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lacitamehtaM Programming Study 81 )2891( 11-1 dnalloH-htroN gnihsilbuP ynapmoC THE DUALITY BETWEEN ESTIMATION AND CONTROL FROM A VARIATIONAL VIEWPOINT: THE DISCRETE TIME CASE* Michele PAVON LADSEB-CNR, Padova, Italy 35100 Roger J.-B. WETS University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY ,60504 U.S.A. devieceR 81 July 0891 desiveR manuscript deviecer 6 April 1891 ehT between duality noitamitse dna control si follow to shown from basic duality .selpicnirp To od os ew formulate eht noitamitse problem ni terms of a problem variational dna rely no eht for duality eht convex noitazimitpo to obtain problem eht control associated .melborp ehT seitreporp of eht of this problem solution era detiolpxe to obtain eht recursive snoitaler that dleiy eht estimators optimal of a dynamical .metsys Key words: ,noitamitsE ,gniretliF Duality, lanoitairaV .elpicnirP 1. Introduction The duality between estimation and control, first exhibited by Kalman [4], is shown to follow from a basic variational principle. Earlier derivations rely on formal arguments, cf. for example [1; 3, Chapter V, Section 9]. We first show that the estimation problem can be embedded in a class of stochastic variational problems of the Bolza type, studied by Rockafellar and Wets [7-9]. The dual of this problem is a stochastic optimizaiton problem, which under the standard modeling assumption is equivalent to a deterministic control problem whose structure turns out to be that of the linear-quadratic regulator problem. In this context the duality between estimation and control takes on a precise meaning which until now was believed to be of a purely formal nature. In particular, we gain new insight into the two system-theoretic concepts of controllability and observability. They appear as the same property of two dual problems. A part of these results were sketched out in [5] relying on a variant of the arguments used here. This derivation clearly exhibits those features of the problem that can easily be modified without impairing the main-results. Also, since it relies on basic * detroppuS ni part grants by of eht oilgisnoC Nazionale elled Ricerche )10.00700.97-RNC( eht dna lanoitaN Foundation Science .)1373097-GNE( 2 M. Pavon and R.J.-B. Wets/The duality between estimation principles, one may hope that the insight so gained will be useful to study nonlinear filtering problems. 2. The one-step estimation problem Let (wt, t = 0, 1 ..... T) be a gaussian process defined on the probability space (~, ~/, P) and with values in R e. The dynamics of the state variables given by the finite difference equations" for t = 1 ..... T x,~(oJ) = A,xt(o~) + Btw,(o~) a.s., with initial conditions xl(to) = Bowo(tO) a.s., where we write t 1 for t + 1, in particular T 1 = T + .1 The n-vector x represents the state of the system. The matrices At, Bt are n (cid:141) n and n x p. With AXt = Xtl -- Xt, we can also express the dynamics by the relations Axt(w) = (A, - I)x,(w) + Btwt(to) with the same initial conditions. The vector-valued process (xt, t = 1 ..... T1) is also gaussian, since for t = 0 ..... T, we have that x,,(w, = ~ (fi As)B,w,(w) T:0 I=S with the convention t=~st[-I As = .1 Rather than observing the actual state xt, we have only access to tY E R ,m a linear function of the state disturbed by an additive noise, specifically y,(to) = C,x,(to) + Dtwt(o~) a.s. The matrices C, and /9, are m x n and n x p, respectively. The information process (y,, t = 1 ..... T) is also a gaussian process, since t = 0 ..... T we have that a.s. Ytl(tO) = Ctl As B~-wr(to) + Dtlwtl(to). ! i Note that there is no loss of generality in the use of only one gaussian process to represent the measurements noise and the dynamics disturbances, in fact this model is more general in that it allows for arbitrary cross-correlation between the two noise processes. If (w~) are the dynaimcs' disturbances and (w~') the measurements' noise, and they are independent, simply set w,= w[' ' B,=[I, 0I, Dt=[0, ll and we are in the framework of the proposed model. M. Pavon and R.J.-B. Wets[ The duality between estimation 3 Let t30 = or-(y,, s-< t) be the ~-fields induced by the information process, we simply write 30 for 03r. A function which is 03t-measurable depends only on the information that can be collected up to time t. If the function is 03-measurable it means that no more than the total information collected can be used in determining it value. We always have that t30 C 30 C M. The one-step estimation (or prediction) problem consists in finding a 'best' estimator 3' of the final state Xrl, on the basis of the total information collected, in other words we seek a 03-measurable function '3 from ~ into R n that minimizes J(3,) = E{(cid:1)89 ,}211)ot(,3 where I1 II is the euclidean norm. An excellent, and more detailed, description of estimation in dynamical systems can be found in [2, Chapter 4]. Since xr] E 3f2(O, sg, P; R )n = 5f~(M), it is natural to restrict ,3 to the same class of func- tions; besides the functional J might fail to be well defined otherwise. On the other hand, ,3 must be 03-measurable, thus we must further restrict ,3 to 3f2(03), a closed linear subspace of 37~(~/). The one-step estimation problem can then be formulated as follows: EP Find 3' E ~2(03) C ~g2,(s/) such that J(7) is minimized. This is an optimal recourse problem, the recourse function ,3 must satisfy the nonanticipativity constraint: -30 rather than ~-measurability. The objective function is strictly convex; thus EP admits a unique solution *,3 that must satisfy the following conditions [7]: for almost all ot 7*(to) = argmin[(cid:1)89 - 3,112- p(to)' (cid:12)9 ],3 where p ~ Le2,(M) with Eep = 0 a.s. or equivalently ~t(Orx~E( 3,*(to) ~- a.s where the components of p are the multipliers associated to the nonanticipativity constraints. The optimal estimator *,3 is the orthogonal projection of ~rX on 2?2(03) and thus belongs to the linear hull generated by the observations, i.e., T t-I where for t = 1 ..... T, the U, are n (cid:141) n matrices. The minus sign is introduced for esthetic purposes that will come to light in the ensuing development. We can view these matrices as (estimator) weights; they are the weights required to construct the optimal estimator. Note that we can thus restrict the search for the optimal estimator to the class of linear estimators, i.e., those that are linear combinations of the observations. 4 M. Pauon and R.J.-B. Wets/The duality between estimation 3. A variational formulation In view of the above, the original problem is equivalent to finding the weights U*, t = 1 ..... T that in turn, yield the optimal estimator. Each observation tY contributing incrementally to the construction of this estimator. Define = A3,t(oJ) - U,(C,x,(oJ) + D,w, Oo)), t = 1 ..... T, with 7t - = A 1 7t )'t- We can view these equations as the dynamics of the estimation process. Through U, the available information is processed to yield :1T'3 an estimator of xT1. The original problem EP has the equivalent formulation: WP Find U = (Ut, 1 <- t <- T) that minimizes F(U) where F(U) = Inf EI~t, L0o, x(o), y(o~); U)J (x, y) E ~(M) x Le~(M)], T ~t.L(to, x, y; U) = I(to, xl, ,IY XTI, 7rl)-+ ..~ Lt(to, xt, 7t, Axt, Ayt; U), t-I I ,21~1[[IxTrl'- 3 if lX = Bowo(w), Yl = ,O l(oJ, Xl, yi, XTI, )1"77 L + %o otherwise, I 0, if Axt = (At - l)xt + Btwt(w), L,(oJ, x,, y,, Ax,, Ay,; U,) = Ay, : - U,(C,x, + D,w,(~)), + %0 otherwise and N =n.Tl. For each choice of weights U, the value of the function F(U) is obtained by solving a variational problem of the Boiza type (discrete-time). Since there are nonanticipative restrictions on the choice of the decision variables, the functional (oJ, (x, *--))13 ,Jo(~q x, ;/~ U) is a convex normal integrand and the space ~2(sg) is decomposable, we have that F(U) = Ef(,o; U) with f(oJ; U) = Inf[Ol.L0o, x, y; U ) l (x, )/~ E R N (cid:141) RN], cf. [6, 7]. Given U, for each fixed ,oc the value of f0o; U) is obtained by solving a deterministic discrete-time problem of the Bolza type. The dual of this varia- tional problem yields a 'dual' representation of f. It is in that form that we are able to exploit the specific properties of this problem. M. Pavon and R.J.-B. Wets[ The duality between estimation 5 4. The dual representation of f Given U, and for fixed to, we consider the (discrete time) Bolza problem: VP Inf[q~,L(~O,X, ;'~ U) x l ~ RN, y ~ R ]N and associate to VP the dual problem VD Inf[~,M(to, q,a;U)[qERN, aER ]N with m(to, qo, ao, ,Tq aT) = /*(~, qo, ao,--qT,--at), Mr(to, qt, at, Aqt, Aat ; U) = L *( to, zlqt, zlat, qt, at; U), T M.m~c = m ~ + Mt t=l where l* and L* denote the conjugates of l and Lr and Aqt = qt-1 and Aat = a t -- at-1. 'This dual problem is derived as follows: First embed VP in a class of Bolza problems, obtained from VP by submitting the state variables (x, 7) to (global) variations, viz. T n VPr, Inf[l(to, Xl+ro,?l+'rlo, ,TX YT)+~_~Lt(to, ,tX yt, Axt+rt, Ayt+~t;Ut)] (cid:12)9 ,x V t=l Let ~b(to, r, ~; U) be the infimum value; it is convex in (r, ~1). The costate variables (q, a) are paired with the variations through the bilinear form T ((o, a), (r, n)) = ~ (o'," r, + a',- n,). t=0 The problem VD is then obtained as the conjugate of :b~ (cid:12)9 ,ot(M,m q, a; U) = Sup[((q, a), (r, ~))- th(to, r, ;q" U)] = Sup(,,~,x,v)/qo (cid:12)9 ro+ a~ (cid:12)9 ~o i(to, lX r0, 1/~ + 7/0, xr, yr) - + T +~ (q~. r, + a',. n, t-1 - Lt(to, x,, ,,V Ax, + r,, Ayt + rl,; Ut)) T T + Y. (q',. ax, + a',. av,) + ~Y (aq', (cid:12)9 x, + a a',. v,) t=l t=l "1 -[" q~ " X 1 -[" a~ " 1I)" -- q~ " XT1 -- at'' ")/TIJ- Regrouping terms yields immediately the desired expression. 6 M. Pavon and R.J.-B. Wets/The duality between estimation Calculating m and Nit, we get that q~Bowo(tO) + l[[err[[2 , if qr = - err, m(o), qo, ero, qr, err) = I L+ ~, otherwise and for t=l ..... T, ( q',Bt - re t' UtDt )wt w ( ), if -Aq't = q't(At - I) - er'tUtCt, Mt(~o, qt, err, aq,, Aer,; U) = -Aer~= 0, + %0 otherwise Thus any feasible solution (q, a) to VD must satisfy for all t ~lat =O and hence at=aT. Since also -aT = qT, by substitution in the equations, q'H = q'tAt - re TUtCt we obtain by recursion that for I = 0, 1 ..... T q ~-t = - re ~Qr-i where the matrices Qt are defined by the relations Qt-l=QtAt+UtCt and Qr=I. Now for t = 0, 1 ..... T, set Zt = Q, Bt + UtDt with the understanding that UoDo = 0. We get the following version of VD: Find err C R", (Q, t = 0 ..... T), (Zt, t = 0 ..... T) such that T [lrre[[~ 2- re ~" ~'Y Ztwt(w) is minimized, and t=O VD' Qr =/, Qt-, = Q,A, + U, Ct, t = 1 ..... T, Zt = QtBt + UtDt, t = 0 ..... T. For given U, the problem VD' is solved by setting Qr-i = Un-,Crz-s l--I A, s=O T='~ with the conventions UrlCn = I, and Tl-I+s 1--[ A~=I if TI-I+s>T, i.e., s+l>l. r=T This in turn gives a similar expression for the Zt; the problem is thus feasible. M. Pavon and R.J.-B. Wets/The duality between estimation 7 The optimal solution is given by T t=O and the optimal value is oZ, t l)O(W Thus both VD' (or )DV and VP are solvable; VP has only one feasible--and thus optimal--solution. It remains to observe that at the optimal the values are equal. This follows from the lower semicontinuity of (r, "O)~ ,ot(b< r, r/; U) --the objective of VP is coercive--and the relations f(6o; U)= Inf ,JO(L,I)4 ,X y; U)= ,o~(Sq 0, 0; U) =- Inf ,~o(*Sq q, a; U)=- Inf ,ot(M,m>q q, a; U) where the Zt--and the Q,--are defined by the dynamics of the (deterministic) problem VD'. 5. The linear-quadratic regulator problem associated to WP The results of the previous section yield a new representation for F(U) and consequently of the optimization problem WP, viz. Find U that minimizes F(U), where LQR Zt = QtBt + UtDt, t = 0 ..... T, Qt-l = QtAt + UtCt, t= 1 ..... T, QT = I. This is a deterministic problem, in fact a matrix-version of the linear-quadratic regulator problem ,3[ Chapter II, Section_ .]2 The objective is quadratic, the coefficients of this quadratic form are determined by the covariances matrices of the random vectors (ws, wt). If the (wt, t = 0 ..... T) are uncorrelated normalized centered random gaussian variables, then this problem takes on the form: 8 M. Pavon and R.J.-B. Wets/The duality between estimation Find U that minimizes ~ trace[ QoPoQ~ + ~ ZtZ't] QT = I, LQR' Qt-i = QtAt + UtCt, t = 1 ..... T, Zt = QtBt + UtDt, where P0 = BOBS. The optimal weights can thus be computed without recourse to the stochastics of the system. This derivation shows that the basic results do not depend on the fact that the tw are uncorrelated gaussian random variables. In fact it shows that if the w, are arbitrary random variables, correlated or not (but with finite second order moments), and the class of admissible estimators is restricted to those that are linear in the observations, then precisely LQR can be used to find the optimal weights; we then obtain the wide sense best estimator. The linear-quadratic regulator problem LQR has an optimal solution, in feedback form of the type: Ut = - QtK, for t -- 1 ..... T. This follows directly from the usual optimality conditions--the discrete version of Pontryagin's Maximum Principle--for example, cf. [3, Chap- ter II, Section 7]. Thus the search for an optimal set of weights U can be replaced by the search of the optimal (Kalman) gains K = (K, t = 1 ..... T), i.e., Find K that minimizes G(K), where 1 T 2 GP Zt = Qt(Bt - KtDt), t = 0 ..... T, Qt-, = Q,(At- KrCr), t = 1 ..... T, QT =L If K* solves GP, and U* solves LQR, we have that F(U*) = G(K*) and in fact U* may always be chosen so that U* = - K Q t * * ,. Thus if K* solves GP and Q* is the associate solution of the finite differences equations describing the dynamics of the problem, we have that the optimal estimator of xr, is given by T )o~(*,)" = ~ Q*K*y,(to). t=l Problem LQR' simply becomes M. Pavon and R.J.-B. Wets/The duality between estimation 9 Find K that minimizes G(K), where G(K) = ~ trace [ QoPoQ6 + ~ GP' Zt = Q,(Bt - KID,), t=l ..... T, Qt-i = Q,(At - KtCt), Qr = I with the resulting simplifications in the derivations of the optimal estimator. 6. The Kaiman filter The characterization of the optimal gains (and hence weights) for the one-step estimator problem derived in the previous section allows us to obtain the optimal estimator at every time t, not just at some terminal time T. The optimal estimator "y*l at time t 1 being derived recursively from *,3 and the new information carried by the observation at time tl. We obtain this expression for y*j by relying once more on the duality for variational problems invoked in Section 4. We have seen that there is no loss in generality in restricting the weights to the form Ut = - Q,K, for t = 1 ..... T. The optimal solution of VD will thus have at Ut = q~Kt. We can reformulate the original one-step optimization problem as follows: Find K that minimizes G(K) = E[g(to; K)] where g(to; K) =--Inf[~r,R(tO, q; K) q J ERN], DG r(r q0, qT) = qgBowo(w)+ 98(cid:1) ,2 q;(Bt - KtDt)wt(to), if -aq't = ~ q[(At - I - CtKt), Rt(to, qt, Aqt) = + ~, otherwise. We rely here on the dual representation. From our preceding remarks we know that for almost all ot E O g(to; K*) = f(~o, U*). The value of g(~o; K) being defined as the infimum of a variational problem. By relying on the dual of this (deterministic) variational problem, we find a new representation for g(0o; K). The arguments are similar to those used in Section 4. We get g(to; K) = Inf[~,s(tO, e; K) e [ ] E N R where s(oo, eo, erO = r*(~o, e0,-erO 98(cid:1) ,2 if e, = Bowo(tO), %0+ otherwise 01 M. Pavon and R.J.-B. Wets/The duality between estimation and S,(co, et, zlet ; K) = R*(to, ket, et ; K) 0, if (A, - I - K,C,)e, + (B, - KtD,)wt(o)) = ae,, + ~, otherwise with ket = e,- e,. Thus DG is equivalent to Find K that minimizes G(K) = E[g(to; K)] where (cid:1)89 ,2 ; g(~o K) = Inf PG e.(~o) = (At - KtCt)et(o)) + (Bt - KtDt)wt(o)), t = 1 ..... T, e1(~o) = Bowo(o~). For fixed K,, the solution of the optimization problem defining g(~o; K) is unique and given by r=0 S=t for t = 1 ..... T, with the usual convention that ,~stI-1 ~F = I, where Ft=At-KtCf and At=Bt-K,D,. The process (e,, t = 0 ..... TI) is the error process, i.e., et = xt - -it; for each t it yields the error between the actual state x,(r = Atxt(r + Btwt(to) and the estimated state "I,1(o9) = At-1t(~o) + Kt(Ctet(~o) + Dtw,(o))) = At-it(co) + Kt(Yt(O)) -Cty,), Kt representing the weight attributed to the gain in information at time t. Note that Kt only affects the equation defining ~te and thus the functional G(K) will be E[(cid:1)89 minimized if given e,, each K, is chosen so as to minimize i.e., so that the incremental error is minimized. The sequence K* of optimal gains can now be found recursively in the following way: suppose that Kl' ..... K*_~ have already been obtained and e~' ..... e* are the corresponding values of the state variables. Let s = E{e*(o)) (cid:12)9 e*(~o)'} be the covariance of the state variable e*. Then K* must be chosen so that E[~lle,,(,o)ll2l is minimized, or equivalently

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