AGE AND AGEING VOLUME 24 1995 EDITOR J. GRIMLEY EVANS Published by Oxford University Press Index of Authors S = Supplement ABDEL-RAHMAN TA, see Collins KJ, 485 BIENVENU J, see Bonnefoy M, 37 ABRAHALL E, see Goodman M, S2P20 BisaryYA S, see Meara J, S2P22 AGoboa LY, see Salive ME, 142 BLAND R, see Thorogood SV, S2P19 AHMED PR, see Harper N, S2P8 B.iss MR, Preventing pressure sores in elderly patients: A ALEXANDER NB, see Gilsing MG, 58 comparison of seven mattress overlays, 297 ALLARD I, see Sinclair AJ, S2P25 BOuHMER F, see Bach D, 222 ALLEN SC, Competence thresholds for use of inhalers in Boisson RC, see Bonnefoy M, 37 people with dementia, S2P13 BoLTON F, see Dawson SL, S2P11 ALONSO J, see Ruigomez A, 113 BonNEFoy M, Implication of cytokines in the aggravation of AMAR K, The relationship between white matter low malnutrition and hypercatabolism in elderly patients with attenuation on brain CT and vascular risk factors: A severe pressure sores, 37 memory clinic study, 411 BosANQuET N, see Franks PJ, 407 Amayo EO, see Lindley RI, 5 2s BOuTHIER F, see Moesch C, 464 ANTILA K, see Luutonen S, 3 1: BowMaN AJ, Effects of aerobic exercise training and yoga on ANTO JM, see Ruigomez A, 1 ‘ss baroreflex sensitivity in healthy elderly subjects, S2P3 APPOLLONIO I, Sensory impairments and mortality in an BowMaNn AJ, Effects of aerobic exercise training on cardiac elderly community population: A six-year follow-up study, chronotropic, inotropic and lymphocyte (-adrenergic 30 responses in healthy elderly subjects, S2P4 ARDRON ME, see Dawson SL, S2P11 Bravo G, Desrosiers J, 108, 402 Arie T, see Lilley JM, 346 BRAYNE C, see Chi LY, 382 Arras I, see Relea P, 303 BriFFA J, see Gompertz P, 137 ASHTON-MILLER JA, see Gilsing MG, 58 BROCKLEHURST J, Commentary: Geriatric day hospitals, 89 Aspray TJ, Health screening of the elderly—a rural African Brunt S, see Skelly J, S2P19 experience, S2P9 Bucks R, see Amar K, 411 ATHERTON J, see Jack CIA, S2P12 BursTIN A, see Beloosesky Y, 515 AustTIN CA, see Cooper MW, 254, S2P25; see also Lawson- Bussy WJ, see Campbell AJ, 204 Matthew PJ, 321, S2P18 ‘ACHIANES G, see O’Mahony MS, S2P5 BacH D, Reactivating occupational therapy: A method to ‘AMPBELL AJ, Control over future health in old age: improve cognitive performance in geriatric patients, 222 Characteristics of believers and sceptics, 204 BacH M, see BAcH D, 222; see also Nikolaus T, 257 ‘ARABELLESE C, see Appollonio I, 30 BACKMAN L, see Hill RD, 440 ‘ARPENTER GI, Casemix for the elderly inpatient: Resource BALDWIN RN, see Donald IP, 434 Utilization Groups (RUGs) Validation Project, 5 BALLARD C, see Saad K, 495 ‘ARPENTER GI, see Turner GF, 1 BANERJEE AK, see Harden SP, S2P26 ‘assiIpY TP, Visuospatial neglect and digit discrepancy in BANNERJEE M, see Donald IP, 434 stroke patients, S2P9 BARBERGER-GATEAU P, see Manciet G, 235 CASTLEDEN CM, see Gariballa SE, S2P20 BarER DH, see Young L, S2P21 CaTANIA J, see Davies I, 151 BARKER WH, International survey of the status of geriatric CHANNER KS, see Lawson-Matthew PJ, 321, S2P3, S2P18 medicine, S2P17 CHARMES J-P, see Moesch C, 464 BARKER WH, Stroke and hip fracture trends among persons Cui LY, Predictors of hospital contact by very elderly people: >65 years of age 1965-90, S2P6 A pilot study from a cohort of people aged 75, 382 BARKHAM TMS, The respiratory presentation of urinary tract CuiLvers CED, see Lilley JM, 346 infection in older patients, S2P18 CHIN WFP, see Fonda D, 283 Bautz-HO.Lrer E, see Laake K, 393; see also Wyller TB, 398 CHRISTENSEN H, see Jorm AF, 389 Bayer AJ, see Sinclair AJ, S2P25 CHRISTIE J, see Currie CT, S2P7 BEAN N, Habitus and hip fracture revisited: Skeletal size, CLARKE SEM, see Pandita-Gunawardena ND, S2P4 strength and cognition rather than thinness? 481 CLAYTON RH, see Bowman AJ, S2P3 BECKER-SCHNEIDER M, see Didier JM, 247 Coss SJ, see Currie CT, S2P7 BELFIELD P, see Wanklyn P, 510, S2P10 CoaKLey D, see Hegarty V, S2P21 BELOOSESKY Y, The importance of brain infarct size and CoakLey DP, see Murphy SM, 99 location in predicting outcome after stroke, 515 CoLEMAN PG, Does the use of the Geriatric Depression Scale Bensow SJ, Pituitary tumours in the elderly: 8 year make redundant the need for separate measures of well- experience of a neuroendocrine unit, S2P17 being on geriatrics wards? 416 BENNETT D, see Davies I, 151 DM, see Szonyi G, 287 BENNETT G, see Vernon M, 177 Co..ins KJ, Circadian body temperatures and the effects ofa BENNETT KM, see Bean N, 481 cold stress in elderly and young subjects, 485 BHOwMICK BK, see Hasan M, S2P23, S2P26; see also Khanna CONNOLLY M, see Franks PJ, 407 PB, S2P15; see also Meara RJ, S2P22 CoNNOLLY MJ, Admission chest radiography (CXR) in INDEX OF AUTHORS elderly patients admitted to hospital with acute severe DONNELLY J, see Hamdy RC, S2P7 asthma, S2P13 Dusuc N, see Desrosiers J, 402 CoNNOLLY MJ, Edentulousness—a risk factor for develop- DuPoND JL, see Didier JM, 247 ment of nosocomial chest infection (NCI) in the elderly, Dutit E, Desrosiers J, 108 $2P21 ConNoLLy MJ, Inhaler technique of elderly patients: Eastwoop C, see Reich S, S2P27 Comparison of metered-dose inhalers and large volume Eastwoop R, see Skelly J, S2P19 spacer devices, 190 Es_y EM, see Hogan DB, 375 CONNOLLY MJ, see Gibson HN, S2P12; see also Renwick DS, EBRAHIM S, see Gompertz P, 137; see also Silveira E, 474 S2P13, S2P14; see also Zaidi NH, 267 EnaM SJ, see Hasan M, S2P26 Cooney C, Review: Diogenes Syndrome, 451 Ericson WA, see Gilsing MG, 58 Cooper MW, Arterial oxygen saturation during upper ErrRKO M, see Luutonen §S, 315 gastrointestinal endoscopy in elderly patients: The role of Evans CC, see Jack CIA, S2P12 endoscope diameter, 254 Evans L, see Goodman M, S2P20 Cooper MW, Gastroscopy in the elderly: Endoscope size and Evans ME, see Hammond MF, S2P16 oxygen desaturation, S2P25 CouLON L, see Bonnefoy M, 37 FAIRWEATHER DS, see Morse RE, S2P5 Cowan RA, see Solanki T, 103 FEIGHERY CS, see Murphy SM, 99 Cox N, see Wanklyn P, 510, S2P10 FERNANDO MU, see White AD, S1P23, S2P25 CRAWFORD V, see Taggart H, 326 FITZPATRICK R, see Jenkinson C, 505 Creasey T, see Thomas M, S2P24 Fuint A, see Skelly J, S2P19 CrITcHLey D, see Fotherby MD, 25 Fonpa D, Sustained improvement of subjective quality of life Croxson SCM, Diabetes and cognitive impairment: A in older community-dwelling people after treatment of community-based study of elderly subjects, 421 urinary incontinence, 283 CUNNINGHAM DA, see Smith WDF, S2P12 Forp GA, see Bowman AJ, S2P3, S2P4 Currie CT, Edinburgh and Borders hip fracture audit: FoRMAN WM, see Sridharan GV, 21 Report on first year’s experience, S2P7 Forster A, see Gladman J, 49 Currie CT, Resource implications of a pilot scheme of early Foruersy MD, Effect of hospitalization on conventional and supported discharge for elderly acute orthopaedic patients, 24-hour blood pressure, 25 S2P6 FoTHersy MD, Effect of longterm potassium supplementa- Curtis S, see Leibovici D, 14 tion on ambulatory blood pressure in elderly hypertensives, S2P17 D’AsToui M, see Fonda D, 283 FOTHERBY MD, see Gariballa SE, S2P20 D’Costa DF, The levodopa test in Parkinson’s disease, 210 Foy P, see Benbow SJ, S2P17 DarTIGuEs JF, see Manciet G, 235 FRANKS PJ, Factors associated with healing leg ulceration Davenrport RJ, Improving the recording of the clinical with high compression, 407 assessment of stroke patients using a clerking pro forma, 43 Franks PJ, Risk factors for leg ulcer recurrence: A Davipo A, see Zureik M, 227 randomized trial of two types of compression stocking, 490 Davies ADM, Psychological aspects of cardiac cachexia in the FRATTOLA L, see Appollonio I, 30 elderly. Do eating disorders play a role? S2P20 FRENCH FH, Cost analysis of fracture of the neck of femur, Davies I, Age-associated alterations in thirst and arginine 185 vasopressin in response to a water or sodium load, 151 Frey BM, see Mihlethaler R, 193 Davison CM, see Cooper MW, 254, S2P25 FRUHWALD D, see Bach D, 222 Dawson SL, Stroke in UK residents originating from the Fujiwara H, see Nakanishi N, 334 Indian subcontinent, S2P11 FuKUuCHI Y, see Teramoto S, 278 De Wazieres B, see Didier JM, 247 Decamps A, see Manciet G, 235 GarIBALLA SE, Serum potassium following stroke, S2P20 De tay R, see Taaffe DR, 329 Gaynor C, Efficacy of single dose therapy versus three day DeENNIs M, see Lindley RI, 525; see also Wellwood I, 519 course of trimethoprim in the treatment of uncomplicated DENNIs MS, see Davenport RJ, 43; see also Wellwood I, 54 urinary tract infections in the elderly, S2P15 Dent M, see Lawson-Matthew PJ, 321, S2P18 GeEorGE G, see O’Mahony MS, S2P5 Desrosiers J, Reliability of the Revised Functional Auton- GERRARD J, see O’ Neill D, 242 omy Measurement System (SMAF) for epidemiological GiBson HN, Slow vital capacity in assessment of reversibility research, 402 of airways obstruction in elderly patients, S2P12 Desrosiers J, Upper-extremity motor co-ordination of Gipson HN, see Connolly MJ, S2P13 healthy elderly people, 108 Gitsinc MG, Association of age with the threshold for Dickinson E, Commentary: Cochrane Collaboration in detecting ankle inversion and eversion in upright stance, 58 health care of elderly people, 265 GLADMAN J, Hospital- and home-based rehabilitation after Dickson D, see Franks PJ, 490 discharge from hospital for stroke patients: Analysis of two Dipier JM, Function of the oxidative metabolism of trials, 49 phagocytes in elderly people: Relationship to nutritional Gompertz P, How useful are non-random comparisons of and inflammatory status, 247 outcomes and quality of care in purchasing hospital stroke Dinc YY, see Szonyi G, 287 services? 137 Dosson R, see O’Mahoney PG, S2P10 GONZALEZ-RIOLA J, see Hernandez ER, 447 Dona_p IP, Gloucester Hospital-at-Home: A randomized GoopMaNn M, A tale of two cities, S2P20 controlled trial, 434 Goopwin J, see Collins KJ, 485 INDEX OF AUTHORS Gosney JR, see Gosney MA, S2P23 HuGues EA, see Solanki T, 103 Gosney M, see Jack CIA, S2P12 Hyatt RH, see Solanki T, 103 Gosney MA, Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage as a factor HyLAND CM, see Gaynor C, S2P15 in the death of elderly patients, S2P23 HyYLAND M, see Reardon M, S2P14 GRAHAM C, see Saad K, 495 HyMaNn N, see Jenkinson C, 505 GRANT DJ, Is previous hyperthyroidism still a risk factor for osteoporosis in postmenopausal women? S2P7 Ionescu A, see Lawson-Matthew PJ, S2P3 Gray CS, see Cassidy TP, S2P9 Gray R, Lower urinary tract dysfunction in Parkinson’s Jack CIA, Aspiration in stroke—is videofluoroscopy (VF) the disease: Changes relate to age and not disease, 499 gold standard? S2P12 Gray RP, Review: Urinary tract infection in elderly people— Jackson SHD, see Kinirons MT, S2P6; see also Lee DR, 91; Time to review management? 341 see also Puthrasingham S, S2P24 GREENHALGH RM, see Franks PJ, 407 JACKSON SK, see Hasan M, S2P26 GREENHALL R, see Jenkinson C, 505 JAGGER C, see Croxson SCM, 421 GrILc B, see Bach D, 222 James OFW, see Aspray TJ, S2P9; see also O’Mahoney PG, GRIMLEY Evans J, Commentary: Evidence-based and S2P10 evidence-biased medicine, 461 JENKINSON C, Self-reported functioning and well-being in GRIMLEY Evans J, see Lamb SE, 308 patients with Parkinson’s disease: Comparison of the GRINBLAT J, see Beloosesky Y, 515 Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) and the Parkinson’s GURALNIK JM, see Salive ME, 142 Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39), 505 JOHANSEN A, Senior house officer training: The British HaiGH RA, see Thomas M, S2P24 Geriatrics Society training committee recommendations HALL R, see Pascual JA, S2P23 as audit standard, S2P16 HAMBLETON D, see Shinton RA, S2P11 JOHNSTONE R, see McMurdo MET, 425 Hampy RC, The effects of strokes associated with muscle Jones A, see Teale C, 276 weakness on the bone mineral content of the affected side, Jones CA, see Salive ME, 142 S2P7 Jorm AF, Factors associated with the wish to die in elderly HAMID W, see Cooney C, 451 people, 389 HAMMOND MF, A placebo-controlled antidepressant trial in the physically ill elderly, S2P16 KaLrA L, The changing requirements of CT scanning in HARDEN SP, The incidence of proximal leg vein thrombosis in stroke, S2P18 an unselected population of acute geriatric admissions, KaLrA L, The impact of a stroke unit on medical S2P26 complications in stroke rehabilitation, S2P10 Harper N, Success of cyclical etidronate calcium therapy in Kassab J, see Khanna PB, S2P15 older osteoporotic subjects, S2P8 KAUPPINEN M, see Laukkanen P, 468 HARTMAN J, see Saad K, 495 KEANE C, see Kyne L, S$2P17 Hasan M, Aspirin mimics ageing by decreasing erythrocyte KEARNEY MT, see Teale C, 276 membrane fluidity in subjects with stroke: A possible KELLY J, see Hegarty V, S2P21 therapeutic or detrimental effect, S2P26 KeEeMM JR, see Solanki T, 103 Hasan M, Neuromedical complications observed during KHANNA PB, Coagulation factors in acute stroke and transient inpatient stroke rehabilitation, S2P23 ischaemic attacks, S2P15 Hayes V, The SF-36 Health Survey Questionnaire: Is it KuHAwW K-T, see Hegarty V, S2P3; see also May H, 217; see also suitable for use with older adults? 120 Scragg R, 271; see also Woodhouse PR, S2P19 HEBERT R, see Desrosiers J, 108, 402 KING D, see Davies ADM, S2P20 HEFFER C, see Jack CIA, S2P12 KinG SC, see Zaidi NH, 267 HeGcartTy DM, see Murphy SM, 99 KINIRONS M, see Stewart K » S& 2P8 HeGarty V, Differential effects of haemoglobin concentra- Kinirons MT, Elderly volunteers’ opinions and attitudes to tion, red blood cell count and haematocrit on blood clinical research, S2P6 pressure, S2P3 Kirkwoop TBL, Conference Report: The biological basis of HEGARTY V, Serological diagnosis of Moraxella catarrhalis ageing: The Medical Research Council/Research into lower respiratory tract infection, S2P21 Ageing Workshop: 6 October 1993, 167 HEIKKINEN E, see Laukkanen P, 468 KITCHIN N, see Lockington TJ, S2P4 HENDERSON AS, see Jorm AF, 389 KLIPSTEIN K, see Potter J, 131 HERNANDEZ ER, Evaluation of bone density with peripheral KorTEN AE, see Jorm AF, 389 quantitative computed tomography in healthy premeno- KuRIAN M, see Saad K, 495 pausal, perimenopausal, and postmenopausal women, 447 KyneE L, The elderly and hospital-acquired diarrhoea: A HIGGINSON I, see Ramsay M, 73 high-risk group, S2P17 Hitt RD, The relationship between the Mini-Mental State Examination and cognitive functioning in normal elderly LAAKE K, The Barthel ADL Index: Factor structure depends adults: A componential analysis, 440 upon the category of patient, 393 Hopson P, see Meara J, S2P22; see also Meara RJ, S2P22 LAAKE P, see Laake K, 393 Hocan DB, Primitive reflexes and dementia: Results from the LaGaay AM, see van Goor LP, 536 Canadian Study of Health and Ageing, 375 Lams SE, Mobility after proximal femoral fracture: The Hopper AH, see Harden SP, S2P26; see also Reich S, S2P27 relevance of leg extensor power, postural sway and other HorwatTH CC, see Campbell AJ, 204 factors, 308 HupaGIns L, see Hamdy RC, S2P7 LANG T, see Zureik M, 227 INDEX OF AUTHORS LANGHORNE P, What is a stroke unit? A survey of service McCoy J, see Goodman M, S2P20 characteristics in the randomised trials, S2P11 McGrecor K, see Currie CT, S2P6 LaTaPliE JL, see Manciet G, 235 McHucu P, see Lawson-Matthew PJ, S2P3 LaTaPiE MJ, see Manciet G, 235 McIntyre AS, see O’Mahony D, 522 LAUKKANEN P, Muscle strength and mobility as predictors of McLean KA, see Davies I, 151; see also Lawson-Matthew PJ, survival in 75—84-year-old people, 468 321, S2P18 Lavan JN, see O’Keeffe ST, S2P16, S2P5 McMurpo MET, A randomized controlled trial of a home LAwsON-MATTHEW PJ, Improved heart rate control and effort exercise programme for elderly people with poor mobility, tolerance using xamoterol in atrial fibrillation, S2P18 425 LAwsoN-MATTHEW PJ, Success and maintenance of cardio- McMurpo MET, see Grant DJ, S2P7 version from atrial fibrillation in the elderly, S2P3 McTirFIin L, see Collins KJ, 485 Lawson-MATTHEW PJ, Xamoterol improves the control of Meara J, How big is the pool of symptomatic but clinically chronic atrial fibrillation in elderly patients, 321 undiagnosed parkinsonism? S$2P22 LEATHERBARROW B, see Sridharan GV, 21 Meara RJ, How effective are the interventions of a specialist Lee DR, Twenty-four-hour ambulatory blood pressure movement disorder clinic? S2P22 monitoring in healthy elderly people: Reference values, 91 Meara RJ, see Hasan M, S2P23 Lee S-G, see Gilsing MG, 58 MepcatF P, Further evidence for inheritance factors in the LEHMANN AB, see Bean N, 481 development of Parkinson’ disease, S2P14 Leisovic! D, The application of disability data from MEINDERS AE, see van Goor LP, 536 epidemiological surveys to the development of indicators MInpeER CE, see Miihlethaler R, 193 of service needs for dependent elderly people, 14 Moescu C, Calcium oxalate crystalluria in elderly patients LeROUX-RosBeErT C, see Moesch C, 464 and treatment with naftidrofuryl oxalate, 464 LETENNEUR L, see Manciet G, 235 Morratt CJ, see Franks PJ, 407, 490 Levy A, see Zureik M, 227 Moe PA, see Grant DJ, S2P7 Lewis S, see Cassidy TP, S2P9 Moore S, see Hamdy RC, S2P7 Lewis T, see Amar K, 411 Moore-Smitu B, see D’Costa DF, 210 Littey JM, Special Review: Accidents involving older Moran A, see Kyne L, S2P17 people: A review of the literature, 346 MorGan M, see Hayes V, 120 LINDLEY RI, Hospital services for patients with acute stroke Morris J, see Hayes V, 120 in the United Kingdom: The Stroke Association Survey of Morse RE, Changes in diurnal urine production with age: A consultant opinion, 525 cross-sectional study of women, S2P5 LocKINGTON TJ, Diabetes and cardiac autonomic function: Morse RE, see Lamb SE, 308 Age-correction is important, S2P4 Muers MP, see Teale C, 276 LOcKINGTON TJ, Multidisciplinary goal setting in inpatient MUHLETHALER R, The prognostic significance of protein- rehabilitation, S2P22 energy malnutrition in geriatric patients, 193 LomsralL P, see Zureik M, 227 MUu.LLEE MA, see Coleman PG, 416 LUUTONEN S, Haemodynamic response to head-up tilt in Mutter MT, Active euthanasia and _ physician-assisted elderly hypertensives and diabetics, 315 suicide in Dutch nursing homes: Patients’ characteristics, Lye M, see Hammond MF, S2P16; see also Jack CIA, S2P12 429 MULLOOLY JP, see Barker WH, S2P6 MacFar.ane IA, see Benbow SJ, S2P17 Murpny S, see Hegarty V, S2P21; see also May H, 217; see also MacKInnon AJ, see Jorm AF, 389 Scragg R, 271 MacKnicut C, A hierarchical assessment of balance and Murpuy SM, Tetanus immunity in elderly people, 99 mobility, 126 Murray A, see Bowman AJ, S2P3 MacManuon DG, see Thorogood SV, S2P19 Mutcu W, see Meara J, S2P22 MaGnli E, see Appollonio I, 30 Main A, see Carpenter GI, 5; see also Turner GF, 1 Nair P, The compulsory removal of elderly people in MALone-Lee J, see Gray R, 499; see also Gray RP, 341 England and Wales under Section 47 of the National Matone-Lee JG, see Szonyi G, 287 Assistance Act and its 1951 Amendment: A survey of its Manciet G, The PAQUID survey and correlates of implementation in England and Wales in 1988 and 1989, subclinical hypothyroidism in elderly community resi- 180 dents in the south-west of France, 235 NAKANISHI N, The association of health management with the Marcus R, see Taaffe DR, 329 health of elderly people, 334 MarsHAL_t J, see Lindley RI, 525 NELSON ML, see Puthrasingham S, S2P24 Martin FC, Audit of standards in NHS continuing care, NICOLSON A, Pressure sore prevention in practice, S2P24 S2P26 NikoLaus T, Innovations: The Timed Test of Money Mar TIN FC, see Barkham TMS, S2P18 Counting: A short physical performance test for manual MASKELL GF, see Thorogood SV, S2P19 dexterity and cognitive capacity, 257 Maskrey V, see Kinirons MT, S2P6 May H, Self-reported tooth loss and bone mineral density in O’Connor DW, see Chi LY, 382 older men and women, 217 O’Keerre ST, A comparison of subcutaneous and intrave- May H, see Hegarty V, S2P3 nous fluids in confused elderly patients, S2P5 Mayserry JF, see Nair P, 180 O’Keerre ST, A model for predicting delirium in elderly McC uaran J, see Robbins S, 67 patients, S2P16 McCotium CN, see Franks PJ, 407 O’Manony D, For Debate: Artificial feeding for elderly McCorp JF, see Connolly MJ, S2P21 patients after stroke, 522 INDEX OF AUTHORS O’Manony MS, The monocyte as a model for studying drug RENWICK DS, The relationship between pulmonary function, metabolism and aging: The identification of specific IgE and eosinophils in older adults, S2P14 cytochrome P450 enzymes present in monocytes, S2P5 RENWICK DS, see Connolly MJ, S2P13 O’Manony PG, ‘Have you ever had a stroke?’ is a sensitive REVILLA M, see Hernandez ER, 447; see also Relea P, 303 and _ specific screening question for assessing stroke RippE MW, see Muller MT, 429 prevalence, S2P10 RICHARDS VA, see Davies ADM, S2P20 O’NEILL D, Variability in scoring the Hachinski Ischaemic Rico H, see Hernandez ER, 447; see also Relea P, 303 Score, 242 RIPo.t E, see Relea P, 303 O’NEILL D, see Kyne L, S2P17 RITCHIE K, see Leibovici D, 14 O’ NEILL PA, see Davies I, 151; see also Toogood AA, S2P9; Ropsins §S, Proprioception and stability: Foot position see also Zaidi NH, 267 awareness as a function of age and footwear, 67 Oates A, Arm size and blood pressure measurement in Roserts M, see Potter J, 131 elderly patients, S2P15 Roserts S, see Meara RJ, S2P22 OLprROYD MI, see Franks PJ, 407, 490 ROBERTSON IH, see Cassidy TP, S2P9 OsTER P, see Nikolaus T, 257 ROBERTSON MC, see Campbell AJ, 204 RoBINson TG, see Gariballa SE, S2P20 PAHoR M, see Salive ME, 142 RocHoN P, see Dickinson E, 265 PALMER CR, see Parker MJ, 96 RocKkwoop K, see MacKnight C, 126 PANDITA-GUNAWARDENA ND, Ambulatory blood pressure Ropcers H, see O’ Mahoney PG, S2P10 changes and effect on cerebral perfusion in amlodipine Roomi J, see Gibson HN, S2P12 treated elderly hypertensives, S2P4 Roots P, see Kalra L, S2P10 ParK C, see Zaidi NH, 267 Roper TA, The use of deaf-aid communicators in a Salford PARKER MJ, Prediction of rehabilitation after hip fracture, 96 hospital: A failure of communication? 160 PARKER SG, see Gariballa SE, S2P20 Rowe J, see Goodman M, S2P20 PascuaAL JA, Long-term functional consequences of cardiac RuIGsMEz A, Relationship of health behaviours to five-year surgery involving cardio-pulmonary bypass in elderly vs mortality in an elderly cohort, 113 young patients, S2P23 Ruoppi.a I, see Ruuskanen JM, 292 PATERSON CR, see Grant DJ, S2P7 RUUSKANEN JM, Physical activity and psychological well- PATERSON DH, see Smith WDF, S2P12 being among people aged 65 to 84 years, 292 PATTERSON CJ, Influence of written information on patients’ Rys L, see Bonnefoy M, 37 knowledge of their diagnosis, S2P8 PATTERSON CJ, see Teale C, 276 SAAD K, Coping by the carers of dementia sufferers, 495 Petro V, see Jenkinson C, 505 SALIVE ME, Serum creatinine levels in older adults: Relation- PETTERSEN KI, Age-related discrimination in the use of ship with health status and medications, 142 fibrinolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction in SANDERCOCK PAG, see Lindley RI, 525 Norway, 198 SANGHERA §, see Pandita-Gunawardena ND, S2P4 PHILLIPS J, see Currie CT, S2P7 SCHLIERF G, see Nikolaus T, 257 PHILLIPS PA, see D’Costa DF, 210 SCHMUCKER DL, see O’Mahony MS, S2P5 PHILP I, see Coleman PG, 416 ScHULTz AB, see Gilsing MG, 58 PickETT T, see Harden SP, S2P26 Scott A, see Oates A, S2P15 PoLuittT PA, see Chi LY, 382 Scotr M, see Amar K, 411 PORTER RW, see French FH, 185 Scott R, see Jorm AF, 389; see also Nakanishi N, 334 Porrer J, The nutritional status and clinical course of acute Scott T, see Hegarty V, S2P21 admissions to a geriatric unit, 131 Scracc R, Life-style factors associated with winter serum 25- PoTTeR JF, see Fotherby MD, 25, S2P17 hydroxyvitamin D levels in elderly adults, 271 POULIN MJ, see Smith WDF, S2P12 SeEco-DurRBAN C, see Hernandez ER, 447 POUND P, see Gompertz P, 137 SEILLES E, see Didier JM, 247 PRENTICE A, see Aspray TJ, S2P9 SHAH IU, see White AD, S2P25 PUTHRASINGHAM §, Orthostatic oedema in the elderly—does SHALET SM, see Toogood AA, S2P9 frusemide work? S2P24 SHARP EJ, see Franks PJ, 490 RAIHA I, see Luutonen S, 315 SHaAw D, see Benbow S!, S2P17 RajALa T, see Luutonen 5S, 315 SHEEHAN LJ, see D’Costa DF, 210 Ramsay M, Review: Measures to determine the outcome of SHINTON RA, Prevention of stroke in winter: Effects of central community services for people with dementia, 73 heating and remaining indoors, S2P11 RANHOFF AH, see Laake K, 393 Sippiqi MA, see Harper N, S2P8 READER R, see May H, 217 SitveirA E, Mental health and health status of elderly REARDON M, Significant aortic stenosis in elderly patients Bengalis and Somalis in London, 474 with basal systolic murmurs, S2P14 SincLaAiR AJ, The _ institutionalised diabetic: Diseased, REARDON M, see Gaynor C, S2P15 disabled and disadvantaged, S2P25 REIcH S, Clinical experience and discharge decision making SINCLAIR AJ, see Hasan M, S2P26 in occupational therapy, S2P27 SKELLY J, Treatment cf urinary incontinence in dementia REILLY JJ, see Potter J, 131 using low dose oxybutynin chloride, S2P19 RELEA P, Zinc, biochemical markers of nutrition, and type I SMITH HA, see Zaidi NH, 267 osteoporosis, 303 SmitH WDF, Ventilatory responses to sustained isocapnic RENWICK DS, Respiratory symptoms in older adults: The hypoxia in the eighth decade, S2P12 effects of age and smoking habit, S2P13 SMITHARD D, see Martin FC, S2P26 INDEX OF AUTHORS SoLANKI T, Are elderly Asians in Britain at a high risk of VAN DEN BoscuH CG, see Gilsing MG, 58 Vitamin D deficiency and osteomalacia? 103 VAN DER WAL G, see Muller MT, 429 SOURANDER L, see Luutonen S, 315 van Eyk JThM, see Muller MT, 429 SPECHT-LEIBLE N, see Nikolaus T, 257 vAN Goor LP, Review: Cobalamin deficiency and mental SRIDHARAN GV, A community survey of ptosis of the eyelid impairment in elderly people, 536 and pupil size of elderly people, 21 VERNON M, Commentary: Elder abuse: The case for greater STANNERS AJ, see Teale C, 276 involvement of geriatricians, 177 STERN G, see Gray C, 499 ViLLa LF, see Relea P, 303 Srewart K, Discussing resuscitation decisions with most ViLLA ML, see Taaffe DR, 329 elderly patients is unnecessary, S2P8 Vuitton DA, see Didier JM, 247 STONE MD, see Johansen A, S2P16 STREIFLER JY, see Beloosesky Y, 515 Waac A, see Stewart K, S2P8 Struck AE, see Mihlethaler R, 193 WakeD E, see Robbins S, 67 SuNDstTrROM G, Commentary: Ageing is riskier than it looks, WALLACE RB, see Salive ME, 142 373 WaALsH JB, see Hegarty V, S2P21; see also Murphy SM, 99 SuppiAH A, see Gosney MA, S2P23 WANKLYN P, Outcome in patients who require a gastrostomy SurRMON D, see O’ Neill D, 242 after stroke, 510 SvEEN U, see Laake K, 393; see also Wyller TB, 398 WANKLYN P, Percutaneous gastrostomy after stroke, S2P10 Swirt CG, see Kinirons MT, S2P6; see also Lee DR, 91; see War.ow C, see Wellwood I, 519 also Puthrasingham S, S2P24 War.ow CP, see Davenport RJ, 43; see also Lindley RI, 525; Szony1 G, Oxybutynin with bladder retraining for detrusor see also Wellwood I, 54 instability in elderly people: A randomized controlled trial, WEAVER LT, see Aspray TJ, S2P9 287 WELLwoop I, A comparison of the Barthel Index and the OPCS disability instrument used to measure outcome after TaaFFE DR, Maximal muscle strength of elderly women is acute stroke, 54 not influenced by oestrogen status, 329 WELLWoop I, Patients’ and carers’ satisfaction with acute TaGGart H, Reduced bone density of the hip in elderly stroke management, 519 patients with Parkinson’s disease, 326 WHALEN K, see Hamdy RC, S2P7 Tak PP, see van Goor LP, 536 WHELAN E, see Davies ADM, S2P20 TAKABAYASHI H, see Nakanishi N, 334 Wuite AD, Factors influencing readmissions to a department TAKAMORI Y, see Nakanishi N, 334 of medicine for the elderly, S2P25 TAKASHIMA Y, see Nakanishi N, 334 WILcockK G, see Amar K, 411; see also Saad K, 495 TALLIS RC, see Sridharan GV, 21 Witcock GK, see O'Neill D, 242 TaTara K, see Nakanishi N, 334 WiuuiaMs D, The relationship between age and cutaneous TayLor PM, see Connolly MJ, S2P13 aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) activity, 213 TEALE C, Community survey of home nebulizer technique by WILuiaMs Y, see Murphy SM, 99 elderly people, 276 WILSON K, see Kalra L, S2P18 TEALE C, see Patterson CJ, S2P8 WINGET C, see Ramsay M, 73 TERAMOTO S, Improvements in exercise capacity and Woiski MD, see van Goor LP, 536 dyspnoea by inhaled anticholinergic drug in elderly WoL FE C, see Hayes V, 120 patients, with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 278 Wo rr SP, see Kirkwood TBL, 167 THe Casemix For THE ELDERLY INPATIENT WORKING WoopuHovuse K, see Williams D, 213; Group, see Carpenter GI, 5 WoopHousE KW, see Johansen A, S2P16; see also O’ Mahony Tuomas M, Abdominal computed tomography (ACT)—is MS, S2P5; see also Pascual JA, S2P23 medical supervision necessary? S2P24 WoopuouseE PR, Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1: Another THOMSON RG, see O’Mahoney PG, S2P10 ischaemic heart disease risk factor related to Vitamin C TuHoROGooD SV, Investigation of the colon by computed status, S2P19 tomography in elderly patients, S2P19 WoopwarbD M, see Fonda D, 283 TierNeEY AJ, Review: Readmission of elderly patients to Worth A, see Tierney AJ, 163 hospital, 163 WYLLER TB, The Barthel ADL Index one year after stroke: Topp CJ, see Chi LY, 382 Comparison between relatives’ and occupational therapist’s TooGoop AA, Growth hormone (GH) deficiency in the scores, 398 elderly with pituitary disease, S2P9 WYLLER TB, see Laake K, 393 TORGERSON DJ, see French FH, 185 TRABUCCHI M, see Appollonio I, 30 YounG J, see Gladman J, 49 TRAN B, see Zureik M, 227 Younc L, Illness severity in elderly medical patients, S2P21 TRAN J, see Jack CIA, S2P12 TROUILLET J-L, see Zureik M, 227 ZaibiI NH, Oxygen desaturation on swallowing as a potential TurNER GF, Commentary: Casemix, resource use and marker of aspiration in acute stroke, 267 geriatric medicine in England and Wales, 1 ZuREIK M, Returning home after acute hospitalization in two TURNER GF, see Carpenter GI, 5 French teaching hospitals: Predictive value of patients’ and Twomey C, see Gaynor C, S2P15; see also Reardon M, S2P14 relatives’ wishes, 227 Subject index S = Supplement Abdominal CT scans Aortic stenosis unsupervised, assessment of outcome, lower gastro- significant, high prevalence in elderly patients, basal intestinal tract S2P24 systolic murmurs S2P14 Aberdeen APACHE score Royal Infirmary, cost analysis of fracture of neck of femur, measurement of illness severity in elderly medical patients, elderly patients, UK 185 comparison with semi-formalized subjective method/ Accidents problem-list-based method S2P21 road accidents/falls/burns involving elderly people, review Apoptosis of literature 346 programmed apoptosis, Medical Research Council/ Acute admissions Research into Ageing Workshop 169 geriatric unit, relationship between nutritional status Arginine vasopressin clinical course 131 age-associated changes in response to water load/sodium ADL load 151 effect of movement disorder clinic, Parkinson’s disease S2P22 Artificial feeding G-Adrenergic response naso-gastric tube/percutaneous endoscopically placed gas- cardiac, effect of aerobic exercise/yoga in healthy elderly troscopy for elderly people after stroke 533 subjects S2P4 Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase Age cutaneous activity, relationship with age, Wistar and Brown association with foot position awareness, proprioception Norwegian rats 213 stability 67 induction, identification of cytochrome P450 enzymes, association with respiratory symptoms/chest infection in drug metabolism/ageing, monocyte model S2P5 older patients with urinary tract infection S2P18 Asians association with threshold for detection of ankle inversion elderly, high risk of vitamin D deficiency/osteomalacia, eversion in upright stance, proprioception 58 Britain 103 effect on readmissions to department of geriatric medicine, stroke presentation/ireatment/outcome, comparison with illness type/place of discharge/length of stay, comparison Caucasians, UK S2P11 S2P25 Aspiration effect on respiratory symptoms in older adults S2P13 oxygen desaturation on swallowing, potential marker, acute relationship with changes in lower urinary tract dys- stroke 267 function in Parkinson’s disease 499 stroke, assessment by videofiuoroscopy/water-swallowing relationship with cutaneous aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase test, comparison S2P12 activity, Wistar and Brown Norwegian rats 213 Aspirin relationship with diabetes duration/cardiac autonomic erythrocyte membrane fluidity, ageing, stroke patients function S2P4 S2P25 relationship with diurnal variation in urine production, Asthma nocturia S2P5 acute severe, assessment of hospital admission chest significance in mobility after proximal femoral fracture 308 radiograph in elderly patients S2P13 Ageing relationship between immunoglobulin E/eosinophils/pul- drug metabolism, monocyte model, identification of monary function in older adults S2P14 cytochrome P450 enzymes, aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase Atrial fibrillation induction S2P5 chronic, improvement of control, xamoterol, comparison erythrocyte membrane fluidity, aspirin treatment, stroke with xamoterol plus digoxin 321 patients S2P25 improvement of heart rate control/effort tolerance, risk of 373 digitoxin/xamoterol S2P18 Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly, success/maintenance of cardioversion, central role of inclusion bodies, Medical Research Council clinical/echocardiogram assessment of suitability S2P3 Research into Ageing Workshop 170 Australia Amlodipine treatment wish to die in elderly people, association with physical elderly hypertensives, ambulatory 24-hour blood pressure health/mental health/sociodemographic factors, epidemio- changes, effect on cerebral perfusion S2P4 logical survey 389 Ankle Autonomic function proprioception, inversion/eversion in upright stance, cardiac, relationship with diabetes duration/age S2P4 threshold for detection, association with age 58 Anticholinergic drugs Balance inhaled, oxitropium bromide, exercise capacity/dyspnoea, Hierarchical Assessment of Balance and Mobility, validity/ improvements in elderly patients with chronic obstructive reliability/responsiveness to change, comparison with other pulmonary disease 278 analytical tools 126 Antidepressants Bandaging placebo-controlled trial in physically ill elderly people, high compression, healing of leg ulceration, associated fluoxetine S2P16 factors 407 SUBJECT INDEX Barium enema Borders region replacement by CT scans, investigation of colon in elderly hip fracture audit, one-year follow-up, Early Supported patients S2P19 Discharge Scheme, Scotland, UK S2P7 Baroreflex sensitivity Bradburn Affect Balance Scale effect of aerobic exercise/yoga in healthy elderly subjects patient profiles, use on geriatric wards, comparison with S2P3 Geriatric Depression Scale 416 Barthel ADL Index Bradford one year after stroke, comparison between scores of stroke patients, hospital/home-based rehabilitation after relatives/occupational therapist 398 discharge from hospital, UK 49 validity/reliability for geriatric/stroke/hip fracture patients Brain infarct size 393 importance in predicting outcome after stroke, measure- Barthel Index ment by CT scans 515 measurement of disability, acute stroke, comparison with Britain OPCS disability instrument 54 elderly Asians, high risk of vitamin D deficiency/osteoma- Basal systolic murmurs lacia 103 high prevalence of significant aortic stenosis in elderly British Geriatrics Society patients S2P14 training recommendations for senior house officers, audit Bengalis standard, assessment of effectiveness S2P16 elderly, mental health/health status, London, UK 474 Bronchodilator response Binswanger’s disease assessment of reversibility of chronic airways obstruction in vascular dementia, CT and MRI white matter per- elderly patients, slow vital capacity S2P12 iventricular changes, letter 454 Burns Birmingham involving elderly people, review of literature 346 performance of consultants, comparison with Liverpool, audit engine, UK S2P20 Calcium Bladder retraining etidronate, cyclical osteoporosis therapy, improvement in with oxybutynin, efficacy in elderly ambulant patients with bone density, over-75-year-olds S2P8 detrusor instability, randomized controlled trial 287 Calcium oxalate monohydrate Blood pressure crystalluria in elderly patients, treatment with naftidrofury] 24-hour ambulatory monitoring, healthy elderly people, oxalate, France 464 reference values, effect of data editing 91 Canadian Study of Health and Aging ambulatory, effect of long-term potassium supplementation primitive reflexes, dementia 375 in elderly hypertensives S2P17 Cardiac cachexia ambulatory 24-hour, effect on cerebral perfusion, elderly in the elderly, role of eating disorders/depression S2P20 hypertensives with amlodipine treatment S2P4 Cardiac surgery control in elderly subjects with hypertension/diabetes, functional status/cognitive impairment in elderly/young haemodynamic response to head-up tilt 315 patients after cardio-pulmonary bypass, comparison S2P23 conventional/24-hour, effect of hospitalization, comparison Cardio-pulmonary bypass of reproducibility 25 functional status/cognitive impairment in elderly/young effect of haemoglobin concentration/red blood cell count patients after cardiac surgery, comparison S2P23 haematocrit S2P3 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation measurement in elderly patients, optimum cuff size S2P15 determination of capability to take part in Do Not relationship with white matter low attenuation, cognitive Resuscitate decisions, Pre Arrest Morbidity scores/Prog- impairment Memory Disorders Clinic 411 nosis After Resuscitation scores, calculation for elderly Body temperatures inpatients S2P8 circadian, in elderly/young patients, comparison, effects of Cardioversion cold stress 485 success/maintenance, atrial fibrillation in the elderly, Bone clinical/echocardiogram assessment of suitability S2P3 osteoporosis, Medical Research Council/Research into Carers Ageing Workshop 170 coping with dementia sufferers, strategies, relationship Bone density with depression 495 improvement in osteoporosis, cyclical etidronate/calcium Parkinson’s disease patients, comparison of family his- therapy, over-75-year-olds S2P8 tories, inheritance factors, postal questionnaire S2P14 measurement in healthy premenopausal, perimenopausal satisfaction with acute stroke management 519 and postmenopausal women, peripheral quantitative Casemix computed tomography 447 geriatric medicine, England/Wales, UK 1 Bone mass Resource Utilization Groups, assessment of validity in correlation with zinc, postmenopausal type 1 osteoporosis geriatric medicine, England/Wales, UK 5 303 Caucasians unilateral stroke associated with muscle weakness, affected stroke presentation/treatment/outcome, comparison with side S2P7 Asians, UK $2P11 Bone mineral density Cell death at hip/spine in older men and women, relationship with apoptosis, Medical Research Council/Research into Ageing tooth loss 217 Workshop 169 of hip, reduced in elderly patients with Parkinson’s disease Central heating 326 effect on stroke prevention in winter S2P11