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Allen, Holberg - CMOS Analog Circuit Design second edition PDF

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Preview Allen, Holberg - CMOS Analog Circuit Design second edition

CMOS Findlog Circuit Design Second Edition Douglas R. Holberg ‘cypnal Integrated Products, ine. ‘New York Oxford OXFORD UNIVERS-TY PRESS 2002 Contents Pees Chapter] lmteaductlon and Bachgronid | M1 Analog Inegretzd-Chouit Desien | 12 Nottian, Symbologs, and Terminolony 6 1S Analog Signal Processing 9 1M Example of Avslog VLSI Mixcd-Signst Cireuit Design 10 ME Summary 15 Problem 16 References 17 Chapter 2 CMOS Technology 18 21 asic MOS Semiconductse Fabrication Processes 19 22 Thepa funetion 29 21 The MOS Trunsisior 36) 1 Passive Components 43 23 colter Considersions of CMOS Tectaology 48 4A torogrtea Cieouit Layout 55 21 Sumaery 66 Problems 8 References 70 aM CONTENTS Chapter 3 CMOS Nevice Modeling 72 3] _ Simple MOS Large-Signat Matel (SPICE LEVEL 32 Other MOS Large-Signal Model Parameters 79 AD smotsignel Move) for che MOS Transistor 87 54 Computer Simulation Models 92 35° Submhromold MOS Medel 97 JE SPICE Simulation of MOS Circuits 99 SY summary 109 Problems 110 References 112 Chapter 4 finateg CMDS Subeircatts 13 41 Mos swith 113 42 MOS Diode/Active Resistor 124 4A. Curent Sinks and Somrces. 126 44 Curent Minos 134 48° Current and Vollge References. 143 4B Bandgap Reference 153 AY Susamary 150 Problems 158 References 166 Chanter S CHOS Amplifiers 167 51 sverters 164 52. Oiffeeutial Amplifiers 120 53 Concode Amplifiers 199 SA Cument Amplifiers 212 5S Ouepot Amplifiers 218 SG Wigh-Gain Amplifier Architectures 229 . Contents ST summery 232 Problems 233 References 242 Chapter 6 CHOS Operational Amplifiers 243 81 Design of CMOS Op Amps 244 82 Compinsatinn of Op Amps 254 BS. Design of Two-Stage Op Ampa 269 84 Power-Supply jection Ratio of Two-Stage Op Amps 286 (5 cascode ctpamps 293 EE Simulation and Mensuremeat of Op Arps 310 B7 Macromodels for Op Amps 323 Ba Summary 461 Problems 342 References 348 Chapter 7 High-Performance CHOS Cp Amps 381 WL Battered Op Amps 352 12 High-Speedifrequeney Op Amps 368 74 DifferentaL-Ompst Op Amps 384 14 Micropower Op Amps 293 18. Low-Noise Op amps 402 18 Low-volugeOp Amps 415 1 summary 432 Problems 433 References 437 Chapter 8 Comparatirs 439 Ri charscterizaim of u Comparstor 439 We wo-Stage, Open-Laop Comparators 445 13 other Open-Loop Comparators 461 VU Improving the Performance of Open-Loop Comparators 464 US) Discrete-Time Comparators 475 Mi High-Spere Comparators 483 BY Summary 438 Problems 488 References 491 Chanter 9 Switched Capacitor Circwits 442 M1 Switched Capacitor Caeaity 493 AL Switched Capacitor AmpliGers $07 LD switched Capacitor Integrators 520 V4 Domain Model of Two-Phase Switched Capacitor Cults 532 35 Firs Drter Switched Capacitor Cleuies S44 18 Secoud-OnderSwitohed Capacitor Cirevis 550 BY switened Capacitor Flere 581 32 summary 600 Problems 600 References GIL Chapter 10 Digital-Aualog anu Analag-Vigital Converters G12 IL toroduetion aud Characterization of Digital-Analog Converts 613 WE Parate Digita-Ansing Lonverers 623 WE Extending the Revol of Parallel Digite!—Analog Converters 635 WS Sera Dighal-Antlog Converters 647 TDS tatroductivn and Characterization of Anslug—Digitl Comvenere 652 IDB. Serial Ausiog-tigtal Converters 665 UY Modiom-tyced analog Diglal Converters 667 WA High-Speed Analog-Ligital Convers 682 WS Overtunpling Converters 698 Contents TW summary 713 Problems 715 References 729 Hypendi A Ciecuit Analysis for Analog Circuit Design 733 Agent § CMOS Device Characterization 744 Fpenlit € Time and Froquency Domain Relationships for Second-Crder Systems 768 inten 77 PREFACE “The objzive ofthe tend ert of ik bk commis foe tach the design oF CMOS nuke ecu. "The eeching of design eates fis beyind alng erie, of clea wd Sowing aalsis meds I nelode the neenany Toudsgetal and hacker ful st ply them in birarehical manna tha a novos cap understand, Probl of m3 impor ‘abet each he concep of desigulng slog lyruod ccs i tha const of CMOS tectnology. These concep enable he reat oande:stid the operation nf analog CMOS Secu and knw ow to chang it performance. Wid ays compuler-rzotd inking. Jt is vial to maimais penoral consol of a desig, t2 know wat wo expect, and i discern ren sivlon esas ay be misleading AS inieare cet aco mer complet, is ‘octal (kame “how the eeu orks” Simolaiog m Gea! wihou Die understanding. oF ow i work can Ln to naarous mut, Wow dees the reader anquize he knowledge of how a cio werk? The aver to this sain tn bee te siving motvton of the tcond eon of hin tx, There we over [Emporantstee in he proces. Te fit eum to anayze the ie, The snaps sonal ‘rete sel rms tbat ca be understood and zepplied indifferent comets. The ‘ecund i 0 le alg imegrited circuit design Toru herthicl viewpoint Thi mais Dat he signers able to vinta how sbciet ar aed fo fe cools nw lec at med hl cmples cay, mad forth, The i stp st Reh reese he il help he new dena come p wth webiag desighs Tht has eel in th ch sion of mung “devgn wecipes” which becune poplar wi he at dion and hae been ex. nde inthe socava editor. His imperant Si the desigasr elie hat ther esl Tires utpla oft lctical detgrof CMOS analog cron, Tey are (T}a sche of th rou, (2) cumea6, ad (5 WL elon Most desiga lows cx ecipes” es be organized ‘wound thes Une outs very sly ‘fhe yeas apo, it was no lea what impertance CMOS technaoyy would have 08 amo cet, Hinsever, as became: very clear tht CMOS techolngy his become the technology of choke fr unnlg cuit design ina xed-sigtal enviroment, This "cboics laser weteraiy tha ofthe devin bul of inety tends ht ano se stad teh olpies a raplemon wb cise along ls cig tal eral. As vol, the Bet elon SE CMOS Analog Goeut Des Tufld a pad fra eat is area beter here wece on ‘her teas on hs suet. Irs Found extensive se (a Industry ant bas been wed a elas: tua all ver the world Like the Sct edion th std eit Ga ale chose oct i tlhe BIT technolog The wisdom of tis coi wil be seca ashe years progres. The so. tnd edi haa bees developed wits te gol of exzendiog the sergio the Hat etm, ney ia the ares of analog Gicltesign insight and concept, * magne ‘Theseus las bet lng nein coring bl ise a3 wage bending of indusey and aeudemie Tis Bending bas necuned er the pst 18 year Im how out ‘aug yd frst ant, var 50 shor cote hava Baan gh froma che ego mc 1500 engioes allover the world lo est short course, the engineers demtar ded to ude stand te concep and insight fe desigrng anlog CMOS ciel and much of ie ropense ‘oes demands been inch in Ua tee0od etn kn aio ta their pat the second edition. ee ators be taught tis make wt Georgia hthute af Teshaoiogy le Cates of Tes at Aust Ove fe past LS Years Teexpvince hs provided iasight it ar bem includ 9 Har wend tin Sythe viewpoints ad Ue ‘ueions, Ala, be ace ppleason af ts macro has enced a Inge body of pao lethat hae en given 6 and hase a been acted nha cand ans The ek ‘ion tad 335 problems, Te stead ston has aver SUD prblems, aad orto how a ‘ne toe acon een ‘The audio: fore second eon i xseotily the same a for dhe fie edn. The ‘s edtion wer very usefel to thnse beginning 2 ener in CMOS aazg design—-rany oF ‘wh Rave comrauniited a Ie aurea teal has Sem rel eeceme int fly wor The record elon should comme be of value w both new wl eperearedePah- rent In edesry. Wee pociles ar coor del wuld never Recome once een hough wchnotogy cranses. "The socond anceace Is he claytcom, The ap of qualia sta ocx he Fld ‘of analog CMOS devign bas not mt the demand from indus. Cr hope thal he socond ‘eon wil provide Boh inezuciors and studems wth 2 too tar wil help Fl ln de ‘and. I ade To blp fasta ti objec, uth authors ina websites tat pea the dmg aioodng of short cra: cure slides, swt course schekes so ets, lass Maes, an ‘robert and soltcas ia pe format. cre information ean be found a words 8.08 (28. Allen) and wow holterg.ceg (DR. Hoes). These wes we coataua updaed, and ‘he oder or tractive a maki eof enfin nd eaching tides comaoed onthe ss. “Tre seenad mln has round eteosive changes. Thee changes ne the moving of Cnapier {oF tho Be livon we Appeadin B of i sto elon Tae cumpartcr chip fer of te Best edidon way bef he op sap charred a been ted ait the op nm cheers. Tn the 1S gears sie the Fst sti, the cpt ham heat me Wh Sense amin an es ik a op ap without conupeaation, A jo change hat bon he lncerporston of Chigter 9 on svc capecine circus. There we two reasons fr this Sched capacitors ae very eppowtant inaralog ccs an sysenn desig, end hi infor rani i needed for maay ofthe analog-dgtal wo Uigal-aralog someriers of Couper 1D. (Chnper 11 of heft tom ho been Ceonped. Them wee pono replat wth 3 chair on and stems incloing phase-locked lope and VOOs bat Hime id et allow tis 0 De sealized The problem of the send edition ce uretdzed la sections aa have beet de> ‘Senet a winlrce nnd entand he vnc sl prin atetalela paticular ap ‘Toe Marche erganizationof he second edn sine 2 Table (2. Chap b rica tho material noeasry to izodoor CMOS anafog circuit sign. The sBaper pics in avervew ofthe subject of CMOS mnlog cleat design defines ctatin and eaeveaton nog tee aevey of slog ial proeceting, od goes an cremple of taalog CMOS do- Slim eitheynphasson the Bierce ape of hese Cees 2a 3 Fr he i Go analog CMOS design by covering te subjeet of CMUS tecmology end medling. Chapter teslewe CMOS leomatony oe angled vo MOS. devies, yo functlac, geese cmmporen ‘couple with CMOS exhonkogy, wel uli ganpels ach 2 a wn bate Prelace oY BT and lachup. This chapter luo Stcludey a tection othe impact of inert cea yout Tas portion of the Xt shows tht he physical design of ke iterated crcl ie 35 inggorunt asthe elecrcal desiga, end mary goed eben desins can be Tuned by poue physial design o¢ layout. Chapter 3 iaaduccs the Key mbinci of modeling, which fs used thysuphaut the remainder af he text (o pro le pectmanoe of CMOS eit The fous of tis chat st inmeduce & model that is good enough to pret the perfomance af + (CMOS cet to wthin 10% fo =20% and wl allow the des|gnar Sigh ad underran- ing. Cooper simulans ea be ued 2 mows erty mode tho crating any Act innpi orndestanding of the cia The model in hi chnpter ied the MOSFET pe sigat! and small-signal models, ineluding equeney dependence. (nation, hve fe smell tbe noise ard emperature dependence of MOSFET unl compat pusive semeats ‘thou. Ti capter wo discusses comput vimlaton andes. Tis upc fa too com pled forthe scope his book, but some of he bare eas ane pretemed ao thatthe reader can tppeciatecempute simulation made. ter models forthe subdreshold aperation a pre sented along wth how couse SPICE fox compar skaion of MOSFET crv Chay 4 al $ vepreset the taper of sabeiruis and spl tht willbe nse to design ere complen analog cu, such aa un op amp. Chapir 4 navers Ge use ef the MOSFET asa switch Followed by de MOS dode rate rsisto Thay cabeirufs of cP ent siaks/owcet and SUE ror: ae posed nen, These subciais peri eis Latioe uf imponact design chnoests such as negative feedback, desig trodes, and msc ing principles. nally. chia ebaper presents incependent voltage nnd cure referer 88 AK the andgep vag ference. Thea references elem to provide 2 waloge rt eure tht Indepenien of pover supply exdterapeature, Chgter 3 Oeelops varios pena eopiSes ‘eae amplifiers aw charaeized fom thei large-signal and sralbsignl performance, im lating ose and bawwidG whore anprepriste. Th categorie of amplifies inchude the vent, iffereml, cascode, current and obtptca\plifers. Tt las section discusses how igh gain anetitirs could imple fru the amplifier blocs of Ui pte Chaper6, 7, an epesent examples of complex ana crcl, Chaplet inreaces the dexign of «simple Cuensage op sow. This op amp is used to develop ie piiples of compensation necessary for ibe op an tbe vet The ewossage op amp Ls used 1D for ‘mally preset mothods of devigning this type of analog ccc. Ths chapter sls examines the design of the cacede op aps, parcolry the foled-cascode op amp. This chapter cor- lade tha dixowion of tecbeiques ta meus and simbla op amps and macromodel ‘Marmedels cam be asc tomo ete simulate op amps at higher levee abstection. ‘Chapter 7 presents the pbjec of high-perfomance op amps, In uns chaplervatous perfor snarees ofthe ample op nary are optimized quite often at ha expease ul oer perorenanee Aesth, The pir ince hatred upto ampe,bighfoquency op amp, dilerentiy. cutput op amps low-power ap urns low aul op anps, and loy-wallsge op smps.Chpesr rstent the opetfoop comparator, which fx an op ump without compencaon, Thit Fellowod by methods of designing this typeof corpo for inear ox sewing espuases, Mieke ad improving the performance of pero compares, ineluding suering and byseresis ar presemted. Finally, this chaperdeseabesregenertive comparator and haw they ean be combined wit low-gun, high-speed amplifers io achlove compara with 2 sary short progegaion de delay Cinptee 9 and 10 focus on anslog ystene. Chapter 9 Is corpltsly new and presets the tntg of switched capaci cle, The eamceps of asic capacitor ae presented along ith such ovis a8 the switched capactar amplifier and integrator. Mette uaa Iyring and sealing switched capacitor elicats ae given, and first-order and secoed-onder ot PREFACE iced capacitor croule art used ve design various Sher using cascade and fuer ap- prowshicn Chapter 9 conrlaes with antalinsing Pers, which ae eed by all swine ‘apuctr cious, Chipler 0 coves ta pics uf CMOS git analog und untug digital ‘oer, Digil-anaog converte ace preseted nesonding to Aci vant of sling it relirence ad ile wala eoren, an vonge dptl-analo covet. Nex, mers of exending the reolaive of cpt ‘analog coweres ar given. ie aalog ight co ‘erry are did Imo Nya and oversampling converters. The Nygaist eaten ax poe seta ascerting to tet spd of uperaton slo, medina fs. Fiaaly, who uber! oF ‘ovsampled anaiog-digial and d.gial~analog eowvenere i presered. These converters allow bigh resluion and sre very compatible wth CMOS technlogy. “The appondios cover Oe tps ef cai aneys methods for CMOS atalog crits, (©2405 device characterization (ss evenly chante 4 ofthe rat editoo) sl tine ad “rsquency drain ninship or somone em, "Tae ate ofthe sown eflion i tore than eaconcfor a Swenk coc, Depeauing ‘pen bs backgzoand of he ates, x Shovepepavee, 1S meekowoxser cove cou lie para aplers2and 3, Hheger hugh perso hier, and Chapler&, Coape 1er9 aid IO gould be wad a5 parc ofthe inl fora couse om analog Sypems At Goerpa “Tee, histou Lnsed slang with he forth eden of Anal)as and Daign af Analg grated Cie a twosome os tha eave bith BJT and CMOS wel IC eign. hag 9 and Ware ued fr shoot 10% of afemeser cow on analog IC systems deg. "The backround aeocasry foe this et ib mgood utersiting of baie cledrorcs, ‘Topics of imporeee includ lrge-sigaal models. basing, soull-signel moves requey eponse, Fecdbach, aad op np It would ako be hela to have good bazkground semiconductor devices and how they opera, itgzted cine procesdng,simuaion wing ‘SPICE. and madaliog of MOSFETs Wi his background the adr could tart at Capes 4 vt il problen “Th rite soul ket expres thee apgrorinion ani rt esate many ivi ais sho have contitte to Re development ofthe spond eon, Thee acd bot ue Aeteudoaie wad grb nade cha have Died the Lt elon eal offered comoecs, ‘ggmsions and eomasions. Kalu inclu Br over [0D inlanlpticpey wh, over the fas 1S peas, have anzoded a ane-weok coure 08 staple, We tkenk them for Lie sccungeroet, plane, and saqgerone. We aso appreciate te tadhack and comecion: ‘rom man individuals ainsi and aeadrnn Nor lide The ina rem tase Wa hate ead apd used he pelinary edition Is paul appccinod. In ptcolr, he utors woul 1k taunt Tom DiGiacomo, Babck Aria, and Michel Hocker fx providing uf feed tack oo the no oitoo. Te cular praofllyacknowlodge he ptiznce nod eoocurtgemert of Pe Gordo, ExevuGve Bator of Engineering, Sccozs and Computer Sexnce of Ontos Univesiy, Pres daring the deve-opment of the second eon and =e frm bat gente sbep- berdicg ofthe cond edition “rongt ibe prodtaion phat ty tne prjct edie. Jesh Collin, Leal, he asingee of Marge Behe i bebping 3 eta Work amocaned wilh the preptraion ad teaching ofthe second edition is wrealy approved. Philip Allen Aden, GA ‘Douglas R Holherg Austin, TX

lA Example of Analog VLSI Mixed-Signal Circuit Design 10 . of CMOS Analog Circuit Design fulfilled a need for a text in this area before there were
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