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Allen, Thomas G. (1982) The Body of Christ concept in Ephesians. PhD thesis. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/1698/ Copyright and moral rights for this thesis are retained by the Author A copy can be downloaded for personal non-commercial research or study, without prior permission or charge This thesis cannot be reproduced or quoted extensively from without first obtaining permission in writing from the Author The content must not be changed in any way or sold commercially in any format or medium without the formal permission of the Author When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given Glasgow Theses Service http://theses.gla.ac.uk/ [email protected] THE BODY OF CHRIST CONCEPT IN EPHESIANS BY THOMAS G. ALLEN fulfillment Submitted in partial for the degree Ph. D. of in the Faculty Divinity of University Glasgow of 1982 December, ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I indebted to in Scotland am numerous people the USA and who have supported and encouraged methroughout this but endeavor, who for be purposes of space cannot specifically named. Without the to the libraries Memphis Theological gracious access given me of Seminary Southwestern Memphis the task finishing and at of this thesis in Brinkley, Arkansas have been difficult. would extremely But special thanks due to Mrs. Annie Mae Lewis, the are and staff of the Harding Graduate School Religion library in Memphis, Tennessee. of Without their helpful difficult task have been assistance a would all but impossible. I the friendship must also acknowledge sustaining Professor of W. Larry Lacy Southwestern Memphis. informal at of -Our discussions the broader issues have on of religion and philosophy hopefully helped to the trap "tunnel " Also de- me avoid of vision. serving is Professor, Ernest Best. I my special gratitude my am indebted to his has been inspiration work which an and guidepost, and grateful for his to during patience and willingness stay with me the years in this has taken Last but least, which work shape. not I owe my thanks and my heart to my wife, Teri. Not only did she type and help proofread the but her love has the manuscript, upheld me amid ebb and flow of emotions that accompany Ph. D. work. To her this thesis is dedicated, iii I Tý) 6ý 8uvaU64) 6TEýp On6P6xn6PLOOOO TEdLvTa TEOLficaL wv I 6vepyouuývnv l,, 86va4Lv aCTo6Ue4-: a vooOUev xaT& Tfiv Tfiv tv ýuUv, h 66Ea 6v txxXncCqL 6V XPLCT45 'ITIGOO cL6Tr4) Tý xat dLUAV. CCQ n6GCLQ T&c yeve&Q ToO aC&5vog TC3v (xC6v(jv, (Eph iii 20-21) iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary viii .................................................... Principal Abbreviations xi ................................. 0 .... Introduction 1 .................................................. Purpose Method 1 and ......................................... Exegetical Presuppositions 4 .................................. The Exegetical Question 10 ................................... CHAPTER I: THE UNITY OF HEAD AND BODY: EPH i 20-23 17 ........... Context 17 ................................................... Interrelation i 20-23 ii 1-10. of and essoo-99, -* ... *0019 The Believer's Exaltation Solidarity Christ 20 and with .... Exegesis 27 .................................................. The Character the Pericope 27 of ........................... Verse-by Verse Analysis 35 ................................. 20 35 vs. .................................................. 21 38 vs. .................................................. 22 43 vs. .................................................. Excursus: The Church txxXTjcrCoL 48 as .................... Excursus: Christ the Cosmic Head 64 as ................... 23 77 vs. .................................................. Excursus: The Context Meaning 92 and of TtXýpwjia ........ Conclusion 113 ................................................ CHAPTER II: GENTILES AND JEWS IN ONE BODY: EPHii 16, iii 6 116 ... Eph ii 16 116 ................................................. The General Context 117 .................................... The Immediate Context 120 .................................. The Character the Pericope 121 of ........................ Verse by Verse Analysis 126 .............................. 14 126 vs. ............................................... 15 131 vs. ............................................... 16 136 vs. ............................................... 17 138 vs. ............................................... 18 140 vs. ............................................... A Survey the Interpretation tv ývL 142 of of c6jia-rL ..... Arguments for the Crucified Body Jesus 143 of ............ Arguments for the Church Body 150 ........................ V The Grammatical Position and Primary Point Reference of WW QMTL Of 153 .................................... Eph iii 6 164 ................................................. iii 6 in Context 164 ........................................ Mmn in the Context iii 6 167 of ....................... Conclusion 175 ................................................ CHAPTER III: UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN THE GROWING BODY: EPH iv 1-16 (25) 178 .......................................... Context 178 ................................................... Exegesis 181 .................................................. The Character the Pericope of .......................... 9181 Excursus: The Confessional Character Eph iv 4-6... 182 of Verse by Verse Analysis 186 ................................. 4 186 vs. ................................................... 5 192 vs. ................................................... 6 194 vs. ................................................... 7 195 vs. ................................................... 199 8 vs. ................................................... 201 9 vs. ................................................... 10 202 vs. .................................................. 11 204 vs. .................................................. 12 208 vs. ................................................... 13 213 vs. .................................................. 14 224 vs. .................................................. 15 226 vs. .................................................. 16 233 vs. .................................................. Note &, %XýXcov (iv 25) 243 on UýXn ........................... Conclusion 244 ................................................. CHAPTER IV: THE BODY OF CHRIST AND THE BRIDE OF CHRIST: EPH 22-33 251 v ............................................... Context 251 ................................................... Excursus: The NT Haustafeln 252 ............................. The Ephesians Haustafel 256 ................................. Analysis Eph 22-33 261 of v ................................... Exegesis 262 .................................................. The Exhortation to Wives 262 ................................ 22 262 vs. .............. .................................. 23 vs. 263 ................................................ Excursus: Gen ii 24 Marriage and 265 ................... 24 vs. 278 ................................................ vi The Exhortation to the Husbands 280 ......................... 25 vs. 280 ................................................ 26 vs. 282 ................................................ 27 284 vs. ................................................ Excursus: The Ephesian Nuptial Imagery 285 ............. 28 296 vs. ................................................ 29 298 vs. .................................................. 30 300 vs. ................................................ The Scripture Quotation, Its Significance and I-- Application 301 ........................................... 31 301 vs. ................................................ 32 303 vs. ................................................ 33 308 vs. ................................................ Conclusion 309 ................................................ 90"'"99,315 Christ's Supremacy the Church's Unity 315 and ................. The Church the Body Christ 320 as of .......................... Underlying Characteristics 320 .............................. Specific Relations 323 ....................................... Further Observations Areas for Research 328 and ............... APPENDIX A: CORPORATE PERSONALITY: TOWARDS A DEFINITION 332 ...... APPENDIX B. 340 - E92MA ............................................ Man 340 and .............. The Greek 340 World ......................................... The Jewish 343 World ........................................ The New Testament 349 ....................................... World, Society, 354 EC)4a and ................................. Historical Overview 354 ..................................... Points Departure 358 of ..................................... Comparative Associdtions the Body 367 of .................... Six Areas Special Concern 369 of .............................. APPENDIX C: rQMA XPIETOY in the Pauline Context 375 ............ I Cor vi 375 .......... I Cor 17 376 x ................................................ I Cor 29 xi 377 ............................................... I Cor 12-27 xii 377 ........................................... Rom 4-5 xii 379 ............................................... vii NOTES TO THE INTRODUCTION 384 .................................... NOTES TO CHAPTER I 388 ........................................... NOTES TO CHAPTER II 423 .......................................... NOTES TO CHAPTER III 440 ......................................... 461 NOTES TO CHAPTER IV .......................................... 482 NOTES TO THE CONCLUSION ...................................... 482 NOTES TO APPENDIX A .......................................... 485 NOTES TO APPENDIX B .......................................... 495 NOTES TO APPENDIX C .......................................... BIBLIOGRAPHY 498 ................................................. LXX, *NOTE Citations; Apart from the NeK Testament and quotations on from the Loeb Greek Latin and translations of and authors are Quotations the Classical Library of unless noted otherwise. from the Soncino Babylonian Talmud Midrash Rabba are cited and editions. viii SUMMARY Research into the Body Christ in Ephesians has been of concept largely dominated by the the idea's overriding question about origin development in the Pauline Corpus. The to conflicting answers and this larger problem as it pertains to Ephesians are often. the reflec- the idea's in the letter. tionof different exegetical pictures of use It is this that forms the focus of our inquiry. exegetical question in Ephesians the Body Christ We the where of concept exegete passages the idea's function in in to use and appears order unearth and clarify to the context, In so doing we hope to contribute modestly overall the develop- the letter to the problem of ortgtn and understanding of and the Body image, ment of Christ is to Our that the Body of concept used exegesis shows Christ, i. the believers, communicate the Church's twofold unity with-in e. in Christ. fellowship Christ their with one another solidarity with and Especially in i 20-23 does the former to the fore. Christ is viewed come in is as the New Adam a renewed cosmic order which man who establishes his no longer subject to cosmic powers. As the special recipient of benefits blessings the Church the New Adam's exalted life as shares and idea Christ's the his humanity. The of solidarity with new underlying Church is best in terms of Semitic corporate personality. understood Christ is functionally identified believers such that his personhood with for the Church's life its the and unity, supplies necessary conditions body corporate self-identity. Adapting the popular social-political meta- phor to his own Semitic presuppositions, the author uses the Body of Christ image to convey the God-willed unity of a person. The Body denotes the Church the Christ's distinct as corporate expression of person, whose individual. is by the Head. If Christ be and -function represented may the Head things, it is the Church the called of all still and not cosmos i that is his Body. The unity of Head and Body distinguishes the Church from the cosmos, defining the Church the as special recipient of those divine Christ's is acts whereby cosmic rule established and his new life mediated. The Church's in this life participation new entails a profound in the God's the formerly change constitution of people, and mystery hidden, that Gentiles Jews now revealed, shows as well as share the blessings inaugurated by the Christ's In Eph ii 14-18 rule of peace. iii 6, then, the fellowship Gentile Jewish believers is and of and stressed. The that Christ betWeen Gentiles peace establishes and Jews is the the between God outward expression of peace established and all men. Gentiles and Jews receive reconciliation as members of one and the Body; both in the inheritance living to- same and promise, share gether in the common life of the same Body. Here the idea of racial solidarity is conflated with the idea of an organism governed by one life principle. Again the source of this common life is the person of Christ through the The the who effects reconciliation cross. unity of Body their the Person is members manifests corporately unity with who this Body, Christ. It becomes in iv' 4-16 that does clear such unity not entail a ' stagnant sameness, but a living diversity. Christ gives different gifts in different that believer the to measures so each might receive grace God's Special that serve and walk worthy of calling. gifts are given through them Christ for that might prepare others service so each may work to build the bond between themselves up and strengthen of unity and with Christ. The final is that together the Body aim all as of Christ might attain to a Full-grown Man, to grow into the corporate person who is revealed in the function of the Head, Christ. Christ as Head is the Body in the function being whole of the source and goal of its life and growth, Thus the inner unity of the Body depends its on

CHAPTER I: THE UNITY OF HEAD AND BODY: EPH i 20-23 .. 17. Context ply note a few important facts about the readers. The readers were largely
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