B.L. van der Waerden Algebra Volume II Based in part on lectures by E. Artin and E. Noether Translated by John R. Schulenberger Springer B.L. van der Waerden University of ZOrich (retired) Present address: Wiesliacher 5 (8053) ZOrich, Switzerland Originally published in 1970 by Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., Inc., New York Volume II is translated from the German Algebra II, fifth edition, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 1967. The work was first published with the title Moderne Algebra in 1930-1931. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 00A05 01A75 12-01 13-01 15-01 16-01 ISBN 0-387-40625-5 Printed on acid-free paper. First softcover printing, 2003. © 1991 Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher (Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any fonn of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, even if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights. This reprint has been authorized by Springer-Verlag (BerJin/HeidelberglNew York) for sale in the People's Republic of China only and not for export therefrom. 9 8 7 6 5 432 1 SPIN 10947678 www.springer-ny.com Springer-Verlag New York Berlin Heidelberg A member ofB ertelsmannSpringer Science +B usiness Media GmbH PREFACE TO THE FIFfH EDITION P. Roquette has been kind enough to provide me with a nice proof of the residue theorem for algebraic differentials udz. The-chapter "Algebraic Functions" has thereby been brought to a satisfactory conclusion. In the chapter "Topological Algebra," following Bourbaki, the completion of groups, rings, and fields has been carried out by means of filters without using the second countability axiom. The chapter "Linear Algebra," which is important for many applications, now appears at the beginning of the volume, and topological algebra is treated in the last chapter. The book now consists of three independent groups of three chapters each: Chapters 12-14: Linear Algebra, Algebra, Representation Theory Chapters 15-17: Ideal Theory Chapters 18-20: Fields with Valuations, Algebraic Functions, Topological Algebra This subdivision of the material is now expressed more clearly in the schematic guide on page xv. Zurich, March 1967 B. L. VAN DER WAERDEN FROM THE PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION Two new chapters have been added at the beginning of the second volume: a chapter on algebraic functions of one variable, which goes as far as the Riemann-Roch theorem for arbitrary fields of constants, and a chapter on topological algebra, which is mainlyconcemed with the completion of topological groups, rings, and skew fields. I should like to thank Dr. H. R. Fischer, who read these two chapters in manuscript form, for many useful remarks. The chapter "General Ideal Theory" has been extended to include the impor tant theorems ot Krull on symbolic powers of prime ideals and chains of prime ideals. The relation of the ideal theory of integrally closed rings with valuation theory has been brought out more clearly. A section on antisymmetric bilinear forms has been added to the chapter "Linear Algebra." In the chapter "Algebras," more examples are given, the theory of the radical has been developed, following Jacobson, without a finiteness condition, and the fundamental ideas of Emmy Noether on direct sums and intersections of modules have been more strongly emphasized. It was possible to considerably simplify the proofs of the principal theorems by combining the methods of Jacobson with those of Emmy Noether. By omitting some material I have tried to keep the size of the book within reasonable bounds. Thus, the chapter "Elimination Theory" has been omitted. The theorem on the existence of the resultant system for homogeneous equations, which was formerly proved by means of elimination theory, now appears in Section 121 as a corollary of Hilbert's Nullstellensatz. Zurich, June 1959 B. L. VAN DER W AERDEN GUIDE A survey of the chapters of Volumes 1 and 2 and their logical dependence. 1 Sets 2 Groups 3 Rings 4 Vecton S Polynomials 9 7 Groups Infinite Sets 6 I Fields 8 10 Galois Infinite Theory Fields 11 Real Fields I I 12 18 13 IS Linear Fields with ~ Algebras Ideal Theory Algebra Valuations I I I I -I I I I I 14 17 16 19 20 Representation Integral Polynomial Algebraic Topological Theory Elements Ideals Functions Algebra CONTENTS Chapter 12 LINEAR ALGEBRA 1 12.1 Modules over a Ring 1 12.2 Modules over Euclidean Rings. Elementary Divisors 3 12.3 The Fundamental Theorem of Abelian Groups 6 12.4 Representations and Representation Modules 10 12.5 Normal Forms of a Matrix in a Commutative Field 13 12.6 Elementary Divisors and Characteristic Functions 17 12.7 Quadratic and Hermitian Forms 20 12.8 Antisymmetric Bilinear Forms 28 Chapter 13 ALGEBRAS 32 13.1 Direct Sums and Intersections 33 13.2 Examples of Algebras 36 13.3 Products and Crossed Products 41 13.4 Algebras as Groups with Operators. Modules and Representations 48 13.5 The Large and Small Radicals 51 13.6 The Star Product 54 13.7 Rings with Minimal Condition 56 13.8 Two.-Sided Decompositions and Center Decomposition 60 13.9 Simple and Primitive Rings 63 13.10 The Endomorphism Ring of a Direct Sum 66 13.11 Structure Theorems for Semisimple and Simple Rings 68 13.12 The Behavior of Algebras under Extension of-the Base Field 70 Chapter 14 REPRESENTATION THEORY OF GROUPS AND ALGEBRAS 75 14.1 Statement of the Problem 75 14.2 Representation of Algebras 76 14.3 Representations of the Center 80 ix X CONTENTS 14.4 Traces and Characters 82 14.5 Representations of Finite Groups 84 14.6 Group Characters 88 14.7 The Representations of the Symmetric Groups 93 14.8 Semigroups of Linear Transformations 97 14.9 Double Modules and Products of Algebras 99 14.10 The Splitting Fields of a Simple Algebra 105 14.11 The Brauer Group. Factor Systems 107 Chapter 15 GENERAL IDEAL THEORY OF COMMUTATIVE RINGS 115 15.1 Noetherian Rings 115 15.2 Products and Quotients of Ideals 119 15.3 Prime Ideals and Primary Ideals 122 15.4 The General Decomposition Theorem 126 15.5 The First Uniqueness Theorem 130 15.6 Isolated Components and Symbolic Powers 133 15.7 Theory of Relatively Prime Ideals 135 15.8 Single-Primed Ideals 139 15.9 Quotient Rings 141 15.10 The Intersection of all Powers of an Ideal 143 15.11 The Length of a Primary Ideal. Chains of Primary Ideals in Noetherian Rings 145 Chapter 16 THEORY OF POLYNOMIAL IDEALS 149 16.1 Algebraic Manifolds 149 16.2 The Universal Field 151 16.3 The Zeros of a Prime Ideal 152 16.4 The Dimension 154 16.5 Hilbert's Nullstellensatz. Resultant Systems for Homogeneous Equations 156 16.6 Primary Ideals 159 16.7 Noether's Theorem 161 16.8 Reduction of Multidimensional Ideals to Zero-Dimensional Ideals 164 (7ontents xi Chapter 17 INTEGRAL ALGEBRAIC ELEMENTS 168 17.1 Finite 9t-Modules 169 17.2 Integral Elements over a Ring 170 17.3 The Integral Elements of a Field 173 17.4 Axiomatic Foundation of Classical Ideal Theory 177 17.5 Converse and Extension of Results 180 17.6 Fractional Ideals 182 17.7 Ideal Theory of Arbitrary Integrally Closed Integral Domains 184 ) Chapter 18 FIELDS WITH VALUATIONS 191 18.1 Valuations 191 18.2 Complete Extensions 197 18.3 Valuations of the Field of Rational Numbers 201 18.4 Valuation of Algebraic Extension Fields: Complete Case 204 18.5 Valuation of Algebraic Extension Fields: General Case 210 18.6 Valuations of Algebraic Number Fields 212 18.7 Valuations of a Field d{x) of Rational Functions 217 18.8 The Approximation Theorem 221 Chapter 19 ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS OF ONE VARIABLE 223 19.1 Series Expansions in the Uniformizing Variable 223 19.2 Divisors and Multiples 227 19.3 The Genus g 230 19.4 Vectors and Covectors 233 19.5 Differentials. The Theorem on the Speciality Index 235 19.6 The Riemann-Roch Theorem 239 19.7 Separable Generation of Function Fields 242 19.8 Differentials and Integral~ in the Classical Case 243 19.9 Proof of the Residue Theorem 247