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Preview Alexis Tam announces import of foreign medics P4 POlicy aDDREss

pope lands in 18 macau local bangladesh restaurants awarded artists Pope Francis arrived The new selection for showcase yesterday in Bangladesh the Michelin Guide Hong works in for the second leg of his Kong and Macau 2018 was japan six-day trip to Asia unveiled yesterday P2 P12 P18 FRI.01 Dec 2017 T. 16º/ 22º C H. 55/ 85% facebook.com/mdtimes + 11,000 9 3 MoP 7.50 9 2 N.º hKd 9.50 Founder & Publisher Kowie Geldenhuys editor-in-ChieF Paulo Coutinho www.macaudailytimes.com.mo “ THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’ ” ad Sulu Sou calling supporters for Sunday WORLD BRIEFS rally o ot h p p a P3 MDT REPORT IndonesIa The compelling impulse to see an aggressive and majestic show of nature, and to record an uncontrollable force, is motivating some visitors to the tropical island of Bali to stick around for a while rather than just head for the nearest airport, as instructed by the government. MyanMar-Bangladesh Bangladesh President Abdul Hamid has accused Myanmar’s military of committing “ruthless atrocities” against Rohingya Muslims, as the now- international issue shows no signs of abating. australIa An Australian lawmaker resigned from his leadership roles in the opposition party yesterday over scandals involving a wealthy Chinese businessman and political donor that have raised Alexis Tam accusations of China buying influence. More on p11 yeMen Security officials announces import of say clashes between rival factions in the rebel-held capital, Sanaa, have killed about 10 fighters from both foreign medics sides. P4 POlicy aDDREss More on page 18 iNsiDE 01.12.2017 fri MACAU th Anniversary 2 澳聞 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo Local artists showcase works in Western style, while the latter focuses on studying neo-orien- talism to draw acrylic paintin- gs by using and experimenting Japan to build cultural bridge wtih different new media. Season Lao, the Macau artist living in Japan whose initiative created the exhibition, created snow sceneries of Hokkaido, Julie Zhu through which he captured the beauty of pure white. Five Macau artists, Cai Guo Wong Ka Long combines Jie, Eric Fok, Leong Chi cultural and military aspec- Hou, Season Lao and Wong Ka ts to create a series of helmet Long, were a part of a group drawings in blue and white co- exhibition called “Macau Con- lors. temporary - New generation ar- When explaining the exhibi- tists” which took place in Tokyo tion to the Times, Wong indi- from November 13 until No- cated that the artists brought vember 19. The exhibition ai- a storyline created by their va- med to bring Macau’s art works rious artworks to depict Ma- to the Japanese community for cau’s history from the age of them to understand more about discoveries until the age of Ma- the region. cau’s gaming liberalization. The artists aimed at introdu- The artists also posed a ques- cing some popular artworks tion regarding Macau’s future from Macau to Japanese peo- and how it will be marked by a ple, thus allowing them to be- dominating gaming industry. come acquainted with Macau Wong noted that he, perso- from different perspectives, nally, does not prioritize choo- through the artists’ unique wor- sing places where he wants to ldviews and self-identification. take his art, but he focuses on The exhibition was organized explaining his artwork to his by the Macau Visual Art Stu- audiences. dents Zone and sponsored by When addressing the story of regarding exhibitions but also describe the exhibition from an “I mainly focus on whether I the Macau Cultural Affairs Bu- their journey to Japan, Wong regarding foreign culture.” artistic perspective.” depict what I want to say clear- reau. gave the credit for the initiative When asked whether the Ja- Each participating artist has ly. If I cannot pass forward this Interviewed by the Times, to artist Season Lao, who was panese community embraced their own educational and cul- idea, and then I go publishing one of the participating artists, born in Macau and is now ba- their Macau art, Wong said that tural background, which makes my work, then it will create a Wong Ka Long, said that the sed in Hokkaido, Japan. “it was very interesting.” the works a unique style of bad impression of Macau,” said exhibition was organized to as- According to Wong, two years “The local friends who have in- Western and Eastern cultures. Wong. sist in the “gathering of people ago, Season Lao first had the terest in Macau, and especially Cai Guo Jie’s watercolors em- Looking into the future, Wong of the same age who are relati- idea of introducing Macau art those who have visited Macau, phasize his free-style brushs- said that the he hopes these vely proactive exhibiting their and artists to Japan. would pay a special visit to our troke, full-blown and full of young artists will show the abi- art in Japan, as well as to let “As we all know, in Japan, the- exhibition. There, they would vivid colors. However comple- lity to have a role in the history Japan learn about Macau’s con- re are not too many references talk to us about the exhibition te diversity can be seen amid of Macau’s art. “We hope that temporary art.” about Macau. Even if they exist, and about their experience in the styles of young artists Eric these enthusiastic and active “These artists have their own they are only tourism referen- Macau,” said Wong, adding Fok and Leong Chi Hou; the Macau artists can truly use the stances explaining Macau’s ces,” explained Wong. “Japan “Japanese friends from the cul- former’s work consists of nau- experience of the age of disco- cultural aspects,” said Wong. […] has its firm stance, not only tural sector in Japan would also tical maps drawn in an ancient veries,” he said. eSPoRTS Macau team achieves record quarter-final position AM acau esports as- competition. – before another loss to from almost 50 countries sociation posted a The Macau team – whi- South Korea. and territories, the IeSF strong result at the 9th ch was up against Costa “This is the second time is one of the few esports International eSports Rica, Tunisia and Israel that we have brought events to cater specifically Federation (IeSF) Wor- in Group A – finished se- Macau to compete in the to national competitors. ld Championship last cond in its group, losing World Championship and The championship was month, qualifying from only to Israel before ad- the team’s performance held in Busan, South Ko- the group stages in two vancing into the knockout was excellent,” said Grow rea with 35 participating categories, and reaching rounds, where it was de- uP eSports president, members. The next edi- the quarter-finals in the feated by esports cham- Fernando Pereira. tion – which will mark the League of Legends com- pion South Korea. “We were able to con- competition’s 10th anni- petition. Macau also clinched se- quer a place among the versary - will be hosted in Facing off national cond place in the Tekken7 top eight in LoL [League Kaohsiung, Taiwan. teams from around the competition. The top spot of Legends] and top 16 in Grow uP eSports is a non- world, Macau represen- in the group went to Israel Tekken7, which is a really profit association which association in Portugal, The Macau team counts tatives Grow uP eSports again, but Macau beat all good position considering aims to promote the de- which was founded over the Macau Government reached an all-time high other group competitors 35 countries participated velopment of the esports a decade ago and is now Tourism Office among its quarter-final position in – namely Namibia, Sou- in the championship.” sector in Macau. It is an one of Europe’s largest sponsors for this year’s the League of Legends th Africa and Azerbaijan Bringing together teams expansion of its parent and oldest such groups. event. DB www.macaudailytimes.com.mo edItor-In-ChIef (dIreCtor)_Paulo Coutinho [email protected] a MaCau tIMes PuBlICatIons ltd PuBlICatIon ManagIng edItor_Paulo Barbosa [email protected] + 4 Million page views ContrIButIng edItors_Eric Sautedé, Leanda Lee, Severo Portela adMInIstrator and ChIef exeCutIve offICer Kowie Geldenhuys [email protected] PER MONTH newsrooM and ContrIButors_Albano Martins, Annabel Jackson, Daniel Beitler, Emilie Tran, Grace Yu, seCretary Juliana Cheang [email protected] Ivo Carneiro de Sousa, Jacky I.F. Cheong, Jenny Lao-Phillips, João Palla Martins, Joseph Cheung, Julie Zhu, address Av. da Praia Grande, 599, Edif. Comercial Rodrigues, 12 Floor C, Juliet Risdon, Lynzy Valles, Renato Marques, Richard Whitfield, Rodrigo de Matos (cartoonist), Viviana Seguí MACAU SAR telephones: +853 287 160 81/2 Fax: +853 287 160 84 Thank You! desIgners_Eva Bucho, Miguel Bandeira | assoCIate ContrIButors_JML Property, MdME Lawyers, PokerStars, advertisement [email protected] Ruan Du Toit Bester | news agenCIes_ Associated Press, Bloomberg, Financial Times, MacauHub, MacauNews, for subscription and general issues: +12,000 like us on facebook.com/mdtimes Xinhua | seCretary_Yang Dongxiao [email protected] [email protected] | Printed at Welfare Printing Ltd send newsworthy information and press releases to: [email protected] website: www.macaudailytimes.com.mo fri 01.12.2017 th Anniversary MACAU macau’s leading newspaper 澳聞 3 Sulu Sou calls supporters to attend Sunday’s ANM meeting Sulu Sou was yesterday han- When the ding out leafle- ts in the Senado young Kart Grand Prix Square area calling for the public to attend the people to be held from meeting organized by the New Macau Associa- bravely resist December 7 to 10 tion, which will be held injustice […], on Sunday evening. Sou is facing suspen- what is the sion from his lawmaker The 2017 Macau nine groups, including position after a case da- government International Kart the Macau Cup KZ In- ting back to a 2016 de- Grand Prix will be held vitation Race Interna- doing? monstration surfaced from December 7 to tional, the AAMC Cup last month, where he 10 at the Coloane Kar- KZ Invitation Race LEAFLET was accused of having ting Track. Around 120 Asia, the Asian Karting walked on the road (ins- karters from China, Open Championship tead of the sidewalk) wi- Maia between 8 p.m. to order to achieve that,” justice […], what is the Australia, Chinese Tai- (AKOC) and the For- thout permission from 10 p.m. the leaflet reads. “The government doing? pei, Italy, Indonesia, mula 125 Open Senior, the authorities. He now “Since the moment New Macau Association What happened […] is Malaysia, Philippines, Junior and Veteran stands accused of ag- he was elected as a recommended a young not solely Sulu Sou’s Singapore, Sri Lanka, Class. The four-day gravated disobedience. lawmaker, Sulu Sou man who is trustworthy issue, but also an issue India, Thailand, the event is organized by The New Macau Asso- shouldered the mission and who will realize the of the team and the pu- United Kingdom, the Automobile Gene- ciation is planning to of reforming the Legis- promises.” blic who this young man Hong Kong and Macau ral Association of Ma- hold the meeting at the lative Assembly, spen- “When the young peo- stands for,” the leaflet will contest three ra- cau-China and entry is Rotunda de Carlos da ding all his efforts in ple bravely resist in- reads. JZ ces involving a total of free. ad 01.12.2017 fri MACAU th Anniversary 4 澳聞 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo es topic. Tam also mentioned u rq that, “even if we don’t have the a m [islands] hospital yet, we are o at improving and extending on n e r other services, especially on Health Care Centers.” On this, Ho replied by di- sagreeing with the extension of the working hours of some Health Care Centers, while Tam claimed, “I don’t think creating overtime is not a good measure. It just causes added work pressure to physicians and nursing staff.” While Au hinted that it was necessary to “increase quality” of the medical services pro- vided, Tam disagreed, citing figures to say that the Macau Health System is considered as one of the top five coun- tries and regions by the World Health Organization and that Macau, in terms of life expec- tancy, is ranked better than Alexis Tam Au Kam San (left) and Ng Kuok Cheong Singapore, the USA and Cana- da. PoliCy AddReSS | SoCiAl AFFAiRS And CulTuRe [retired]. This doesn’t happen Despite being satisfied with in Macau as the government the results, Tam has mentioned Tam lists more proposals is assuming this role and not that they “continue to work to charging taxes to residen- improve and to hire specialists ts that are active in order to to work in our medical units, support the welfare fund.” especially from Portugal,” ad- than concrete measures According to Tam, “scholars ding that such professionals say we have already passed the would also serve as “trainers to risk level, that is of MOP4,500. other medical staff.” What we give [in subsidies] is Adding to that, the Health Bu- Renato Marques opposite yesterday, with the if “the government has alrea- above this. We hope they [the reau director Lei Chin Ion said summary of the activities of dy consulted the gaming con- elderly] can have a dignifying regarding the construction of AlThough Social Affairs the secretariat taking most of cessionaires and other ‘large’ life.” the Islands Hospital that the and Culture is one of the the time and there being little companies to join [the sche- Tam said that the goal for the government is counting on the broader secretariats in the go- discussion over the important me]?” Ng urged the Secretary government is to ensure that help of several international vernment, as it oversees sec- topics in what is expected to be to present the current status. senior citizens can be taken organizations, from medical tors such as education, health a difficult year for Tam. Not being able to give a con- care of by their families and and design and architecture and tourism, the first day of One of the most highlighted crete answer on the topic, Tam stay in their homes, and men- fields, in order to create the the debate over the Policy Ad- topics was, in fact, the new reviewed the measures imple- tioned that the Social Welfare best possible building. He said dress for 2018 was devoid of Non-Mandatory Central Provi- mented by the government re- Bureau (IAS) is planning a new that this help would be parti- any major novelties. dent Fund System coming into garding the support provided subsidy soon in order to help cular important especially to Secretary Alexis Tam and force on January 1, with seve- to the citizens, especially re- families to do so. the “oncology services and sur- his team of directors were at ral lawmakers interested in the garding retirement. Also in discussion were the gery block.” the Legislative Assembly (AL) current status of government Tam said, “we give a lot of issues related to health and Taking the same opportunity, yesterday to present the prime negotiations with several in- importance to this. The elder- questioning on the Islands Dis- Lei also clarified the idea of a features of the developments dustries and organizations, na- ly [have] contributed a lot to trict Medical Complex (Islands “Smart Medicine” approach, under his secretariat. Althou- mely about the interest of the society. We want them to feel Hospital). as noted in the Policy Address. gh there was a high number of gaming concessionaires to join included and useful,” adding Ho Ion Sang, Zhang Anting “We are working on informa- registration from lawmakers the scheme. that, “in other places, working and Au Kam San were some of tion technology systems to (30) which is normally a sign Lawmaker Ng Kuok Cheong people need to pay a lot of ta- the lawmakers that questioned help people to regulate heal- of a heated debate, it was the addressed the matter, asking xes to support these people the government on the topic, th issues such as blood pres- asking for clarification on the sure and glucose levels,” he project and concrete schedu- said, adding, “people can do ling for it. this through a mega data pro- On the topic, Tam simply cessing app and we can know Blue Sky Project to conclude commented “as for the Islands [also through that system] hospital, we are users only, about some aspects related to earlier than expected the construction is not in our particular people or diseases hands, we don’t have a calen- outbreak, for instance, in a dar, but we hope we can have certain area of the city or when IniTiAlly presented by the Secretary for the site where the Macau (Yat Yuen) Canidrome at least part of it [built] by a group of people are affected Social Affairs and Culture ahead of the policy currently operates. the end of this mandate of the by food poisoning. We can ea- address for 2016, Alexis Tam said yesterday that “At that time we didn’t know about Cani- government,” he said, down- sily and speedily identify the the “Blue Sky Project” could be completed 10 drome and other land plots that could be grading the importance of the causes.” years sooner than originally thought. used to build school parks [such as Zone The project aims to remove schools from re- A of new landfills],” Tam said, adding, “we sidential buildings, improve their environment were quite conservative in our forecast.” health bureau opens recruitment for and ensure that each school has a playground The Secretary also noted on the matter of the 21 portuguese physicians and outdoor space area. Canidrome land plot that, through the Educa- Yesterday, on the first day dedicated to ques- tion and Youth Affairs Bureau, “We have already The heAlTh Bureau opened imaging, neurology, nephrology, tions and answers regarding the policy address presented to the Land, Public Works and Trans- this week a recruitment process pediatrics, pneumology, geriatrics, for 2018 for the Secretariat of Social Affairs and port Bureau a project to build four schools, one aiming to recruit a total of 21 phy- psychiatry, pathological anato- Culture, Tam acknowledged that the project of them to be dedicated to special education. sicians from Portugal, the SSM my as well as general, thoracic, could be concluded “faster than expected.” He These schools will serve the population of the informed. According to the state- vascular and metabolic surgery. said that instead of the projected 15 to 20 years, northern zone of the city.” ment, the recruitment is being The SSM justified the recruitment the project could take “probably less than 10 “We also have a project [planned] for Zone A conducted in cooperation with the drive by noting that such profes- years.” [of the new landfills]. We want to have some Portuguese Medical Association sionals are needed to cope with According to Tam, the basis of the change is temporary buildings for schools that need to do and aims to recruit specialists the growth and development of the recent development regarding the reclama- construction works to rebuild or change loca- in the fields of gastroenterology, medicine locally. tion of land plots by the government; namely tion [of their current school facilities].” fri 01.12.2017 th Anniversary ADVERTISEMENT macau’s leading newspaper 廣告 5 01.12.2017 fri MACAU th Anniversary 6 澳聞 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo China is a tremendous place for ts are now catching up, or trying to catch up but for sure, western companies have an advantage.” China is well known for its ne- business, entrepreneur says tworking-heavy approach to business, which requires people to possess extensive social con- nections in order to achieve their Julie Zhu that China’s local talent is capab- goals. le of managing the business ope- SeAsoned corporate and rations of foreign companies. legal professional Alexan- “Without a doubt, there [are] For a foreign der Kocsis, who has been Chief good people in China, but I think Executive Officer of several mul- the problem is that many wes- company, timillion-dollar corporations, tern companies are a little bit believes that China is a land of arrogant. They know they can do you have to business opportunities. it because they are successful in combine the Kocsis was the keynote speaker the United States or Canada. The at this week’s France Macau trouble is that success does not identification of Chamber of Commerce breakfast translate well into China but be- meeting, which focused on the cause, in their mind, they know opportunities topic of “Doing Business in Chi- they can do it, they just enter na.” without thinking. This is the real with some Kocsis, who resides in southern problem. So finding good people intelligence. China, is a keen observer of Chi- is not a problem – of course, it’s Alexander Kocsis pictured during the talk na’s dramatic rise to superpower an issue everywhere, but there is status, as well as its strategic im- no shortage of good people,” said When asked how a foreign com- plications. He is the only foreig- “There are tremendous oppor- move money back and forth?” Kocsis. pany should build connections in ner to have been appointed as an tunities. However, if you want “In a western country, you don’t Kocsis also believes that Chine- China, Kocsis had no answer. adjunct Professor of Law at Bei- to be successful, I think for a really think of those things. In se consumers’ confidence in fo- “I really don’t know. I think it’s jing Normal University. foreign company, you have to China, you really have to spend reign products could help foreign a process of making friends,” he “I think China is a tremendous combine the identification of effort educating yourself on the- businesses in China, as “the be- mused. place for opportunity. Things opportunities with some intelli- se points first. So identifying the lief that foreign companies have One audience member asked are changing; the economy is gence of what’s going on in the opportunity [while learning] the higher quality, better manufac- whether Macau and Hong Kong changing so rapidly. Xi Jinping’s market – what the political sys- market, this is the key crucial turing standards […] things like could bridge the gap between plan to eliminate poverty is really tem looks like, how is business point. Just jumping in, I think, these all lead to the idea that a China and foreign companies, to such a positive move,” he told the actually transacted, who are the will result in trouble.” foreign product is better.” which Kocsis replied, “this could Times. key players, how are you able to The law professor also believes “I think a lot of Chinese produc- be the bridge, but it’s not.” ad fri 01.12.2017 th Anniversary MACAU macau’s leading newspaper 澳聞 7 MGM staging interactive Few parents teach children about harassment prevention exhibition for festive season The latest survey conducted by the Sheng Kung Hui Macau Social Services Coordination Office (Sheng Kung Hui) suggests that only 30 percent ten by the system’s carnivores. of parents frequently teach their children about Daniel Beitler preventing sexual harassment. Sheng Kung Hui “It is about creativity but interviewed 555 parents who have children below As part of MGM also following the logic of a the age of 18. According to the study, 70 percent Macau’s 10th anni- real ecosystem,” said Chris- of parents generally agree with the necessity of versary celebration, tina Kuok, director of Arts educating their children about preventing sexual MGM Art Space is and Culture Development at harassment. Sheng Kung Hui believes that it is announcing a new “artistic ex- MGM China. hard for local parents to find ways to educate perience” designed as an inte- Kuok adds that the exhibi- their children using relevant knowledge and ractive digital domain geared tion provides children with an effective methods. In the future, Sheng Kung Hui towards families. array of experiences, including will establish an online information platform for In collaboration with the an interactive simulation of an parents to use. creative minds behind team- ecosystem and the chance to Lab, the casino operator is in- explore their creativity and IPM accepts applications viting families to visit “Learn coordination. & Play! teamLab Future Park” “From day one when we star- to undergraduate over the Christmas and Chi- town’ will be used throughout comprised of giant ball-sha- ted Art Space, the objective nese New Year holiday season the exhibition; a Christmas ped objects that change their has always been to bring a va- programs and to immerse themselves in ‘Santa delivery’ at the exhi- color when touched. At the riety of experiences [to guests] the interactive spaces. bition’s launch, followed by same time, signal sounds will and to promote creativity and The Macao Polytechnic Institute (IPM) will The exhibition features three a ‘futuristic’ version at a later be played through a louds- cultural development in Ma- soon accept applications from prospective local main interactive areas, the first date. peaker. Organizers describe cau and also around us,” she students for the 2018/19 undergraduate programs. of which is a ‘sketch town’ dis- Pictures drawn by guests it as the “perfect photoshoot said. “The digital experience Graduating senior high school students and played on a giant screen at the can also be transformed into opportunity”. also teaches young children working professionals who wish to further their center of the MGM Art Space. 3D paper crafts to take home. The third component is about spatial awareness, coor- studies can apply from December 4 to January The dynamic town is built The process of creating mul- “Graffiti Nature”, an interac- dination, color and creativity. 19. According to a statement issued yesterday, out of the drawings that each ti-dimensional objects helps tive digital installation that It encompasses quite a lot of in recent years IPM has introduced several new visitor creates. Using special children understand space allows visitors to experience things.” undergraduate programs which adopt the ‘3+1’ and paper, guests can color a pic- and perspective, according to their self-made creatures wi- The exhibition, which is ‘2+2’ mode of learning - one to two years of studies ture of a vehicle or building. a statement from MGM Chi- thin a living ecosystem that ticketed to avoid overcrow- completed at an overseas institution, during which The picture is then scanned na, which helps to break down reacts to the balance of wildli- ding, is open from today un- students are able to broaden their international and brought to life on the big digital and physical barriers. fe. Flowers blossom where vi- til February 28. Admission is horizons and develop their language competencies. screen. Also featured in the exhibi- sitors stand, attracting butter- free for children aged two and For the upcoming academic year, IPM expects to Two filters of the ‘sketch tion is a light ball orchestra flies, which may in turn be ea- under. continue to recruit mostly local students. ad 01.12.2017 fri BUSINESS th Anniversary 8 分析 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo real estate Matters 25 property questions we were asked this year - part III Juliet Risdon is a Director of JML Property and a property investor. Having been established in 1994, JML Property offers investment property & homes. It specializes in managing properties for owners and investors, and providing attractive and comfortable homes for tenants. www.JMLProperty.com [email protected] *All figures expressed in HKD unless otherwise stated juliet risdon 15. Question: i’m only here for If a rent remains overdue for 30 days continue to do so until 2049. three months, can i rent an or more, the landlord can now charge a At that point, the government will an- apartment? late fee premium of 100% of the rental nounce new lease terms and of course Yes, it is possible, but it’s not easy. amount. In other words, once a rent is the price of the lease. There is usually great difficulty atta- 30 days late, you would now owe dou- The leasing of land is usually a gover- ched to renting an apartment for less ble the normal rental amount. nment’s main sources of income, but than six months. Most owners con- This is why it is so important to pay it is also a measure of their credibility. sider it too much trouble, and many rent at the end of a tenancy agreement. A government that tries to rebuke land agents refuse to handle such short The two-month security deposit can- ownership rights and property titles leases. not be used in lieu of rent, and if you would effectively destroy any confi- However, it is possible to rent for shor- don’t pay rent for the last two months, dence in the country, and is therefore ter periods. the debt owed will be equal to four extremely unlikely. One option is using a ‘Corporate Ren- months rent. It is more likely that the government tal program’ where the rental agree- will, at that time, issue new leases that ment is signed under the company 13. Question: What’s the diffe- expire in 2099, by which time I will be name, and the agreement provides the rence between gross and net approximately 130 years old and less tenant with more flexibility than a tra- area? able to move if I have to… ditional long-term lease. The net area is the area inside the walls Another option is using a ‘studio’ in a of the apartment that can be used by 11. Question: how much notice hotel, which of course has the advan- the occupants. do i have to give on my rental tages of not having to pay deposits, The gross area is the net area plus a apartment? having use of facilities such as a swim- proportional amount of the common As a tenant, you have a few choices. ming pool, gym etc available, and not areas of the building such as the lobby, When the tenancy agreement is co- having to pay for utilities. lift space and recreational club. ming to an end, you can let the owner ‘Air BnB’ is also used in Macau, althou- The net area in modern buildings with know you will not extend at any point gh the service is illegal and does carry recreation facilities is usually around leading up to the end of the lease. with it an element of risk, including 70% of the gross area. This is someti- If it is prior to the end of the agreement, the possibility of legal repercussions, mes referred to as the ‘efficiency’ or the you can give notice in accordance with security issues regarding access to the ‘ratio’ of the building. the contract. For example, it may say apartment and safety concerns espe- that the agreement can be terminated cially in older buildings. 12. Question: What happens with two months notice. when the leasehold runs out on If the agreement does not have a termi- 14. Question: What happens if i my property? nation clause, you can give the owner don’t pay the rent? Leasehold property in Macau is un- three months notice. Not paying rent is a bad idea in Macau. der Portuguese law, and the leasehold When a lease is broken, the owner has Once a rent is overdue for nine days or is until 2049 (two years after Hong the right to retain part or all of the se- more, the landlord is entitled to charge Kong). curity deposit dependent on the notice a late fee premium of 50% of the rental Leases ending earlier than 2049 are period and the wording in the tenancy amount. renewed on a 10-year basis, and will agreement. fri 01.12.2017 th Anniversary BUSINESS macau’s leading newspaper 分析 9 Hong Kong unveils investor ID welcomed by everyone, however. Hedge funds that trade volatile small-caps stocks or take short- term positions might worry that plan for China trading link the CSRC will accuse them of spe- culating, said Steven Leung, exe- cutive director at UOB Kay Hian (Hong Kong) Ltd. Some funds sell themselves as a “black box,” Benjamin Robertson rg Under details issued by Hong and will be concerned about who e mb Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd., else is looking at their trade posi- o InTernATionAl inves- o exchange participants will issue tions, he said. l b tors who trade in Chinese sto- a unique identifier, known as a The plan is good news for the cks using the Hong Kong ex- broker-to-client assigned num- market and removes uncertainty, change link will be monitored ber, or BCAN, to each client. All said Neil McLean, head of execu- in real-time by regulators in both orders to buy and sell stocks via tion trading for Asia ex-Japan at jurisdictions under a plan unveiled the northbound connect will be Nomura Holdings Inc.’s wholly yesterday. tagged with BCANs, the bourse owned Instinet Pacific. Authorities will be able to see a said. The changes don’t apply to The Hong Kong Investment unique identifier for each investor investors trading Hong Kong sto- Funds Association said in an or firm that uses the northbound cks. email that the new system was a connect, the trading link between The ID system will take effect in “reasonable move.” It will enhan- the former British colony and the third quarter of 2018, the SFC ce transparency, said Castor the world’s second-biggest stock said in a statement. There will be Pang, head of research at Core- market. Under current rules, only a similar regime for the southbou- Pacific Yamaichi HK. the broker sending the order is nd connect after the introduction Despite concerns among inves- visible to Hong Kong’s Securities ned, their respective regulators are details published yesterday show of the northbound plan, the regu- tors about increased regulatory and Futures Commission. looking at ways to bring surveillan- that IDs will be assigned to the lator said. oversight of trading in Hong The changes come as mainland ce more in line with one another. fund ’s parent company. Ashley Alder, SFC’s chief execu- Kong, Alder said last month that China and Hong Kong integrate Traders viewed the plan positi- “I am glad to see that the Hong tive officer, said in the statement he sees a worldwide move by more closely, with two equity tra- vely, after earlier voicing concerns Kong or international market that the new rules are “critical to authorities for better client iden- ding links connecting exchanges that the SFC and China Securities practice was taken into account,” safeguard market integrity and to tification systems. In particular, in Shenzhen and Shanghai with Regulatory Commission would said Cindy Chen, head of securities strengthen the protection of in- he noted the incoming MiFID II their southern counterpart. As impose a system requiring each services at Citi Hong Kong, a unit vestors in both markets.” rules in Europe, and efforts un- the markets become more entwi- fund to register separately. The of Citigroup Inc. Additional scrutiny may be not derway in the U.S. Bloomberg Sports gambling clash at US o ot h p p a supreme court unites Trump, NFL All it took to bring Do- and high stakes. New Jersey nos. Among the most ar- Commissioner Adam Sil- nald Trump and the is seeking to overturn the dent proponents is Christie, ver has said that Congress Christie speaks during a news conference National Football League 1992 federal law that bars whose support for Trump should let states authorize together was New Jersey single-game sports gam- during the 2016 presiden- wagering, subject to strict Governor Chris Christie bling in every state except tial campaign was part of regulation and technical sa- zed wagering. Federal cour- ting racetracks and Atlantic and his Supreme Court bid Nevada. Should that effort an on-again, off-again rela- feguards. ts struck down that mea- City casinos from its gam- to legalize sports gambling. succeed, other states could tionship that almost resul- “There is an obvious appe- sure as violating the 1992 bling prohibition but not ex- The NFL, a target of the move quickly to grab part ted in a cabinet position. tite among sports fans for a Professional and Amateur plicitly authorizing wagering president’s Twitter ire over of the USD150 billion the The nation’s largest pro safe and legal way to wager Sport Protection Act, or or setting up a new regula- national anthem protests, casino-backed American sports leagues and the Na- on professional sporting PASPA. That law says states tory system. A Philadelphia- is banding together with Gaming Association says is tional Collegiate Athletic events,” Silver wrote in the other than Nevada may not based federal appeals court the administration to fight wagered illegally every year. Association are leading New York Times in 2014. “sponsor, operate, adverti- voted 10-2 to strike down the outgoing governor in a New Jersey wagering ad- the fight against the state, New Jersey has been se, promote, license or au- that law as well, siding with case the high court will hear vocates say legalization cou- even as some of them inch trying to legalize sports thorize by law or compact” the leagues and the federal Monday. ld revitalize Atlantic City, closer to embracing gam- gambling in its casinos for a sports-gambling system. government, then control- It’s an unusual pairing in a the gambling center where bling themselves. Natio- years, starting with a 2012 New Jersey then took a less led by the Obama adminis- case full of odd alignments Trump once owned casi- nal Basketball Association law that explicitly authori- direct approach by exemp- tration. Bloomberg corporate bits lord stow’s bakery joins efforts with cancer, mental health and vw’s flagship brand vows turnaround les in 2020, up from a previous movember foundation suicide prevention. with electric cars estimate of at least 4 percent. To help, even in a small “We will further accelerate way, to spread the word the realignment of Volkswa- of “Movember” in Macau, gen, continue the worldwide members of the Lord Stow’s model and electric offensive Bakery Team sprouted and work hard on costs,” VW moustaches during Novem- brand chief Herbert Diess said ber. The company pledged in the statement. “We know MOP1,000 to the Movember which challenges still lie ahead Foundation for each mous- of us.” tache in place by the end of Reviving profit at the core the month. In addition, they VW marque is vital for the have added 50 percent of world’s largest automaker to gross revenue from its sales stem the fallout from the die- of cappuccinos. sel-emissions scandal and The amount of HKD54,523 gather the financial firepower now makes its way to the Volkswagen AG’s main car models, taking on Tesla Inc. to tackle a seismic industry Movember Foundation. brand pledged to speed up with its coming I.D. vehicle shift toward battery-powered “Whilst hoping more mous- turnaround efforts and acce- range, it said yesterday at a vehicles and new digital ser- taches take sprout in Macau lerate a push into electric cars press conference at its head- vices. The brand accounts for during November 2018, the as cost cuts and an expanding quarters in Wolfsburg. The more than half of Volkswagen The Movember Foundation The foundation is addres- 23-strong-Team now have to lineup of sport-utility vehicles push will be aided by rising group’s global deliveries and states it is the only charity sing some of the biggest start shaving,” according to a help boost profit. profit margins, which are now develops key technology for tackling men’s health on a health issues faced by men: press release issued by Lord The namesake VW brand will targeted to reach between 4 sister nameplates including global scale, all year round. prostate cancer, testicular Stow’s Bakery. initially develop five all-electric percent and 5 percent of sa- Audi, Skoda and Seat. 01.12.2017 fri CHINA th Anniversary 10 中國 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo o ot h p p a This image made from video shows an image of Kim Jong Un signing what is said to be a document on Nov. 28, 2017, authorizing a missile test US, China hold low-key military paranoid ally at a time Beijing is supporting increasingly tough U.N. sanctions on North Ko- rea’s economy in response to its talks amid North Korea tensions missile and nuclear tests. “The Chinese side is very wor- ried that if North Korea gets word it might turn them into a hostile neighbor,” said Frank Matthew Pennington, Washington Sea of Japan showed North Ko- chairman of the Joint Chiefs of tential danger of a conflict or a Aum, a former Pentagon advi- rea’s ability to strike Washing- Staff, told The Associated Press nuclear disaster. U.S. officials ser on North Korea. U.s. and Chinese generals ton and the entire U.S. Eastern in a statement. wouldn’t confirm that account. Chinese opinions are divided. engaged in an unusual set Seaboard. The U.S. and China agreed on Sun said she anticipated those But in a sign of growing anti- of security talks yesterday [Ma- the talks when Dunford met talks would continue Wednes- pathy toward Pyongyang, some cau time], just hours after Nor- A collapse of with his Chinese counterpart day. Chinese intellectuals have cal- th Korea’s most powerful missi- in Beijing in August. While in While such discussions have led for radical policy change. north Korea’s le test yet, focused on how the China, Dunford observed a Chi- occurred in recent years among Not only is North Korea a liabi- mighty American and Chinese nese military drill at Shenyang, non-government experts, they lity for China’s global standing, state could militaries might communicate about 120 miles from the Nor- hadn’t yet happened at official it also poses a nuclear risk on its in a crisis. push Beijing th Korean border — an unusual levels. doorstep. As President Donald Trump stop for an official visit. However, Oriana Skylar Mas- A collapse of North Korea’s greeted the North’s launching into conflict This week’s talks were being tro, a Georgetown University state, or another crisis, cou- of another intercontinental bal- led by Lt. Gen. Richard Clarke, professor, said her Chinese con- ld push Beijing into conflict with the uS and listic missile with familiar de- the Joint Chiefs’ planning direc- tacts indicated willingness to with the U.S. and South Korea. mands for China to get tougher tor, and Maj. Gen. Shao Yuan- broach North Korea contingen- Bonnie Glaser, an Asia expert at South Korea with its ally, the low-profile and ming, a senior Chinese military cies in the military dialogue. the Center for Strategic and In- unpublicized meeting at the official. They’re especially no- “Things are shifting right now ternational Studies, mentioned National Defense University in The threat of a military con- teworthy given the deep stra- in both China and the United North Korean nuclear facilities Washington was taking place frontation is making China re- tegic mistrust between the U.S. States. There seems to be an within 50 miles of the Chinese amid signs China is more willing think its resistance to discus- and China, and Beijing’s increa- opening,” said Mastro. She ex- border, and said both sides cou- at this time to discuss how the sing contingencies involving sing challenge to America’s post- pected the talks would still be at ld try to secure loose nukes. two world powers would mana- North Korea, according to ex- World War II dominance in the a preliminary stage. There have been grave mis- ge an even worse emergency on perts. Such discussions have Asia-Pacific. “This type of discussion is dif- communications before. the divided Korean Peninsula. long been off-limits for Beijing, China has been more expli- ficult among friends. It’s much Abraham Denmark, a former The Pentagon stressed the which fought on North Korea’s cit in saying what the talks are more difficult between poten- senior U.S. military official for talks were scheduled long befo- side against the United States about. tial adversaries, but absolutely East Asia, cited the run-up to re North Korea’s surprise missi- in the 1950-53 Korean War and Yao Yunzhu, a retired general necessary,” Mastro said. “The the Korean War, when Washin- le launch in the early hours We- remains its treaty ally. who specializes in U.S.-Chine- type of war that might break out gton thought Beijing knew it dnesday in Asia. Officials insis- In a phone conversation with se defense relations at China’s [with North Korea] is one that would not seek to invade China; ted the dialogue wasn’t centered Trump, Chinese President Xi Academy of Military Science, would be more costly than any- the Chinese thought the Ame- on North Korea or anything else Jinping reiterated his desire for said this summer they should thing that generations of Ameri- ricans knew that if U.S. forces in particular. a diplomatic resolution to the include Northeast Asia, where cans have experienced.” advanced north of the 38th pa- Trump has vowed to prevent standoff with North Korea. North Korea is located. She also Political limitations exist on rallel into North Korea, China North Korea from having the Objectives for the military mentioned the Taiwan Strait both sides, making some exper- would intervene. capability to strike the U.S. consultations appeared modest. and the South China Sea. ts skeptical that progress wou- “Both sides at the time thou- mainland with a nuclear-tipped “The engagement will serve as Yun Sun, an expert on Chine- ld be made or even that North ght that they were being extre- missile — using military force an opportunity to discuss how se foreign policy at the Stimson Korean contingencies would be mely clear, but neither side had if necessary. He is running out to manage crises, prevent mis- Center think tank, said Dunford addressed at all. The U.S. must any idea of what was going on,” of time: Some experts said the calculations, and reduce the raised North Korean contingen- be wary of offending South Ko- Denmark said. “That suggests to missile fired on a high trajec- risk of misunderstanding,” the cies at the August meeting and rea, which isn’t in the dialogue. me that both sides need to be very tory that splashed down in the office of Gen. Joseph Dunford, the two sides discussed the po- China risks further alienating a up front with one another.” AP

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