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http://stores.ebay.com/Ancestry-Found http://stores.ebay.com/Ancestry-Found THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY KUHOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY http://stores.ebay.com/Ancestry-Found ALBUM OF GENEALOGY AND BIOGRAPHY COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS WITH PORTRAITS THIRTEENTH EDITION, REVISED AND IMPROVED. CHICAGO LA SALLE BOOK COMPANY 1900. THE CALUMET PRESS PRINTED BY THECALUMETCOMPANY 166-170SOUTH CLINTON STREET CHICAGO PREFACE; 'E BELIEVE the time has arrived ments, and carving out statues to chronicle their when it becomes the duty of the great achievements and carry them down^ the people ofthis county to perpetuate ages. Itis also evidentthat theMound-builders, the names oftheir pioneers, tofur- in piling up their great mounds ofearth, had but nish a record of their early settle- this idea to leave something to show that they ment, and relate the story of their progress. had lived. All these works, though many of The civilization ofour day, the enlightenment of them costly in the extreme, give but a faint idea the age, and the duty that men of the present ofthe lives andcharactersofthose whosememory time owe to their ancestors, to themselves and to they were intended to perpetuate, and scarcely their posterity, demand that arecordoftheirlives anything of the masses of the people that then anddeedsshouldbemade. Inbiographicalhistory lived. The great pyramids and some of the is found a power to instruct man by precedent, to obelisks remain objects only of curiosity; the enliven the mental faculties, and to waft down mausoleums, monuments and statues are crumb- ^jj the river oftime a safevessel, inwhich thenames ling into dust. and actions of the people who contributed to It was left to modern ages to establish anintel- raise this country from its primitive state may be ligent, undecaying, immutable method of perpet- preserved. Surely and rapidly the great and uating a full history immutable, in that it is al- aged men, who in theirprime entered the wilder- most unlimited in extentand perpetual in its ac- ness and claimed the virgin soil as theirheritage, tion; and this is through the art ofprinting. are passing totheirgraves. Thenumberremain- To the present generation, however, we arein- ing who can relate the incidents of the first days debted for the introduction of the admirable sys- i of settlement is becoming small indeed, so that tem of local biography. By this system every actual necessity exists forthe collection and pres- man, though he has not achieved what the world ervation of events without delay, before all the calls greatness, has the means to perpetuate his early settlers are cut down by thescytheofTime. life, his history, through the coming ages, for the To be forgotten has been the great dread of benefit ofhis posterity. mankind from remotest ages. All will be forgot- The scythe of Time cuts down all; nothing of ten soon enough, in spite oftheir best works and the physical man is left. The monument which the mostearnesteffortsoftheirfriends to preserve his children or friends may erect to his memory "1 the memory oftheir lives. The meansemployed in the cemetery will crumble into dust and pass to prevent oblivion and to perpetuate their mem- away; but his life, his achievements, the work he "** ory havebeeninproportion tothe amountofintel- has accomplished, which otherwise would be for- ligence they possessed. The pyramids of Egypt gotten, is perpetuated by a record ofthis kind. wo were built to perpetuate the names and deeds of To preserve the lineaments of our companions its great rulers. The exhumations made by we engrave their portraits; for the same reason the archaeologists ofEgypt from buried Memphis we collect the attainable facts of their history. ^ indicate a desire ofthose people to perpetuate the Nor do we think it necessary, as we speak only memory of their achievements. The erection of truth ofthem, to wait until they are dead, or un- the great obelisks was for the same purpose. til those who knewthem aregone; andweneedbe Comingdown to alaterperiod, wefindtheGreeks ashamed only of publishing the history of those and Romans erecting mausoleums and monu- whose lives are unworthy ofpublic record. 2604 1 I PREFACE. The greatest of English historians, MACAU- in the pride and strength of young manhood left LAY, and one ofthe most brilliant writers of the the plow and the anvil, the lawyer's office and present century, has said: "The history of a the counting-room, left every trade and pro- country is best told in a record of the lives of fession, and at their country's call went forth its people." In conformity with this idea, the valiantly "to do or die," and how through their GENEALOGICAL, AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM of efforts the Union was restored and peace once this county hasbeen prepared. Instead ofgoing more reigned in the land. In the life of every to musty records, and taking therefrom dry sta- man and of every woman is a lesson that should tistical matter thatcan beappreciated by but few, not be lost to those who follow after. our corps of writers have gone to the people, the Coming generations will appreciate this vol- men and women who have, by their enterprise ume and preserve it as a sacred treasure, from and industry, brought the county to a rank sec- the fact that it contains somuchthatwouldnever ond to none among those comprising this great find its wayinto public records, and which would and noble State, and from their lips have ob- otherwise be inaccessible. Great care has been tained the story oftheir life struggles. No more taken in the compilation ofthe work, and every interesting or instructive matter could be pre- opportunity possible giventothose represented to sented to an intelligent public. In this volume insure correctness in what has been written; and will be found a record of many whose lives are the publishers flatter themselves that they give worthy the imitation of coming generations. It to their readers a work with few errors of conse- tells how some, commencing life in poverty, by quence. In addition tothebiographicalsketches, industry and economy have accumulated wealth. portraits of a number of representative citizens It tells how others, with limited advantages for are given. securing an education, have become learned The faces of some, and biographical sketches men and women, with an influence extending ofmany, will be missed in this volume. For this throughout the length and breadth of the the publishers are not to blame. Not having a land. It tells of men who have risen from the proper conception of the work, some refused to lower walks oflife to eminence as statesmen, and givetheinformationnecessarytocompileasketch, whose names have become famous. It tells of while others were indifferent. Occasionally some thosein every walk inlifewhohavestriventosuc- member of the family would oppose the enter- ceed, andrecordshowsuccesshasusually crowned prise, and on account of such opposition the their efforts. It tells also of many, very many, support ofthe interested one would be withheld. who, not seeking the applause ofthe world, have In a few instances men could never be found, pursued "the even tenor of their way," content though repeated calls were made at their resi- to have it said of them, as Christ said of the dences or places ofbusiness. woman performing a deedofmercy "They have done what they could." It tells how that many L,A SALLE BOOK COMPANY

ALBUM OF GENEALOGY. AND. BIOGRAPHY. COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS .. worth Genealogy, in three volumes. He joined .. the primary branches of an English education. teen years began learning the cooper's trade,.
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