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AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 85 (1997) 291—292 METEOROLOGY Contents of Volume 85, 1997 VOL. 85, NOS. 1-2 JUNE 1997 An improved tension-plate system for measuring first-stage evaporation under straw mulch eee tS | EWES ERERTLEEELT UT eT eee ee eee ee l Ozone deposition to a cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) field: stomatal and surface wetness effects during the California Ozone Deposition Experiment D.A. Grantz, X.J. Zhang, W.J. Massman, A. Delany and J.R. Pederson... 1... 1. eee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee es 19 Optics of vegetation: implications for the radiation balance and photosynthetic performance PFS TPE LETT CRETE RCC LTE CETL CLEC EEE EEE 33 Light transmission through condensation on glass and polyethylene cme i CCE ET EEE CLA LETCEE LECLERC LETT eee 51 Interannual variations of rainfall and corn yields in Northeast Brazil V. Brahmananda Rao, L.D.A. Sa, S.H. Franchito and K. Hada... 2... 1 ee ee ee ee ee ees 63 Estimating maize yield in northern Tanzania by adapting SIMCOY, a temperate-zone simulation model Cd, BE, Ce MIE I so Sc eee e bene eee OM eae e tere eee eee OOOO ED EO 4 75 An improved method for estimating surface humidity from daily minimum temperature Fs Ey GWT, DU OO DUE occ cee ORK HHO HHH DOME OHH EHO KDE ROSE SS 87 The geometry of the canopy of a dipterocarp rain forest in Sumatra PAE COUT OES MUNN otc me CORR OREO RE MES Oe Hee eRe HEREC OR EE EHH OREO 99 Radiation absorption and use by humid savanna grassland: assessment using remote sensing and modelling Fh SOs OR MIEN, 6.0 6 0b cb awe ete sch ec edness dbes Cae awarebeur 117 Erratum Light—vegetation interaction: a new stochastic approach for description and classification [Agric. Forest Meteorol., 66 (1993) 93-100] Ch POY GUD GE, FU. cee wee eee eee mee HHH HEE EHH ROHS R HHO ESSE OH OR OS 133 VOL. 85, NOS. 3-4 JULY 1997 Evaporation from an eastern Siberian larch forest F.M. Kelliher, D.Y. Hollinger, E.-D. Schulze, N.N. Vygodskaya, J.N. Byers, J.E. Hunt, T.M. McSeveny, I. Milukova, A. Sogatchev, A. Variangin, W. Ziegler, A. Armoth and G. Bower. 0... ccc ccc cece eee cere cece rere neces 135 The influence of the atmospheric boundary layer on carbon dioxide concentrations over a tropical forest pe ee aS eH Ft PP EERE ERECT ELUTE CELE ELE 149 Numerical study of a full-size free-air fumigation system ee OEE Es ce seek eee ee ee ewe eee OCS KARO SOOO RT R ESHER EHO OS 159 Modelling annual dynamics of soil water storage for agro- and natural ecosystems of the steppe and forest-steppe zones on a local scale De Se GCE, BUI Rc Re Sc ce trees wre KHER HRS HH HERES H HH OHH REED EEO 171 The effects of climatic change and CO, fertilisation on agriculture in Québec ee ee ee A, DEE ic Was ce sce hee Se ee ee eee reressesee 193 Radiation interception measurement in poplar: sample size and comparison between tube solarimeters and quantum sensors POT OT Pe ee ee POR CELT LOLE TT CLE LECCE 209 292 Contents of Volume 85 Analysis of the efficiency of greenhouse ventilation using computational fluid dynamics A. Mistriotis, G.P.A. Bot, P. Picuno and G. Scarascia-Mugnozza .... 1... cee ee ee ee we ee ee ee eet es 217 An analytical model for the prediction of nocturnal and dawn surface temperatures under calm, clear sky conditions rr es . . e ek ee ba be 6 we ORR OR ROR ORS eee eR Oke Oot ee eh Ss een 229 Measuring sap flow with the heat balance approach using constant and variable heat inputs J.P. Kjeigaerd, C.O. Stockle, R.A. Black and G.S. Campbell... 0... ccc cc cre rere errr eres ern esssneene 239 Yield of barley under Mediterranean conditions of variable rainfall EES OS ee oe ee eee ee a ee ee ae ee ee ee 251 Sensible heat and momentum flux measurement with an optical inner scale meter re See, OE onc ob es ek pe Cee RRR HO Ree HEHE KORE CERO RS OSS 259 Night-time greenhouse humidity control with a cooled wetness sensor EN EE OES OT SE PS ee eT ee TRE CERT LOE Tee 269 Over-winter changes in radiant energy exchange of a corn residue-covered surface FSSC Se CEE Ee EERE CECT ET CUTEST CTO 279 Erratum Derivation of canopy resistance for water vapor fluxes over a spruce forest, using a new technique for the viscous sublayer resistance [Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 73 (1995) 339-352] ES ay oe Oa a a ab a are a ee ee 289 ee ir. 6 a hae eb e ee She oe Oe ORR Ree ew eee CC ROSS RBO RO® 291

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