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AlgorithmPirco gramD ebugging ACM DistinguiDsihsesde rtations IDS2 AbstractMieocnh anisamnsd L anguaDgees igbny,P auNl. Hi lfinger FormalS pecificaotfi Ionnt eractGirvaep hicPrso gramming La.nguagbeys W,i lliRa.mM allgren AlgorithPrmoigcr amD ebuggi,n gbEyh udY .S hapiro AlgorithmPirco gramD ebugging EhudY .S hapiro TheM ITP ress CambridMgases,a chusetts LondonE,n gland © 1983b yE hudY .S hapiarnod T heM assachuseItntsst itoufTt eec hnology All righrtess ervNeod. p arotf t hibso okm ayb er eproducine adn yf ormo rb y anym eanse,l ectroornm iecc hanicianlc,l udpihnogt ocopyriencgo,r dionrgb ,y anyi nformasttioorna ger eatnrdi esvyaslt ewmi,t htop uermissiinwo rni tifnrgo m thep ublisher. Thibso okw as printaendd b ounidn t heU niteSdt atoefsAm erica. PublishneortT'ehs:i fso rmaitsi ntendteord e ducteh ec osotf p ublishicnegr tain worki nb ookf orma ndt os horttehneg apb etweeedni toprrieapla raatnidot nh e finaplu blicatiDoent.a ileeddi tianngd c omposithiaovne b eena voidebdy photograpthhient ge xotf t his bdoiorke cftrloym t hea uthort'ysp escroirp t word-procoeustspourt . Thisd issertwaasti porne senttoet dh eF aculotfyt heG raduaStceh oolo fY ale UniversoinMt ayy 1 982. Aparftr oms omes tylicshtaincg aensd t hec orrecotfito ynp ograpehrircoalrt sh,e onldyi fferiennc coen teinsit n S ecti2o.n1s. a3nd 4.5T.o thessee ctitohnesr heas beena ddead d escripwtiitohno,pu rtoo fo,f r esulobttsa inien{d 8 89,1 ]. Thet hesriess earwcash s upportbeyd t heN ationSacli enFcoeu ndatigorna,n t noM.C S8002447. LibraorfCy o ngreCsast alogIinPn ugb licaDtaitoan ShapiErohu,d Y. AlgorithPrmoigcr aDme bugging (ACMd istingudiisshseedr t)at ions Thes(iPsh .}D-.YaleU nivers1i9t8y2, Bibliograpp.h y: Incluidnedse x. 1.D ebuggiinncg o mputsecri en2c.Pe r olog (Computeprr ograml angu)aIg .Te itlIeI S.e ries QA76.6.S14998 3 001.64'2 82-24992 ISBN0- 262-19218-7 MIT Pre.e 0262192187 ""II"I" SHAPIRO ALGORITHPMRIOCG M SeriFeosr eword TheD istinguiDsohcetdo rDails sertaSteiroinie ssa w elcomoeu tgrowth ofA CM'sa nnuaclo ntecsot-,s ponsobryTe hde M ITP resfso,tr heb est doctordails sertaitnci oomnp uter-relateadn dse cnigeinnceee ring. Durintgh ej udginpgr ocestsh aits d esignteods eletchte a nnual winneirt,h asi nevitadbelvye loptehdas to meo ft het hesebesi ncgo n­ siderientd h efi narlo unadr eo fs uchhi gqhu alitthyat th eayl sdoe serve pUblicatTihoinbs.o oki so neo ft hosdei ssertatIinto hnejs u.d gmeonft theA CM selection coamnmdiT thteeM eI T Pressi,tt ruldye serves speciraelc ogniatsia o Dni stinguiDsohcetdo rDails sertation. Dr.E hudS hapiwrroo thei st hesoins" AlgoritPhrmoigcr aDme bug­ gingw"h ilaet Y aleU niversiHtiys.t hesiasd viswoar sD r.D ana Angluiann,dt het heswiass s elecbtyeY da lfeo sru bmisstioot nh e1 982 competitTihoenD .o ctorDails sertaAtwiaorndc ommittoefAe C M rec­ ommendeidt psu blicabteicoanu sietp roducticvoemlbyi neelse ments ofp rogrammilnagn guageensv,i ronmelnotgsi,ac n,d i nducet iinvfer­ encet op roduceef fectdievbeu ggianigd sI.t su seo ft heP ROLOG languapgreo vidaense fficienitm plementaotfit ohned ebuggianlgg o­ rithms. WalteMr. C arlson ChairmaAnC,M AwardCso mmittee ToK arlR .P opepr forh isi npsirinign telleccotuuraalag ned c larity and tom y parentSsh,i mona ndM iriam forb ringimneg u pk nowintgh at thew orlids a greaplta cteo b e Acknowledgments Firsta ndf.o remo.ts hti,tsh esoiwse si tssh apaen dc ontetnotm y . advisDoarn,a A ngluiSnh.e h asd irecmtye dr esearscihn cIec amet o Yale, haansdh ada greaitn fluenocnew hatI h avea ccompliisnh ed these yaenadrsw ,h atI k nowt odayH.e rt horoughnaensdss incerity ind ointgh iwsi lble a modeflo rm e int hey earst oc ome. Shea lso trietdo teacmhe herh ighp rofessiaonnda ple rsonaslt andards; althouIgr he sisatses dt rongas lIyc oultdh,e rea res tislolm et racoefs themi nt hitsh eiss. DrewM cDermoetstc ortmeyd fi rsts tepisnP rolo.g He gavem e somei nsighstufgugle stiwohnisc,h mmaed wei shhe h ad gimvee lno ts more.J ustt on amea fewt,h ed efinitioofin n cremenitnadlu ctive inferentcheei, d eoaf m echanizing oraclaen dt qhueem reitoehdss, thatl edt o thea lgoritthhma td iagnosfiensi tfea iluwreer,e a ll originaitnes do meo ff-hacnodm menthse madew henh ef ailteod avoimde int hec orridor. AlanP erlainsd M ikeF ischaelrs coo ntributtote hde finfaolr m oft het hesise,s pecitaoli ltyis n troducatnidoc no nclusiWointsh.o ut Alan'esn couragemIew notu,l ndo th aveh adt hen ervteo m akes ome oft heb olcdl aiImh sa vem ade,a ndh isfl amboymaanntn ehre lpetdo counter-baDlaannac'cesa utiaonnds ereyn.i t Ig ota lotof s uppofrrotm thep eopoleft hel ogipcr ogramming communityIh. a vel earnae ldo tf rom discussiownist hL awrence Byrd,K en Bowen,Al an ColmerauMeara,r tevna nE mden,Bo b KowalskFir,a nkM cCabeF,e rnandPoe reiraan,dD avidW arrent,o namea fe.w DavidW arren'Psr oloigm plementawtasi oann indispensable . researtcoho. l Firsta crotshse o ceaann,d t heanc rotshse A rpanehte, remindmeed t haIta m nott heo nly Prolog ihnat chkewe orr led,v en though thati'tfs e ehalotswY al.e -ix- DonalMdi chiee'nst husiaasbmo umty researwcash a nu ltimate sourcoefp leasuraen,d h elpemde feetlh awth atI am doinmga yb e worthw hile. Togethewri thA lanP erlihse, s howedm e that intellecctuurailo saintdoy p enneasrsea geleasnsds tatusless. BobN ix kempet i nformoendw hati sg oinogn int hew orld, whilIe was toop reoccupwiietdhm y workt op aya ttentitoon anythienslge .I t hinIkh a vel earnt morec oambpouutstec ri enfcreo m discussiwoints hh im thanf roma llo ft hec ourseIs havet aken toget.h ewrIi sIhc oultda khei mw itmhe as ano fficmea tew herever Ig o.H e alsdoe votae dl oot fh ist imte or eadgi anndc orrectmiyn g thesiwsh,i ccho mpensaftoerds omeo fm y ignoraonfcE en glish and Combinatorics. Manyp eoplmea des pecific teccohnntirciablu ttoito hnets h esis, whicIh w ouldl ikteo a cknowledFgrea:n kM cCabew as thefi rstt o suggetshta tth eq uercyo mplexoiftt yh ed iagnoasligso ritmhamysb e improvedo;n layf tetrh irse alizadtiidoI nb,eg itno b elietvhea tth ey canb em oret haann e xerciinsf eo rmalisozmien vga guien tuitibounts , a readle buggitnogo. l He alsof oundh ow to diagnoPsreo log prograwmist nhe gatn.i o RyszarMdi chalsiknis isotneu dn derstandwihnagtI wasd oing, whicmha det hincglse arteorm e tooh;e o fferseodm et erminological improvementthsa mta det hef ormamla chineIryu sedm orei ntuitive anda ppeal.i ng BobM oored ebuggemdy debuggianlgg oritwhhmi lIe w as at SRIa,n dr efutmeyd n aivbee litehfa at binarsye artcehc hnicqouuel d ber eadiulsye idn t hed iagnoosfni osn termiion.na t DaviPdl aistseudg gesatnei dm provemteont th ea lgoritthhamt diagnotseersm inatwiiotnih n corroeucttp uwth,i cIha cceptweidt hout hesitna.t Hieo thenre futhedi si mprovemebnuttfi, n allwye madei t togethteotr h ec urrednitv ide-and-aqlugeorryi .t hm Last butn otl eastt,h eT oolgsro upa tY alea,n di np articular JohnE lliSst,e vWeoo d, andN atM ishkimna,d et heu seo fo ur DEC-20 andi tssu rroundimnagc hinetroyl eraabnldee ,v enf un.I cannoitm aginweh atm y productiasv itayp rogrammearn das a writewro uldh aveb eenw ithouZt, S M, andt hek nid helpt hey -x- providmeed. Theyh avea lscoo ntributtote hdel iterasapreyc otf t he ( thesibsy,t ellimneg o r,m orea ccuratbeyla yl,l owimneg t op icakn d ) puttheZ enp arabalbeo utth ed rawgi onft hefi sh. Ina ddititootn h ei ndividmueanltsi onaebdo veI,w isht ot hank the NationaSlc iencFeo undatiownh,o se grant,n umbered MCS800244s7u,p portmeedd urintgh el asttw oy ears. Contents Chapte1r:I ntroduc.t i'o.. n . 1 1.1T hep roblem 1 • . . • . 1.2R esul.t .s . 2 . • • . . • 1.3R elatweodr k. 6 • • . • • 1.3.T1h en eedf ord ebguging. • • • • • • 6 1.3.T2h es otfwareng-ieneerpienrsgp ectoinvd ee bugg.i.n.g.. . ... 8 1.3.P3r ogratme stgi.n . • . . . . • • • • • • . 10 1.3H.e4u risatpiproca chetso d ebugging 12 • . . • • 14. Outline.. . 13 • • . • . . • • • • •.. • • • • • • Chapte2r:C oncepotfsl ogipcr ogrammianngdP rol.o g 15 2.1L ogipcr ogra.m s 16 . • . • • • 2.1.C1o mputati.o .n s 17 • • 2.1.S2e mantics. 19 . . . . • 2.1.C3o mplexmietasyu res 22 2.2P rolgo . . . . . . . ... ... .. .. .. .2. 3 . 2.2.T1h ee xecutainodnb acktragc mkeicnhani.s m 23 2.2.R2u nnign timaen dt he" occcuhre ck•" • • • 24 2.2.C3o ntro.l . . 26 • • • . . • • • "' 2.2.S4i de-effects 28 • • . • • • • 2.2.S5e conodr deprr edicates 28 2.2.M6e ta-praomgmring • • 30 Chapte3r:P rograDmi agnos.i s. 32 3.1As sumptioanbso utth ep rogrammilnagn.gg uea. ' • 33 3.2D iagnosintge rminatwiiotinhn corroeucttp ut 37 3.2.C1o rrect.n ess '37 • • • • . • • • • • • • 3.2.2A single-sgt eaplpgionritfhomr diagnosing incorrpercotc edu.r es 39 • • • • . 3.2.A3 P roloigm plementation. 40 • • .• . • . . . • • •

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