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Preview All-electrical detection of the relative strength of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction in quantum wires

All-electrical detection of the relative strength of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction in quantum wires Matthias Scheid,1,2,∗ Makoto Kohda,1 Yoji Kunihashi,1 Klaus Richter,2 and Junsaku Nitta1 1Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, 6-6-02 Aramaki-Aza Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8579, Japan 2Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Universit¨at Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany We propose a method to determine the relative strength of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit 9 interaction from transport measurements without the need of fitting parameters. To this end, we 0 make use of theconductance anisotropy in narrow quantumwires with respect to the directions of 0 an in-planemagnetic field,thequantumwire and thecrystal orientation. Wesupportourproposal 2 by numerical calculations of the conductance of quantum wires based on the Landauer formalism n which show theapplicability of themethod toa wide range of parameters. a J PACSnumbers: 71.70.Ej,73.20.Fz,73.63.Nm 1 2 With conventional electronics expected to reach crit- ments; therefore methods are highly desirable that allow ] ical boundaries for its performance soon, a new field of one to determine the ratio α/β from transport measure- l l research utilizing the spin of the electron has evolved in ments. In principle, this can be achieved by fitting weak a h recentyears. Withinthisfieldcalledspintronicsmuchat- antilocalization (WAL) data from magneto-conductance - tentionhasbeenfocussedonspin-orbitinteraction(SOI) (MC) measurements to analytical predictions [11, 12]. s because it provides a way of controlling the spin degree However, the results usually bear a certain ambiguity, e m offreedomelectricallyin(non-magnetic)semiconductor- since onehasto fit the data withseveralparametersand based systems without the need of external magnetic the possible error margins are thus quite large. . t a fields. However, SOI in two-dimensional electron gases Hence, in this Letter we propose an alternative, all- m (2DEG)isadouble-edgedsword,sincespinrelaxationin electricalmethodtodeterminetherelativestrength,α/β, - disordered 2DEGs, which is typically dominated by the ofRashbaand DresselhausSOI frommeasuringthe con- d D’yakonov-Perel’ (DP) mechanism [1], is enhanced for ductance of narrow quantum wires defined in a 2DEG n strong SOI. Since many promising semiconductor spin- subject to an in-plane magnetic field. The method is o c tronics device proposals, e.g. the Datta-Das spin field based on the fact, that only for a field parallel to the [ effect transistor (SFET) [2], rely on coherent spin trans- effective magnetic field due to SOI the weak localization port, it is desirable to efficiently suppress the spin re- (WL) correction to the conductance survives, while it is 1 v laxation. In 2DEGs formed in III-V semiconductor het- suppressedforallotherdirections. No fitparametersare 2 erostructures, there are typically two main SOI contri- required,andα/βisstraightforwardlyrelatedtothisspe- 8 butions, namely, Rashba SOI due to structural inversion cific field direction, where the conductance is minimal. 2 asymmetry[3]andDresselhausSOIduetobulkinversion WenumericallycalculatetheconductanceGofadisor- 3 asymmetryofthesemiconductorcrystal[4]. Aninterest- dered quantum wire realized in a 2DEG with SOI linear . 1 ing situation occurs when the k-linear Rashba and Dres- in momentum. The single-particle Hamiltonian of the 0 selhaustermsareofequalstrength,i.e.α=β. Then,spin quantum wire in x-direction reads [13] 9 isagoodquantumnumberandDPspinrelaxationisab- 0 v: sent[5]. Latelytherehasbeenmucheffortintothisdirec- H= πx2+πy2 +U(x,y)+ µBg∗ B~ +B~ (~π) ·~σ, (1) i tion both theoretically with new device proposals [5, 6], 2m∗ 2 || so X and experimentally with the aim to achieve α = β [7]. (cid:0) (cid:1) r Naturally, a precise control of the ratio α/β is essential with the effective spin-orbit field a for spin manipulation and the operability of many spin- tronics devices. Since the strength β of the Dresselhaus B~ (~π) = 2 eˆ απ +β(π cos2φ−π sin2φ) (2) so µBg∗~ x y x y SOI is fixed in a given quantum well the most promis- h (cid:0) (cid:1) ing tool to modify α/β is the control of the Rashba SOI + eˆy −απx−β(πxsin2φ+πycos2φ) strength α via gate voltages [8]. (cid:0) (cid:1)i To operate spintronics setups relying on the value of and the external in-plane magnetic field α/β requires the ability to measure this ratio with high accuracy. Although it is possible to determine α/β by B~ =B (cos(θ−φ)eˆ +sin(θ−φ)eˆ ). (3) || || x y using optical techniques [7, 9, 10], this is not always an option. If, e.g., the semiconductor heterostructure The vector potential components A in π = (p +eA ) i i i i is covered by a top gate used to tune the Rashba SOI arise due to the perpendicular magnetic field B whose z strength,it is verydifficult to carryoutopticalmeasure- contributiontotheZeemaneffectweneglect. InEq.(2)α 2 andβistheRashbaandDresselhausSOIstrengthrespec- a) b) c) W0 α = 0.03 tivelyandφ/θistheanglebetweenthequantumwire/in- 0.1 planemagneticfieldandthe[100]directionofthecrystal 2.8 ] for a zinc-blende heterostructure grown in the [001] di- [G0 ]G0 creocntfiionnin.gTphoeteenlteicatlrfoosrtatthiecqpuoatnentutimalwUir(ex,ayn)ditnhceluddiseosrtdheer ∆ G 0 [G ββ == 00..001 λλ == 01/3 potentialfromstaticnon-magneticimpuritiesinaregion 2.8W0 2.6 ββ == 00..0023 λλ == 110/3 of length L. For the calculations we use a discretized -0.1 versionofthe Hamiltonian(1) that allowsus to evaluate 0 1Φ/Φ2 0 1Φ/Φ2 0 1Φ/Φ2 s 0 s 0 s 0 thetransportpropertiesofthewirebycomputinglattice Green functions. For details see, e.g., Ref. [14]. FIG. 1: (Color online) Magnetoconductance of a quantum Thedimensionlessnumericalparametersusedinthislet- wire plotted against the magnetic flux Φs = W02Bz in units ter (denoted by a bar) are related to real physical quan- of Φ0 = h/e. a) ∆G = G(Φs) −G(0) for α¯ = 0.03 (i.e. tities as follows (for square lattice spacing a): Energy LαSO ≈5.2W0), β¯= 0.0 and widths W = W0, 1.3W0, 1.8W0, Eβ¯¯ == ((m2m∗a∗/a~2/2)~β2.)EA, sSOaItystpriecnagltlhesngα¯th=sca(lme∗fao/r~t2h)eαsaimnd- 2φ.3=Wπ0/,22.f8oWrs0evfreoramlvtaolpuetsoobfoβ¯tt.ocm).α¯b=) αβ¯¯==00..0033,,WW ==22..33WW00,, φ=π/2 and θ=π for several values of λ. ulations we introduce W = 20a. In the calculations, 0 the disorder potential is modelled by Anderson disor- der with strength U¯ . The mean free path is given by 0 l=2.4W E¯ /U¯2,whereE¯ isthescaledFermienergy. L, where L in the numerical simulation takes the role of 0 F 0 F The condupctance of the wire is obtained by averaging the phase coherence length in the experiment. over N disorder configurations and unless stated other- Wenowinvestigatetheinfluenceofanadditionalin-plane d wisethefollowingparametersarefixed: E¯ =0.5(corre- magnetic field on the conductance of a quantum wire F spondingto4propagatingmodesforawireofwidthW ), where WAL is suppressed. For convenience, we intro- 0 L=7.5W0, U¯0 =1.4 (i.e. l ≈0.87W0) and Nd =10000. duce the ratio λ = B||/|B~so(kx)| which is the relative strength of the in-plane magnetic field and the effective Tounderstandthemechanismforthedetectionofα/β, magnetic field due to SOI for a k-vector along the quan- which requires finite B~ , we first study the conductance tum wire, see Eqs. (2),(3). In Fig. 1c we show the MC || of quantum wires at B =0. Specifically we present the for the case α = β for several values of λ: The con- || MCfortwocases,whereWAL issuppressed: (a)Rashba ductance at Φ = 0 is enhanced by a finite B . The s || and Dresselhaus spin precession lengths larger than the formoftheMCcurvesinFig.1ccanbeunderstoodfrom width of the wire W, i.e., Lα = (π~2/m∗α) ≫ W, the expression for the WL/WAL conductance correction SO Lβ =(π~2/m∗β)≫W and (b) α=β. from diagrammatic perturbation theory [23]. It is of the SO 1 In Fig. 1a, we plot G(Φ ) − G(0) for wires with fixed form ∆G ∝ (C − C ), where the first (sin- s 00 m=−1 1m α 6= 0,β = 0 and different widths W, showing that for glet) term C00 contriPbutes positively to the conductance smaller W WAL is suppressed, which is in line with ear- and is responsible for the typical WAL peak in systems lierexperimentalresults[15]andconfirmsanalytical[16] withSOI.ItisunaffectedbyDPspinrelaxationbutsup- and numerical treatments [15]. Since spin relaxation is pressed by an in-plane magnetic field [24]. The second essential for WAL, the mechanism for the suppressionof (triplet) term gives a negative conductance contribution WAL can be attributed to an enhancement of the spin- and is suppressed for short spin relaxation times [23]. scatteringlength innarrowwires[17, 18], and moregen- For the parametersusedin Fig.1c, C is suppressedfor 00 erally, in confined geometries [19, 20]. λ ≥ 0.15, thus in the respective curves shown in Fig. 1c In the case (b), α = β, B~ points uniformly into the only the triplet term is present in ∆G resulting in pos- so [¯110]-directionforallk-vectorsandaso-calledpersistent itive MC (∂G/∂Φs) > 0. While for λ = 0 we observe spin helix forms [21]. There the spin state of an electron WL due to α=β, increasing λ gives rise to a transition is determined only by its initial and final position inde- to ∂G/∂Φs ≈ 0 at λ ≈ 1 and back to WL for λ ≫ 1. pendent of the exactpath in-between. Therefore,charge This can be understood by the change of the spin relax- carriers do not acquire an additional phase due to SOI ation in the system: For finite B~|| in a direction differ- upon return to their initial positions, resulting in con- ent from [¯110] (θ = 3π/4), the resulting magnetic field structive interference of the wavefunctions connected by B~ (~π)=B~ +B~ (~π) will not be uniformly in the [¯110] tot || so time reversal,hence WL [22]. This behavioris shownfor direction anymore, but cause spin relaxation, which is fixedW andαbutvariableβ inFig.1bwhereweobserve strongest for comparable strengths of B~ and B~ and || so that WAL is suppressed for α=β. yields a reduction of the triplet term (green diamonds In both cases shown in Figs. 1a,b the absence of WAL in Fig. 1c). For in-plane magnetic fields which distinctly is caused by the suppression of spin relaxation with the exceed the effective magnetic field (λ≫1), on the other spin relaxation length exceeding the length of the wire hand, WL is restored to some degree (blue triangles in 3 π a) b) c) 0.9 min3π/4 θ ] G0 G [ 0.85 π/2-1 0 1 λ = 0 (α−β)/(α+β) λ = 1/2 λ = 1 0.8 λ = 3 FIG.3: (Coloronline)θmin determinednumericallyforasys- 0 π/2 0 π/2 0 π/2 π tem with W0, α¯+β¯= 0.04, U¯0 = 1.2, (µBg∗m∗a2/~2)B|| = θ θ θ 0.01 and Nd = 20000. Black squares: φ = π/2; red circles: φ = π/4; blue diamonds: φ = 0. The solid lines represent FIG. 2: (Color online) Conductance of a wire of width W0 Eq.(4) for therespective angles φ. at Φs = 0, φ = π/2 and fixed (µBg∗m∗a2/~2)|B~so(kx)| = p2(α¯2+β¯2) = 0.02 with respect to θ for different values of λ. a) α¯=β¯b) α¯=0 c) α¯=3β¯. since spin is still a good quantum number. In Fig. 2 we observe that the minimum of G appears at the angle which corresponds to the respective effective magnetic Fig. 1c) since the resulting B~ (~π) is strongly aligned in field direction for a k-vector along the wire direction. tot the directionof B~ and spin relaxationis reduced again. Inview ofthe resultsofFig.2,weconjecture thatalso || The enhancement of G(Φ = 0) in an in-plane magnetic for a quasi-one-dimensional quantum wire with W ≪ s field is anisotropic with respect to the direction of B~ . Lα/β theangleatwhichtheminimumintheconductance || SO For θ = (3/4)π, spin remains a good quantum number appearsisgivenbythedirectionoftheeffectivemagnetic due to B~|| kB~so. Thus DP spin relaxation is absent, re- field B~so(kx) for a k-vector along the wire direction xˆ: sulting in WL.This behaviorcanbe observedinFig.2a, αcosφ+βsinφ whereG(θ) atΦs =0isshownforaslightly differentge- θmin =arctan − . (4) (cid:18) βcosφ+αsinφ(cid:19) ometry. Contrarytothecaseconsideredhere,insystems showing WAL for B = 0, the transition from WAL to || In Fig. 3, we plot Eq. (4) for three different wire orien- WL is observed with increasing B [25, 26] due to the || tations φ (solid lines), whose validity is nicely confirmed reduction of the singlet term caused by B~ . || by extracting θmin from the numerical G(θ) dependence We now investigate the conductance subject to an in- (suchasFig.2)fordifferentratiosofα/β (symbols)with planemagneticfieldinquantumwireswhereWALissup- fixed α+β. In order to use this feature for the deter- pressed due to a much smaller width with respect to the mination of the ratio α/β we suggest to measure G(θ) spinprecessionlengths. InFig.2weplotthedependence for quantum wires oriented either along the [100] or the oftheconductanceontheangleθforthreedifferentratios [010]-direction. Then the angle of the minimum conduc- α/β. In order to understand the increase of G at λ > 0 tance directly provides the unambiguous value for the for all but one angle θ, we consider the case of a strictly relative strength and signs of α and β. Choosing, e.g. one-dimensional quantum wire (1DQW) with SOI. We φ = π/2 this ratio is given by α/β = −cot(θ ), which min follow this approach,since for the systeminvestigatedin is representative for the whole sample, since the influ- Fig. 2 the width of the wire is much smaller than the ence of the lateral confinement on the strength of the phase coherence length, a situation where it is sufficient SOI is negligible [27]. Considering quantum wires real- to take into account only the transversal zero-mode for izedinanInAlAs/InGaAsheterostructure(typicalvalues the calculationofthe quantumcorrectionto the conduc- m∗ =0.05m ,g∗ =3)andfixingthewidthW =350nm, 0 0 tance[16]. Adisordered1DQWexhibits WL evenifSOI we see that the parameters used in Fig. 3 (l ≈ 412nm, of the Rashba and/or Dresselhaus type is present, since B ≈0.17Tandα+β ≈3.5·10−12eVm)arewellinreach || the spin is a conserved quantity in this limit. The effec- of present day experiments [25, 28]. tivemagneticfieldexperiencedbytheelectronsisexactly We have neglected effects due to the cubic Dresselhaus opposite for electrons travelling in +xˆ or −xˆ-direction, SOIterm,whichbecomesincreasinglyimportantforwide and thus no additional phase in the wavefunction is ac- quantumwells. Ingeneral,itinducesadditionalrandom- quired by electrons returning to their original position. ization of the spin state, which for the case of a very However, a finite in-plane magnetic field can suppress strong cubic Dresselhaus contribution can result in the the WL and induce an increase in the conductance. If absence of the suppression of WAL [22]. Nevertheless, B~ ∦ B~ (k ), the direction of the total magnetic field, || so x sincecubic Dresselhauscouplingis smallestfork-vectors B~||+B~so(kx),isdifferentforelectronstravellingin+xˆor along[100]or[010]directions,wehaveneglecteditforthe −xˆ-direction,resultinginspinrelaxationandanincrease determinationofα/β,sinceinourproposalthequantum of G (reduction of WL). A minimum in G(θ) exists for wireis assumedto be orientedinone ofthose directions. B~ k B~ (k ), where no DP spin relaxation takes place However,incontrastto a1DQW,itmighthaveaneffect || so x 4 α + β ity may help to facilitate the design of semiconductor- 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 based building blocks for spintronics. 0.91π Acknowledgements We acknowledge valuable discus- min 0.9π sions with M. Wimmer, I˙. Adagideli and D. Bercioux. θ 0.89π JN and MK acknowledgefinancial support fromMEXT, MS from JSPS and the Studienstiftung des Deutschen 0.88π 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Volkes, and KR from DFG through SFB 689. l / W 0 FIG. 4: (Color online) Numerically determined θmin for W0, φEi=theπr/t2h,e(µmBega∗nmfr∗eae2p/~a2th)Bl|f|o=rfi0x.0ed1,α¯N+dβ¯==8000.002a(nbdluαe/cβirc=les3). ∗ Electronic address: [email protected] or α¯+β¯ for fixed l ≈ 0.87W0 (red squares) was varied. The [1] M. I. D’yakonov, and V. I. Perel’, Fiz. Tverd. Tela 13, 3581 (1971) [Sov.Phys. Solid State13, 3023 (1971)]. black line shows theexpected valueof θmin from Eq.(4). [2] S. Datta, and B. Das, Appl.Phys. Lett. 56, 665 (1990). [3] E. Rashba, Fiz. Tverd. Tela (Leningrad) 2, 1224 (1960) [Sov. Phys. Solid State2, 1109 (1960)]. onθmin,ifitiscomparableinstrengthtothelinearterm. [4] G. Dresselhaus, Phys.Rev. 100, 580 (1955). 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