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UUttaahh SSttaattee UUnniivveerrssiittyy DDiiggiittaallCCoommmmoonnss@@UUSSUU All Graduate Theses and Dissertations Graduate Studies 5-1981 AAlllleeggoorryy aanndd NNiieettzzsscchheeaann VVaalluueess iinn KKaaffkkaa,, CCaammuuss,, aanndd KKaazzaannttzzaakkiiss Paul Kenneth Naylor Utah State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd Part of the English Language and Literature Commons RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Naylor, Paul Kenneth, "Allegory and Nietzschean Values in Kafka, Camus, and Kazantzakis" (1981). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 6705. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/6705 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate Studies at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Graduate Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALLEGOARNYD N IETZSCHVEAALNU ES INK AFKAC,A MUSA,N DK AZANTZAKIS by PaulK enneNtahy lor A thesissu bmittiendp artiaflu lfillment oft her equiremefnotrts h ed egree of MASTEORF A RTS in English Approved: UTAHS TATUEN IVERSITY LoganU,t ah 1981 ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In1 97I5m ,e ttw moe wnh ion itdia antndeu rtumreie ndm ys tudies oft heolaongdpy h ilos-o-RpehvyE. u geHnieg naenyDd r J.a mBeosy ack. Iw oullidk teot hatnhke m fboogrti hv imnetg h etiirm aen tdh eir insight. Iw oullidk teot haGnekn Wea shinfgotsrou ng gesats itnugod ny allegaonrfdyo ern courmaegw iinthghi ssa gaed vitco"e j ussitdt o wn ansdt awrrti tinRgo.Sn"m itihn'csi sive ocnrt ihtiwisoc rihksa ms helmpeg reat(lIwy o.u allds loi kteot hahnikfm o rpr ovtihnagat generaclaisnst ti slulc ceed). Duritnhgle a sfto uyre arAsd,eR no sasn Bd ilSlm ihtahv bee en myg uidtehsr otuhgleha byroifnA tcha de-m-icIaa hno nesstaltyyh at Iw ounlodbt e w heIra em o rw hIoa mw ithtohuetai drv iacnecd o ncern. Bumto stIlt yh,a mnykp are-n-tmsyd ebttot heamn mdy l ovfeo r ·theimsb eyotnhdre e aocfhw or.ds -·(A lstoo,t hfei elodfPs r ovidfeoncrca el,m miene gn ough tow rit.e . · ) iii TABLOEF C ONTENTS Page . . . . . . ACKNOWLEDGE.ME.NT S ii . . .. . ... . . . ABSTRA.CT. . iv .. . . . . . . . . . . . INTRODUCT.I ON 1 Chapter I. A DEFINITOIFOA NL LEGO.RY• 4 EtymoloagnydH istoorfyt heT erm 5 TheC ontenotfA llego.ry•. 9 TheI ntentioofnA llego.r.y• •. 14 II.ALLEGOARNYD V ALUIEN S PENSEARN DN IETZSCHE 18 AllegoirnyT heF c1�rQluee ene. . • • •. • . 19 Spensearn dt heC hristian SVyasltueem 21 AllegoirnyT husS pokZea rathus.t ra• •. • . 27 Nietzscahnedt heE xistentViaallu e System2 9 NietzschOev'esr manK:a fkaC,a musa,n d Kazantza.k is. . . . • . . 3.8 . • . . . . III.ALLEGOIRNYK AFKAC,A MUSA,N DK AZANTZAKIS 40 Allegorical InitneK natfikoaCn,a musa,n d Kazantza.k is• . .. •. .• . . 41 TheD aemonic iAgnKe anftk a, Camus, and Kazantza•k is. . • . . . . 44. . . . . . . TheC osmiIcm agien K afkaC,a musa,n d Kazantza•ki.s . . . •. •.. 49 IV.NIETZSCHVEAALNU EISN K AFKAC,A MUSA,N D KAZANTZ.AK.I,S . . . ... 54 Kafkaan dt heC ame.l. 55 Camuasn dt heL ion. .• .• 63 Kazantzaaknidst heC hil.d .. • 71 . . . . . . . . CONCLUSION 78 . .. ... . NOTE.S . • . . 81 . . . . . . . . . . BIBLIOGRA.P HY 89 iv ABSTRACT Allegoarnyd N ietzschVeaalnu es inK afkaC,a muasn dK azantzakis by PaulK enneNtahy lor Masteorf A rts UtahS tatUen iversi1t9y8,1 MajoPrr ofessoEru:g enWea shington DepartmenEtn:g lish Thep uropseo ft hist hesiiss t oe xplorNiee tzschean valueass t heya ppeairn t hremeo deranl legorieFsr:a nz KafkaT'hse C astlAel,b erCta musT'h eP laguea,nd N ikos KazantzakZiosr'bt ah eG reekT.h ei ntenits t oi llustrate FriedriNcihe tzschteh'rse set ageosf t heo vermaanst hey appltyo K afkaC,a musa,n dK azantzakis. (91p ages) INTRODUCTION Whyd oesm anv aluweh ath ev aluesI?n o nef ormo r anothetrh,i sa pparenstilmyp lqeu estihoans h aunteadn d provokmeydt hinkifnogr t hel asts ixy ears--leamdeit nog wandeirn tot hel abyrinotfht sh eologpyh,i losopahnyd, literatiunrh eo peo ff indinag c ogents,a tisfyainnsgw er. I soonl earnetdh atl abyrinftrhuss tramteet dh em ostw hen I feltI hads omewhetroeg o,s omewhebreey ontdh el aby­ rinth--l"ihkeea veonr"" truth.I" a lsol eardn ieti sa ll tooe asyt oo verlotohke b eautoyf t hel abyrinitths elwfh en I focusemdye nergayn dv aluoen s omethionugt sitdhee m aze. UnlikTeh.e seus--wwahsgo i veonn lyo net hreabdyA riadne tol eadh imt hrouMgihn osl'a byrinthh-a-vIet wot hreads guidinagn df ocusimnego na patht hrougthh ist hesism,y preselnta byrtihn: AnguFsl etchetrh'eso royf a llegoarnyd FriedriNcihe tzschpeh'isl osoopfhv ya lue.F letchtearu ght met hata llegofruys etso gethaerrt a ndp hilosoipnhtyoa modeo fe xrpessiwohni cohf tetnr anscebnodtsh d isciplines. Nietzscthaeu ghmte ,a bovael l,t hatw es houlsde ekt o understtahnids l abyrinth-wloirklefd o rw hati tr eally is--laa byrinth--tahnedne,,m braceev erpya rto fi t. My intentiiosnt ow indt hestew ot hreadasl,l egoarnyd v alue, intoo neb ye xaminitnhgev alusey steimnsa llegorilciatl­ eraturceo,n centraotnim nogd erwno rkdsi rectilnyf luenbcye d Nietzschael'lse gorTyh,u sS pokZea rathustra. 2 ChapteOrn eo ft hist hesiiss a definitoifom ny f irst threada,l legorBya.s eodn F letchesre'msi nwaol rko nt he genreA,l legorTyh:e T heoroyf a SymbolMiocd ei,t s etsu p thec riterfioar d eterminiifna g w orko fl iteratiusra en allegoorryn ot.B ye mphasiztihnegd oublien tentioofn allegortyh,ed aemoniacl,l egoriacgaeln ta,n dt hec osmic, allegoriicmaalg ew,e c ant hena ppltyh esteh resep ecific aspecttsot hea llegortireesa teidnC hapteTrwso t hrough Four. ChapteTrw o--smey contdh read-a- icso mparatsitvued y oft wod istinvcite wosf v aluet,h eC hristiaanndt heE xis­ tentiavla lusey stemsI.n T heF aeriQeu eenQE,d munSdp enser straptsh ev alueosf r enaissaCnhcrei stianointh yi sc harac­ tersf ort hes amer easoInc arusst raposn h isw axewni ngs: theyb othc oncentrtahteei ern ergoyn g ettinogu to ft he labyrinth--wtohrilsd --bectahuesievr a luerse maionu tside thew allosf t hem aze.N ietzschZea'rsa thusitsrI ac arus falletno e arth:h ec oncentrahtieses n ergoyn e xploring, fightinagn,d ,f inalleym,b racitnhgel abyrintShp.e nser's Christivaanl usey stepmr ovidtehse n ecessafroyi lw,h ile NietzschEex'iss tentviaallu sey stepmr ovidtehse e ssential patterfno rt hes tudoyf m oderanl legorilciatle ratiunr e thef inatlw oc hapteorfst hist hesis. ChapteTrhsr eaen dF ourw eavteh et wot hreadtsh rough threeex amploefsm oderanl legorilciatle raturFer:a nz Kafka'Tsh eC astleA,l berCta musT'h eP laguea,n dN ikos KazantzakZiosr'bT ah eG reekT.h ef irstth reada,l legory, 3 supplitehsec riterfioard eterminiifnt gh et hreneo velasr e allegoriwcoarlk sN.i etzschpeh'isl osoopfhv ya luem,y s econd threasdu,p pliaensi nterpreptaitvtee rn-t-htrheese t ageosf developmheinsot v ermmauns pta stsh rough--wIh aipcphlt yo then ovelisn t hef ourtahn,d f inalc,h aptoefrt hist hesis. Toc laitmh atth ep rimamroyt ivoef K afkaC,a musa,n d Kazantaikniw sr ititnhge irre spectailvlee gorwiaesst h eir desirteo p ortraa yd efinisttea goef N ietzschoev'esr man woulgdr eatolvye r-simptlhirferyei chldyi vernsoev els. I contenhdo,w evetrh,a ta llt hrewer itewresr eg reatly affectbeydN ietzschpeh'isl osopahnydt, h att heayl lh ad Nietzschcee'nst rqaule stiionnt heimri ndw hent heyw rote theiarl legoriwehsa:ti sm ant od ow henh er ealiztehsa t thel abyrinitsah l lt heries ? 4 CHAPTIE R A DEFINITOIFOA NL LEGORY --Allego�a�keen-0 a �l e-0o/2n tetnh ed ull -0y-0tetmh-0a tth eayk ek eputteodb et han theayk e-0 ymbolp�ocw e-0�t �uggl-e--0. AnguFsl etcher Allegorays,A nguFsl etchseori ncisivpeultyi t,i sa 1 "protedaenv ice,a"blet oc hangiet ss hapaen df ormw ithout losintgh ee ssentiaaslp ectwshi ccho nstitaultlee gorical literaturAel.l egoirsys ucha ne clectmiocd eo fe xpression thatd efiniintgi sa bouats e asya sc atchian fgl yw itha pairo ff orceps--tbhuetra er ec ertaicno nventiwohnisc ahl low ther eadetro d etermiinfea worki sa llegoriocran lo t.T he centrarle asofno ra llegoreyc'lse ctniact uries t hatf ormi s noto neo ft hec onventioanlsl:e goarpyp earisna llg enreosf literatufrreo,me pict ol yritco r omancteod ramaW.i thouat formaclr iterfioar a llegortyh,ec ritiics f orcetdo r elyo n thec ontenatnd i ntentioofnt hew orki fh ei st od etermiinfe iti sa ne xamplofea llegorifciaclt ionA.l thoutghhe d efini­ tiono fa llegoirnyt hisc haptemra inlcyo ncertnhse c ontent andi ntentioofnt hem odea, discussoifot nh ee tymoloagnyd historoyft het ermi sn ecessatroyu nderstfaunldl tyh e naturoef a llegoarsyi ta ppearisnl iterature. EtymoloagnydH istoorfyt heT erm Thet erma llegocroym pountdwsoG reewko rds:al los, whicmhe anost hera,n da goreuiwnh,i cmhe antso s peaokp enly int hea ssembolrym arketplaBcyep .r efixianggo reuwiint h allost,h es ensoef t hew ordi si nvertetdh;e refoarlel,e gory meantso s peaokt hetrh ano penloyr "speakiontgh erwitshea t 2 ones eemtso s peak."T hec onnotatuisveeo ft hew ordi st o

This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate. Studies at . works directly influenced by. Nietzsche's allegory, Thus Spoke Zarathustra. dence; Kafka's "K." is bound by the regulations of the Castle;
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