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Alejandro Galvis Galvis and the Liberal Party in Santander, 1915-1931 A PDF

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THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA Becoming a Patrician: Alejandro Galvis Galvis and the Liberal Party in Santander, 1915-1931 A DISSERTATION Submitted to the Faculty of the Department of History School of Arts and Sciences Of The Catholic University of America In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree Doctor of Philosophy © Copyright All Rights Reserved By Javier A. Castro Washington, D.C. 2014 Becoming a Patrician: Alejandro Galvis Galvis and the Liberal Party in Santander, 1915-1931 Javier A. Castro, Ph.D. Director: Julia Young, Ph.D. This dissertation examines the early career and intellectual formation of the liberal Colombian politician Alejandro Galvis Galvis (1891-1981). To do so, it situates his biography within the context of the long history of economic modernization in the department of Santander. At the end of the colonial period, Santander was an agricultural society of small farmers and artisans; over the nineteenth century, the state transitioned to a coffee-growing region dominated by elite landowners and merchant families who facilitated export-led growth. By the early twentieth century, increasing industrialization and cyclical collapse of the export market had created new openings for social and political change. During the first two decades of his political career, Alejandro Galvis Galvis helped to transform Santander into a laboratory of reformist ideas. Indeed, Santander was one of the first regions of Colombia to witness worker movements during the second decade of the twentieth century. Although he is often portrayed as a privileged and distant oligarch, this study suggests that Galvis Galvis in fact had a populist approach to politics. As the leader of the liberal party, he was in close contact with the peasants, workers, and artisans that formed the base of the party in Santander. This approach would be implemented on a national scale after the Liberal Party took power in Colombia in 1930, particularly under President Alfonzo Lopez Pumarejo between 1934 and 1938. The historiography of early twentieth-century Colombian politics has typically focused on national figures living in Bogotá. By investigating how changing economic circumstances in the department of Santander forged the ideology and politics of Alejandro Galvis Galvis, this study demonstrates that regional politics and economics were essential to the national rise of the Liberal Party in Colombia. ! ! #$"%!&"%%’()*)"+,!-.!/*0"’(!12!3*%)(+!4564"66%!)$’!&"%%’()*)"+,!(’75"(’8’,)!4+(!)$’!&+9)+(*6! &’:(’’!",!;"%)+(.!*<<(+0’&!-.!/56"*!=+5,:>!?$2@2>!*%!@"(’9)+(>!*,&!-.!/*8’%!A"6’.>!?$2@2!*,&! #$+8*%!3+$’,>!?$2@2!*%!A’*&’(%2! ! ! ! ! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB! ! /56"*!=+5,:>!?$2@2>!@"(’9)+(! ! ! ! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB! ! /*8’%!A"6’.>!?$2@2>!A’*&’(! ! ! ! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB! ! #$+8*%!3+$’,>!?$2@2>!A’*&’(! !!""! Dedico este trabajo a la memoria de Alicia Contreras. Mami, sé que vives en mi. Gracias por seguir amándome…. To Calvin and Diego for making me laugh even when I wanted to cry. !!"""! Tabla de Contenidos Agradecimientos…………………………………………………………………………………v Lista de Tablas…………………………………………………………………………………..vii Lista de Mapas…………………………………………………………………………………………...viii Lista de Fotografías………………………………………………………………………………ix Introducción……………………………………………………………………………………….1 Capitulo 1: Los artesanos de Santander, 1780-1850…………………………………………….45 Capitulo 2: Los comerciantes exportadores de la provincia de Soto,1865-1920………………..96 Capitulo 3: El Club del Comercio y la unificación cultural de la elite de Bucaramanga…….. 159 Capitulo 4: Alejandro Galvis Galvis, 1909-1915: Los años formativos………………………..212 Capitulo 5:El convivialista,1915-1919…………………………………………………………253 Capitulo 6:Los experimentos del liberalismo oligárquico en Santander, 1917-1924…………..292 Anexos………………………………………………………………………………………….359 Bibliografía…………………………………………………………………………………….373 !!"0! Acknowledgements To be grateful is to recognize the Love of God in everything He has given us- and He has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a gift of His love, every moment of existence is a grace, for it brings with it immense graces from Him Thomas Merton My years in Washington D.C have been an extraordinary journey and for that I am profoundly grateful. I am aware that I was able to reach this moment only because of the hard work and love of many. First I must express my gratitude to Dr. James Riley, my mentor and professor. Thanks Dr. Riley for helping me to mature intellectually and expand my horizons. I have been very fortunate also to be assisted and guided in the last year by Dr. Julia Young. Without Dr. Young’s methodical and assertive advice, this would not have been possible. !Dios los bendiga siempre! I’ve been especially fortunate to teach at St. Anselm’s Abbey School in Washington D.C. The monks, fellow teachers, students and parents are in many ways part of my life. I am particularly indebted to the support and friendship of my colleagues, Dr. Larry Joseph and Hajnalka Enzel, chair of the modern languages department at St. Anselm’s. Thank you all for the moments we have shared over the past years. Your friendship is truly an undeserved gift. Every day of the past seven years I have work at St Anselm’s has been a blessing. Some of the people that I loved the most and look after for guidance lived in the Abbey. Many thanks to Fr. Peter, Fr Michael, Abbot Aidan, Br. Matthew and Br. Ignacio. I must acknowledge Fr. Peter’s determination to support me from the very beginning. It is because of his decision to trust !!0! and support me when I came to St Anselm’s that I was able to continue my Studies at Catholic University. To Mauricio Garcia, Luis Alfonso Segura, Cesar Avellaneda , Alberto Trevissiol , Dora Tovar, Dominique Van der Mensbruggue my friends in Colombia, Brazil and Italy many thanks. To my friends, the sisters of Notre Dame of Namur and Ines Bustillo, many thanks. I have been especially blessed to know Ludy Grandas. Ludy, to you many thanks. But as much I look to the past with gratitude, I am very grateful for my present. A special thanks to Calvin Stover for everything he has made possible over the past years, in the words of Aloe Blacc, “you are the man”. !!0"! Lista de Tablas Capitulo 1 Cuadro 1. Crecimiento demográfico de Santander en la primera mitad del siglo XIX………….53 Cuadro 2. Cambios demográficos de Santander 1851-1896…………………………..................62 Cuadro 3. Empleo en actividades artesanales y manufactureras, 1870……………….................88 Capítulo 2 Cuadro 1. Compañías comerciales de Bucaramanga 1857-1885……………………………….108 Cuadro 2. Alianzas matrimoniales de los Harker…………………….………………...............112 Cuadro 3. Estructura de la propiedad rural en la provincia de Soto (Bucaramanga, Lebrija y Matanza) entre 1880-1912……………………………………………………………………...117 Cuadro 4. Producción de café en Colombia según departamentos, en 1874, 1913 y 1943 (en sacos de 60 kilogramos)…………………………………………………………………….134 Cuadro 5. Cotización del café de Colombia en los mercados internacionales 1880- 1882……………………………………………………………………………………………..137 Cuadro 6. Precios del café colombiano en el mercado de Nueva York 1913-1939……………138 Cuadro 7. Costos del transporte del café desde el interior de Colombia a los puertos de exportación, 1874-1943………………………………………………………………...............139 Cuadro 8. Producción de café en las fincas de Eliseo Serrano-Lebrija, 1916………………….145 Cuadro 9. Dueños de fábricas de cigarros y cigarrillos de Bucaramanga……………………...149 Cuadro 10. Producción de cigarros y cigarrillos de Bucaramanga, 1922-1929………………..150 Cuadro 11. Empleo en actividades artesanales y manufactureras, 1918……………….............152 Capítulo 3 Cuadro 1. Negocios comunes de los principales exportadores de Bucaramanga 1892- 1898……………………………………………………………………………………………..176 Cuadro 2. Alcaldes de Bucaramanga, 1801-1930………………………………………………177 Cuadro 3. Alcaldes de Bucaramanga 1901-1935……………………………………….............183 Cuadro 4. Socios Club del Comercio 1873-1874………………………………………............192 Cuadro 5. Presidencias del Club del Comercio, 1873-1930…………………………………....198 Cuadro 6. Presidentes del Club del Comercio 1910-1930, según partidos, profesión y cargos…………………………………………………………………………………………...202 !!0""! Capítulo 4 Cuadro 1. Escuelas y materias de la Universidad Republicana ………………………………..234 Capitulo 5 Cuadro 1.Padrinos, aliados y cargos de Galvis entre 1913 y 1921……………………………..266 Cuadro 2.Los miembros de la sociedad Jurídica de Santander…………………………………288 Capítulo 6. Cuadro 1. La confrontación bipartidista en los editoriales de El Debate ……………………...300 Cuadro 2. Resultados Elecciones Santander y Bucaramanga…………………………………..306 Cuadro 3. Listas de candidatos liberales a las elecciones de Asamblea, Concejo y Cámara de Representantes, 1919…………………………………………………………………………...313 Cuadro 4. Visitantes y viajeros en Vanguardia Liberal, 1922…………………………………318 Cuadro 5. Cifras del censo de 1938 sobre la población urbana y rural…………………….......323 Cuadro 6. Temas en los editoriales de Vanguardia Liberal, septiembre 1919 a septiembre 1920…………………………………………………………………………………………….334 Cuadro 7. Obreros y artesanos en los editoriales de Vanguardia Liberal, 1919……………….338 Cuadro 8. Obreros y artesanos en los editoriales de Vanguardia Liberal, 1920……………….344 Cuadro 9. Obreros y artesanos en los editoriales de Vanguardia Liberal, 1921…………………350 Cuadro 10. Obreros y artesanos en los editoriales de Vanguardia Liberal, 1922……………...351 !!0"""!

Becoming a Patrician: Alejandro Galvis Galvis and the Liberal Party in Bucaramanga, Núñez mantuvo medidas impopulares como el impuesto a
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