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Algebraic Number Theory (Spring 2013) PDF

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Algebraic Number Theory Spring 2013, taught by Joe Rabinoff. This consists of only the second semester of Math 223. Contents 1 Statements of Class Field Theory 2 2 G-Modules 4 3 Group Cohomology 6 4 Behavior with Respect to Induction 8 5 The Standard Resolution of Z as a G-Module 9 6 Change of Group 12 7 Tate Cohomology 16 8 Complete Resolutions 19 9 Cup Products 21 9.1 Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 10 Cohomology of Finite Groups 25 10.1 The Cyclic Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 10.2 The General Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 11 Cohomologically Trivial Modules 32 11.1 Over p-groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 11.2 Over General Finite Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 12 The Theorems of Tate and Nakayama 38 13 Galois Cohomology 41 14 Structure of Local Fields 46 15 Class Formations 53 1 16 Construction of a Class Formation 59 16.1 Cohomology of Z(cid:98) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 16.2 Quasi-Finite Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 17 Lubin-Tate Theory 65 17.1 The Case of K = Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 p 17.2 The General Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 18 Higher Ramification Groups 74 19 Global Proofs 77 20 Cohomology of Idèles 78 21 The First Inequality 81 22 The Second Inequality 82 22.1 The Case of Kummer Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 22.2 p-extensions in characteristic p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 23 Global Class Formations 90 24 Local-Global Compatibility 99 25 Universal Norms 100 26 Elliptic Curves With Complex Multiplication 104 1 Statements of Class Field Theory Here K will be a local or global field. Let (cid:40) K× local A = (1.1) K A×/K× global K Theorem 1.1 (CFT for K). There exists a canonical continuous homomorphism with dense image ψ : A → Gab called the Artin map. K K K (Functoriality) For L/K a finite separable extension, the following diagrams commute: 2 A ψL Gab L L (1.2) N L/K A ψK Gab K K and A ψL Gab L L (1.3) Ver A ψK Gab K K (Existence) Every finite index open subgroup of A exists as the kernel of K ψ L/K A Gab Gal(L/K) (1.4) K K for L/K a unique finite abelian extension of K (so kerψ = N (A )). L/K L/K L If K is global of characteristic 0, then ψ is surjective, with kernel K D = {x ∈ A× : infinitely divisible}. (1.5) K K If K is global of characteristic p with k the constant field and A1 = (A×)1/K×, or K is local K K with k the residue field and A1 = O×, then we have the commutative diagram K K 0 A1 A val Z 0 K K ∼ ψK ∼ 0 I Wab Z 0 (1.6) K 0 I Gab Z(cid:98) 0 K with Z(cid:98) = Gal(k/k). In particular, if L/K is a finite unramified extension over a local field K, then Gab → Gal(L/K) kills I, so ψ kills O× and sends π to Frob. More generally, ψ (O×) K L/K K K L/K K is the inertia in G = Gal(L/K), and ψ (1+mi) = Gi, the higher ramification groups. L/K If K is global and v ∈ V , we have a map K× (cid:44)→ A×/K× by x (cid:55)→ (1,..., x ,...,1). Kab (cid:44)→ K v K (cid:124)(cid:123)(cid:122)(cid:125) v Kab (cid:32) Gab → Gab. v Kv K 3 Theorem 1.2 (Local-global compatibility). The following diagram commutes: K× A×/K× v K (1.7) ψKv ψK Gab Gab Kv K Hence, if L/K is a finite abelian extension, then ψ kills O× if and only if v is unramified, in L/K v which case π (cid:55)→ Frob . This determines ψ , along with continuity. v v K 2 G-Modules Let G be a group. A left (or right) G-module is an abelian group A equipped with a left (right) action of G; that is, a homomorphism G → Aut(A) or Gop → Aut(A), Examples include: • If G = GL (C), then Cn is a G-module. n • If G = Gal(L/K), then (L,+) and (L×,∗) are G-modules. • Z[G], the free abelian group on elements of G, is a left G-module and a right G-module by multiplication. In fact, Z[G] is a ring, called the group ring. There is an equivalence between G-modules and Z[G]-modules; a G-module extends uniquely to a Z[G]-action by linearity. Remark. For R any commutative ring, set R[G] = R⊗ZZ[G]. Then there is an equivalence between R-modules with G-linear action and R[G]-modules. AG-modulehomomorphismA → A(cid:48) isahomomorphismofZ[G]-modules.Thisgroupisdenoted by Hom (A,A(cid:48)). Kernels and quotients of G-modules are G-modules. The category Mod of G- G G modules is abelian. A ∈ Mod is injective if the functor A(cid:48) (cid:55)→ Hom (A(cid:48),A) is exact, and A ∈ Mod is projective if G G G the functor A(cid:48) (cid:55)→ Hom (A,A(cid:48)) is exact. (Both functors are always left exact.) G Fact. Mod has enough injectives. That is, any G-module can be embedded in an injective one. G That Mod has enough projectives is easier to see, since free modules are projective. G ThecategoryModG admitsproductsanddirectsums.Also,ifA,A(cid:48) ∈ ModG,thenA⊗ZA(cid:48) isalso aG-moduleintheexpectedway.Thetensorproductsatisfiesthefollowinguniversalproperty:giving amapA⊗ZA(cid:48) → B isequivalenttogivingabilinearF : A×A(cid:48) → B suchthatF(ga,ga(cid:48)) = gF(a,a(cid:48)). Let ϕ : H → G be a homomorphism. Then ϕ induces a map Z[H] → Z[G], which we’ll also call ϕ. We define the following: • The restriction ResG : Mod → Mod by mapping A to A viewed as an H-module (h·a = H G H ϕ(h)a). • (Compact) induction indG : Mod → Mod by A (cid:55)→ Z[G]⊗ A. H H G Z[H] 4 • (Co-)induction IndG : Mod → Mod by A (cid:55)→ Hom (Z[G],A). H H G H For compact induction, if R is a non-commutative ring, A is a right R-module, and B is a left R-module, then A⊗ B is an abelian group. So Z[G] is viewed as a right Z[H]-module. It is viewed R as a left Z[G]-module by the action of left multiplication g·(x⊗y) = (gx)⊗y. If H ≤ G, let {g } be coset representatives for H\G. Then {g−1} are representatives for G/H, i i so (cid:77) Z[G] = (g−1)Z[H] (2.1) i i =⇒ indGHA ∼= (cid:77)gi−1Z[H]⊗Z[H]A (2.2) i (cid:77) = g−1A. (2.3) i The group action is then (cid:88) (cid:88) g· g−1a = g−1(g gg−1)a (2.4) i i j j i i where for each i, gg−1 ∈ g−1H, so g g ∈ Hg . As a result, IndG(A) is in bijection with finitely i j j i H supported maps from H\G to A. As an example, when H is the trivial subgroup {1}, an H-module is simply an abelian group. indG1 = Z[G]⊗ZA = A[G]. If A(cid:48) ∼= A[G] as G-modules, then we say that A(cid:48) is induced. Proposition 2.1 (Frobenius Reciprocity). Let A ∈ Mod and A(cid:48) ∈ Mod . Then H G Hom (A,ResGA(cid:48)) = Hom (indGA,A(cid:48)). (2.5) H H G H Proof. Hom (A,ResGA(cid:48)) = Hom (Z[G]⊗ A,A(cid:48)). Z[H] H Z[G] Z[H] If A = ResGA(cid:48), we have the identity element 1 ∈ Hom (A,ResGA(cid:48)); then Z[G]⊗ A (cid:16) A(cid:48) H H H Z[H] by g ⊗a (cid:55)→ ga. On the other hand, if A(cid:48) = indGA, we have 1 ∈ Hom (indGA,A(cid:48)). We then have H G H A(cid:48) → indGResGA(cid:48) by a(cid:48) (cid:55)→ 1⊗a(cid:48). H H Remark. Any A ∈ ModG is canonically a quotient of the induced module Z[G]⊗Z A → A. And Z[G]⊗ZA ∼= Z[G]⊗ZResG1A by g⊗ga →(cid:55) g⊗a, so there is no ambiguity here. A direct summand of an induced module is called relatively projective. For co-induction: the G-module structure on Hom (Z[G],A) is given by (gf)(x) = f(xg). H If H ≤ G, then IndGA ↔ Maps(H\G,A) with an appropriate choice of coset representatives. H In fact, IndGA = {f : G → A : f(hg) = hf(g)∀h ∈ H}. (2.6) H We have an identification 5 (cid:89) IndGA = A·g (2.7) H i gi∈H\G by (f : Z[G] → A) ↔ (f(g )·g ). Check that i i g·(a·g ) = ((g gg−1)a ·g ) (2.8) i j i i i where g g ∈ Hg . j i If H ≤ G, then indGA = Maps (H\G,A) (cid:44)→ Maps(H\G,A) = IndGA. (2.9) H f H If [G : H] < ∞, then indGA = IndGA. H H If H = {1}, then IndGA = Maps(G,A). A G-module of this form is called co-induced, and a 1 direct summand of a co-induced module is called relatively injective. Proposition 2.2 (Frobenius Reciprocity). For A ∈ Mod and A(cid:48) ∈ Mod , we have H G Hom (ResGA(cid:48),A) = Hom (A(cid:48),IndGA). (2.10) H H G H Proof. We have ϕ (cid:55)→ F by F(a(cid:48))(x) = ϕ(xa(cid:48)), and ϕ →(cid:55) F by ϕ(a) = F(a)(1). Remark. By taking H = {1}, any A is canonically embedded in a co-induced one. Remark. If [G : H] < ∞, then Ind and Res are both left and right adjoint. Remark. If G is finite, then induced is the same as co-induced, and relatively projective is the same as relatively injective. The map indGA → IndGA as described earlier is in fact canonical. By Frobenius Reciprocity, H H Hom (indGA,IndGA) = Hom (ResGindGA,A). (2.11) G H H H H H Now consider the map Z[G]⊗ A → A by Z[H] (cid:40) ga g ∈ H g⊗a = (2.12) 0 g ∈/ H 3 Group Cohomology Given a G-module A, consider the abelian group AG of G-invariants. We have AG = Hom (Z,A) G whereZhasthetrivialG-action,sothefunctor(cid:3)G isleftexact.Similarly,wehavetheabeliangroup of coinvariants A , the “largest quotient with trivial G-action”, given by A/(cid:104)ga−a : g ∈ G,a ∈ A(cid:105). G We have A = Z⊗ A, where Z is a right G-module with trivial action, and ⊗ means ⊗ . So G G G Z[G] (cid:3) is right exact. G We have the exact sequence 6 0 → I → Z[G] −“−de−g→” Z → 0 (3.1) G (cid:80) (cid:80) where I is the augmentation ideal { a g : a = 0}. It is generated by g−e for g ∈ G, so G g g A = A/I A. G G We define Hi(G,A) and H (G,A) such that Hi(G,(cid:3)) is the right derived functor of (cid:3)G and i H (G,(cid:3))istheleftderivedfunctorof(cid:3) .Recallhowthesefunctorsareconstructed:forcohomology, i G choose an injective resolution 0 → A → I0 → I1 → I2 → ··· (3.2) and then Hi(G,A) = Hi((I•)G). Similarly, for homology choose a projective resolution ··· → P → P → P → A → 0 (3.3) 2 1 0 and then H (G,A) = H ((P ) ). i i • G Properties: 1. Hi(G,A) and H (G,A) are independent of choice of resolution up to canonical isomorphism. i 2. These are covariant functors in A. 3. H0(G,A) = AG and H (G,A) = A . 0 G 4. Given 0 → A → B → C → 0 exact, there are maps Hi(G,C) −→δi Hi+1(G,A) (3.4) and H (G,C) −d→i H (G,A) (3.5) i+1 i which produce long exact sequences of homology and cohomology. 5. A map between two exact sequences yields a map on long exact sequences of homology and cohomology. Remark. If A is injective, then 0 → A → A → 0 is an injective resolution, so Hi(G,A) = 0 for i > 0. Similarly, H (G,A) = 0 if A is projective. i Remark. A product of injectives is injective, so Hi(G,(cid:81)A ) = (cid:81)Hi(G,A ). Similarly, homology j j commutes with direct sums. 7 4 Behavior with Respect to Induction Suppose H → G is a group homomorphism. If 0 → A → B → C → 0 is exact in Mod , then G 0 → ResGA → ResGB → ResGC → 0 is exact. Now for I ∈ Mod , we have the exact sequence H H H H 0 → Hom (ResGC,I) → Hom (ResGB,I) → Hom(ResGA,I) → 0 (4.1) H H H H H which by Frobenius Reciprocity, gives the exact 0 → Hom (C,IndGI) → Hom (B,IndGI) → Hom (A,IndGI) → 0 (4.2) G H C H G H So IndGI is injective in Mod . More generally, a functor with an exact left adjoint preserves H G injectives. Now assume H ≤ G. Then IndGA is exact in A. H Remark. If G = {1}, then Ind1 A = Hom (Z[G],A) = Hom (Z,A) = AH. H H H We have (IndGA)G = Hom (Z,IndGA) = Hom (Z,A) = AH. Now if 0 → A → I• is an H G H H injectiveresolutioninMod ,then0 → IndA → IndI• isaninjectiveresolutioninMod .Therefore: H G Lemma 4.1 (Shapiro). Hi(G,IndA) = Hi((IndI•)G) = Hi((I•)H) = Hi(H,A). (4.3) In a similar way, we can show that ind preserves projectives, and if H ≤ G, then H (G,indA) = H (H,A) (4.4) i i Corollary 4.2. If A is relatively injective, then Hi(G,A) = 0 for i > 0, and if A is relatively projective, then H (G,A) = 0 for i > 0. i Fact. We can calculate derived functors (such as cohomology and homology) using acyclic resolu- tions; that is, resolutions by objects whose higher cohomology or homology is zero. Observe that since (cid:3)G = Hom (Z,(cid:3)), we have that G Hi(G,A) = Exti (Z,A) (4.5) Z[G] and similarly H (G,A) = TorZ[G](Z,A). (4.6) i i To calculate these groups, we can resolve the first variable, Z, instead. In both cases, we need a projective resolution. 8 5 The Standard Resolution of Z as a G-Module For i > 0, let P = Z[Gi+1]. The diagonal morphism G → Gi+1 makes P into a Z[G]-algebra, in i i particular a G-module. Define the boundary map d : P → P by i+1 i i+1 (cid:88) d(g ,...,g ) = (−1)j(g ,...,g ,...,g ) (5.1) 0 i+1 0 (cid:98)j i+1 j=0 Also d : P = Z[G] → Z is the degree map. 0 Claim. The sequence ··· → P → P → P → Z → 0 (5.2) 2 1 0 is exact. (This is left as an exercise.) We have found a projective (in fact free) resolution of Z, called the standard resolution. From this resolution, we have Hi(G,A) = Exti (Z,A) = Hi(Hom (P ,A)). (5.3) Z[G] G • Explicitly, we know that Hom (P ,A) = {f : Gi+1 → A : f(gg ,...,gg ) = gf(g ,...,g )} = IndGi+1A. (5.4) G i 0 i 0 i G Such an f is called a homogeneous cochain. With this description, (δf)(g ,...,g ) = f(d(g ,...,g )) (5.5) 0 i+1 0 i+1   i+1 (cid:88) = f (−1)j(g0,...,g(cid:98)j,...,gi+1) (5.6) j=0 i+1 (cid:88) = (−1)jf(g ,...,g ,...,g ). (5.7) 0 (cid:98)j i+1 j=0 A cocycle is an f such that δf = 0, and a coboundary is an f of the form δf . We have 0 Hi(G,A) = {i-cocycles}/{i-coboundaries}. Observe that a homogeneous cochain f is uniquely determined by the values for which the first argument is 1. Define f(cid:101)(g1,...,gi) = f(1,g1,g1g2,...,g1···gi) (5.8) so we can recover f from f(cid:98)by 9 f(g,0,...,gi) = g0f(cid:98)(g0−1g1,g1−1g2,...,gi−−11gi). (5.9) We have a bijection Hom (P ,A) = Maps(Gi,A) = Ci(G,A), (5.10) G i the set of inhomogeneous cochains, via f(cid:98). We have (δf)(g ,...,g ) = (δf)(1,g ,g g ,...,g ···g ) (5.11) 1 i+1 1 1 2 1 i+1 = f(g ,g g ,...,g ···g ) (5.12) 1 1 2 1 i+1 i+1 (cid:88) + (−1)jf(1,g ,g g ,...,g(cid:92)···g ,...,g ···g ) (5.13) 1 1 2 1 j i i+1 j=1 = g1f(cid:98)(g2,g3,...,gi+1) (5.14) i (cid:88) + (−1)jf(cid:98)(g1,g2,...,gjgj+1,...,gi+1) (5.15) j=1 +(−1)i+1f(cid:98)(g1,...,gi). (5.16) Write Zi(G,A) = {f ∈ Ci(G,A) : δf = 0} the set of inhomogeneous cocycles and Bi(G,A) = {f ∈ Zi(G,A) : f = δf(cid:48)} the set of inhomogeneous coboundaries. We have Hi(G,A) = Zi(G,A)/Bi(G,A). (5.17) As an example, C0(G,A) = Maps({1},A) = A and δ(a) = ga−a, so H0(G,A) = Z0(G,A) = {a ∈ A : ga = a∀g ∈ G} = AG. (5.18) In degree 1, C1(G,A) = Maps(G,A) and (δf)(g ,g ) = g f(g )−f(g g )+f(g ). (5.19) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 In particular, the cocycles are those f for which f(g g ) = f(g )+g f(g ), called crossed homo- 1 2 1 1 2 morphisms.InthecasethatAhasatrivialaction,crossedhomomorphismsarejusthomomorphisms and the principal crossed homomorphisms are all zero, so H1(G,A) = Hom(G,A). For group homology, we still use the standard resolution of Z. The right action of G on P is i taken to be (g ,...,g )g = (g−1g ,...,g−1g ). (5.20) 0 i 0 i Choose coset representatives {x } for G\Gi+1. Now we have j 10

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