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Alexis de Tocqueville and American Intellectuals: From His Times to Ours (American Intellectual Culture) PDF

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Preview Alexis de Tocqueville and American Intellectuals: From His Times to Ours (American Intellectual Culture)

p p M AMERICAN HISTORY / POLITICAL SCIENCE A ALEXIS de American Intellectual Culture N Series Editors: Jean Bethke Elshtain, Ted V. McAllister, and Wilfred M. McClay C I “Matthew Mancini’s book is a major contribution to the field of Tocqueville schol- N TOCQUEVILLE arship.It is a verybold, ambitious undertaking. Mancini tackles almost all of the major I American secondary works, editions, and translations relating to Tocqueville since the 1830s. The focus of this work is to tell the story of Tocqueville’s reception and rep- Putation in the United States, to survey most of the major writers and scholars who have studied and interpreted Tocqueville’s writings and ideas, and to recreate the and American Intellectuals intellectual links among those Americans who have written about, edited, and translated Tocqueville. Alexis de Tocqueville and American Intellectualsis not only a signif- icant work of Tocqueville scholarship, but also a fascinating study of American Pp intellectualhistory, examined through the particular lens of the American reception of Tocqueville. Mancini’s work is a project that has been waiting to be done; now he has done it and done it well.” —JAMES T. SCHLEIFER, author of The Making of Tocqueville’sDemocracy in America A L aE “Matthew Mancini’s Alexis de Tocqueville and American Intellectuals is a thoughtful and well- n X researched analysis of the meaning of Tocqueville to generations of American d I thinkers and an important corrective to prior interpretations of this complex A S story.” —HAMILTON CRAVENS, Iowa State University m d ee r “Professor Mancini has done just what he set out to do, that is, show how Tocqueville iT Pc has been received, interpreted, and reinterpreted over the last century and a half in the aO n United States. A notable contribution to Tocqueville scholarship.” p C P —ROGER BOESCHE, author of The Strange Liberalism of Alexis de Tocqueville InQ t eU “Mancini offers us an exceptional synthesis of 150 years of scholarship on Tocqueville. l l eE The profession needs more critical studies like this that give us context, interpretation, c and a sound thesis.” —JOHN M. BELOHLAVEK, University of South Florida tV u I a L MATTHEW MANCINI is professor and chair of the Department of American lsL Studies at Saint Louis University. He is the author of Alexis de Tocquevilleand One Dies, E Get Another: Convict Leasing in the American South, 1866–1928. For orders and information please contact the publisher From His Times to Ours ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD PUBLISHERS, INC. A wholly owned subsidiary of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. 4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200 Lanham, Maryland 20706 R Lo 1-800-462-6420 itw www.rowmanlittlefield.com tlm MATTHEW MANCINI ISBN-13: 978-0-7425-2343-2 e ISBN-10: 0-7425-2343-8 fa Cover illustration: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, 90000 ien Yale University. ld & 9 780742 523432 Cover design by Jen Huppert Design Alexis de Tocqueville and American Intellectuals American Intellectual Culture SeriesEditors:JeanBethkeElshtain,TedV.McAllister, andWilfredM.McClay WhenAlltheGodsTrembled:Darwinism,Scopes,andAmericanIntellectuals byPaulK.Conkin Heterophobia:SexualHarassmentandtheFutureofFeminism byDaphnePatai PostmodernismRightlyUnderstood:TheReturntoRealisminAmericanThought byPeterAugustineLawler ARequiemfortheAmericanVillage byPaulK.Conkin APragmatist’sProgress?RichardRortyandAmericanIntellectualHistory byJohnPettegrew TheNextReligiousEstablishment byEldonJ.Eisenach AWorldMadeSafeforDifferences:ColdWarIntellectualsandthePoliticsofIdentity byChristopherShannon RalphWaldoEmerson:TheMakingofaDemocraticIntellectual byPeterS.Field IntellectualsandtheAmericanPresidency:Philosophers,Jesters,orTechnicians? byTeviTroy AmericanFeminismandtheBirthofNewAgeSpirituality:SearchingfortheHigherSelf, 1875–1915 byCatherineTumber TheLostSoulofAmericanProtestantism byD.G.Hart TransnationalAmerica:CulturalPluralistThoughtintheTwentiethCentury byEverettHelmutAkam CreatingtheAmericanMind:IntellectandPoliticsintheColonialColleges byJ.DavidHoeveler SpeciesofOrigins:America’sSearchforaCreationStory byKarlW.GibersonandDonaldA.Yerxa ApostleofHumanProgress:LesterFrankWardandAmericanPoliticalThought,1841–1913 byEdwardC.Rafferty BrahminProphet:PhillipsBrooksandthePathofLiberalProtestantism byGillisJ.Harp Culture’sVanities:TheParadoxofCulturalDiversityinaGlobalizedWorld byDavidSteigerwald WoodrowWilsonandtheRootsofModernLiberalism byRonaldJ.Pestritto FromNaturetoExperience:TheAmericanSearchforCulturalAuthority byRogerLundin TheConstantDialogue:ReinholdNiebuhrandAmericanIntellectualCulture byMartinHalliwell AlexisdeTocquevilleandAmericanIntellectuals:FromHisTimestoOurs byMatthewMancini Alexis de Tocqueville and American Intellectuals From His Times to Ours Matthew Mancini ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD PUBLISHERS, INC. Lanham•Boulder•NewYork•Toronto•Oxford ‘‘TheScientificCloverLeaf’’:tripleportraitofLieber,Bluntschli,andLaboulayeisrepro- duced in chapter 4 from the Daniel C. Gilman Papers Ms. 1, Special Collections, The SheridanLibrariesoftheJohnsHopkinsUniversity.Reprintedwithpermissionfromthe JohnsHopkinsUniversity. ROWMAN&LITTLEFIELDPUBLISHERS,INC. PublishedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica byRowman&LittlefieldPublishers,Inc. AwhollyownedsubsidiaryofTheRowman&LittlefieldPublishingGroup,Inc. 4501ForbesBoulevard,Suite200,Lanham,Maryland20706 www.rowmanlittlefield.com POBox317 Oxford OX29RU,UK Copyright(cid:2)2006byRowman&LittlefieldPublishers,Inc. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced, storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmittedinanyformorbyany means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,orotherwise, withoutthepriorpermissionofthepublisher. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationInformationAvailable LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Mancini,MatthewJ. AlexisdeTocquevilleandAmericanintellectuals:fromhistimestoours/ MatthewMancini. p. cm.—(Americanintellectualculture) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0–7425–2343–8(cloth:alk.paper)—ISBN0–7425–2344–6(pbk.:alk.paper) 1. UnitedStates—Intellectuallife. 2.Tocqueville,Alexisde,1805–1859—Influence. 3. Tocqueville,Alexisde,1805–1859.Delade´mocratieenAme´rique.English. I. Title. II. Series. E169.1.M247 2006 973.5’6—dc22 2005018870 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica (cid:3)(cid:2)(cid:4) ThepaperusedinthispublicationmeetstheminimumrequirementsofAmerican NationalStandardforInformationSciences—PermanenceofPaperforPrintedLibrary Materials,ANSI/NISOZ39.48–1992. In Memoriam Robert Earle Graham Townsman of a stiller town. But of books one can say what Machiavelli said of men, that they are confronted by Fortune with an irreducible element of opposition, describedbyhimaschaos,fatality,necessity,andignorance.Andwhile men can resist Fortune with some hope of success by the exercise of Virtue,books andmere objetsdevertu, lackingthevirtu` ofmen, arein themselves wholly vulnerable to loss and decay, neglect, and icono- clasm. —FrankKermode,FormsofAttention Z Contents Preface ix ListofAbbreviations xvii Chapter1 ReceptionandRenown 1 Chapter2 AtOldMrs.Otis’s 27 Chapter3 TheAmericanOldRegime 55 Chapter4 TheMythofOblivion 99 Chapter5 EnduringSage 151 Chapter6 ACottageIndustry 187 Chapter7 LumpersandSplitters 221 Index 245 AbouttheAuthor 255 vii

Comprehensive in its chronology, the works it discusses, and the commentators it critically examines, Alexis de Tocqueville and American Intellectuals tells the surprising story of Tocqueville's reception in American thought and culture from the time of his 1831 visit to the United States to the tur
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