Garraffoetal.SpringerPlus2012,1:51 a SpringerOpen Journal RESEARCH Open Access Alkaloids from single skins of the Argentinian toad Melanophryniscus rubriventris (ANURA, BUFONIDAE): An unexpected variability in alkaloid profiles and a profusion of new structures H Martin Garraffo1*, Nirina R Andriamaharavo1, Marcos Vaira2,3, María F Quiroga4, Cecilia Heit5 and Thomas F Spande1 Abstract GC-MS analysis of single-skins of ten Melanophryniscus rubriventris toads (five collections of two toads each) captured during their breeding season inNW Argentina has revealeda total of 127 alkaloids ofwhich 56 had not been previously detected inany frog or toad.Included among thesenew alkaloids are 23 new diastereomers of previously reported alkaloids. What is particularly distinguishing about thealkaloid profiles of theseten collections is theoccurrence ofmany of thealkaloids, whether known or new to us, inonly one of theten skins sampled, despite twoskins being obtained from each breeding site ofthe five populations. Many ofthe alkaloids are of classes knownto have structures withbranched-chains (e.g. pumiliotoxins and tricyclicstructures) thatare considered to derive from dietary mites.A large number ofpreviously reported and new alkaloids are also of unclassified structures. Only a very few 3,5-disubstituted-indolizidine or -pyrrolizidinealkaloids are observed that have a straight-chain carbon skeleton and are likely derived from ant prey. The possible relationship of these collections made during the toad’sbrief breeding episodes to sequestration of dietary arthropods and individual alkaloid profiles is discussed. Keywords: Alkaloids, Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, Melanophryniscus Toads, Reproduction, Sequestration Introduction et al. 1993a; Daly et al. 2007). The Brazilian species, M. Nine of the 25 currently known species (Frost, 2011) of simplex has recently been investigated and contains both South American bufonid toads of the genus Melanophry- knownandnewalkaloids(Grantetal.2012).Atenthspe- niscus have been surveyed for lipophilic alkaloids in skin cies, M. cambaraensis from southern Brazil, is reported glands. These alkaloids are considered to provide a tohave“defensivechemicals”inskin,notproven,however, defense against predation, particularly during the mainly to be alkaloids (Colombo and Grant, cited in Santos diurnal breeding episodes of the toads (Santos and Grant andGrant2010a). 2010a).ThetoadsexaminedforalkaloidsareM.atroluteus Eighty-one skins of a Uruguayan Melanophryniscus (Mebs et al. 2007), M. cupreuscapularis (Daly et al. toad, M. montevidensis from six southeastern sites were 2008a),M.devincenzii(Mebsetal.2007),M.klappenbachi individually examined and had widely varying amounts of (Daly et al. 2008a), M. moreirae (Daly et al. 1984), M. pumiliotoxin (PTX) 251D ranging from none, or scarcely montevidensis(Garraffoetal.1993a;Mebsetal.2005),M. detectible, to as much as 1 mg per toad. Traces of six rubriventris (Daly et al. 2007), and M. stelzneri (Garraffo other PTX alkaloids (Mebs et al. 2005) were also seen as well as tracesofindolizidines that werenot characterized. *Correspondence:[email protected] From two northern Uruguayan toads, M. atroluteus and 1LaboratoryofBioorganicChemistry,NIDDK,NIH,DHHS,Bethesda,MD M. devincenzii, PTX 251D was the major alkaloid identi- 20892,USA fied along with five known trace PTX alkaloids and Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2012Garraffoetal;licenseeSpringer.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommons AttributionLicense(,whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproduction inanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Garraffoetal.SpringerPlus2012,1:51 Page2of15 another trace PTX congener (Mebs et al. 2007). Skins of ThepresentstudyanalyzingsingleskinsofM.rubriventris, the remaining six Melanophryniscus species that are focusesonalkaloidprofilesofasinglespeciesoftoadfrom knowntohave alkaloids, are reportedtohave many more undisturbed contiguous and non-contiguous sites and alkaloids, ranging from 10–25 alkaloids (Daly et al. 2007) whetheranyconclusionscanbedrawnastothevarietyof to as many as 36 (Daly et al. 2008a), all with 251D and arthropod prey consumed during their explosive breeding other alkaloids of the PTX class, several di- and tri- bouts that might allow a comparison in alkaloid compos- substituted indolizidines, disubstituted pyrrolizidines, di- ition with earlier collections taken during non-breeding substituted quinolizidines and tricyclic alkaloids. Some periods. classes, considered from their straight-chain structures to We have deviated considerablyfrom the data formats we derivefromants,weresignificantina1989collectionofM. usedearlierinotherjournalsinthatwehaveincludedmuch stelzneri from Córdoba, Argentina, (Garraffo et al. 1993a) more original data such as GC retention times, high reso- butwerescarceinacollectionfromthesamesitemadeten lution EIMS, CIMS, total-ion mass chromatograms and years later (Daly et al. 2007). Combined skin collections complete EIMS mass spectra (not just major peaks). We from four populations of M. rubriventris likewise reflected think this is important in appreciating the unexpected temporal variation (Daly et al. 2007). Melanophryniscus complexity and variation in the toad skin alkaloids of rubriventris,thesubjectofthecurrentstudy,isaspeciesof this species and the unique time and place of these collec- aposematic toads with a snout vent length (SVL) of 32–43 tions. Almost half have never been seen before in any Old mm and restricted to the NW Argentinian provinces of or New World frog or toad. The new alkaloids are not SaltaandJujuyandtemperateinterandeanvalleysofsouth- theresultofimprovedanalyticalsensitivityormoreconcen- ernBolivia(Frost2011).Althoughthespecieswasfirstfor- tratedsamplesaswehaveusedbasicallythesameprotocols mally described as a toad with a black background and and instruments as in our earlier work on single-skins of bright orange coloration covering the scapular region and mantellidfrogs(Dalyetal.,2008b). partially the head, dorsum and flanks, with a uniform red The corrected GC retention times are necessary to con- ventral coloration (Vellard 1947), subsequent studies on firm that a particular alkaloid is either new or a new dia- population color variations in Argentina showed that they stereomer of a known alkaloid. In an effort to assist other differed significantly in dorsal and ventral coloration pat- investigators,thisdata(seeAdditionalfile1TablesS1-S10) terns(Vaira2002).Northernandcentralpopulations(Salta will also update our earlier review that included approxi- and central east of Jujuy province) have individuals with mately 800 poison frog alkaloids then known, with their bright uniform dorsum, differing mainly in the extent of corrected GC retention times (Daly et al. 2005). The total black patches, whereas the southern population (southeast ioncurrent(TIC)chromatograms(Additionalfile3Figure of Jujuy province) has toads that predominately showed a S1-S10) are critically illustrative here because of the alkal- more cryptic olive to black dorsal pattern. Concomitant oidvariabilityobservedandalsobecauseofthewiderange individuals from northern and central populations have a in alkaloid amounts. Because so many alkaloids are new, mostly uniform yellow to red belly whereas the southern wecannot,asisusual,simplyrefertocharacterizationcita- populationhastoadswithwell-demarcatedyellow,redand tionsinpreviouslypublishedpapersonpoisonfrogortoad blackspeckledbellies(seeFigure1). alkaloids.Sowechosetoenterthewholeofourmassspec- EarlierworkonfourM.rubriventrismulti-skincollections tral data here in hopes of stimulating further work and as made in 2002 from two sites in Salta province and two in an explanation for the departure of these toads from Jujuy province (see Figure 2) indicated all contained various expected analytical results, where only half a dozen or so representatives of the PTX class but only two populations newalkaloidswouldhavebeenexpected.Withthecurrent (Canto del Monte, Salta and Tiraxi, Jujuy) contained pumi- state of the art of electronic publishing, there is no good liotoxin 251D, normally found in Melanophryniscus (bufo- reason to depict the mass spectra in any other format but nid)toadsandcommonalsotosomedendrobatid,Mantella the graphical one, which is the best to compare with new (mantellid) and Pseudophryne (myobatrachid) frogs. The datatobeobtainedinthefuture. Tiraxitwo-skincollectionhadalkaloid267A,theonlyoccur- rence of an allopumiliotoxin among the four collections in Methods and materials this earlier study. Extreme variability was also seen in the Two toads were collected at each of five sites: three sites following izidine (Iz) classes detected from the 2002 collec- in Salta province of NW Argentina and two sites in the tions. All four collections had 195G (5-propyl-6,8-dimethy- contiguous province of Jujuy (see Figure 2). Both pro- lindolizidine) or other 5,6,8-trisubstituted indolizidines and vinces border Bolivia (see inset, Figure 2). The two speci- onlytwocollectionsofthefourhad5,8-disubstiutedindolizi- mens from each site were captured within an area of dines, however none of these shared common structures. roughly 4 m x 4 m at the dates indicated inthe footnotes Likewise, all collections had several izidines (Iz) or tricyclic toAdditionalfile1TablesS1-S11.TableS11providesGPS structuresbutnoneofthesealkaloidswereshared. coordinates and elevations of the sites along with the size Garraffoetal.SpringerPlus2012,1:51 Page3of15 Figure1PhotographsshowingthebrightcolorationandpatternstypicalofM.rubriventristoadsinArgentina.Specimensarefrom:a) HuaicoChico,Salta(skins#3,4);b)Tablada,Jujuy(skins#5,6);c)AbraColoradaandd)Tiraxi(seeFigure2). and sex of the toads. The two photographs of Additional obtainedforafewalkaloidswithaHewlett-Packardmodel file2FigureS27depicttypicalcollectionponds. 5890 gas-chromatograph fitted with an HP-5 column (30 After skinning in the field, the individual skins were m, i.d. 0.25 mm) and programmed as before, interfaced collected in vials with MeOH (aprox. 1 ml) and brought with a Hewlett-Packard model 5971 Mass Selective De- to the lab, where they were cut into small pieces and tri- tector and a model 5965B IRD with a narrow range turated with MeOH (3 x 2 mL) in a small mortar. The (4000–750cm-1)infrareddetector. methanolic extract for each individual skin was concen- trated under nitrogen to a volume of 0.5 mL. To this, Results 0.5 mL of water was added, and the combined extract Assignmentofalkaloidclasses shaken with CHCl (3 x 1 mL). The chloroform layer The mass spectral identification protocols, discussed in 3 was concentrated to 0.5 mL and diluted with hexane to much greater detail in Daly et al., (2005), are briefly as 3 mL. The hexane-chloroform layer was extracted with follows for the classes identified in this study: “Tri” are 0.1N HCl (3 x 1 mL) and the hexane layer (containing tricyclic alkaloids exhibiting many fragment ions, sepa- neutral materials such as fatty acid esters and other rated by 14 atomic mass units. Otherwise nearly all the lipids) was discarded. The acid layer was adjusted to pH alkaloids foundherearebicyclicwithabridgeheadnitro- > 8 with 1M ammonia, then extracted with chloroform gen (‘izidines”) and display one major fragment ion (the (3 x 2 mL). The combined chloroform layers were dried 5,8-I and 5,6,8-I classes) or two significant ions (3,5-I, (anhyd. Na SO ), filtered and evaporated carefully to 3,5-P and 4,6-Q)(see footnote to Table 1 for an explan- 2 4 dryness under a nitrogen flow to yield the alkaloids. ation of these abbreviations). The main pumiliotoxin Methanol was added to yield a final volume of 0.5 mL. (PTX) class, being also bicyclic izidines, exhibits a major The weight of wet skins was not obtained in this study. ion at m/z 166 with an ion at m/z 70 of varying inten- Typically 1 uL of each extract was injected for GC-MS sity. The alloPTX class has a major ion at m/z 182 and a analysis.The spectrometric analysis usedaThermoElec- weaker ion at m/z 70. Various “izidines” of undefined tron PolarisQ mass spectrometer interfaced with a ring structures have one or two major fragments due to Thermo Electron Focus gas-chromatograph fitted with a α-cleavage and often unsaturation in the ring system. Phenomenex Zebron ZB-5 column (30 m, i.d. 0.25 mm) The 2,6-disubstituted piperidines (monocyclic) show two and programmed from 100°C (1 min) to 280°C at 10°C / α-cleavages. min,withaholdtimeof10min.Chemicalionization(CI) used ammonia as the reagent gas. High-resolution mass Analysesofthetoadskins spectrometry data were obtained with a Waters GCT The ten skins were found to contain 127 different alka- mass spectrometer interfaced with an Agilent HP-6890 loids in total, 56 of which have not been detected previ- gas-chromatographfittedwithanHP-5column(30m,i.d. ously (Table 1). The EIMS of alkaloids have an odd mass 0.25mm)andprogrammedasbefore.GC-FTIRdatawere for the molecular ion (if they contain an odd number of Garraffoetal.SpringerPlus2012,1:51 Page4of15 Figure2Mapofthecollectionsitesofthisstudy(filledcircles)andtheearlierstudy(“x”)ofDalyetal.2007.Thelargerlightgreyshaded areaistheLasYungasBiosphereReserve;thedarkergreyareaswithinitareNationalParks(P.N.). nitrogen atoms) and generally have even-mass fragments skins), one piperidine and two alkaloids classified as for the major peaks, when the fragments result from a amines. Most of the remaining alkaloids are of the izi- cleavage of a radical from the molecular ion and neutral dine (Iz) classes, either previously detected and having moleculecleavagesafterthat(seeAdditionalfile4:Figures assigned structures (14), newly detected (codes with S11-S26, for the mass spectra of all 127 alkaloids). The asterisks), but having assigned structures (5) or having largest structural classes of alkaloids observed in this MS fragmentations indicating only mass spectral pat- study are tricyclic structures (24) and pumiliotoxins terns typical of the izidine category (9). Of these latter (18)witha significantnumber(31)beingunclassifiedas izidines to which no tentative structure has been to structural type. The present collections show only assigned, four were previously known and five are new one allopumiliotoxin, alkaloid 341A (found in seven (Table1). Garraffoetal.SpringerPlus2012,1:51 Page5of15 Table1Summaryofalkaloidoccurrencebyextract Province Salta Salta Jujuy Salta Jujuy Locale ElNogalar HuaicoChico LosPaños Tablada ElCucho Alkaloida Classb Toad1 Toad2 Toad3 Toad4 Toad5 Toad6 Toad7 Toad8 Toad9 Toad10 Nc 169A* Unclass x 1 181F* Iz x x 2 183C Unclass -/x -/x -/x x*/-d 4 193C Tri x x x 3 193G 5,6,8-I x* 1 193N* Tri x x x x x x 7 193O* Tri -/x -/x -/x x/- 4 195G 5,6,8-I x/- x/- x/- x/- -/x* x/- 6 195L Unclass x* x* 2 195N* Iz x 1 196 Q x x x x x x 6 199B* Unclass x 1 203B Tri x x x x x 5 203C* Iz x 1 203D* Unclass x 1 205G Iz x* x* x* x* 4 205H Tri x x x x 4 205K Tri x 1 205M* Tri x 1 207J Tri x* x* x* x* 4 207N Unclass -/x* -/x* -/x* x*/x* x*/- 6 207U Tri x x 2 207X* Unclass x x x x 4 207Y* Tri x x 2 207Z* Tri x 1 209B 5,8-I x 1 209N Iz x x 2 209T* Unclass -/x x/- 2 211P Iz x* 1 211U* Unclass x 1 221Q 5,6,8-I x x x x x 5 221R Iz x/- x/x* x/- x/- x/- x/- 7 221S Tri x* x* x* 3 221Z* Tri -/x -/x x/- x/- 4 221A2* Tri x 1 221B2* Tri x 1 223H 3,5-P x/- x/x x/- 4 223T Unclass -/x/−/− -/x/x*/x -/x/-/x -/x/-/x x*/x/x*/x x*/x/x*/x 16 223X 5,6,8-I -/x x/- 2 223ABe 3,5-I -/x x/x 3 223E2* Unclass x 1 Garraffoetal.SpringerPlus2012,1:51 Page6of15 Table1Summaryofalkaloidoccurrencebyextract(Continued) 225B Pip x* x* 2 225O* Unclass x x 2 225P* Tri x 1 225Q* Iz x/- x/x 3 231B 5,6,8-I x x 2 231J Unclass x x 2 235E 5,6,8-I x* 1 235D2* Tri x x 2 235E2* Unclass x 1 236 Spiro x x 2 237A PTX x x x x x x x 7 237O Tri x* x* x* 3 237W* Unclass . x 1 239D2* 5,6,8-I x x 2 239E2* 4,6-Q x x x 3 239F2* Amine x x 2 241J* Amine x 1 247Q* Unclass x 1 247R* Tri x x x x x x x 7 247S* Tri x 1 249P Unclass x*/x x*/x x*/x 6 249C2* Unclass x 1 249D2* Unclass x 1 251D PTX x x x x x x x x x x 10 251S 5,6,8-I x*/x/x -/x/- 4 251F2* Tri x/x 2 253O Unclass -/x* x*/- x*/- 3 253W* Unclass x x x x x 5 261D 5,8-I x* x* 2 261I* Unclass x x x x 4 263U* Tri x x x x x x x x 8 263V* Unclass x x 2 263W* Tri x x 2 265D2* Tri x x x x x x x 7 265E2* PTX x x x x 4 267R 5,6.8-I x x x x x x 6 267Z* Unclass x x 2 267A2* Unclass x/x x/x 4 267B2* Unclass x 1 273E* De-5,8-I x 1 275D De-5,8-I x* 1 277B PTX x x x x x 5 277G PTX x x x x 4 281P* Unclass x 1 Garraffoetal.SpringerPlus2012,1:51 Page7of15 Table1Summaryofalkaloidoccurrencebyextract(Continued) 281Q* 5,8-I x/x 2 283G* Iz x x x x x x x 7 291G PTX x/x x/x x/x x/x -/x -/x -/x 11 305B PTX x x x x 4 305I* PTX -/x x/x x/x x/x -/x 8 307A PTX x x x x x 5 307E PTX x x x x 4 307G PTX x/x* x x x x x x x x 10 309A PTX x x 2 309K* PTX x x x x 4 321F* PTX x 1 323A PTX x x x x x x x x x x 10 337D* PTX x x x x 4 341A aPTX x x x x x x x x 8 348A* Unclass x x 2 364A* Unclass x 1 374A* Unclass x x x 3 379f PTX x x x 3 380A* Unclass x/x 2 104alk. 46g 42g 34g 45g 24g 26g 43g 35g 27g 28g aAnasteriskafteranalkaloidcodenameindicatesanunreportedalkaloid,orafteran"x"indicatesanunreporteddiastereomeronGCR.SeeAdditionalfile1for t HRMSdataon19fragmentsofthe56newalkaloids.SeeAdditionalfile1TablesS1-S10forobservedandcorrectedGCretentiontimesandrelevantliteratureR data. t bAbbreviationsused:3,5-P,3,5-disubstitutedpyrrolizidine;3,5-I,3,5-disubstitutedindolizidine;5,8-I,5,8-disubstitutedindolizidine;5,6,8-I,5,6,8-trisubstituted indolizidine;De-5,8-I,dehydro-5,8-disubstitutedindolizidine;Q,quinolizidine;Iz,izidine;4,6-Q,4,6-disubstitutedquinolizidine;PTX,pumiliotoxin;aPTX, allopumiliotoxin;Spiro,spiropyrrolizidine;Tri,tricyclic;Unclass,unclassifiedastostructuraltype. cNumberofoccurrencesofthecodedalkaloidanddiastereomersthroughoutthetenskins. dWhereoneormorediastereomersareindicatedforaformula,thesearelistedintheorderofincreasingRtonGC. eTheindolizidineofshorterRtisthe5Z,9Zdiastereomer;theindolizidineofthelongerRtisthe5E,9Zdiastereomer. fAlkaloid323Aisoccasionallyobservedatm/z379asthedimethylsiloxane,aGCartifact. gTotalnumberofalkaloidsincludingdiastereomersdetectedineachextract. Ofthe56newalkaloids,24areunclassified,16are con- comments are included in column 5. Such data indicates sidered to have tricylic structures, nine have various aformula(most formulae weredeterminedbyhigh reso- izidine (e.g. indolizidines) structures and five of the lution mass spectrometry (HRMS)) and the chemical remaining seven are of the pumiliotoxin class. The alka- ionization (CI) molecular ion (M+H)+ determined with loidsfoundineachtoadskinarelistedinAdditionalfile1: ammonia reagent gas. The formulae permit the calcula- Tables S1-S10. We have included a truncated version of tion of double bond equivalents, i.e. rings and/or unsa- Additional file 1: Table S1 (Table 2) below as an example turations. A few formulae are estimated and are in ofhowthedataispresentedintheseTablesS1. quotes. We have provided electron-impact HRMS data The alkaloids present in each toad skin are tabulated on approximately 70 alkaloids, most previously unre- in order of increasing GC retention time. The observed ported. In many instances, major fragments were also retention times of the detected alkaloids are corrected to mass-measured (see Additional file 1: Table S1-S10 for compare with those in the most recent summary of the this data). A few vapor-phase infrared spectral data are anuran skin alkaloids (Daly et al. 2005). These proved included in Additional file 1: Tables S1-S10, with indi- critical in the present work in identifying new diastereo- catedfrequenciesofselectedbands. mers of known alkaloids. In column 3 of each table is Related to each table is an annotated total ion current our identification of the toad alkaloid at that R with a chromatogram (TIC) (Additional file 3 Figures S1-S10) t previously detected anuran skin alkaloid. Alkaloids not to allow the reader to visually estimate relative amounts seen previously are given a new code and followed by an of alkaloids. We have supplied the chromatograms to asterisk (e.g. 169A *). In column 4, we report the struc- allow this way of quantitation, rather than use our more tural class, if known, of that alkaloid. Additional common tabular methods of classifying major, minor Garraffoetal.SpringerPlus2012,1:51 Page8of15 Table2Datafortoad#1(truncated,seeSup.Info) unwieldy and having limitations of 26 letter pairs. We R R Alkaloid Class Comments have instead adopted A2, B2, etc., to replace double t t (obs.) (corr.) identical letters and if the occasion arises in the future 4.63 3.66 169A* Unclass CI170;C H N we would then use A3, B3, etc. Consequently, an alkal- 11 23 5.96 5.02 183C Unclass CI184;C H N; oid, 249AA, that already appears in the literature is now 12 25 M-CH =C H N renamed as 249A2. This nomenclature is used in the 3 11 22 6.73 5.80 193N* Tri CI194;C H N present work andwillbeusedbyusinanyfuture work. 13 23 The following seven alkaloid code names, new since an 6.92 5.99 195G 5,6,8-I CI196;C H N 13 25 earlier review (Daly, et al. 2005), were used in our earlier 7.59 6.68* 207N Unclass CI208;C H N 14 25 M. rubriventris paper (Daly et al. 2007): 193M, 247L, IRνC=CH-3015cm-1 247M,251E2,255F,265B2and267Y(251EEand265BB 8.14 7.24 207X* Unclass C14H25N arenowrenamedas251E2and265B2).Fivewereunclas- 8.29 7.39* 205G Iz C H N sifiedandtwowereindolizidines.Curiously,noneareseen 14 23 8.74 7.85 205H Tri CI206;C H N inthecurrentstudy. 14 23 By using a similar GC-column as ours (DB-5, HP-5, 8.84 7.95 193O* Tri CI194;C H Nanalogof193C 13 23 OV-5 and similar ones) and the same GC-program, we 16.64 15.91 305B PTX hope that other investigators will be able to replicate our 16.71 15.99 305I* PTX C H NO 19 31 2 results with their own samples of frog or toad skin alka- 16.84 16.12 307E PTX loids. They will be able to see and identify previously 17.36 16.65 341A aPTX detected alkaloids, create their own corrected R and t 17.45 16.74 337D* PTX C H NO characterize new alkaloids. Although the mass spectra 20 35 2 are going to be somewhat different than ours if using 18.07 17.37 323A PTX different instruments with different detectors, the gen- eral pattern willbeidentifiable bycomparison with these and trace components that are approximate only. The 127 mass spectra we present in the Additional file 4 observed gas chromatographic retention times (R (obs.)) Figure S11-S26. Hopefully, they will also name the new t in Additional file 1 Tables S1-S10 are included to allow alkaloids (identified or not, but at least characterized by the identification of GC peaks in the ten total-ion- MS and R) following our code, adding to the list of t current chromatograms. Only the most significant peaks more than 900alkaloids detected infrog skinsofar. are annotated in those chromatograms. The chromato- The completeelectron-impact massspectra ofallalka- gram TIC intensities all fell in the range of 1.7 x 107 to loids reported in this paper, 104 + 23 diastereomers, are 9.2x107(seeAdditionalfile1TableS13,for thisdata). shown in Additional file 4 Figures S11-S26, eight spectra Table 1is acompilation ofthe data of Additional file 1 per page in order of increasing MW, except for 195N Tables S1-S10 where the toad extracts are organized by added attheend. collection sites and an “x” indicates an alkaloid’s pres- The present work extends the earlier study of M. ence and any accompanying diastereomer. A new alkal- rubriventris on extracts of combined skins and confirms oid is indicated by an asterisk after the code name in all now with single skin extracts, the extreme variability tables. One or more new diastereomer(s) is(are) indi- (both in time and location) of alkaloid contents in the cated by the symbol x*. A footnote to Table 1 indicates skins of these toads. This point is expanded upon in the the alkaloid class abbreviations used in that table and in DiscussionSection. Additionalfile1Tables S1-S10. InFigure3,weindicatetentativestructuresof14ofthe Discussion new alkaloids as determined by HRMS and analogy with Variation in Alkaloid Structures Found in Skins of M. knownfrogortoadskinalkaloidmassspectralfragmenta- rubriventris Toads. One of our most unusual findings is tionpatterns.Inthepresent study,slightlymorethanhalf thescarcityofalkaloidsconsideredtoderivefromstraight- of the total alkaloids we observed, fall into a molecular chainprecursors,hererepresentedbyafewexamplesonly: weightrange below 240 a.m.u.,which is lower thantypic- a 3,5-disubstituted pyrrolizidine, 3,5-disubstituted indolizi- allyseenindendrobatidormantellidfrogskinalkaloids. dines, a 4,6-disubstituted quinolizidine and a 2,6-disubsti- In this paper, we continue the overall scheme of indi- tuted piperidine. The alkaloids having straight chains were cating alkaloids with anominal molecular weightin bold significant classes in M. stelzneri, M. cupreuscapularis and and a bold letter that distinguishes alkaloids of the same M. klappenbachi but were also commented upon as being nominal mass. We have abandoned however the con- deficientinfourearliercollectionsofM.rubriventris(Daly tinuation of alphabet codes for letters past “Z” with et al. 2007) where 2,5-disubstituted decahydroquinolines double letters such as AA, BB etc., as both being were also missing as true of the present survey. These are Garraffoetal.SpringerPlus2012,1:51 Page9of15 Figure3TentativestructuresofsomeofthenewalkaloidsfoundinskinsofM.rubriventris. all thought to originate from ants (Jones et al. 1999; Another interesting finding is that 23 of the total 127 Spande et al. 1999; Daly et al. 2000). To complicate this alkaloids (see “x* ", Table 1) are new diastereomers of simplepicture,examplesofizidinesofstraight-chainstruc- previously reported alkaloids. We have never before turessuchas223ABand237I,a3,5-disubstitutedindolizi- found this many diastereomers of alkaloids in toad/frog dine and a 4,6-disubstituted quinolizidine, respectively, skin extracts. Alkaloid 223T occurs, for example, as four have been reported from oribatid mites (Saporito et al. diastereomers in both skins from the El Cucho site. Two 2007). Furthermore, pumiliotoxins, necessitating branched of these diastereomers have not been seen previously. structures,werefound,unexpectedly,intwotinyspeciesof The new diastereomers of known alkaloids are 9 from the formicine ant genera Brachymyrmex and Nylanderia izidine structures, 8 from unclassified structures, 4 from (formerlyParatrechina)(Saporitoetal.2004). the tricyclic class, and one each from pumiliotoxin and In our present study, the great majority of alkaloids, e. piperidine classes. A total of 6 diastereomers are seen g. tricylic structures, are either inferred or known to be with the combined 5,6,8-I and 5,8-I classes but there of branched-chain structures and likely originate from seems otherwise little association of diastereoisomerism mites (Saporito et al. 2007). Seven of the branched-chain with any structural class, nor is there any association of alkaloids are of the known 5,6,8-trisubstituted indolizi- dine class. Table 3, derived from Table 1 lists the totals of three such branched-chain alkaloid classes: pumi- Table3Somealkaloidclasseswithbranchedchains liotoxins, tricyclic alkaloids and the sum of 5,8-disubsti- foundinM.rubriventrisa tuted indolizidines and 5,6,8-trisubstituted indolizidines. Collection 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No consistent pattern emerges of putative mite prefer- PTX 20 16 16 16 8 4 5 11 7 4 ences although toads from the Salta sites #1-4 concen- trate pumiliotoxins and from the Salta sites #1, 7, 8 are Tri 11 8 4 9 5 7 16 10 2 2 rich in tricyclic structures. The indolizidines appear at 5,8-I+5,6,8-I 4 7 3 4 3 2 8 4 0 1 randomamongthetenskins. aIncludesdiastereomers. Garraffoetal.SpringerPlus2012,1:51 Page10of15 diastereoisomerism with diet species of toad / frog or Table4Occurrenceofanyindividualalkaloidamongthe time ofyear. tenM.rubriventrisskinsexamineda An unexpected finding is the occurrence of 1- Frequencyofoccurrence Totalsuchalkaloids Newalkaloids acetamidoquinolizidine (code “Q”), named epiquinamide, amongthem in six of the ten skins. This alkaloid had previously been Once 30 24 detected only in dendrobatid poison frogs of the species Twice 24 14 Epipedobates tricolor (now Ameerega anthonyi) of Ecua- Threetimes 9 3 dor (Fitch et al. 2003) but in very minor amounts. It has Fourtimes 17 8 notbeenseenelsewhereuntilthepresentstudy. Fivetimes 5 1 The likely artifact, 4-aminobenzoic acid ethyl ester, probably originating as a sunscreen component, oc- Sixtimes 5 0 curred in four extracts (# 1, 2, 7, 8), accompanied by the Seventimes 6 4 N-acetyl derivative, an anesthetic component, in extracts Eighttimes 3 2 # 7 and 8. A likely contaminant, a toluamide insect Ninetimes 0 0 repellent,wasdetectedinextract #3. Tentimes 3 0 A curious difference with results reported with other aIncludesdiastereomerscountedtogetherwiththemajoralkaloid. Melanophryniscus studies is the accompaniment of PTX 251Dineveryoneofourextractsbymanyotherpumilio- toxins, some in substantial or even major amounts, e.g. thetenskinsexamined.As thethird columnindicates, 24 237A, 307A, 307G, 309A, 323A and 341A (see chroma- (80%) of these “singletons” have not been seen before in togramsofAdditionalfile3FiguresS1-S10).Theseresults any of the four anuran families we have examined for standincontrasttothoseofMebsetal.(2005,2007)who alkaloids. Even the 24 alkaloids that occur only twice havefoundpumiliotoxin251Dastheprincipalskinalkal- among the ten sites contain 14 new structures. That the oidinthethreeMelanophryniscusextractstheyhaveexam- new structures are found mainly restricted to one or two inedfromUruguayanspeciesandhavereportedtracesonly toadsmustindicateadietaryarthropodofrestrictedavail- of six other accompanying pumiliotoxins, one a homopu- abilityorpreference. miliotoxin. One of the pumiliotoxins was 267C which we The large number of single occurrences of alkaloids we have not observed, although it was observed by us in a report here has not been seen previously among single muchearlierstudyoftheBraziliantoadM.moreirae(Daly, frog skins of Dendrobates (Oophaga) pumilio (Saporito et al. 1984). Traces of uncharacterized indolizidines were et al. 2006), Mantella species (Daly et al. 2008b; Clark also reported in M. montevidensis (Mebs et al. 2005). We et al. 2006), or Melanophryniscus montevidensis toads havenotdetectedinthepresentstudyanyofthehomopu- (Mebs et al. 2005). Since most of the poison anurans, ex- miliotoxin alkaloids such as 249F earlier found with ac- cept frogs of the genus Pseudophryne of the family Myo- companying diastereomers in M. klappenbachi or M. batrachidae (Smith et al. 2002), do not synthesize any of cupreuscapularis (Daly et al. 2008a) although we did ob- their skin alkaloids, but rather sequester them from diet- serve four of the pumiliotoxins (251D, 277B, 307G and ary arthropods (Saporito et al. 2009), this implies an ex- 323A) in one or the other collection. In the earlier survey tremely varied choice of prey items for M. rubriventris, offourcollectionsofcombinedskinsofM.rubriventris,we the greatest we have yet seen. The diet of all analyzed found many PTXs. However, 251D (Daly et al. 2007) was populations of M. rubriventris contained several main found in only two of the four collections; one, a nine-skin prey categories with numbers ranging from 17 to 32 as extract from Canto del Monte, Salta and the other, a two- described by Bonansea and Vaira (2007) and Quiroga skin extract from Tiraxi, Jujuy (see Figure 2 in Daly et al. et al. (2011). Dendrobatid frogs are capable in some spe- 2007). Incidentally, it should be pointed out that a recent cies of metabolizing 251D to the more toxic allopumilio- studyontwotinyspecies(SVL≈10mm)ofEleutherodac- toxin267A,byanenantioselective7β-hydroxylation(Daly tylus frogs from Cuba, (Rodriguez et al. 2010) indicated et al. 2003) and it is likely that some PTX-containing they contain pumiliotoxins. Thus a fifth family of poison Melanophryniscus toads can also accomplish this, al- frogs can now be added to the anuran families Bufonidae, though this remains to be demonstrated. The Australian Dendrobatidae, Mantellidae and Myobatrachidae. Stomach frogs of the genus Pseudophryne that have been contents of these eleutherodactylids indicated they had studied, synthesize their pseudophrynamine alkaloids consumedmainlymites. (isoprenylated cyclized N-methyltryptamines). In the A striking observation in the current study is the large wild, they also accumulate pumiliotoxins from diet number(30)ofalkaloidsthatoccurinjustoneoftheskins and the pseudophrynamines decline. When reared in but none of the others. Table 4 indicates the frequency of captivity, however, PTX alkaloids are not found in alkaloids that occur once, twice, three times, etc. among skins (Smith et al. 2002).