ALCHEMY DECIPHERED Statistically Significant Evidence Identifying a Unified Procedure and Philosophy of Alchemy by Aleksander Almásy Copyright © 2014 by Aleksander Almásy First Edition v.1.0 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1 SOURCE SELECTION .............................................................................................. 2 METHOD ................................................................................................................... 4 ALCHEMY AS A SCIENCE OR SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE ................................. 10 FINAL WORD ON SOURCES ................................................................................ 14 STUDY ..................................................................................................................... 16 1. Many alchemical tracts must be read for one to gain a correct picture of alchemy .................................................................................................................................. 17 2. The complete instructions are never found in one book ..................................... 19 3. The genuine alchemists all agree with one another, differing only on superficial points or on using different terminology ................................................................... 20 4. Some alchemical tracts are forgeries and do not contain any genuine alchemical knowledge ................................................................................................................. 24 5. Sometimes genuine alchemists lie about alchemical principles to mislead the reader .................................................................................................................................. 27 6. True alchemical statements are apparent where there is no contradiction .......... 30 7. Different alchemists appear to be in open contradiction to one another ............. 31 8. Some alchemists wrote not to teach anything, but only to communicate with other alchemists ................................................................................................................. 33 9. Do not believe any statement if you do not understand how and why it is the case .................................................................................................................................. 35 10. Alchemy is a secret ........................................................................................... 37 11. Alchemists took a vow of secrecy ..................................................................... 44 12. Alchemists were afraid of being discovered ..................................................... 46 13. Alchemy is a physical science .......................................................................... 49 14. Alchemy is about making the Philosophers’ Stone ........................................... 52 15. Alchemists have always been ridiculed ............................................................ 55 16. Alchemists were jealous.................................................................................... 58 17. It is impossible for an ignorant person to obtain the Stone ............................... 61 18. Alchemists don't care about wealth ................................................................... 64 19. Bad things would happen if the secret were released ........................................ 66 20. The secret should not be released...................................................................... 70 21. The alchemists spoke in metaphors................................................................... 73 22. The alchemists were deliberately obscure to hide the secret ............................. 87 23. The alchemists became carried away with inventing elaborate enigmas, some of which are too obscure to ever be deciphered ............................................................ 93 24. Ignore the obscure metaphors ........................................................................... 95 25. There are no separate Mineral, Animal & Vegetable Stones; these are metaphors .................................................................................................................................. 96 26. Green lion is a metaphor ................................................................................... 98 27. Most metaphors describe the colors ................................................................ 100 28. There are 3 colors: black, white, red ............................................................... 101 29. Look for the signs ........................................................................................... 105 30. Many colors appear between the signs, but they are unimportant .................. 107 31. The substances described are metaphorical .................................................... 111 32. Many metaphors are used for one substance ................................................... 113 33. Many metaphors are used for one process ...................................................... 116 34. Chemical procedure names are to be interpreted philosophically ................... 118 35. Imitate nature .................................................................................................. 121 36. Use nature to interpret alchemy ...................................................................... 129 37. Alchemy is an acceleration of nature .............................................................. 131 38. Don't begin until you understand nature ......................................................... 133 39. Don't experiment wildly, follow only the straight path of nature ................... 135 40. Nature completes the operation, not manually ................................................ 136 41. The Stone is called a microcosm ..................................................................... 139 42. It follows the principle of yin-yang ................................................................. 141 43. Generation requires opposites (binary, yin-yang) ........................................... 143 44. Each level reflects the superior and inferior.................................................... 144 45. The Stone can be compared to natural things ................................................. 146 46. Seeds can only spring up after their kind ........................................................ 147 47. Alchemy does not require knowledge of astrology ......................................... 149 48. Everything is made from one thing: quintessence........................................... 151 49. Quintessence nourishes all things ................................................................... 155 50. Quintessence is impalpable ............................................................................. 158 51. Air contains the hidden food of life ................................................................ 159 52. All things have seed ........................................................................................ 160 53. All things have their own proper environment ................................................ 161 54. Metals develop ................................................................................................ 164 55. Metals have seed ............................................................................................. 167 56. Metals all share the same seed ........................................................................ 170 57. Metals only develop inside the earth ............................................................... 172 58. Alchemy is analogous to generation in plants, animals & minerals ................ 174 59. There is only one Stone ................................................................................... 179 60. The Stone comes in White and Red ................................................................ 181 61. The Red Stone and White Stone are made following the same method, red being a further development of white ............................................................................... 184 62. The method is simple ...................................................................................... 185 63. The work is easy ............................................................................................. 187 64. Patience ........................................................................................................... 189 65. It takes a long time .......................................................................................... 193 66. The time it takes is obscure ............................................................................. 196 67. Periods of time mentioned are not to be taken literally ................................... 198 68. Development occurs gradually ........................................................................ 199 69. Don't disturb it ................................................................................................ 201 70. There is only one method ................................................................................ 203 71. The work consists of a first part and a second part ......................................... 208 72. The first part requires manual labor while the second part does not ............... 210 73. The first part and second part are confused..................................................... 211 74. The logical order is deliberately confused ...................................................... 212 75. It's all about heat ............................................................................................. 214 76. Be gentle with the heat .................................................................................... 217 77. The degree of heat must be exact .................................................................... 226 78. The heat must be continuous ........................................................................... 227 79. The way of working is one .............................................................................. 230 80. Only coction is required for the Stone's development ..................................... 233 81. The moisture is repeatedly distilled and returned to the body......................... 236 82. The circulation is to continuously imbibe the substance ................................. 239 83. Solid becomes liquid; liquid becomes solid .................................................... 240 84. Only one vessel is required ............................................................................. 242 85. The vessel must be hermetically sealed .......................................................... 246 86. The vessel must be round ................................................................................ 250 87. The vessel must have a long neck ................................................................... 252 88. The vessel should be made of glass ................................................................ 254 89. The ingredient is known to all people ............................................................. 256 90. The ingredient is found everywhere ................................................................ 259 91. The ingredient is looked down on ................................................................... 261 92. The ingredient is very common ...................................................................... 264 93. The ingredient is one water ............................................................................. 265 94. Only one thing is the matter of the Stone ........................................................ 267 95. The work begins with separation .................................................................... 272 96. Two things are made from one thing .............................................................. 273 97. There are two things ........................................................................................ 276 98. The two things are a liquid and a solid ........................................................... 281 99. The Stone is made of volatile and fixed .......................................................... 284 100. Body and spirit are solid and liquid .............................................................. 286 101. Mercury is the moisture ................................................................................ 287 102. The two things can be called male and female .............................................. 288 103. The body is female, the water is male ........................................................... 291 104. Separate the pure from the impure ................................................................ 292 105. Purify by separation ...................................................................................... 294 106. The water must come from the body ............................................................. 297 107. Distillation is used to separate the substance ................................................ 299 108. Use an alembic for distillation ...................................................................... 301 109. The distillation must be done slowly ............................................................ 303 110. Return the distilled water back to its body .................................................... 305 111. Each separated part must be separately purified before recombining ........... 307 112. The number of distillations should be 3-10 ................................................... 309 113. The distillate dissolves gold .......................................................................... 310 114. The body is left behind after distillation ....................................................... 311 115. The salt is hidden in the body left behind after distillation ........................... 314 116. The salt is extracted from the earth by high-heat calcination ........................ 315 117. The preparation of the ingredient causes a great stench ................................ 319 118. Fire removes impurities ................................................................................ 320 119. The good salt is that which ascends .............................................................. 321 120. The salt is soluble .......................................................................................... 323 121. Calcined things are more soluble .................................................................. 324 122. Some of the salt is distilled with the water.................................................... 325 123. The water purifies the salt ............................................................................. 327 124. The salt is white when pure ........................................................................... 329 125. When the salt is pure it emits a sweet fragrance ........................................... 332 126. Do not add any foreign matter ...................................................................... 333 127. Nothing is added or taken away, except the superfluities ............................. 335 128. The superfluity is the part of the body that is not the salt ............................. 337 129. The body and spirit are complimentary ........................................................ 339 130. The body and spirit are to be combined ........................................................ 341 131. The salt must be powdered before being imbibed ......................................... 347 132. Moisture protects the body from being burnt ................................................ 348 133. The distillate must be added gradually .......................................................... 349 134. During imbibing the substance must not dry out .......................................... 351 135. If the substance appears dry, add more water ............................................... 352 136. It must be dissolved ...................................................................................... 353 137. The body is dissolved by the water ............................................................... 355 138. The liquid is coagulated ................................................................................ 357 139. The Stone is nourished with its own water until saturated ............................ 359 140. The imbibing happens gradually and takes a long time ................................ 361 141. The body and spirit are combined with gentle heat....................................... 363 142. The body and spirit are to be combined at the temperature resembling that with which a hen hatches her eggs .................................................................................. 365 143. The body and spirit once combined can no longer be separated ................... 367 144. The saturation is complete when there is a black film on the surface of the water ................................................................................................................................ 369 145. It must putrefy ............................................................................................... 371 146. One cannot change one thing into another, except by putrefaction first ....... 377 147. Moisture is needed for putrefaction .............................................................. 381 148. For proper putrefaction the degree of moisture must be exact ...................... 383 149. Putrefaction should be done without cycling of moisture ............................. 384 150. The end of putrefaction is dryness ................................................................ 385 151. If there is no dryness, there are no colors ...................................................... 388 152. After imbibing comes black .......................................................................... 389 153. Blackness is a sign of putrefaction ................................................................ 391 154. Black stage can be called all kinds of black things ....................................... 395 155. If red before black then something is wrong ................................................. 397 156. Generation follows corruption ...................................................................... 400 157. The fire should be increased when the Stone is black and dry ...................... 403 158. After black comes white ............................................................................... 404 159. There are many colors in between black and white ...................................... 408 160. After white comes red ................................................................................... 411 161. The Red Stone is only a further development of the White Stone ................ 418 162. The Red Stone is made from the White Stone with more heat ..................... 420 163. Between white and red use a dry fire ............................................................ 422 164. The Red should be made from the White by recirculation ............................ 424 165. Don't ferment the White Stone before raising it to Red ................................ 426 166. Only a part of the White Stone should be further developed to Red ............. 428 167. Between White and Red there is orange ....................................................... 430 168. The Stone is to be fermented ......................................................................... 432 169. Fermentation is recirculation with more distillate and silver/gold added ..... 435 170. Fermentation can be repeated for purposes of multiplication ....................... 437 171. Fermentation makes the Stone less volatile .................................................. 440 172. Fermentation increases the quality ................................................................ 441 173. Fermentation is required for transmutation ................................................... 443 174. Silver and gold are used in fermentation ....................................................... 445 175. White Stone is fermented with silver ............................................................ 447 176. Red Stone is fermented with gold ................................................................. 449 177. The silver/gold is the ferment ....................................................................... 451 178. For fermentation the quantity of the metal should be greater ....................... 453 179. The Stone can be multiplied .......................................................................... 456 180. The Stone can be increased in quality and quantity ...................................... 460 181. The Stone can be multiplied to almost infinity ............................................. 463 182. Each multiplication increases the quality of the Stone by ten-fold ............... 466 183. Multiplication is performed by reiteration of the process ............................. 469 184. Things more often dissolved are increased in virtue ..................................... 473 185. The Stone can be multiplied in quantity by projecting it onto its metal ........ 475 186. Multiplication gets faster .............................................................................. 477 187. The final Stone is a red color ........................................................................ 478 188. The final Stone is very heavy ........................................................................ 481 189. The final Stone is incombustible ................................................................... 482 190. The final Stone is crystalline ......................................................................... 483 191. The final Stone is soluble in any liquid ......................................................... 484 192. The Stone is a universal medicine ................................................................. 485 193. The White Stone is a medicine for humans................................................... 492 194. The Stone prevents the appearance of old age and restores youth ................ 494 195. The Stone prolongs life ................................................................................. 499 196. The Stone cures sorrow ................................................................................. 502 197. The Stone transmutes metals ......................................................................... 505 198. The White Stone transmutes metals into silver ............................................. 510 199. The Red Stone transmutes metals into gold .................................................. 512 200. It is possible to change gold into a lesser metal ............................................ 515 201. When projecting the metal should be molten ................................................ 516 202. The Stone can transmute gems ...................................................................... 518 203. The Stone can make everburning lamps ....................................................... 521 204. The biblical patriarchs possessed the Stone .................................................. 523 205. The Golden Fleece is a book containing a full account of the preparation of the medicine .................................................................................................................. 525 PREMISES IN ORDER OF STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE ............................. 527 STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT PREMISES .................................................... 533 PROBABLY SIGNIFICANT PREMISES ............................................................. 537 RESULT ................................................................................................................. 538 DISCUSSION ......................................................................................................... 539 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................... 540 APPENDIX. Determining the statistical significance of multiple qualitative sources representing a single school of thought ................................................................... 543 INTRODUCTION p.1 INTRODUCTION This book is a definitive study on alchemy in which I provide proof beyond reasonable doubt for the existence of a single specific and replicable chemical procedure and accompanying philosophical theory. Due to the nature of the subject nothing presented is left open to interpretation; every single statement made herein has been carefully considered and accompanied by statistically significant evidence. The research which forms the backbone of this book is an in-depth study of 64 alchemical sources, from which a total of 948 quotations were collected and classified into one or more of 81 different categories. The quotations were then further analyzed for implied statements, 789 of the quotations from 58 of the alchemical sources giving 549 different statements, or premises, about alchemy, of which 205 premises were supported by at least 2 different sources. The result is a database of alchemical quotations which can be browsed by both the category of the quotation and by the premises implied by the quotations. This allows for cross-reference of any alchemical statement, immediately highlighting any agreement or contradiction across the full range of source material. The database of quotations is freely accessible via the Internet from this link: Using a formula for statistical significance, I will utilize the database of quotations in order to isolate ‘laws’ of alchemy, defined and identified by premises which are present in a statistically significant number of sources. Aleksander Almásy January, 2014 p.2 SOURCE SELECTION SOURCE SELECTION To this day hundreds of alchemical manuscripts exist in a variety of museums, libraries and private collections. With the mass-digitization of these collections well underway a large number of these manuscripts are now available on the Internet in digital editions and facsimiles. The existence of such alchemical literature existing in the libraries of respected institutions, such as in the British Museum’s Sloane Collection, is an established fact and not a subject of debate or controversy. For the purpose of this study I selected as many primary sources I could obtain. This was 64 originally, but 6 of them did not supply any obvious premises which reduced the number of usable sources to 58. See the Bibliography for the complete list. The sources were selected according to the following criteria: 1. The source must be a primary source, not a work discussing alchemy from a third party perspective. The reason for this criterion is to avoid any third party interpretation or opinion influencing the results. 2. The source must be an alchemical tract, not notes on an alchemical experiment, i.e. the tract must be intended for teaching. The reason for this criterion is because this is not a study of experimental research. 3. The source must have been originally written prior to the 19th century. The reason for this criterion is because what is defined as alchemical literature during and after the 19th century is misrelated to pre-19th century alchemy, as will be discussed later. 4. The source must be authentic, i.e. not a forgery. An ‘authentic’ source is defined as a source which is not a forgery. A ‘forgery’ is defined as a source which contains no compatibility to any other source, i.e. a forgery contains no statements which are supported by any other source (either authentic or another forgery.) 5. The source must be in English (either originally in English or an English translation.) The reason for this criterion is because this is an English study. To elaborate on the authenticity of the sources: manuscripts were not rejected from the study on suspicion of being forgeries, but rather the study itself gives weight only to those sources which contain statistically significant statements. The study is therefore self-policing as a forgery by definition will SOURCE SELECTION p.3 not be statistically significant and so will not influence the results of the study. Performing the study in this way eliminates bias in the source selection. Of the 64 selected sources: the majority originated in Europe, the others from China; the majority were written within the last 1,000 years, with others having unknown origins, possibly more than 2,000 years old. The year of original publication is indicated where known.