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Alfred Loisy and the Making of History of Religions: A Study of the Development of Comparative Religion in the Early 20th Century PDF

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Annelies Lannoy Alfred Loisy and the Making of History of Religions Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten Herausgegeben von Jörg Rüpke und Christoph Uehlinger Band 74 Annelies Lannoy Alfred Loisy and the Making of History of Religions A Study of the Development of Comparative Religion in the Early 20th Century ISBN 978-3-11-058377-9 e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-058435-6 e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-058413-4 ISSN 0939-2580 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: 2020935443 Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the Internet at http://dnb.dnb.de. © 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston Printing and binding: CPI books GmbH, Leck www.degruyter.com [E]n 1893,j’ai été chassé de l’Institut catholique pour avoir dit que lavérité des Écritures était relative.J’ai été, sans le savoir, l’Einstein de l’histoire des religions. Il faut que je continue. Letter of Alfred Loisy to Franz Cumont, January 17,1922. Acknowledgments It is with pleasure that I here express myappreciation tothose persons and in- stitutionsthathavebeencrucialtotheresearchforandwritingofthisbook.This bookisthesynthesisoftheresearchIcarriedoutatGhentUniversityduringmy first and partof mysecond postdoctoral fellowship.To a lesserextent, itdraws onresearchIconductedaspartofmyPhDthesis.MythanksgototheResearch Foundation—Flanders for generously funding these postdoctoral fellowships and the doctoral research project G.0126.08. I could not have written this book without the support and continued encouragement of Danny Praet, who has been a generous mentor for over 10yearsnow,andwhofirstbroachedtheideaforthisstudy.Ithankhimforhav- ing introduced me to the work—and humor—of Alfred Loisy,while making per- sonaleffortstokeepmefarawayfromLoisy’swayoflife.Iamprofoundlygrate- fulforhismanyinsightfulcommentsandinvaluableguidanceduringallstages ofwriting.Overthepastyears,hiscriticalhistoricalthinkinghasbeenasource ofinspirationandmodelformyownresearchandteaching.Inaddition,special thanksareduetoC.J.T.Talar,whohasalsoreadtheentiremanuscriptinvarious forms, provided many critical suggestions, and corrected grammatical errors. I am appreciative of the support he has been providing me since my early yearsasaPhDstudent,andIwishtothankhimforhavinggivenmetheoppor- tunitytopresentmyresearchduringthesessionsoftheAlfredLoisyUnitatthe annual meetings of the American Academyof Religion in San Francisco (2011), Baltimore (2013), Boston (2017), and San Diego (2019). I am also profoundly grateful to Corinne Bonnet, who has been a relentless source of motivation since I first met her in 2008, and who has offered invaluable professional and personal support. Her work, and the many stimulating conversations we had about our distant predecessors have been instrumental in helping to shape the ideas presented in this book. Thanks to her, I was able to spend an inspiring timeattheUniversityofToulouse—JeanJaurèsinMarch–April2018.Iamthank- fulforthewarmwelcomesheofferedme,andfortheenthusiasticinterestofher colleagues from the LabEx Structuration des Mondes Sociaux. I discussed versions of what have become chapters at several conferences and meetings with colleagues. I especially wish to thank the President of the Société Internationale d’Études sur Alfred Loisy, Frédéric Amsler,the Honorary President of the Société Pierre-Eugène Leroy, and members Jean-Michel Roessli and Francesca Prescendi, for their interest in my research. I extend my thanks to my American colleagues, Jeffrey Morrow, David Schultenover, and William Portier, for their comments during the aforementioned AAR meetings. Others https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110584356-002 VIII Acknowledgments who deserve special mention for their interest and support over the past years are Christoph Auffarth, Suzanne Marchand, André Motte, Jan Nelis, Jörg Rüpke, Sigrid Sterckx, and JanVerplaetse. Iwouldliketothanktheserieseditors JörgRüpkeandChristophUehlinger oftheRGVVforgivingmethechancetocontributetotheseriesandforbelieving in this project. I also wish to thank the editorial staff at De Gruyter, especially Aaron Sanborn-Overby, for the kind support,patience, and helpful advice. This book draws substantially upon research I conducted at multiple ar- chivesandlibraries.MythanksgotothestaffoftheGhentUniversityLibraries, theManuscriptDepartmentoftheBibliothèquenationaledeFranceinParis,the archives of the Gaasbeek Castle,the Bibliothèque d’histoire des religions of the Sorbonne,theVictorCousinLibraryoftheSorbonne,theMéjanesLibraryinAix- en-Provence, and the libraryof the Academica Belgica in Rome. I owe much to mycolleagues from the Philosophy Department and the De- partment of Greek Literature at Ghent University, who offered moral support, friendship,andagreatdealoffun.Turningtomyfamilyandfriends,Iamdeeply indebted to my mother, my brother, my parents-in-law, and Lieven, Manu, and Aagje,who offered all kinds of help. Lastly, and most importantly, I thank my husband Bavo,who has read and commented extensively on the entire manu- script, and whose love, intelligence, creativity, and great faith in my abilities have kept me going. Idedicatethisbooktomyparents,Marie-RoseandPaul,withgratitudeandad- miration. Note to Reader Thisbookmakesextensiveuseofunpublishedmanuscriptsandcorrespondence(seethebib- liographyattheendofthisbookforallreferences).Thetranscriptionsofthequotedextracts strictlyfollowtheoriginalspelling,punctuation,andwordandlinespacingofthemanuscripts. When original French, German or Italian publications by Loisy and his contemporaries were availableinEnglishtranslations,IreferredtoandquotedtheseEnglishsources.Ifnot,Iquoted thetextsintheiroriginallanguageandparaphrasedthecontentinEnglish;forsomeparticular- lydensepassagesfromLoisy’sworkIincludedapersonaltranslationinanaccompanyingfoot- note(indicatedas:mytranslation). Thefollowingabbreviationsarefrequentlyusedthroughoutthisbook: CF CollègedeFrance CRAI Comptesrendusdesséancesdel’AcadémiedesInscriptionsetBelles-Lettres EE Loisy,Alfred.L’Évangileetl’Église.Paris:AlphonsePicard,1902 EPHE ÉcolePratiquedesHautesÉtudes Essai Loisy,Alfred.Essaihistoriquesurlesacrifice.Paris:ÉmileNourry,1920 MEFRIM Mélangesdel’ÉcolefrançaisedeRome—ItalieetMéditerranée MPMC Loisy, Alfred. Les Mystères païens et le mystère chrétien. Paris: Émile Nourry, 1919 RHLR Revued’histoireetdelittératurereligieuses RHR Revuedel’histoiredesreligions https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110584356-003

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