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Algebraic combinatorics: lectures of a summer school, Nordfjordeid, Norway, June, 2003 PDF

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Preview Algebraic combinatorics: lectures of a summer school, Nordfjordeid, Norway, June, 2003

Peter Orlik Volkmar Welker Algebraic Combinatorics Lectures at a Summer School in Nordfjordeid, Norway, June 2003 ABC Authors PeterOrlik VolkmarWelker DepartmentofMathematics Philipps-UniversitätMarburg UniversityofWisconsin-Madison FachbereichMathematikundInformatik 480LincolnDrive HansMeerweinStrasse,Lahnberge Madison,Wisconsin53706 35032Marburg,Germany USA E-mail:[email protected] E-mail:[email protected] Editor GunnarFløystad DepartmentofMathematics UniversityofBergen Johs.Brunsgate12 5008Bergen,Norway E-mail:[email protected] MathematicsSubjectClassification(2000):13D02,32S22,52C35;05E99,55N25,55U15 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2006938280 ISBN-10 3-540-68375-5 SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork ISBN-13 978-3-540-68375-9SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9, 1965,initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsare liableforprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. SpringerisapartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia springer.com (cid:1)c Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2007 Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply, evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelaws andregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Typesetting:bytheauthorsandtechbooksusingaSpringerTEXmacropackage Coverdesign:design&productionGmbH,Heidelberg Printedonacid-freepaper SPIN:11931218 46/techbooks 543210 Preface Each year since 1996 the universities of Bergen, Oslo and Trondheim have organized summer schools in Nordfjordeid in various topics in algebra and related fields. Nordfjordeid is the birthplace of Sophus Lie, and is a village on thewesterncoastofNorwaysituatedamongfjordsandmountains,withspec- tacularscenerywhereveryougo.AssuchitisawelcomeplaceforbothNorwe- gian and international participants and lecturers. The theme for the summer school in 2003 was Algebraic Combinatorics. The organizing committee con- sistedofGunnarFløystadandSteinArildStrømme(Bergen),GeirEllingsrud andKristianRanestad(Oslo),andAlexejRudakovandSverreSmalø(Trond- heim). The summer school was partly financed by NorFa-Nordisk Forskerut- danningsakademi. With combinatorics reaching into and playing an important part of ever moreareasinmathematics,inparticularalgebra,algebraiccombinatoricswas a timely theme. The fist lecture series “Hyperplane arrangements” was given by Peter Orlik. He came as a refugee to Norway, eighteen years old, after the insurrection in Hungary in 1956. Despite now having lived more than four decades in the United States, he impressed us by speaking fluent Norwegian without a trace of accent. The second lecture series “Discrete Morse theory and free resolutions” was given by Volkmar Welker. These two topics origi- nate back in the second half of the nineteenth century with simple problems on arrangements of lines in the plane and Hilberts syzygy theorem. Although bothareclassicalthemesaroundwhichmathematicshascenteredsince,there has in recent years been an influx of completely new insights and ideas, and interest in these fields has surged. An attractive feature of both topics is that they relate heavily both to combinatorics, algebra, and topology and, in the case of arrangements, even to analysis, thus giving a rich taste of mathemat- ics. The third lecture series was “Cluster algebras” by Sergei Fomin. This is a recent topic, of this millennium. It has quickly attracted attention due to it giving new insights into classical mathematics as well as giving us fascinat- ing new algebraic structures to study, relating to combinatorics and discrete VI Preface geometry. This lecture series is however published elsewhere and so is not included here. Butwearepleasedtopresentthefirsttwolectureseriesinthisvolume,the topicsofwhicharesonatural,classicalandinexhaustiblethatmathematicians will certainly center around them for years to come. November 2006, Gunnar Fløystad Contents Part I Lectures on Arrangements Introduction................................................. 5 1 Algebraic Combinatorics................................... 13 1.1 Chamber Counting ...................................... 13 1.2 Ranking Patterns........................................ 17 1.3 Random Walks.......................................... 19 1.4 The Orlik-Solomon Algebra............................... 23 1.5 The NBC Complex ...................................... 27 1.6 The Aomoto Complex.................................... 33 1.7 Combinatorial Types..................................... 40 1.8 Formal Connections...................................... 41 1.9 Multiplicities ........................................... 43 1.10 Ideal Invariance ......................................... 47 1.11 Examples............................................... 52 1.12 Exercises ............................................... 58 2 Applications ............................................... 61 2.1 Topology ............................................... 61 2.2 Local System Cohomology................................ 64 2.3 Resonance.............................................. 67 2.4 Moduli Spaces .......................................... 68 2.5 Gauss-Manin Connections ................................ 70 2.6 Exercises ............................................... 76 References..................................................... 77 VIII Contents Part II Discrete Morse Theory and Free Resolutions 1 Introduction............................................... 83 1.1 Overview............................................... 83 1.2 Enumerative and Algebraic Invariants of Simplicial Complexes 85 1.3 Cohen-Macaulay Simplicial Complexes ..................... 92 1.4 Some Open Problems in the Field ......................... 97 2 Basic Definitions and Examples............................107 2.1 Multigraded Free Resolutions .............................107 2.2 Basics of CW-Complexes .................................113 2.3 Basics of Cellular Homology ..............................117 2.4 Cellular Chain Complexes and Cellular Resolutions ..........120 2.5 Co-Artinian Monomial Modules ...........................123 3 Cellular Resolution ........................................125 3.1 When Does a CW-Complex Support a Cellular Resolution ? ..125 3.2 Reading off The Betti Numbers ...........................128 3.3 Examples of Cellular Resolutions ..........................131 4 Discrete Morse Theory ....................................145 4.1 Forman’s Discrete Morse Theory ..........................146 4.2 Discrete Morse Theory for Graded CW-Complexes...........148 4.3 Minimizing Cellular Resolutions using Discrete Morse Theory .158 4.4 The Morse Differential ...................................159 References.....................................................169 Index..........................................................173 Part I Lectures on Arrangements: Combinatorics and Topology Peter Orlik These notes represent the revised and enlarged text of my lectures at Nord- fjordeid,NorwayinJune2003.Mybackgroundmadethisinvitationpoignant. IarrivedinNorwayinDecember1956asashell-shockedanddepressedrefugee of thedefeated Hungarian revolution. Olaf Hauge accepted me into hishome, healedmybodyandspirit,andtaughtmeNorwegian.Hewasinstrumentalin helpingmereunitewithmyparentsandremainedacherishedfriendthrough- outhislife.IenrolledintheTechnicalUniversityinTrondheim,whereIcame undertheguidanceofHaakonWaadelandwhoseencouragementwasessential in my decision to switch from engineering to mathematics. He helped me get into graduate school in the United States and I embarked on a career there. My wife, children, and I spent many summers with my parents in Oslo and once again I had the good fortune of developing a lasting friendship with a colleague. Per Holm’s hospitality made me welcome in his mathematics de- partment at every visit. InHungarymyparentsandIsurvivedaFascistdictatorship,WorldWarII, a Communist dictatorship, and a revolution. We found in Norway not only safety,butalsotheindescribablejoyoffreedomandrespectforhumandignity. Evenaftermyfatherdiedin1997,mymotherpreferredtostayinOslo,where she felt at home. Although her death in 2002 severed my strongest tie to Norway, this beautiful country and its generous people are embedded in my heart forever. These notes are dedicated to the memory of my parents and to the many Norwegians whose help and kindness enriched our lives. Introduction Definition Let V be a vector space of dimension (cid:1)≥1 over the field K. An arrangement A = {H ,...,H } is a set of n ≥ 0 hyperplanes in V. In dimension 1, we 1 n consider n points in the real line R or in the complex line C. We shall see later that these seemingly innocent examples lead to interesting problems. In dimension 2, the Selberg arrangement of five lines is shown below. We shall use this arrangement to illustrate definitions and results in Section 1.11. (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) Fig. 0.1. A Selberg arrangement Arrangements occur in many branches of mathematics. In combinatorics, wemayconsiderrealarrangementsandaskforthenumberoffacesofvarious dimensions in the decomposition of space [54]. In statistics, ranking patterns of the one-dimensional unfolding model may be counted using arrangements [31]. In probability, random walks on arrangements have surprising relations with card shuffling and file management [9]. In topology, the complement of a complex arrangement is a smooth, connected open manifold and we may ask for its topological invariants [38]. The cohomology ring of the comple- ment is a purely combinatorial object, whose algebraic properties have been studiedextensively[53].Multivariablehypergeometricintegralsaredefinedon complements of arrangements, and their classification leads to local system cohomology groups on the complement [1, 2, 30, 39, 46, 51]. These integrals are in turn related to representation theory of Lie algebras and quantum

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