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Preview Alexandra Rutherford, Ph.D., C.Psych.

Rutherford-CV 1 Alexandra Rutherford, Ph.D., C.Psych. HISTORICAL, THEORETICAL, & CRITICAL STUDIES of PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY STUDIES FEMINIST, GENDER & WOMEN’S STUDIES DEPT. OF PSYCHOLOGY YORK UNIVERSITY PHONE: (416) 736-2100 x33230 4700 KEELE STREET FAX: (416) 736-5814 TORONTO, ONTARIO E-MAIL: [email protected] CANADA M3J 1P3 EDUCATION 2001 Doctor of Philosophy History/Theory of Psychology & Clinical Psychology York University Dissertation: Between the Science of Behavior and the Art of Living: B. F. Skinner and Psychology’s Publics in Mid-Twentieth Century America 1995 Master of Arts Clinical Psychology, York University 1993 Bachelor of Science (High Distinction) University of Toronto, Trinity College Specialist in Psychology, Minor in French POSITIONS July, 2001-present Professor (Assistant, 2001-2006; Associate, 2006-2014), Dept. of Psychology, York University, Graduate Program in Historical, Theoretical, & Critical Studies of Psychology Sept. 2015-present Associate Member, Graduate Program in Interdisciplinary Studies Jan. 2008-present Faculty Associate, Centre for Feminist Research, York University Jan. 2008-present Member, Graduate Programs in Science & Technology Studies; Gender, Feminist & Women’s Studies Jan. 2002-present Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Province of Ontario Jan. 2015-present Guest Professor, Doctoral Psychology Program, Diego Portales University of Santiago-Chile. July 2014-Aug. 2015 Visiting Scholar, Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program, Cornell University Dec.2011-Sept. 2012 Visiting Research Scholar The Graduate Center, City University of New York Sept.-Dec., 2007 Visiting Research Associate Women’s Studies Research Center, Brandeis University January-May, 2001 Visiting Assistant Professor Dept. of Psychology, Washington College, Chestertown, MD Rutherford-CV 2 RESEARCH Research Areas: History of women, gender, and feminist activism in psychology; Objectivity, advocacy, and the challenges of activist social science in the 20th century; Social science and policy; Feminist theory and epistemology; qualitative inquiry. Major External Funding (in CAD): 2017 (under review) Austrian Science Fund – International collaborator The Psychological is Political. Principal investigators: Nora Ruck, Rosa Costa, Vera Luckgei, Sigmund Freud University, Vienna 2017-2021 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant – Principal Investigator The Science and Politics of Gender: Feminist Psychology and its Publics in Late 20th-Century America $123,426 2013-2016 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant – Principal Investigator Gendering Science: Psychologies of Gender and Gendered Psychologies in the 20th-century $150, 296 Jill Morawski, International Collaborator, Wesleyan University 2014 Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Connection Grant – with Michael Pettit and Mark Solovey Social Science, Ideology, and Public Policy in the United States, 1960s-present $21,000 [$14,000 SSHRC, $7,000 matching funds, York and the University of Toronto] 2010-2013 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grant – Principal Investigator Imagining Gender in the 20th Century: The Uneasy Relationship of Psychology and Feminism $83,500 2007-2010 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grant– Principal Investigator Changing the Face of Psychology: Feminists Past, Feminist Presence. $81,000 2002-2005 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grant– Principal Investigator Developing a Psychology of Behavioral Control: Key Episodes and Sociohistorical Implications $51,000 Rutherford-CV 3 Other External Funding: 2017 Society for the Teaching of Psychology Partnerships Small Grant Program – with Shari Berga, Shari Miles-Cohen, & Cathy Faye I Am Psyched! Developing Digital Curricula for Diversifying High School Psychology $2340 USD 2016 National Black Employees Association Grant – with Shari Miles-Cohen & Cathy Faye I Am Psyched! Inspiring Histories, Inspiring Lives: Women of Color in Psychology $1,500 USD 2016 Society for the Psychology of Women – with Shari Miles-Cohen & Cathy Faye I Am Psyched! Inspiring Histories, Inspiring Lives: Women of Color in Psychology $21,000 USD 2015 APS Fund for Teaching and Public Understanding of Psychological Science – Principal Investigator, with Kelli Vaughn-Johnson, Jacy Young, and Elissa Rodkey Gender Matters: Gendered Innovations in Teaching Psychological Science $5,625 CAD 2010 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues SPSSI Was There: An Interactive Timeline Project – with Cathy Faye & David Livert $15,000 USD 2008 Grant-in-Aid to Scholarly Publishing, Aid to Scholarly Publishing Program, Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, for Beyond the Box: B.F. Skinner’s Technology of Behavior from Laboratory to Life University of Toronto Press $8,000 CAD 2007-2008 CODAPAR Interdivisional Grant, American Psychological Association- Principal Investigator Changing the Face of Psychology: A Web-based Feminist Oral History Archive. $1,000 USD 2006-2007 CODAPAR Interdivisional Grant, American Psychological Association- Principal Investigator Voices of Feminist Diversity: Preserving Psychology’s Past, Enhancing its Future $1,000 USD 2005 Society for the Psychology of Women Voices of Feminist Diversity: Developing an Oral Herstory of Psychology for Teachers and Students $5,365 USD Rutherford-CV 4 Internal Funding: 2016 Faculty of Health Conference Travel Award $1,000 SSHRC Grant-in-Aid of Travel $950 2010 Faculty of Health Dean’s Travel Award $1,000 2005-2007 Faculty of Arts Research Grant, York University $2,300 2005-2006 Faculty of Arts Research Fellowship, York University Beyond the Box: B.F. Skinner’s System in Science and Culture, 1950-1975 Full teaching and administrative release for one year. 2004-2005 Faculty of Arts Research Grant, York University $2,038 Honors and Awards: 2018-19 President, Society for General Psychology, Division 1 of the American Psychological Association (APA) 2017 Distinguished Service Award, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues 2016 Florence Denmark Distinguished Mentoring Award, Association for Women in Psychology (AWP) 2016 Fellow, Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) 2013 President, Society for the History of Psychology, Division 26 of the APA 2012 Distinguished Publication Award, AWP, for Handbook of International Feminisms 2011 Award of Distinction, Section on Women and Psychology, CPA 2010 Fellow, Eastern Psychological Association 2010 William James Book Recognition Award for Beyond the Box, Society for General Psychology, APA Division 1 2010 Fellow, Society for General Psychology, APA Division 1 2009 Fellow, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, APA Division 9 2009 Fellow, Society for the Psychology of Women, APA Division 35 2008 Fellow, Society for the History of Psychology, APA Division 26 2007-2012 Faculty of Health Merit Awards ($2000 annually, program discontinued after 2012) 2006 Feminist Mentoring Award, Section on Women and Psychology, Canadian Psychological Association 2001 Early Career Award for Scholarship in the History of Psychology, Society for the History of Psychology Rutherford-CV 5 Publications: Books (7) Pickren, W. E. & Rutherford, A. (Eds.) (2017). 125 years of the American Psychological Association. Washington, DC: APA Books. Fancher, R. & Rutherford, A. (2017). Pioneers of psychology, 5th Edition. New York: Norton. Fancher, R. & Rutherford, A. (2012). Pioneers of psychology, 4th Edition. New York: Norton. ▪Reviewed in The Psychologist, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences Rutherford, A., Capdevila, R., Undurti, V., & Palmary, I. (Eds.) (2011). Handbook of international feminisms: Perspectives on psychology, women, culture, and rights. New York: Springer SBM. ▪Winner of the 2012 Distinguished Publication Award, Association for Women in Psychology ▪ in the “top 50% most downloaded ebooks in the relevant Springer eBook Collection in 2015 with 8,353 chapter downloads at the end of 2015 Pickren, W. E. & Rutherford, A. (2010). A history of modern psychology in context. New York: Wiley. ▪Reviewed in PsycCritiques, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences Rutherford, A. (2009). Beyond the box: B. F. Skinner’s technology of behavior from laboratory to life, 1950s-1970s. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. ▪Reviewed in Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, Behavior and Social Issues, PsycCritiques, Isis, History of the Human Sciences, Psychologia Latina, Psychological Record, Spontaneous Generations, Scientia Canadensis ▪Featured book of the week for July 16-23, 2009, London Times Higher Education website: http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/story.asp?storycode=407369 Teo, T., Stenner, P., Rutherford, A., Park, E., & Baerveldt, C. (Eds.) (2009). Varieties of theoretical psychology: International, philosophical, and practical concerns. Concord, ON: Captus. Edited Journal Issues (4) Rutherford, A. (Ed.) (2017). After Untold Lives: Women, gender, and feminism in the history of psychology. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 53(3) [Whole issue]. Rutherford, A. & Pettit, M. (Eds.) (2015). Feminism and/in/as psychology. History of Psychology, 18(3) [Whole issue] Lattal, A. & Rutherford, A. (Eds.) (2013). Behaviorism at 100: The Legacies of John B. Watson's Behaviorist Manifesto. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 39(2). [Whole issue] Rutherford, A., Cherry, F. & Unger, R. (Eds.) (2011). 75 years of social science for social action: Historical and contemporary perspectives on SPSSI’s scholar- activist legacy, Journal of Social Issues, 67(1). [Whole issue] Rutherford-CV 6 Journal Articles (38) [*York undergraduate or graduate student co-author] Rutherford, A. (in press). Surveying rape: Feminist social science and the ontological politics of sexual assault. History of the Human Sciences, 30 (4). Rutherford, A. (in press). Contextualizing a life in science: Janet Spence and the history of women and gender in American psychology. Sex Roles. Rutherford. A. (2017). B. F. Skinner and technology’s nation: Technocracy, social engineering, and the good life in 20th century America. History of Psychology, 20, 290-312. Rutherford, A. (2017). “Making better use of U.S. women:” Psychology, sex roles, and womanpower in post-WWII America. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 53, 228-245. Rutherford, A. & Milar, K. (2017). “The difference being a woman made”: Untold Lives in personal and intellectual context. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 53, 221-227. *Fox Lee, S., Rutherford, A., & Pettit, M. (2016). “Functionalism, Darwinism, and the Psychology of Women” as critical feminist history of psychology: Discourse communities and citation practices. Feminism & Psychology, 26 (3), 254-271. Kim, S. & Rutherford, A. (2015). From seduction to sexism: Feminists challenge the ethics of therapist-client sexual relations in 1970s America. History of Psychology, 18(3), 283-296. Rutherford, A. & Pettit, M. (2015). Feminism and/in/as psychology: The public sciences of sex and gender. History of Psychology, 18(3), 223-237. Rutherford, A. (2015). Maintaining masculinity in mid-20th century American psychology: Edwin Boring, scientific eminence, and the “woman problem.” Osiris: Scientific Masculinities, 30, 250-271. *Young, J. L., *Rodkey. E., & Rutherford, A. (2015). Sparking the historical imagination: Strategies for teaching historical and conceptual issues in psychology. History and Philosophy of Psychology, 16, 61-68. Rutherford, A. (2013). Teaching diversity: What can history offer? History of Psychology https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/features/hop-a0034368.pdf doi: 10.1037/a0034368 Lattal, K. & Rutherford, A. (2013). John B. Watson’s Behaviorist Manifesto at 100. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 39, 1-9. *Gul, P.,* Caplan, L.,* Korostoliev, A.,* Ball, L. C.,* Bazar, J.,* Rodkey, E.,* Young, J. L.,* Sheese, K.,* & Rutherford, A. (2013). Reconstructing the experiences of first generation women in Canadian psychology. Canadian Psychology, 54(2), 94-104. *Ball, L. C., *Bazar, J., *MacKay, J., *Rodkey, E., Rutherford, A. & *Young, J. L. (2013). Using Psychology’s Feminist Voices in the classroom, Psychology of Women Quarterly, 37(2), 261-266. [authorship determined alphabetically] Rutherford, A. (2012). The problems of sex and the problem with nature: A commentary on “Beyond Kinsey.” History of Psychology, 15, 228-232. *MacKay, J. & Rutherford, A. (2012). Feminist women’s accounts of depression. Affilia, 27(2), 180-189. Rutherford-CV 7 *Held, L. & Rutherford, A. (2012). Can’t a mother sing the blues? Postpartum depression and the construction of motherhood in late 20th-century America. History of Psychology, 15(2), 107-123. Rutherford, A. (2011). Sexual violence against women: Putting rape research in context. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 35(2), 342-347. Rutherford, A., Unger, R., & Cherry, F. (2011). Reclaiming SPSSI’s sociological past: Marie Jahoda and the immersion tradition in social psychology. Journal of Social Issues, 67(1), 42-58. Rutherford, A., Cherry, F., & Unger, R. (2011). “Society very definitely needs our aid”: Reflecting on SPSSI in history. Journal of Social Issues, 67(1), 1-7. Rutherford, A. (2011). From the ground up: Feminist approaches, methods, critiques. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 35(1), 175-179. Rutherford, A. & Yoder, J. (2011). Thirty-five years and counting: Feminist psychology in PWQ, a job for the long haul. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 35 (1), 171-174. Rutherford, A., *Vaughn-Blount, K., &*Ball, L.C. (2010). Responsible opposition, disruptive voices: Science, activism, and the history of feminist psychology. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 34, 460-473. Rutherford, A. & *Vaughn-Blount, K. (2010). Georgia Babladelis (1931– 2009): Breaking traditions, building foundations. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 34, 5-6. *Vaughn-Blount. K., Rutherford, A., Baker, D. & Johnson, D. (2009). History’s mysteries, demystified: Becoming a psychologist-historian. American Journal of Psychology, 122, 117-129. Rutherford, A. (2007). Feminist questions, feminist answers: Toward a redefinition. Feminism & Psychology, 17, 459-464. Austin, S., Rutherford, A., & Pyke, S. (2006). In our own voice: The impact of feminism on Canadian psychology. Feminism & Psychology, 16, 259-271. Rutherford, A. (2006). The social control of behavior control: Behavior modification, Individual Rights, and research ethics in America, 1971-1979.Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 42, 203-220. Rutherford, A. (2004). A “visible scientist”: B. F. Skinner writes for the popular press. The European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 5, 109-120. Rutherford, A. (2004). Where history, philosophy and psychology meet: An interview with Wayne Viney. Teaching of Psychology, 31, 289-295. Rutherford, A. (2003). B. F. Skinner and the auditory inkblot: The rise and fall of the verbal summator as a projective technique. History of Psychology, 4, 362-378. Rutherford, A. (2003). B. F. Skinner’s technology of behavior in American life: From consumer culture to counterculture. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 39, 1-23. ▪Reprinted in L.T. Benjamin, A history of psychology: Original sources and contemporary research, 3rd ed. (pp. 286-305). New York: Blackwell. Rutherford, A. (2003). Skinner boxes for psychotics: Operant conditioning at Metropolitan State Hospital. The Behavior Analyst, 26, 267-279. Rutherford, A. (2000). Radical behaviorism and psychology’s public: B.F. Skinner in the popular press, 1934-1990. History of Psychology, 3, 371-395. Rutherford-CV 8 Rutherford, A. & Endler, N.S. (1999). Assessing approach-avoidance: The roles of state anxiety, situational appraisal and coping styles. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 12, 63-83. Endler, N.S., Rutherford, A., & Denisoff, E. (1999). Beck Depression Inventory: Exploring its dimensionality in a nonclinical population. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55, 1307-1312. Endler, N.S., Denisoff, E., & Rutherford, A. (1998). Anxiety and depression: Evidence for the differentiation of frequently co-occurring constructs. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 20, 149-171. Endler, N.S., Rutherford, A., & Denisoff, E. (1997). Neuroticism: How does one slice the PI(E)?. European Journal of Personality, 11, 133-145. Book Chapters (18) Miles-Cohen, S., Faye, C., & Rutherford, A. (in press). I Am Psyched! Using the museum experience to engage girls of color with psychology. In J. C. Ashton (Ed.), Feminism and museums: Intervention, disruption and change. Edinburgh & Boston: MuseumsEtc. Vaughn-Johnson, K. & Rutherford, A. (in press). Uncovering diversity: Teaching critical, multivocal histories of psychology. In K. Quina & J. Mena (Eds.), Teaching gender and multicultural awareness: Resources for the psychology classroom. Washington, DC: APA. MacKay, J. M., Wolfe, U. & Rutherford, A. (in press). Collective conversations, collective action: York University’s Sexual Assault Survivors’ Support Line and students organizing for campus safety. In L. Quinlan, A. Quinlan, & C. Fogel (Eds.), Sexual assault on Canadian university and college campuses. Wilfrid Laurier University Press. Pickren, W. E. & Rutherford, A. (2017). Challenges to the APA and paths to the future. In W. E. Pickren & A. Rutherford (Eds.), 125 years of the American Psychological Association (pp. 295-320). Washington, DC: APA. Scarborough, E. & Rutherford, A. (2017). Women in the APA. In W. E. Pickren & A. Rutherford (Eds.), 125 years of the American Psychological Association (pp. 321- 357. Washington, DC: APA. Rutherford, A., Sheese, K., & Ruck, N. (2015). Feminism and theoretical psychology. In J. Martin, K. Slaney, & J. Sugarman (Eds.), The Wiley handbook of theoretical and philosophical psychology (pp. 374-391). New York: Wiley-Blackwell. Rutherford, A. & Pickren, W. (2014). Teaching history of psychology: Aims, approaches, and debates. In D. Dunn (Ed.), Oxford handbook of undergraduate psychology education (pp. 521-531). London: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199933815.013.040 Rutherford, A. & *MacKay, J. (2013). From social purity to women’s liberation: A history of violence against women in the United States. In F. Denmark & J. Sigal (Eds.), Handbook of violence against women and girls: International perspectives (pp. 5-20). New York: Praeger. Rutherford, A. Marecek, J., & *Sheese, K. (2012). Psychology of women and gender. In D. K. Freedheim & I. B. Weiner (Eds.). Handbook of psychology, Volume 1: History of Psychology, Second edition (pp. 279-301). New York: Wiley. Rutherford-CV 9 Pickren, W. E. & Rutherford, A. (2012). Towards a global history of psychology. In S. Araujo (Ed.), History and Philosophy of Psychology (pp. 57-66). Sao Pedro, Brazil: Universidade Federal Juiz de Fora Press. Rutherford, A. (2012). O feminism precisa da psicologia? Reconstruindo a história de umarelação [Does feminism need psychology? Reconstructing the history of a relationship]. In Francisco Teixeira Portugal & Ana Maria Jacó-Vilela (Eds.), Clio-Psyché – Gênero, Psicologia, História (pp. 23-41). Rio de Janeiro: Nau Editora/Faperj. Rutherford, A. (2012). Starting from strengths: Mamie Phipps Clark, developmental psychologist. In W. E. Pickren, D. Dewsbury, & M. Wertheimer (Eds.), Portraits of pioneers in psychology, Volume VII (pp. 261-275). New York: Psychology Press. Rutherford, A. (2012). Behaviorism in the classroom: Skinner and machine-teaching in post-WWII America. In the proceedings of Encontros Annuais Helena Antipoff, Universidade Federal Minas Gerais, Brazil. Rutherford, A., Capdevila, R., Undurti, V., & Palmary, I. (2011). Feminisms and psychologies: Multiple meanings, diverse practices, and forging possibilities in an age of globalization. In A. Rutherford, et al. (Eds.), Handbook of international feminisms: Perspectives on psychology, women, culture, and rights (pp. 3-16). New York: Springer SBM. Rutherford, A. & *Granek, L. (2010). Emergence and development of the psychology of women. In J. Chrisler & D. McCreary (Eds.), Handbook of gender research in psychology (pp. 19-41). New York: Springer. Rutherford, A. & Pickren, W. E. (2008). Women and minorities in psychology. In S. Davis & B. Buskist (Eds.), 21st century psychology: A reference handbook. (pp. 25-36). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Rutherford, A. & Pickren, W.E. (2008). Mamie Phipps Clark. In F.T. Leong (Ed.), Encyclopedia of counseling, Volume 4, Cross-cultural counseling. London: Sage. Rutherford, A. (2006). Mother of behavior therapy and beyond: Mary Cover Jones and the study of the “whole child.” In D. Dewsbury, L. T. Benjamin, & M. Wertheimer (Eds.), Portraits of pioneers in psychology, Vol. VI. (pp. 189-206). Washington, DC: APA. Encyclopedia Entries (8) Rutherford, A. (2014). Clark, Mamie Phipps. American national biography online. Oxford University Press, Susan Ware, Editor. http://www.anb.org/articles/14/14-01179.html Rutherford, A. (2014). Critical historiography. In T. Teo (Ed.) Encyclopedia of critical psychology, Vol. 2. New York: Springer SBM. *George, M. & Rutherford, A. (2013). Margaret Mead. In K. Keith (Ed.), Encyclopedia of cross-cultural psychology (p. 861). New York: Wiley. Rutherford, A. (2013). Mary S. Ainsworth. In K. Keith (Ed.), Encyclopedia of cross- cultural psychology (p. 43). New York: Wiley. Rutherford, A. (2013). Ruth Benedict. In K. Keith (Ed.), Encyclopedia of cross- cultural psychology (p. 127). New York: Wiley. Rutherford-CV 10 Rutherford, A. (2010). Radical behaviorism. In Irving B. Weiner & W. Edward Craighead (Eds.), The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology, Fourth edition (p. 1415). New York: Wiley. Rutherford, A. (2005). B. F. Skinner. In John Shook (Ed.), Dictionary of modern American philosophers (pp. 2228-2234).Bristol, EN: Thoemmes Continuum. Rutherford, A. (2004). Mary Cover Jones. In S. Ware (Ed.), Notable American women: A biographical dictionary, Completing the twentieth century (pp. 325-327). Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Book Reviews (9) Rutherford, A. (2017). [Review of the book More than medicine: A history of the feminist women’s health movement]. Social History of Medicine. doi: 10.1093/shm/hkw073 Rutherford, A. (2013). Handbook history: Its value and function for social psychology. [review of the Handbook of the history of social psychology]. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 13, 418-424. Rutherford, A. (2012). [Review of the book The history of the social sciences since 1945]. Isis, 103, 207-8. Rutherford. A. (2010). [Review of the book Making trouble: Life and politics]. Feminism & Psychology, 20, 139-141. *Ball, L. & Rutherford, A. (2008). [Review of the book Women of vision]. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 32, 491-492. Rutherford, A. (2008). [Review of the book Women’s scientific enterprise: Mount Holyoke faculty and the rise of American science]. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 32, 343-344. Rutherford, A. (2007). [Review of the book Living Walden two: B.F. Skinner’s behaviorist utopia and experimental communities]. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 43, 228-229. Rutherford, A. (2003). [Review of the book A forgotten voice: A biography of Leta Stetter Hollingworth]. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 27, 353-354. Rutherford, A. (2003). [Review of the book A history of the behavioral therapies: Founders’ personal histories]. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 39, 395-396. Additional Publications (15) Rutherford, A. & Dean, K. (2016). Nancy Main Henley (1934-2016). American Psychologist, 71, 976. Ball. L. C. & Rutherford, A. (2016). Naomi Weisstein (1939-2015). American Psychologist, 71, 77. Rutherford, A., Vaughn-Johnson, K. & Rodkey, E. (2015, June). Does psychology have a gender? The Psychologist, 28(6), 2-4. Rutherford, A. (2014, Spring). Income inequality: The defining challenge of our time. Forward, Newsletter of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Issue 250, pp. 7-8. Rutherford, A. (2013). Teaching diversity: What can history offer? Introduction to virtual issue of History of Psychology.

Psychology, York University, Graduate Program in Historical, . Fellow, Eastern Psychological Association. 2010 . https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/features/hop-a0034368.pdf doi: 10.1037/ .. 2011 EPA Meeting, Cambridge, MA.
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