Algorithms against Anarchy: Understanding Non-Truthful Mechanisms PAULDU¨TTING,LondonSchoolofEconomics THOMASKESSELHEIM,Max-Planck-Institutfu¨rInformatik Thealgorithmicrequirementsfordominantstrategyincentivecompatibility,ortruthfulness,arewellun- derstood.Isthereasimilarcharacterizationofalgorithmsthatwhencombinedwithasuitablepaymentrule yieldnear-optimalwelfareinallequilibria? Weaddressthisquestionbyprovidingatightcharacterizationofa(possiblyrandomized)mechanism’s Price of Anarchy provable via smoothness, for single-parameter settings. The characterization assigns a unique value to each allocation algorithm; this value provides an upper and a matching lower bound on thePriceofAnarchyofaderivedmechanismprovableviasmoothness.Thecharacterizationalsoappliesto thesequentialorsimultaneouscompositionofsingle-parametermechanisms.Importantly,thefactorthat weidentifyistypicallynotinone-to-onecorrespondencetotheapproximationguaranteeofthealgorithm. Rather,itisusuallytheproductoftheapproximationguaranteeandthedegreetowhichthemechanismis loserindependent. Weapplyourcharacterizationtoshowtheoptimalityofgreedymechanismsforsingle-mindedcombinato- rialauctions,whetherthesemechanismsarepolynomial-timecomputableornot.Wealsouseittoestablish theoptimalityofanon-greedy,randomizedmechanismforindependentsetinintervalgraphsandshowthat itisstrictlybetterthananyotherdeterministicmechanism. CategoriesandSubjectDescriptors:F.2[TheoryofComputation]:AnalysisofAlgorithmsandProblem Complexity;J.4[ComputerApplications]:SocialandBehavioralSciences—Economics AdditionalKeyWordsandPhrases:AlgorithmicGameTheory,PriceofAnarchy,Smoothness 1. INTRODUCTION Mechanismdesignstudiesoptimizationproblemsinwhichtheinputisheldbystrate- gic agents. It can be viewed as algorithm design with the additional twist that the inputisprovidedbyselfishagentsthatneedtobeincentivizedviapaymentstoreveal this information. A natural requirement in this context is truthfulness. The algorith- micrequirementsfordominantstrategyincentivecompatibilityorBayes-Nashincen- tive compatibility are well understood [e.g., Rochet 1987; Myerson 1981; McAfee and McMillan1988;Jehieletal.1996;JehielandMoldovanu2001;KrishnaandMaenner 2001;SaksandYu2005;Bikhchandanietal.2006]. Many practical mechanisms, however, are not truthful. Examples include the Gen- eralizedSecondPrice(GSP)mechanismforsponsoredsearchauctions(see,e.g.,[Edel- man et al. 2007; Varian 2007]) or auction protocols for combinatorial auctions that have been used to sell spectrum rights (see, e.g., [Milgrom 2004]). While the exact arguments that have been used to explain the use of non-truthful mechanisms typi- cally depend on the application, there are some general themes. One of these themes Author addresses: P. Du¨tting, Department of Mathematics, London School of Economics, Houghton Street,LondonWC2A2AE,UK;T.Kesselheim,Max-Planck-Institutfu¨rInformatik,CampusE14,66123 Saarbru¨cken,Germany. Emails:[email protected] Permissiontomakedigitalorhardcopiesofallorpartofthisworkforpersonalorclassroomuseisgranted withoutfeeprovidedthatcopiesarenotmadeordistributedforprofitorcommercialadvantageandthat copiesbearthisnoticeandthefullcitationonthefirstpage.Copyrightsforcomponentsofthisworkowned byothersthanACMmustbehonored.Abstractingwithcreditispermitted.Tocopyotherwise,orrepub- lish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request [email protected]. EC’15,June15–19,2015,Portland,OR,USA. ACM978-1-4503-3410-5/15/06...$15.00. Copyrightisheldbytheowner/author(s).PublicationrightslicensedtoACM. is that these mechanisms are often viewed as simpler than their truthful counter- parts.Forexample,apay-your-bidruleissimplerthanaVCG-stylepaymentrulethat would be required for truthfulness. Another theme is that the properties that ensure truthfulness are a “global” property of mechanisms that is difficult to achieve. This playsaparticularrolewhenoneconsidersthatagentstypicallyparticipateinseveral mechanisms at once. In this case truthfulness of the individual mechanisms does not necessarilyguaranteetruthfulnessoftheglobalmechanism. In this paper we do not seek to understand why non-truthful mechanisms are used inpractice,butratherwhich(algorithmic)propertiesofmechanismsensurethatthey perform well despite the strategic behavior of agents. Specifically, we seek to under- stand which properties of a mechanism ensure that all its equilibria, ideally from a broad range of equilibrium concepts, are close to optimal. That is, we want to under- stand what keeps the Price of Anarchy of a mechanism with respect to equilibrium conceptssuchascorrelatedequilibriaorBayes-Nashequilibriasmall. The most versatile technique known to date for proving bounds that apply to these equilibrium concepts is the smoothness framework. Originally formulated by Rough- garden [2012a,b] for games, it was recently generalized to mechanisms by Syrgka- nis and Tardos [2013]. Smoothness is a parametrized property, the parameters are λ,µ ≥ 0, that a mechanism can have and which guarantees that its Price of Anarchy, the worst possible ratio between the optimal welfare and the welfare at equilibrium, is (upper) bounded by O(max(1,µ)/λ). Another nice aspect about smoothness is that the simultaneous or sequential composition of smooth mechanisms remains smooth [Syrgkanis and Tardos 2013]. What smoothness generally does not achieve is to also showthattheboundisbestpossible.Alowerboundingtechnique,however,isessential forsinglingoutwhichpropertiesofamechanismensurethatitachievesnear-optimal performanceinallequilibria.Withoutitwecanonlyhopeforsufficientconditions,but notforconditionsthatarebothsufficientandnecessary. In fact, most of the previous work gave sufficient conditions. Lucier and Borodin [2010], for example, showed that greedy algorithms with approximation guarantee α have a Price of Anarchy of O(α); while Du¨tting et al. [2015] showed that this is also true for the algorithm design principle of relax-and-round. In a similar spirit, Babaioff et al. [2014] found that in certain settings declared welfare maximization translatesintoPriceofAnarchyguarantees,andconjecturedthatthisconnectioncould be true much more generally. Specifically, they conjectured that it could be true for approximatedeclaredwelfaremaximization. 1.1. OurResults Weconsidergeneralsingle-parametersettingswherethealgorithmicproblemconsist ofchoosingafeasiblesetof“winners”S ⊆N fromafamilyoffeasiblesetsF ⊆2N that (cid:80) (approximately)maximizeswelfareasgivenbythesum v ofthewinners’values i∈S i v forbeingselected.Wefocusonmonotonealgorithmsinwhichstatingahighervalue i canonlyincreasethechanceofwinning. These settings are of particular interest for various reasons. First of all, we are not awareofanycharacterizationofalgorithmsandtheirPriceofAnarchy.Specifically,not even for monotone, single-parameter mechanisms it is understood which algorithmic properties guarantee that all equilibria are close to optimal. A second reason is their potential use in composed mechanisms [Syrgkanis and Tardos 2013]. One instance of such composition is the case of multi-minded bidders. Here, bidders can be served in multiple different ways, which they might value differently. Designing a truthful mechanism for such a setting is far more complex than for the single-parameter set- ting. In particular, monotonicity in each component is not sufficient for truthfulness. Another instance is when agents participate in several different mechanisms, either simultaneouslyorsequentially.Inthiscasedesigningtruthfulmechanismsistypically even infeasible as the property that ensures truthfulness is not a “local” property of theindividualmechanisms. Our results will not only apply to individual mechanisms, but will also extend to theircomposition.Moreover,theywillapplyfortoabroadrangeofpaymentschemes, including the pay-your-bid rule in which agents pay their bid if they are chosen and zerootherwiseorVCG-stylepaymentsinwhichagentspaytheirexternality.Wemake thestandardassumptionthattheagentshavequasi-linearpreferences. ExactCharacterization. Our main result is a tight characterization of single-parameter algorithms,deterministicorrandomized,thatwhenpairedwithsuitablepaymentsre- sultinamechanismwithlowPriceofAnarchy.Tothisend,weintroduceaninstance- based measure termed permeability. This measure only depends on the feasibility structure and the underlying allocation algorithm, which determines the winners for a given bid vector. It provides an upper and a matching lower bound on the Price of Anarchy provable via smoothness (a.k.a. the robust Price of Anarchy [Roughgarden 2012a]). In case of a deterministic mechanism, the definition reads as follows. Consider an allocationalgorithmALG: RN →F mappingeachvectorofbidstoafeasibleoutcome. For a fixed agent i ∈ N and bids b of the agents other than i define τ (b ) as the −i i −i largest value that this agent can bid and still lose. Then the permeability γ of ALG is thesmallestfactorsuchthatforallfeasiblesetsofagentsS, (cid:88) (cid:88) τ (b )≤γ· b . i −i i i∈S i∈ALG(b) This and similar properties have been used in previous works to upper-bound the Price of Anarchy by O(γ) (see, e.g., [Lucier and Borodin 2010; Syrgkanis and Tardos 2013; Babaioff et al. 2014; Hartline et al. 2014]). Our main technical achievement is to show that the above condition and a suitable generalization to randomized mech- anisms yields matching upper and lower bounds. That is, we show that the Price of Anarchy provable via smoothness of a mechanism based on a γ-permeable (random- ized) algorithm is Θ(γ). This upper and lower bound also naturally extends to the simultaneousorsequentialcompositionofmechanisms. In contrast to mechanism smoothness, permeability is a property of the underlying feasibilitystructureandallocationalgorithm.Itdoesnotinvolvethestrategicaspects faced by the agents, particularly not the payments and utilities. Showing upper and lowerboundsthereforeboilsdowntopurelycombinatorialarguments,similartoana- lyzingtheapproximationratioofanalgorithm. Optimal Mechanisms. An important feature of our characterization is that by consid- ering a certain problem structure and arguing that the value we identify must be of a specific order for any mechanism, one can establish lower bounds that apply to all mechanisms. As a first example of this proof pattern, we provide lower bounds for single-minded √ combinatorial auctions. The bounds are Ω(d) and Ω( m), where d is the maximum bundle size and m is the number of items. These bounds apply to both determinis- tic and randomized mechanisms. They match the approximation and hence Price of Anarchy guarantees of greedy-by-value and greedy-by-square-root-of-the-bundle-size [Lucier and Borodin 2010]. We thus establish the optimality of greedy algorithms for thisproblemamongalldeterministicandrandomizedmechanisms,whethertheseal- gorithmsarepolynomial-timecomputableornot. Then, as a second example, we design a randomized, non-greedy polynomial-time mechanism for problems whose feasibility structure can be expressed as interval graphs. We use our framework to show that this mechanism has a Price of Anarchy of O(log(n)), where n is the number of players. We prove its optimality by providing an (almost) matching lower bound of Ω(log(n)/loglog(n)) that applies to randomized √ mechanisms.WecomplementthiswithalowerboundofΩ( n)fordeterministicmech- anisms,whichinparticularshowsthatgreedyalgorithmsareprovablysuboptimalfor thisproblem. FurtherResults. We also providean answer to thequestion whether (approximate) de- claredwelfaremaximizationissufficient.Ourcharacterizationimpliesthatgenerally thePriceofAnarchyisnotinone-to-onecorrespondencetotheapproximationguaran- tee.Rather,asweshow,itistypicallydeterminedbytheproductoftheapproximation guarantee and the degree to which the mechanism is loser independent. We thus not onlyshowwhattherelevantfactorsinvolvedinchoosingbetweendifferentalgorithms are,butalsohowtherespectivefactorscometogethertojointlydeterminetheperfor- manceguarantee. Then, we point out the interesting possibility of indirect algorithmic characteriza- tionsofthefactorweshowuniquelydeterminesanalgorithm’sapplicabilityinstrate- gicsettings.Tothisend,weshowthatforallproblemstructuresthecorrespondingfac- tor for exact declared welfare maximization is given by the approximation guarantee of the greedy-by-value algorithm for this problem. We thus show how our parameter foracertainclassofalgorithmsisuniquelydeterminedbytheapproximationguaran- tee of a different class of algorithms. On a conceptual level we thus reduce the novel question of understanding the factor that we define to a problem that the theoretical computersciencecommunityisusedtoandwelltrainedin. Finally,wegivesomeevidencethatourcharacterizationalsoappliestonon-smooth mechanisms. Specifically, we show that for deterministic mechanisms, under mild as- sumptions,thereexistsapureNashequilibriumwhichachievesthewelfarelossthat weestablishinourupper/lowerbounds. 1.2. RelatedWork Their is a long body of work that characterizes dominant strategy (or Bayes-Nash) incentivecompatibility[e.g.,Rochet1987;Myerson1981;McAfeeandMcMillan1988; Jehiel et al. 1996; Jehiel and Moldovanu 2001; Krishna and Maenner 2001; Saks and Yu 2005; Bikhchandani et al. 2006]. An important difference to our work is that this lineofworkdoesnotneedtoworryaboutmultiplicityofequilibria:iftruthtellingisan equilibriumthisequilibriumprovidesafocalpointfortheanalysis. The smoothness framework was introduced by [Roughgarden 2012a,b] for games and extended to mechanisms by Syrgkanis and Tardos [2013]. As of today this tech- nique is the main technique for proving Price of Anarchy bounds that apply to gen- eralequilibriumconceptssuchascorrelatedequilibriaorBayes-Nashequilibria.Very recently, Kulkarni and Mirrokni [2015] presented a proof pattern based on LP and Fenchel duality that also allows to prove such Price of Anarchy bounds. It is not yet clear how this technique relates to smoothness. As formulated this technique only al- lowstoproveupperbounds,andthusdoesnotprovidethelowerboundsthatwouldbe requiredforacharacterizationresult. The closest to our characterization approach are the already mentioned works of Lucier and Borodin [2010] and Du¨tting et al. [2015] who gave general constructions thatshowhowforlargerclassesofalgorithmstheapproximationguaranteeautomati- callytranslatesintoaPriceofAnarchyguaranteethatappliestocorrelatedandBayes- Nashequilibria.ThePriceofAnarchyofdeclaredwelfaremaximizerswasanalyzedin [Du¨ttingetal.2013]and[Babaioffetal.2014],whileDu¨ttingetal.[2015]characterize the problem structures and mechanisms that admit a unique correlated equilibrium thatachievesoptimalsocialwelfare. Also relevant as a precursor and parallel literature to our work is work that an- alyzes the Price of Anarchy of simple mechanisms, such as [Christodoulou et al. 2008;BhawalkarandRoughgarden2011;Feldmanetal.2013],workthatextendsthe smoothness concept so that it also yields revenue guarantees [Hartline et al. 2014], and work that identifies barriers to near-optimal equilibria [Roughgarden 2014]. The first line of work differs from ours as it considers the performance of simple mecha- nisms for specific problems. The second line of work suggests an interesting direction for future work, namely extending our characterization to also capture revenue. Fi- nally, the third line of work is in some sense orthogonal to our work as it points out computationalratherthaninformation-theoreticbarriers. 2. PRELIMINARIES Mechanism Design Basics. We focus on mechanisms for binary single-parameter prob- lems. Each of n players i ∈ N holds a single private non-negative number v . He can i either“win”or“lose”;hisvaluationsfortheseoutcomesarev and0.Thereisafamily i ofsubsetsofplayers∅(cid:54)=F ⊆2N,whichdefinesfeasiblesolutions,thatis,whichplay- erscanwinsimultaneously.Inmanyapplications,thissetsystemisdownwardclosed. However, this is not a requirement for our results. The set F is assumed to be public (cid:80) knowledge.ThesocialwelfareofasetofwinnersS ∈F isdefinedas v . i∈S i WeconsiderdirectmechanismsM,whichasktheagentstoreporttheirvaluations; thesereportedvaluationsarereferredtoasbids,denoted byb.Basedonthebids,the mechanism computes a feasible solution ALG(b) ∈ F. The function ALG is called the allocation algorithm; it may be randomized. We assume it to be monotone in every component.Thatis,foreveryplayeri,everytwobidsb ≤b(cid:48),andeverybidvectorb , i i −i wehavePr[i∈ALG(b ,b )]≤Pr[i∈ALG(b(cid:48),b )]. i −i i −i Given the bids mechanism M also computes payments p(b) ∈ Rn . A pay-your- ≥0 bid mechanism charges winning agents i ∈ ALG(b) their bid, while losing agents i(cid:54)∈ALG(b)paynothing.Thatis,p (b)=bfori∈ALG(b)andp (b)=0otherwise.More i i generally, we will consider mechanisms whose payment rule p satisfies 0 ≤ p (b) ≤ b i i fori∈ALG(b)andp (b)=0ifi(cid:54)∈ALG(b).Thatis,mechanismsthatdonotovercharge i theplayers. Weassumequasi-linearutilitiesandriskneutrality.Foradeterministicmechanism, this means that if bidder i wins under bid vector b, his utility is v −p (b), otherwise i i it is 0. More generally u (b) = v Pr[i∈ALG(b)]−E[p (b)]. We study equilibria that i i i are based on these utility functions. Most prominently, this includes pure and mixed Nash equilibria, and their extensions namely Bayes-Nash equilibria and correlated equilibria[Nisanetal.2007]. Generally, an equilibrium is a probability distribution over bid vectors b. Un- der incomplete information, the valuations will come from a product distribution D = D × ··· × D . The complete information setting, where the valuation profile 1 n is fixed, corresponds to the special case where the support size of each distribution (cid:80) is one. We write SW(D,b) = E [ v Pr[i ∈ ALG(b)]] for the expected welfare v∼D i∈N i of a mechanism on input b. We denote the optimal expected welfare by SW (D) = opt (cid:80) E [max v ]. The Price of Anarchy with respect to an equilibrium concept v∼D S∈F i∈S i Eq ∈ {PureNash,MixedNash,Correlated,BayesNash} is the worst possible ratio between theoptimalexpectedwelfareandtheexpectedwelfareatequilibrium SW (D) max opt . D,π∈Eq(D)Eb∼π[SW(D,b)] Smoothness Framework. Syrgkanis and Tardos [2013] defined a mechanism to be weakly(λ,µ ,µ )-smoothforeachvaluationprofilevandeverybidprofilebthereexists 1 2 a(possiblyrandomized)strategyb(cid:48) foreveryagentithatmaydependonthevaluation i profilev ofallagentsandthebidb ofthatagentsuchthat i (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) u (b(cid:48),b )≥λ·max v −µ · E[p (b)]−µ · b Pr[i∈f(b)] . i i −i i 1 i 2 i S∈F i∈N i∈S i∈N i∈N Amechanismiscalled(λ,µ)-smoothifitisweakly(λ,µ,0)-smooth. THEOREM 2.1 (SYRGKANIS AND TARDOS [2013]). If a mechanism is weakly (λ,µ ,µ )-smooth and agents have the possibility to withdraw from the mechanism 1 2 and do not overbid, then the expected social welfare at any pure or mixed Nash, corre- lated, or mixed Bayes-Nash equilibrium is at least λ/(max(µ ,1)+µ ) of the optimal 1 2 socialwelfare.Ifamechanismis(λ,µ)smooth,thentheoverbiddingassumptionisnot requiredandtheboundisλ/max(µ,1). Furthermore, as shown in [Syrgkanis and Tardos 2013], the simultaneous and sequential composition of multiple (weakly) smooth mechanisms remains (weakly) smooth. Following Roughgarden [2012a], we define the robust Price of Anarchy of a mech- anism M to be the infimum of all ratios (max(µ ,1)+µ )/λ such that M is weakly 1 2 (λ,µ ,µ )-smooth. 1 2 3. EXACTCHARACTERIZATION In this section we give a tight characterization of the Price of Anarchy of a given single-parameter mechanism. The crucial step is the definition of a measure called permeability, which relates the critical bids of groups of players to the reported wel- fare. Intuitively, it captures how resistant the allocation algorithm is towards losing players.Thehigherthefactorthatwedefineisthelesspermeablethealgorithm. Wethenshowthatpermeabilityisthequintessentialpropertyofanallocationalgo- rithm when considering its use in a non-truthful mechanism. It uniquely determines the best Price of Anarchy bound provable via smoothness (a.k.a. the robust Price of Anarchy)forbothdeterministicandrandomizedmechanisms. Finally, we argue that permeability also precisely characterizes the Price of Anar- chy provable via smoothness for simultaneous or sequential composition of single- parametermechanisms. 3.1. DeterministicMechanisms As a warm-up and to build up some intuition we first consider deterministic algo- rithms.FordeterministicalgorithmsALG: Rn →F wedefinepermeabilityasfollows. For a fixed agent i ∈ N and bids b of the agents other than i define τ (b ) as the −i i −i largest value that this agent can bid and still lose. Then the permeability γ of ALG is thesmallestfactorsuchthatforallfeasiblesetsofagentsS ∈F, (cid:88) (cid:88) τ (b )≤γ· b . i −i i i∈S i∈ALG(b) In words: If we take a group of players S and compare the critical bids that these playerswouldhavetomaketobecomewinnerstothereportedwelfareachievedbythe algorithm,thentheformercanonlybelargerthanthelatterbyafactorofγ. THEOREM 3.1. A mechanism based on a γ-permeable algorithm is weakly (1,0,γ)- 2 smooth.Inparticular,apay-your-bidmechanismbasedonaγ-permeablealgorithmis (1,γ)-smooth. 2 PROOF. Foreachbidderi,letb(cid:48)i = 12vi.Furthermore,letS = OPT(v).Observethat for some i ∈ S, we always have u (b(cid:48),b ) ≥ 1v −τ (b ), no matter if it is selected by i i −i 2 i i −i thealgorithmornot.SummingoverallbiddersinS,weget (cid:88) (cid:88) 1(cid:88) (cid:88) 1(cid:88) (cid:88) u (b(cid:48),b )≥ u (b(cid:48),b )≥ v − τ (b )≥ v −γ b . i i −i i i −i 2 i i −i 2 i i i∈N i∈S i∈S i∈S i∈S i∈ALG(b) We thus obtain an upper bound of O(γ) on the Price of Anarchy of a mechanism based on a γ-permeable algorithm. Surprisingly, the permeability γ of an algorithm can also be used to prove a matching lower bound of Ω(γ). Before we prove this let us firstseehowtogeneralizethedefinitionofpermeabilitytorandomizedmechanisms. 3.2. RandomizedMechanisms Incontrasttoadeterministicalgorithm,arandomizedalgorithmusuallydoesnothave clear breakpoints such as the critical values τ (b ). Instead, the winning probability i i mightincreasestepwiseorevensmoothly.Totakethisintoconsideration,wedefinea critical value for each probability 0 ≤ q ≤ 1 as follows. Given a bid vector b, for some bidder i ∈ N and 0 ≤ q ≤ 1, let τ (b ,q) = sup{b(cid:48) | Pr[i∈ALG(b(cid:48),b )] < q}. That i −i i i −i is,roughlyspoken,τ (b ,q)isthehighestvaluethaticanbidagainstbsuchthatthe i −i winningprobabilityremainsbelowq. The permeability of a monotone randomized algorithm is now the infimum over all numbersγ ≥1suchthatforanybidvectorbandanyfeasiblesetS (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:88) 1 (cid:88) τ b , ≤γ b Pr[i∈ALG(b)] . i −i γ i i∈S i∈N Observe that larger values of γ loosen this condition in two ways: Larger values of γ cause each τ (b , 1) term and hence the sum on the left-hand side to be smaller. At i −i γ thesametime,theright-handsideincreaseswithγ. (cid:16) (cid:17) However, for a deterministic algorithm τ b , 1 = τ (b ) for any γ ≥ 1. There- i −i γ i −i fore, this definition of permeability is consistent with the one stated for deterministic algorithms. Firstweshowthatusingaγ-permeable(randomized)algorithmissufficienttoshow aboundofO(γ)onthePriceofAnarchy. THEOREM 3.2. Amechanismbasedonaγ-permeablealgorithmisweakly( 1 ,0,1)- 2γ smooth.Inparticular,apay-your-bidmechanismbasedonaγ-permeablealgorithmis ( 1 ,1)-smooth. 2γ PROOF. For each bidder i, let b(cid:48)i = 12vi. Furthermore, let S = OPT(v). (cid:16) (cid:17) If Pr[i∈ALG(b(cid:48),b )] < 1, then τ b , 1 ≥ b(cid:48). Thus u (b(cid:48),b ) ≥ 0 ≥ i −i γ i −i γ i i i −i (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17) 1 1v −τ b , 1 . γ 2 i i −i γ IfPr[i∈ALG(b(cid:48),b )]≥ 1,then i −i γ (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) 1 1 1 1 1 1 u (b(cid:48),b )= v Pr[i∈ALG(b(cid:48),b )]≥ v ≥ v −τ b , . i i −i 2 i i −i 2 iγ γ 2 i i −i γ SummingoverallbiddersinS,weget (cid:88) (cid:88) u (b(cid:48),b )≥ u (b(cid:48),b ) i i −i i i −i i∈N i∈S (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 (cid:88) (cid:88) 1 1 ≥ v − τ b , 2γ i γ i −i γ i∈S i∈S 1 (cid:88) (cid:88) ≥ v − b Pr[i∈ALG(b)] . 2γ i i i∈S i∈N Interestingly, this bound is tight on a per-instance basis: Any smoothness-based proofwillalwaysimplyaguaranteeofΩ(γ)onthePriceofAnarchy. THEOREM 3.3. A mechanism based on a γ-permeable algorithm is not weakly (λ,µ ,µ )-smoothforanyλ,µ ,andµ suchthat λ > 1. 1 2 1 2 2(µ1+µ2+1) γ PROOF. Given any b and S making the bound tight. For some arbitrary (cid:15) > 0, set (cid:16) (cid:17) v =τ b , 1 −(cid:15)fori∈S,andv =b otherwise. i i −i γ i i Letb(cid:48)beanarbitrarybidvector.Weassumethatb(cid:48) >v isweaklydominated.There- i i fore,monotonicitygivesusE[u (b(cid:48),b )]≤v Pr[i∈ALG(v ,b )]. i i −i i i −i (cid:16) (cid:17) For i ∈ S, this implies E[u (b(cid:48),b )] ≤ v Pr[i∈ALG(v ,b )] ≤ 1τ b , 1 . For i i −i i i −i γ i −i γ i(cid:54)∈S,wenaturallyhaveE[u (b(cid:48),b )]≤v Pr[i∈ALG(v ,b )]=b Pr[i∈ALG(b)]. i i −i i i −i(cid:80) i As b and S are chosen to make the bound tight, we have b Pr[i∈ALG(b)] = i∈N i (cid:16) (cid:17) 1 (cid:80) τ b , 1 .Thisimpliesforallµ ,µ ≥0 γ i∈S i −i γ 1 2 (cid:88) (cid:88) E[u (b(cid:48),b )]+(µ +µ ) b Pr[i∈ALG(b)] i i −i 1 2 i i∈N i∈N (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:88) 1 1 (cid:88) ≤ τ b , +(µ +µ +1) b Pr[i∈ALG(b)] γ i −i γ 1 2 i i∈S i∈N (cid:32) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:33) (cid:88) 1 1 (cid:88) ≤(µ +µ +1) τ b , + b Pr[i∈ALG(b(cid:48),b )] 1 2 γ i −i γ i i −i i∈S i∈N (cid:18) (cid:19) = 2(µ1+µ2+1)(cid:88)τ b , 1 γ i −i γ i∈S = 2(µ1+µ2+1)(cid:88)v + 2(µ1+µ2+1)|S|(cid:15) γ i γ i∈S ≤ 2(µ1+µ2+1) (cid:88) v + 2(µ1+µ2+1)|S|(cid:15) . γ i γ i∈OPT(v) Ontheotherhand,tomakethemechanismweakly(λ,µ ,µ )-smooth,weneed 1 2 (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) E[u (b(cid:48),b )]≥λ v −µ E[p (b)]−µ b Pr[i∈ALG(b(cid:48),b )] i i −i i 1 i 2 i i −i i∈N i∈OPT(v) i∈N i∈N (cid:88) (cid:88) ≥λ v −(µ +µ ) b Pr[i∈ALG(b(cid:48),b )] . i 1 2 i i −i i∈OPT(v) i∈N Incombination,weget λ (cid:88) v ≤2(µ +µ +1)1 (cid:88) v + 2(µ1+µ2+1)|S|(cid:15) . i 1 2 γ i γ i∈OPT(v) i∈OPT(v) Asthisboundholdsforall(cid:15)>0,wealsohaveλ≤ 2(µ1+µ2+1). γ 3.3. CompositionofMechanisms SyrgkanisandTardos[2013]haveshownthatthesimultaneousorsequentialcompo- sitionofmechanismsremainssmooth.Appliedtosingleparametermechanismsthere result for the simultaneous composition of mechanisms says that whenever agents have XOS, or fractionally subadditive valuations, then the simultaneous composition of k mechanisms M that are (λ(j),µ(j))-smooth is (min λ(j),max µ(j))-smooth. Simi- j j j larly,appliedtothesequentialcompositionofsingle-parametermechanisms,therere- sultsaysthatifagentshaveunitdemandvaluations,thenthesequentialcomposition ofksingle-parametermechanismsM thatare(λ(j),µ(j))-smoothleadstoamechanism j thatis(min λ(j),max µ(j)+1)-smooth. j j Since, as we have shown, every pay-your-bid mechanism based on a γ-permeable mechanismis(1/2γ,1)-smooth,wecanusertheirresulttoshowthatthesimultaneous orsequentialcompositionofkpay-your-bidmechanismsbasedonγ ,...,γ -permeable 1 k algorithmsis(1/(2max γ ),1)-smoothresp.(1/(2max γ ),2)-smooth.Maybemoresur- j j j j prisingly, not only our upper bound but also our lower bound carries over to composi- tions. For this we simply apply the lower bound proof to the pay-your-bid mechanism thatisbasedonthealgorithmwiththeworstγ . j Both the results of Syrgkanis and Tardos and the above arguments that show that our upper and lower bounds carry over to compositions apply equally well to weakly smoothmechanisms. 4. OPTIMALMECHANISMS Due to the characterization via permeability, we can bound the Price of Anarchy of mechanisms by only arguing about the allocation algorithm, abstracting from the strategic aspects such as private valuations and bids. This is particularly helpful to derive impossibility results. In this section, we demonstrate this with two examples. First,weconsiderthewell-knownsettingofcombinatorialauctions.Here,wecanshow thatexistinggreedyalgorithmsperformoptimallyintermsofpermeability,evencom- pared to unlimited computational power. That is, these algorithms achieve the best- possiblerobustPriceofAnarchy. We also study the weighted independent-set problem in interval graphs. This prob- lemissolvableinpolynomialtime.However,nodeterministicalgorithmisγ-permeable √ for γ ∈ o( n). Withrandomization, there isan O(logn)-permeable algorithm.We will showthatthisisalmostoptimal,too. 4.1. CombinatorialAuctions In a combinatorial auction, m items are sold. Each bidder i is interested a (publicly known)bundleofitemsT ⊆ [m].AsetofbiddersS ⊆ N isfeasible(i.e.,S ∈ F)ifand i only if T ∩T = ∅ for all i,i(cid:48) ∈ S, i (cid:54)= i(cid:48). By d we denote the maximum bundle size i i(cid:48) max |T |. i∈N i √ Simple greedy algorithms achieve approximation factors O( m) for the case of m items and O(d) [Lehmann et al. 2002]. The results by Lucier and Borodin [2010] and Syrgkanis and Tardos [2013] imply that these bounds transfer to robust-price- of-anarchyguarantees. THEOR√EM 4.1. Thereisnoalgorithmforcombinatorialauctionsthatisγ-permeable forγ =o( m)orγ =o(d). PROOF. To show the statement, let without loss of generality d be a prime number and set m = d2. We show that there is an instance with d2 bidders and d2 items such thatforeveryalgorithmthereisabidvectorbforwhich (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:34) (cid:35) (cid:88) 2 d (cid:88) τ b , ≥ E b (f(b)) i −i d 2 i i∈S i∈N forsomefeasiblesetS. WeconsiderthefinitefieldF .Weidentifyboththesetofitemsandthesetofbidders d byF ×F .Bidder(i,j)∈F ×F isinterestedinbuyingsetT ={(x,ix+j)|x∈F }. d d d d (i,j) d Observe that for (i,j) (cid:54)= (i(cid:48),j(cid:48)), we have T ∩T = ∅ if and only if i = i(cid:48). That is, (i,j) (i(cid:48),j(cid:48)) feasiblesolutionsarepreciselysubsetsofbiddersthatsharethesamefirstindex. Furthermore,forsomez ∈Fd,letusfurtherdefineabidvectorbz bysettingbz =1 d (i,j) ifz =j and0otherwise.Thismeansthatinbz notwobiddersbidding1sharethefirst i sameindex.Thereforeanypairofbiddersbidding1simultaneouslyexcludeeachother. To show the existence of the claimed b, we use the probabilistic method. We draw z uniformlyatrandomfromFd andiuniformlyatrandomfromF independently.Inthe d d bidvectorbz,thewinningprobabilitiesofbiddersbidding1sumuptoatmost1dueto mutualexclusion.Therefore,theexpectedwinningprobabilityof(i,z )isatmost 1. i d Next, we describe an alternative way of drawing z. For this purpose, draw z˜ uni- formly at random from Fd. Again, i uniformly at random from F independently. Fur- d d thermore, j is now drawn independently uniformly from F . We derive z by setting d z =j andz =z˜ fori(cid:48) (cid:54)=i. i i(cid:48) i(cid:48) We already observed that the expected winning probability of (i,z ) in bz is at most i 1. This means, there have to be zˆandˆi such that, conditioned on z˜= zˆand i =ˆi, the d expectedwinningprobabilityof(ˆi,j)inbz isatmost 1. d We now define b by setting b = 1 for i(cid:48) (cid:54)=ˆi and z˜ = j(cid:48) and 0 otherwise. By the (i(cid:48),j(cid:48)) i(cid:48) aboveconstruction,theexpectedwinningprobabilityof(ˆi,j)in(1,b )isatmost 1. −(ˆi,j) d ByMarkov’sinequalitythismeansthatwithprobabilityatleast 1 itislessthan 2.In 2 d suchacase,τ (b ,2)≥1.Thatis, (ˆi,j) −(ˆi,j) d (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:88) 2 d τ b , ≥ . (ˆi,j(cid:48)) −(ˆi,j(cid:48)) d 2 j(cid:48)∈Fd 4.2. IndependentSetinIntervalGraphs Wenowturntotheindependent-setprobleminintervalgraphs,whichcanalsobecon- sidered a more structured version of combinatorial auctions. Formulated as a single- parameter mechanism design problem, the task is as follows. Each bidder i is inter- ested in a (publicly known) interval of real numbers T = [l ,r ] ⊆ R. Again, S ∈ F i i i if and only if T ∩ T = ∅ for all i,i(cid:48) ∈ S, i (cid:54)= i(cid:48). So, this problem corresponds to a i i(cid:48) combinatorialauctionwhereallbiddersdesiresetsT ofconnecteditems. i THEOREM 4.2. For independ√ent set in interval graphs, there is no γ-permeable de- terministicalgorithmforγ =o( n). PROOF. Let Ti = [i,i] for 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 and Tn = [1,n − 1]. Consider a fixed γ- permeablealgorithm.Observethatitsdeclaredwelfareonb=(0,...,0,1)isatmost1. Therefore,wehave(cid:80)n−1τ (b )≤γ. i=1 i −i