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Alaska Pulp Corporation long-term timber sale contract : north and east Kuiu : final environmental impact statement PDF

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Preview Alaska Pulp Corporation long-term timber sale contract : north and east Kuiu : final environmental impact statement

Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. 50 // united states Alaska Pulp A jVi Department of Agriculture Forest Service Corporation Long-Term Tongass , National Forest Timber Sale Contract R10-MB-205 January 1993 North and East Kuiu Final Environmental Impact Statement Summary 7 Alaska Pulp Corporation Long-Term Timber Sale Contract North and East Kuiu Final Environmental Impact Statement Summary Tongass National Forest - Stikine Area U.S.D.A. Forest Service Alaska Region Lead Agency: Tongass National Forest, Stikine Area 15—12th Street P.O. Box 309 Petersburg, Alaska 99833 Cooperating Agency: U.S. Coast Guard P.O. Box 2551 Juneau, AK 99802 Responsible Official: Abigail R. Kimbell, Forest Supervisor Tongass National Forest, Stikine Area For Further Information Bob Gerdes, Team Leader Contact: Tongass National Forest, Stikine Area P.O. Box 309 Petersburg, Alaska 99833 (907) 772-3841 Abstract: The U.S. Forest Service proposes a range ofalternatives for making tim- bervolume available to the Alaska Pulp Corporation Long-term Timber Sale Con- tract. Alternative 1 is the no action alternative. Alternative 2 focuses activities in areas of previous timber harvest (north Kuiu) while Alternative 3 focuses activities away from areas of recent timber harvest (east Kuiu). Alternative 4 disperses activi ties across the study area. f Summary Contents Summary 1 OverviewofProject 1 ProposedAction 1 Purpose andNeedforAction 1 ManagementDirection 2 Background 2 DecisionNeeded 2 Issues 3 Alternatives 4 Alternative 1 -No ActionAlternative 4 Alternative 2 4 Alternative 3 4 Alternative4 5 ComparisonofAlternativesby Issue 5 Identification ofthe Forest ServicePreferred Alternative 22 North and East Kuiu Final EIS Summary i Summary SUMMARY Overview of Project IncompliancewithFederal and State regulations,theU.S. Forest Service haspreparedthis FinalEnvironmental Impact Statement(FEIS) onthe effectsofimplementingtheprovisions ofthe AlaskaPulp CorporationLong-Term Sale ContractintheNorthKuiuandEastKuiu ManagementAreas oftheTongass NationalForest. The NationalEnvironmental Policy Act (NEPA) requiredthat (1) arangeofalternatives forachievingtheproject’s goalsbe put forth, (2)ananalysisofthe environmental impactsofeachalternativebeconducted, (3) measuresto mitigateadverse impactsbe discussed, andfinally, (4) theview ofinterested membersofthepublicbe soughtand incorporated into thefinal plan. This FEIS accom- plishes theseobjectives. Proposed Action The Forest Serviceproposes to make availableforharvestby AlaskaPulp Corporationap- proximately 120 millionboardfeet (MMBF) ofsawlogfromManagement Areas S04 and S09 onKuiuIsland. Inadditionto the sawlogvolume, utilityvolume will alsobe harvested fromthe same acres. (Utility logsdo notmeetthequality standardsforsawlogs,butapply towardthevolume requirements ofthe long-termcontract.) Thisproject includesthe con- structionofupto approximately 100 miles offorestdevelopmentroads. Purpose and Need for Action Thepurposeandneedforthisprojectisto implementForestPlandirectionforthe project area, meetthefederal governmentobligationto make timbervolume available underthe APCcontract,andto improvethe timberproductivity oftheprojectareaby harvesting ma- ture standsoftimberand replacingthemwithfastergrowing stands ofsecondgrowthtim- ber. The timbervolumeneededforthis project is approximately 120 millionboardfeet (MMBF) ofnetsawlogs. This isenoughvolume to supply theRowanBay camp forthree years. NorthandEastKuiuFinal EIS Summary 1 Summary Management Direction Managementdirectionforthe study areais found inthe currentTongassLandManagement Plan. TheLandManagementPlanidentifies thesemanagementareas (S04 and S09) asone oftheprincipal landbasesfortimberproductionforthe AlaskaPulp Corporation(APC)tim- bersalecontract. The northernandeasternportionsofKuiuIslandare tobe managedto ful- fillasubstantialportionofAPC’stimbervolume commitmentwiththeUnited States. This areahasbeenincorporatedinto the contractas acontingency areaforprovidingtimberfrom public landsto adependentindustry. Background Inorderto encourage economic development, includingstable employment, insoutheast Alaska, the CongressoftheUnited States authorizedthe Forest Service to enterinto long termtimbersalecontracts. Accordingly, theForest Service and AlaskaLumberandPulp Corporation, now AlaskaPulp Corporation(APC),entered into a50-yearcontractin 1956. Underthe terms ofthis agreementtheForest Service is obligated to make timberavailable forharvestby APConBaranof, Chichagof,Kuiu, andotherassociated islands. InNovemberof1990, PresidentBushsignedtheTongassTimberReform Act. This Actreaf- firmed Congressional intentionsto continue the long-termtimbersale contracts inAlaska. The Actspecifiedthatcommercialtimberharvestwould notbe harvestedwithinat least 100 feetofanadromousfishstreams andprovideddirectionformodificationofthe long-term contractsto makethem similarto independenttimbersale contracts. The Actalso provided directionaboutwhichlands shouldbe designatedaswilderness, whichlands shouldbe man- agedprimarily forroadless recreation, andwhichlandswouldbe managedfortimberpro- duction. All ofthealternativesconsidered inthisEIS are consistentwiththis legislatioa Decision Needed The decisiontobe madeiswhetherto maketimberavailableforharvestto meetcontractual obligationsto APCand improvetimberproductivity inthe NorthAnd EastKuiuProject areawhile also providingacombinationofrecreation, fish, water, and wildlifeforthe needs ofsociety now and into the future. Iftimberis madeavailable forharvest, AbigailR. Kim- bell. Forest Supervisor, TongassNationalForest, Stikine Area, will decide (a) whetherto proceedwiththeprojectand how muchvolumeto make available; (b) thelocationandde- signofthetimberharvestunitsand necessary logtransferfacilities; (c) the locationandde- signofassociated mainlineandlocal roadcorridors; and (d) mitigationmeasuresand enhancementopportunitiesforall resources inthe project area. 2 Summary NorthandEastKuiuFinalEIS

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