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Age structure of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) populations as determined by age-pigment analysis and by size-frequency analysis PDF

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Preview Age structure of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) populations as determined by age-pigment analysis and by size-frequency analysis

MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM AGE STRUCTURE OF ANTARCTIC KRILL Sfoup Wassignificantly preater than that of the year 1 group. (EUPHAUSIA SUPERBA) POPULATIONS AS fo contrast, the mean weight of the individuals in the popu- DETERMINED BY AGE-PIGMENT ANALYSIS lation decreased significantly over the course of the year AND BY SIZE-FREQLUENCY ANALYSIS (Table 1), The weight and relative fluorescence dala were Morphometric measurements and size frequency analysis pooled, simulating the normal field situation af 4 series ot have conventionally been used to assess the age structure of frequency data from which peaks must be discerned, In this crustacean populations. Certain crustaceans have, however, instance the number of year classes and the mean peak not proven amenable to such analyses. For example, labora- heights were known 50 the resul!s from the frequency anu- tory studies have shown that the Antarctic krill Fuphausna lyses could be compared to the expected (real) case. An superba can live for 7~8 years (Ikeda and Thomas. 1987), a analysis of the weight specific relative fluorescence dala by life-span far in excess of that predicted from morphometric the Macdonald-Pitcher method yielded a best til for two delerminations. Furthermore, this species may decrease [n modal peaks, the means of which were nol significantly size during periodso f low food availability (Ikeda and Dixon, different to the knawn means for the two year classes. The 1982) thus obscuring the relationship between measurements weightefrequency analysis also yielded a best fil for two of body size and age. In tesponse lo these problems, an peaks bul in this case the correspondence between the means age-determination technique was developed for E. superba of the predicted and known weight graups was nat so precise which was based on the measurement of levels of ape-piz- oF accurate. ments (FAPs) in the animals (Ettershank, 1983, 19844, b, These results show that under laboratory conditions it is 1985). possible to separate year groups of £. superba by FAP quanti- Early work on FAPs held promise (Ettershank, 1983, fication and that the secumulation rate over a period of one year 1984a, 1985) but subsequent studies demonstrated methodo- 15 Brear enough that the vear groups can be discriminated even logical problems (Nicol, 1987), Studies examining FAPs in when the data are pooled, We have alsn shown thal FAPs can other organisms have yielded equivocal resulis (Hill and be used to demonstrate vear group separation and predict which Radtke, 1988; Hirche and Anger, 1987) but the utility of this group {s older when size-frequency analysis gives the wrong technique for aging populations of the species for which it answer, was originally proposed 4 Euphausid superba 4 is yet to be proven. Literature Cited A population of juvenile &. superba was maintained wader Ettershank. G. 1983, Age structure and cyclical annual size constant laboratory conditions. A sample of the populmion Change in the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba Dana. was removed al the start of the experjment and the animals Polar Biology 2(3): 189-193. were frozen individually in liquid nitrogen. The surviving 19844, A new approach to the assessment of longevity in the animals from the original populanon were frozen in liquid Antarctic krill Euphausia superba. Journal of Crustacean nilrogen one year later. The two sets of samples were uni- Biology 4: (Special Issue |) 295-305. lysed for FAPs (Ettershank, 1984b) and the mean fluores- 1984, Biomass Handbook 2, 1-14, cence peak heights af the two groups were compared, The 1985, Population age structure in males and juveniles of the resulls of the fluorescence technique were compared with Antarctic krill Euphausia superba Dana. Polar Biology 4(4): those of a more conventional weight-frequency analysis. 199-201, The mean fluorescence (expressed as telative fluorescence Hill, K.T. and Radike, R.L. 1988. Gerontological studies of the or as weight specific relative fluorescence) of the year 2 Damsellish Dascyllus afbisella, Bulletin of Marine Science 42(3); 424-434. TABLE 1. The mean values and predicted mean values for Hirche, HJ. and Anger, K. 1987, The accumulation of age the weight specific telative fluorescence and the dry weight pigments during larval development of the spider crab, Hyas of the animals in each sample. arancus (Decapoda,Majidae). Comparative Blochemistry and Physiology 88B(3); 777-782, eefh; see S e Skeda, T. and Dixon, P. 1982. Body shrinkage as a possible Fluorescence 133.286 213.873 ovet-winteting mechanism of the Antarctic krill, Mean wt. specific | 10.625 (9.53) 21.10 (20.42) Euphasia superba Dana. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 62(2): 143-151. fluorescence Mean dry weight | 13.286(19.34) 9.926 (9.65) Tkeda, T, and Thomas, P.G, 1987. Longevity of the Antarctic number of samples | 37 23 krill (Euphausia superba Dana) based on a |aboratory experiment. Praceedings of the National Institute of Comparison between mean weight specific Muores- Polar Research Symposium on Polar Biology t; 56~62. cence in year | and year 2: t=-7.586, 58 df, p< 0.0001, Nicol, S, 1987. Some limitations on the use of the lipofuscin Comparison between mean dry weight in year | and ageing lechnique. Marine Biolagy 93(4): 609-614. year 2:1 = 2.522, 58 df, p = 0,014, Values in brackets are predicted means from Mac- Stephen Nical, Martin Stolp and Graham W. Hosie, donald-Pitcher analyses of combined year 1 and year Antarctic Division, Channel Highway, 2 dala sets. Kingston, Tasmania 7050, Australia.

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