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Alfred Hitchcock's 'The 39 Steps' PDF PDF

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Educator Resources mas o h mark t n by o April 27 – May 16, 2010 ati Ahmanson Theatre illustr Welcome Center Theatre Group is excited to have you and your students join us at Alfred Hitchcock’s The 39 Steps. Educator Resources Alfred Hitchcock’s A great play raises questions about the human condition and a great The 39 Steps educational experience allows students an opportunity to reflect upon those questions and begin to discover their own answers. To that end the material in Educational Center Theatre Group’s Student Discovery Guide and Educator Resources raise Materials Team: questions: questions about the appeal of novelist John Buchan’s The Thirty- Nine Steps and why it has inspired countless adaptations, questions about spy Writer fiction and what draws us to those type of stories, questions about what makes Megan Mathews a hero, questions about theatre and physical transformation. Our goal is to Associate Director provide you with a variety of entry points into Alfred Hitchcock’s The 39 Steps so of Education that you can choose what best suits you and your students. Debra Piver The Educator Resources and Student Discovery Guide are companion pieces, Teaching Artists in designed to help you prepare your students to see the play and to follow-up Residence the performance with options for discussion, reflection and creativity. Lynn Clark Leslie Ishii Marcos Najera We have organized the Educator Resources into the following sections: Omar Ricks Student Discovery Guide Proofreader Douglas Woods The Student Discovery Guide provides students with background information about the play and the subject matter, as well as questions Graphic for individual reflection. Designer Irene Kaneshiro Written to be student-driven, the Discovery Guide helps prepare your students for the performance. About This Play This section includes a scene-by-scene synopsis of the play to provide you with detailed information about the content and form of the play. Comprehension This section includes background information about the setting and subject matter of the play. We have selected the information that most directly connects to or informs what happens in the play. For Alfred Hitchcock’s The 39 Steps, this includes the time and place (Europe in 1935), the genre of spy fiction, 601 West Temple Street adaptation from book, to film to stage and the tradition of physical theatre. Los Angeles, CA 90012 Alfred Hitchcocks’s The 39 Steps 1 This section furthers and deepens the background information provided in the Student Discovery Guide. This section can be shared before the play and/ or discussed after the performance. It can also be used to provide research topics for your classroom. Connection This section provides ways to explore connections between the ideas presented in the play, the students’ lives and the world we live in. Structured thematically, each section contains questions and exercises that may be used for reflection, discussion, and/or writing prompts both before and after the performance. Creativity This section provides opportunities for your students to use theatre to explore and express. Theatre activities are included that examine both specific artistic aspects of the production, as well as delve deeper into the ideas and questions raised by Alfred Hitchcock’s The 39 Steps. The activities and information in this section can be used both before and after the performance. We know the hard work and dedication that it takes to bring students to see theatre. These materials are designed to support you in making the most of that experience. We applaud your passion for sharing theatre with your students and thank you for sharing your students with all of us at Center Theatre Group. We look forward to seeing you at Alfred Hitchcock’s The 39 Steps! CENTER ThEATRE GROuP Educator Resources 2 About Alfred hitchcock’s The 39 Steps Scene by Scene Synopsis Table of Contents Richard hannay is bored with his life. he’s been in London for three months WELCOME ................. 1 and can’t find anything interesting to do. Looking for a distraction and perhaps some excitement, he heads to the West End to catch a show. There, he meets ABOuT a beautiful, mysterious stranger, Annabella Schmidt. In the middle of a THE 39 STEPS ............ 3 performance by the amazing Mr. Memory, gunshots ring out and the crowd COMPREhENSION ... 7 scatters. In the chaos Annabella convinces hannay to take her home with him. CONNECTIONS ...... 18 In his apartment, Annabella acts very strangely – she demands he shut the blinds, turn off the lights, and ignore the ringing telephone. The reason for CREATIvITy .............. 24 her odd behavior: she is a spy hiding from gunmen who want her dead. She’s SOuRCES ..................40 discovered the plot of dangerous secret agent who intends to steal valuable military secrets, smuggle them out of the country, and hand them over to a CREDITS .................... 41 foreign enemy. If the agent is successful, it could mean global chaos. And Annabella is the only one who can stop him. Annabella cryptically mentions “The 39 Steps” and warns hannay that the super spy has the ability to disguise himself a hundred different ways. But he has a weakness, something he can’t disguise – he is missing the top joint of his little finger. After a good night’s rest, Annabella plans to head for her next contact, an Englishman living in a big house called “Alt Na Shellach,” deep in the Scottish highlands. hannay graciously gives her his bed and settles into his armchair for the night. his rest is disrupted when Annabella staggers into the living room with a knife in her back. She collapses in hannay’s lap clutching a map of Scotland, and he realizes he’s got big problems: not only will he be accused of Annabella’s murder, with her dead there is no one left to stop the super spy and his deadly plot. hannay’s choice is clear: he must pick up where Annabella left off, clear his name, and catch the villain before it’s too late. With gunmen outside his door, hannay manages to sneak away disguised as the milkman. By the time his housekeeper discovers Annabella’s body, hannay is already on a train headed for Edinburgh, Scotland. But he’s not out of danger. When the train makes a stop, a fellow passenger buys a newspaper with a story about the murder. It says that hannay’s gone missing and gives a detailed (and extremely flattering) description of his appearance. As the train continues north toward the Scottish highlands, police board to search for him. hannay 601 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 Alfred Hitchcocks’s The 39 Steps 3 ducks into the car of the beautiful Pamela, and tries the meaning of the Thirty-Nine Steps and foil the to evade the police by pretending to be her traveling plot before it’s too late. As Professor Jordan assures companion. She won’t play along, though, and turns hannay he’s come to the right place, he holds up him in. hannay makes a daring escape by jumping his hand – a hand missing a little finger. hannay has from the train. The police give chase, but lose hannay walked right into the villain’s lair! when he plunges from a bridge and disappears into the foggy Scottish moors. With a revolver in hand, the Professor explains hannay’s options. Because hannay knows too much, Pretending to be an itinerant laborer, hannay seeks the Professor has no choice but to kill him; unless refuge for the night with a farmer and his young wife, of course, hannay would consider joining him. The Margaret. The farmer is highly suspicious of hannay, Professor sees in hannay all the qualities he’s looking but Margaret is immediately drawn to him. While the for in co-conspirators – intelligence and ruthlessness. farmer is out tending his cows, hannay and Margaret And the Professor senses correctly that hannay’s been share an intimate moment talking about her dreams bored with life, that he is all alone in the world, with no of visiting a big city, something her extremely strict one to go home to. That may have been how hannay and religious husband disapproves of. Over dinner, felt before being pulled into this caper, but through Margaret notices the article in the newspaper about it he’s discovered qualities in himself that he values hannay, realizes who he is, but does not reveal his deeply: loyalty, selflessness, sacrifice, and even love. secret to her husband. When the police show up in the With his fake English accent giving way to a German middle of the night, she wakes hannay and sends him accent, Professor Jordan urges hannay to join the other off into the dark moors wearing her husband’s black side. hannay plays along, biding his time and trying Sunday coat as camouflage. to get as much information about the plot as possible. Professor Jordan begins to explain the 39 Steps, then All night and into the next morning, the police chase realizes what hannay is doing. Furious, he shoots hannay through the moors. Over hills and through hannay in the chest, leaves him to die, and rejoins valleys, they pursue him on foot and from the air Mrs. Jordan and the party. in a single engine biplane. But hannay pushes on, and eventually finds himself at the gate of Professor At the same time, the farmer realizes his best Sunday Jordan’s estate, Alt Na Shellach. Relieved, he rings the coat is missing, and with it, his hymn book. he bell and is greeted by Mrs. Jordan, the professor’s wife. becomes enraged when Margaret tells him what she Mrs. Jordan graciously invites him to join a party – they did with it, and threatens to hit her, but she stands her are celebrating their daughter’s birthday with a number ground and faces him proudly. of well to-do members of the community, including the county sheriff. When hannay meets Professor Meanwhile, hannay has made his way to the county Jordan, he reveals everything about Annabella’s sheriff’s office, thanks to the hymn book in his chest discovery of the evil plot and her subsequent murder, pocket which blocked the Professor’s bullet. hannay the villainous foreign agent without a little finger, and reveals everything to the sheriff and thinks he’s finally he tells the Professor they must act quickly to discover found an ally, only to discover the sheriff works for the CENTER ThEATRE GROuP Educator Resources 4 Professor. In another daring escape, hannay smashes while handcuffed together, they bicker about her wet through a window and dashes into the streets with the clothing and their sleeping arrangements. Without police right behind him. A passing parade provides any other option, they lie down awkwardly next to each cover as hannay slips into a local assembly hall looking other on the bed. for help. Instead, the gathering mistakes him for the guest speaker they’ve been waiting for. So as not to When hannay falls asleep, Pamela manages to squeeze give himself away, hannay delivers a rousing speech out of the handcuffs. Once free, she digs in his pocket that is well received by the crowd, despite the fact for his “gun” and discovers the pipe. Enraged, she slips that he hasn’t any idea what their cause is. From the out the door. Once out of the room, she overhears the podium, he notices the beautiful Pamela from the heavies in the lobby on the phone with Mrs. Jordan. train, who is with two thugs that she thinks are police They reveal the whole plot: that the Professor has what inspectors. hannay tries to make a break for it, but this he wanted, is warning the 39 Steps, and is picking time he can’t get away. someone up at the London Palladium and heading out of the country that night. Pamela then realizes hannay As the “inspectors” drag him to their car, hannay tells has been innocent all along! After the thugs get off Pamela about the secret plot to steal military secrets the phone, they question the innkeeper about any and begs her to contact Scotland yard immediately. recent guests, but the innkeeper’s wife chases them Pamela tries to ignore him, but the thugs grab her, too, off without giving hannay and Pamela away. Relieved, telling her she needs to come with them to identify Pamela sneaks back into the room, gazes at hannay the prisoner, and handcuffing her to hannay. As they fondly, and curls up to sleep on the floor by the bed. drive into the night, she notices they are going the wrong direction. As hannay tries to convince her that When they wake the next morning, Pamela explains their captors are not actually police inspectors, the what she overheard and apologizes for not believing car is blocked by a flock of sheep. hannay sees his him. Afraid they’ve lost valuable time, hannay is chance and jumps out of the car, dragging Pamela furious that she didn’t wake him sooner. Whatever along. When she refuses to move, he pretends his pipe closeness they developed is shattered when they part is a gun and threatens to shoot her, and they run off ways screaming at each other. hannay storms out of into the moors. With both the actual police and the the hotel room, finds a car, and races back to London, thugs giving chase, hannay and Pamela brave every fearing he may be too late to clear his name, expose conceivable hurdle of the Scottish countryside – cliffs, the spies, and insure the country’s safety. valleys, bogs, waterfalls, streams, thorn bushes, and thunderstorms. having made her way home alone, Pamela finds a callbox and telephones her uncle Bob, the Chief With rain pouring down, they spot an isolated hotel Commissioner of Scotland yard and tells him that and check in, pretending to be a young couple on the Richard hannay is on his way to the London Palladium. run. The kindly innkeeper and his wife assure them their secret is safe and leave them alone in their room. Inside the London Palladium a crowd has gathered As hannay and Pamela do their best to get comfortable for a show. Because the place is crawling with police, Alfred Hitchcocks’s The 39 Steps 5 hannay tries to stay out of sight in a balcony box, Outside the Palladium, hannay is finally a free man. but Pamela discovers him, and tells him she’s been And with Pamela’s help, he’s saved the country. The to Scotland yard and they insist that no top secret adventure is over; hannay and Pamela reluctantly information has been stolen from the Military Office part ways. or anywhere else. Confused, hannay searches the crowd and sees the Professor in another balcony box. Back in his apartment, everything is just as it was when If nothing’s been stolen, what is the Professor leaving we began. hannay is alone, contemplating his life. the country with? And why would he come to a show When Pamela enters carrying a bottle of champagne instead of getting away as soon as possible? and we hear a baby in the background, it’s clear that things are not at all as they were in the beginning. The performance begins – it is Mr. Memory again, and Before his adventure, hannay was bored, lonely, and his amazing ability to memorize and recite facts on dissatisfied. he longed for meaning and excitement. any and every subject. As Mr. Memory prepares to he certainly got more than he wished for – a murder take questions from the audience, hannay solves the rap and an international espionage caper that brought mystery. Mr. Memory is who the professor has come him face to face with master spies and killers. In the to take out of the country – there is nothing missing end, he cleared his name, foiled the enemy, and found from the Military Office because Mr. Memory has true love. What could be less boring than that? memorized it! Just then, the police discover hannay in the audience. As they drag him out, he shouts, “What are the 39 Steps?” Mr. Memory freezes, then, as if in a trance, begins to answer, “The 39 Steps is an organization of spies working for…” Before he can answer, Professor Jordan shoots Mr. Memory in the heart. Mr. Memory collapses and the police rush to the Professor as he points the gun at hannay, then at Pamela. But before he can shoot either of them, a shot rings out from between the curtains, killing the Professor. Mr. Memory lies dying backstage. Before he drifts off, hannay asks him about the secret he was taking out of the country. Mr. Memory is relieved to get it out of his head – it is the plans for a new engine that is completely silent. After telling the secret, Mr. Memory dies, and hannay realizes the full extent of the plot he has just foiled: in the hands of an enemy military, the plans for a silent engine would be devastating. CENTER ThEATRE GROuP Educator Resources 6 Timeline of The Thirty-Nine Steps two Buchan novels: “The Thirty-Nine Steps” and “Mr. Steadfast” (1) and its Numerous Adaptations and References 1978 “The Thirty-Nine Steps,” film adaptation directed by Don Sharp (3) 1915 “The Thirty-Nine Steps,” novel by John Buchan 1983 “The Thirty-Nine Steps,” Chivers Audio Books, unabridged reading by Robert Powell (14) 1935 “The 39 Steps,” film adaptation by Alfred hitchcock 1986 “39 Steps,” punk band featured in Woody Allen’s “hannah and her Sisters” (3) 1937 “The 39 Steps,” radio play adaptation of Alfred hitchcock’s film produced by Lux Radio Theater 1989 “The 39 Steps,” radio adaptation by BBC 4, with with Robert Montgomery and Ida Lupino (2) David Rintoul (13) 1938 “The 39 Steps,” The Mercury Theater on the Air 1989 “The 39 Stairs,” Sesame Street’s Monster Piece radio play starring Orson Wells (9) Theater Episode #2571, Grover climes 39 steps to see what’s at the top (5) 1947 “The 39 Steps,” radio play adaptation by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s Stage 1990 “The Thirty-Nine Steps,” audio book by BBC Series, vol. 8, with Budd Knapp (10) Radio Collection, with David Rintoul (7) 1948 “The 39 Steps,” radio play adaptation of Alfred 1994 “The Thirty-Nine Steps,” Orbis Publishing audio hitchcock’s film by Studio One, with Glenn Ford book, abridged reading by James Fox (8) and Mercedes McCambridge (11) 1996 “The 39 Steps,” two-man stage play based on 1952 “The Thirty-Nine Steps,” CBS radio play, episode John Buchan’s novel by Simon Corble & Nobby #462 of the Suspense series, with herbert Dimon of Midsommer’s Actors’ Company, Marshall (12) produced by North County Theater to tour village halls and theaters in northern England 1959 “The 39 Steps,” color film remake of Alfred and Scotland (6) hitchcock’s film, directed by Ralph Thomas, with Kenneth More and Tiana Elg (3) 2000 “The Thirty-Nine Steps,” Penguin Audio books abridged reading by Jack Davenport (15) 1960 “The 39 Steps,” BBC Radio adaptation in 6 episodes, with James McKechnie, Norman 2001 “The Thirty-Nine Steps,” BBC Radio 4 Play two- Claridge, Eric Anderson (1) part adaptation with David Robb, Tom Baker, William hope, and Struan Rodger, Director: 1972 “The Adventures of Richard hannay,” radio Bruce young (1) play adapted by Winifred Carey for the BBC from Alfred Hitchcocks’s The 39 Steps 7 2006 “Alfred hitchcock’s The 39 Steps,” theatrical References: adaptation of hitchcock’s film by Patrick Barlow, directed by Maria Aitken, originally titled 1. http://web.ukonline.co.uk/suttonelms/john-buchan. “John Buchan’s The 39 Steps” (3) html 2. http://www.audio-classics.com/lluxradio.html, 2008 “The 39 Steps,” BBC television feature-length http://www.otr.net/?p=luxr adaptation of Buchan’s novel, directed by James 3. Wikipedia hawes, with Rupert Penry-Jones (3) 4. http://wetellstories.co.uk/stories/week1/ 5. http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Episode_2571 2010 “The 21 Steps,” digital interactive fiction by 6. Simon Corble: This is the Man, The 39 Steps, http:// Charles Cumming based on Buchan’s novel www.corble.co.uk/page_1212501185000.html but set in current times, tells the story using 7. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Thirty-nine-Steps-Starring- place marks on Google Maps, part of Penguin’s Rintoul-Collection/dp/0563535814 “We Tell Stories” series, wetellstories.co.uk/ 8. http://www.hitchcockwiki.com/forums/viewtopic. stories/week1/(4) php?f=1&t=469 9. The Mercury Theatre on the Air, www.mercurytheatre. info/ 10. Scenario Productions, The 39 Steps (John Buchan): vintage Radio Plays on CD (CBC), www. scenarioproductions.com/cbc/STAGE_SERIES/8.htm 11. Alfred hitchcock Wiki, Radio: The 39 Steps (Studio One, 23/March/1948), www.hotchcockwiki.com/wiki/ Radio:_The_39_Steps_(Studio_One,_23/March/1948) 12. Old Time Radio, www.old-time.com/otrlogs2/sus. log.txt 13. Kick Ass Torrents, www.kickasstorrents.com/john- buchan-th-39-steps-part-bbc-drama-t1118588.ktml 14. www.amazon.com/Thirty-Nine-Steps-John-Buchan/ dp/0745158129 15. www.amazon.com/Thirty-Nine-Steps-John-Buchan/ dp/014180176X CENTER ThEATRE GROuP Educator Resources 8 Biography – Alfred hitchcock, the courage to clear his name and heroically save the day. This would have naturally drawn him to director of the film The 39 Steps John Buchan’s novel “The Thirty-Nine Steps” and the tribulations of its hero Richard hannay. While It’s nearly impossible to imagine what modern hitchock’s 1935 adaptation makes numerous changes cinema would be without Alfred hitchcock, whose to Buchan’s plot, the heart of the story remains the directing career spanned nearly fifty years. his films, same: hannay did not do what the police think he did, and their iconic scenes, are recognizable even to and in order to prove his innocence he must risk his people who have never seen them – the screeching life to expose a ring of villainous spies. violins as a woman is stabbed to death in the shower; the background swirling around a man as he has a Some of hitchcock’s other masterpieces are “Strangers paralyzing panic attack; a man in his pajamas confined on a Train,” “Dial M for Murder,” “Rear Window,” to a wheel chair with a broken leg, using a telephoto “vertigo,” “North by Northwest,” “Psycho,” and “The camera to spy on his neighbors; a flock of crazed birds Birds.” When he died in 1980, he had directed attacking a woman’s head and face as she screams over seventy films and television shows,(2) earned and runs for cover; a suited man running across the five Oscar nominations for Best Director, one for ridge of Mount Rushmore pursued by a biplane; a Outstanding Motion Picture, and won both the Irving woman fighting off her assassin and killing him with G. Thalberg Memorial Award for lifetime achievement a large pair of scissors. hitchcock’s imagination in 1967 and the AFI Life Achievement Award in 1979. and craftsmanship set the bar for the suspense and (1) Britain’s The Daily Telegraph noted, “hitchcock did psychological thriller genre. more than any director to shape modern cinema, which would be utterly different without him. his flair was for Born in England, he began his film career in 1919 narrative, cruelly withholding crucial information (from illustrating title cards for silent movies and drawing his characters and us) and engaging the emotions of sets for Paramount’s Famous Players-Lasky Studio in the audience like no one else.”(5) Few directors, past London. (3)(4) he worked his way up the ranks from or present, have been as prolific or are as respected. the scripts department, through editing, art direction, and finally became an assistant director in 1922. (3) Hitchcock Words of Wisdom “The Pleasure Garden,” his directorial debut, was “I am a typed director. If I made Cinderella, the completed in 1925 and met with great success. (3) he audience would immediately be looking for a body in went on to make several more films in Britain, moved the coach.” (4) to the united States in 1940(4), and officially became “To make a great film you need three things – the script, an American citizen in 1956 but opted to also retain his the script, and the script.” (4) British citizenship.(1) “Fear isn’t so difficult to understand. After all, weren’t we all frightened as children? Nothing has changed In the uS, his prolific career continued at breakneck since Little Red Riding hood faced the big bad wolf. speed. he often explored the theme of the innocent What frightens us today is exactly the same sort of everyman, falsely accused of a crime, who must find Alfred Hitchcocks’s The 39 Steps 9

questions: questions about the appeal of novelist John Buchan's The Thirty-. Nine Steps .. 1952 “The Thirty-Nine Steps,” CBS radio play, episode.
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