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Alan Oken's complete astrology PDF

639 Pages·1988·197.499 MB·English
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ALANOKEN'S COMPLETE ' ASTROLOGY ALANOKEN'S COMPLETE ASTROLOGY REVISED EDITION BANTAM BOOKS TORONTO· NEW YORK· LONDON· SYDNEY· AUCKLAND ALAN OKEN'S COMPLETE ASTROLOGY. REVISED EDITION A Bantam Book / August 1988 The material contained in this book was originally published by Bantam in three separate volumes. AS ABOVE. SO BELOW Copyright IC 1973 by Bantam Books. Inc. THE HOROSCOPE. THE ROAD AND ITS TRAVELERS Copyright I!:J 1974 by Alan Oken ASTROLOGY: EVOLUTION AND REVOLUTION Copyright @ 1976 by Alan Oken First Revised Bantam trade edition / Augus, 1980 Second Revised Bantam trade edition / August 1988 Illustrations on pages 436.437,439,441.443,485,490, and 497 by Rhea Braunstein. All rights reserved. Copyright @ 1980. 1988 by Alan Oken. Cover photograph copyright @ 1988 by Image Bank/Alain Choiset. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmilled . in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, inc/uding photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. For information address: Bantam Books. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Library of Congress Cataloging-In-Publication Data Oken, Alan. [Complete astrology) Alan Oken's complete astrology.-Rev. ed .. 2nd rev. Bantam trade ed. p. cm. Originally published in three separate volumes: As above. so below. c1973; the horoscope, the road, and its travelers. IC1974; Astrology: evolution and revolution, @1976. Bibliography: p. Includes index. ISBN 0-553-34537-0 I. Astrology. 2. Zodiac. 3. Horoscopes. I. Title. 11. Title: Complete astrology. BF1708.1.034 1988 133.5-dcI9 88·10587 elP Published simultaneously in the United States and Canada Bantam Books are published by Bantam Books, a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc. Its trademark, consisting of the words "Bantam Books" and the portrayal of a rooster. is Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. Morea Regis trada. Bantam Books, 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10103. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FG 0987654321 For the lIlew Group of Worl<l Ser~ers of every nation. NOTE TO THE READER Because of the nature of the various typefaces used in revising this book, you will find two different styles of astrological symbols. ~ Aries cyJ \rj Taurus "l:5 ~ Gemini 1I $ <Z9 Cancer bl Leo ~ rrp n;P Virgo 52 ~ Libra nt Scorpio I~ ~ Sagittarius ~ 3 Capricorn V-~ ~ Aquarius ~ ~ ~ 00 Pisces )-{ CONTENTS Foreword to the 1988 Edition xi PART) AS ABOVE, SO BELOW: The Language of Astrology I: Astrology, Astronomy, the Earth, and You 1. Astrology and Its Place in the Universe of Man 5 2. The Astrological Tree of Knowledge and Its Branches 14 3. The Horoscope and Natal Astrology 17 4. The Earth and Its Movements Through the Heavens 20 5. The Earth, the Elements, and the Triplicities 27 6. The Earth, the Seasons, the Sexes, and the Quadruplicities 40 II: The Cosmic Family of Man: The Signs of the Zodiac 7. Introduction: The 1Wo Zodiacs 53 8. Aries-I Seek My Self 57 9. Taurus-I Seek My Self Through What I Have 65 10. Gemini-I Seek My Self Through What I Think 74 11. Cancer-I Seek My Self Through What I Feel 83 12. Leo-I Seek My Self Through What I Create 92 13. Virgo-I Seek My Self Through What I Learn 100 14. Libra-I Seek My Self Through What I Unite 109 15. Scorpio-I Seek My Self Through What I Desire ' 118 16. Sagittarius-I Seek Therefore I Am 129 17. Capricorn-I Seek My Self Through What I Use 138 18. Aquarius-I Seek My Self Through Humanity 149 19. Pisces-I Seek My Self and I Don't Seek My Self 159 III: The Cosmic Family of the Sun: The Planets 20. The Astronomical Nature of the Solar System 171 21. The Sun-Light of the Father 176 22. The Moon-Light of the Mother 181 23. Mercury-Light of the Messenger 187 24. Venus-Light of Beauty 192 25. Mars-Light of the Aggressor 197 26. Jupiter-Light of Wisdom 203 27. Saturn-Light of the Teacher 208 28. Uranus-Light of Illumination 214 29. Neptune-Light of Inspiration 221 30. Pluto-Light of Transcendence 226 PART 2 THE HOROSCOPE: Tool for Self-Awareness IV: The Horoscope Foreword to Part 2: Astrology: The Cosmic Tool 237 31. The Astrologer: Artist and Scientist 241 32. The Natal Chart and the Importance of Birth Data 244 33. The Tools of the Trade 250 34. Symbology 256 35. The Planetary Energies 260 36. The Zodiacal Principles 284 37. The Planets in the Signs 300 38. The Pattern of the Houses and the Ascendant 312 39. The Planets in the Houses 322 V: The Road: Chart Erection and Interpretation Note 339 40. l)me: The Universal Factor 341 41. The Wheel of Life 351 42. The Planetary Blueprint 363 43. The Geometry of the Spheres 383 44. Interplanetary Relationships 401 45. Planetary Pictures 435 46. Interpretation: The First Steps 445 47. Interpretation: The Second Steps 451 48., Prognostication: Free Will or Destiny? 460 VI: The Travelers: Five Delineations No~ ~5 49. Carl Jung: Voice of the ColJective Unconscious 477 50. Lily Tomlin: Voice of Laughter 485 51. Rajneesh: Voice of the Magician 490 52. Shirley MacLaine: Voice of a New Age Woman 497 53. Edgar Cayce: Voice of the Spirit 502 VII: The New Consciousness and the Cusp of the Ages 54. The Great Year 511 The Polarity of the Ages 514 The Age of Taurus 517 The Age of Aries 520

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