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Chapter 1 6.897 Algorithmi Introdu tion to Coding Theory September 5, 2001 Le ture 1 Le turer: Madhu Sudan S ribe: Ryan O'Donnell 1.1 Error orre ting odes and this lass This ourse tea hes the mathemati s underlying obje ts alled error orre ting odes (ECCs). We won't de(cid:12)ne what they are today - for reasons to be lari(cid:12)ed later. For now it will suÆ e to know that they are ombinatorial obje ts that possess ertain extremal properties whi h are very useful for the ommuni ation and storage of information. Modulothede(cid:12)nitionofECCs,we anstilldis ussthebigoutlineofthis ourse. The ontentsofthis ourse anbe divided into four roughlyequal parts. Our (cid:12)rst part will be explain someof the basi onstru tions of error- orre ting odes. Next we will show \negative results" showing limitations, or bounds, on the performan e of odes. The two parts above are essentially ombinatorial in nature, with few omputational themes. We will get into the omputational aspe ts in the third and fourth parts of this ourse. The third part of the ourse is where we fo us on algorithmi tasks asso iated with ECCs and some solutions to these tasks. Finally, in the fourth part we will dis uss some onsequen es one an derive in omputational omplexity theory as a result of the existen e of ECCs and from the algorithmi apabilities surrounding them. 1.1.1 Standard referen es Sin e the subje t is quite old, there are plenty of texts. Yet we won't follow any one of them. Here are omments on some of them. 1. The text by Ma Williams and Sloane [74℄. 1-1 (a) This is possibly the most referen ed text in CS? (b) Unfortunately, it is getting outdated pretty fast. ( ) Has detailed overageof (too) many families of odes. (d) Coverageof algorithms is not so good. 2. The text by van Lint [117℄. (a) The book is mu h more on ise and handy than Ma Williams and Sloane. Easier to get to some of the results here, if they are available. (b) Still, the emphasis is more ombinatorial than algorithmi . 3. A text by Blahut [19℄. (a) Book was targetted at engineers rather than mathemati s, or so the author laims. (b) Yet the overage is ex ellent, espe ially for insight, motivations, de(cid:12)nitions, even algo- rithms ( ) The main drawba kis that it is out of print and not easily available(not in MIT library, e.g.). 4. The Handbook of Coding Theory [88℄. (a) O(cid:11)ers extensive overageof many re ent themes. (b) Sometimes ex essive. (E.g. 130 pages of table of best known odes.) ( ) But ontains many interesting hapters. E.g., hapter on algebrai -geometry odes, and the hapter on deep-spa e appli ations. 1.2 Information Theory Even though this ourse is on oding theory, we start with a brief overage of information theory. Part of the reason is histori . Coding theory was initiated by two seminal papers: 1. In 1948, Shannon wrote a detailed treatise on the mathemati s behind ommuni ation [100℄. 2. In 1950, Hamming, motivated by the task of orre ting small number of errors on magneti storagemedia, wrote the (cid:12)rst paper introdu ing error- orre ting odes [48℄. In this le ture we will dis uss the main results from the Shannon paper, whi h founded the theory of information, while also o-founding (with Hamming) the theory of error- orre ting odes. The theory of information provides the motivation for many questions in oding theory and so we will study this (cid:12)rst. Shannon onsidered the problem of two parties, say Ali e and Bob, who wish to ommuni ate digitally. In parti ular, Ali e wishes to send a message to Bob over a ertain digital hannel. Shannon onsidered both \noiseless"and \noisy" hannels. We start by onsidering the \noiseless" ase. 1-2 1.2.1 Noiseless oding In this ase, the hannels perfe tly transmits the bits Ali e wants to send to Bob. However, we might imagine that the hannel is slow, so our goal is to ompress the information we want to send down to as few bits as possible. Then we send these bits a ross the hannel for Bob to re eive and de ompress. We start with an example whi h shows how to e(cid:11)e t su h a ompression s heme. 1.2.2 An example Consider transmitting the ontents of a pie e of paper, whi h ontains some handwritten material on it, by fax. If the paper has just a small amount of bla k text on a white ba kground, when it is digitized it might onsistof 99% 0's and 1% 1's. Let's say for the sakeof argumentthat we wantto transmit amessagein whi h ea hbit is independently 0with probability .99and 1with probability .01. Considerthe followingen odings heme: Wesplitthemessageupintoblo ksof10bits. Iftheblo k is 0000000000, we send the bit 0. If the blo k is anything else, say x, we send the string 1x. Now the expe ted length of the en oding of a blo k is: 1(cid:1)Pr[blo k is 0000000000℄+11(cid:1)Pr[blo k is not 0000000000℄ = 11(cid:0)10q 10 where q :=Pr[blo k is 0000000000℄=:99 (cid:21):9. Hen e the expe ted length of the en oding of one 10 bit blo k is at most 2 bits. Thus the original message has been ompressed to within 20% of its length! (Food for thought: Do we really need the probabilisti model to a heive this ompression?) Can we do better? This is exa tly the question Shannon raised and answered with his theorem on noiseless oding. Entropy To analyze how mu h a distribution ould be ompressed, Shannon introdu ed some mathemati al de(cid:12)nitions asso iated with information. The sour e of information is modeled as a probability dis- tribution,andamessageisarandomvariabledrawnfromthisdistribution. Thegoalof ompression is to en ode the support of the probability spa e (using, say binary strings) so as to minimize the expe ted length of the message. To any sour e (or more orre tly, to any distribution), Shannon assignedanon-negativerealnumber, thathe termed \entropy",thatmeasurestheinformation on- tent of the distribution. He then showed that this quantity (to within an additive term of one bit) measures the ompressibility of a bit. The simplest possible distribution is a oin (cid:13)ip, in whi h heads has probability p and tails has probability 1(cid:0)p. The entropy assigned to this is: def 1 1 H(p)=plog2 +(1(cid:0)p)log2 : p 1(cid:0)p We an generalize this notion to arbitrary distributions. De(cid:12)nition 1.1 Let U be any (cid:12)nite set, and let D be a probability distribution on U, i.e., D :U ! P [0;1℄with x2UD(x)=1. LetX bearandom variable distributeda ording toD. Thentheentropy 1-3 1 of D is : defX 1 H(D)= D(x)log2 : D(x) x2U The noiseless oding theorem of Shannon essentially says the following: Theorem 1.2 For every (cid:12)nite set U and for every distribution D : U ! [0;1℄, There exists an (cid:3) (cid:3) en oding fun tion En : U ! f0;1g and a de oding fun tion De : f0;1g ! U su h that for every x2U, De (En (x)) =x, and Expx D[jEn (x)j℄2[H(D);H(D)+1℄; where jsj denotes the length of a string s. Conversely, no error-free en oding an do better. Shannon's a tual theorem is often stated di(cid:11)erently, but we will state the theorem in the above sin eitis learer. Wedon't provethe theoremhere,but themainidea fortheexisten eresultisthe 0 following: (1)Roundall probabilities downsothat they be omepowersof2(i.e., onstru t D su h 0 (cid:0)i 0 that for every x, D (x)=2 for some integer i, and D(x)=2<D (x)(cid:20)D(x). (2) Show that there 0 (cid:0)i exists an en oding En that en odes an element x, whose new probability D (x) equals 2 , with i bits (so that no strings have the same en oding). (3) Con lude that this en oding has an expe ted length in the desired range! The onverse is harder to prove- we won't get into it. An elegant algebrai al identity Theentropyfun tionexhibitssomeveryni emathemati alproperties. Forexampleifadistribution D de omposes into two independent distributions D1 and D2 (i.e., U = U1(cid:2)U2, D1 : U1 ! [0;1℄ and D2 : U2 ! [0;1℄ and D(x;y) =D1(x)D2(y)), then H(D) =H(D1)+H(D2). This fa t an be use to prove an interesting algebrai identity, whi h is otherwise quite tri ky to prove. Fromtheabovepropertyandtheentropyofabit,we(cid:12)ndthattheentropyinnindependentp-biased oin (cid:13)ips is nH(p). On the other hand, this should be equal to the entropy of the distribution D #10sinx #00sinx given by D(x):=p (1(cid:0)p) . Using the se ond formula, we al ulate this as: Xn (cid:18)n(cid:19) 1 Dtlog2 t Dt t=0 t n(cid:0)t where Dt :=p (1(cid:0)p) . Thus we get Xn (cid:18)n(cid:19) 1 Dtlog2 =nH(p): t Dt t=0 Entropy and its variants play an important rolein ombinatori sand probability. Some very useful notionstokeeptra kofinthisareaarethoseofmutualinformation, onditionalentropy,andrelative entropy! To turn ba k to our example, what is the optimal ompressionfa torfor the ase of ourmessage to be faxed, whose bits were 1 with probability 1%? The answer is H(:01) (cid:25) 8% | message an be ompressed to within H(:01) of their original length, if we know ones o ur with probability about 1%. 1In le ture, we used a randomvariable X drawna ording to D and de(cid:12)ned this to be the entropy of X, rather than D. In these notes we will swit h to the more appropriate notation, whi h de(cid:12)nes it to be a fun tion of the distributionandnotthevariable. 1-4 1.2.3 Noisy hannels For the purposes of this ourse, the more interesting notion of a hannel is the lass of \noisy" hannels onsidered by Shannon | i.e., hannels that (cid:13)ip some of the bits sent a ross them. The problem here is for Ali e to en ode the message she wishes to send in su h a way that even if the hannel orruptssomeof the bits in the en oding, Bob will be able to de ode the result into Ali e's original message, with high probability. Shannon onsidered a large lass of probabilisti models for noisy hannels, and for ea h proved the surprising theorem that you ould always over ome a onstant error rate by sending an en oded message that was longer by a onstant fa tor. The general model Shannon gave for hannels is as follows. There is an input alphabet (cid:6) and an outputalphabet(cid:0)(bothusually(cid:12)nite). Thenwehaveabipartitegraphwith(cid:6)ontheleftand(cid:0)on the right; ea h edge ((cid:27);(cid:13)) is labeled with a probability of the hannel onverting a (cid:27) to a (cid:13). (The hannel operatesindependently on ea h hara ter.) Of ourse,forea h(cid:27) on theleft, the sum ofthe labels on the edges tou hing it must be 1. We will illustrate his results for su h hannels only in ases where (cid:6)(cid:18)(cid:0). (In su h ases, it is lear what an error is.) Two ommonly onsidered hannels: 1. Binary Symmetri Channel | the hannel onsidered in the theorem. (cid:6) = (cid:0) = f0;1g, (0;0) and (1;1) get probability 1(cid:0)p, and (0;1) and (1;0) get probability p. 2. Binary Erasure Channel | in this hannel, bits don't get (cid:13)ipped | rather they get erased. Spe (cid:12) ally, (cid:6)=f0;1g,(cid:0)=f0;1;?g,(0;0)and(1;1)getprobability1(cid:0)p,and(0;?)and(1;?) get probability p. Noisy oding theorem The noisy oding theorem of Shannon is a powerful and general one. When spe ialized to the ase of a binary symmetri hannel with error probability p, we get the following result. Theorem 1.3 For every p < 1=2, there exists a onstant < 1 and a pair of fun tions E : k k k k f0;1g ! f0;1g , and D : f0;1g ! f0;1g with the following property: If we pi k a message k uniformly at random from f0;1g , en ode with E and then send the result a ross the noisy hannel, 2 and de ode the result, then we re over the original message with probability 1(cid:0)o(1). Theorem 1.3 applies | with di(cid:11)erent onstants | to the binary erasure hannel as well. Hamming notations We need just a few de(cid:12)nitions before pro eeding with the proof of the theorem. n De(cid:12)nition 1.4 If x and y are in (cid:6) , then the Hamming distan e between them is (cid:1)(x;y):= # of oordinates on whi h x and y di(cid:11)er. 2Theo(1)termdependsonlyonk. 1-5 n De(cid:12)nition 1.5 The Hamming ball of radius r entered at y is B(y;r):=fx2(cid:6) :(cid:1)(x;y)(cid:20)rg. n De(cid:12)nition 1.6 Vol(r;n)denotesthevolumeof(any)radius-rballinf0;1g ;i.e., jB(y;r)j. Exa tly, Pr (cid:0)n(cid:1) (H(p)+o(1))n thisquantityis i=0 i . Ifwe(cid:12)xsomep>0andletn!1thenwegetVol(pn;n)=2 . Proof of Theorem 1.3 Proof The proof is highly non- onstru tive; it uses the probabilisti method. k n Let n>k be de ided upon later. Pi k the en oding fun tion E : f0;1g ! f0;1g at random, i.e., k n for every m2f0;1g , E(m) is hosen uniformly at random from f0;1g , independently of all other hoi es. n k n The de oding fun tion D : f0;1g ! f0;1g works as follows. Given a string y 2 f0;1g , we (cid:12)nd k (non- onstru tively) the m 2 f0;1g su h that (cid:1)(y;E(m)) is minimized. This m is the value of D(y). We now prove that D and E have the required property, with high probability, over the random hoi e of E. k 0 0 Fix m2f0;1g asalsoE(m). (The rest ofthe proofwill usethe fa tthat E(m) form 6=m is still random.) the message being sent. Denote by y the orrupted version of E(m) that is re eived by Bob. Let (cid:17) denote the error ve tory(cid:0)E(m). Note that the (cid:17) is a random variablewith ea hof its oordinates being 1 w.p. p and 0 w.p. 1(cid:0)p, independent of other oordinates. Fix (cid:15) > 0. Let r = (p+(cid:15))n. In order for D(y) 6= m at least one of the following two events must o ur: 1. y62B(E(m);r) (i.e., too many errorso urred in transmission.) 0 0 2. There exists some m 6=m su h that E(m)2B(y:r). (The errors take the re eived word too lose to the en oding of some other message.) In parti ular, if neither event o urs, then m is the unique message su h that E(m) is within a distan e of r from y and so D(y)=m. We showthat foran appropriate hoi eofn, theevents abovehappen with low probability. Forthe (cid:12)rst event to happen, it must be that (cid:17) has more than p+(cid:15) fra tion of 1s. We an apply Cherno(cid:11) bounds (see appendix at the end of this le ture) to see that: (cid:0)((cid:15)2=2)n Pr[y 62B(E(m);r))℄ (cid:20)2 : (cid:17) For any (cid:15)>0, we an pi k n to be large enough that the above quantity is as small as we want. 0 We now move onto the se ond event. First (cid:12)x y and an m 6= m and onsider the event that 0 0 E(m) 62 B(y;r). The probability of this event, taken over the random variable E(m), is exa tly n H(p)n Vol(B(y;r))=2 . UsingtheapproximationVol(B(y;pn)(cid:25)2 andignoring(cid:15)(whi hisarbitrarily 0 small), we (cid:12)nd that for every m 6=m. 0 H(p)n(cid:0)n Pr[E(m)2B(y;r)℄ (cid:25)2 : E 1-6 Using the union bound, we get that 0 0 k(cid:0)n+H(p)n Pr[9m 6=m s.t. E(m)2B(y;r)℄(cid:25)2 : E 1 Thus we (cid:12)nd that if > , then k=n<1(cid:0)H(p) and thus the quantity aboveis less than one. 1(cid:0)H(p) This gives the hoi e of that we need. Our proof is not yet omplete! Why? Well, we have argued that a (cid:12)xed m is likely to be de oded orre tly, but what about other messages? To omplete the argument, we will a tually need to lose a little bit. (cid:0)((cid:15)2=2)n k(cid:0)n+H(p)n LetÆ =2 +2 ,denotethetotalprobabilityoferrorineitherofthetwostepsabove. We have shown that for any (cid:12)xed m, for a random hoi e of E and the asso iated D, the expe ted de oding error probability is at most Æ. Thus we an now on lude that this expe tation ontinues k to hold if we make m a random variable hosen uniformly from f0;1g . We get Expm;E;(cid:17)[D(E(m)+(cid:17))6=m℄(cid:20)Æ: In parti ular this implies that there exists an E su h that for the orresponding D, we have Expm;(cid:17)[D(E(m)+(cid:17))6=m℄(cid:20)Æ: This on ludes the proof of Shannon's theorem. Capa ity of the hannel Shannon's theorem above shows that if we are willing to slow down the e(cid:11)e tive transmission rate of the hannel to 1= < 1(cid:0)H(p), then we an a heive error-free ommuni ation with vanishingly small probability. Furthermore this quantity 1(cid:0)H(p) is only afun tion of the \noisy hannel"and not of the number of bits we wish to transmit over it. I.e., the e(cid:11)e tive rate of transmission an be an absolute onstant independent of n. Shannon alled this quantity (the limiting rate of k=n, as n!1) the apa ity of the noisy hannel. Forthe BinarySymmetri Channel, how large an its apa ity be? The proof aboveshows that the apa ity, denoted CBSC(p), is at least 1(cid:0)H(p). It is natural to ask if this quantity is an artifa t of the proof, orisit the orre t apa ityforthe hannel. Shannon provedthat the latter wasthe ase. We will prove this in the next le ture, but (cid:12)rst let us see why this is the ase intuitively. Suppose that we are a tually is a setup there is a noiseless hannel between Ali e's lo ation and Bob's, but this hannel has been \hija ked" by Eve and Fred. Say Ali e and Eve are in the same physi al lo ation while Fred and Bob are at the other. To send a message over, Ali e must hand it over to Eve who then sends it through the hannel (after some potential orruption). Similarly at the re eiving end, Fred re eives the message and hands it over to Bob. Suppose Eve and Fred want to use this hannel to ex hangesome messagesof their own (at Ali e & Bob's expense). They do so by informing Ali e and Bob that the hannel is noisy with bits being (cid:13)ipped with probability p. They advise Ali e and Bob to use some en oding/de oding s hemes. Ali e and Bob agree on an en oding s heme E and a de oding s heme D and in their naivette share these fun tions with Eve and Fred as well. IntruthitmaybethatEvewishestousethe\noise"tosendsomemessagesofherowntoFred. Say she has a message (cid:17) whi h is a plain paper image, where ea h pixel of the page is 1 independently 1-7 with probability p. The way she sends (cid:17) to Fred (at Ali e's expense) is that when Ali e gives her a en oded message E(m) to transmit, Eve sends over E(m)+(cid:17). Fred re eives y = E(m)+(cid:17) (the hannel does not introdu e any noise) at the re eiving end and passes it on, untampered, to Bob, but also retains a opy. As far as Ali e and Bob are on erned, nothing maili ious is o uring - with high probability D(y) = m and so they are ex hanging messages at apa ity of the \noisy hannel". But note the situation w.r.t. Eve and Fred. Fred also knows E and D and an ompute (cid:17) =y(cid:0)E(D(y)) =E(m)+(cid:17)(cid:0)E(m), with high probability. So Eve and Fred are also ex hanging messages among themselves (with some small probability of ex hanging in orre t messages). But now if we onsider Ali e & Eve together at one end of the noiseless hannel, and Bob & Fred together at the other end, the parties are ex hanging bits at a rate of at least C(p)+H(p) a ross the noiseless hannel (assuming we believe the tightness of the noiseless oding theorem). Sin e we are normalizingso that the rate the noiseless hannel is 1, we get C(p)+H(p)<1! This is the link between the noisy ase and the noiseless ase of the Shannon theorems. Appendix Notation used in the le ture. We mention some notation that we used earlier or may use in (cid:21)0 + later le tures. Zdenotes the set of integers, Z denotes the set of non-negative integers, and Z the set of positive integers. R denote the set of reals, and Q the rationals. For real numbers a and b, the notation [a;b℄ stands for the losed interval from a to b, i.e., the set fx 2 Rja (cid:20) x (cid:20) bg, while (a;b) is the open interval between a and b. For an integer k, we will use [k℄ to denote the set f1;::: ;kg. If D is a distribution on the universe U, then X D denotes a random variable X drawn from U a ording to the distribution D. For an event E (cid:18) U, the quantity PrX D[X 2 E℄ denotes the probability of the event E when X is hosen a ording to D. For a real-valued fun tion f : U ! R, the quantity ExpX D[f(X)℄ denotes the expe ted value of f(X) when X is hosen a ording to D. When the distribution D is learfrom ontext, we may abbreviatethese quantities toPr[E℄andExpX[f(X)℄. SimilarlyVarX D[f(X)℄denotesthevarian eoff(X)(i.e.,Var(f(X))= 2 2 Exp[(f(X)) ℄(cid:0)Exp[f(X)℄ ). Somebasi probabilityfa ts Hereisaqui kre apofbasi fa tsonprobabilityandexpe tations. Probability One of the most used fa ts on probability is the union bound: Pr[E1[E2℄(cid:20)Pr[E1℄+ Pr[E2℄: Note that the bound makes no \independen e" assumptions. Expe tations Analogous to the above we have: Exp[X1+X2℄ = Exp[X1℄+Exp[X2℄: Note that this is an equality! If random variables are independent, then we get a produ t relationship Exp[X1X2℄=Exp[X1℄Exp[X2℄. Converting probabilities to expe tations: Sin e expe tations are more amenable to algebrai manipulations, it is often useful to onvert statements on probability to statements of events. The standard way to do this is to use \indi ator variables". For an event E, let IE be the 0=1-valued variable given by IE(X) = 1 if X 2 E and IE(X) = 0 otherwise. Then we have ExpX[IE(X)℄=Pr[E℄. Converting expe tations to probabilities: Sin eprobabilitiesarethequantitiesthathavemore intuitivemeaning,thesearethemorestandardtargetsofourinvestigation. Sin eexpe tations (cid:12)gure in proofs, we would like to (cid:12)nd ways to onvert statements on expe tations ba k into probability statements. This onversion is not standard. Several \tail inequalities" are used to a heivethis onversion,e.g., Markov's,Cheby hev's,and Cherno(cid:11)'s: We statethem below: 1-8 Markov's inequality For a non-negative random variable X and positive real (cid:11), then E[X℄ Pr[X (cid:21)(cid:11)℄(cid:20) . (cid:11) Cheby hev's inequality Initsgeneralform,thisinequalityisjustanappli ationofMarkov's 2 inequality to the random variable Y , for arbitrary Y. In the general form, it is quite hard to see its strength, so we give a spe ial form. Pn LetY = i=1Yi,wheretheYi'sidenti allydistributedrandomvariablesthatarepairwise 2 (but not fully) independent. Let Exp[Yi℄=(cid:22) and Var[Yi℄=(cid:27) . Then for (cid:21)>0, we have (cid:27)2 Pr[Y (cid:21)((cid:22)+(cid:21))n℄(cid:20) n(cid:21)2. Cherno(cid:11) bounds If Y1;::: ;Yn are ompletely independent it is possible to get stronger bounds on the probability that their sum deviates mu h from their expe tation. We onsider the spe ial ase of variables taking values in the interval [0;1℄ LetY1;::: ;Yn beindependentandidenti allydistributedrandomvariablestakingvalues P (cid:0)((cid:21)2=2)n in the interval [0;1℄ with mean (cid:22). Let Y = iYi. Then Pr[Y (cid:21) ((cid:22)+(cid:21))n℄ (cid:20) e , where e is the base of the natural logarithm. For further elaboration on probabilities and expe tations one may onsult the text on Randomized Algorithms [82℄. 1-9 Chapter 2 6.897 Algorithmi Introdu tion to Coding Theory September 10, 2001 Le ture 2 Le turer: Madhu Sudan S ribe: Omprakash Gnawali Today we will over the following topi s: (cid:15) Converse to Shannon's oding theorem. (cid:15) Some remarks on Shannon's oding theorem. (cid:15) Error orre ting odes. (cid:15) Linear odes. 2.1 Converse to Shannon's oding theorem Re all that the Binary Symmetri Channel (BSC) with parameter p is the hannel that transmits bits, (cid:13)ipping ea h transmitted bit with probability p independent of all other events. Lets start by re alling Shannon's oding theorem informally. Over the BSC with parameter p, it is possible to transmit information at any rate less than 1(cid:0)H(p). (To give a sense of how to make the above formal, here is the formal version in all its quanti(cid:12)ed 1 glory: \For every p < 2 and (cid:15);Æ > 0, there exists an n0 < 1 su h that for every n (cid:21) n0 and k n n k k (cid:20)(1(cid:0)H(p)(cid:0)(cid:15))n, there exist fun tions E :f0;1g !f0;1g and D :f0;1g !f0;1g su h that Pr [D(E(m)+(cid:17))=m℄(cid:21)1(cid:0)Æ; (cid:17) Dp;n;m Uk k where Uk is the uniform distribution on f0;1g and Dp;n is the distribution on n bits hosen inde- pendently with ea h bit being 1 with probability p.") We will now proof a onverse to this theorem. 2-10

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