Agricultural water management ELSEVIER Agricultural Water Management 63 (2003) 203-209 Cumulative Author Index, Volumes 57—63 Abdullah, N.B., see Cabangon, R.J.. (5 ure levels of humid tropical canal command \brisqueta, J.M., see Plana, V., (57) (2 area, (59) (2003) 33 Aggarwal, G.C., see Kukal, S.S., (57) (2002) 49 3arbiero, L., see van Asten, P.J.A., (60) (2003) 13 Alexandris, S. and Kerkides, P.. New empirical Barlow, K., Nash, D., Turral, H. and Grayson, R.. formula for hourly estimations of reference Phosphorus uptake and release in surface drains, evapotranspiration, (60) (2003) 157 (63) (2003) 109 \l-Lahham, O., El Assi, N.M. and Fayyad, M.., Baselga, J.J.. see Lecina, S., (60) (2003) 181 Impact of treated wastewater irrigation on Bastiaanssen, W.G.M. and Chandrapala, L., Water quality attributes and contamination of tomato balance variability across Sri Lanka for asses fruit, (61) (2003) 51 sing agricultural and environmental water use, Alvarez, J.A.R., Est?mation of advance and infiltra (58) (2003) 171 tion equations in furrow irrigation for untested Bastiaanssen, W.G.M. and Makin, I.W., Introduc discharges, (60) (2003) 227 tion, (58) (2003) 87 Alves, 1. and do Rosario Cameira, M, Evapotran Bedmar, F., see Costa, J.L.. (57) (2002) 33 spiration esumation performance of root zone Behera, S.,. Jha, M.K. and Kar, S., Dynamics of water quality model: evaluation and improve- water flow and fertilizer solute leaching in ment, (57) (2002) 61 lateritic soils of Kharagpur region, India, (63) A\lvino, A., see Tognetti, R., (60) (2003) 135 (2003) 77 Anderson, R.L., Tanaka, D.L. and Merrill, S.D., Behera, S.K., see Panda, R.K., (63) (2003) 37 Yield and water use of broadleaf crops in a Benli, B. and Kodal. S., A non-linear model for farm semiarid climate, (58) (2003) 255 optimization with adequate and limited water Anhong, G., see Shunqing, A., (63) (2003) 99 supplies. Application to the South-east Anato Arora, V.K., see Jalota, S.K., (57) (2002) 75 lian Project (GAP) Region, (62) (2003) 187 Asghar, M.N., see Mazhar Saeed, M., (61) (2003) Bercero, A., see Dechmi, F., (61) (2003) 93 163 Bergez, J.-E. and Nolleau, S., Maize grain yield Ashraf, M., see Mazhar Saeed, M., (61) variability between irrigation stands: a theore 163 tical study, (60) (2003) 43 Ayars, J.E.. see Soppe, R.W.O., (60) (2003) 59 Bernhard, R.H., see Jensen, J.R.. (59) (2003) 217 Azam, M., see Kahlown, M.A., (62) (2003) 127 Bhushan, L.S., see Yadav, R.C., (59) (2003) 113 Bjornlund, H., Farmer participation in markets for Babalola, O., see Ogban, P.I., (61) (2003) 13 temporary and permanent water in southeastern Bai, W.-M. and Li, L.-H., Effect of irrigation Australia, (63) (2003) 57 methods and quota on root water uptake and Boers, Th.M., see Qadir, M., (62) (2003) 165 biomass of alfalfa in the Wulanbuhe sandy Borosic, J., see Romic, D., (60) (2003) 87 region of China, (62) (2003) 139 Breidy, J.. see Karam. F.. (63) (2003) 125 Bandara, K.M.P.S Monitoring irrigation perfor mance in Sri Lanka with high-frequency satellite Cabangon, R.J.. Tuong, T.P. and Abdullah, N.B., measurements during the dry season, (58) Comparing water input and water productivity (2003) 159 of transplanted and direct-seeded rice production Bandyopadhyay, P.K. and Mallick, S.. Actual systems, (57) (2002) 11 evapotranspiration and crop coefficients of Calera, A.. see Martin de Santa Olalla, F.. (61) wheat (Triticum aestivum) under varying moist- (2003) 111 doi: 10.1016/S0378-3774(03)00261-0 204 Cumulative Author Index, Volumes 57-63 Cameira, M.R., Fernando, R.M. and Pereira, L.S., Dechmi, F., Playan, E., Faci, J.M. and Tejero, M.., Monitoring water and NO;-N in irrigated maize Analysis of an irrigation district in northeastern fields in the Sorraia Watershed, Portugal, (60) Spain. I. Characterisation and water use assess- (2003) 199 ment, (61) (2003) 75 Cantwell, M., see Hanson, B., (58) (2003) 29 Dechmi, F., Playan, E., Faci, J.M., Tejero, M. and Chambers, B.J., see Hodgkinson, R.A., (57) (2002) Bercero, A., Analysis of an irrigation district in 155 northeastern Spain. Il. Irrigation evaluation, Chanasyk, D.S., Mapfumo, E. and Willms, W., simulation and scheduling, (61) (2003) 93 Quantification and simulation of surface runoff Deckers, J., see D’haeze, D., (63) (2003) 185 from fescue grassland watersheds, (59) (2003) de Jong, C., see Datta, K.K., (57) (2002) 223 13 Delfine, S., see Tognetti, R., (60) (2003) 135 Chandrapala, L. and Wimalasuriya, M., Satellite Deproost, P., see Raes, D., (62) (2003) 79 measurements supplemented with meteorologi D’haeze, D., Deckers, J., Raes, D., Phong, T.A. and cal data to operationally estimate evaporation in Minh Chanh, N.D., Over-irrigation of Coffea i Lanka. (58) (2003) 89 canephora in the Central Highlands of Vietnam see Bastiaanssen, W.G.M.. (58) revisited. Simulation of soil moisture dynamics in Rhodic Ferralsols, (63) (2003) 185 Chandrapala, L., see Hemakumara, H.M., (58) Dierickx, W., see Rimidis, A., (59)£2003) 15 2003) 109 Dirksen, C., see Homaee, M., (57) (2002) 89 Chemin, Y., see Muthuwatta, L., (58) (2003) 123 Dirksen, C., see Homaee, M., (57) (2002) I11 Chowdary, V.M., Rao, N.H. and Sarma, P.B.S., GIS Dirksen, C., see Homaee, M., (57) (2002) 127 based decision support system for groundwater do Rosario Cameira, M., see Alves, 1, (57) (2002) assessment in large irrigation project areas, (62) 61 (2003) 229 Dominguez, A., see Fabeiro, C., (62) (2003) 215 Chung, S.-O., Kim, H.-S. and Kim, J.S., Model Dominguez, A., see Martin de Santa Olalla, F., (61) development for nutrient loading from paddy (2003) 111 rice fields, (62) (2003) 1 Du, T., see Kang, S., (59) (2003) 239 Coelho, M.B., Villalobos, FJ. and Mateos, | Dubrovsky, M., see Eitzinger, J., (61) (2003) 195 Modeling root growth and the soil—plant—atmo- sphere continuum of cotton crops, (60) (2003) Eitzinger, J.. Stastnd, M., Zalud, Z. and Dubrovsky, 99 M., A simulation study of the effect of soil water Costa, J.L., Massone, H., Martinez, D., Suero, E.1 balance and water stress on winter wheat Vidal, C.M. and Bedmar, F., Nitrate contamina production under different climate change sce tion of a rural aquifer and accumulation in the narios, (61) (2003) 195 unsaturated zone, (57) (2002) 33 EI Assi, N.M., see Al-Lahham, O., (61) (2003) 51 Cross, R., see Hodgkinson, R.A., (57) (2002) 155 Ertek, A. and Kanber, R., Effects of different drip Cui, J.-Y., see Li, Y.-L., (61) (2003) 1 irrigation programs on the boll number and shedding percentage and yield of cotton, (60) la Silva, B.B., see de Azevedo, P.V., (58) (2003) 241 (2003) 1 da Silva, V.P.R., see de Azevedo, P.V., (58) (2003) 24) Fabeiro Cortes, C., Martin de Santa Olalla, F. and d’ Andria, R., see Magliulo, V., (63) (2003) | Lopez Urrea, R., Production of garlic (Allium Dang, T., see Huang, M., (58) (2003) 267 sativum L.) under controlled deficit irrigation in Datta, K.K. and de Jong, C., Adverse effect of a semi-arid climate, (59) (2003) 155 waterlogging and soil salinity on crop and land Fabeiro, C., Martin de Santa Olalla, F., Lopez, R. productivity in northwest region of Haryana, and Dominguez, A., Production and quality of India, (57) (2002) 223 the sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) cultivated Azevedo, P.V., da Silva, B.B. and da Silva, under controlled deficit irrigation conditions in a V.P.R., Water requirements of irrigated mango semi-arid climate, (62) (2003) 215 orchards in northeast Brazil, (58) (2003) 241 Faci, J.M., see Dechmi, F., (61) (2003) 75 de Kreij, C., van der Burg, A.M.M. and Runia, W.T., Faci, J.M., see Dechmi, F., (61) (2003) 93 Drip irrigation emitter clogging in Dutch green Fayyad, M., see Al-Lahham, O., (61) (2003) 51 houses as affected by methane and organic Feddes, R.A., see Homaee, M., (57) (2002) 89 acids, (60) (2003) 73 Feddes, R.A., see Homaee, M., (57) (2002) 111 Cumulative Author Index, Volumes 57-63 205 Feddes, R.A., see Homaee, M., (57) (2002) 127 uniform transient combined salinity and water Fengmin, L., see Yuan, T., (60) (2003) 217 stress, (57) (2002) 127 Fenton, J.D., see Khanna, M., (62) (2003) 19 Hou, Z., see Mao, X., (61) (2003) 219 Fernando, R.M., see Cameira, M.R., (60) (2003) 199 Howell, T.A., see Tolk, J.A., (59) (2003) 97 Fox, P. and Rockstrém, J., Supplemental irrigation Huang, M., Dang, T., Gallichand, J. and Goulet, M., for dry-spell mitigation of rainfed agriculture in Effect of increased fertilizer applications to the Sahel, (61) (2003) 29 wheat crop on soil-water depletion in the Loess Franco, J.A., see Plana, V., (57) (2002) 145 Plateau, China, (58) (2003) 267 Hupet, F., see Ritter, A., (59) (2003) 77 Gallichand, J., see Huang, M., (58) (2003) 267 Garcia, M., Raes, D. and Jacobsen, S.-E., Evapo- Jackson, S.H., Comparison of calculated and transpiration analysis and irrigation require measured volumetric water content at four field ments of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) in the sites, (58) (2003) 209 Bolivian highlands, (60) (2003) 119 Jacobsen, S.-E., see Garcia, M., (60) (2003) 119 Gaudin, R. and Rapanoelina, M., Irrigation based on Jalota, S.K. and Arora, V.K., Model-based assess- a nomogram using soil suction measurements, ment of water balance components under (58) (2003) 45 different cropping systems in north-west India, Gengshan, L., see Shunging, A., (63) (2003) 99 (57) (2002) 75 Ghatoor, A., see Qadir, M., (62) (2003) 165 Jensen, J.R., Bernhard, R.H., Hansen, S., McDo Ghasemi, M.M., see Sepaskhah, A.R., (58) (2003) nagh, J., M@berg, J.P, Nielsen, N.E. and 67 Nordbo, E., Productivity in maize based crop- Gopal Rao, K., see Nisar Ahamed, T.R., (57) (2002) ping systems under various soil—water—nutrient | management strategies in a semi-arid, alfisol Goulet, M., see Huang, M., (58) (2003) 267 environment in East Africa, (59) (2003) 217 Granier, J., see Ruelle, P., (63) (2003) 15 Jha, M.K., see Behera, S., (63) (2003) 77 Grayson, R., see Barlow, K., (63) (2003) 109 Jorenush, M.H. and Sepaskhah, A.R., Modelling Grieve, C.M., see Zeng, L., (59) (2003) 67 capillary rise and soil salinity for shallow saline Gu, B., see Kang, S., (59) (2003) 239 water table under irrigated and non-irrigated Gulgun Oktem, A., see Oktem, A., (61) (2003) 63 conditions, (61) (2003) 125 Hamdy, A., see Katerji, N., (62) (2003) 37 Kahlown, M.A. and Azam, M., Effect of saline Hansen, S., see Jensen, J.R., (59) (2003) 217 drainage effluent on soil health and crop yield, Hanson, B., May, D., Voss, R., Cantwell, M. and (62) (2003) 127 Rice, R., Response of garlic to irrigation water, Kanber, R., see Ertek, A., (60) (2003) 1 (58) (2003) 29 Kang, S., Gu, B., Du, T. and Zhang, J., Crop Hemakumara, H.M., Chandrapala, L. and Moene, coefficient and ratio of transpiration to evapo A.F.. Evapotranspiration fluxes over mixed transpiration of winter wheat and maize in a vegetation areas measured from large aperture semi-humid region, (59) (2003) 239 scintillometer, (58) (2003) 109 Kang, Y., see Yuan, B.-Z., (63) (2003) 153 Hodgkinson, R.A., Chambers, B.J., Withers, P.J.A. Kanooni, A., see Sepaskhah, A.R., (58) (2003) 67 and Cross, R., Phosphorus losses to surface Kar, S., see Behera, S., (63) (2003) 77 waters following organic manure applications to Karam, F., Breidy, J., Stephan, C. and Rouphael, J., a drained clay soil, (57) (2002) 155 Evapotranspiration, yield and water use effi Hodnett, M.G., see Mugabe, F.T., (62) (2003) 149 ciency of drip irrigated corn in the Bekaa Valley Homaee, M., Dirksen, C. and Feddes, R.A., of Lebanon, (63) (2003) 125 Simulation of root water uptake. I. Non-uniform Kashyap, P.S. and Panda, R.K., Effect of irrigation transient salinity using different macroscopic scheduling on potato crop parameters under reduction functions, (57) (2002) 89 water stressed conditions, (59) (2003) 49 Homaee, M., Feddes, R.A. and Dirksen, C. Kashyap, P.S., see Panda, R.K., (63) (2003) 37 Simulation of root water uptake. I]. Non Katerji, N., van Hoorn, J.W., Hamdy, A. and uniform transient water stress using different Mastrorilli, M., Salinity effect on crop develop reduction functions, (57) (2002) 111 ment and yield, analysis of salt tolerance Homaee, M., Feddes, R.A. and Dirksen, C., according to several classification methods, Simulation of root water uptake. II]. Non- (62) (2003) 37 Cumulative Author Index, Volumes 57-63 Kerkides, P., see Alexandris, S., (60) (2003) 157 Makin, I.W., see Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., (58) (2003) 97 Khanna, M., Malano, H.M., Fenton, J.D. and Turral, H., Design and management guidelines for Mal, P.K., see Tiwari, K.N., (58) (2003) 19 contour basin irrigation layouts in southeast Malano, H.M., see Khanna, M., (62) (2003) 19 Australia, (62) (2003) 19 Mallick, S., see Bandyopadhyay, P.K., (59) (2003) Kim, H.-S., see Chung, S.-O., (62) (2003) I 33 Kim, J.S., see Chung, S.-O., (62) (2003) 1 Mao, X., Liu, M., Wang, X., Liu, C., Hou, Z. and Kodal, S., see Benli, B., (62) (2003) 187 Shi, J., Effects of deficit irrigation on yield and Kroeger, M., see Leib, B.G., (62) (2003) 67 water use of greenhouse grown cucumber in the Kukal, S.S. and Aggarwal, G.C., Percolation losses North China Plain, (61) (2003) 219 f water in relation to puddling intensity and Mapfumo, E., see Chanasyk, D.S., (59) (2003) 137 depth in a sandy loam rice (Orvza sativa) field, Martin de Santa Olalla, F, Calera, A. and Dom- (57) (2002)4 9 inguez, A., Monitoring irrigation water use by see Rowshon, M.K., (62) (2003) 105 combining Irrigation Advisory Service, and . see Rowshon, M.K., (62) (2003) 117 remotely sensed data with a geographic informa- tion system, (61) (2003) 111 Lambot, S., see Ritter, A., (59) (2003) 77 Martin de Santa Olalla, F., see Fabeiro Cortés, C., Lecina, S., Martinez-Cob, A., Pérez, P.J., Villalobos, (59) (2003) 155 F.J. and Baselga, J.J., Fixed versus variable bulk Martin de Santa Olalla, F., see Fabeiro, C., (62) canopy resistance for reference evapotranspira (2003) 215 tion estimation using the Penman—Monteith Martinez, D., see Costa, J.L., (57) (2002) 33 equation under semiarid conditions, (60) Martinez-Cob, A., see Lecina, S., (60) (2003) 181 (2003) 181 Massone, H., see Costa, J.L., (57) (2002) 33 l.S., see Rowshon, M.K., (62) (2003) 105 Mastrorilli, M., see Katerji, N.. (62) (2003) 37 r.S., see Rowshon, M.K., (62) (2003) 117 Mateos, L., see Coelho, M.B., (60) (2003) 99 B.G., Matthews, G. and Kroeger, M., Devel Matsura, E.E., see Souza, C.F., (59) (2003) 205 opment of an on-time logger for irrigation fatthews, G., see Leib, B.G., (62) (2003) 67 systems, (62) (2003) 67 May, D., see Hanson, B., (58) (2003) 29 Lesch, S.M., see Zeng, L., (59) (2003) 67 Mazhar Saeed, M., Ashraf, M. and Asghar, M.N.., Li, J. and Rao, M., Field evaluation of crop yield as Hydraulic and hydro-salinity behavior of skim- affected by nonuniformity of sprinkler-applied ming wells under different pumping regimes, water and fertilizers, (59) (2003) | (61) (2003) 163 L.-H., see Bai, W.-(62M) (.2003,) 139 Moberg, J.P., see Jensen, J.R., (59) (2003) 217 Li, Y.-L., Cui, J.-Y., Zhang, T.-H. and Zhao, H.-I McDonagh, J., see Jensen, J.R., (59) (2003) 21 Measurement of evapotranspiration of irrigated McHale, J., see Rodgers, M., (60) (2003) 33 spring wheat and maize in a semi-arid region of Mermoud, A., see Xu, D., (63) (2003) 139 north China, (61) (2003) 1 Merrill, S.D., see Anderson, R.L., (58) (2003) 255 Liu, C., see Mao, X., (61) (20032)1 9 Milroy, S.P., see Tennakoon, S.B., (61) (2003) 179 Liu, M., see Mao, X., (61) (2003) 219 Minh Chanh, N.D., see D’haeze, D., (63) (2003) 185 Lopez Urrea, R., see Fabeiro Cortés, C., (59) (2003) Minnocci, A., see Tognetti, R., (60) (2003) 135 Moene, A.F., see Hemakumara, H.M., (58) (2003) FabCe., i(62)r (2o003,) 2 15 109 Montginoul, M., see Renault, D., (59) (2003) 171 _ J.L., see van Asten, P.J.A.. (60) (2003) 13 Mugabe, F.T., Hodnett, M.G. and Senzanje, A.. Magliul », V.. d’ Andria, R. and Rana, G., Use of the Opportunities for increasing productive water modified atmometer to estimate reference eva use from dam water: a case study from semi-arid potranspiration in Mediterranean environments Zimbabwe, (62) (2003) 149 (63) (2003) 1 Mulqueen, J., see Rodgers, M., (60) (2003) 33 Mahmood, B., Wall, G.L. and Russell, J.M.. A Munoz-Carpena, R., see Ritter, A., (59) (2003) physical model to make short-term management Murtaza, G., see Qadir, M., (62) (2003) 165 decisions at effluent-irrigated land treatment Murthy, J.S.R., see Nisar Ahamed, T.R., (57) (2002) system, (58) (2003) 55 l Mailhol, J.-C., see Ruelle, P.. (63) (2003) 15 Murthy, J.S.R.. see Yadav, R.C., (59) (2003) 113 Cumulative Author Index. Volumes 57-63 Muthuwatta, L. and Chemin, Y., Vegetation growth Qadir, M., Boers, Th.M., Schubert, S., Ghafoor, A zonation of Sri Lanka for improved water and Murtaza, G., Agricultural water manage resources planning, (58) (2003) 123 ment in water-starved countries: challenges and opportunities, (62) (2003) 165 Nandalal, K.D.W. and Sakthivadivel, R., Planning Quinones, H., see Ruelle, P.. (63) (2003) 15 and management of a complex water resource system: case of Samanalawewa and Udawalawe Raes, D. and Deproost, P., Model to assess water reservoirs in the Walawe river, Sri Lanka, (57) movement from a shallow water table to the root (2002) 207 . (62) (2003) 79 Nash, D., see Barlow, K., (63) (2003) 109 Raes, D., see D’haeze, D., (63) (2003) 185 Negi, S.C., see Sharma, V., (63) (2003) 169 Raes, D., see Garcia, M., (60) (2003) 119 Nielsen, N.E., see Jensen, J.R., (59) (2003) 217 Rana, G., see Magliulo, V., (63) (2003) | Nisar Ahamed, T.R., Gopal Rao, K. and Murthy, Rao, M., see Li, J., (59) (2003) 1 J.S.R., Automatic extraction of tank outlets in a Rao, N.H., see Chowdary, V.M., (62) (2003) 229 sub-watershed using digital elevation models, Rapanoelina, M., see Gaudin, R., (58) (2003) (57) (2002) 1 45 Nishiyama, S., see Yuan, B.-Z., (63) (2003) 153 Renault, D. and Montginoul, M., Positive external- Nolleau, S., see Bergez, J.-E., (60) (2003) 43 ities and water service management in rice Nordbo, E., see Jensen, J.R., (59) (2003) 217 based irrigation systems of the humid tropics, (59) (2003) 171 Ogban, P.I. and Babalola, O., Soil characteristics Rice, R., see Hanson, B., (58) (2003) 29 and constraints to crop production in inland Rimidis, A. and Dierickx, W., Evaluation of valley bottoms in southwestern Nigeria, (61) subsurface drainage performance in Lithuania, (2003) 13 (59) (2003) 15 Oktem, A., Simsek, M. and Gulgun Oktem, A., Ritter, A.. Hupet, F., Munoz-Carpena, R., Lambot, Deficit irrigation effects on sweet corn (Zea S. and Vanclooster, M., Using inverse methods mays saccharata Sturt) with drip irrigation for estimating soil hydraulic properties from system in a semi-arid region. I. Water-yield field data as an alternative to direct methods, relationship, (61) (2003) 63 (59) (2003) 77 Oweis, T., see Pereira, L.S., (57) (2002) 175 Rockstrom, J., see Fox, P., (61) (2003) 29 Rodgers M.., Mulqueen, J. and McHale, J... A model Palladino, M., see Tognetti, R., (60) (2003) 135 study of mole drain spacing and performance, Panda, R.K., Behera, S.K. and Kashyap, P.S., (60) (2003) 33 Effective management of irrigation water for Romic, D., Romic, M., Borosic, J. and Poljak, M., wheat under stressed conditions, (63) (2003) Mulching decreases nitrate leaching in bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivation, (60) Panda, R.K., see Kashyap, P.S., (59) (2003) 49 (2003) 87 Panda, S.N., see Panigrahi, B., (58) (2003) 223 Romic, M., see Romic, D., (60) (2003) 87 Panigrahi, B. and Panda, S.N., Field test of a soil Rouphael, J., see Karam, F., (63) (2003) 12 5 water balance simulation model, (58) (2003) 223 Rowshon, M.K., Kwok, C.Y. and Lee, T.S., GIS- Pereira, L.S., Oweis, T. and Zairi, A., Irrigation based scheduling and monitoring of irrigation management under water scarcity, (57) (2002) delivery for rice irrigation system. Part | 175 Scheduling, (62) (2003) 105 Pereira, L.S., see Cameira, M.R., (60) (2003) 199 Rowshon, M.K., Kwok, C.Y. and Lee, T.S., GIS- Perez, P.J., see Lecina, S., (60) (2003) 181 based scheduling and monitoring irrigation Phong, T.A., see D’haeze, D., (63) (2003) 185 delivery for rice irrigation system. Part II Plana, V., Ruiz, A., Ruiz-Sanchez, M.C., Franco, Monitoring, (62) (2003) 11 J.A. and Abrisqueta, J.M., Spatial representativ Rudra, R.P., see Sharma, V., (63) (2003) 169 ity of the possible sites for measuring the water Ruelle, P., Mailhol, J.-C., Quinones, H. and Granier, balance of apricot trees, (57) (2002) 145 J., Using NIWASAVE to simulate impacts of Playan, E., see Dechmi, F., (61) (2003) 75 irrigation heterogeneity on yield and _ nitrate Playan, E., see Dechmi, F., (61) (2003) 93 leaching when using a travelling rain gun system Poljak, M., see Romic, D., (60) (2003) 87 in a shallow soil context in Charente (France), Puhai, L., see Yuan, T., (60) (2003) 217 (63) (2003) 15 Cumulative Author Index, Volumes 57-63 Ruiz, A., see Plana, V., (57) (2002) 145 Tiwari, K.N., Singh, A. and Mal, P.K., Effect of drip 7-Sanchez, M.C., see Plana, V., (57) (2002) 145 irrigation on yield of cabbage (Brassica oler- . see de Kreij, C., (60) (2003) 73 acea L. var. capitata) under mulch and non- e Mahmood, B., (58) (2003) 55 mulch conditions, (58) (2003) 19 Tognetti, R., Palladino, M., Minnocci, A., Delfine, ikthivadivel . See Nandalal, K.D.W., (57) (2002) S. and Alvino, A., The response of sugar beet to drip and low-pressure sprinkler irrigation in M.. see Shahjahan Mondal, M.. (58) southern Italy, (60) (2003) 135 193 Tolk, J.A. and Howell, T.A., Water use efficiencies G.B., Growth and yields of Sri of grain sorghum grown in three USA southern 1S major crops interpreted from public Great Plains soils, (59) (2003) 97 nain satellites, (S58) (2003) 145 Tuong, T.P., see Cabangon, R.J., (57) (2002) 11 P.B.S., see Chowdary, V.M., (62) (2003) 229 Turral, H., see Barlow, K., (63) (2003) 109 jubert see Qadir, M., (62) (2003) 165 Turral, H., see Khanna, M., (62) (2003) 19 ni, M.H. and Sifaoui, M.S Estimating van Asten, P.J.A., Barbiéro, L.. Wopereis, M.C.S., transpiration in an intercropping system: mea Maeght, J.L. and van der Zee, S.E.A.T.M.., uring sap flow inside the oasis, (59) (2003) 191 Actual and potential salt-related soil degradation \.. see Mugabe, F.T., (62) (2003) 149 Kanooni, A. and Ghasemi, M.M.., in an irrigated rice scheme in the Sahelian zone of Mauritania, (60) (2003) 13 ating water table contributions to corn and van der Burg, A.M.M., see de Kreij, C., (60) (2003) water use. (58) (2003) 67 A.R., see Jorenush, M.H., (61) (2003) 125 van der Zee, S.E.A.T.M., see van Asten, P.J.A., (60) ee Ziaei, A.N., (58) (2003) 1 M. and Saleh, A.F.M., Evalua (2003) 13 some deep and shallow tubewell irrigated van Hoorn, J.W., Comments on “Residual alkalinity in Bangladesh using performance as tracer to estimate the changes induced by rs. (58) (2003) 193 forage cultivation in a non-saline irrigated sodic Negi, S.C., Rudra, R.P. and Yang, S soil”. 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Cumulative Subject Index, Volumes 57-63 Benefit the Penman—Monteith equation under semiarid Productivity in maize based cropping systems under conditions, 60 (2003) 181 various soil—water—nutrient management strategies in a semi-arid, alfisol environment in Capillary rise East Africa, 59 (2003) 217 Modelling capillary rise and soil salinity for shallow saline water table under irrigated and non- Benefit-cost analysis irrigated conditions, 61 (2003) 125 Effect of drip irrigation on yield of cabbage (Brassica Model to assess water movement from a shallow oleracea L. var. capitata) under mulch and non- water table to the root zone, 62 (2003) 79 mulch conditions, 58 (2003) 19 CERES-wheat model Biomass Effective management of irrigation water for wheat Effect of irrigation methods and quota on root water under stressed conditions, 63 (2003) 37 uptake and biomass of alfalfa in the Wulanbuhe sandy region of China, 6 2 (2003) 139 Charente Using NIWASAVE to simulate impacts of irrigation Biomass growth heterogeneity on yield and nitrate leaching when Vegetation growth zonation of Sri Lanka for using a travelling rain gun system in a shallow improved water resources planning, 58 (2003) soil context in Charente (France), 63 (2003) 15 123 Climate change scenarios Biomass production A simulation study of the effect of soil water balance Growth and yields of Sr Lanka’s major crops and water stress on winter wheat production under interpreted trom public domain satellites, 58 different climate change scenarios, 61 (2003) 195 (2003) 145 Clogging Boll number Drip irrigation emitter clogging in Dutch Effects of different drip irrigation programs on the greenhouses as affected by methane and boll number and shedding percentage and yield organic acids, 60 (2003) 7 of cotton, 60 (2003) 1 Coconut Bowen ratio-energy balance Growth and yields of Sri Lanka’s major crops Water requirements of irrigated mango orchards in interpreted from public domain satellites, 58 northeast Brazil, 58 (2003) 241 (2003) 145 Bulk surface resistance Coffea canephora Evapotranspiration estimation performance of root Over-irrigation of Coffea canephora in the Central zone water quality model: evaluation and Highlands of Vietnam revisited. Simulation of improvement, 57 (2002) 61 soil moisture dynamics in Rhodic Ferralsols, 63 (2003) 185 Cabbage Consumption ratio of ASW, (Re) Effect of drip irrigation on yield of cabbage (Brassica Consumption of available soil water stored at eracea L. var. capitata) under mulch and non planting by winter wheat, 63 (2003) 99 mulch conditions, 58 (2003) 19 Contamination Canary Islands Impact of treated wastewater irrigation on quality Using inverse methods for estimating soil hydraulic attributes and contamination of tomato fruit, 61 properties from field data as an alternative to (2003) 51 direct methods, 59 (2003) 77 Contour basin irrigation layouts Canopy resistance Design and management guidelines for contour basin Fixed versus variable bulk canopy resistance for irrigation layouts in southeast Australia, 62 reference evapotranspiration estimation using (2003) 19