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2 ALIEN ENCOUNTERS Copyright © 1997 by Koinonia House P.O. Box D Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816-0347 Web Site: http://wwwkhouse.org ISBN 1-57821-061-5 Design and production by Koechel Peterson & Associates, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Scripture quotations in this book are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the Publisher. Printed in the United States of America. jmf 3 CONTENTS Foreword Section I: Prologue to a New Reality? Chapter 1: What in the Cosmos Is Going On? Chapter 2: Ancient Visitors Chapter 3: Interdimensional Visitors Chapter 4: Reality's Twilight Zone Chapter 5: Alien Contact? Section II: The New Age View Chapter 6: In the Beginning ET? Chapter 7: The Gospel According to ET Chapter 8: The Quickening Chapter 9: The Coming Evacuation Section III: The Biblical View Chapter 10: The Return of the Nephilim Chapter 11: An Extraterrestrial Message Authenticated Chapter 12: Chariots of the Frauds Section IV: Quo Vadis: Where Are We Headed? Chapter 13: The Cosmic Deception Chapter 14: The Ultimate Hyperdimensional APPENDICES The "Line of Seth" View of Genesis 6 Checklist for Potential Contactees Bibliography 4 FOREWORD A FOREWORD REVISITED "Every once in a while a book comes along that has great impact on the world, its societies, its belief systems, its people. The impact of Voyage to the New World will be measured in these terms.... " DOUGLAS JAMES MAHR VOYAGE TO THE NEW WORLD The excerpt on the preceeding page, from the foreword of my 1985 book, Voyage to the New World, may have sounded flamboyant, but it proved astonishingly prophetic. That book did, indeed, lead the way to a new wave of publishing called New Age, according to Publisher's Weekly. And, the New Age publishing wave has had a profound impact, just as predicted. It was an exciting voyage for me, an adventure inviting audiences of millions to watch and listen during nearly 100 television and radio interviews. And, as foretold, the book launched a complete paradigm shift of thought which now dominates the shelf space in virtually every book store . . . and the minds of more than 50 million people in the United States alone. It also led to my becoming a friend, a colleague, advisor, mentor and pal to Shirley MacLaine, whose Out on a Limb would demolish the mini-series ratings records and officially launch the New Age, with my books riding the publicity. I was the guy who helped bring in the New Age in all of its birthday glory. I was, in practical terms, one of the "founders" of the New Age movement. I was caught up in its euphoria, and, yes, became part of its deceptions. The most well-known channeled entity in the universe, Ramtha, recruited me to be his chief writer—his "Master-scribe," actually. Ramtha was the mysterious thing who intro- duced me to Shirley MacLaine. (Ramtha advised Shirley while she was writing Out on a 5 Limb. Ramtha is the mysterious entity who has been studied, analyzed, and attacked for debunking without apparent success. Ramtha ostensibly orchestrated the popularization of the New Age, incidentally) And the next question is, Why? (The answers are in this book you now have in your hands.) As one who was very much caught up in this new wave of thought, I am in a unique position to evaluate this unusual book. I believe this book by Chuck Missler and Mark Eastmanmay well prove to be the most significant book of our times. It could also prove to be the most critical book you have ever read personally. The conclusions the authors carefully develop may alter your own entire world-view in ways that may significantly affect your personal destiny. The insights contained in this book have certainly altered my own! It's all about the war. An invisible war. A cosmic contest which may, indeed, engulf the planet Earth in ways that very few have any capacity to anticipate. Anyone who has been watching the news, or has been profiling the entertainment media, realizes that our society is increasingly being con-fronted with the "invisible" world—and what was once the domain of science fiction and the lunatic fringe, has now become the preoccupation of serious scientific investigations and has also become a major centroid of policy within the classified government community. Beyond the recent space discoveries, beyond the upheavals from the realm of quantum physics, beyond the bizarre reports from the paranormal, beyond the current conjectures about black holes, wormholes, and time warps, Alien Encounters addresses the new reality: what it is, what it's made of, who's in the driver's seat, where we're heading, and how to make the correct turns. There is a cosmic deception being orchestrated and you are one its targets. Prepare yourself for an amazing adventure, moving into a vast hyper- new view of thinking as you begin to explore unseen dimensions of deep space-time. Let the adventure begin! Douglas James Mahr Author, Voyage to the New World, who has returned as a wiser and deeply concerned watchman. Big Bear Lake, California 6 CHAPTER ONE WHAT IN THE COSMOS IS GOING ON? "A wave of unprecedented appearances of UFOs in the skies of Israel has stirred up UFO enthusiasts and several thousands of other people who have been witnesses to unforgettable sights. The mounting reports in recent weeks leave no room for doubt in the minds of many that UFOs have invaded Planet Earth!" ISRAELI JOURNALIST IRIS ALMAGOR, MARCH 1997 7 In recent years, a number of astonishing events in our skies and in the corridors of power and influence have suggested to many that we are on the verge of open and global recognition of the reality of UFOs (unidentified flying objects) and extraterrestrial life. To many, this great shift in our understanding of our place in the cosmic community will usher in a period of unparalleled peace, prosperity, and global unity. On the other hand, many, including top UFO researchers, believe that we may be headed for the most bizarre—and most far reaching—challenge ever seen on this planet. And your personal destiny—and that of your family—may depend upon how you deal with the strange events that may soon take place. As we approach the dawn of the 21st century, life in outer space is now taken for granted by our educational and media establishments, and with this assumption comes the inevitable discussion of UFOs and alien life foul's. Once relegated to the ostracized domain of the lunatic fringe or to science fiction writers, UFOs have now emerged as a socially acceptable topic for serious discussion. Previously regarded as the whacko delusions of the '40s and '50s, now they have become one of the hottest topics of our entertainment and news media of the '90s. One cannot even count the number of TV specials, documentaries (and pseudo-documentaries), and major movies that have been aired on this topic in recent years. Yet, in the last several years a number of staggering, although very well documented UFO events have occurred worldwide and have received no coverage by the mainstream U.S. media. However, beginning in 1996, we have witnessed what some have called a "leak a week" strategy being orchestrated by agencies of the federal government and the scientific establishment. Many believe this is part of a global strategy toward open acknowledgment of "ET reality" Are the UFOs real, or are they some form of delusion? Can anyone really take them seriously? What's really going on? It may come as a surprise to learn that a recent Gallup poll revealed that 72 percent of Americans believe in extraterrestrial life; 48 percent believe in UFOs and 15 percent believe they have seen a UFO. According to other polls up to 2–3 per-cent believe that they have been abducted by a UFO!' It turns out to be a gargantuan task to even catalog the volumes of the UFO reports in recent history. A bibliography of just the professional articles—excluding newspapers, etc.—lists 6,000 publications in English, 2,200 in foreign journals, and 1,350 periodicals published on the subject.' Wading through the mountains of reports of sightings, encounters, and even accounts of abductions, one is confronted with an unmanageable barrage of unconfirmable testi- monies, hoaxes, frauds, and deliberate disinformation—even from the government. Yet, there remain behind it all too many serious cases which involve multiple reliable witnesses and even tangible physical evidences, enough to bury even the most ardent skeptic. 8 A SUDDEN CHANGE OF POLICY On August 6, 1996, a dramatic shift in policy was apparently set in motion. A press release, personally endorsed by none other than the NASA administrator Daniel Goldin himself, startled the entire world: "NASA Scientists Find Evidence of Life on Mars." The next day, President Clinton joined the elation with a press announcement on the South Lawn of the White House: "This is the product of years of exploration and months of intensive study by some of the world's most distinguished scientists. Like all discoveries, this one will and should continue to be reviewed, examined and scrutinized. It must be confirmed by other scientists. But clearly, the fact that some-thing of this magnitude is being explored is another vindication of America's space program and our continuing support for it, even in these tough financial times. I am determined that the American space program will put its full intellectual power and technological prowess behind the search for further evidence of life on Mars.... "Today, rock 84001 speaks to us across all those billions of years and millions of miles. It speaks of the possibility of life. If this discovery is con-firmed, it will surely be one of the most stunning insights into our universe that science has ever uncovered. Its implications are as far-reaching and awe-inspiring as can be imagined. Even as it promises answers to some of our oldest questions, it poses still others even more fundamental. "We will continue to listen closely to what it has to say as we continue the search for answers and for knowledge that is as old as humanity itself but essential to our people's future." Since the announcement, a number of investigative teams have expressed considerable doubt regarding the evidence presented by Goldin and the NASA team.4.5 Nevertheless, the event marked a significant policy change for the administration. Life in space was now "in." The cynics snickered that it was just a clever ploy by NASA to facilitate desperate funding. It may, however, be far more than that. In subsequent months the Mars announcement was followed by similar, less dramatic announcements by NASA touting the discovery of liquid water on Europa, one of Jupiter's moons: "Jupiter's Europa Harbors Possible `warm ice' or Liquid Water" "Tantalizing new images of Jupiter's moon Europa from NASA's Galileo spacecraft indicate that `warm ice' or even liquid water may have existed and perhaps still exists beneath Europa's cracked icy crust. Europa has long been considered by scientists and celebrated in science fiction as one of the handful of places in the solar system (along with Mars and Saturn's moon Titan) that could possess an environment where primitive life forms could possibly exist."6 A subsequent news release heralded the possibility of a mass of ice in the giant crater known as the Aitken Basin near the south pole of the moon.' More announcements of this kind are sure to follow. 9 Understandably, this fanfare has made life in space a hotter topic than ever. The euphoria is likely to be soon enhanced by the two current Mars missions, which will predictably supply more "evidence" to fan the interest. The Mars Global Surveyor should reach orbital insertion in March 1998 and will begin mapping for one Mars year (687 Earth days) until January 31, 2000. This is intended to be the first of a decade-long program of the robotic exploration of Mars, called the Mars Surveyor Program. An aggressive series of orbiters and landers are planned to be launched every 26 months, as Mars moves into alignment with Earth. A second U.S. mission, the Pathfinder, is also on its way and is scheduled to land July 4, 1997. It is intended to land a small, 25 pound, six-wheeled robotic Rover ("Sojourner") for imaging and soil mechanics experiments. In the meantime, while the U.S. press slept and the scientific community focused on the possibility of ancient microbes from Mars, a number of well-documented mass sightings of unidentified flying objects have continued around the globe which have convinced multitudes of the reality of UFOs. THE DAY MEXICO CITY STOOD STILL On January 1, 1993, at 2:00 P.M., Mexico City became host to the most astonishing and best documented UFO event in recorded history According to numerous broadcasts' and published reports,' tens of thousands of people (including police, military personnel, and ordinary citizens) sighted a silvery craft performing aerial acrobatics over the central portion of Mexico City in broad daylight. Radio stations were inundated by phone calls while television stations preempted their regular schedules to broadcast the event. Videotapes of the event showed traffic backed up on Mexico City's main thoroughfare, Avenida Reforma, as drivers and passengers emerged from their automobiles to get a look at the strange metallic disks.'° Later that day, at 3:51 and 5:21 P.m., two additional metallic, disk-shaped craft appeared and were also documented by local residents with camcorders. On January 2, 1993, every major newspaper and news pro-gram covered the event which reportedly lasted five hours. One of Mexico City's major newspapers, La Prensa, carried the head-line, "Astonishment! UFOs over the Capital." The event was also recorded by radar at the Mexico City International Airport." Incredibly, there was no reporting of this event in the U.S. press. This was not the first UFO event in the skies of Mexico in recent years. The Mexico UFO flap (a flap is a large number of sightings in a short time span) began on July 11, 1991, during the total eclipse of the sun that swept across the central part of Mexico. On that day, shortly after 1:00 PM., 17 unrelated individuals, in four different cities, armed with cam-eras and camcorders, documented a metallic disk-shaped object hanging motionless below the eclipsed sun. This event became the first "mass-photographed" daylight disk in history. Interestingly, many of the witnesses didn't realize they had photographed the disk until subsequent viewing of their tapes. Examination of the videotapes revealed a solid, metallic, "hockey puck-shaped" object with counterclockwise rotation. Since that time, researchers have collected more than 700 video tapes of metallic, disk-shaped UFOs observed in the skies over Mexico.12 More than 100 of the videotapes are day-light shots. In addition, many of these have been 10

position to evaluate this unusual book. I believe this book by Chuck Missler and Mark Eastmanmay well prove to be the most significant book of our times.
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