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Alice Ashley PDF

507 Pages·2017·37.61 MB·English
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NOTICE OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/ENGINEERING PROJECT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/ENGINEERING PROJECT REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF ROSENBERG, FORT BEND COUNTY, TEXAS, WILL MEET IN REGULAR SESSION OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS FOLLOWS:   DATE:   Monday, December 18, 2017 TIME:   2:00 p.m. PLACE:     Rosenberg City Hall City Hall Council Office 2110 4th Street Rosenberg, Texas 77471   PURPOSE:     Professional Services/Engineering Project Review Committee Meeting, agenda as follows:             Call to order:  City Hall Council Office   AGENDA      1. Consideration of and action on minutes of the Professional Services/Engineering Project Review Committee for November 20, 2017. (Linda Cernosek, City Secretary)   2. Consideration of and action on selection of firms regarding Request for Proposals for Administration/Professional Services related to CDBG-DR (2016 Flood). (Melissa Pena, Program Director of Capital Projects)   3. Consideration of and action on selection of engineering firms regarding Request for Qualifications for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) North Side Waterline Improvements - Phase V. (Melissa Pena, Program Director of Capital Projects)   4. Consideration of and action on an Engineering Agreement with EHRA, Inc. for engineering services related to the Spacek Road Improvements – Phase III. (John Maresh, City Manager)   5. Review and discuss future Agenda items, and take action as necessary. (John Maresh, City Manager)   6. Adjournment. DATED AND POSTED this the _________ day of ______________ 2017, at ___________m.,   by ______________________________.   ____________________________________________ Attest: Linda Cernosek, TRMC, City Secretary ____________________________________________ Approved for Posting: John Maresh, City Manager   There may be a quorum of City Council Members attending this meeting. Reasonable accommodation for the disabled attending this meeting will be available; persons with disabilities in need of special assistance at the meeting should contact the City Secretary at (832) 595-3340. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATION     Professional Services-Engineering Project Review 1. Committee Meeting Date: 12/18/2017   Item Title: Meeting Minutes 11-20-17 Submitted by: Reviewed by: ITEM/MOTION Consideration of and action on minutes of the Professional Services/Engineering Project Review Committee for November 20, 2017. (Linda Cernosek, City Secretary)   EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Attachments PSC Meeting Minutes 11-20-17 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/ENGINEERING PROJECT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES **DRAFT** On this the 20th day of November 2017, the Professional Services/Engineering Project Review Committee of the City of Rosenberg, Fort Bend County, Texas, met in a Regular Session in the City Hall Council Office located at 2110 4th Street, Rosenberg, Texas. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Jimmie J. Pena Councilor, District 1, Chairman Susan Euton Councilor, District 2 Alice Jozwiak Councilor, District 3, Vice Chairman CITY STAFF PRESENT John Maresh City Manager Joyce Vasut Assistant City Manager Linda Cernosek City Secretary Rigo Calzoncin Public Works Director Travis Tanner Executive Director of Community Development Melissa Pena Program Director of Capital Projects CALL TO ORDER Chairman Pena called the meeting to order at 12:32 p.m. AGENDA 1. Consideration of and Action on minutes of the Professional Services/Engineering Project Review Committee for November 6, 2017. Executive Summary: Draft minutes were included in the agenda packet for review. Action: Councilor Euton made a motion, seconded by Councilor Jozwiak to approve the Professional Services/Engineering Project Review Committee Meeting Minutes for the November 6, 2017 meeting. The motion carried by a unanimous vote. 2. Consideration of and action on selection of law firms regarding Request for Proposals for Specialized Professional Legal Services. Executive Summary: Staff prepared and published a "Request for Proposals" for Specialized Professional Legal Services related to Municipal Utility Districts (MUDs), and other development related agreements. On November 7th, the City received proposals from the law firms of Bracewell, LLP, and Jeanne H. McDonald, PC. The City Attorney, Denton Navarro Rocha Bernal & Zech, P.C. (DNRBZ) also submitted a letter stating the firm would also be interested in providing these services to the City. Staff has reviewed the proposals and recommends the Committee consider using a combination of the firms DNRBZ and Jeanne H. McDonald, PC, for services related to MUDs and development agreements. The hourly rates charged by each firm is included in the respective proposals. The majority of the fees related to MUD agreements are a pass-through with the MUD and Developer reimbursing the City for the legal fees. Key discussion points:  John Maresh reported that on November 7th, the City received proposals from the law firms of Bracewell, LLP, and Jeanne H. McDonald, PC. The City Attorney, Denton Navarro Rocha Bernal & Zech, P.C. (DNRBZ) also submitted a letter stating the firm would also be interested in providing these services to the City.  Mr. Maresh stated that the majority of the fees related to MUD agreements area pass-through with the MUD and Developer reimbursing the City for the legal fees.  Mr. Maresh recommended that the City select both Jeanne H. McDonald, PC and also DNRBZ for the Specialized Professional Legal Services and use each according to what service the City Page 1 of 4 * PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/ENGINEERING PROJECT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING * NOVEMBER 20, 2017 needs.  Councilor Pena stated he is ok with both of these law firms, but would definitely recommend Jeannie McDonald for her expertise with the MUDs.  Some discussion was held on the travel fees charged by DNRBZ.  Mr. Maresh discussed having DNRBZ do general minor amendments to contracts, etc., when they are at the City for other meetings to save the travel costs. Ms. McDonald is more specialized with the MUDs in general. Action: Councilor Euton made a motion, seconded by Councilor Jozwiak to recommend to the City Council to approve the selection of both Jeanne H. McDonald, PC., and Denton Navarro Rocha Bernal & Zech, P.C. (DNRBZ) for Specialized Professional Legal Services. The motion carried by a unanimous vote. 3. Consideration of and action on engineering firms regarding Request for Qualifications for engineering services related to CDBG-DR (2016 Flood). Executive Summary: The following firms below have submitted Statements of Qualification (SOQs) for engineering services related to Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR):  Cobb Fendley & Associates, Inc.  HENECO Engineering & Consulting, LLC  KSA Engineering, Inc.  TLC Engineering, Inc.  Zarinkelk Engineering Services, Inc. The City of Rosenberg has been allocated $712,525.78 through the CDBG-DR program administered by the Texas General Land Office (GLO) for projects directly related to the 2016 Memorial Day flood. Similar to other CDBG projects, the funds must be utilized in areas of the City that will predominately benefit low to moderate income families. The program also requires the City follow specific procurement processes, including the selection of an engineering firm utilizing the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process. A blank rating sheet is attached for your reference. Please note, rating sheets completed by staff will be provided at the meeting. Staff has reviewed the SOQs submitted by each of the firms. The two (2) firms, Cobb Fendley & Associates, Inc., and KSA Engineering, Inc., have both been ranked very close together, and have extensive experience with these types of projects. Staff is recommending Cobb Fendley & Associates, Inc., based on their experience with the City of Rosenberg and familiarity with the areas impacted by the flooding. Key discussion points:  Mr. Maresh stated that two firms stood out in the ranking as noted above. The deadline to submit these applications is January 2018. Projects that would qualify for this money would be the raising of the section of 7th Street that flooded and also the two lift stations’ electrical panels that would need to be raised. These would have to be infrastructure projects that failed during the 2016 Memorial Day flood. Cobb Fendley is already working on the 7th Street elevation project, so their firm would be able to do the work.  Mr. Maresh clarified that Cobb Fendley could do this type of work for the City and it would not be a conflict since this is a City project. Action: Councilor Jozwiak made a motion, seconded by Councilor Euton to recommend to the City Council to approve the engineering firm of Cobb Fendley & Associates, Inc., for Engineering Services related to the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) in the allocated CDBG-DR program in the amount of $712,525.78. The motion carried by a unanimous vote. 4. Consideration of and action on selection of engineering firms regarding Request for Qualifications for On-Call Right-of-Way Acquisition Services. Executive Summary: Page 2 of 4 * PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/ENGINEERING PROJECT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING * NOVEMBER 20, 2017 The engineering firms below have submitted Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) for On-Call Right-of- Way Acquisition Services:  Briggs Field Services, Inc.  Contract Land Staff, LLC  HW Lochner, Inc.  Jim Burgin and Associates, LLC  Property Acquisition Services, LLC  Stateside Right of Way Services, LLC  Universal Field Services, Inc. These services will be necessary to assist staff with the right-of-way acquisition process for the upcoming Spacek Road, Phase III Road Expansion Project. Staff estimates approximately thirteen (13) to fifteen (15) parcels of land will be affected in order to obtain the required right-of-way width. Staff has reviewed the SOQs, and recommends negotiating and entering into a contract with Stateside Right of Way Services, LLC. This is the same firm the City previously contracted with to assist with the Bryan Road right-of-way acquisition. Key discussion points:  Mr. Maresh explained the Executive Summary. The City is recommending Stateside Right of Way Services, LLC, for the On-Call Right-of-Way Acquisition Services. The City has used this firm in the past and they are familiar with our projects and the City has been pleased with their work. Action: Councilor Euton made a motion, seconded by Councilor Jozwiak to recommend to the City Council to use Stateside Right of Way Services, LLC, for the On-Call Right-of-Way Acquisition Services. The motion carried by a unanimous vote. 5. Consideration of and action on selection of consulting firms for Request for Proposals for City Hall Roof Replacement Project. Executive Summary: Proposals were received from two firms specializing in Professional Roofing Engineering Services. Price Consulting, Inc. (PCI), and Amtech Solutions, Inc., are both from the Houston area and provide complete design, bid, construction administration and inspection services as further described within the attached proposals. PCI has worked with the City of Rosenberg on the Police Department re-roof, and the Parks Department re-roof projects in 2013, and staff had no issues with their performance. Staff has reviewed both proposals and recommends PCI for the City Hall Roof Replacement Project. Key discussion points:  Melissa Pena explained that Price Consulting, Inc. (PCI), and Amtech Solutions, Inc., both bid on the City Hall Roof Replacement Project. Price Consulting, Inc., has worked with the City previously and they perform a turnkey project from start to finish. The City has been pleased with their work.  Mr. Maresh stated that with the square footage of City Hall the cost estimate is about $300,000 for the construction portion. The City will then have to hire a contractor to put the roof on. There have been so many layers of topping on the City Hall that the old layers will have to be removed. The PCI engineer will oversee the project. Action: Councilor Jozwiak made a motion, seconded by Councilor Euton to recommend to the City Council to approve Price Consulting, Inc., for the City Hall Roof Replacement Project. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. 6. Consideration of and action on Park Place Southwest Water and Sanitary Sewer Extension and Fairgrounds Road Water Line Relocation – Fee Proposal for Engineering, Surveying and Construction Administration Services by Cobb Fendley & Associates, Inc. Executive Summary: This item has been placed on the agenda to give Committee Members the opportunity to discuss the Page 3 of 4 * PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/ENGINEERING PROJECT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING * NOVEMBER 20, 2017 Park Place Southwest Water and Sanitary Sewer Extension and Fairgrounds Road Water Line Relocation – Fee Proposal for Engineering, Surveying and Construction Administration Services by Cobb, Fendley & Associates, Inc. The Committee recommended Cobb Fendley & Associates, Inc., for this project at the October 02, 2017 meeting. Staff has reviewed the proposal and recommends approval. Key discussion points:  Mr. Maresh explained that TXDOT is completing the bridge over Seabourne Creek Place. It makes sense to combine the Park Place Southwest water and sanitary sewer extension and the Fairgrounds Road water line relocation while the construction is taking place. The estimated construction cost is approximately $623,000. Action: Councilor Euton made a motion, seconded by Councilor Jozwiak to recommend to the City Council the Park Place Southwest Water and Sanitary Sewer Extension and Fairgrounds Road Water Line Relocation Fee Proposal for Engineering, Surveying and Construction Administration Services by Cobb Fendley & Associates, Inc. The motion carried by a unanimous vote. 7. Review and discuss future Agenda items, and take action as necessary. Key discussion points:  Mr. Maresh stated the Professional Services/Engineering Project Review Committee (the Committee) will need to meet on Monday, December 18, 2017.  Fort Bend County will no longer administer the CDBG-DR grants. These grants go through the Texas General Land Office, so the cities will have to hire firms to apply for the grants and there is a cap on the grant for administrative fees. The City of Rosenberg will need to get a grant administration firm with a specialty in obtaining and accounting for the grant funding. We will need to look at those Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for the engineering portion. This will be discussed at the December 18, 2017 Committee meeting.  The Committee will also need to review the CDBG Phase V Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) for the engineering and other Capital Improvement Projects including the Airport Avenue extension and Bamore Road. 5. ADJOURNMENT. Action: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m. Linda Cernosek, TRMC, City Secretary City of Rosenberg Page 4 of 4 * PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/ENGINEERING PROJECT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING * NOVEMBER 20, 2017 COMMITTEE COMMUNICATION     Professional Services-Engineering Project Review 2. Committee Meeting Date: 12/18/2017   Item Title: RFP No. 2017-25 - CDBG-DR Administrative Services Submitted by: Reviewed by: ITEM/MOTION Consideration of and action on selection of firms regarding Request for Proposals for Administration/Professional Services related to CDBG-DR (2016 Flood). (Melissa Pena, Program Director of Capital Projects)   EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Rosenberg has been allocated $712,525.78 through the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Program (CDBG-DR) administered by the Texas General Land Office (GLO) for infrastructure projects directly related to the 2016 Memorial Day Flood. Similar to prior CDBG funded projects, the funds must be utilized in areas of the City that will predominantly benefit low to moderate income families. The program requires the City to follow a specific procurement process, including the selection of an Administration/Professional Services firm utilizing the Request for Proposal (RFP) process. Per the GLO criteria, administrative services fees can not exceed 9% of the maximum award of $712,525.78, which is approximately $64,127.32. Unlike other CDBG funded programs, Fort Bend County has selected not to administer this program for eligible municipalities.  Therefore, the City will have to hire a professional firm that is experienced and familiar with the program criteria and requirements. Four (4) proposals were received in response to RFP No. 2017-25, and are provided herewith.  Staff has reviewed the proposals and recommends the firm, GrantWorks, for consideration based on the firms previous experience with administering CDBG-DR funded projects. Upon recommendation of a firm by the Committee and staff, a resolution to approve an Administrative/Professional Services Agreement with the selected firm will be on the December 19th City Council Agenda for approval. Attachments Proposal - GrantWorks  Proposal - Provision Specialized Resources  Proposal - BBG Consulting  Proposal - Baker Tilly STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS GRANT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES City of Rosenberg CDBG – Disaster Recovery Infrastructure AUSTIN (HQ) |ABILENE | ALPINE | BEEVILLE | DALLAS | GALVESTON | HOUSTON | HUNTSVILLE | MCALLEN | NEW ULM | PALESTINE | ROCKPORT | SAN ANGELO | TEXARKANA Bruce Spitzengel 2201 Northland Drive Austin, TX 78756 512-420-0303 [email protected] November 30, 2017 The Honorable William Benton City of Rosenberg Mayor PO Box 32 Rosenberg, Texas 77471-0032 Re: City of Rosenberg RFP for Administration/Professional Services – CDBG Disaster Recovery Dear Mayor Benton, Thank you for including GrantWorks in your Request for Proposals. Since 2009, GrantWorks’ project managers, planners, and policy experts have developed and implemented more than $400 million in CDBG-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) programs for more than 60 Texas local governments. We have the resources and expertise to begin assisting the City of Rosenberg immediately following contract signing and to successfully complete your projects in accordance with both the General Land Office’s Action Plan and the City’s project schedule. We are ready to help generate and implement projects that meet HUD standards as well as the needs and wishes of the City. GrantWorks’ 62 employees have more than 800 years of combined experience covering all aspects of federal and state grant management for both housing and infrastructure programs. Our team has extensive experience in CDBG-DR working for and with HUD, TDHCA, TDRA, GLO, and local governments in both public and private sector roles. We handle every aspect of CDBG-DR implementation, including project development, environmental review, compliance with State and Federal regulations, and implementation of funded construction projects. Our goal is to free you and your staff from paperwork while providing you with the timely and accurate decision-making information you need. GrantWorks will even complete door-to-door beneficiary surveys at no additional cost, a resource intensive task that other firms do not offer. This proposal includes the elements required in the City’s RFP:  A brief description and history of GrantWorks;  GrantWorks’ experience with federal programs and relevant agencies;  GrantWorks’ work performance and capabilities for developing grant applications and managing construction projects;  References from past local government clients;  GrantWorks’ capacity to perform the scope of work including a statement of resources and staff resumes;  Proposed Cost of Services for Infrastructure and Housing Activities;  Required RFP Forms. We understand the urgency of the need in the City of Rosenberg to recover from the 2016 flood events. We can assist you in creating a well-run, efficient, and successful CDBG-DR program that complies with all GLO and HUD requirements. Please keep in mind that our fees may be negotiated when reviewing and scoring the proposals submitted to the City. We appreciate your consideration of our firm. Sincerely, Bruce J. Spitzengel President

Consideration of and action on an Engineering Agreement with EHRA, Inc. for GrantWorks coordinated with the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Texas The BVCAA Community Health Center was also unable to treat patients due to the CCRTA ADA/Bus Stop Improvements – Corpus Christi, TX.
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