Arachnol.Mitt. 29:49-52 Nürnberg,Juni 2005 Agroecadentigeraand Entelecaraomissa(Araneae: Liocranidae, Linyphiidae), found in Sweden LarsJ.Jonsson Abstract:TherarespiderspeciesAgroecadentigeraKu\czyr\sk\,1913(Liocranidae)andEntelecaraomissaO.P.-Cam- bridge, 1902 (Linyphiidae), have been found in a small coastal freshwater fen in Lomma (55°42'N 13°4'E), northofMalmöinScania insouthernmostSweden.A.dentigerawasalsofoundonasaltwatermeadowsouth ofMalmö.BothspecieshavebeenfoundonlyinafewwetlocalitiesinEurope.EntelecaradepilataJuWgren,1955, isajuniorsynonymofEntelecaraomissaO.P.-Cambridge,1902,newsynonymy. keywords:Entelecaradepilata,faunisitcs,fen,newrecord,newsynonymy Inastudyofthespiderfauna,1990-1992,ofasmall RELYS et al. 2002), Belarus (MIKHAILOV pers. open freshwater fen on the coast in Habo, Lom- comm.),Ukraine (MIKHAILOV1997) andin Rus- ma,Scania,southernmostSweden,55°42'N 13°4'E, sia (KULCZYNSKI 1913), eastwards to the Urals & therarespiderspeciesAgroecadentigeraKulczynski, (Esyunin Efimik 1996). 1913 andEntelecaraomissaO.P.-Cambridge,1902 ThefemaleoriginallydescribedbyKULCZYNSKI, were found. 1913, has later been figured by several arachnolo- gists(Braun 1967,OLTEAN 1973,JOCQUE 1977, Agroecadentigera(Liocranidae) Sterghiu 1985, Roberts 1998 and Felton et A. dentigeraKulczynski, 1913 was found on andin al.2004).Thedrawingoftheheart-shapedepigyne tussocks ofCarexelatainasmallsemi-openmeso- trophic coastal marsh surrounded by alder trees. In pitfall traps one female and one juvenile were trapped (26 March - 5 Apr. 1991), one juvenile (14 May - 3 June 1991), one male (7 - 30 Nov. 1991) the top oftussocks.Two males were found in the middle of a tussock that was cut in small pieces (27 Oct. 1991). Agroeca dentigera has also been found previously at another locality on the coast of Scania. S. Almquist (pers. com.) found one female in a drift ofPhragmites australis on a coastalpastureusedbyhorses southofKlagshamn (55°30'N 12°55'E), 3 Sept. 1976.The female was foundinthe areabetweenthepastureandabeltof Phragmitesin seawater. Agroecadentigerahas been reported from a few places in Germany (BRAUN 1967,WUNDERLICH 1975, PLATEN et al. 1999), Belgium (JOCQUE 1977,JANSSEN 1991), Romania (OLTEAN 1973, STERGHIU 1985), Poland (KUPRYJANOWICZ 1997), the Netherlands (v. HELSDINGEN 1999), Wales (FELTON et al. 2004), Finland, Lithuania & (KOPONEN et al. 2000, RELYS DAPKUS 2002, Fig.1-2:AgroecadentigeraKulczynski,leftmalepedipalp: LarsJ.JONSSON,MNA,KristianstadUniversity,SE-291 88 1-ventralview,2-retrolateralview.DrawingsbySven Almquist. Kristianstad,Sweden.E-Mail:[email protected] 50 LJ.Jonsson atleastsomeofthetime,onthesurface during the night.The species is active in autumn andspring,butcan also fall into pitfall traps during the winter. It is red-listed as vulnerable in Sweden (GÄRDENFORS 2005). Entelecaraomissa(Linyphiidae) Entelecara omissa was described by PlCKARD-CAMBRIDGE (1902), but was named without any detailed description as a nomen nudum two years earlier (PlCKARD-CAMBRIDGE 1900).The first drawings ofthe male palp were published later (PlCKARD- CAMBRIDGE 1903), although the drawing of the female's epigyne was ofEntelecaraerrata(O. P.-Cambridge, 1913) (see PlCKARD-CAMBRIDGE Fig.3-6:AgroecadentigeraKulczyriski,femaleepigyne:3-dorsalview,newly 1913). O. P.-Cambridge never made moultedfemale,4-ventralview,newlymoultedfemale,5-dorsalview, any drawings of the female of E. oldfemale,6-ventralview,oldfemale.DrawingsbySvenAlmquist. omissa. It has been reported from mesotrophic fens in England and by GRIMM (1986) and the copy in HEIMER 8c from Ireland (RUSSEL-SMITH 2002), from a fen NENTWIG (1991) is somewhat atypical.The male area in Belgium (DECLEER 1992), from fens in hasbeenfiguredbyWUNDERLICH(1975)JOCQUE Poland(KUPRYJANOWICZ1997),fromUkraine(K. (1977),Roberts(1998)andFeltonetal.(2004). Mikhailov pers. com.), from a reed swamp in the Figs. 1-2 showthepedipalp ofamale andfigs. 3-6 CzechRepublic (BUCHAR8cRÜZICKA2002),the the epigyne offemales from Sweden. Netherlands (van HELSDINGEN 1999) and from WUNDERLICH (1975) found A. dentigera in an ombrotrophic mire in Germany (SCHIKORA a marsh with Carex laslocarpa surrounded by an 1994) and also from two other localities in Ger- alderfen.JOCQUE (1977) founditamongheather, many (STAUDT 2004). The latter two records in Calluna vulgaris on dry ground near water and STAUDT(2004)areprobablymisidentificationsand , among the grass Mollnia caerulea on wet ground. need confirmation (Blick, pers. com.). In England According to himA. dentigera needs ’’the vicinity the species is found among tussocks and litter, cut ofwet acid soils”. It has also been reported from sedge,reed-bedsandsimilarhabitatsatgroundlevel mosses of Sphagnum (BRAUN 1967, STERGHIU in fens (RUSSEL-SMITH 2002). 1985, JANSSEN 1991). In Romania it has been InthesamefeninLommaasAgroecadentigeraa foundinafloatingbeltofPhragmitesintheDanube femaleofEntelecaraomissawasfound(7Nov. 1990). delta and in associationwith Sphagnum (OLTEAN E. omissahasalsobeenfoundatthreedifferentlakes 1973,STERGHIU1985).TherecordsinFinlandand nearStockholmasreportedbyTULLGREN(1955)as Lithuania are from peatbogs, both open and with anewspecies:Entelecaradepllata.Bycomparingthe pines (KOPONEN et al. 2001, RELYS et al. 2002). drawingsanddescriptionbyTLJLLGREN(1955)and NRM ThereportfromWalesisfromasomewhatdifferent by checking the types in the in Stockholm environment, from a hollow in a fixed sand dune withthedrawingsmadebyLOCKET8cMlLLIDGE withAmmophllaarenarladominant(FELTONetal. (1953), Roberts (1987) andTAZOE (1993), it is 2004). It seems thatA. dentigera needs wet, thick obviousthatEntelecaradepllataTullgrenisajunior heaps ofvegetation, e.g. tussocks or mosses. It is synonymofEntelecaraomissaO.P.-Cambridge,new obviouslyhygrophilous.Probablyitspendstheday synonym.In Swedentwofemales ofEntelecarade- intussocks,mossesorotherwetheapsandwanders, pllatahave also been reported from the open mire AgroecadentigeraandEntelecaraomissainSweden 51 Theridiosomagemmosum,Aphiletamiseraand Tapi- nocybabiscissa. Coastal fresh water mires are threatened by drainage,andbyscrubandtreevegetationinvading into the open fens.The latter is happening in this smallfenandthisisthreateningthisunusualspider assemblage. In 2002, despite searching, no speci- men ofAgroeca dentigeraorEntelecara omissawere found. Probablythe species can stillbe found,but in small numbers.The fen is subject to a drainage Fig.7-8:EntelecaraomissaO.P.-Cambridge,femaleepigynes: 7-fromTullgren(1955:Taf.IV,Fig.8a,subE.depilata),8- proposal. from Roberts(1987:p.41,fig.11f). Acknowledgements Thanks to Sven Almquist for information and loan Knisamyr(ALMQUIST 1984).Thosefemales have ofspecimen and for allowing to use his drawings on been checked and areE. omissa.Entelecaradepilata A. dentigera, to MichaelJ. Roberts for allowing to use has also been reported from Estonia (VlLBASTE hisdrawingsonE. omissa toTheoBlick,JasonDunlop, , 1987) and is probablyalso E. omissa. Oliver-D.FinchandKirillMikhailovforvaluableinfor- The syntypes ofE. depilata in the NRM are mationandsuggestions,andtoTorbjörn Kronestedtfor small, total length approx. 1,5 mm, cephalothorax loanofspecimenfromNRM. approx. 0,65 mm.They are rather dark, with yel- lowish legs bearing dark annulation on the coxae. References They have trichobothria on metatarsus I-III, but ALMQUISTS. (1984): Samhällenavspindlarochlocke- notrichobothriumonlegIV.Anteriormedianeyes spindlarpäKnisamyr.-Ent.Tidskr. 105: 143-150 slightlylarger than anterior lateral eyes (Tullgren, BRAUN R. (1967): Agroeca dentigera Kulczynski 1913 1955; pers. obs.). Trichobothria on metatarsus einefurDeutschlandneueClubionidae.-Senckenb. I approx. 0,45. This is in accordance with the biol.48: 179-181 & & descriptions ofEntelecara omissa by LOCKET BUCHARJ. V.RÜZICKA(2002):CatalogueofSpiders MlLLIDGE (1953) and ROBERTS (1987). Fig. 7 ofthe CzechRepublic.PeresPubl.,Praha.351 pp. shows the drawing of the epigyne ofE. depilata DECLEERK.(1992):FirstrecordoftheLinyphiidspider made byTULLGREN (1955) and fig. 8 shows the Entelecaraomissa(O.P.Cambridge)ontheEuropean epigynes byROBERTS (1987). Mainland.-Newsl.Br. archnol. Soc. 64: 6. & ESYUNIN S.L. V.E.EFIMIK(1996): Catalogueofthe KMK Thefenandits spiders spidersoftheUrals. ScientificPress,Moscow. Iconltlhecetfeed.nT83hespmecoisetswceormemfoounnsdpaindedr1s0p2e5cisespeocnimtehne FEL2T29ONpp.C., S.Judd & P. MERRETT (2004):Agroeca tussocks of Carex elata in Lomma were: Pardosa dBernittiagienra(AKrualncezayen,skLii,oc1r9a1n3i,daae) amentata, Pardosaprativaga, Piratapiraticus, Tro- Soc. 13: 90-92 chosaspinipalpis,Pachygnathaclercki, Gongylidiellum GÄRDENFORSU.(ed.)(2005):RödlistadearteriSverige murcidum,Erigonellaignobilis, Walckenaeriaunicor- 2005 - The 2005 Red List of Swedish Species. nisand Zoraspinimana. Rare species found in the Artdatabanken, SLU,Uppsala. fenincludeHypommafulvum,Eophommapunctatum , 52 LJ.Jonsson GRIMM U. (1986): Die Clubionidae Mitteleuropas. Platen R., B. von Broen, A. Herrmann, U.M. Corinninae und Liocraninae (Arachnida: Araneae). RATSCHKER&PSacher.(1999):Gesamtartenliste -Abh.Naturw.Ver. Hamburg(N.F.)27: 1-91 und Rote Liste derWebspinnen,Weberknechteund HEIMERS.&W.NENTWIG(1991):SpinnenMitteleu- Pseudoskorpione des Landes Brandenburg (Arach- ropas. Parey.Berlinu.Hamburg.542pp. nida: Araneae, Opiliones, Pseudoscorpiones) mit HELSDINGEN P.J.van(1999): Catalogusvan deNeder- Angaben zur Häufigkeit und Ökologie.-Natursch. landseSpinnen(Araneae).-Nederl.Faun.Mededel. Landschaftspfl.Brandenburg8 (2),Beilage: 1-69 10: 1-191 RELYSV.&D.DAPKUS(2002):Commentstothecheck- JANSSEN M. (1991): Spinnen van de Mechelse Heide. listofGnaphosidaeandLiocranidae(Arachnida,Ara- -Natuurhist.Maandbl. 80: 12-16 neae)oftheBalticStates,withremarksonspeciesnew JOCQUER.(1977):OntheoccurenceofAgroecadentigera toLithuania.-EuropeanArachnology2000,Proc.19 thEurop. Coll.Arachnol:273-278;Arhus. KulczynskiinBelgium(Araneae,Clubionidae).-Bull. & Br. arachnol. Soc.4: 80-82 RELYS V., S. KOPONEN D. DAPKUS (2002):Annual KOPONENS.,V.RELYS&D.DAPKUS(2001):Changes dciofmfmeurneincteisesa.n-d spAercaiceshntoulr.no3v0:er41in6-p4e2a4t bog spider in structure ofground-living spider (Araneae) com- J. munitiesonpeatbogsalongatransectfromLithuania ROBERTSM.J.(1987):TheSpidersofGreatBritainand to Lapland.-Norw.J. Entomol.48: 167-174 Ireland.Vol.2. Harley,Colchester.204pp. KulczynskiV.(1913):Arachnoidea.In:Velitschovs- ROBERTS M.J. (1998): Spinnen Gids. Tirion, Baarn. KY V. (ed.): Faune du district de Walouyki du gou- 395 pp. vernement de Woronege (Russie). Vol. 10: 1-30; RUSSEL-SMITH A. (2002): Entelecara omissa. p. 83. In: Krakau. HarveyP.R.,D. Nellist&M.G.Telfer(eds.): KUPRYJANOWICZ (1997): Spidersofthe BiebrzaNa- Provisional Atlas of British Spiders (Arachnida, J. tionalPark-species newandrare toPoland.-Proc. Araneae), Vol. 1: 1-214. Biological Records Centre, Huntingdon. 16th Europ. Coll.Arachnol.: 183-194; Siedlce. Locket G.H. &A.F. Millidge (1953): British Spi- SCHIKORA H.B. 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