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Algorithmic Number Theory: 5th International Symposium, ANTS-V Sydney, Australia, July 7–12, 2002 Proceedings PDF

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Preview Algorithmic Number Theory: 5th International Symposium, ANTS-V Sydney, Australia, July 7–12, 2002 Proceedings

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2369 EditedbyG.Goos,J.Hartmanis,andJ.vanLeeuwen 3 Berlin Heidelberg NewYork Barcelona HongKong London Milan Paris Tokyo Claus Fieker David R. Kohel (Eds.) Algorithmic Number Theory 5th International Symposium,ANTS-V Sydney,Australia, July 7-12, 2002 Proceedings 1 3 SeriesEditors GerhardGoos,KarlsruheUniversity,Germany JurisHartmanis,CornellUniversity,NY,USA JanvanLeeuwen,UtrechtUniversity,TheNetherlands VolumeEditors ClausFieker DavidR.Kohel UniversityofSydney,SchoolofMathematicsandStatistics,F07 Sydney,NSW2006,Australia E-mail:{claus,kohel}@maths.usyd.edu.au Cataloging-in-PublicationDataappliedfor DieDeutscheBibliothek-CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Algorithmicnumbertheory:5thinternationalsymposium;proceedings/ ANTS-V,Sydney,Australia,July7-12,2002.ClausFieker;DavidR.Kohel (ed.).-Berlin;Heidelberg;NewYork;Barcelona;HongKong;London; Milan;Paris;Tokyo:Springer,2002 (Lecturenotesincomputerscience;Vol.2369) ISBN3-540-43863-7 CRSubjectClassification(1998):F.2,G.2,E.3 ISSN0302-9743 ISBN3-540-43863-7Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelbergNewYork Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,re-useofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965, initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer-Verlag.Violationsare liableforprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelbergNewYork amemberofBertelsmannSpringerScience+BusinessMediaGmbH http://www.springer.de ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2002 PrintedinGermany Typesetting:Camera-readybyauthor,dataconversionbySteingräberSatztechnikGmbH,Heidelberg Printedonacid-freepaper SPIN10870350 06/3142 543210 Preface TheAlgorithmicNumberTheorySymposiabeganin1994atCornellUniversity in Ithaca, New York to recognize the growing importance of algorithmic work in the theory of numbers. The subject of the conference is broadly construed to encompass a diverse body of mathematics, and to cover both the theoretical and practical advances in the field. They have been held every two years since: in Bordeaux (Universit´e Bordeaux I) in 1996, Portland (Reed College) in 1998, Leiden (Universiteit Leiden) in 2000, and the present conference hosted by the Magma Computational Algebra Group at the University of Sydney. The conference program included invited talks by Manjul Bhargava (Prince- ton),JohnCoates(Cambridge),AntoineJoux(DCSSICryptoLab),BjornPoo- nen (Berkeley), and Takakazu Satoh (Saitama), as well as 34 contributed talks invariousareasofnumbertheory.Inadditiontothemathematicalprogram,the conferenceincludedaspecialdinnertohonourAlfvanderPoortenofMacquarie University, on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Each paper was reviewed by at least two experts external to the program committee and the selection of papers was made on the basis of these recom- mendations.Weexpressourappreciationtothe66expertrefereeswhoprovided reportsonaverytightschedule.Refereeingofthesubmissionfromamemberof the Magma group was organized by Joe Buhler. Theprogramcommitteethanksthegenerousadvicefromorganizersofprevi- ous ANTS conferences, particularly Joe Buhler, Wieb Bosma, Hendrik Lenstra, and Bart de Smit. The conference was generously supported by the College of Science and Technology, the School of Mathematics and Statistics (both at the UniversityofSydney),theAustralianDefenceScienceTechnologyOrganisation, and eSign. April 2002 John Cannon Claus Fieker David Kohel Table of Contents Invited Talks Gauss Composition and Generalizations .............................. 1 Manjul Bhargava Elliptic Curves — The Crossroads of Theory and Computation .......... 9 John Coates The Weil and Tate Pairings as Building Blocks for Public Key Cryptosystems ....................................... 20 Antoine Joux Using Elliptic Curves of Rank One towards the Undecidability of Hilbert’s Tenth Problem over Rings of Algebraic Integers ............. 33 Bjorn Poonen On p-adic Point Counting Algorithms for Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields .................................................. 43 Takakazu Satoh Number Theory On Arithmetically Equivalent Number Fields of Small Degree ........... 67 Wieb Bosma, Bart de Smit A Survey of Discriminant Counting .................................. 80 Henri Cohen, Francisco Diaz y Diaz, Michel Olivier A Higher-Rank Mersenne Problem ................................... 95 Graham Everest, Peter Rogers, Thomas Ward An Application of Siegel Modular Functions to Kronecker’s Limit Formula........................................ 108 Takashi Fukuda, Keiichi Komatsu Computational Aspects of NUCOMP................................. 120 Michael J. Jacobson, Jr., Alfred J. van der Poorten Efficient Computation of Class Numbers of Real Abelian Number Fields .. 134 St´ephane R. Louboutin An Accelerated Buchmann Algorithm for Regulator Computation in Real Quadratic Fields ............................................ 148 Ulrich Vollmer VIII Table of Contents Arithmetic Geometry Some Genus 3 Curves with Many Points ............................. 163 Roland Auer, Jaap Top Trinomials ax7+bx+c and ax8+bx+c with Galois Groups of Order 168 and 8·168........................... 172 Nils Bruin, Noam D. Elkies Computations on Modular Jacobian Surfaces .......................... 189 Enrique Gonza´lez-Jim´enez, Josep Gonza´lez, Jordi Gua`rdia Integral Points on Punctured Abelian Surfaces......................... 198 Andrew Kresch, Yuri Tschinkel Genus 2 Curves with (3,3)-Split Jacobian and Large Automorphism Group..................................... 205 Tony Shaska Transportable Modular Symbols and the Intersection Pairing ............ 219 Helena A. Verrill Elliptic Curves and CM Action of Modular Correspondences around CM Points ................. 234 Jean-Marc Couveignes, Thierry Henocq Curves Dy2 =x3−x of Odd Analytic Rank........................... 244 Noam D. Elkies Comparing Invariants for Class Fields of Imaginary Quadratic Fields ..... 252 Andreas Enge, Fran¸cois Morain A Database of Elliptic Curves – First Report .......................... 267 William A. Stein, Mark Watkins Point Counting Isogeny Volcanoes and the SEA Algorithm ............................ 276 Mireille Fouquet, Franc¸ois Morain Fast Elliptic Curve Point Counting Using Gaussian Normal Basis ........ 292 Hae Young Kim, Jung Youl Park, Jung Hee Cheon, Je Hong Park, Jae Heon Kim, Sang Geun Hahn An Extension of Kedlaya’s Algorithm to Artin-Schreier Curves in Characteristic 2 ................................................. 308 Jan Denef, Frederik Vercauteren Table of Contents IX Cryptography Implementing the Tate Pairing ...................................... 324 Steven D. Galbraith, Keith Harrison, David Soldera Smooth Orders and Cryptographic Applications ....................... 338 Carl Pomerance, Igor E. Shparlinski Chinese Remaindering for Algebraic Numbers in a Hidden Field ......... 349 Igor E. Shparlinski, Ron Steinfeld Function Fields An Algorithm for Computing Weierstrass Points ....................... 357 Florian Hess New Optimal Tame Towers of Function Fields over Small Finite Fields ... 372 Wen-Ching W. Li, Hiren Maharaj, Henning Stichtenoth, Noam D. Elkies Periodic Continued Fractions in Elliptic Function Fields ................ 390 Alfred J. van der Poorten, Xuan Chuong Tran Discrete Logarithms and Factoring Fixed Points and Two-Cycles of the Discrete Logarithm ................ 405 Joshua Holden Random Cayley Digraphs and the Discrete Logarithm .................. 416 Jeremy Horwitz, Ramarathnam Venkatesan The Function Field Sieve Is Quite Special ............................. 431 Antoine Joux, Reynald Lercier MPQS with Three Large Primes ..................................... 446 PaulLeyland,ArjenLenstra,BruceDodson,AlecMuffett,SamWagstaff An Improved Baby Step Giant Step Algorithm for Point Counting of Hyperelliptic Curves over Finite Fields ............ 461 Kazuto Matsuo, Jinhui Chao, Shigeo Tsujii Factoring N =pq2 with the Elliptic Curve Method..................... 475 Peter Ebinger, Edlyn Teske Gr¨obner Bases A New Scheme for Computing with Algebraically Closed Fields.......... 491 Allan Steel X Table of Contents Complexity Additive Complexity and Roots of Polynomials over Number Fields and p-adic Fields................................. 506 J. Maurice Rojas Author Index................................................... 517 Gauss Composition and Generalizations Manjul Bhargava(cid:1) Clay Mathematics Institute and Princeton University Abstract. We discuss several higher analogues of Gauss composition and consider their potential algorithmic applications. 1 Introduction The class groups of quadratic fields have long held a special place in the annals of algorithmic algebraic number theory. This special place has been due in large part to the close relationship between ideal class groups of quadratic fields and integral binary quadratic forms, which allows one to reduce the study and com- putation of ideal classes in quadratic orders to the study of lattice points in a certain fixed three-dimensional real vector space—namely the space of binary quadratic forms over R. Thisfundamentalcorrespondence,knownclassicallyas“Gausscomposition”, was discovered by Gauss almost exactly 200 years ago in his celebrated work Disquisitiones Arithmeticae of 1801. Even after two centuries, there is still no faster way known for computing the ideal class groups of quadratic fields than by Gauss composition. The key feature of Gauss composition, which makes it so useful, is that one has a bijective correspondence between the arithmetic objects of interest (ideal classes of quadratic orders) with the integer points in a vector space—rather than, say, with the integer points on a high codimension variety in an affine space. The principle here is that one can readily locate all the integer points in a codimension zero region in a vector space, whereas searching for integer points on higher codimension subvarieties is extremely difficult in general, both computationally and theoretically. Thus situations where one has a direct bijection between arithmetic objects of study and the integer points in a vector space (modulo, say, the action of a reductive group over Z) are clearly of intrinsic interest, both from a theoretical and an algorithmic standpoint; and the question naturally arises as to whether there exist any spaces in addition to Gauss’s space of binary quadratic forms that might share this remarkable property. (cid:1) IamverygratefultoProfessorsAndrewWilesandPeterSarnakforalltheirenthusi- asmandencouragement,andtoJonathanHanke,KiranKedlaya,andLennyNgfor helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper. This work was supported by the Hertz Foundation and the Clay Mathematics Institute, and was conducted at Princeton University. C.FiekerandD.R.Kohel(Eds.):ANTS2002,LNCS2369,pp.1–8,2002. (cid:1)c Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2002

From the reviews:"The book contains 39 articles about computational algebraic number theory, arithmetic geometry and cryptography. … The articles in this book reflect the broad interest of the organizing committee and the participants. The emphasis lies on the mathematical theory as well as on com
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