Developments in Applied Phycology 7 Bhaskar Singh Kuldeep Bauddh Faizal Bux Editors Algae and Environmental Sustainability Developments in Applied Phycology 7 Series editor Michael Borowitzka, School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Murdoch University, Murdoch, Western Australia, Australia More information about this series at Bhaskar Singh (cid:129) K uldeep Bauddh (cid:129) Faizal Bux Editors Algae and Environmental Sustainability Editors Bhaskar Singh Kuldeep Bauddh Centre for Environmental Sciences Centre for Environmental Sciences Central University of Jharkhand Central University of Jharkhand Ranchi , Jharkhand , India Ranchi , Jharkhand , India Faizal Bux Institute for Water and Wastewater Technology Durban University of Technology Durban , South Africa Developments in Applied Phycology ISBN 978-81-322-2639-0 ISBN 978-81-322-2641-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2641-3 Library of Congress Control Number: 2015959697 Springer New Delhi Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London © Springer India 2015 T his work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifi cally the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfi lms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. T he use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specifi c statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. Printed on acid-free paper Springer (India) Pvt. Ltd. is part of Springer Science+Business Media ( Dedicated to the memories of my late grandfather Shri Sukhari Garain Bhaskar Singh Dedicated to the memories of my late grandfather Shri Jagannath Prasad Kuldeep Bauddh Foreword The benefi ts of using algae for biofuels are multifaceted and include the following: 1 . N oncompetitive with food crops and land use (as long as ponds are not built on agricultural land). 2. By most, but not all, estimates, prospective/proven oil content from algae biomass is orders of magnitude higher than from other feedstocks like corn, sugar cane, Jatropha, etc. 3. Algae need CO to photosynthesize and can be used to sequester CO from industrial 2 2 sources of fl ue and fl aring gas. Algae-based fuels are thus C-neutral or even C-positive (i.e., more C-capturing than releasing). 4. Algae can be used to remediate high-nutrient water sources such as sewage treatment plants, agricultural runoff, and landfi ll leachate basins. This linkage not only cleans up the water but may also lower the cost for nutrients needed to culture algae. 5. End products can be biofuel along with other higher value products such as feed (protein), cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and health-related products (e.g., omega-3 fatty acids). 6. Different species of algae can be grown in polluted, saline, brackish, and freshwater. 7. Algae can be used as one component of an aquaculture-centered system where fi sh like Tilapia are grown for food in a recirculating and hydroponic system. 8. Algae do not contribute to acid deposition (i.e., no SO emissions). 2 9. Some species of blue-green algae utilize N to produce NO (a process called “biological 2 3 nitrogen fi xation”), thus sequestering atmospheric nitrogen and eliminating or at least less- ening the need for nitrogen fertilizers. This can help reduce the need for nitrogen fertilizers and, more importantly, help confront the expanding “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico. Bhaskar Singh, Kuldeep Bauddh, and Faizal Bux have successfully compiled a group of 14 scientifi c papers to discuss most of these benefi ts. We can dream together that one day (hope- fully soon) we will link algae growing in sewage treatment ponds with carbon dioxide emis- sions from local power plants, cement factories, and oil refi neries so that CO and nutrients are 2 reduced while sustainable energy is competitively produced. Oral Roberts University John Korstad Tulsa , OK , USA July 5, 2015 vii Pref ace A lgae have long been an area of interest due to their usefulness as food (for protein, dietary fi ber, mineral, antioxidants), other valuable products, and, more recently, as a potential feed- stock for biofuels. Because algae grow much faster than terrestrial plants, there is immense potential in harnessing it as a raw material in energy generation. However, there are a few bottlenecks in the commercialization of algal-based biofuels, and thus the present mode of biofuels synthesis is expensive. Growing algae for additional purposes such as treatment of wastewater (phycoremediation) and sequestration of carbon may make the higher cost worth- while. Through phycoremediation, various pollutants including toxic heavy metals can be removed. A lgae and Environmental Sustainability aims to address recent advancements in the role of algae in generation of biofuels and their diverse role in enhancing environmental sustainability. C hapters in the book include discussion on algae as a promising future feedstock for biofu- els, phycoremediation potential of algae, role of algal biofi lms in treatment of wastewater, mathematical modeling in predicting performance, scaling-up for production of algae bio- mass, culturing algae for wastewater treatment, remediation of sewage water, role of anaerobic digestion for production of biogas with a biorefi nery approach, integration of several technolo- gies in a biorefi nery approach that maximizes the benefi ts and makes the overall process of biofuels production economical, utilization of waste products obtained from biomass that reduces the pollution load in the environment, biohydrogen production and its economical assessment and major bottlenecks, techniques involved in the characterization of bio-oil and biodiesel, remediation of dyes from aquatic environments through biosorption using algae, a case study that reports algal bioremediation and decolorization of biomethanated distillery effl uent, application of genetic engineering in the enhancement of algal lipid production and its present scenario and future aspects, phycoremediation of emerging contaminants that fi nd their way in the environment through personal care products, pesticides and endocrine disrup- tors such as hormonally active agents, potential of algae in carbon dioxide, and role of remote sensing in the monitoring of microalgae and life cycle analysis of algal biofuels to assess their environmental, social, and economic perspectives. Ranchi , India Bhaskar Singh Kuldeep Bauddh Durban , South Africa Faizal Bux ix