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Agricultural Statistics 2005: Index PDF

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Page all V-30 ll V-30 Iv-33 IvV-30 -V-33 -V-7, IX-22 -V-329 See also Beef and Veal, Meats and Veal. Beef and veal: Carcasses, whole, number condemned under Federal one MSN -7-9 149 INDEX-3 Page Carrots, fresh Area V-11-12 Price V-11 Production -V-11 Value we W=12 Yield -V-65 Carrots, processing Area Viti-33-35 CasIemipnPPVYo rrairioeltclduesdue c tion Vill-24 Vi.l..Vl.VV-iii2ll7l4ll-----44233784 Cash rents ovvoeeWU-27-28 Rents, cropland. and pasture (X-11 ~-«WMl-27, 29 beans Vill-27, 29 Imports 1-27 Castor oil Vill-27-30 Imports M-27 --VI-33 Prices, wholesale {1-30 -- WEN-32 Vilt-33 XV-24 Vill-34 XV-25 Vvi-37 Vil-S0 e-vesveeeneeeW H-27, 30 -VIN-35, IX-24 vil-48 Vvili-33 Vil-47-48 vu-4? Preep ec ash ‘and gross Vu-8, 11 - WUN-35 Nesber: --veveeWUN-3S In specified countries (cattle and buffalo) vul-s -eeeWH-35 Jan. | --- M-7-9 On feed, 7S‘S tates and inventory Vil-13-14 -At-37, 40 Prices eee |o e] Market vu-7 --l-38-39 Production and disposition Vu-8, 11 Receipts at public stockyards vu-9 Slau; Vil-8, tt Vul-9-10, 12 Vi-9-10, 12 Vul-13 Vul-10 Vil-10 Vil-8.11.V v N{-X1,- 242 TVralaudee.,. ...f.o reign . Yoeld IV-10-11. 1X-22 Citrus juices 29,3 Concentratedp.ac ! Se aevteniiis Kanue ahens, Ganon ond [44 {v-10-11. iv-10-11, tl-26 1-27 iv-ti, 1 11-26 il- Production Used in manufacture of shonening Coffee Area Exports from principal producing countnes. CCADEFPIormoixomileprspncdroeoase-riripsustgt,cpmt snsaepo namrt,rpaai arrgonokenfcde a tuec c httooilroyd ni npgrso duction ColIPPVYAdmrirap-poelepsoldueltrdue eot c srst a,i goeno ngsitonc ks Prices. support ravions Dairy products Stocks on hand Jec. 31 Frozen frusts Cherries, total Frozen orange juice Area Production Exports Imports Shipments Consumption Dr Uulization Commodities. agncultural Cherries, sweet Owned by C duy Credu C por Production Dec. 31 Price Purchases by Commodity Credit Supa, Value costs Uuhzauion y Credit Corp Frozen commercial pack loan. Dec 1 Cold storage See also Agricultural products sevens =29, ViN-21 Ne a en S| «eb 34-25, 27-29, K-19 on -sereneeel 24, 26 encene +24 eveveveel2S eo | . coasecenspsensscsponan OD seveeneeae-seeveeve 2, ZI, K-19 --eb-24, 25, J7-29, -18 IV -12, 1%-22-23 —— 5V-29, 33-34 penneenensnssscnnsessonnsnsprenaseee "ED <ve-eeseeeeseelW~12, IN-22-23 o-vvcenelW=34 fV-30-32 evvneven W322 ob 40 wveeseeseewe WG --..-29, V-46 —— . Vil-46, X1-S o-veeellV-29 ..Vi-21 Supply = oe a —— Omanoxdn y Micronaire readengs. . Prices: INDEX-5 Couon—Conunued Span, Say ate a8 Gages By grade .. . . . 2 NNT i-1, 34, 1xX-18 1-45 {-3 t-2 Dairy product feed-price ratw Disappearance Exports ...... it-1~2 — WEprovemem assaciatons M-1, 4, 1X-19 Samp from cash and gross M1 Manufactured vi4 Prices Mi-1-2, 1X-19 Manufacterers Suppon operavons =?) Production, factory ... Average price per specified product Production Stocks, manufacturers / Cows and heifers that have calved: Stoonc haknds. D ec. 3) . Vvilt-2 Beef cows........ Dmses Milk cows . Area V-1, 18, 1X-2 Consemption \ —~ nema Vv V V-218.1 x V il . vil- 1. 3.6, 15 V-18, 1X wnvveneeWN-15-16 V-i8, 1X2 vil-17 fif f vu-s | . ow WH-1, 3 NF Vi-S-10, 12-13 i i i i 1 Vili-i, 7-8 : ] Vilt-i2 55 Vii-!, 3. Vili-1-3 | Vill-1-2 Vitt-1-2 vil-5s vill Vilt-3-4, 6 Vilt-16 Lay. rae Vit-t2 Numbers wed for hatching Prices Farm V-1, 18-19, 1X-20 Per dozen v-s Volume buyers. New York V-% V-18-19 Products uader Fede:a l umpectsan V-2. 18-19, 35, 1X-21 Sales Value V-18, 6 IX-21 Emergency comscrvanm meawies V-18-19, 1X-20 Employment. farm. - x-3-8 Number of persons employed Crop loan programs. Commodity Credu Total Xi-t-# See also Labor. farm and Workers. (acm equipment X-1-2 fazm. See Farm cyupment Escarole- Endive iX-17 Consumption iX-11 Shipments 1X-10 Expenses, farm productam Crop progress. 5-year average XV-35-M Umon Crop ranking. major field crops. by production XV-™M value of agnculwral mmporns Crops Ewes Alaska XV-33 Number, Jan. | Arca 1X-17-18, 20, 22 Family farm Production iX-19, 21, 23 Workers Value of production X-19, 21, 23 Farm Yueta iX-18, 20, 22 Balance sheet LP Crops princenal Buildings. value IX. Production, sadex mumbers 1X-16 Cash recespas iA 38 See alsa specific crops Econorme sales ctass 1X 2 ucumbers income. farm aper ator iX-41 Cansumption Iv-29 Prices. food 1X. 25 Shipments iv-8 Employment 15-15 INDEX-6 INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX-8 Hogs- -C ontinued Receipts At interior markets At public stockyards ... Shipments ° Slaughter Farm Under Federal impectm 9 Lom = nee Slaughtesed live —- Value, Dec. t Value of production Hog « mn pase rate a See also Pig crop and Sows Momuny feed Average price per ton, Bulk... Honey Imports for consumptios Number of rn yectdA, .po odacton. aw ad ‘stocks . Price and ° Honeydews Area Consumption Price Proxduction Shipments Value Yoeld Hops Area Exports traports Prices. farm Production Stocks on hand Value V-13, IX-21 Yield ~V-13 Horses Carcasses condematd .... --.WH-48 Ss!a ughtered under Federal jespection .. Horses and mules, feed consumed ......... V-1, 10, IX-20 lee cream a .V-10 Consumption a W=2, 10, 35 IX-21 Disappearance , v- Fx ports Production “y “10, 1X-20 bmports Aericultural products. See AgncuRural products -AX-13-15 PM Powts pone at he ay farm and Workers. farm. ilso under specific commodities. Lasnty. Im orne ~Vi-3t Cash trom eet ....Wi-48 Calves vi-47-48 Cattle Chickens Dairy products ..WH-S4 Eggs «ove W486 Farming oe VH-48 Hogs ~-.Wi-47, 48 Lats Mohatr ~-WH-34-32 Sheep .Vul-31-32 Veal ...Vi-27-30 Disposable personal Crovermment payments xveevseneene WU-28 tal -VE-3i-32 Gross from Browlers eve WMI-35 -Vi-31-32 Calves VHS, 1 inspectio.n. . Vit-33 Cattle VERS, 1 See also Livestock and Sheep and tambs. Chnckens Vili-33 Land: XI se WU-22-23 Vii-31-32 --WU-31-32 -» ViN-38 Coross ell X-39 National ewlX-1 Net, farm 1X-1 1X-h, 9 todex number Agncultural . tl-29, = id Prodection -- AX-24 Farm 26, wi2 6 Employment 1X-13-15 Food comumption Real estate values perac re. Wage rates Fats, proces tndustrial production INDEX Page Loans and dett outstanding —Conunued --Wat, 1-20 Imerest V-38 V=16 Rural Utilities Service <vvsvaee W= 16 To associations... a --V¥-1}-14 See alsou nders pecific rypeo fc ommodity -V-2, 13-14w,ev e 1WX=-121S Frozen commercial pack ”_IV-28 1V-15, IX-22 - .AV-15 AVIS, 1X-23 eee ¥-15, 1%-23 .-AV-15, 1X-22 fV-16, IX-22 AV-16 1V-16, 1X-23 . .lV-28 AX-23 .X-22 Iv-e e {X-22 : <elV-29 _AV-16 iV-16, iX-23 Agreement adorn AV-28 Mil‘ whan nnenadnstnainanas IX-23 iv . -IX-22 b ‘andb usiness Bin for farm foud —-4 Costs Markeungs. farm, cash receipes Meals. See under specific kinds Measures. -_ --V=43 v-2 . 13-14, (X-21 Tables. explanation ; WV Meat Value. ~W-13, 1X-21 Cold-storage holdings Vul-53-54 Yretd one 1xX-2 vu-4s See also Citrus fruins. vil—6 Caaknde mea l: Disappearafonr cfeee d 49 Vil46 Quastity for feed . Vil-43, 45 Aveprrice aperg tone bu lk . Vil-43—45 Meal prices viul-42 Vil-41, 46 See Camaloups, Honeydews and W atermetons Milk Fluid milk and cream Vill-20 Total consumption Vill-20 Disappearance for feed 1-5 BougM. cost to farm operators Vill-21 Grazed on national forests. and receipts Vvitt-21 Vilt-25 Production. percemt by size group vill Stocks. manufacturers’ Vill-16 Stocks on hand, Dec. 31 vill-21 Dry Nonfat Consumption Vill-2! Disappearance Vill-2! Exports Vill-25 Exports. dest:nation Vill-25 Prices Viti-27 Production Vili-15 Stocks, manufacturers Vill-16 Stocks on hand. Dec. 3! Vili-21 hole XI-1-8, 11-13 Conmsumpuon Vill-21 X-14 Di vill-2! y. a Expors viti-25 Farm real estate, of all operating banks X%-12 Prices Vill-16 Farmers’ cooperative otg anizations vee BO Stocks, manufacturers’ ... Vill-16 insurance programs........... . -%-3-8 Stocks on hand, Dec. 3! Vill-2 Page A-32-35, IX-18 1-40 XV-38 XV-s 1-32 146 Vill-21 I-32 Vili-13, 17, 19 1-32, 4 148 eS 16 I-33 1-32-35, IX-19 vi-4 I-32 I-32 1-32,34, IX-19 1-32-35, IX-18 Mi-29 ~_-Vi-10, 12 - Vi-12 I-24 il-25 --.Vil-7-9 I-29 owe WI-12 I-25 I-26, 28 .-Vill-7-9 I-27 owe eWe- OvAoul-lle1--)24239 IIII11llIIil----23324006 I-24 ewe W-40 V4 Ill-24 eevee ¥T-40 I-25 ..VH-40 Ill-26 I-27 il-28 I-24 --velll-28 1-25 I-26 veveell-28 hortening, and under specific kinds I-45 ww V6 Ill-26 IV-30 I-27 v4? 1-46 enV 46 146 .V-46 oe ¥~47 1-45 v6 11-26 IV-3%0 1-27 111-26 IV-33 IV-30 IV-28 1-27, V-22 Payments o Sustes andP uerto Rico. V-1, IX-20 Site visits. V-38 v-23 v-23 V-2, 23, IX-21 Utilization Value Yield Onions Area Cold storage V-2, 23, 36, IX-21 CEoxpnosrutmsp tion Frozen commercial pack ..V-23 Imports V-23, 36, IX-2! Loss --AX-20 Prices --XN-3 Production Shipments V-1, IX-20 ee ewlX-21 IV-34 Cc pack V-16 Frozen, cold-storage socks V-66

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