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AI 2012: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 25th Australasian Joint Conference, Sydney, Australia, December 4-7, 2012. Proceedings PDF

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Preview AI 2012: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 25th Australasian Joint Conference, Sydney, Australia, December 4-7, 2012. Proceedings

Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 7691 Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNAISeriesEditors RandyGoebel UniversityofAlberta,Edmonton,Canada YuzuruTanaka HokkaidoUniversity,Sapporo,Japan WolfgangWahlster DFKIandSaarlandUniversity,Saarbrücken,Germany LNAIFoundingSeriesEditor JoergSiekmann DFKIandSaarlandUniversity,Saarbrücken,Germany Michael Thielscher Dongmo Zhang (Eds.) AI 2012: Advances in Artificial Intelligence 25th Australasian Joint Conference Sydney, Australia, December 4-7, 2012 Proceedings 1 3 SeriesEditors RandyGoebel,UniversityofAlberta,Edmonton,Canada JörgSiekmann,UniversityofSaarland,Saarbrücken,Germany WolfgangWahlster,DFKIandUniversityofSaarland,Saarbrücken,Germany VolumeEditors MichaelThielscher UniversityofNewSouthWales SchoolofComputerScienceandEngineering Sydney,NSW2052,Australia E-mail:[email protected] DongmoZhang UniversityofWesternSydney SchoolofComputingandMathematics PenrithSouthDC,NSW1797,Australia E-mail:[email protected] ISSN0302-9743 e-ISSN1611-3349 ISBN978-3-642-35100-6 e-ISBN978-3-642-35101-3 DOI10.1007/978-3-642-35101-3 SpringerHeidelbergDordrechtLondonNewYork LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2012951926 CRSubjectClassification(1998):I.2,H.3-4,F.1,H.2.8,I.4-5,J.3 LNCSSublibrary:SL7–ArtificialIntelligence ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2012 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,re-useofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965, initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsareliable toprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply, evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelaws andregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Typesetting:Camera-readybyauthor,dataconversionbyScientificPublishingServices,Chennai,India Printedonacid-freepaper SpringerispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia(www.springer.com) Preface Welcome to the proceedings of the 25th anniversary of the Australasian Joint ConferencesonArtificialIntelligence(AI2012)!SinceitsinaugurationinSydney in 1987,this annualconference has become the premier event for artificialintel- ligence researchersin Australasia and a major internationalforumon AI world- wide. For its silver anniversary, the conference returned to Australia’s iconic and most populous city in December 2012, jointly hosted by the University of Western Sydney and the University of New South Wales. AI 2012 received 196 submissions with authors from 32 countries. Each sub- mission was reviewed by at least three Program Committee members or exter- nal referees. A lively and intense discussion ensued among the reviewers and the dedicated members of the senior Program Committee. After this thorough assessmentand rigorousprepublication scrutiny,76 submissions were finally ac- cepted to be published as full papers in the proceeding. The acceptance rate of less than 39% set a new height of quality for the conference. AI 2012 featured three exciting keynote speeches by distinguished scientists: Joseph Halpern (Cornell University, USA) talked about decision theory with subjectivestatesandoutcomes.MaryO’Kane(NewSouthWalesChiefScientist and Engineer,Australia) gaveanoverviewof the early days and currentimpact ofAIinAustralia.MamoruKaneko(UniversityofTsukuba,Japan)spokeabout epistemic logic and inductive game theory. Fourworkshopswiththeirownjointproceedingswereheldonthefirstdayof the conference:the 8thAustralasianOntologyWorkshop;the secondAustralian WorkshoponArtificialIntelligenceinHealth;theNewTrendsofComputational IntelligenceinHealthApplications Workshop;andthe workshoponASemantic ReasoningApproachto Data Linkage forOptimised ClinicalRisk Management. The workshops were complemented by two tutorials: Discrete Non-parametric Methods for Machine Learning and Linguistics by Wray Buntine, and Multi- media Information Extraction: Methods and Applications by Sri Krishnan. To- gether these tutorials and workshops, which were overseen by the Workshop Chair Hans Guesgen, provided an excellent start to the event. Two challenges were held during AI 2012: the First General Game Play- ing InternationalAustralianOpen and the First AustralasianStrategic Trading Game. These two contests each had a purse of $1,000 for the winners. AI 2012 would not have been successful without the support of authors, re- viewers,andorganizers.Wethankthemanyauthorsforsubmittingtheirresearch paperstotheconference.Wearegratefultothesuccessfulauthorswhosepapers are published in this volume for their collaboration during the preparation of final submissions. We thank the members of the Program Committee and the external referees for their expertise and timeliness in assessing the papers. We also thank the organizers of the workshops and tutorials for their commitment VI Preface and dedication. We are very grateful to the members of the Organizing Com- mittee for their efforts in the preparation, promotion, and organization of the conference,especiallyDavidRajaratnamforhisoutstandingandtirelessservice. We acknowledge the assistance provided by EasyChair for conference manage- ment,andweappreciatetheprofessionalserviceprovidedbytheSpringerLNCS editorial and publishing teams. December 2012 Michael Thielscher Dongmo Zhang Organization General Chairs Simeon Simoff University of Western Sydney, Australia Maurice Pagnucco University of New South Wales, Australia Program Chairs Dongmo Zhang University of Western Sydney, Australia Michael Thielscher University of New South Wales, Australia Local Arrangements Chairs Yan Zhang University of Western Sydney, Australia Abhaya Nayak Macquarie University, Australia Award Selection Committee Chair Toby Walsh NICTA and UNSW, Australia Workshop/Tutorial Chair Hans Guesgen Massey University, New Zealand Publicity Chair Sebastian Sardina RMIT University, Australia Sponsorship Chairs Sumeet Kumar Telstra Enterprise Government, Australia Laurence Park University of Western Sydney, Australia Conference Coordinator David Rajaratnam University of New South Wales, Australia AI Challenges Coordinator Anton Bogdanovych University of Western Sydney VIII Organization Senior Program Committee James Bailey University of Melbourne, Australia Wray Buntine NICTA, Australia Byeong Ho Kang University of Tasmania, Australia Reinhard Klette University of Auckland, New Zealand Fabio Ramos University of Sydney, Australia Mark Reynolds University of Western Australia Jussi Rintanen Griffith University, Australia Juan A. Rodr´ıguez-Aguilar IIIA-CSIC, Spain Abdul Sattar Griffith University, Australia Mengjie Zhang Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand Ingrid Zukerman Monash University, Australia Program Committee Hussein Abbass UNSW Canberra @ ADFA Quan Bai Auckland University of Technology Yun Bai Bai University of Western Sydney Jacky Baltes University of Manitoba Lubica Benuskova University of Otago Partha Bhowmick Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Wei Bian University of Technology Sydney Ivan Bindoff University of Tasmania Blai Bonet Universidad Simon Bolivar Richard Booth University of Luxembourg Rafael H. Bordini Pontif´ıcia Universidad Cato´lica do Rio Grande do Sul Sebastian Brand NICTA and University of Melbourne Thomas Braunl University of Western Australia Tiberio Caetano NICTA Longbing Cao University of Technology Sydney Lawrence Cavedon NICTA and RMIT University Jeffrey Chan University of Melbourne Ling Chen University of Technology Sydney Songcan Chen Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics Sung-Bae Cho Yonsei University Vic Ciesielski RMIT University Dan Corbett Optimodal Technologies Stephen Cranefield University of Otago Xuan-Hong Dang Aarhus University Hepu Deng RMIT University Grant Dick University of Otago Clare Dixon University of Liverpool Organization IX David Dowe Monash University Atilla Elc¸i Aksaray University Esra Erdem Sabanci University Daryl Essam UNSW Canberra @ ADFA Alessandro Farinelli Verona University Ling Feng Tsinghua University Cesar Ferri Universitat Politecnica de Val`encia Tim French University of Western Australia Chun Che Fung Murdoch University Marcus Gallagher University of Queensland Junbin Gao Charles Sturt University Xiaoying Gao Victoria University of Wellington Yang Gao Nanjing University Edel Garcia CENATAV Havana Enrico Gerding University of Southampton Manolis Gergatsoulis Ionian University Chi-Keong Goh Advanced Technology Centre, Rolls-Royce Guido Governatori NICTA Charles Gretton NICTA, ANU, Griffith University Fikret Gurgen Bogazici University Christian Guttmann Etisalat British Telecom Innovation Centre Patrik Haslum Australian National University Bernhard Hengst University of New South Wales PascalVan Hentenryck NICTA and University of Melbourne Jose Hernandez-Orallo Universitat Politecnica de Val`encia Geoff Holmes Waikato University Wei-Chiang Hong Oriental Institute of Technology Xiaodi Huang Charles Sturt University Anthony Hunter University College London Huidong Jin CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics Yaochu Jin University of Surrey Zhi Jin Peking University Mark Johnston Victoria University of Wellington George Katsirelos INRA Toulouse Mihye Kim Catholic University of Daegu Su Nam Kim Monash University Yang Sok Kim University of New South Wales Michael Kirley University of Melbourne Frank Klawonn Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, Wolfenbu¨ttel Thomas Kleinbauer Monash University Kazunori Komatani Nagoya University Kevin Korb Monash University Norbert Krueger University of Southern Denmark Rudolf Kruse University of Magdeburg Mario Ko¨ppen Kyuhsu Institute of Technology X Organization Gerhard Lakemeyer RWTH Aachen University J´erˆome Lang LAMSADE Universit´e Paris Dauphine Maria Lee Shih Chien University Jiuyong Li University of South Australia Li Li Southwest University of China Yuefeng Li Queensland University of Technology Fangzhen Lin Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Jing Liu Xidian University Qing Liu CSIRO ICT Centre Wan Quan Liu Curtin University Wei Liu University of Melbourne Wei Liu University of Western Australia Xudong Luo Sun Yat-sen University Carsten Lutz Universita¨t Bremen Ashesh Mahidadia University of New South Wales Eric Martin University of New South Wales David Martinez NICTA and University of Melbourne Michael Mayo University of Waikato Thomas Meyer CAIR, UKZN and CSIR Meraka Saeid Nahavandi Deakin University Nina Narodytska NICTA and University of New South Wales Richi Nayak Queensland University of Technology Kourosh Neshatian University of Canterbury Vinh Nguyen Monash University Kouzou Ohara Aoyama Gakuin University Lionel Ott University of Sydney Laurence Park University of Western Sydney Michal Pˇechouˇcek Czech Technical University in Prague Laurent Perrussel IRIT Universit´e de Toulouse Bernhard Pfahringer University of Waikato Duc-Nghia Pham NICTA and Griffith University Mikhail Prokopenko CSIRO ICT Centre Sarvapali Ramchurn University of Southampton Tapabrata Ray UNSW Canberra @ ADFA Mark Reid Australian National University Jochen Renz Australian National University Deborah Richards Macquarie University Mariano Rivera Centro de Investigaci´on en Matema´ticas Ji Ruan University of New South Wales Malcolm Ryan University of New South Wales Ruhul Sarker University of New South Wales Torsten Schaub University of Potsdam Daniel Schmidt University of Melbourne Rolf Schwitter Macquarie University Yanir Seroussi Monash University Organization XI Lin Shang Nanjing University Maolin Tang Queensland University of Technology Mutsuhiro Terauchi Hiroshima International University John Thornton Griffith University Andrea Torsello Universita` Ca’ Foscari Venezia James Underwood University of Sydney Ben Upcroft Queensland University of Technology William Uther NICTA Jaime Valls Miro University of Technology Sydney Pradeep Varakantham Singapore Management University Wamberto Vasconcelos University of Aberdeen Miroslav Velev Aries Design Automation Kristen Brent Venable University of Padova Karin Verspoor NICTA Meritxell Vinyals University of Verona Stephen Wan CSIRO ICT Centre Dianhui Wang La Trobe University Kewen Wang Griffith University Peter Whigham University of Otago Wayne Wobcke University of New South Wales Brendon Woodford University of Otago Shuxiang Xu University of Tasmania Bing Xue Victoria University of Wellington Roland Yap National University of Singapore Jian Yu Swinburne University of Technology Lean Yu Chinese Academy of Sciences Chengqi Zhang University of Technology Sydney Daoqiang Zhang Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Rui Zhang University of Melbourne Shichao Zhang Guangxi Normal University Xiuzhen Zhang RMIT University Zili Zhang Deakin University Yi Zhou University of Western Sydney Zhi-Hua Zhou Nanjing University Xingquan Zhu University of Technology Sydney Additional Reviewers Abdel-Fatao, Hamidu Britz, Arina Gao, Ping Albathan, Mubarak Caminada, Martin Gebser, Martin Andres, Benjamin Dai, Qun Glover, Arren Beramasco,Filippo Damigos, Matthew Guan, Yanyong Bijaksana, Moch Arif Du, Jianfeng Halim, Steven Braune, Christian Faber, Wolfgang Hanna, Nader

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