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Algorithms: Greedy Algorithms PDF

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Algorithms: Greedy Algorithms Amotz Bar-Noy CUNY Spring 2012 AmotzBar-Noy (CUNY) GreedyAlgorithms Spring2012 1/62 Greedy Algorithms Greedy algorithms make decisions that “seem” to be the best following some greedy criteria. In Off-Line problems: Thewholeinputisknowninadvance. Possibletodosomepreprocessingoftheinput. Decisionsareirrevocable. In Real-Time and On-Line problems: Thepresentcannotchangethepast. Thepresentcannotrelyontheun-knownfuture. AmotzBar-Noy (CUNY) GreedyAlgorithms Spring2012 2/62 How and When to use Greedy Algorithms? Initial solution: Establish trivial solutions for a problem of a small size. Usually n = 0 or n = 1. Topbottomprocedure: Foraproblemofsizen,lookforagreedy decision that reduces the size of the problem to some k < n and then, apply recursion. Bottom up procedure: Construct the solution for a problem of size n based on some greedy criteria applied on the solutions to the problems of size k = 1,...,n−1. AmotzBar-Noy (CUNY) GreedyAlgorithms Spring2012 3/62 The Coin Changing Problem Input: Integercoindenominationsd >···>d >d =1. n 2 1 Anintegeramounttopay: A. Output: Number of coins n for each denomination d to get the i i exact amount. A=n d +n d +n d +n d . n n n−1 n−1 2 2 1 1 Goal: Minimize total number of coins. N =n +···+n +n . n 2 1 Remark: There is always a solution with N = A since d = 1. 1 AmotzBar-Noy (CUNY) GreedyAlgorithms Spring2012 4/62 Examples USA: d = 100, d = 50, d = 25, d = 10, d = 5, d = 1. 6 5 4 3 2 1 A=73=2·25+2·10+3·1. N =2+2+3=7. Old British: d = 240, d = 20, d = 1. 3 2 1 A=307=1·240+3·20+7·1. N =1+3+7=11. AmotzBar-Noy (CUNY) GreedyAlgorithms Spring2012 5/62 Greedy Solution Idea: Use the largest possible denomination and update A. Implementation: Coin-Changing(d > ··· > d > d = 1) n 2 1 for i = n downto 1 n = (cid:98)A/d(cid:99) i i A = A mod d = A−nd i i i Return(N = n +···+n +n ) n 2 1 Correctness: A = n d +n d +n d +n d . n n n−1 n−1 2 2 1 1 Complexity: Θ(n) division and mod integer operations. AmotzBar-Noy (CUNY) GreedyAlgorithms Spring2012 6/62 A coin system for which Greedy is not optimal: d =4,d =3,d =1andA=6: 3 2 1 Greedy: 6=1·4+2·1 ⇒ N =3. Optimal: 6=2·3 ⇒ N =2. A coin system for which Greedy is very “bad”: d =x +1,d =x,d =1andA=2x: 3 2 1 Greedy: 2x =1·(x +1)+(x −1)·1 ⇒ N =x. Optimal: 2x =2·x ⇒ N =2. Optimality Greedy is optimal for the USA system. AmotzBar-Noy (CUNY) GreedyAlgorithms Spring2012 7/62 A coin system for which Greedy is very “bad”: d =x +1,d =x,d =1andA=2x: 3 2 1 Greedy: 2x =1·(x +1)+(x −1)·1 ⇒ N =x. Optimal: 2x =2·x ⇒ N =2. Optimality Greedy is optimal for the USA system. A coin system for which Greedy is not optimal: d =4,d =3,d =1andA=6: 3 2 1 Greedy: 6=1·4+2·1 ⇒ N =3. Optimal: 6=2·3 ⇒ N =2. AmotzBar-Noy (CUNY) GreedyAlgorithms Spring2012 7/62 Optimality Greedy is optimal for the USA system. A coin system for which Greedy is not optimal: d =4,d =3,d =1andA=6: 3 2 1 Greedy: 6=1·4+2·1 ⇒ N =3. Optimal: 6=2·3 ⇒ N =2. A coin system for which Greedy is very “bad”: d =x +1,d =x,d =1andA=2x: 3 2 1 Greedy: 2x =1·(x +1)+(x −1)·1 ⇒ N =x. Optimal: 2x =2·x ⇒ N =2. AmotzBar-Noy (CUNY) GreedyAlgorithms Spring2012 7/62 Efficiency Optimal solution: Check all possible combinations. Notapolynomialtimealgorithm. Another optimal solution: Polynomial in both n and A. Notastronglypolynomialtimealgorithm. Objective: Findasolutionthatispolynomialonlyinn. Probablyimpossible!? AmotzBar-Noy (CUNY) GreedyAlgorithms Spring2012 8/62

Algorithms: Greedy Algorithms Amotz Bar-Noy CUNY Spring 2012 Amotz Bar-Noy (CUNY) Greedy Algorithms Spring 2012 1 / 62
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