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Algebraic Topology: Lecture Notes 2009/2013 PDF

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Algebraic Topology Lecture Notes 2009/2013 Klaus Wirthmu¨ller http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/∼wirthm/de/top.html Preface K. Wirthmu¨ller: Algebraic Topology 2009/2013 i Contents Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 Simplicial Complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2 Chain Complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3 Simplicial Homology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4 Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 5 Singular Homology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 6 The Classical Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 7 Projective Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 8 Homology: Complements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 9 Manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 10 Cohomology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 11 Vector Bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 12 Duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 (cid:13)c 2009–2013 Klaus Wirthmu¨ller K. Wirthmu¨ller: Algebraic Topology 2009/2013 1 Introduction Algebra, analysis, and topology: these are the three big disciplines that essentially fill the toolbox of pure mathematics. While algebra was born out of the desire to understand numbers, analysis out of that to understand functions of a continuous variable — in turn rooted in physics — topology was created in order to understand geometry. Looking back at the beginners’ courses you have attended, you will probably be happy to accept this statement as far as algebra and analysis are concerned. The system of axioms that characterises groups is quite a straightforward abstraction of known properties of number systems, and though getting familiar with the real line is a somewhat painful and apparently pedantic occupation for the first weeks at university its relevance for infinitesimal calculus always stays reasonably clear. This is quite different for topology. If you go out to understand geometry why should you ever worry about open or closed sets? The basic notions of topology seem to be light years away from whatever con- ception of geometry. To make the point clear, imagine a student familiar with high school mathematics and elementary set theory, but nothing else. Lock him (or her) up in a room, give him the definition of a group, and ask him to do something with it and look for examples. The next day he is likely to have found some interesting ones like finite and infinite cyclic groups, permutation groups, as well as basic notions like that of subgroups. By contrast, given just the notion of topological space the same student hardly has a chance to find anything more interesting than finite topological spaces — not even the notion of Hausdorff space, which appears natural to us but only because we are trained to work with limits. By the way: Question Why are finite Hausdorff space completely uninteresting? The point is that the basic notions of topology are so weak that in order to make topology interesting we must give it some “flavour” by introducing elements from another mathematical discipline. The discipline from which topology historically was derived was finite-dimensional analysis, of course, and while there are a few other interesting flavors of topology this analytical flavour is the overwhelmingly successful one. It studies spaces and continuous mappings that are quite concrete in the sense that they can be described in terms of the euclidean spaces Rn — or rather pieces of them — and of continuous maps between them. Neverthelessthewaytolookattheseobjectsisabstractandintheendcompletelyexpressibleinthecontext ofthefewprimitiveaxiomsgoverningpointsettopology.Itisnolessthanamiracleofnaturethattopology, being based on extremely weak axioms, can be given a flavour that makes it a strong and beautiful theory, which is capable to bring out deeply hidden properties of concrete spaces. Top-speak Topologists are in the habit of referring to Rn as the n-dimensional euclidean space even if the scalar product hardly ever plays a role. Whentheysay“f isamapfromthespaceX tothespaceY”thisisshorthandfor“f isacontinuous map from the topological space X to the topological space Y”. Finally, I is shorthand for the unit interval [0,1]. While there are a few places in abstract topology where the unit interval I occurs quasi spontaneously we must by and large explicitly introduce concrete spaces if we want to give topology an Rn-like flavour. If you have attended the Einfu¨hrung in die Topologie course you will be aware of two points where this was done. Firstly, the definition of pathwise connectivity is an obvious explicit reference to the unit interval: (cid:13)c 2009–2013 Klaus Wirthmu¨ller K. Wirthmu¨ller: Algebraic Topology 2009/2013 2 Of course, connectivity (pathwise or not) is quite a simple notion. Its importance lies in the fact that it reduces the study of (reasonable) topological spaces to that of connected ones. Question Can you make this statement precise? The second explicit reference to I underlies the construction of the fundamental group (cid:14) π (X,a)={α:I −→X|α(0)=α(1)=a} homotopy 1 andismuchmoreinteresting.Recallthatoneofthebasicdifficultiesoftopologyisduetothesheerabundance of continuous mappings between nearly any two given topological spaces X and Y, which usually makes it quitedifficulttoexcludetheexistenceofahomeomorphismX ≈Y incaseX andY arenothomeomorphic. The fundamental group represents a first step towards a solution of this task, and achieves it for instance if X =R2 and Y =Rn with n(cid:54)=2, since π (R2\{0},∗)=Z while π (Rn\{0},∗)=0 for n(cid:54)=2. 1 1 You certainly will be aware of the principal limitation of the fundamental group: since it relies just on loops that are thrown into the space X in order to test it, the fundamental group is able to detect holes like that ofamisssingpointinR2 —letuscalltheseone-dimensional becausetheycanbeenclosedbyacircle—but not holes of higher codimension like those obtained by removing a point from Rn with n>2. On the other handthesuccessofthefundamentalgroupin,intuitivelyspeaking,one-dimensionalsituationsisundeniable. The principle of testing a given space X by throwing standard objects like loops into it seems promising, but to make further progress we must look for a higher dimensional generalisation. What probably comes first to your mind is to replace loops, that is 1-spheres, by spheres of higher dimension. Recall that by the universal property of quotient spaces, a loop based at a∈X is the same as a continuous mapping from the circle S1 = {z ∈ C||z| = 1} to X taking the standard base point 1 ∈ S1 to the given base point a∈X. Thuswhynottryanddefine,tobeginwith,asecondhomotopygroupπ (X,a)ofthepointedtopological 2 space (X,a) as the set of all homotopy classes of base point preserving maps S2 → X? (Once and for all, (cid:13)c 2009–2013 Klaus Wirthmu¨ller K. Wirthmu¨ller: Algebraic Topology 2009/2013 3 we would have to agree on a standard base point for the sphere, say e = (0,0,1) ∈ S2 ⊂ R3.) The notion 3 of pointed, that is base point preserving homotopy of such mappings may be copied literally from the case of loops, and likewise the proofs that establish homotopy as an equivalence relation compatible with the composition of maps. Thus we have defined π (X,a) as a set, but what about a group structure on it? If the notion of 2 composing loops seems perfectly natural, that of 2-spheres does so much less since there is no starting or end point on the 2-sphere. But look: turn the sphere to the side so that the base point becomes to lie on the equator, and then collapse the latter to a single point. You obtain a standard mapping (S2,∗)−h→(S2,∗)∨(S2,∗) from the sphere to the one point union of two copies of it. With the aid of h any two given mappings (S2,∗) −f→,g (X,a) may be “added” applying first h and then f on the upper, g on the lower copy of S2 in (S2,∗)∨(S2,∗): At first sight this doesn’t really look convincing since there seems to be, and indeed there is a certain arbitrariness in the way the map h is chosen. Instead of the equator any other great circle on the sphere mighthavebeenpinched,andthiswouldcertainlyleadtoasmanydifferentadditionrules.Butitisplausible and easy to prove that the induced addition of homotopy classes will always be the same, and will π (X,a) 2 give a group structure. What’s more, unlike the fundamental group, π (X,a) is abelian for every pointed 2 space (X,a)! To see this we need only consider a time-dependent h and give the great circle pinched by h a slow 180◦ turn around some fixed point on the equator. Thereisnothingparticulartodimensiontwointhisconstruction,andwethushavedefinedforeverypointed topological space (X,a) a whole series of homotopy groups π (X,a) for 0<q ∈N, q which are abelian for all q >1. In the same way as the fundamental group they can, in principle, be used as tools that allow to distinguish between non-homeomorphic topological spaces. Of course in order to do so we must be able to calculate them for a reasonably large variety of spaces, something which turns out to be quite difficult. Let me just report some known results. You know already the fundamental group of the spheres: π (S1)(cid:39)Z and π (Sn)=0 for all n>1. 1 1 (cid:13)c 2009–2013 Klaus Wirthmu¨ller K. Wirthmu¨ller: Algebraic Topology 2009/2013 4 More generally, for the higher homotopy groups it can be shown that π (Sn)(cid:39)Z and π (Sn)=0 for all n>q. n q This is sufficient in order to conclude the important result that Sm is not homotopy equivalent to Sn for m(cid:54)=n, and a fortiori Rm not homeomorphic to Rn. This seems to support the idea we started with, namely that the homotopy group π (X) “sees” exactly the q-dimensional holes in X in the sense indicated earlier. q The 2-sphere S2 presents one example of a 2-dimensional hole, the 2-torus T = S1 ×S1 another. We give it the base point a = (1,1) ∈ T. Since the definition of the fundamental group is compatible with directproductsweimmediatelyobtainπ (T,a)(cid:39)Z×Z.Wewillnowdeterminethehigherhomotopygroups 1 π (T,a) using the theory of covering spaces from the end of the Einfu¨hrung course. To this purpose recall q the standard example of a covering space R−→e S1; t(cid:55)−→eit: Taking the direct product of two copies of e we obtain a covering space R2 −→e S1×S1 =T; (s,t)(cid:55)−→(eis,eit) (cid:13)c 2009–2013 Klaus Wirthmu¨ller K. Wirthmu¨ller: Algebraic Topology 2009/2013 5 of the torus. Given q > 1, and an arbitrary map f:(Sq,∗) → (T,a) we ask ourselves whether it is possible to lift f to the covering space R2 with base point 0 ∈ R2, that is, whether there exist a mapping f˜:Sq −→ R2 with f(∗)=0 such that the diagram (cid:55)(cid:55)R2 f˜ e (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:47)(cid:47) Sq T f commutes.Theobviousnecessaryconditionisthattheliftingbepossibleontheleveloffundamentalgroups andinducedhomomorphismor,inotherwords,thatthereexistahomomorphismϕthatrendersthediagram of groups and homomorphisms π (R2,0) (cid:54)(cid:54) 1 ϕ e∗ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:47)(cid:47) π (Sq,∗) π (T,a) 1 1 f∗ commutative. Conversely the main theorem on covering spaces and fundamental groups asserts that the condition is also sufficient: the existence of a lifting is decided algebraically at the level of fundamental groups. But the second diagram clearly does have a lifting since π (Sq) = 0 and so necessarily f = 0 and 1 ∗ ϕ:=0 does the job. Therefore the lifting f˜always exists. This has a much more drastic implication: clearly the plane R2 is contractible to {0}, and therefore f˜ and a fortiori f = e◦f˜are homotopic to the constant mapping with value a ∈ T (by homotopies that are constant on the base points). This implies that the homotopy group π (T) is trivial for all q >1. q In particular and contrary to our expectations, the second homotopy group does not see all two- dimensional holes since it fails to see that represented by the torus. But this is only the beginning. Those calculationsofthehigherhomotopygroupsthathavebeencarriedoutshowthatbynomeansdothegroups π (Sn) vanish for q >n as one might naively expect. Not only q π (S2)(cid:39)Z and π (Sn)(cid:39)Z/2 for n>2 3 n+1 but also, for instance π (S5)(cid:39)Z/24 and π (S4)(cid:39)Z/2×Z/12×Z/120. 8 14 Indeed these abelian (and mostly finite) groups show some regularities but no overall pattern is known, and pending further progress the homotopy groups of spheres have to be considered as a kind of universal constants of topology in the same sense that physicists have their universal constants (the velocity of light, the elementary charge etc.). Thus the homotopy groups even of the spheres, which are among the simplest concretetopologicalspaces,turnouttobeaninterestinganddemandingsubjectforresearch.Butwhilethis may allow generations of topologists to earn a living it is not exactly what we have been looking for, and we have to face the plain truth that as a working tool, the higher homotopy groups are an outright failure. Canweremedythesituation?Yes,wecan.Atleastthefailureofπ toseetheholerepresentedbyatorus 2 can, after all, be simply explained. Just not all two-dimensional holes are alike but there are several kinds, including the spherical, the toroidal, and possibly other types. Since the sphere is spherical by definition it would be perfectly in its rights to see no others than the spherical holes! And if we want our second homotopy group to detect all kinds of holes in a space X then we should examine X by throwing not just spheres but all kinds of closed surfaces, that is, spheres, tori, pretzels, superpretzels, supersuperpretzels ... (cid:13)c 2009–2013 Klaus Wirthmu¨ller K. Wirthmu¨ller: Algebraic Topology 2009/2013 6 into it. At first sight this bold idea seems to have little chances to be realisable since the classification of these pretzel type surfaces is quite a non-trivial topological result in itself, which has no analogue in higher dimensions. But it turns out that to make the idea work it is essential to characterise these test objects as a class while there is no need to know them individually. Even so, from the point of view of homotopy groups at least one fundamental change will be necessary: while for a given space X we may talk about homotopy between two mappings f,f(cid:48):S2 → X the notion of homotopy between f and, say, a mapping g:T → X clearly makes no sense at all. Thus the notion of homotopy will have to be replaced by something more sophisticated. On the other hand in the intended set-up the algebraic structure will come for free: since we willnolongerinsistthatthetestingobjectsbeconnectedwemaydefinethesumoff:S2 →X andg:T →X simply as the mapping S+T −→X that is f on S2, and g on T. The realisation of this project is the essential goal of this course. Obviously we first have to define and study the test objects we wish to use in place of the spheres. Basically two approaches have been taken. The first is based on so-called differential manifolds. Those who have attended my first year course have had a glimpse of these in connection with the implicit function and regular value theorems. The theory of differential manifolds — called differential topology — is quite powerful since it makes all the methods of differential calculus including differential equations available on such manifolds. To someone familiar with differential topology differential manifolds provide the simplest access to a good class of test objects; the resulting generalised homotopy groups are called bordism groups. The second approach came historically earlier, and is the one we will follow here. It relies on test objects that can be quite explicitly built from so-called simplices (singular: simplex), a q-simplex being the q-dimensional generalisation of a triangle. (cid:13)c 2009–2013 Klaus Wirthmu¨ller K. Wirthmu¨ller: Algebraic Topology 2009/2013 7 The buildings constructed from them are called simplicial complexes and lead to a different generalisation of homotopy groups, the singular homology groups. (cid:13)c 2009–2013 Klaus Wirthmu¨ller K. Wirthmu¨ller: Algebraic Topology 2009/2013 8 1 Simplicial Complexes While we tend to think of simplicial complexes as a particular kind of topological spaces they are, strictly speaking, not topological but combinatorial objects. The formal definition takes this into account. 1.1 Definition A (finite) simplicial complex X = (V,Σ) consists of a set V and a set Σ of non-empty subsets of V such that • {v}∈Σ for every v ∈V, and • if σ ∈Σ then ρ∈Σ for every non-empty subset ρ⊂σ. The elements of V are called the vertices of X, and the elements σ ∈ Σ with |σ| = q+1 the q- dimensional simplices of X, or q-simplices for short. The dimension dimX of a simplicial complex X with at least one vertex is the maximum of the dimensions of all simplices that occur in X. If ρ,σ ∈Σ are simplices of X with ρ⊂σ then we call ρ a face of σ, and a proper face if furthermore ρ(cid:54)=σ. 1.2 Examples (1) Giving names to the vertices of our little flagged pyramid it formally becomes the simplicial complex X =(V,Σ) with seven vertices V ={nw,ne,s,tip,ftop,fbot,ftip} and 23 simplices (cid:8) Σ= {nw},{ne},{s},{top},{ftop},{fbot},{ftip}, {nw,ne},{nw,s},{ne,s},{nw,top},{ne,top},{s,top},{top,fbot}, {fbot,ftop},{ftop,ftip},{ftip,fbot}, {nw,ne,s},{nw,s,top},{ne,s,top},{nw,ne,top},{fbot,ftop,ftip}, (cid:9) {nw,ne,s,top} . (cid:13)c 2009–2013 Klaus Wirthmu¨ller

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