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Preview aktueller Jahresbericht - Institute of Physics - Montanuniversität

BI - A NN N U A L R E P O RR T 20122 and 2013 Institutsauusflug Lurgrootte (Institute excursion too Lurgrotte) Impressuum Editor: Oskar Paaris Layout aand Productioon: Heide Kirchberger Magdalena Ottrin Oskar Paaris Contact Institute of Physics Montanuuniversität Leeoben Franz Joosef Straße 118 A-8700 LLeoben Phone: ++43 (0)3842 402-4601 Fax: ++43 (0)3842 402-4602 e-mail: [email protected] http://wwww.unileobenn.ac.at/physiccs Cover piicture: 3D recipprocal space map of a collloidal crystaal consisting oof self assemmbled Bi nannoparticles Institut für Physik Montanuniversität Leoben B I - A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3 CONTENTS Page Preface 1 1. Personnell 2 2. Teaching 4 3. Research 11 4. Publication List 45 5. Presentations 49 6. Research Projects 57 7. Diploma and Doctoral Theses 61 8. Incomings: Invited Guests 62 9. Outgoings: Foreign Stays of Institute Members 65 10. Conference Organisation 66 11. University Administration 67 12 Advisory- & Editorial Boards, Review Committees, 68 Memberships, etc - 1 - Prefacce Dear partneers and friendds, it is a pleasure to present you this overview of thhe research-and teaching activities oof the Institutte of Physicss within the yyears 2012 aand 2013. AAs already twwo years aggo we decideed to stick oon a bi-annuual reportingg scheme whhich seems mmore adequately reflectiing the scientific progresss and orgaanizational changes of aa university innstitute withoout unnecesssary replicatioons. At the heartt of the bi-annnual report are the reseearch reportss summarizinng the scienttific achievemments of thee four indepenndent researrch groups. OOur scientificc mission is to conduct high-level bassic research in the field off “Physics off Functional Materials for Electronicss, Optics and Energy”. WWhile electroonics and opptics have aa long traditioon at the institute, the eenergy themmatics is - eexept of somme long-termm activities oon solar celll materials - rather recennt. A strong focus on naanoporous mmaterials hass meanwhile been estabblished, suchh systems beeing relevant for the storage of chemmical or electtrical energyy, for instancce. Another hhot researchh topic evolviing quite suuccessfully aat the instituute is aroundd the promissing 2D-matterial grapheene. Furtherr research aactivities incclude work on biologiccal, bioinsppired and bbio-based mmaterials, onn functionall nanoparticlees and nanoocrystals, as well as on llight- and eleectron transpport under thhe influence of magneticc fields. Moree applied projjects deal with whole devvices such aas varistors oor supercapaacitors, or witth the use off physical mmethods to fragment rocks (by microwave radiation) or to sepaarate minerral particless (tribolelectriically). The ppublication ooutput resultiing from theese activities in the reporting period is excellent,, amounting to more thaan 60 publiccations. Almost 50 of thhem are origginal paperss in SCI listted journals,, amongst them some “hhigh-impact” publications in, e.g., Naature Scientiffic Reports, JJournal of thhe Americann Chemical SSociety or Addvanced Funnctional Mateerials. It is wworth mentionning that witth this publiccation recordd we contribuute almost 155% of the tottal annual SSCI publicatioon output at the Montanuuniversität. Inn addition too the written output, far mmore than 100 presentaations were delivered at scientific coonferences, and severall awards werre granted to young scienntist from thee institute. Modern ressearch requires money, the acquisition of reseaarch funds becoming inccreasingly coompetitive inn particular inn the basic sscience discciplines. In thhis light I amm very proudd that severaal multi-annuual researchh projects witth at least one project-financed scieentific coworkker and a tootal budget oof more thann one Millionn Euro could be executed at the instituute, with two new projects starting witthin the repoorting period.In addition -- besides sevveral smallerr (e.g. ÖAD)) projects – almost two full months of measuremment time att large scalee facilities foor e.g. syncchrotron- annd neutron radiation wwere grantedd to institutte memberss within ann internationaally competitiive peer review process.. Just to expplain the signnificance of tthis success: a companyy conducting proprietary rresearch would have to ppay around 10.000 Eurofor each beeamtime day,, and hence,, this would aamount to ann equivalencee of more thaan half a Million Euro of ffunding. The personnnel situationn of the institute is moree or less staable at arounnd 20 staff, with roughlyy half of thee scientific cooworkers beinng financed ffrom projectss. After moree than one yeear with onlyy three faculty assistants,, we are veryy happy to bee back to fouur assistantss since Octobber 2013. Thhis was absoolutely necesssary in vieww of the continuously incrreasing number of freshmen studentts at our university, whicch continuess to shift thee duties of the faculty sstaff towards teaching at the expense of ressearch. Thee high teachhing load iss demonstrateed for instannce by the inccrease of thee number of teaching classses by morree than 20% and the totall number of eexams by almmost 50% since the last reporting peeriod. It will ccertainly becoome increasingly difficultt to keep thee right balancce between teaching annd research in the future. Nonethelesss, I see it aas my majorr responsibilitty to facilitatee both, high--quality educcation and cuutting-edge rresearch at tthe Institute of Physics. II really hope that the futture science political devvelopments in Austria wwill enable us to further stick to thiss Humboldt’s “Unity of Reesearch and TTeaching” prrinciple. The progreess and achievements ccompiled in this bi-annuual report 200012-2013 would not have been possible without highlyy motivated coworkers aand many cooperationn partners froom all over tthe world. I aam very gratteful to all mmembers of the institutee for their enngagement aand to you aas partners and promoteers for the continuous support. I hoope you enjoy reading thrrough this reeport and keeep in touch with the Insttitute of Physsics. Univ.-Prof. DDr. Oskar Paris September 22014 - 2 - Personnel Faculty: SScience andd Teachingg Professorss Assistants Univ.-Prof. Dr. Oskar PAARIS Dr. MMarkus HARTTMANN (Chair) Assisstant/Senior RResearcher Ao.Univ.-Prrof. Dr. Joseff Dr. RRainer LECHNNER OSWALD Assisstant/Senior RResearcher (Vice-Chairr until 7/20133) Ao.Univ.-Prrof. Dr. Chrisstian Dr. MMarkus KRATTZER TEICHERTT Assisstant/Senior RResearcher (Vice-Chairr since 7/2013) Ao.Univ.-Prrof. Dr. Ronaald Dipl. Phys. Maximm ERKO MEISELS Assisstant/PhD Stuudent (until June 2012) Em. O.Univv.-Prof. Dr. Friedemar Dipl. Ing. Roland MORAK KUCHAR Assisstant/PhD Stuudent (sincee October 20013) Faculty: AAdministrattion and Teechnical Suupport Heide KIRRCHBERGERR Maggdalena OTTTRIN (Secretaryy) (Seccretary) Peter MOHARITSCH Ing. Heinz PIRKEER (Mechaniccal Engineerr) (Electrical Enginneer) - 3 - Research Associates and Studdents workkers Dr. Rolandd BRUNNERR Dr. GGerhard POPPOVSKI Postdoc (uuntil 5/2012) Posttdoc Dr. Parvin SHARIFI Postdoc (ssince 10/2012) Dipl.Ing. CChristian GANNSER Dipl.Ing. Andreass PAVITSCHHITZ Doctoral sstudent Docttoral studentt Dipl.Ing. SStefan LORBEK Dipl.Ing. Quan SSHEN Doctoral sstudent Docttoral studentt MSc. Seyeedsoran NABBAVI Mgr inz. Monika Mirkowska Doctoral sstudent Docttoral studentt, joint with CChair of Mineeral Processiing (since 8/22012) Patrice KRREIML Lin WWang Student WWorker, Studdent Worker, Diploma thhesis (since 12/2013) Diplooma thesis (uuntil 3/2012) Mario LUGGGER Chrisstian PREHAAL Student WWorker, Studdent Worker, Diploma thhesis (until 2/2012) Diplooma thesis (ssince 04/20113) Max BURIIAN Diploma thhesis (since 08/2013) Reinnhold J. WARRTBICHLER Studdent Worker ((03-09/2013) Catherina CZIBULA Student wworker (since 09/2013) - 4 - 2. Teaching 2.1 Courses held in the academic years 2011/20012 and 2012/2013 Winter Term 2011/2012 Number Title Hours per Lecturer week / Type 460.129 Anleitung zu wissenschaftlicher Arbeit auf 10 PV Kuchar F, Meisels R, Oswald dem Gebiet der Physik von Halbleitern und J, Paris O, Teichert C Nanosystemen 460.112 Ausgewählte Problemstellungen der 2 VO Oswald J Quantenphysik 460.060 Bauprinzipien biologischer Materialien 1,5 VO Paris O 460.111 Einführung in die Oberflächen- und 2 VO Teichert C Dünnschichtprozesse 460.094 Halbleiterwerkstoffe 2 VO Meisels R, Teichert C 460.104 Herstellung einkristalliner Schichten - 2 VO Kratzer M, Teichert C Epitaxie 460.066 Industrielle Herstellungstechniken der 2 VO Noll H Mikroelektronik 460.003 Konversatorium zu Physik I 1 KV Paris O 460.067 Mechanisch-Physikalische Messtechnik 1 VO Oswald J 460.072 Physik der Mikro- und Nanoelektronik- 2 VO Meisels R Bauelemente 460.005 Physik IA 2 VO Paris O 460.006 Physik IB 2 VO Paris O 460.030 Physik Praktikum I 2 UE Ganser C, Hartmann M, (15 groups) Hyden W, Kratzer M, Lechner R, Meisels R, Oswald J, Popovski G, Teichert C 460.001 Rechenübungen zu Physik IA und IB 2 UE Brunner R, Erko M, Glushko (16 groups) O, Hartmann M, Hofstätter M, Kratzer M, Lechner R, Meisels R, Milko M, Nevosad A, Puschnig P, Steiner- Luckabauer C, Teichert C 460.004 Repetitorium Physik I 1 RP Paris O 460.022 Repetitorium Physik I 1 RP Oswald J 460.121 Seminar aus Halbleiterphysik und 2 SE Meisels R, Oswald J, Paris Nanotechnologie O, Teichert C 460.076 Übungen zu Charakterisierung von 2 UE Lechner R, Meisels R, Werkstoffen der Elektronik Oswald J, Paris O, Teichert C Summer Term 2012 Number Title Hours per Lecturer week / Type 460.132 Anleitung zu wissenschaftlicher Arbeit auf 10 PV Kuchar F, Meisels R, Oswald dem Gebiet der Physik von Halbleitern und J, Paris O, Teichert C Nanosystemen 460.108 Anwendung von Computersimulationen in 2 VO Hartmann M der Metall- und Biophysik 460.101 Elektronische und mechanische 2 VO Kasper E Eigenschaften von Heterostruktur- Bauelementen 460.460 Exkursion: Synchrotronstrahlung in der 2 EX Paris O Materialforschung 460.110 Grundprinzipien der Quantenphysik 2 VO Oswald J 460.105 Magnetische Eigenschaften von 2 VO Lechner R Nanowerkstoffen 460.010 Physik II 2 VO Paris O - 5 - 460.016 Physik III 2 VO Teichert C 460.054 Physik Praktikum II 2 UE Erko M, Kratzer M, Lechner (6 groups) R, Meisels R, Oswald J 460.113 Physik von Fullerenen, Graphen und Carbon 2 VO Teichert C Nanotubes 460.103 Rastersondentechniken zur 2 VO Teichert C Charakterisierung von Festkörperoberflächen 460.009 Rechenübungen zu Physik II 1 UE Glushko O, Hartmann M, (15 groups) Kirchlechner C, Kratzer M, Lechner R, Lorbek S, Meisels R, Nevosad A, Oswald J, Popovski G 460.048 Rechenübungen zu Physik III 1 UE Kratzer M, Teichert C (2 groups) 460.004 Repetitorium Physik 1 RP Paris O 460.022 Repetitorium Physik I 1 RP Oswald J 460.122 Seminar aus Halbleiterphysik und 2 SE Meisels R, Oswald J, Paris Nanotechnologie O, Teichert C 460.068 Übungen zu Mechanisch-Physikalische 2 UE Ganser C, Meisels R, Messtechnik Oswald J (3 groups) 430.001 Werkstoffmodellierung auf atomarer Ebene 0,67 VO Hartmann M 431.009 Übungen zu Werkstoffmodellierung auf 1 UE Hartmann M atomarer Ebene 420.102 Einführung in die Werkstoffwissenschaft 0,25 SE Paris O, Teichert C Winter Term 2012/2013 Number Title Hours per Lecturer week / Type 460.129 Anleitung zu wissenschaftlicher Arbeit auf 10 PV Meisels R, Oswald J, Paris dem Gebiet der Physik von Halbleitern und O, Teichert C Nanosystemen 460.060 Bauprinzipien biologischer Materialien 1,5 VO Paris O 460.111 Einführung in die Oberflächen- und 2 VO Teichert C Dünnschichtprozesse 460.094 Halbleiterwerkstoffe 2 VO Meisels R, Teichert C 460.104 Herstellung einkristalliner Schichten - 2 VO Kratzer M, Teichert C Epitaxie 460.066 Industrielle Herstellungstechniken der 2 VO Noll H Mikroelektronik 460.003 Konversatorium zu Physik I 1 KV Paris O 460.067 Mechanisch-Physikalische Messtechnik 1 VO Oswald J 460.072 Physik der Mikro- und Nanoelektronik- 2 VO Meisels R Bauelemente 460.005 Physik IA 2 VO Paris O 460.006 Physik IB 2 VO Paris O 460.030 Physik Praktikum I 2 UE CHartmann M, Lechner R, (12 groups) Meisels R, Oswald J, Teichert C 460.114 Quantenmechanik (2 Gruppen) 2,5 IV Oswald J 460.001 Rechenübungen zu Physik IA und IB 2 UE Angerer P, Bodor C, Ganser (19 groups) C, Glushko O, Hartmann M, Hofstätter M, Klünsner T, Kratzer M, Lechner R, Meisels R, Nabavi S, Popovski G, Renk O, Teichert C, Wurster S 460.004 Repetitorium Physik 1 RP Paris O 460.022 Repetitorium Physik I 1 RP Oswald J 460.121 Seminar aus Halbleiterphysik und 2 SE Meisels R, Oswald J, Paris Nanotechnologie O, Teichert C 460.076 Übungen zu Charakterisierung von 2 UE Lechner R, Meisels R, Werkstoffen der Elektronik Oswald J, Teichert C - 6 - Summer Term 2013 Number Title Hours per Lecturer week / Type 460.132 Anleitung zu wissenschaftlicher Arbeit auf 10 PV Kuchar F, Meisels R, Oswald dem Gebiet der Physik von Halbleitern und J, Paris O, Teichert C Nanosystemen 460.108 Anwendung von Computersimulationen in 2 VO Hartmann M der Metall- und Biophysik 460.102 Elektronische und mechanische 2 VO Kasper E Eigenschaften von Heterostruktur- Bauelementen 460.110 Grundprinzipien der Quantenphysik 2 VO Oswald J 460.105 Magnetische Eigenschaften von 2 VO Lechner R Nanowerkstoffen 460.010 Physik II 2 VO Paris O 460.016 Physik III 2 VO Teichert C 460.054 Physik Praktikum II 2 UE Hartmann M, Kratzer M, (5 groups) Lechner R, Meisels R 460.113 Physik von Fullerenen, Graphen und Carbon 2 VO Teichert C Nanotubes 460.103 Rastersondentechniken zur 2 VO Teichert C Charakterisierung von Festkörperoberflächen 460.009 Rechenübungen zu Physik II 1 UE Angerer P, Bodor C, (17 groups) Gloggnitzer S, Glushko O, Hartmann M, Klünsner T, Kratzer M, Lechner R, Meisels R, Puchleitner R, Renk O 460.048 Rechenübungen zu Physik III 1 UE Teichert C (1 group) 460.004 Repetitorium Physik 1 RP Paris O 460.022 Repetitorium Physik I 1 RP Oswald J 460.122 Seminar aus Halbleiterphysik und 2 SE Meisels R, Oswald J, Paris Nanotechnologie O, Teichert C 460.100 Strukturforschung mit Röntgen- und 2 UE Keckes J, Paris O Neutronenstreuung an Europäischen Großforschungsanlagen 460.460 Synchrotronstrahlung in der 2 EX Lechner R, Paris O Materialforschung 460.068 Übungen zu Mechanisch-Physikalische 2 UE Ganser C, Meisels R, Messtechnik (4 groups) Oswald J 430.001 Werkstoffmodellierung auf atomarer Ebene 0,67 VO Hartmann M 431.101 Übungen zu Werkstoffmodellierung auf 1 UE Hartmann M atomarer Ebene 420.102 Einführung in die Werkstoffwissenschaft 0,25 SE Paris O, Teichert C

and many members of ers for the ep in touch ris of the Institut on a bi-annu t large scale s within .. This is meanwhile becoming a serious problem since the increasing . s physics, wi length which is the microscopic mechanism providing.
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