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Al-Za'abi, Ruqiya Khamis Abdullah (2018) Oman's treated chronic kidney failure population in ... PDF

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Al-Za'abi, Ruqiya Khamis Abdullah (2018) Oman’s treated chronic kidney failure population in years 1980 to 2015: an epidemiology research. PhD thesis. https://theses.gla.ac.uk/9110/ Copyright and moral rights for this work are retained by the author A copy can be downloaded for personal non-commercial research or study, without prior permission or charge This work cannot be reproduced or quoted extensively from without first obtaining permission in writing from the author The content must not be changed in any way or sold commercially in any format or medium without the formal permission of the author When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given Enlighten: Theses https://theses.gla.ac.uk/ [email protected] Oman’s treated chronic kidney failure population in years 1980 to 2015: An epidemiology research By Ruqiya Khamis Abdullah Al-Za’abi BSN (USA), MSc (UK) Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Nursing College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences © University of Glasgow © Ruqiya Al-Za’abi 2018 2 Abstract Background and aim: Epidemiological studies on incidence, prevalence, and other epidemiological variables of Oman’s treated kidney failure population have been limited, and questionable as to their use of rigorous research methods. The main aim of this study was to identify the epidemiological variables of treated patients with advanced kidney disease in Oman, the status of publishing on the studied population, and describing the dialysis sub-population characteristics in the northern region of Oman. Methods: First, a secondary data analysis was performed using data from the Oman's renal replacement therapy (RRT) register (1980-2015). The studied epidemiological variables included: incidence, prevalence, death figures, causes of death and treatment costs of the Oman’s treated kidney failure population, especially dialysis sub-population. The publications on chronic kidney failure population of Oman were explored at this stage. Secondly, a multi-centre, cross-sectional study (i.e. survey research) was conducted covering the dialysis sub-population of the northern region of Oman. The basic aim of the survey was to assist in developing the first description of the main characteristics (e.g. demography, primary diagnoses, and co-morbidities) of dialysis-treated patients with advanced kidney disease living the northern region of Oman. A convenience sample (n = 341) of participants were recruited from four renal dialysis centres (RDCs). Those who met the pre-specified study inclusion criteria were surveyed using a researcher- administered survey during October and November 2014. SomeFrom December 2014 to December 2015, there were some additional data was gathered (e.g. death figures) from December 2014 to December 2015. Results: The first RRT care that started in Oman was peritoneal dialysis (PD) in April 1980, while the well-structured PD programme started in 1992 and was boosted in 2007. In 1983, the first dialysis center was opened with seven machines for haemodialysis, serving 35 patients. By the end of 2015, the Ministry of Health (MOH) had 18 RDCs serving 1,439 patients on dialysis per annum for Oman’s population. The analysis of the RRT register's data showed that the mean prevalence for all years (1983-2015) was 724.9 dialysis patients per year. The mean incidence for the same years was 203.7 kidney failure patients per year. The mean death rate calculated for all years (1983-2015) was 58 deaths per year. The recorded causes of death were cardiovascular diseases, and infection. Over the years, it was described that death due to infections and cardiovascular diseases were increasing among 3 the RRT population and particularly within dialysis cohort. The cost of the dialysis sessions increased dramatically from 2,246,627 OMR (~ 4.5 million GBP) in 1998 to 9,543,572 OMR (~20 million GBP) in 2015, which is a 325% increase. Among the databases searched, there were 44 articles, which either focused on, or mentioned Oman’s chronic kidney failure population. Most of these articles focused on kidney transplantation and were of limited and questionable methodologies. In the multi-centre cross-sectional study, the northern region of Oman was divided into two subdivisions. The average age of this population was 51.7 ± 15.8 (mean ± SD) with no statistical evidence of difference between the subdivisions of the northern region of Oman (P = 0.177). There were more males (n = 187 = 54.8%) than females (n = 154 = 45.2%), with no significant difference between subdivisions (P = 0.598). It was described that the divorce frequency was low in this population (n = 22 = 6.4%), with no significant difference between subdivisions (P = 0.49), but unemployment was high (n = 292 = 85.9%), showing no significant difference between subdivisions (P = 0.537). Nearly half of this population were illiterate (n = 164 = 48.1%), with more illiterate females (n = 103= 66.9%) compared to males (n = 61= 32.6%), and no significant difference between subdivisions (P = 0.174). Nearly half of the participants had been on dialysis for five years at the time of data collection (n = 165 = 48.4%). The most common co-morbidities reported by these participants were hypertension and diabetes combined (n = 156 = 32.4%). The main reported causes of death shown by the data gathered were cardiovascular diseases (n = 41 = 41.5%) and infection (n = 10 = 10.2%). More than half of the participants were hoping to have kidney transplantations as soon as possible (n = 173 = 50.7%). Conclusion: This study is a comprehensive description of the Oman’s RRT epidemiology. The data showed a significant increase in the incidence and prevalence of treated chronic kidney failure in Oman. It showed the increase in the cost of dialysis in Oman for the past 17 years (1998-2015), which is in line with the recent publications from Oman (Al-Alawi et al., 2017; Al-Ismaili et al., 2016) and is in line with global findings. This research’s results have contributed to providing a deeper understanding of the Oman’s treated chronic kidney failure population. It appears that there is a heavy burden borne by the country, the health sector and the patients on dialysis because of the complex nature of life-long treatment. Oman’s publications on this health problem were limited. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct additional research with rigorous methods to obtain a complete picture of this health problem in Oman. 4 Table of Contents Abstract ............................................................................................................................ 2 List of tables ..................................................................................................................... 8 List of figures...................................................................................................................10 Preface .............................................................................................................................12 Acknowledgement ...........................................................................................................14 Author’s declaration .........................................................................................................15 Abbreviations used in the text ..........................................................................................16 Glossary ...........................................................................................................................18 List of author’s publications and presentations relating to this thesis ................................19 1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................21 1.2 Overview ...........................................................................................................21 1.3 Kidney failure ....................................................................................................23 1.4 Conclusion .........................................................................................................27 2 Published reports used to obtain data on the epidemiology of RRT ...........................28 2.1 Published reports used to obtain data on the epidemiology of RRT of Oman ......28 2.1.1 Search strategy (initial stage) ...................................................................... 28 2.1.2 The search strategy (intensive stage) ........................................................... 30 2.1.3 The conclusions from the published reports on Oman's RRT up to 2013 ..... 34 2.2 A literature review of the international picture of the epidemiology of people with RRT 35 2.2.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 35 2.2.2 United States Renal Data System (USRDS) ................................................ 36 2.2.3 United Kingdom Renal Registry (UKRR) ................................................... 38 2.2.4 Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry (ANZDATA)40 2.2.5 Japan Kidney Disease Registry (J-KDR) ..................................................... 42 2.2.6 Renal data from developing countries and the international scene ............... 43 2.2.7 Appraising the quality of the registries ........................................................ 53 2.1 A literature review of the international state of the quality of life of people with RRT 54 2.1.1 Economic burden on the health systems ...................................................... 56 2.2 Prevention and screening programmes ...............................................................57 2.3 Conclusion .........................................................................................................59 3 Oman’s background and context...............................................................................61 3.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................61 3.1 Political and administrative status ......................................................................61 3.2 Economic status .................................................................................................64 3.3 Socio-cultural status ...........................................................................................65 5 3.4 Technological Status ..........................................................................................69 3.5 Legal status ........................................................................................................71 3.6 Environmental status ..........................................................................................71 3.7 Health sector in Oman........................................................................................73 3.8 Conclusion .........................................................................................................76 4 Methods of study one ...............................................................................................78 4.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................78 4.2 Introduction .......................................................................................................79 4.3 The study’s design .............................................................................................82 4.4 The study settings ..............................................................................................84 4.5 Study population and sample characteristics.......................................................85 4.6 Ethical approval and considerations ...................................................................86 4.7 Data collection procedure...................................................................................88 4.7.1 Statistical analysis ....................................................................................... 89 5 Results of study one .................................................................................................90 5.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................90 5.2 The main developments of Oman’s RRT (1980-2015) .......................................90 5.3 Main statistics about Oman’s RRT population ...................................................94 5.3.1 Prevalence of Oman’s RRT (1983-2015) .................................................... 94 5.3.2 Incidence of RRT treatment (1983-2015) .................................................. 104 5.3.3 Death profile for RRT patients (1983-2015) .............................................. 107 5.3.4 Cost of dialysis treatment in Oman ........................................................... 112 5.4 Kidney transplantation in Oman (1980-2013) ................................................... 113 5.5 Publications on Oman’s RRT population ......................................................... 115 6 Discussion of study one .......................................................................................... 116 6.1 The main developments of Oman’s RRT (1980-2015) ..................................... 116 6.2 Main statistics about Oman’s RRT population ................................................. 118 6.3 Kidney transplantation in Oman (1980-2013) ................................................... 126 6.4 Publications on Oman’s RRT population ......................................................... 129 6.5 Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 130 7 Methods of study two ............................................................................................. 133 7.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 133 7.2 Study design .................................................................................................... 133 7.3 Study settings................................................................................................... 134 7.4 Study population and sample characteristics..................................................... 135 7.5 Recruitment ..................................................................................................... 142 7.6 The study tool .................................................................................................. 142 7.6.1 Survey development process ..................................................................... 143 7.6.2 Justification of survey selection ................................................................ 147 6 7.6.3 Validity of the survey instrument .............................................................. 148 7.7 Data collection process .................................................................................... 151 7.8 Ethical considerations ...................................................................................... 152 7.9 The pilot study ................................................................................................. 153 7.10 Preparing the data for analysis ......................................................................... 155 8 Results of study two ............................................................................................... 161 8.1 Overview ......................................................................................................... 161 8.1.1 Participant demography and characteristics ............................................... 161 8.1.2 Participant distribution across districts ...................................................... 169 8.1.3 Participant perception on the risk factors ................................................... 170 8.1.4 Participant primary diseases and causes .................................................... 172 8.1.5 Participant co-morbidities profile .............................................................. 175 8.1.6 Participant haemodialysis characteristics ................................................... 177 8.1.7 Participant perceptions on the impact of dialysis treatment on their lives .. 180 8.1.8 Participant death figures in 2014 and in 2015 ............................................ 181 8.1.9 Participant plans on kidney transplantation ............................................... 184 9 Discussion of study two.......................................................................................... 187 9.1 Participant demography and characteristics ...................................................... 187 1.9.9 Participant distribution across districts ...................................................... 193 9.1.2 Participant risk factors, causes, primary diseases and co-morbidities ......... 195 9.1.3 Participant haemodialysis characteristics ................................................... 197 9.1.4 Participant perceptions on the impact of dialysis treatment on their lives .. 199 9.1.5 Participant death profile in 2014 and in 2015 ............................................ 201 9.1.6 Participant plans on kidney transplantation ............................................... 202 10 Participant plans on kidney transplantation ............................................................. 203 11 The comprehensive discussion on the significant results ......................................... 206 12 Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 214 12.1 Contribution of the study ................................................................................. 214 12.2 Limitations of the study ................................................................................... 215 12.3 Implications and recommendations for practice, service delivery and policy .... 217 12.4 Recommendations for future research .............................................................. 220 12.5 Summary ......................................................................................................... 223 List of References: ......................................................................................................... 225 Appendices .................................................................................................................... 244 Appendix A – Ethics’ forms ....................................................................................... 244 A-1 (The 1st ethical approval letter from MOH of Oman) ....................................... 244 A-2 (The ethical approval letter from University of Glasgow) ................................ 245 A-3 (The 2nd ethical approval letter from MOH of Oman) ...................................... 246 7 A- 4 (The research proposal's part that address obtaining the data from the patient medical profile) ...................................................................................................... 247 Appendix B – Copy right permissions ........................................................................ 248 B-1 (Copy right permission, Scottish Renal Registry) ............................................. 248 B-2 (USRDS permission) ....................................................................................... 248 B-3 (UKRR permission) ......................................................................................... 249 B-4 (RAND copy right permission) ........................................................................ 250 B-5 (Dr. Omar Abboud e-mail) .............................................................................. 251 Appendix C – (The letter of peritoneal dialysis cost from MOH of Oman) ................. 252 Appendix D - Data collection forms ....................................................................... 253 D-1 (Information sheet given to patients in Arabic) ................................................ 253 D-2 (Information sheet in English) ......................................................................... 254 D-3 (Informed consent given to patients in Arabic) ................................................ 256 D-4 (Informed consent in English) ......................................................................... 257 D-5 (The survey 1st version used in the pilot study) ............................................... 258 D-6 (The revised final survey) ................................................................................ 263 Appendix E – Sample of published and unpublished data gathered during field work . 266 E-1 (MOH annual health report 2005 – renal dialysis) ............................................ 266 E-2 (Published article about chronic renal failure, 1985)......................................... 267 E-3 (Sample of aggregated data provided by the RRT register of Oman) ............... 268 Appendix F - Published articles on Oman's RRT population (1980-2013) .................. 269 Appendix G - Field notes and general observations with discussion ........................... 272 8 List of tables Table 2-1 The main themes and terminologies used to search OVID Embase database ................. 32 Table 2-2 Comparison between major registries’ data and Oman ................................................. 53 Table 3-1 The breakdown of Oman’s population in mid-2014...................................................... 67 Table 5-1 Oman’s RRT population distribution across treatment cohorts on 4th November 2014 .. 95 Table 5-2 Prevalence rates for dialysis treated patients in certain years ........................................ 96 Table 5-3 Prevalence of dialysis treated patients across governorates of Oman for 2010 & 2015 .100 Table 5-4 Prevalence of dialysis treatment in the four RDCs of the northern region of Oman (1998- 2013) .........................................................................................................................................101 Table 5-5 Prevalence of dialysis treatment across the four RDCs per month in 2014 ...................103 Table 5-6 Prevalence of dialysis treatment across the four RDCs per month in 2015 ...................104 Table 5-7 Incidence rate for treated kidney failure patients across certain years ..........................106 Table 5-8 Causes of RRT population death across genders .........................................................111 Table 7-1 Oman’s MOH 2012 statistics for dialysis population across RDCs ..............................135 Table 7-2 The breakdown of Oman's population across regions and districts ...............................137 Table 7-3 Census of Omani males to Omani females across age groups in subdivisions of the northern region of Oman ............................................................................................................138 Table 7-4 Summary of missing data on SPSS .............................................................................158 Table 8-1 The statistical summary of the age variable across the northern region of Oman ..........162 Table 8-2 Statistical summary of the gender variable across subdivisions and RDCs ...................163 Table 8-3 Statistical summary of the race/ethnicity variable across subdivisions and RDCs ........164 Table 8-4 Statistical summary of the race/ethnicity variable in relation to gender across the northern region of Oman ..........................................................................................................................165 Table 8-5 Statistical summary of the marital status variable across all subdivisions and RDCs ....165 Table 8-6 Statistical summary of the marital status variable in relation to the gender variable across the northern region of Oman .......................................................................................................166 Table 8-7 Statistical summary of the educational level and employment status variables across the northern region of Oman ............................................................................................................167 Table 8-8 Statistical summary of the education variable in relation to gender and age group variables across the northern region of Oman .............................................................................168 Table 8-9 Statistical summary of residential status across subdivisions and RDCs ......................168 Table 8-10 Statistical summary of the primary diseases variable across all subdivisions and RDCs ..................................................................................................................................................172 Table 8-11 Statistical summary of the primary diseases variable in relation to the gender variable across the whole sample in the north of Oman ............................................................................174 Table 8-12 Statistical summary of the co-morbidities variable across all subdivisions and RDCs 176 9 Table 8-13 Statistical summary of the co-morbidities variable in relation to the gender variable across the northern region of Oman ............................................................................................176 Table 8-14 Statistical summary of the vascular accesses variable across all subdivisions and RDCs ..................................................................................................................................................178 Table 8-15 Duration of survival on dialysis in years across the whole sample at the time of data collection ...................................................................................................................................179 Table 8-16 Statistical summary of the reported impact of dialysis treatment on participant lives across subdivisions and RDCs ....................................................................................................181 Table 8-17 Participant responses regarding their plans for kidney transplantation across the whole sample compared to gender ........................................................................................................184 Table 8-18 Statistical summary of kidney transplantation plans in relation to the age gender and groups variables across the northern region of Oman ..................................................................185 Table 8-19 Statistical summary of kidney transplantation plans in relation to education level ......186

failure population in years 1980 to 2015: an epidemiology research. Week 2015 Program Builder, both of which were available via the ASN
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