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Albania and the European Union: The Tumultuous Journey Towards Integration and Accession (Library of European Studies) PDF

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Preview Albania and the European Union: The Tumultuous Journey Towards Integration and Accession (Library of European Studies)

AAllbbaanniiaa aanndd tthhee EEuurrooppeeaann UUnniioonn AAllbbaanniiaa aanndd tthhee EEuurrooppeeaann UUnniioonn TThhee TTuummuullttuuoouuss JJoouurrnneeyy ttoowwaarrddssIInntteeggrraattiioonn aanndd AAcccceessssiioonn MIRELA BOGDANI and JOHN LOUGHLIN Published in 2007 by I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd 6 Salem Road, London W2 4BU 175 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10010 www.ibtauris.com In the United States of America and Canada distributed by Palgrave Macmillan a division of St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10010 Copyright © Mirela Bogdani and John Loughlin The right of Mirela Bogdani and John Loughlin to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted by the authors in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1988. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in a review, this book, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Library of European Studies 4 ISBN: 978 1 84511 308 7 A full CIP record for this book is available from the British Library A full CIP record is available from the Library of Congress Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: available Printed and bound in Great Britain by TJ International Ltd, Padstow, Cornwall From camera-ready copy edited and supplied by the authors CCOONNTTEENNTTSS List of Tables ix Acknowledgements xi Acronyms xii 11.. EEuurrooppeeaann iinntteeggrraattiioonn aanndd tthhee ttrraannssffoorrmmaattiioonn ooff tthhee ddeemmooccrraattiicc ssttaattee:: TThheeoorreettiiccaall aanndd ccoonntteexxttuuaall iissssuueess 1 1.1. The nation-state and the development of the European Union 1 1.2. Theories of European integration 14 1.3. The Europeanization approach: theoretical issues 19 22.. AAllbbaanniiaa iinn 11999900:: AAtt tthhee ccrroossssrrooaaddss bbeettwweeeenn ccoommmmuunniissmm aanndd ddeemmooccrraaccyy 21 2.1. The democratic movement for the overthrow of communism 21 2.2. Political, historical, economic and cultural legacies of the past: the Ottoman and communist legacies 22 2.3. To what extent is Albania 'European'? 31 33.. TThhee ttrraannssiittiioonn ppeerriioodd:: PPoolliittiiccaall aanndd ssoocciioo--eeccoonnoommiicc ssiittuuaattiioonn ooff AAllbbaanniiaa.. HHooww ffaarr iiss AAllbbaanniiaa ffrroomm mmeeeettiinngg tthhee CCooppeennhhaaggeenn ccrriitteerriiaa?? 36 3.1. Democratic transformation in Albania 36 3.2. Political situation 40 Elections 40 Public administration 47 The rule of law 49 Judicial system 51 Human and Minority Rights. The Cham issue 53 Media 55 Approximation of domestic legislation to EU Laws 57 3.3. Economic situation 60 Post-communist economic transformations 60 Economic indicators and the situation in specific sectors 61 Other market-related areas 71 vi Albania and the European Union 3.4. Social situation 73 From egalitarianism to polarization and 'jungle capitalism' 73 The situation in specific areas 76 Demographic situation 79 Environmental situation 79 3.5. Religious situation 80 3.6. Advantages of Albania as an independent nation-state 84 3.7. How far is Albania from meeting the criteria? 85 44.. EEUU mmeemmbbeerrsshhiipp pprroossppeeccttiivvee ffoorr tthhee ccoouunnttrriieess ooff WWeesstteerrnn BBaallkkaannss aanndd AAllbbaanniiaa 87 4.1. The EU's eastern enlargements: the Western Balkans and the completion of the EU map 87 4.2. The importance of European accession and integration for the Western Balkans and Albania 92 4.3. The future of the Kosovo issue 96 4.4. The Balkans back into the European mainstream? 100 4.5. The Accession Process and EU membership criteria (Copenhagen criteria) 102 4.6. The principle of conditionality, the Stability Pact for South- Eastern Europe and the Thessalonica Summit 107 4.7. Western Balkans - passengers on the same train 111 4.8. History of Albanian's European integration efforts: on the way towards the EU destination 115 4.9. The other priority: Membership in NATO 119 4.10. The future of Western Balkans and Albania lies with the EU 120 55.. TThhee ppoolliittiiccaall ssyysstteemm:: AAllbbaanniiaann ppoolliittiiccaall ppaarrttiieess aanndd tthheeiirr aattttiittuuddee ttoowwaarrddss tthhee EEUU 122 5.1. The political structure 122 5.2. Political situation from 1992-97: The 'reign and fall' of the Democratic Party 123 A good beginning which turned into a new 'dictatorship' 123 The failure of the Constitution and the farce of the 1996 elections 126 Pyramid schemes and the following popular uprising 127 5.3. Political situation after 1997 129 Socialists back in power 129 Commitment to restore the country and restart the reforms 130 Another eight years of governance failure 131 Contents vii 5.4. Polarization of the political system 132 5.5. The opposition 133 5.6. Small parties 134 5.7. Party coalitions 136 5.8. Partitocrazia 137 5.9. Internal party democracy 138 5.10. Ideological/political identity 141 5.11. Funding of parties 144 5.12. Organizational structure 145 5.13. The rhetoric of EU membership 146 66.. CClliieenntteelliissmm,, ccoorrrruuppttiioonn aanndd oorrggaanniizzeedd ccrriimmee:: SSeerriioouuss bbaarrrriieerrss ttoo EEUU mmeemmbbeerrsshhiipp 148 6.1. The 'importing' of illegal activities from the Balkans - a challenge for the EU 148 6.2. Clientelism 149 6.3. Corruption and bribery 151 6.4. Organized crime 155 6.5. Connections between the mafia and politics 160 77.. PPoolliiccyy mmaakkiinngg iinn AAllbbaanniiaa 163 7.1. Components of policy-making 163 7.2. What type of policy-making has Albania? 166 88.. TThhee rroollee ooff tthhee eelliittee aanndd tthhee ddoommeessttiicc aaccttoorrss 170 8.1 The elite and middle class under communism 170 8.2. The birth of the new elite 172 8.3. The domestic actors 173 The political elite and state actors 173 a. The role of political leaders 174 b. Government 177 c. Parliament 179 d. President 181 The bureaucratic elite (Civil servants) 182 The knowledge elite 183 a. The 'Brain drain' 184 Civil society 187 The media elite 189 The masses and public opinion 190 a. The politics of domestic collective identity - Italian case 193 viii Albania and the European Union 99.. LLooccaall ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt aanndd ddeecceennttrraalliizzaattiioonn 195 9.1. Territorial governance under communism 195 9.2. The current Albanian system of local government 197 9.3. The functions of Albanian local government 199 The communes and municipalities 199 Functions of the regions 200 Local finances 201 9.4. The functioning of local government 202 9.5. Future challenges 206 1100.. EEUU eeccoonnoommiicc aaiidd,, aassssiissttaannccee aanndd pprrooggrraammmmeess:: HHooww hhaavvee tthheeyy ccoonnttrriibbuutteedd ttoo ddoommeessttiicc rreeffoorrmmss aanndd ddeevveellooppmmeenntt?? 209 10.1. EU aid and assistance in various areas in the past and in the present 209 10.2. Evolution of EU assistance to Albania and its complementarity with other donors 213 10.3. The CARDS programme 215 10.4. The future instruments of EU financial assistance 217 1111.. TThhee iimmppaacctt ooff eexxtteerrnnaall ffaaccttoorrss oonn AAllbbaanniiaann ppoolliittiiccss aanndd ppoolliicciieess 219 11.1. The impact of the EU and Europeanization 220 11.2. Globalization 221 11.3. The influence of the CEE countries 223 11.4. The role of the International Community in Albania 224 11.5. Regional cooperation and Albania's attitude to geo-politics and the war against terrorism 226 11.6. 'Greater Albania' in the light of the future accession of Albania and Kosovo into the EU 229 11.7. The Albanian diaspora and its role in domestic politics. 233 11.8. When will Albania join the EU? 236 Conclusions 239 Endnotes 249 Bibliography 259 Index 269 LLIISSTT OOFF TTAABBLLEESS 1. The 35 negotiation chapters of the acquis communautaire 59 2. The process of accession of the Western Balkan countries 114

When will Albania join the EU? Will accession help Albania to achieve prosperity, stability and prosperity? What factors are helping it towards this end and what factors are holding it back? An original study of Albania and its relations with the EU, this is the first book to identify and analyse th
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