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“Tesi” — 2014/3/31 — 10:38 — page i — #1 Verb Meaning and Combinatory Semantics: A Corpus-Based Study of Spanish Change of State Verbs Alexandra Anna Spalek TESI DOCTORAL UPF / ANY 2014 DIRECTORSDELATESI Louise McNally i Sergi Torner Castells Departament de Traduccio´ i Cie`ncies del Llenguatge “Tesi” — 2014/3/31 — 10:38 — page ii — #2 “Tesi” — 2014/3/31 — 10:38 — page iii — #3 ToLaetitia Figure 1: The poet Martha Rivera Garrido illustrated the combinatorial complex- ity of romper using the lyrics by Silvio Rodr´ıguez: No importa donde rompa mi estacio´n, si cuando rompe esta´ rompiendo lo imposible. It doesn’t matter if it all fallsapart,ifitshatterstheimpossiblewhenitdoes.’ iii “Tesi” — 2014/3/31 — 10:38 — page iv — #4 “Tesi” — 2014/3/31 — 10:38 — page v — #5 Acknowledgements Thereareonlytwowaystoliveyourlife. Oneisasthoughnothingis amiracle. Theotherisasthougheverythingisamiracle. Ibelievein inthesecond. (AlbertEinstein) Averysimilarfeelingliesattheverybaseofthislongproject: themarvelmentof language. And yet being marvelled by something is not enough to complete such ademandingprojectasadissertation. MuchofthemanuscriptIholdinmyhands today I owe to my advisors, colleagues, friends and family, whom I would like to thankherewith. There is my family, my parents, brothers, my uncles, cousins and grandmoth- ers. MostofthemhavenotalwaysunderstoodwhatIwasdoingforalltheseyears and why I would have started it to begin with. In fact my grandmother Stefa- nia used to repeat throughout all these years one and the same sentence: ‘Biedna dziewczyna, jak ona wybrała tak trudne studia!’ (Oh, poor girl, why did she choose such a complicated undergraduate programme!). And yet throughout the process all of them have become one of the most important pillars that has sup- ported my work throughout the years. I thank all of them for their constant love, careandprayers. OnlynowcanIacknowledgemydeepindeptednesstomygrandfatherAnton, who, having experienced the terror of the Second World War with its consecutive territorialchangesinCentralEurope,usedtosay: ‘Wasduhast,kanndirjederzeit weggenommen werden. Was du weisst, bleibt immer deins.’ (What you own can betakenawayanytime. Whatyouknowstaysyoursforever.) And yet, even more important than my grandfather’s wise saying was my mother packing and organising everything for me to move just in the very last months of the write-up. I guess this is what women mean when they claim ‘I am aMOTHER!’. Danke,Mami,dassdudirextrafu¨rmichUrlaubgenommenhast! The second pillar of this work were my advisors. It is thanks to their efforts and continuous attention that I have come so far as to transform an almost naive intuitionintoascientificwork. I thank Paz Battaner, who was my advisor for one year before retiring. She was definitely the person who sowed the seed of curiosity and encouraged me to becriticalandaskquestions. Ithasalwaysbeenverycomfortingtoknowshewas watchingmefromadistance. I thank Sergi for always being so supportive and close, as well as having the capacitytoletmedigressandwonder,whenIneededit. Pero,sobretodo,gracias poraplicarentodaslassituacionestantosentidocomu´n,elmenoscomu´ndetodos lossentidos. v “Tesi” — 2014/3/31 — 10:38 — page vi — #6 I thank Louise for teaching me how to do scientific work and not to die in the attempt. AndyetwhatImostappreciateinherasanadvisorwerethese‘mummy- moments’ when she understood that I was totally lost and would provide some simpleadvice,whichconvertedamonstrousproblemintoachallengeandnothing more! Iwouldliketolearntodothiskindofmagiconeday. Mostimportantly,however,IhavetothankLouiseandSergiforhavinginces- sant faith in me, even at the times when I had lost faith. After all, it is a teacher’s faith that helps bringing out all students’ potentials. And that is actually what the Latinverbe-ducereisallabout. I also want to thank Malka Rappaport Hovav, my host advisor at the Hebrew UniversityofJerusalem,forherwarmwelcomeandthetremendousstormofideas andenergyshewasabletoprovidemewith. During my stay at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem I also had the great chance to have some passionate discussions with Anita Mittwoch, which brought upsomeimportantdataobservations. At this point I also want to thank Oriol Valent´ın Fernandez Gallart for helpful discussionsontypetheoriesandusefuladviceontheformalisation. Finally, I would also like to mention Chris Barker here. It was he and his teaching style (kind of maieutic) that opened up to me the fascinating world of semanticsattheBerkeleyLinguisticsInstitutein2009. HopefullyJohnstillloves Maryandtheylivetogetherhappilyinoneofthepossibleworlds. Thethirdstandingleg,andnotatalllessimportantthanalltheothers,wasall mypostgraduateschoolcolleagues,thePhDs,thepost-docsandvisitingscholars. A very, very special thanks to Maarten Janssen for his enormous help with the corpusconsultinginterfaceCPA+RaswellastherepeatedhelpwithLaTexissues. A huge hug goes out for Berit Gehrke, who has become a motivating mentor of this project and a peer I look up to. It is precisely thanks to her that these acknowledgementsalmosthavethelengthoftheBible. Ijustfollowedheradvice to procrastinate productively and write on the acknowledgements whenever other kindsofideaswouldnotflow. But there are so many others whom I had the pleasure of sharing interesting discussions with. Thus, many thanks go out to my dear colleague Mihajlo Ignja- tovic. I do not think I will ever forget your enlightening opinion about lambdas. I thank Cristina Sa´nchez Marco for some very nice chatting moments. My dad keepsonaskingafterthatcutegirlwhomIwentwithtotheTu¨bingenconference. ThankstoElisendaBernal. Ihadthebestlunchtimeseverwithyou,Elisenda! Talking to you made me realise how much I still have to learn to become a mo- tivating professor. I am already looking forward to my next class to try out your lotusflowertrick! Thanks to Araceli Alonso. I guess in the end I did understand some of the features of Access, though I am not really sure I will ever need them. Thanks to vi “Tesi” — 2014/3/31 — 10:38 — page vii — #7 IreneRenauforalltheilluminatingdatadiscussionaboutSpanish‘se’. Big thanks also to Olga Borik and Maarten Janssen for all the parties at their home. Don’ttellFerranAdria`,butMaartenisdefinitelythebetter‘saladdresser’! A special thanks to Barbara Tomaszewicz for having me at her home in Los AngelesandrevealingtomeallthegossipaboutRichardMontague’sprivatelife. Iguesslinguisticsisevenmoreinterestingsincethen. Thanks to Helena Aparicio. I had no idea one could laugh so much with formal semantics, though I am not sure formal semantics was the real cause of all the laughing. Actually I very much suspect it was just another of my many moments of muddling up people and H. just happily caught up while we were tryingtofinishoneofourfirstformallinguisticsassignments. Thanks to Ilona Spector Shirtz for the entertaining bus trip to IATL in Haifa. Did we actually talk linguistics at some point? In any case, remember never to brewcoffee,Ilona. TheBiblesays: ‘HEbrew’! Thanks to Meghan Armstrong for the wonderful Friday evenings spent pro- crastinating in the UPF office 51.012. And, yes, people in Barcelona still use huge umbrellas and super big rubber boots. What would they do if they were livinginScotland? Very special thanks go to the members of the Government and Binding Tea Party Psychotherapy Session (GB1)! I suppose it would not be a bad idea to take upthe‘bindingchapter’Iactuallyneverreadwiththem. Thisfactkindofreminds me of my grandmother Ela’s observation that I have always been a bit bossy. At leastitmightexplainwhyIwasonlyinterestedinthegovernmentpartandtotally skippedbinding. By now some of the members of the reading group and some other alienated victimshaveenteredaGB4phase,whichsortofstartedoutwithGB1,butluckily drifted far away from linguistics to more worldly issues. Keep on blogging, read- ing, singing, dancing, hiking, cooking, knitting, yoga-ing, meditating and mar- velling at the world out there, girls! That is to say, never stop being emotionally intelligenttoo! I am also very grateful to all the other GLiF members for interesting talks and discussions (Scott Grimm, Gemma Boleda, Laia Mayol, Boban Arsenijevic, SilviaMart´ınez-Ferreiro,ElenaCastroviejo,IsidoraStojanovic). I would even say I am also kind of grateful to my NOISY GrEP Group office colleagues. I guess abstract thinking would have been much too distracting with- outalltheGrEP’sintonationexperimentsrunningrightundermynose. Eversince I moved to ‘the GrEPs’ office’, or what they considered their territory (territorial questionsareatrendingtopicinCataloniathesedays),Iwouldnotdareenteringa greengrocer’sandask: ‘Hihamandarines?’. I justdon’tknowanymorewhatthe right intonation is. So I’d rather buy oranges. Hopefully Maria del Mar Vanrell willhelpmetorecoverfromthistraumaoneday. vii “Tesi” — 2014/3/31 — 10:38 — page viii — #8 Among my colleagues, however, I owe special mention to Gemma Barbera`: Gemma, happy woman, que` et puc explicar que encara no sa`pigues. Nome´s puc repetir per escrit el que ja t’he dit tants cops. Em sento molt i molt afortunada d’haver tingut la sort de trobar-te en aquest cam´ı i poder compartir amb tu tot aquest proce´s de creixement, gaudint dels e`xits i rient de les derrotes. Pero` el veritable regal ha estat que tu i jo compartim molt i molt mes que no pas aquesta curiositatcient´ıfica. Seguimamblarevolucio´! Finally, this piece of work would be remiss if I did not mention the company andsupportfrommyclosefriends. Allofthemrememberedtoask‘Ei,¿co´mova la tesis?’ and always had some supporting words whatever my answer would be. Nevertheless,afewofthemdeservespecialmention: Enprimerlugar,quierodarlasgraciasaO´scarporhabermeacompan˜adohasta aqu´ı. Gracias tambie´n a estos dos hombres fuertes, Octavio y Xavi, que se han puesto al mando de mi madre para llevar a cabo mi mudanza de un tercero sin ascensor, justo cuando yo ten´ıa ma´s necesidad de escribir. Sospecho que en el fondo debe´is de ser lingu¨´ıstas como para haber aguantado una mudanza en po- laco. Renata,dziekizaciepłeprzyjecieiwszelkatroseomnieio‘naszemieszkanko’. Sorry,fornotfixingthePolishhooks,butthisbabyhadtogetoutanddidnotwant towaitforthehooks. Guidi, tesoro, sai perfettamente che sei sempre stata tu la persona che ha sa- puto comprendere meglio di chiunque altro il complicato processo che richiede scrivere una tesi e diventare una scienziata. Non ti immagini neanche quanto mi hanno aiutato i tuoi nervi saldi nei momento di crisi e il tuo affetto nei momento dimelanconiaedisorientamento. Asimismo, nunca podre´ agradecer lo sufficient la compan˜´ıa que en el u´timo an˜o me ha brindado Gemma Gine´s, sus pequen˜as pataditas en donde la espalda pierde su nombre, tan acertadas y tan necesarias, los ‘momentos Sue Ellen’ y las millones de risas que nos hemos echado. Y todo ello sin hablar de su madre, una sen˜ora de 80 an˜os, que en los momentos ma´s duros siempre ten´ıa ese plato e´xtra e incluso un tupper ya preparado para que Alexandra no se quedar sin cenar. Si Erich Fromm (The Art of Loving) esta´ en lo cierto y quien es capaz de dar de s´ı es rico, vosotras debe´is estar forradas. Un millo´n de gracias a las dos por ser tan generosas. Inopuctancaraquestsagra¨ımentssenseesmentaralaaute`nticatietad’aquest xiquet. Gra`cies, Ceci Jaques, per tota aquesta energia positiva que m’has estat enviant,lafarigola,elpro`polisil’homeopatia. Last but not least, this dissertation has become a reality thanks to two major financial sources. On the one hand, I owe thanks to the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (MECD), which awarded me viii “Tesi” — 2014/3/31 — 10:38 — page ix — #9 withtheFPUscholarship(becadeFormacio´ndeProfesoradoUniversitario)inthe year 2008. This scholarshipwas included in the FFI2012-37654 research project. On the other hand, I wish to thank the Department of Translation and Language SciencesaswellastheICREAAcade`miaawardtoLouiseMcNally,bothofwhich grantedmearesearchstaffcontractduringthelastyearattheUniversitatPompeu Fabra. Summing up, I just don’t think it can be said often enough that the acknowl- edgements are certainly the most difficult part of the thesis. These feelings are whatweoftenforgetaboutwhendoingscience. Thusthankingallthosewhohave become an essential part of such an important stage of my life’s path reminds me of the fact that emotions are actually at the very base of all we do, including sci- ence! This insight leads me to slightly amend my grandfather Anton’s saying: What you own can be taken away, what you know and what you experience stays YOUforever! P.D.: ThankstoFBforallowingmetospellallthesenamescorrectly. ix “Tesi” — 2014/3/31 — 10:38 — page x — #10

case studies, a rich data set of the Spanish change of state verbs congelar While the progressive is equally possible for romper, the existence of 9The original CPA was developed by Pavel Rychly at Masaryk University. 51
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