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Alkenes Structure Stability Nomenclature Alkenes - Structure, Stability, Nomenclature PDF

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Preview Alkenes Structure Stability Nomenclature Alkenes - Structure, Stability, Nomenclature

AAllkkeenneess - SSttrruuccttuurree, SSttaabbiilliittyy, NNoommeennccllaattuurree Also called an olefin but alkene is better General formula C H (if one alkene present) n 2n uunnssaattuurraatteedd - ccoonnttaaiinn ffeewweerr tthhaann mmaaxxiimmuumm HH''ss ppoossssiibbllee ppeerr CC Can act as weak nucleophiles 1 SSttrruuccttuurree ooff AAllkkeenneess One C-C sigma bond and one C-C pi bond Presence of C-C pi bond prevents bond rotation! 2 DDeeggrreeee ooff UUnnssaattuurraattiioonn Sum of all multiple bonds and/or rings in a molecule Compared to saturated alkane (C H ) where each double bond n 2n+2 aanndd rriinngg rreemmoovee ttwoo hhyddrrooggeennss. DDooUU == ((HH - HH ))//22 sat actual where H is number of hydrogens in saturated compound sat H is number of hydrogens in compound molecular formula actual andd H = 2 +2 - ##X + ##NN ssaatt nn X = halogens NN == nniittrrooggeennss (ignore other atoms) 3 EExxaammppllee:: CC HH 6 10 H = 2(6) + 2 = 14 (C H ) Sat 6 14 H = 10 actual DoU = 2 Two double bonds?  or triple bond?  or two rings  or ring and double bond  4 EExxaammpplleess C H N C H NBr 7 13 8 8 3 HH = 22((77)) ++ 22 ++ 11 = 1177 HH == 22((88))++22 ++ 11 - 33 == 1166 satt sat H = 13 actual H = 8 actual DoU = 2 DoU = 4 Two double bonds?  FFour ddoubblle bbondds??  or triple bond?  two triple bonds?  or two rings  two rings/two or ring and double   bond double bonds? 5 AAllkkeennee NNoommeennccllaattuurree  Identify longest chain containing the alkene (both carbons)  Number carbons in chain so that double bond carbons have lloowweesstt ppoossssiibbllee nnuummbbeerrss ((iiff cchhooiiccee, ggiivvee ssuubb lloowweesstt nnuummbbeerr))  Name, number, and list substituents alphabetically as prefix like alkane nomenclature  Indicate position of alkene with number-followed by name of longest chain with suffix -ane replaced with -ene 6 AAllkkeennee NNoommeennccllaattuurree:: IIssoommeerr PPrreeffiixx  DDiissuubbssttiittuutteedd AAllkkeenneess:: CCiiss aanndd TTrraannss  E and Z System  rank two groups on each individual carbon by atomic number  if same, find first point of difference  count multiple bonds multiple times  Highest Priority Groups same side = Z, opposite = E 7 CCyyccllooaallkkeennee NNoommeennccllaattuurree  Alkene carbons by definition carbons 1 and 2. Give first substituent lowest possible number.  NNaammee, nnuummbbeerr, aanndd lliisstt ssuubbssttiittuueennttss aallpphhaabbeettiiccaallllyy aass pprreeffiixx lliikkee alkane nomenclature  You do not need to indicate position of alkene with number, simply name ring size with prefix cyclo and followed suffix -ene  For rings smaller the cyclooctene you do not need to include aallkkeennee ggeeoommeettrryy ((oonnllyy cciiss iiss ppoossssiibbllee)) 8 AAllkkeenneess aass SSuubbssttiittuueennttss  Methylene  VViinnyyll  Allyl 9 SSttaabbiilliittyy ooff AAllkkeenneess  Evaluate heat given off when C=C is converted to C-C  More stable alkene gives off less heat ttrraannss-BBuutteennee ggeenneerraatteess 44 kkJJ lleessss hheeaatt tthhaann cciiss-bbuutteennee  10

the 19th century that in the addition of HX to alkene addition of HX to alkene, the H attaches to the carbon with the most H's and X attaches to the other.
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