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Age of extremes : the short twentieth century, 1914-1991 PDF

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Preview Age of extremes : the short twentieth century, 1914-1991

Alsboy Hobsbawm Eric THEA GEO FR EVOLUTI1O7N8 9-1848 THEA GEO FC APIT1A8L4 8-1875 THEA GEO FE MPIR1E8 75-1914 AGE EXTREMES OF THE SHORT TWENTIETH CENTURY 1914-1991 Erico bHs bawm AnA bacuBso ok Firpsutb lisihnGe rde aBtr itabiyMn i chaJeo lse p1h9 94 Thiesd itipounb lisbhyeA db acu1s9 95 Copyri©g hEtr iHco bsbaw1m9 94 Them orarli gohftt heau thhoarsb eeans serted. Allr ighrtess ervNeod p.a rotft hipsu blicamtaiybo en reproduscteodr,e da r eitnr iseyvsatleo mrt, r ansmiitnta enyd , foromr bayn ym eanwsi thotuhtep rioprer missiinwo rni tionfg thep ublisnhoerbr e,o therwciisrec ulianat neydf oromf b inding or coovtehret rh atnh aitnw hicihti sp ublisahnedwd i thoau t simicloanrd itiinocnl udtihnicgso nditbieoinni gm posoendt he subsequpeunrtc haser. A CIPc atalorgeuceo frodtr h ibso oki sa vailfarboltmeh e BritLisihb rary. ISBN0 3 491 06711 Printaenddb ounidn G reaBtr itabiyCn l ayLst dS,tI ves plc Abacus A Divisoifo n LittBlreo,w na ndC ompan(yU K) BrettenHhoaums e LancasPtlearc e LondoWnC 2E 7EN Contents Ilulstrnast io •• Vll Prfaecaen d Awclkgenedoments • IX ThCee ntuAry B:i dr'Esye V iwe I PART ONTEH:E AGOEF C ATASTROPHE I. TheA geo fT otaWla r 21 2. TheW orlRde volution 54 3. Inttoh eE conomAibcy ss 85 4. TheF alolfL iberalism 109 5. AgaintshtCoe mmon Enemy 142 6. TheA rt1s9 1-445 178 7. Endo fE mpires 199 PARTT WO:T HE GOLDENA GE 8. ColdW ar 225 9. TheG oldeYne ars 257 10.T heS ociRaelv oluti1o9n4 5-1990 287 11.C ultuRreavlo lution 320 12.T heT hirWdo rld 344 13.' ReaSlo cialism' 372 PARTT HREE:T HE LANDSLIDE 14.T heC risDiesca des 403 15.T hirWdo rladn dR evolution 433 16.E ndo fS ocialism 461 17.T heA vant-garDdiee sT-heA rtAsf te1r9 50 500 18.S orceraenrdAs p prenticTehse- NatuSrcaile nces 522 19.T owardtsh eM illennium 558 Rfeerences 587 FurtRheeadri ng 610 Index 615 I 1/ustrations (RogVeiorll et) 1.T heA rchduFkrea nFze rdinaannddh iwsi fe (Popfpoetro) 2.C anadisaonl diaemrosn sgh eclrla te1r9s1,8 (RogVeiorl /et) 3.W arc emeteCrhya,l ons-sur-Marne (HulDteount sch) 4.R ussisaonl di1e9r1s7, (HulDteount sch) 5.T heO ctobreerv olutiLoenn:i n c. (DavKidi nCgo llenc)t io 6.M ayD aypo ster,1 920 (HulDteount sch) 7.A Germabna nknoftoert wenmtiyl limoanr ks (IcCoomnm unications) 8.T heW all crasohf1 929 (HulDteount sch) 9.B rituinsehm ploiynet dh e1 930s (HulDteount sch) 10.A dolHfidearn dB eniMtuos solini (HulDteount sch) 11.I talian Fmaasrccihsiptnasgs M tu ssolini (RobHearrdti Pnigc tLuirber ary) 12.N azria laltyN uremberg (HulDteount sch) 13.A narchmiislti itniB aa rcel1o9n3a6, (HultDoenu t)s ch 14.A dolHfitlienro ccupiPeadr is (Popfopteor) 15.U S 'FlyiFnogr tresses'B erraliidn (RobHearrtd) i ng 16.T heb attolfKeu rsk1,9 43 (HulDteount sch) 17.L ondobnu rnin1g9,4 0 (HulDteount sch) 18.D resdbeunrn ed1,9 45 (ReFxe atures) 19H.i roshiamtfae trh ea tomb omb1,9 45 (ReFxea tures) 20.J osiBpr oz,M arshTailt o (mIperiaWla rM useum) 21.A Britwiasrhti mpoes ter (RobHearrtd Piincg tLuirber ary) 22.A lgie1r9s6,1 (ReFxe atures) 23.P remiIenrd iGraan dhi (ReFxet aures) 24.A US cruimsies sile (Poeprpfoto) 25.A silfoor S oviSeStm issiles (Poepfrpoto) 26.T heB erlWianl l (Maugmn) 27.F ideCla strroe'bsea lr myi nS antCal ara (HulDteount sch) 28.I nsurrectiionEn laS railesv ador (HulDteount sch) 29.A ntVii-etnWaamr d emonstraLtoinodno,n (HulDteounct hs) 30.I ra1n9,7 9 (ReFxea tures) 31.M ichaSeelr geyeGvoircbha chev (HunlD teoutsch) 32.T heB erlWianl flal l1s9,8 9 (BBPCh ogtroapLhiibcr ary) 33.S talrienm oviendP rague (Comstock) 34.A gricurlattleu rraciintn hgeL ipivnag llCehyi,n a (SciPehontcLoei brary) 35.E lectmriocnr ogroafap b ha cterium (RobHearrtd ing) 36.C hinepseea sanptl oughing (Maugmn) 37.T urkiismhm igrcaonutp ilneW est Berlin (HulDteount sch) 38.W est Indiaanrsr iviinLn ogn doinn t he1 950s (GideMoenn deeltfwNork) 39.A fricaa tt hee ndo ft hec entury (RobHearrtd ing) 40. AhmedabaIdn,d ia (RobHearrtd ing) 41.C hicagoU,S A (ReFxet aures) 42.R ushh ouirn S hinjuTkouk,y o (Comstock) 43.R ailyaArudg,s buGregr,m any 44. (Mgnaum) Motorwacayrss,a ndpo llutiionHn o ustoTne,x as (HultDoenu tsch) 45.T hef irmsoto nl andi1n9g6,9 (FPGfRHoabredritn g) 46.A 1930csa nneArmya,r ilTleox,a s (ReFxe atures) 47.D ungenensusc lepaorw esrt ation (Maugmn) 48.D eindustriailnNi osrattEhin ognl anMdi,d dlesbrough (RobHearrtd ing) 49.T her erfigerator (RobHearrtd ing) 50.T het elevisseito n (ReFxea tures) 51.T hes upermarket (RobHearrdti ng) 52.T hep ortatbalpee -casseptltaey er (Poeprpfoto) 53.N evilClhea mberlfaiisnh ing (HulDteount sch) 54.E arMlo untbatotfBe unr ma (HulDteount sch) 55.L eni1n9,1 7 56.G andhoin t hew ayt on egotiwaitteh Btrhiet igsohv ernment (ReFxe atures) (FPIGn ternatioHnaarld/iRnogb)e rt 57.S talin (HunlD teoutsch) 58H.i tlebri'rst hpdaarya d1e9,3 9 (©1 99T4h eA nyd Warhol 59.' ChairmMaano 'b yA ndyW arhol Foundaftorit ohVneiu saAlr tIsn,Pc h.to oB:r idegmaAnr Lti brary) (Magnum) 60.T hec orposfeA yatolKlhaohm eilnyii nigns tate 61.G eorgGer ossza vagtehseG ermarnu licnlga ss (HulDteount sch) 62.B ritiwsohr kemrasr cohn L ondon (Maugmn) 63.A ntVii-etnWaamr d emonstraBteirokne,lC eaylo,irn fia 64. Oaimst ow orlcdo nquest (Mganum) 65.A ftetrh eG ulWfa r,1 991 66. (ReFxea tures) Homeless (ReFxet aures) 67.W aititnogv otienS outAhfr ica (Poeprpfoto) 68.S arajeeivgoh yteya rastf e1r9 14 (Copyhroigldheatrri sen dicianit teadl ics) Prfeacea nAdc knloeewdmgents Nobodcya nw ritteh eh istoorfty h et wenticeetnht ulriyk e otfha anty otheerr ai,fo nlbye caunsoeb ody wcrainta eb ouhti so rh erl ieftimaes one c(aann mdu stw)r itaeb ouat p eriokdn owno nlfyro m outsiadte , seconodrt hird-hfarnodms, o urcoefst hep erioordt hew orkosf l ater historMiya nosw.nl ieftimceo inciwdietsmh o sotf t hep eriwoidt whh ich thibsoo k dealasn,df orm osto fi tf,ro m earltye en-taogt eh ep resenIt , havbee enco nscioofup su blic atfhfaaitist r ossa ,y I havea ccumulated viewasn dp rejudaibcoeusit ta sa c ontemporraatrhyte hra ans a s cholar. Thiis so ner easwohny u ndemry proefssiohnaatal sa h istorIia avno ided workinogn theer as inc1e9 14f orm osto fm y careetrh,o ugnho t refraifnrionmwg r itianbgo uitti no thecarp aciti'Mesy.p erioads't ,h ey sayi nt het radiest, h en ineteecnetnht uIrt yh.i nki sni otw p ossitbol e seet he ShTowretn tieCtehn tufrroym 191t4o t he eonftd h eS ovieerta ins omeh istorpiecraslp ecbtuitvI ec ,o met o wiitt hotuhtek nowledge of the scholliatrelrya lteuatr leo,n oef a lblu ta tinsyp rinokfla er chive sourcwehsi,c hhi storoifat nhset wenticeetnht uorfyw ,h omt heriesa n enormonuusm behra,v aec cumulated. Iti s, cooufr suet,t erilmyp ossifbolrae n ys ingpleer sotnok nowt he historiogorfat phhepy r esecnetn tureyv,e nt haitn a nys ingmlaej or languaagse,l, e tus s ayt,h eh istoroifac nl assainctali quoirto yf t he ByzantEimnpei rken owwsh ath asb eewnr itteann dia nb outth osleo ng perioNdesv.e rthemlye oswsn, knowliesdc gaes uaanld p atcheyv enby thes tandaorfdh si storeircuadli tiinto hnef ieolfdc ontempohriasrtyo ry. The mostI haveb eena blteo d o ist od ipi nttoh el iteraotfu re particutlhaorrnlyy acnodn troveqruteesdt i-osnasy t,h eh istoorfty h e ColdW aro rt haotf t he1 930-sf are nougtho s atyi msyfseltfh atth e viewesx pressientd h ibsoo k aret enabilne tlhieg hotf s pecialist researOcfh c.o ursIe c,a nnohta ves ucceedeTdh.e rem ustb e any numbero f questioonns w hichI displiagyn oranacse w ella s controvevriseiwasl. Prfaecaend A clmoJPdkg ts x emen Thisbo ok,t herefroesrteos,n c uriouusnleyv efno undatioInnas d.d i­ tiont ot hew idea ndm iscellaneroeuasd ionfga goodm anyy ears, supplemebnytw ehda tr eadiwnagsn ryt og ivlee ctucoruer seosn ecessa twentieth-cenhtiusrtyot roty h eg raduastteu deonftt sh eN ew Schoolf or SociaRlesea rch,I havder awonn t hea ccumulatkendo wledmgeem,o ries ando pinioonfss o meonweh oh asl ivetdh routghhe S horTtw entieth Centuraysw, h att hes ociaaln thropolocaglilsa t 'sp articiopbasnetr ver', ors implaysa no pen-eyetrda velloerrw ,h atm y ancestors would have kibzerb,i t callead inq uitae l ootf co untriesT.h eh istorviacalluo efs uch experiednoesce sn otd ependo n bepirnegs eonntg reahti stoorcicacs ions, orh aviknngo wonr e ven mperto minehnits tory-moarsk tearst esmAsen . a matterf aocfmt y, e xperieansace n o ccasiojnoaulrn aleinsqtu iriinntgo thiosr t hacotu ntry,ch iefilnL ya tiAnm ericah,a sb een thaitn terviews witphr esideonrto st hedre cision-maarkuees rusa lulnyr ewardfiontrgh ,e obvioruesa stohna mtos t of whapteo psluseca hyi sf or ptuhbel riecco rd. Thep eoplef romw hom illuminatiaornet hcoomsweehs o ca n,o rw ant tos,p eakf reelpyr,e feriafbt lhyeh ya vneo r esponsibifloigrtr ye aatff airs. Neverthetlhesosu,g nhe cessarpialryt ainadlm isleadtionh ga,v ken own peoplaen dp lachesa sh elpmeede normouIstlm ya.yb en om oret hatnh e sighoftt hes amec itayta ni nterovfta hli ryteya -rsValencoriP aa lermo - whicahl onber inhgosm et hes peeadn ds caloef s ocitarla nsformiant ion thet hirqdu artetrh epo rfe secnetn tuIrtym .a yb es implay m emoroyf somethsianigid nco nversatiolnosn agg oa nds toraewda ys,o metifmoesnr o cleraeras onf,o rfu ture If thhies torcaina mna kes omes ensoeft his use. centuirtiy si nl arpgaer bte causoefw atchianngdl istenIih nogp.Ie h ave communicatetdor eadesrosm ethoifwn hga Ith avlee arnetdh rough sdoo.i ng Thebo ok alsaon,d n ecessarrielsyto,sn tihnef ormadtriaownfrn o m colleagsutesu,d enatnsda, n yoneel sweh omI buttonhowlheidlI e w as workionngi tI.n s omeca ses thed ebits s ystemaTthiecc .h aptoenrt he scienwceass s ubmitttoem dy frienAdlsa Mna ckaFyR S, who oinsl yn ot ac rystallogbruatap neh necry clopaenddiJ soth,nM addoxS.o meo fw hat I havwer ittaebno uetco nomidce velopmweansrt ea db ym y colleaagtu e theN ew SchoolL,a ncTea ylofro,r merolfMy I T,a ndm uchm orew as baseodn r eaditnhgep aperlsi,s tentiotn hge d iscussainodng se nerally keepimnyg earosp end urintgh ec onferenocresg anizedv aroino us macro-econompirco bleamtts h eW orlIdn stituftoeDr e velopmEecnotn ­ omiRcesea rch oft heU N Univers(iUtNyU /WIDER)i nH elsiwnhkein it wtarsa nsforimnetdao majoirn ternaticoennatrleo fr esearacnhd discussuinodnet rh ed irectoifDo rn LalJ ayawardIenng ae.n ertahle, summerIsw asa blteos penadtt haatd miraibnlseti tuatisoa nM cDonnell Douglavsi sitisncgh olwaerr ei nvaluatboml ee, n otl eastth rouigths

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