An extraordinbaoroyk -DavidE dgar AlTlh aItSs o lid MelItnst Aoi r The ExperienOcfe M odernity MarshBaelrlm an AIIThatls MarshaBlelr man Sollliedl ts Into Air TheE xperience ofM odernity PENGUINB OOKS PENGUINBO OKS Publisbhyet dh eP enguiGnr oup PenguiBno okUsS A Inc., 375H udsonS treetN,e wY orkN,e wY ork1 001U4.,S .A. PenguiBnoo ks Ltd,W r2i7gh Ltasn eL,o ndoWn8 5TZ,E ngland PenguiBno okAsu straLltidaR, i ngwood, VictorAiuas,t ralia PenguiBnoo ksC anadLat d1,0 A lcorAnve nue, TorontOon,t ariCoa,n adMa4 V 3B2 PenguiBno ok(sN . z.L)t d1,8 2-1W9a0i rua Road, Aucklan1d0 N,e wZ ealand PenguiBno okLst dR,e gisteOrffiecde sH:a rmondsworth, MiddlesEenxg,l and Firsptu blisihnet dh eU niteSdt atoefsA mericbay Simon& SchuesrtI,n c.1,98 2 Thiesd itiwoint ahn ewp refapcueb lisihnePe dn guin Book1s9 88 Published simulitnanC eanoaudsal y 20 !9 17I 1H6 Copyrig©h tMarshallB ennan, 19821,9 88 Alrli ghretsse rved Partso fA lThoJl Is SoliMde lltnJso A iwre re previoupsulbyl isihnes dl ightly differenfto rmi nD issmenatg azinWei,n te1r9 78A;mer icaRevni ew #19, 1974a;n d&r lr:shirt& view,O ctober1 981. Thea ullwri grasl4u ljorpmn issiotnous ea c�tsfrom thfeo llowing works: MMiJJeUi: SelecteWdri tinegdsi,t aendd w itahn i ntroductbiyoR n. W Flinttr,a nslbaytRe .dW. Fliannt dA rthuAr.C oppotelCloip.yr ig©h t 19711,9 7b2y F arraSrt,r auasn dG irouIxn,c .an,d reprintweidt thh eir permiasion. &yorui Good arui &ilb yF redrNiike tzscthrea,n slabtyMe adr ianne CowanR,e gnerGya teway, 1967. FutuMriasntif esEtonsg,l ilsahn guatgrea nslactoipoynri g©ht 1 97b3y Thameansd HudsonL,t dR.e printbeyped r missiooftn h eV ikinPgre ssI,n c. LIBRARYO F CONGRESSC ATALOGING INP UBLICATIODNA TA Berman,M arsha1l9l4,0 - AUt haitss olmiedl tisn taoi r. Bibliograpp.h y: Includiensd ex. I.Ci vilizaMtodieornn,- 20tche ntury. 2.C ivilizaMtodieornn,- 19thc enturyI..T itle. CB425.B45189 889 09.828 7-29174 ISBN0 1 401.0956 2 Prniteidn t heU niteSdt atoefsA merica Seti nB askerville Excepitnt heU niteSdt atoefsA merictah,i bso oki ss olsdu bjetcott h ec ondition thaitts hanlolt b,y w ayo ft radoero therwisbee l,e nrte,- sohlidr,e odu to,r otherwise cirwciutlhaottuehtdep ublishperri'osr coinnsa ennyft o rmo fb inding orc oveort hetrh atnh aitn w hicihti sp ublisahneddw ithoaus ti milcaorn dition includtihnigcs o nditbeiionng i mposedo nt hes ubsequpeunrtc haser. InM emoorfy MarJcop shBe erman 1975-1980 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thiisfsr a f roamc ialsIcl a,r riiftero yd e ars insmiedI,ef etlhtia nts omsee niswtea s stthooerfm y y l ei.Ift is imposshiebrlteeoa cknowalletldh gowesh eol ivtehdr otuhgeh bookw itha nmwdeh oh elpmeadki ewt h aitit s :s ujtbehcewt osu ld be too mtahnpeyr ,e dicactoemsp ltteheoxemo, o tioinnst etnosoe ; thweo rokfm akitnhlgei wsotu nledv beergi onr, ewlosunele dv er endW.h afto llionswo ms o rteh aasn t aFroter.n erigdye,sa usp, poratn dl ove,d eempeyts hta ntkoBs e tatnydD iaBneer man, MorrainLsdo rDei cksStaeGmii nr,gT uodsdG, i tlinG,r eDeenn,i se IvrinHgo weL,e onaKrrdi eMgeerle,d aintdCho rTeayx ,G aye TuchmaMnic,h aWeall zteorG ;e orgBeosr chaanrddM ti chel Radom;ti oEs rlwiGilni kBaersb,a ra GarnSodus ssDamwnay nae tr SimaonnSd c husttoAe lrl;e n BallFairsdca,hn eRdGri e cohragred Wortmwahngo,a vmees pechiealwlpi tSht . Petteomr yss btuurg; denatnscd o lleaattg huCeei sCt oyl laengde C tihUteyni verosfi ty NewYo rka,n dS taaotnr afdn tdh Uen vierosfiN tewy Metxoti hceo ; membeorfs Ct ohleu mbia UniviePnro sliiattnyiSd co sacelim ailn ar Thougahntod,f NtYheUs emiinnta hrCe u ltoufCr iet tiote hse; NatiEonndaolw mferotn htHe u manittoti hPeeus r;pC lierD calye CarCee ntteoLr i;o Tnrielll ainnHdge nPrayc hwtheeorn ,c ouraged met ob egtihnbi oso akn,td ok eeapit bt ,uw th doi ndo t tlosi eivete inp rianntd; m tanooy t henronsta, m ehde rbeu,nt o ftro gont,t e whhoe l.p ed Contents Prefatcoet hePe nguinE ditionT:h eB roaadn dO penW ay 5 Preface 13 IntroductionM:od ernity-YesterdaTyoda,y and 15 Tomorrow I. Goethe'sF awtT:h eT ragedoyfD evelopment 37 FirsMte tamorphosisT:h eD reamer 41 Second MetamorphosiTsh:e Lo ver 51 ThirMde tamorphosisT:h eDe veloper 60 EpiloguTehe:F austiaann dP seud-oFaustiAang e 71 II.A llT hatI sSo lidM eltsI ntAoi rM:arx , Modernism 87 and Modernization 1. TheM eltinVgi sioannd ItsD ialectic 90 2.I nnovatiSevlef D·e struction 98 5. NakednessT:he U nacocmmodated Man 150 4. TheM etamorphosiosfV alues Ill 5. TheLo ss ofa Halo 151 ConclusiCounl:t uanrde the Contradictioonfs 102 Capitalism III.B audelaiMrodee:rn ismi nt heS treets 131 1. PastoralC oaunndt er-PasMtodoerrnails m 134 2. TheH eroisomf M odem Life 124 5.T heF amiloyfE yes 184 4. TheM ireo ft heM acadam 155 5. TheT wentieCtehn turTyh:e H aloa ndt he 146 Highway IV. PetersbuTrhge:M odernism ofU nderdevelopmen1t3 7 1. TheR ealan d UnrealC ity 167 "GeomHeatAsrp yp earTehdeC" i:ti ynt he 167 Swamps Pushk"iBnr'oHsno zres emTahneC" l:ea rnkd 181 thTes ar PeterUsnbdueNrrcgi h olPaasl vasc.e 198 1: Prospect GooglT:h eR eaaln Sdu rrSetarle et 195 WordasnS dh oTehseY: o unDgo stoevsky2 06 2. The1 860sT:h eN ew Man int heS treet 212 ChernysThheeSv tsrkaeysFe: rt o ntier 215 TheU ndregroMuannid n t hSet reet 291 rrTgiw soM: o deofsM odernis2m2 9 int hSet reets TheP oliPtriocsaple ct 232 Aftweorr:Td hCer ysPtaallaF caeac,tn S dy mbol2 35 3. TheT wentieth CenTthueCr iyt:Ry i setsh,e 249 CitFya des 1095:M orLei gMhotr,Se h adows 249 BiePleyte'rssrbu gT:h eS hadPoaws sport 255 MandelTshteBa lme:s WsoerdWd i th 270 NoM eaning ConclusiTohne:P etersbPurrogs pect 284 v. Int heF oresotfS ymbolsSo:m e Noteosn 287 Modernism inN ew York 1. Robert MosesT:h eE xpresswWaoyr ld 290 2. The1 960sA: S houitn t he Street 312 3. The1 970s:B ringiIntgA llB ackH ome 329 Notes 349 Index 370