requires good decoupling. DL722 .5" Red connected in~arallel, inputs and outputs to give High input Impedance minimizes loading, Input thresholds and output low levels are DL 750 .6" Red m38W m. A(n oal iInLclu.d inIngle 7rn Xal 1p9o mwAer dcisopnlsauym ppotiwone r)2. 25 allows high fan-out. slightly offset from conventional TTL,· H.P. 5082 Series causing some loss of noise Immunity. 7740 .3" Red Unfamiliar type of circuitry, logic, nomen- Compatible with popular TTL, same sup- 7760 .43" Red clature, and pinouts. ply voltage, almost identical signal levels, 7653 .43" Red Not level-compatible with TTL and CMOS, same SSI and MSI logic, nomenclalure, 77666733 ..4433"" VGernl.. requires additional interface elements. pinol!ts. Monsanto Requires external pull-down resistors on Outputs require no pull-up (or down) re- 570-7407 9307PC MAN 54 .3" Grn. 9307 7 segmenl decoder was designed for de· all used outputs. sistors. .MAN 3640 .3" Org. coding but may be usad to source low current Has less absolute noise margin. large signal swing and large absolute 74 .3" Red of 2 mA @ 1.7V can be increased to 6W.6 m A Hdiisgthriebru tgiorno ubnuds sceusr. rent requires heavier tnaenomdis pege rrIaamdtumieruen ntsiot,y r rcesausuipsspteilvy e le vsdosrlot appgrsoe b alvleoamnrgisa tswiouintphs- 448564 4400 ...344 """ VGOerrgni. . . swisiltho r thinet earndadli tiopno woefr sceovnesnu m5p0t0io' n! l1 6p5u llm . reo Has one less logic pin per package due ply lines, and outside noise. 4740 .4" Red to double ground. 4840 .4" Vei. Has higher power consumption at low fre- Has lower system power consumption at quencles than equivalent S-TTL circuits. moderate speed., SEVEN SEGMENT INCANDESCENT DRIVERS Stock Mfr's ECL/MSI, SST, MEM INTEGRATED CIRCUITS No. Type Remarks 55Z-11 00 9374PC 7 Segment Decoder/Driver/Latch. Oulput currenl 15mA. Conslant Current Sink. Stock No. Device Family Description Breakdown Vollage 10V. 552-1000 10000PC ECL/MSI Shifl Regisler 552-11 OZ 9370PC 7 Segment Decoder/Driver/Latch. Output current 25 mAo Output breakdown Volt. 7V. 555522--11000024 1100001104DDCC ~W~trl ADecclivaede T Ceromuninlearl or 555720--17140147 99331177CBPPCC 77 SSeeggmmeenntt DDeeccooddeerr//DDrriivveerr.. OOuuttppuutl ccuurrrreenntl 2400 mmAAoo OOuuttppuutt bbrreeaakkddoowwnn vvoollttaaggee 3200VV.. 552-1008 fOl01PC ECL/SSI Ouad or/nor gale 552-1010 10102PC ECL/SSI Ouad 2 or nor gale SPECIAL INSTRUMENTATION AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS 552-1012 10103DC ECL/SSI Ouad 2 or gale The llC series of special purpose digital IC's is optimized for Instrumentation and 555522--11001164 1100110045DPCC EECCLL//SSSSII TOruipalde 22 i·n3p-2u to Nr/AnoNrD g ale commum. ca t'I on app II' cat 'I Ons. I 552-1018 10106PC ECL/SSI Triple 4·3·3 or/nor gate Stock Mfr's 552-1020 10107PC ECL/SSI Triple exclusive or/nor No. Typ. Function Application or Features 551-7906 10109DC ECL/SSI Dual 4·5 or/nor gale 552-1200 11 COl FC 0.7ns OR/NOR Gale UHF Swilch. Amplifier 552-1024, 10110DC ECL/SSI Dual 3 in/3 oul or gate 552-1202 11 C05DC 1 GHz : 4 Counter High Speed counlers. DME, Land Mobile Radios, Frequency 552-1026 10111 PC ECL/SSI ' Dual 3 in/3 oul nor gale 552-1028 10114DC ECL/SSI Triple line receiver 552-1204 llC06DC 750 MHz Flip·Flop Synlhesizers UHF. VHF. TV, Radio Communications. High 551-7912 . 10115DC ECL/SSI Ouad line receiver Speed Prescaling. 552-1030 . 10116PC ECL/SSI Triple Dill line receiver 552-1206 11 C24DC Dual TTL VCM Phase locked loops for Digital Frequency Control. Slable fixed 552-1032 10117DC ECL/SSI Dual2W AOI frequency oscillalor (3.0 to 15 MHz). 552-1034 10118DC ECL/SSI Dual 2W AO 552-1208 l1C44DC Phase/Freq. Compar. Phase locked loops for Digital Frequency Control. Accerts 552-1036 10119PC ECL/S51 4 wide or/and TTL waveforms and ganerates an error voltage profr0rtioha to 552-1038 10121DC ECL/SSI 4 wide AOI the frequency and/or phase difference of the input requencies. 552-1040 10124DC ECL/SSI Ouad TTL 10 ECL Translatoi Used 10 control VCM's. . 55Z-1042 10125DC ECL/SSI Ouad ECL to TTL Translator 552-1044 10130PC ECL/SSI Dual D Lalch 552-1210 l1C58DC ECL VCM Voltage conlrolled multivibrator. 4101 Dynamic Control Range. 552-1046 10131PC ECL/MSI Dual 0 Flip/Flop Operating frequency range 0 to 155 MHz typical. Usad in phas e 552-1048 10132DC ECL/MSI ' Dual Mux Latch locked loops. automalic frequency control. 552-1050 10133DC ECL/MSI Ouad lalch 552-1052 10134PC ECL/MSI Dual Mux latch TTL/SSI SELECTION GUIDE 552-1054 10135DC ECL/MSI Dual J/K Master Slave F/F 552-1056 10141DC ECL/MSI 4 Bil Universal Shift Regisler Standard Standard 552-1058 10145ADC ECL/MSI 16 x 4 Register file tpd=10 ns tpd-l0 ns 552-1060 10153PC ECL/MSI Ouad D·Latch Description Pd= Description Pd= 552-1062 10160DC ECL/MSI 12 Bi t Parity 10mW 10mW 552-1064 10161PC ECL/MSI 1-8 Demux/Decode (LI per Gate per Gata 552-1066 10162PC ,ECL/MSI 1·8 Demux/Decode (H) NAND Gates Invarters and ·Buffers 552-1068 10164DC ECL/MSI 8·1 Multiplexer Ouad 2·lnpul Positive NAND Gate 7400 Hex Inverter 7404 552-1070 10168DC ECL/MSI Ouad·D Latch Ouad 2·lnpul Posilive NAND Gate 7401 Hex Inverter with Open·Coliector 552-1072 10170DC ECL/MSI 9 +2 Bit Parity Triple 3·lnput Posilive NAND Gate 7410 Oulput 7405 552-1074 10171DC ECL/MSI Dual 1·4 Demux/Decode (L) Dual 4·lnpul NAND Schmitt Trigger 7413 Hex Inverler Buffer/Driver (D.C.) 7406 552-1076 10mpC ECL/MSt Dual 1·4 Demux/Decode (H) Dual 4·lnpul Positive NAND Gale 7420 Hex Buffer/Driver (D.C.) 7407 552:1078 10173PC ECL/MSI Ouad Mux/Latch a·lnput Positive NAND Gate 7430 Hex Inverter Buffer/Driver (D.C.) , 7416 555555555555552222222-------1111111000000088898890280462 11111110000000114414m781071905540pDPDDDDCCCCCCC EEEEEEECCCCCCCLLLLLLL///////MMMMMMMEEESSSSMMMIIII 11DL2DO250ouuu68o2aia k 4nl BB l t4A aBiiDt·lhd 1ite·IId LMssaIeaoosdruotpp /cSpxllchaaal u annrbnaarylarrr arRR cRAAloAMMrM TANEOQrNOxuuipaacDRlddleu sGG223i·-vaal-lnnelttneepp-pOssuuu tlR l PP/POooossRsiitti iitvviGveeea NAtAeNON.DR D GGGaaatteete 777444100128 DDFDDuuuluPipaaaarllll-e FJ04Js·-el· KoTKltn yp pMapMsnue ad al sE sPtCdeleoglreres aS iStrTli avlraveigve eg NF eAFlrieNplipd·DF ·F FloBlloippup -fwfF eliorlh p 1777444477476304 552-1094 10415ADC ECL/MEM 1024 Bit ECL RAM. Ouad 2·lnput Positive OR Gate 7432 8. ALLIED See Integrated Circuit Directory for Complete Pricing Linear Integrated Circuits INTEGRATED CIRCUITS COMMERCIAL OP AMP SELECTION GUIDE 0In1 rs,uett OInfpfsuatt IBnpiaust Voltage Bandwidth Supply Voltage ~~r:e\ . Common Differential CSuurprpalnyt Stock Mfr's Voltaga Current Currant Gain Av;1 Min. Max. Compan- Volt Drilt Mode Input Max. No. Type Max Max Max (Volts/V) (MHz) Typ Typ satlon Mu. Range Voltage (mA) (mV) (nA) (nA) (V) (V) Compo (uVrC) (V) (V) 569-1540 709HC 7.5 500 1500 15K 1.0 01,9 01,18 0 10 01,8 01,6 2.9 569-1580 7090C 7.5 500 1500 15K 1.0 01,9 01,18 0 10 01,8 01,5 2.9 569-1840 725HC 2.5 35 125 250K 1.0 01,3 01,22 ·4 5 01,13.5 01,22 3 555629--12300600 772450EHHCC 1000. 5 0.35 752 100205KK 13..00 0011,,35 0011,,2222 40 ..2 0011,,1103 .5 0011,,2320 83 555666999---222111046050 777444111TH0CCC 666 222000000 555000000 222000KKK 111...000 000111,,,555 000111,,,111888 000 ...... 000111,,,111222 000111,,,333000 222...888 555522--11440020 774411 EPHCC 36 20300 50800 5200KK 11..00 0011,,55 0011,,1282 00 15 0011,,1122 ·0101,3,300 32..785 552-1404 741EDC 3 30 80 50K 1.0 01,5 01,22 0 1.5. 01,12 01,30 3.75 569-2240 7470C 6 200 500 20K 1.0 01,5 01,18 0 .. 01,12 01,30 5.6 556592--21247006 774478E0HCC "ii 220000 550000 2200KK 11..00 0011,,55 0011,,1188 10 :io 0011,,1122 0011,,3300 42..285 569-1321 LM301AO 7.5 50 250 25K 1.0 01,3 01,18 1 01,12 01,30 3 569-1322 LM30lAH 7.5 50 250 25K 1.0 01,3 01,18 I 30 01,12 01,30 3 569-1323 LM3D1AN 7.5 50 250 25K 1.0 01,3 01,18 I 30 01,12 01,30 3 569-1328 LM307H 7.5 50 250 25K 1.0 01,3 01,18 0 30 01,15 01,30 3 569-1329 LM307N 7.5 50 250 25K 1.0 01,3 01,18 0 30 01,15 01,30 3 569-1330 LM308H 7.5 I 7 15K 1.0 01,5 01,18 1 30 01,13.5 01,0.5 0.8 555511--77991164 MMCCII445588CCCPI 66 220000 550000 2200KK 11..00 0011,,55 0011,,1188 00 .... 0011,,1122 0011,,3300 22..99 VOLTAGE COMPARATOR (I) Typical values at 25°C unless otherwise specified. (2) Minimum or maximum value TYPES 7800 FIXED 4-TERMINAL for 0'C::;TA::;70°C unless otherwise specified. (3) V_=].O V. (4) Typical. (5) VOLTAGE REGULATORS TA=+25°C. CONNECTION DIAGRAMS TO-3 PACKAGE Stock Number 569·1333 569-1660 569-1710 569-2002 569-2443 TO-220 PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) High Speed High Speed Dual Precision Differential (TOP VIEW) PACKAGE OUTLINE KC* Mfr's Type LM 311H 7100C 711 DC 7340C 7600C Input Ollset Voltage (mI •. mV) (2) 10 5.0 5.0 7.5 6.0 PACKAGE OUTLINE UC* Temp. coefficient COMMON 131 Input Ollset Volt. (mV/"C) (4) 6.0 5.0 5.0 3.5 3.0 OUTPUT (21 Input Bias Current (max. rnA) (2) 0.3 40 150 0.15 60 [tl Input Ollset Current (rna •. rnA) (2) 0.07 7.5 25 0.045 7.5 ~-. SRuepsppolyn sVao Tltiamgee ((nVs) ) ((2I)) 0.5.0 t2o0 0+ 15 +124. 0 60 +124. 0 60 ±5.02 t0o0 ±15 ±4.5 1to6 +65 I: ,COMMON 131 0 0 Input Voltage Rang. (V) (2) ±14 +5.0 (31 +5.0 (31 +5.0 +4.0 Output Voltlg. Swing (V) (21 N.A. 0.5 to +3.2 0.5 to +3.2 ot o +8.0 ot o ±3.0 Voltage Gain (min. V/mV) (51 200(41 0.8 0.5 25 5.0 (41 INPUT It I Power Consumption (max. mW) (5) 205 150 230(51 145 325 INPUT tll TTL Fanout (11 5.0 (mm.1 1 1 2 2 Dill. Input Volt. RInge (V) (21 ±16 ±5.0 ±5.0 +10 +5.0 Package Availability TO·99.9T TO·99. 91. 6A. 9A TO-99. 100. 6A. 9A TO·100.6A TO·99.6A • Output Current In Excess of 1 Amp • Internal Thermal Overload Protection Military. full temp. Avail. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes • Available In The TQ-220 and The TO-3 Package • No External Components The 7800 Series Ihree-terminal positive regulator is constructed using the epitaxial process. These regulators employ integral current limiting, thermal shutdown and safe-area compensation. Can deliver over 1 A output current if adequate heat sinking is provided. They are intended as fixed- voltage regulators in a wide range of applications Including local, on-card regulationforelimination of dislribution problems associated with sin\lle point regulation. In addition these devices can be used with external components to obtain adlustable output VOltages and currents and also as the ¥owerpass element in grecislon re\lulators. Output voltages of 5, ,8,12,15.18, and 24 Volts. Lead I'm Alec Electron the Allied emp. for soldering, T -3 300'C With 60 sec. time limit. TO-220 230'C with 10 sec. time limit. Man. I do my job as fast as I can. And my job is to help Output Output Fixed you get all the components Stock Mlr's' Voltage VoltagB TD-3 & TO-220 No. Type + - 1.5A you need whenever you need 569-2799 7805KC 5 5 Yes them with the greatest of 569-2800 7805UC 5 5 Yes 569-2810 7806UC 6 6 Yes speed. I'm Alec Electron, 569·2820 7808UC 8 8 Yes 569-2829 7812KC 12 12 Yes your dependable Allied 569-2830 7812UC 12 12 Yes 569-2840 7815UC 15 15 Yes Man. I aim to serve you as 569-2850 7824UC 24 24 Yes best I can. ALL BIPOLAR MEMORIES CONDITIONS: All BiPolar Memories are static and have non-destructive readouts (NORO). All BiPolar RAMS are volatile. All BiPolar ROMS and PROMS are non-volatile. All BiPolar PROMS are supplied with logic levels "I" high. NOTES: (1) Power Dissipation is at Vcc Max. (2) Max. limits are over full temperature range 0-75°C. (3) Typical values at 25'C. (4) Vcc Max. = Vcc type = (.05) Vcc type. (5) High UL = 60 uA. Write ;vcl rIma 101 wer Diss' ation 1 Imwl Stock Mlr's Tech Type Bit Outputs Mi itarv Commercia Mi tarv Com larCII MT ary. No. Type Organization Type Max(') Type Max ') Type Max(') ype Max Type Max(') Type(') Max(') 552-1498 93410PC TTL RAM 256 x 1 DC 45 60 45 70 45 60 45 70 475 735 475 735 555522--11660002 9933441110 APPC C 225566 xx 1I DDCC 4355 4505 45 75 3455 4505 45 75 447755 773150 475 i50 555522--11860084 9933441155APPCC 11002244 xx 1I DDCC 3400 7405 4..0 7..5 3400 4750 . 4..0 7..5 447755 882200 4.7 ..5 8.9..5 555522--11660180 9933412411P5PCC 1205264 xx 11 3D8C 7355 50 35 60 7355 50 35 60 417855 iio 475 iio 555555222---111666111246 999333444221556PA0CCP C PROM 11002522644 xxx 141 33D88C 344005 747050 434005 7a5o 43.00. 74.05. 43.00. 7....5 444757505 688250 544757605 i8i955 555555555555552222222-------1111111660000622899910280248 ·11199910003330444444410123415556660A000000OCCCCCCC ECL RAM 11105522042115226226844 xxxxxxx 114441I D33........88C 23332415510005 755.......000. 334.......050. 686.......0.00 232i..5i50.. .............. .............. .............. 545545507005000500000 5.65... .88 8 .......500 555455400070050005000 675.......018. .005... See Integrated Circuit Directory for Full Pricing Information ALLlED·9 INTEGRATED MOS Integrated Circuits CIRCUITS MOS/LSI technology Is optimally used only when its great diversity is properly exploited, This MOS series offers proven P-channel MOS processes-silicon gate and high-threshold metal gate, and the ne,:, N-cha~nel sil.icon g.ate pr~ces~-and. ~he flexibility to blend custom and/or standard MOS designs with bipolar SSIIMSI. The silicon gate process is general!y more economical, as It. prOVides ~Ighe~ CirCUit. denSities, greater operating speeds and, in many instances, requires fewer off-chip components. The two processes are co!"patlble ?~d have been:effectlvely combme~, In speCific custom, applications. The 'superior noise immunity in high-threshold metal gate circuits can 'often be a welcome II adjunct to silicon gate deslghs. A broad selection of standard circuits will cover a wide range of applications from industry standards like the 1103 lK RAM and 3514 4K ROM to new areas like the 3814 Digital Voltmeter Logic and 3262 TV Sync Generator. ' , STANDARD PRODUCTS RAM'S (RANDOM ACCESS MEMORIES) FIFO (FIRST IN -FIRST OUT MEMORY) S,Ntooc, k MTyfpr'es Description SNtooc. k MTyfrp'es Description 555522--11550020 111100331D DCC 11002244 xx 11 DDyynnaammiicc;; 310500 nnss 555522--11550046, 33334411 APCP C 6644 xx 44 bbiitt;; 710 M0 HkHz z MULTIPLEXERS AND COUNTERS 552-1508 33511 PC 40 x 9 bit; 2 MHz 552-1538 3815DC 5-decade Counter 552-1510 33512PC 40x9 bit; 1 MHz 569-3816 ' 3816DC +3 to 261,145 Programmable Counter CHARACTER GENERATORS 555522--11551124 33334472PPCCS HIFT REGQQuuISaaddT 8E604R--bbSii tt SSttaattiicc 555566299---133522300240 I ,333222565708ACDDDDCCC I 755 xxx 779 xxx 666444 OOOuuuttt AAASSSCCCIIIIII FFFooonnnttt;; 110000 nnss , 552-1516 3348DC Hex 32-bit with Buffer Enable CONSUMER AND INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS 552-1518 3349PC Hex 32-bit Static 552-1520 2533PC· 1024 x 1 bit Static: 1.5 MHz 552-1534 3262ADC TV Sync Generator 552-1522 3355PC 1024 x 1 bit Static; 4 MHz 552-1536 3262BDC TV Sync Generator with Generator Lock 552-1524 33561 PC Quad 256-bit Static; 4 MHz 569-3814 3814DC 4% digit Voltmeter 552-1526 33562PC Quad 256-bit Static; 1.5 MHz 552-1528 33571 PC Quad 80-bit Static; 4 MHz OTHER TYPES 552-1530 33572PC Quad 80-bit Static; 1.5 MHz 569-3722 3750DC 10-bit D/A Converter 569-3304 3325HC Quad 64-bit Dynamic 569-3723 3750DL 10-bit D/A Converter 569-3305 3326HC Triple 66-bit Dynamic 569-3724 3751 DC 12-bit A/D Converter 569-3306 3326Hl Triple 66-bit Dynamic 569-3725 3751 Dl 12-bit AID Converter 569-3307 3329HC 512-bit 2-phase Dynamic 569-3800 3800DC 8-bit Accumulator 569-3308 3330HC 480-bit 2-phase Dynamic 569-3801 3800DL 8-bit Accumulator 569-3309 3331HC 500-bit 2-phase Dynamic 569-3100 3100Dl Dual 5-input Gate 569-3319 3383HC 256-bit 2-phase Dynamic 569-3101 3101 Dl Dual J-K Flip-Flop LOW SPEED SYSTEMS (Clock Rated Less than 5 MHz) 34000 CMOS SERIES • Low Power-Qulescenlly 10 nWIGate Typ, COMPARISON OF CMOS vs TTL FOR LOW SPEED APPLICATIONS • Wide Supply Voltage Range-3 to 15 V CMOS Standard or'Lower Powsr Schottky TTL • High Noise Immunity • Wide Temp, Range Advantages Disadvantages • DBruivffee,r eRde dOuuctep uVtsa rSiatatinodna 0r1d iPzero Opaugtpautito n >"" vEexrtvr elmittelley heloawt ats tmaotidce raptoew seDr eecdo nsumption, Raeenlaetriavtelolyn high static consumption and heat Delay with Load Capacitance Very wide range of supply voltages (theo- Tight power supply voltage requirements (5V • High DC Fan Out-Greater Than 50 reticallv 3-15V, Dracticallv 5-12V1 +5%commercial, +10% mllitarv orade) Ideally suited for battery operation Not well-suited for batteIYQPJlration The 34000 Series CMOS family takes the pop Low-cost power supply. Less cost, heat, More expensive power supply ular 4000 series functions and equips them weight size than anv other famllv with characteristics which greatly simplify High voltage' noise immunity, an advantage Lower voltage noise Immunity system design. The'advanced Isoplanar C pro with inductively' coupled noise cess makes possible a superior combination Disadvantages Advantages of noise immunity, standardized drive charac Some of original CMOS circuits are poorly Well-designed, systems-oriented MSI teristics and relative insensitivity to input defined not svstems oriented capacitance loading. At static conditions, Low speed" delays depend on supply voltage Adequate speed, tight tolerances these devices dissipate very low power, typi and capacitive loading cally 10 nW per gate. The low power com Poor current noise immunity (capacitlvely Low impedance outputs give good immunity bined with the wide supply voltage tolerance coupled noise) against capacitively coupled noise , greatly minimizes power supply costs. Wide New functions looic inouts Familiar functions looic. olnouts operating temperature range: commercial, Large parameter variations between different Standard TTL available from many suppliers; -400 to +850 C; military, -550 to + 1250 C. vendors low cost CMOS CROSS-REFERENCE GUIDE SNtoocsk. cFhaiilrd- SReCBriAe s SReArCie As ' Maoltao r- tioNnaa- I SSSIclotila eliitcdne - Stroolni- Harris ImTnesextnrautss- SNtooc. k cFhaiilrd- SReCBrieA s SReACrieA s Maoltao r- tiNona-al SSStcitolaiailteinde - Stroolni- Harris ImTnesextnrautss- 556699--33440012 3344000012PPCC ............ CCDD44000012AA MMCC1144000012AA MMMM44660012AA SSCCLL44000012AA CCMM44000012AA HHDD44000012AA TTPP44000012AA 556699--33445626 3344005626PPCC .... CCDD. AA .... ........ MMMM44665626AA ..... ....... ...... ...... ..... ....... TP..4.. 0..5..2 A 555555666666999999------333333444444111111162354 333333444444000000111111142356PPPPPPCCCCCC ........................ CCCCCCDDDDDD444444000000111111124356AAAAAA MMMMMMCCCCCC111111444444000000111111124563AAAAAA MMMMMMMMMMMM444444666666111111123456AAAAAA SSSSSSCCCCCCLLLLLL444444000000111111213456AAAAAA CCCCCMMMMM44444000001111i61234AAAAA HHHDDD...444...000...111...123 AAA TTTTTTPPPPPP444444000000111111456123AAAAAA 555555666666999999------333333444444787687117950 333333444444000000BB7767711905PPPPPPCCCCCC CCCCCCDDDDDD444444000000BSB777117095888888 ........................ ......... ... ............ MM......7...... 4......C...... 0 4 ........................ ....... ..... ............ HD....4.... S........ii ............ ............ 555666999---333444112790 333444000112790PPPCCC ............ CCCDDD444000112790AAA MMCciI44002107AA MMMMMM444666112790AAA SSSCCCLLL444000112790AAA CCCMMM444000112790AAA HD.4 .0.1.9 A TTTPPP444000112970AAA 555666999---334440980960 333444005B91926PPPCCC CCDD..44..00..B9..9 688 ........ Mc.i.4.5.1 2 ............ ............ ...... ...... ... ......... TP.4. S..iz A 555666999---333444222134 333444000222134PPPCCC ............ CCCDDD444000222143AAA MMMCCC111444000222134AAA MMMMMM444666222143AAA SSSCCCLLL444000222413AAA CCCMMM444000222143AAA HD4023A TTTPPP444000222134AAA 555666999---444000011505 3334440770029207PPPCCC ............ CD.4.0.S. 1A ..... ....... MMSOC97 ...... ...... ............ ........ ........ 555555555556666666666699999999999-----------33333333333444444444445222332444515780590290 33333333333444444444440000000000022522334544B5179052009PPPPPPPPPPPCCCCCCCCCCC ri......4......0......Z......B B CCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDri44444444440000000000Z4454522330219905705AAAAAAAAAA MMMMMMMMCCCCCCCc.11i111114.44444440.0000000.32422454 5B257900AAAAAAAA . MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM444444444446666666666624522245334B2157990050AAAAAAAAAAA SSSSSSSSSSCCCCCCCCCCLLL.LLLLLLL4.4444444440.000000000.2222344543 1579029005fAAAAAAAAAA CM..........4.......... 0.............2....... 5A HHHDDD.......444.......000.......3.22...... 0 57 AAA TTTTTTTTTTTPPPPPPPPPPP444444444440000000000025533444222B0105029579AAAAAAAAAAA 555555555556666666666699999999999-----------44444444444000000000002672334455605050505050 333333333334444444444400000000000111110111116966996779912235804534PPPPPPPPPPPCCCCCCCCCCC .................... .................... ............ .. .....~ .................... .......... .... ...... .................... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMB777777777O444444444CCCCCCCCCC11111111916B7667999615034235 2 ............... ... .................. .................... .................... HHHHHHHHDDDDDDDD7777777744444444CCCCCiii::1:1111iii9696966715023234 TTTTPPPP4......444'...... 33 33......6666......'1O23 10. ALLIED See Integrated Circuit Directory for Complete Price Information Rectifiers D)SCRETE DEVICES 1-' .33 DIA. T n0.4 M IN ..![:4 00 510 ~ l.J. MAX 0.4 MIN1 o ( .7525-1:.002 Press·Fit .100DIAJ I I ~O, '~I'" '''"~ 5 M" 250! 005 DIAJ Flag Terminals EPOXY BRIDGE RECTIFIERS Minimum size, low·cost epoxy bridge rectifiers for gen· _, .. ' eral purpose, low current applications such as power .J lJ, 125 '>M"·""~I ctohoalrsg, eprse.r mAavnaeinlat bmlea ginne t cmoonttororsll,e DdC asvuaplapnlicehse a, ndn obna·tcteorny· trolled avalanche. Reverse Current: 5 p.A at Tc = 40°C. Operating/Storage Temperature: -50· to +150°C . DI~J .1 KI1 AMP EPOXY BRIDGE RECTIFIERS 295.! 005 Single Stud Wll0. VEOB, VE1B. VE28, VE48, and VE68 are non·con· trolled avalanche types.· VE27, VE47, and VE67 are can· trolled avalanche with 200 W max. power dissip. in VB. region for 100 I'sec, 1 W continuous. Peak Surge Cur· rent: 4 A max., 1 sec at 60 Hz; 25 A max., 1 cycle (non· Q • rep.). ~ ~ ·1MAX SNtooc. k T~op.e AvValoalntsc he MVarx . (wVrkmg ) MVaImx. M..i.n . M..a.x . IRMS) V/leg 976·3200 Wll0 ... ... 17 25 1.2 997166··RR32200110 VVEE1088 /WILL ...... ...... 3705 10500 11..22 1 177 916·2020 VE28 140 200 1.2 Tf§7 916·2050 VE48 ... ... 280 400 1.2 TO·3 Flange 991766··22009109 VVEE6287 250 ioo 412400 620000 11..22 916·2042 VE47 450 900 280 400 1.2 10 AND 25 AMP 916·2014 VE67 650 1100 420 600 1.2 INTEGRATED BRIDGE RECTIFIERS 6 AMP EPOXY BRIDGE RECTIFIER Single phase 10 amp and 25 amp integrated bridge rec· tlfiers feature silicon controlled avalanche characteris· VH048, VH148, VH248, VH448, VH64B are non·controlled tics. Controlled avalanche characteristics eliminate the avalanche types. VH247, VH447, VH647 are controlled need to buy more expensive, overrated devices to pro· avalanche types with 400 walts max. power disslp. In the vide adequate protection against voltage transients. Elec· VB. region for 100p.sec, 2 walts conI. Peak Surge Cur· trically Isolated welded case offers minimum size and rent: 25 A max., 1 sec at 60 Hz; 100 A amps max., 1 cycle maximum mounting ease. at 60 Hz (non.rep.). HIGH VOLTAGE RECTIFIERS sAplle craiatiln mgso uanreti nogb ttaeicnhendiq wueitsh.o uWt iltlh we ituhsset aonfd h5e0a0tG s inshkos cok,r 1IN0 TAEMGPR CAOTENDT RBORLIDLGEDE ARVEACLTAIFNIECRHSE SNtooc. k TNyop.e Fig. AvValoalntsc he MVarx . Vrm MVIamx . 100 Hz vibration with peak acceleration of 10G. 600 watts max. power dissipation In the VB. region for Min. Max. IRMS) Iwkg) V/leg o VB SERIES 1CC0uu0rr rreepn.nstte:: c 1,1 0040 AAw, a a1llt s cl1yle0cgl0e ° Ccao t nc6ta0ins euH oz tue(snm.o pnAe·vrreearptua.)rg.ee . M DPaCxe. a kFR oeSrvweuarrsgrede 999771666···RR3722088055 3o VVVHHH012444888 LLL ......... ... . ..... 1347500 12050000 111...222 CVDurCr enmt:i n0im.2u mmA, acta sTeo· t=o -c1ir6c0u0iel.. IOnpsuelraattiionng /SSttroernaggteh : T2e0m00· 997766··22886506 VVHH644488 LL ... .. , 248200 640000 11..22 perature: -65° to +160°C. 976·R2852 VH247 L 250 700 140 200 1.2 SNtooc. k TNyop.e Fig. MAviVna.l oalnMtsc haxe. (RMVMarx S. ) (Vwrkmg ) VMV/Ilamexg . 999777666···R3R122288555 84 VVVHHH164444778 /TT .LL.. 119.0.0 00. 42278000 614000000 111...222 916·R0200 lN4436 E 250 500 140 200 1.2 DC Reverse CurrlIeDn t: 1V Gp.A SaEt RPRIEV Sa t 25°C, 40 p.A at PRV 999117666···RR0200322021 00 lllNNN444444333766 //FF//ST EGF 422555000 575000000 211844000 422000000 111...222 VavSa0l4aBn,2c h VeAS 1Mt4y8Pp, e EsV.SP 2OV4S8X2, Y4V7 ,SB 4RV4BSID,4 4GV7S,E 6 4VR8S 6Ea4Cr7e T aInFroeIn E-ccRooSnntt rroolllleedd at 100°C. Peak Surge Current: 3 amps maximum, 1 cycle 976·0250 lN4437/F/T F 450 700 280 400 1.2 avalance, types with 300 W max. power dissip. In VB. at 60 Hz (non·rep.). Ambient Operating Temperature: 976·R0240 lN4437/F/S G 450 700 280 400 1.2 region for 100 p.sec, 1 W cant. VS14BX fast recovery with. -55°C to +150°C. 976·0280 lN4438/F/T F 650 900 400 600 1.2 200 nsec max. t" Peak Surge: 8 A max., 1 sec at 60 Hz; Stock VI 976·0210, lN4438/F/S G 650 900 400 600 1.2 50 A max., 1 cycle (non·rep.); fast recovery type, 6 A No. (V) and 35 A respectively. 976·3310 20 VPaBgroe. v rDideC2ge 5isoF no1A r5wMf0oa0rPr dw 1 C0Ca0lOul srprN e.smTnetaRc:x , 2Oim54 L uawLmmEa ptpDstso alwAlte eV1gr0 A0dcL°iosCAns ticNipnaaCustoeiHou tnsEe .m inAp evtrehare·· 97S6Nt·o3oc8.k 3 5 VTS0J4oP8.e FiLg . MA..ivn.aV . laonlMtcs.h a..xe . (RMVM3ar5x S .) IwVr5km0g ) VMV1/Ila.me2xu ' 97S6Nt·o2oc1.k 2 0 (V5V0I) tm1(un8iron0eni°.mC· rPue. mpe.aI.)n k. s uOSMlpuaaretxgiroieman tu iCnmSgu t/rrSrReetneongvrt:ate hgr2:se e5 0 c TaCaseumemr·rppteosen,· rcta:i1 rt uc5cru eyimt:c, lAe- 2 60aa05tt 0· T6C0cV DH=tCoz 999777666···0RR333111034 11 VVVSSS241444888 LLL ..'"... . ..'.....' 21847000 412000000 111...222 [Q) VC SERIES +180°C. 997766··R3135123 0 VVSS624487 LL 250 700 412400 620000 11..22 Henigcha pvsoulltaatgeed ·wpaitchk alogwes .l eUaknaitgse hacvuerr e¥n.Itn otfinfe rpelda teind ebpraosxys SNtooc. k T~op.. IF.' g. MAivnVa. loalnMtsc ahxe. (RMVMarx S. ) (Vwrkmg ) VVI Ilmeg 999177666···R33113411844 0 VVVSSS164444877X LLL 645500 119.00..00 42287000 641000000 111...522 terminals. DC Reverse Current: 1 p.A at PRV at 25°C, '" 1im mumA , at1 P RcyVc laet 1a2t 5°6C0 . HPze ak(n Sonur·rgeep .C).U rAremnbt:i e5n0t aOmppes ramtianxg· 997766··R3136106 2 VVTTZ2O0O0 /T FH 225500 770000 114400 220000 11..55 IbJ 10-AMP EPOXY BRIDGE RECTIFIERS Tteermmpinearla ttuor eh: ea-t5 s0i°nCk, 1to0, 0+001 2v5o°ltCs . mIinnsimuluamtio. n Strength: 997766··R31317601 VVTT420000 /S GF 425500 970000 124800 420000 11..55 aVtJ 46408 ,H zn;o 7n5·c Aon mtroaxll.e, d1 Va2v aclyacnlceh ea t ty6p0 eH. z2 7( nAo nm·reapx..,) . 1 sec. 976·3172 VT400/T H 450 900 280 400 1.5 Stock Typo 10 VI 976·R3171 VT400/S G 450 900 280 400 1.5 Max. No. No. (AI (VI 976·3180 VT600 F 650 1100 400 600 1.5 Stock No. VIm 976·1540 VC60 1.5 12 976·R3182 VT600/T H 650 1100 400 600 1.5 VI lag 916·1560 VC80 1 14 976·R3181 VT600/S G 650 1100 400 600 1.5 916·2905 1.2 See Semiconductor Directory for Complete Price Information ALLIED. 11

SlIfcon Controlled. Reellfler. SUBSTITUTIONS. Allied Electronics reserves the right. Sensitive Gate to substitute, if necessary, an Identical device of and other electronic apparatus which re- quires subminiature tubes. Molded. mica- filled low loss phe- nolic; silver-plated beryllium copper conta
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