IS TANBUL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY « GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE ENGINEERING AN D TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPING A NAVIGATIONAL MODEL FOR THE TURK ISH STRAITS Ph.D. THESIS Ali CÖMERT Department of Maritime Transportation Engineering Maritime Transportation Engineering Programme JULY 2013 IS T ANBU L TECHNIC AL UNIVERSITY « GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPING A NAVIGATIONAL MODEL FOR THE TURKISH STRAITS Ph.D. THESIS Ali CÖMERT (5120220002) Department of Maritime Transportation Engineering Maritime Transportation Engineering Programme Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Osman Kȃmil SAĞ JULY 2013 İSTA NBUL TEKN İK ÜNİVERSİTESİ « FEN BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ TÜRK BOĞAZLARI İÇİN BİR SEYİR MODELİ GELİŞTİRİLMESİ DOKTORA TEZİ Ali CÖMERT (5120220002) Deniz Ulaştırma Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı Deniz Ulaştırma Mühendisliği Programı Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Osman Kȃmil SAĞ TEMMUZ 2013 Date of Submission : 29 March 2013 Date of Defense : 3 July 2013 Ali Cömert, a Ph.D. student of ITU Gradvu ate School of Science Engineering and Technology student ID 5120220002, successfully defended the thesis entitled “DEVELOPING A NAVIGATIONAL MODEL FOR THE TURKISH Thesis Advisor : PPrrooff.. DDrr.. MOsamhmanu Kt Cȃmelaill SBAAĞR LA ............................................................ STRAITS”, which he prepared after fulfilling the requirements specified in the vi FOREWORD The Turkish Straits is very important, strategic and also very dangerous waterway. This thesis is prepared in order to develop a safe navigational model for this difficult and busy passage. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor Prof. Dr. Osman Kȃmil SAĞ for his support and guidance. I would also like to extent my appreciation to my committee members Prof. Dr. Ömer GÖREN and Dr. Özkan POYRAZ for their advices during my preparation of this thesis. My sincere appreciation is extended to Prof. Dr. Nil GÜLER, Prof. Dr. Mahmut Celal BARLA, Prof. Dr. Sezer ILGIN, and Prof. Dr. Fevzi ERDO ĞMUŞ for their support and guidance. This work is fully supported by ITU Graduate School of Science, Engineering and Technology, ITU Maritime Faculty, Directorate General of Coastal Safety and Turkish Maritime Pilots’ Association. I would also like to express my special thanks to the Director Prof. Dr. İsmail KOYUNCU and all academic and other working staff of the ITU Graduate School of Science, Engineering and Technology, to the Dean Prof. Dr. Nil GÜLER and all academic and other working staff of the ITU Maritime Faculty, to the General Director Capt. Salih ORAKCI and all other working staff of the Directorate General of Coastal Safety, and also to Capt. Hüseyin Şükrü ARIK, Chief Pilot (retired), to Capt. Saim O ĞUZÜLGEN, Chief Pilot (retired), to Capt. Ömür ÖZTA ŞKIN, Chief Pilot (retired), to Capt. Nihat TURAN, Chief Pilot, to Capt. Hüseyin ENER, Chief Pilot, to Capt. İsmail AKPINAR, Chief Pilot, President of the Turkish Maritime Pilots’ Association and Vice-President of European Maritime Pilots’ Association, and to the directors and members of Turkish Maritime Pilots’ Association and to all my maritime pilot colleagues. I would also like to extent my deep appreciation and thanks to my family for their support and encouragement. All figures (images, photographs, and graphics), tables, and texts in this thesis belong to the author, unless otherwise mentioned. July 2013 Ali CÖMERT Senior Maritime Pilot, Ocean-Going Master, Maritime Transportation and Management Engineer vii viii