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Algebraic topology PDF

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Allen Hatcher Copyright c 2000 by Allen Hatcher Paper or electronic copies for noncommercial use may be made freely without explicit permission from the author. All other rights reserved. Table of Contents Chapter 0. Some Underlying Geometric Notions . . . . . 1 HomotopyandHomotopyType1. CellComplexes5. OperationsonSpaces8. TwoCriteriaforHomotopyEquivalence11. TheHomotopyExtensionProperty14. Chapter 1. The Fundamental Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1. Basic Constructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 PathsandHomotopy25. TheFundamentalGroupoftheCircle28. InducedHomomorphisms34. 2. Van Kampen’s Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 FreeProductsofGroups39. ThevanKampenTheorem41. ApplicationstoCellComplexes49. 3. Covering Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 LiftingProperties59. TheClassificationofCoveringSpaces62. DeckTransformationsandGroupActions69. Additional Topics A.GraphsandFreeGroups81. B.K(G,1)SpacesandGraphsofGroups86. Chapter 2. Homology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 1. Simplicial and Singular Homology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 (cid:209) Complexes102. SimplicialHomology104. SingularHomology108. HomotopyInvariance110. ExactSequencesandExcision113. TheEquivalenceofSimplicialandSingularHomology128. 2. Computations and Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Degree134. CellularHomology137. Mayer-VietorisSequences149. HomologywithCoefficients153. 3. The Formal Viewpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 AxiomsforHomology160. CategoriesandFunctors162. Additional Topics A.HomologyandFundamentalGroup166. B.ClassicalApplications168. C.SimplicialApproximation175. Chapter 3. Cohomology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 1. Cohomology Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 TheUniversalCoefficientTheorem188. CohomologyofSpaces195. 2. Cup Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 TheCohomologyRing209. AKu¨nnethFormula215. SpaceswithPolynomialCohomology221. 3. Poincar´e Duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 OrientationsandHomology231. TheDualityTheorem237. ConnectionwithCupProduct247. OtherFormsofDuality250. Additional Topics A.TheUniversalCoefficientTheoremforHomology259. B.TheGeneralKu¨nnethFormula266. C.H–SpacesandHopfAlgebras279. D.TheCohomologyofSO(n)291. E.BocksteinHomomorphisms301. F.Limits309. G.MoreAboutExt316. H.TransferHomomorphisms320. I.LocalCoefficients327. Chapter 4. Homotopy Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 1. Homotopy Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 DefinitionsandBasicConstructions340. Whitehead’sTheorem346. CellularApproximation348. CWApproximation351. 2. Elementary Methods of Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359 ExcisionforHomotopyGroups359. TheHurewiczTheorem366. FiberBundles374. StableHomotopyGroups383. 3. Connections with Cohomology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392 TheHomotopyConstructionofCohomology393. Fibrations404. PostnikovTowers409. ObstructionTheory415. Additional Topics A.BasepointsandHomotopy421. B.TheHopfInvariant427. C.MinimalCellStructures429. D.CohomologyofFiberBundles432. E.TheBrownRepresentabilityTheorem448. F.SpectraandHomologyTheories453. G.GluingConstructions456. H.Eckmann-HiltonDuality461. I.StableSplittingsofSpaces468. J.TheLoopspaceofaSuspension471. K.SymmetricProductsandtheDold-ThomTheorem477. L.SteenrodSquaresandPowers489. Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521 TopologyofCellComplexes521. TheCompact-OpenTopology531. Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540 Preface This book was written to be a readable introduction to Algebraic Topology with rather broad coverage of the subject. Our viewpoint is quite classical in spirit, and stays largely within the confines of pure Algebraic Topology. In a sense, the book couldhavebeenwrittenthirtyyearsagosincevirtuallyallitscontentisatleastthat old. However, the passage of the intervening years has helped clarify what the most importantresultsandtechniquesare. Forexample,CWcomplexeshaveprovedover time to be the most natural class of spaces for Algebraic Topology, so they are em- phasizedheremuchmorethaninthebooksofanearliergeneration. Thisemphasis alsoillustratesthebook’sgeneralslanttowardsgeometric,ratherthanalgebraic,as- pectsofthesubject. ThegeometryofAlgebraicTopologyissopretty,itwouldseem apitytoslightitandtomissalltheintuitionthatitprovides. Atdeeperlevels,alge- bra becomes increasingly important, so for the sake of balance it seems only fair to emphasizegeometryatthebeginning. Letussaysomethingabouttheorganizationofthebook. Attheelementarylevel, Algebraic Topology divides naturally into two channels, with the broad topic of Ho- motopy on the one side and Homology on the other. We have divided this material into four chapters, roughly according to increasing sophistication, with Homotopy split between Chapters 1 and 4, and Homology and its mirror variant Cohomology in Chapters 2 and 3. These four chapters do not have to be read in this order, how- ever. One could begin with Homology and perhaps continue on with Cohomology before turning to Homotopy. In the other direction, one could postpone Homology and Cohomology until after parts of Chapter 4. However, we have not pushed this latterapproachtoitsnaturallimit,inwhichHomologyandCohomologyarisejustas branches of Homotopy Theory. Appealing as this approach is from a strictly logical point of view, it places more demands on the reader, and since readability is one of ourfirstpriorities,wehavedelayedintroducingthisunifyingviewpointuntillaterin thebook. There is also a preliminary Chapter 0 introducing some of the basic geometric concepts and constructions that play a central role in both the homological and ho- motopicalsidesofthesubject. Each of the four main chapters concludes with a selection of Additional Topics thatthereadercansampleatwill,independentofthebasiccoreofthebookcontained in the earlier parts of the chapters. Many of these extra topics are in fact rather importantintheoverallschemeofAlgebraicTopology,thoughtheymightnotfitinto the time constraints of a first course. Altogether, these Additional Topics amount to nearly half the book, and we have included them both to make the book more comprehensive and to give the reader who takes the time to delve into them a more substantialsampleofthetruerichnessandbeautyofthesubject. Not included in this book is the important but somewhat more sophisticated topic of spectral sequences. It was very tempting to include something about this marvelous tool here, but spectral sequences are such a big topic that it seemed best tostartwiththemafreshinanewvolume. Thisistentativelytitled‘SpectralSequences inAlgebraicTopology’andreferredtohereinas[SSAT].Thereisalsoathirdbookin progress,onvectorbundles,characteristicclasses,andK–theory,whichwillbelargely independent of [SSAT] and also of much of the present book. This is referred to as [VBKT],itsprovisionaltitlebeing‘VectorBundlesandK–Theory.’ In terms of prerequisites, the present book assumes the reader has some famil- iaritywiththecontentofthestandardundergraduatecoursesinalgebraandpoint-set topology. One topic that is not always a part of a first point-set topology course but which is quite important for Algebraic Topology is quotient spaces, or identification spacesastheyaresometimescalled. GoodsourcesforthisarethetextbooksbyArm- strongandJ¨anichlistedintheBibliography. Abooksuchasthisone, whoseaimistopresentclassicalmaterialfromafairly classicalviewpoint,isnottheplacetoindulgeinwildinnovation. Neverthelessthereis onenewfeatureoftheexpositionthatmaybeworthcommentingupon,eventhough in the book as a whole it plays a relatively minor role. This is a modest extension of the classical notion of simplicial complexes, which we call (cid:209) complexes. These have made brief appearances in the literature previously, without a standard name emerging. The idea is to weaken the condition that each simplex be embedded, to require only that the interiors of simplices are embedded. (In addition, an ordering of the vertices of each simplex is also part of the structure of a (cid:209) complex.) For example, if one takes the standard picture of the torus as a square with opposite edgesidentifiedanddividesthesquareintotwotrianglesbycuttingalongadiagonal, thentheresultisa (cid:209) complexstructureonthetorushaving2triangles,3edges,and 1 vertex. By contrast, it is known that a simplicial complex structure on the torus must have at least 14 triangles, 21 edges, and 7 vertices. So (cid:209) complexes provide a significant improvement in efficiency, which is nice from a pedagogical viewpoint since it cuts down on tedious calculations in examples. A more fundamental reason for considering (cid:209) complexes is that they just seem to be very natural objects from the viewpoint of Algebraic Topology. They are the natural domain of definition for simplicialhomology,andanumberofstandardconstructionsproduce (cid:209) complexes ratherthansimplicialcomplexes,forinstancethesingularcomplexofaspace,orthe classifyingspaceofadiscretegrouporcategory. Itistheauthor’sintentiontokeepthisbookavailableonlinepermanently,aswell aspublishitinthetraditionalmannerforthosewhowanttheconvenienceofabound copy. Withtheelectronicversionitwillbepossibletocontinuemakingrevisionsand additions, so comments and suggestions from readers will always be welcome. The webaddressis: http://www.math.cornell.edu/˜hatcher Onecanalsofindherethepartsoftheothertwobooksthatarecurrentlyavailable. Standard Notations Rn: n dimensionalEuclideanspace,withrealcoordinates Cn: complex n space I (cid:131)(cid:134)0;1(cid:135): theunitinterval Sn: theunitspherein Rn(cid:130)1,allvectorsoflength1 Dn: theunitdiskorballin Rn,allvectorsoflength (cid:20)1 @Dn (cid:131)Sn−1: theboundaryofthe n disk 11: theidentityfunctionfromasettoitself q: disjointunion (cid:25): isomorphism Z : theintegersmodn n A(cid:26)B or B (cid:27)A: set-theoreticcontainment,notnecessarilyproper Theaimofthisshortpreliminarychapteristointroduceafewofthemostcom- mon geometric concepts and constructions in algebraic topology. The exposition is somewhat informal, with no theorems or proofs until the last couple pages, and it shouldbereadinthisinformalspirit,skippingbitshereandthere. Infact,thiswhole chaptercouldbeskippednow,tobereferredbacktolaterforbasicdefinitions. To avoid overusing the word ‘continuous’ we adopt the convention that maps be- tweenspacesarealwaysassumedtobecontinuousunlessotherwisestated. Homotopy and Homotopy Type Oneofthemainideasofalgebraictopologyistoconsidertwospacestobeequiv- alent if they have ‘the same shape’ in a sense that is much broader than homeo- morphism. To take an everyday example, the letters of the alphabet can be written either as unions of finitely many straight and curved line segments, or in thickened formsthatarecompactsubsurfacesoftheplaneboundedbysimpleclosedcurves. Ineachcasethethinletterisasubspaceofthethickletter,andwecancontinuously shrinkthethicklettertothethinone. Anicewaytodothisistodecomposeathick letter,callit X,intolinesegmentsconnectingeachpointontheouterboundaryof X toauniquepointofthethinsubletter X,asindicatedinthefigure. Thenwecanshrink 2 Chapter0. SomeUnderlyingGeometricNotions X to X by sliding each point of X−X into X along the line segment that contains it. Pointsthatarealreadyin X donotmove. We can think of this shrinking process as taking place during a time interval ! 0(cid:20)t(cid:20)1,andthenitdefinesafamilyoffunctions f :X X parametrizedby t2I (cid:131) t (cid:134)0;1(cid:135), where f (cid:132)x(cid:133) is the point to which a given point x 2 X has moved at time t. t Naturallywewouldlike f (cid:132)x(cid:133) todependcontinuouslyonboth t and x,andthiswill t be true if we have each x 2 X−X move along its line segment at constant speed so as to reach its image point in X at time t (cid:131) 1, while points x 2 X are stationary, as remarkedearlier. These examples lead to the following general definition. A deformation retrac- ! tion of a space X onto a subspace A is a family of maps f :X X, t 2 I, such t that f (cid:131) 11 (the identity map), f (cid:132)X(cid:133) (cid:131) A, and f jjA (cid:131) 11 for all t. The family f 0 1 t t shouldbecontinuousinthesensethattheassociatedmap X(cid:2)I!X, (cid:132)x;t(cid:133),f (cid:132)x(cid:133), t iscontinuous. Itiseasytoproducemanymoreexamplessimilartotheletterexamples,withthe deformation retraction f obtained by sliding along line segments. The first figure t belowshowssuchadeformationretractionofaM¨obiusbandontoitscorecircle. The other three figures show deformation retractions in which a disk with two smaller opensubdisksremovedshrinkstothreedifferentsubspaces. In all these examples the structure that gives rise to the deformation retraction ! canbedescribedbymeansofthefollowingdefinition. Foramap f:X Y,themap- pingcylinder M isthequotientspaceofthedisjointunion (cid:132)X(cid:2)I(cid:133)qY obtainedby f identifyingeach (cid:132)x;1(cid:133)2X(cid:2)I with f(cid:132)x(cid:133)2Y. X X£I M f (X) f Y Y Intheletterexamples,thespace X istheouterboundaryofthethickletter, Y isthe ! thin letter, and the map f:X Y sends the outer endpoint of each line segment to its inner endpoint. A similar description applies to the other examples. Then it is a general fact that a mapping cylinder M deformation retracts to the subspace Y by f slidingeachpoint (cid:132)x;t(cid:133) alongthesegment fxg(cid:2)I (cid:26)M totheendpoint f(cid:132)x(cid:133)2Y. f Not all deformation retractions arise in this way from mapping cylinders, how- ever. For example, the thick X deformation retracts to the thin X, which in turn

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